HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-10-28, Page 8Scut railywllere, post free On reoe.pb of price, J. E RT(.3C.- , Bnniteellar, Exeter. S'jte ,6tete'r lines'. wTiftr'llSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1880. LOCAL NEWS. The't'a tale Belt o., Marshall, Mich.; ' �t'i'i vatb1 thofr celebrator -I Illeotro•Voltaic Belts to tttn ,tftlrcta'4 upon 30 (1a,}s trial, Speedy onto. eulx a'tto t 1. '1'uov ml to what they say. Write to t:tor'n without delay. 'rna: la»gest, best and cheapest assortment et shoulder braces in Exeter, at Central Drug Store, C. Luiz, Leash arrival of a splendid stock of Boots and Shores at Chas. Ettcrett's. ,lir. S,:31 jekes,lias a large stock of watches. clocks, jewelry, silverware, etc., on hand,which he is selling very cheap. Those dishing to purchase anything in the jewelry line wonl,l look to their advantage by calling on him and examining his stock: class syrup, and the specimen he has shown A young man who hes recently taken a wire. says he didn't final ii half sO hard to Rel mar- n, is certainly goocl,thougb he had not a proper machine to crush the cane.' The' experiment is worth' trying.. It might develope into an important industry, profitable alike to the farthing community and the town. At all events the farmer could lose little by giving an acre to the growth of the cane, while the gain might be considerable. Victoria College, in Toronto, seyerel year ago AO is 1870 ho estaiiliehed the Detroit Throat anti Lung Institute, which is the largest Mail - We of the kind in the country. . All parties xilo desuo treatment'uau lam their remedies sent free of duties, as the doctor has a die - 13011004'Y iu Windsor, • from which he seude all lata tuedieines to hie Canadian patients. If you desire his services, write him, - Mr, S. T. I'et'ey, express agent of Port Huron, and -formerly druggist of Exeter, was in town ou Friday last, .11e looks well and thinks Exeter is improving. A FichrE Mae S&ave.-We have had the pleasure of tasting syrup which ,Mr, D. Johns, postmaster of Exeter, has made out of a few stalks of amber sugar cane which he grow iu his garden the past summer, In the spring, 1Ct. Johns procured a, small quantity of the -eec1, part of whish he, sov'ad in his own gar- den, and dietribuled the remainder -among same friends. •It all 'ripened sn•tisfaotor'ily,and that which \2r: Johns himself grew he has ex- tracted the jnoe from and converted Into syrup which is clear iu color and very sweet. It was en experiment in a ,sense, but Df'r. Johns thought that when it could be grown in Min- nesota it could be grown in Canada. It will grow Well wherever cora grows, An average ei'ap is supposed to produce 300 gallons to the acre, which at•the price syrup brings, ought to Pay. as well as any crop that the farmer grows, It requires no MVP trouble than corn to bring it to perfection. Dir. Johns' object is to intro- duce the cane amongst the farmers, • and he o uitelnplates, r' if he receives sufficient en. oonragement from that class, to purchase a machine for erushiug it and going into the manufacture of syrup. He pi oposes that a nulnbei' of farmers, should each brow an acre and he will crush the corn for them on shares. He has no doubt of beiug able to make first- rie,las he dial to g"t furniture. He did not try Johan Drew's furniture stare, or he would not say, that. WANTED. -A servant girl to go to 'London, Good wages to a good girl. Apply at ;Brode- riok's store, Exeter. DEER SnoT.-We are informed that a num- ber of deer- have been seen in this vicinity lately,and that Mr. Goo. Dyer shot two in the Zurich swamp. .ETON TEE OLD LADY GOT EVEN. ---W0 heve heard a joke which is so good that we cannot keep it. During last summer a farmer's wife in one of the snrrone lin to'Nn+hips occasion. Fax MANlron.1.-O,1 Tnesday a carload of ally drove into a town not a thousand mm;les cheese and butter mads up between Clinton from Exeter with a load of apples to sell, and air a Exeter, was shipped to Manitoba, by Mr. Robertson, of Seaforth. S. S. SERMONS. -The Rev. C. R. Mathews, M. A., Rector, of Clinton, will preach special sermons next Sunday 31st inst., iu aid of the S. S. in the English Church, morning and evening, and at Hensall in the afternoon ata aehmeu.t upon mother. Eve, possessed them o'clock. likewise. They saw, they went, they abstract - cd. ''Ibis was repeated several timet till they wore caught by the farmers' wife, who told ae they fied that slae would ,me day be even. It so happened the other day while the self- same lady was in town, she was afflicted with a dreadful toothache and asked a certain fan. loving grocer where there was a dentist. He asked her if ,she remembered the two young usually left her horse tied iu front t,f a grocery store while she went abount the town doing business. A couple of young gentlemen whose laces of business was in the same locality were tempted by the sight of the apples. The desire to at sots fruit which brought pun- T$A:nssasv :ro DAS. - Union thanksgiving services will be held in the 13. C. Church ou Thanksgiving Day, November 3, at 10.33 a.m. Rev, Mr. Gaudy will occupy the pulpit. At the close of the services a collection will be lifted ou behalf of the poor of the congregations. The object is a worthy out: and stoup of itself euyare a large attend. men who purleiued the apples. She did. sacs. • "Well, one of them is a de utist," and he STREET CLEANING. -An attempt is being pointed she way to his office, She took the made to improve the Exeter main street by hint and was soon.seated in his arm chair, scraping off themud and carting it away. T,te while he, uneousciorts of the "lay," lugged idea is a good oue, but we fanny, although not and pulled and. groaned and sweated to es - up in the basilicas ourselves, that it could be tract au ancient and' poude.ro re tooth that done a great deal quicker by the use of a evieuced a remarkable affection for the jaw, larger scraper than that now emplelyed. 'There and was, he thought,)eiveted o lthe under side. is an immense amount of traffic overtire street, After a good deal of panting and patience tbe and it requires ranch labor and expense to keep tooth was drawn, and the lady rose to go. it in repair. "How much?" she enquired. "Fifty cents," replied the dentist, with a "smile that was STEALING CELasr.--12r. Robt. Sande s in childlike and blond." as he contemplated - forms us that some person of good judgment "in his mind, Mary Ann" -the great pleasure but bad morale;is in the habit of stealing Mt. he would experience is ha..dling such hard - Geo. Sanders' celery. Mr. Sanders would not earned money. He was very polite and agree - mind this if he had plenty of it, but the ienp- able, and wheu the old lady put „her hand in ply being nearly exhausted, he thinks some her pocket his smile was as broad as a basket other patch should be selected by the thief. of chips. But suddenly "a change came o'er . hand' He says that Mr. Frank Sanders, of Exeter i the spirit of his (cream," when she asked him Eliza Appleby, of Q'.intotr, wird was North. has a large patch of the very best if he remembered taking apples out of a farm- eotnmitted upon a charge of attempt. relay, and probably the person; who bas been er's wagon last summer. He didn't know that ed suicide, appeatecl before Judge Captain SI►e}rpurel, 35 ; 6, A. Wilson, faking the celery, thought he was in rile good i he could recall the circumstance. Who could 2 Squier for election on Monday last, 35 ; 7, S, I{•'trert tan, 33 ; 8, A. Calan - garden. However, he would reuo,umend Mr. Well, she could, for said she, "If yon don't, She elected Co be tried by the Judge, bell, 32 ; 9, Nhajlrr Wilson, 32 ; 10, 1 . Frank Sanders' celery, I I do, and I olvned those apples. l guess we're pleaded guilty and was remanded mi- ll now." His jaw fell 'oelow zero. tee til Wednesday for sentence. She Nati LEOTUaE Codas$. -'rhe Exeter Young Peo- looked at the coiling, Ile, looked at the fleck, broneht no on that ,lay, and the Judge pies Christian Association are again to the and stuffed las hands in his pants pockets to after earning her auainet a repetition of front this winter with a programme of lectures. " her offence, which appeared to him think. Finally he gasped out, "Yes I own up. The course embraces fear lectures and a de Being a good-natured fellow, he laughed and lzad been caused by domestic troubles, bate. The Bakst, admitting to all five, only permitted her to take her departure, Satisfied sentenced her to one week's imprison° went in the common Gaol. He meld TfE T I MR $ -Carried, Moved )ay Mr. Aloritz, see. °tided by Mr, Beyrook, that the sum of $5 be granted to Elizabeth Homo as ollxrity.-.Curried. Moved by Mr. I albfleiscb, eeoonde t by Mr. Charters, that the following accounts be paid J. F, Schuettler, repsiring culvert, $8.75 ; J. Schrceder, building culvert, i$8 55 ; C, Vrauce, goverieg 'oul vert, $2,00,•--Oarried. The aou„cil rlil• jotirned to meet on Saturday, D. ctaul. bur 5, S. FOsTrus, Clerk, , r-.ireen Usborne, r H A.t the North ivi.tddlosex plowingm } I Drovd Royce e'GI e -,,r titch 1' 1 Friday titl'rn 3F11 21'f, iP8ti ,i.nnarpta, HA-LIEi T &„ 000 FIRA Brampton and. Sate �a Gni 11..11'2.,11 ,. :IMPLEMENT ` O • Has been nppoiuted a;;eat for the s:tl,'"ot 1110 fuito ;1;1. u, ,• a,ar.„1 by t1, St. Thomas and. Brauhptort.agricultural CVur1, : Robert m ,e.t on ru ay last, o art Hunter, son of L. Hunter, Esq., of the I��� townKhi >; carried off the ec scud' prize .11r"tr�la d 'in the boy's' class. Fur the boys, the oweepetition was open to the 'Ptuvince; lp ` ITEMS Over the County, OF NEWS FROM ETJRON • EX• OUANUES. cough is prevalent in Brus- Hooping eels. Mr. P Kelly, ;of Blyth, who has been on a tour throughout the nnt'th- west for over a month, returned. home I "` Inst D4onday. John Alexander, of Brussels, last week shipped teo Oar loads of choice winter apples to A berdeen; also a quan- tity of butter. Che etcolr,sale at. Goderioh last week, under tile.auspices of the Huron Live Stock Associatiou was fairly eueuess• ful. A little eon of Mr. Geo. Love, of Brussels, was slightly injured 00 Thtli edgy of Last week, by a kick from a horse. Mr. George Harris, of Turnberry, took the first prize for his two-year-old colt, "England's Wonder," as a two- vear-old general purpose horse and the diploma in the general purpose class at. ViSltarS to London are rPe11lestefl the W+tlkerton agricultural esbibitioo.I Not bad for Turnberry. Sto('li of East t'irawano�h Council met on Thursday last, and agreed to submit a a 1 d. by-law for $5000 as a bonus to the T. �loihs and Tweeds for ®rdeif e�.i �;f®1��9n & R, rallwsy if the parties Interested world prresent a petition to thein, sign-) Beady Made Clothing in G-reat Variety, .d by fifty resident freeholders of the ' township. On Friday afternoon last, a horse We show the very latest New York styles for childrenlsowem attached to a wagon, and which bad ran away from the slauehter houses on NOTE THE ADDRESS. TIGER RAY , THE COB,NELL STEAM ENGr1St EOiI I�IAC.L .'IN.firs S. • .. 0 'These are all.Warrentr'd, and have gained. a 01,10 reputation ' Satisfiwtiori g :: enteest no sale,. Any repairs or fan,y of the above iu1pleureetc can to obtained from Mr, Verity inn..oao�.....�e.�,,.a.�....as,n.,.x.. .« ...•w•,�n.s,�;. TERM 3FAI.311. 18430. 154 Dundas t, London to call and inspect our Gents' Furnishing Goods, &c. the Diagonal road, near Wingham, dashed up Josephine greet. When op polite Crorvston & McDonald's livery stable it stutnbleii and fell, putting a sadden stop to its wild career. After :t bed been unhitched and got npun its feet it w•es found that neither it nor the wagon had sustained any great in - Dom' S a ' 154, DUNDAS STREET, LONDO'V, Messrs. Thos. DlcLnughl,iu and Robt.1 Es Martin, of Grey. The price paid was I°t 9�q,. TV.Oralcl ® $1,000,; Tills is said to be one of the' .413.41.3 l . ,b jury. best cults of the irony that have been J At Gnderieh, On Friday of last Week, imported (his season. We emigrant-) Flavin; ptu'oa�ased the Boat anti Shoe trarie'nt a yoto of the different magistrates in lam," �,ra..ere (••r..t.....,.1..1:.. and martin,,. ,. Trott, the aouuty was taken as to who should fill the Position of High Constable, made vacant by, the death of Mr. Trainer. The applicants for the posi- tion wore Messrs. J. C. Currie, J. Sturdy, D. Yonill„and F. Addison. We it valuable aequt,rtion to the stock of understand that the vote, which was by the section,aud if no rlisfortune Own Id ballot, stood, Currie. 29 ; Sturdy, 11 ; befall him he will be a source of im• Addison, Il ; and Yemll 1. unease benefit in the way of improving the stock of heavy norees in that part Last week a cosy belonging to Mr. Jarnes Furgnson,of Clieton,felt through of the country. the covering of au unused well at the The annual abootinx match nude) foot of Isaac street, and lodged against the auspices of the Huron Rifle Aeso- the pnmp log. The well was abont elation took pace ou the Atheloote twersty-five feet deep, the pump having Range, Clinton, on Monnay of last been removed. After a great deal ni weelii and was vary atlecesat,l. The hard work. the poor beast was safely re, following are the scores mate by the moved from her unpleasant posftion, but it was so weak that it could not on their ;)nrchuse, and hope they will the have the best of good luck with their est CheaU9S CCkS cult, We are also glad (het e0 fine an of ready made world ever offered in Esater. Wa AI) annual is going to the Northern and rwould alsv remind throes in wsautaf first-class,r h'oune-mato Boots tint Shoos, sehed anti nagged. newer part of the e,runtry. He will be thatwocansupplythemvil a whatwill•give sat" isfactf•,n. Repairing done at 1n1.1,014 Y•t tea arm, setisfactto,s guaranteed. Call aril sea for yourselves. non' forgot the place-Eacrot'l'•a Mock. t;. EAC.1mETT, kixotrr, I'ol}'aery 19, 10S0; sized a c}rrantity of IOC stolen goods: Chief Caern•I at ')RC1, arrested ' Karry! Dickson and be.e•en a t.elareir for Charitt- ler and Pete Dicltson, hut they knew what wag corrnrrg acrd had fled throtsglg the fields. '.File chief three eentiiines1 ;be search, and Mr. Wnrtt identified beet abets ; First Mtatoh,--2Q0 and j nearly $200 worth of his stolen goods, 500 yard0-5 shots at each lenge. ( which were eetn('t(l in different parte Open to member:. only. -•1, N. B lbeion, of Itiek1,on'e Khop andhouse, Ph 43 ; 2, Lieut. Wilson, 41 ; 3, C prisoner was brottglrt try Ingersoll be- Betiluue, ; 4, 144. Mvanroe, 37 ; 5, fore Mr, Chadwick, J. P., ou Friday morning and ecrtnnlitted for trial for littering (110 stolen goods in hie posses- sion. Tner'e Clave beet several ear- ,Haawtboru, 28, Second matate---ranges glaries committed in this neighborhoods 200 and 400 yards -5 shote at ermh of late, and it is eupposrd this is the. range. -1, itil, Munrne, 44 ; 2 Lieut. gang who have been at work, The. Wilson, 41 ; 8, A. Wilsou, 83 ; 4, N. prisoner has heretofore bortor ra, Brett -- Robson, 37 ; 5, D. Stewart, 88 ; 6, class aharaeter, glad aeont a yews ego+ Mayor Forrester, 85 ; 7, J. Josue, 85 ; married in a very respeetataleeelism.ily. 8, J. Biggard, 34 ; 9, A. Campbell, 34;1 Pete Dickea,•m and C-•'atedeesetins, 11 ie. 10, Marjor Wileou, 84, The throe high. l stated, ebnnt $6,000 on 'their a rsans., est aggregates in the whole matorbwere, -Chief Capron fr lt.tst a quantity of powr• -1st, Lieut. Wilson, Seaforth ; t•hd, tier end fuses i1.+ a valise belonging t¢, M. Munroe, Seaforth ; 3rd, N. P ,bsuil, 'efhandler. Oliuton. Same lime during the night of the County Huron. Model Sclintts.• 12th'rust. the harness store of Mr. John ' The following reonlrrEfeysi�o3J dandle Ward, el Seaford", was broken into and d,ateg who attendotl than fust session of about $250 worth of hr►ruewe fixtures, the Model Schools have passers the prn(eseionai exalniu»tion : D'Ihu'y E A.11eu, Kali Atkiusnd, I:+ubt1 1a'irr�eei,. Margaret Hanna, Mary L Hol,s esrf., Aeness Harknetrs, Sarah I'rgli�, Mary A. Jones, lvItttin L Killian, Elizabeth .!l La�iillew, Chri„tins McDougnli, Mairrie Sparks, Hannah Wee, Harriett 'Wal. rsirtd, Stanley Anderson, Hobert �. hinder, Wm Jy.)Oen tinon, Lodi, J:'.l>rsrl' Cardt, Donee') MoJor<on, Vow ,r111, Groves, Sauttl(al' Harrison,, tA'a roar• I niMltt, WIIJianl J Long, Joh �''dl"t Iutosh, Thotuas'J Morrie, I:loas, '1,'hlome►s G. 1; •tttcli'fl' " d rely' ,In 1,►t t4 Seabortl,, Jamr;s S Stogy �' . Siiuson .{ , s'io W:vl.iq> * Wuode. , Wt liaiut Surulst� eiprrqy 25 cents, The first lecture of the course will be delivered on the evening of 'r'haukegiving Day in the B. C. Church,. by the Rev. Ueo. Webber, the pastor, the subject being "Wil. ]law Tyndal. The leetur•er's well•kuovrn ablities cannot fail to make the theme, au iu- *erosting one. that hooking apples is not at all times profit- able,however pleasant. The other young man tremblingly awaits the appearance of any farmer's wife' who may want to do business with hun. Tao weekly effusious in an up -town eon. i nay feuz;iorary which are dignified by the title of "A Reply to Rev. Mr. Gaudy," aro creating Contemn lti1LETIYti LTi a council met e'ansidet•able amusement among sensible peo- pu'r'suant to adjournment on Saturday, pie, who ootsider that the author is ambitious October 16. The members all present; of the same distinction which the long-eared the Reeve in the chair. Minutes read gnadruped acquired when it was kicked by the a'1d approved. Moved by Mr. lfey king. We ars afraid that the weak oon000tione rook, seconded by Mr. I1albfieisclh, that of two cent sodawater which the medical editor J. 0, 'Schnell deposit. wild' the Reeve 4ieperlses with one hand while he prepares ! on or before the f rst day of November thuudmr with the other is having' a softening I next,a le; etlly. executed bond with ap: effectoubis massive brain. proved su-etios for. tile.arpount of $12,. 000 ae a guarantee phot he will perform ,PanaoNAt.-Our readers will observe the the duties ofculleetor.for tbe ycier 1880 adv. of the Detroit Throat and Lung Institute, --Carried. Moved by Mr. Hayrack, fo,ind in anathre- column of our paper, Or. eecunded by Mr. Kslbfleiseh, that see. eek' a, the proprietor, is a Canadian by Nu. .1. Chap. 5 of the Townehio by-law birth and! edueMi„n, he having grttduiaded u� passed iu the year 1874 to be repealed.. he would have discharged her upon her reengnizanee to appear tor sentence had the statnte given hitn the power to take that course. Returning from London by the L., H. & B., a few (lays since, Mre. Walsh, of •Clinton, accidently lost in the oar her pocket book, eontaiuing about 120, and did not,disoover the loss until late (valises, whips, &tee„ were stolen. Mr.in the evening, after she arrived at l Ward had eust»ciou of a young fellow her home. The oar she odonpiod Marl named Peter Diolcsou''and one named been switched.: oft at Bruoefield, and Scott, oligo Chandler, and his (u,,ri- there left. Hardly expeeting to recover clone led him to melte 'Inquiries, by it, she informed Mr. 8 iider of her loss, which he learned that four men had who next morning sent word to Bruce been with a team and waggon and field, but found that during the night a snapped at a little place .called harper. down special_ had come along and taken by the night previous to the robbery. the cite back to London.. Word was He traced them to Thamesford to the then sent to Ilerl4on, and the answer harness shop of Mr, Henry Dickson, name back thtt.k an honest oarrsweeper and on 'rligisday went to Ingersoll, had fonnd the arttole, and it was no. where be procured a search warrant, oorgy dan I returned to its owner. and accompanied by chief of pollee Mr. Chaa, )t4aaon, of Seaford', hue Capron started for Phatue+ford. 4r: 'old, the bay yearling Clydesdale Oath. riving at Hurry Diotfeon`a shop they. lion Wlt}ph Iia imported reoput)y, to entered qqd. Dlr. Wer4 at oue) !pones 4rh,'