The Exeter Times, 1880-10-28, Page 7NiWorm 28, 1880 "%�•' AOR. TII.1T L':1ltPIC-Craft NR1r:IT, Recently, ie tllati cl'titl'l,e1 with steel, i"g ",h eleant, wtt+ ain•,ti4r111•tl bore's are Arkansas `(iiieeit 0 'ere T'iie proof 41.116.0A 'hitii W stn titch t v strong, hylid luted tint prot4t'citlti14 AttnrueV d.edse tat, 4h .wx4il t•xnUlly how 1110 e1Fft'uc1a11t lifted the esltix;k"ne f'('(tl lite roa:t. Ifs, hese itievl the enrrummlitige awl the ex. 'L it 1 i,n.Ste of the Defeo itgr•, toti', the `chervil Men nowt) anti stela': "•1'ttilgea, I t•e" `1(oet you'll let toe tray 11 f' w words.' Ni)1elejeeli„e was Nl'itfcb3• t'tl. a.ntl the than tuutiuuudt: 'Jee,t eiett 'an" clown guilty',' •Ii,a roll plead 'guilty?' 'I rnokn'r I'll lest, fait well. T tt•4 fall* "fr is determiners, tires ti (]l•1 seed tent?, 'euielente, au' r•t't4;er'than (Hewitt) Itis wort!, fur he "teems t1i bd it clevt'i'efellet•,' '7:'11 let it 't,'ta lff t way:' 'The en,t•tiult<iy,dig you steal the Sickenset 'N•'..fadgo. li. wee rt prar-mtietp n' on that Iti;;llt,'an"cite pi eve it, het reit her then nttta:ti"f1:3ntatoonte;"eller feel ball I11. let h3tjz` Sftivt t ,'otun way,. 'Yon say ",v were at prayer -meeting "nn that eight'"? eyes, sit'.' '1tVla lrica1it:1'?' 'Why, o'tl&the night 1: stele the chick. 'coq.' Ten 1niteliteeaftflYY: floe deellea'•ttinn he was sentenced to 'hie 11ettits:tinny fir 'two years. -.`THE E"..KIALLFiN(1it; OF AtAItaI- Mop tentOt)p etre alwnees vninntnry, "Mit only at the beginning -11n1, ns 1 slit; evvd'lile 1Ht4tA, dove cannnt be made. free 'by theechallge of Nttttntes. It millet (i e'hnnu'd or 'lost under tiny (tin:te n• etitnees. 'hint Stateshoul.l iistnn to the petitiniw of those who nal( that sex riehttiontetre. exempt from o'entrn}, the eie et r•ience of i (petty nf a cent.nry "ev&uld'•'aotfeinee that the old, long tried, >rnnnngnnfic soh' Hove of theisex gne'tinn 'is they vbiee one. 'There are evident vetisems why such r result would come. 'Inill-ta'e pleat eindtioual experiences of the nee, it has beer. found impoesib1P to 'trente an i'et„use idealizntinn of more that n le subject at one One; Hurt it. bits'been Found, too, 'dant when snob an i(leelisetinn lots been tested by I(novrie'dge and t:nne'it does not Almon. 't i ah,'}tnt deepens: and that the effect nf thio 1oi)c•cnntinued iaeaIiz•ttion iq to 'create the best conditions of tiovt:lop- ment."both for those who exercise it, 'find fee"1:hose toward whom it ie direct - .ed. 'Flow, if the beat conditions of tlrvppiettesReis once secured it should be 'rlaintentekl. It is nol pitssibte to bring •(lilt all tires results of their mnt+sal ells' tidealizatean in .any Alert period. of as- t3,1ciation. The'vereeeket that the ne. r sociati0tl is a permenellt one gives it narneetness and Dignity. It would ma 'be possible to exeract from half a dee 'en •(L ssrreittiltln8, ext.euding over a per 'jod 'Of (t'w'enty -Eve years, iise Naive ' atnouet. tKM title thereof et-develreprneu 1. that .wmi1li 'come from one fortunate f1sso t4 tfrit]*lasting"'fc r',-1 Ir $9 me time. —When we •are trace• sera `of the .wi:tduin, :emit tihitegt'ity• and affection of some ftlircugh long experience, we tepenttnn marc brain activity learning thin peenlete'it eti+;e:.df• character and iu tadapting ouriiikee'tc, them. The as. iseciation of Man arid wife is rather 'moral and efectional than intellectual. JIt i6 a rest; a certainty, n point of de. 1partines for other activities. Otiee 'settled, and palely settled, we waste no Tower in readjusting the relations, but tale the fruit at; it ripens, without the :need of uprooting the old and pinutiug !blew trees. .-•� .O, �...••..-...�.. FUNNY SAYINGS. A. good prophet -10C per cent. The trout is often 'caught on the The latest thing in boots—Stock- Inge. If you wi,h to take care of your :health, take air. Eouds that are bard fo redeem- -vagabonds. It is difficult to bocotne familiar with the wheels of a tratteb; so mauy:of -theta travel iucog. Fruit is very high this year,' Laid 'the tramp wistfully, as he reseed the 'ten -foot wall of a garden. The average plowmen , iata';t m uoh, of a0 orator, but when be takes the stump .; :Hud stets yanked over into the Next field ; : ' 111e is u. very forcible speaker. The BEi1geto'wu Ole.) News cnituly„ f a: s : Tue types lull week made us bay thet ''cite shower'. "''re not su4 cisut to tweet the wt'i tit 'f tuilktneu,' etO,, instead of ' nli lmeu,'j A California. oothvict. who wee shout` 'ta.be hanged coolly sang a song to tete:' t h but the l.ecnl journalsdo not. 1(I1C'tl' the name of the some It must have. been ' B pelt the ttrose gently ' i1I"tgistr:rte--- YJ neere charged :ebb )owing e a.n.'re(1 it h;t,in. of water over the pl intiff.' I isheemau—' Sure, fyorh u'a , e hunt forgive inti; iib the, It is slid by et,mebudy that the out- fit of a fl'eltlg Marty of eight is two !lacks 91 cltt�ds, a smell basket of pro. visiensy four des ill bottles of beer, and, two fit1poIes. The wonder iif mutt they do with so many f ebpoles. A wiper IU tlt,tt a girl its the 0000. try 'sued a mite fop breach of promise. end hiul- to be such a meanecueudretl tint the jury. deckled that elle ()tight to pay hila something fort u-1 InerrVil1g her,'A. celebrat •d Old Bailey barrister idle the following: ';1 Yaokee was 1•Meed t [3 Chat his trial at the Old iley, Ott the at witness being celled, the pa -toilet, with a pteatllittrly. Anriorn l(Icttltt, '`tsknti : ' 1Iy lord, is that man going to give cviIleuoe aitai1St nae?' Vee,' ryas the reply.t ,Titan I plead y;wilt•y-euot that 1 Etta guilty, but 1 wish to save thatmtttl's soul 1' In addition to 400 dead of cattle tiviticl► dere shipped ;4 the Ailsa Craig station for fattening purposes ele0- whe,e in Cauittla, there were 22 ears of f4 beasts shipped for the Liverpool market. and fur the saute destination there %%et•e 17 cars et' grain forwarded. Duu't In; get to hove your turkeys in gtetd order before the Bed of November, its that i:. the Clay altpreuted by the Governor Galena for publics thanks= 1,iviug. i CONS PTION CURES) Au old nllysiciau, retired from practise, hav- ing bed phone iu his hands by au Beet Iu- dia 1.uissio utt;y the formula of a simple vete• table reedy for the speedy stud perineum - intro for Contimuption, Bronchitis, Cattarll, Ast thine, and all Throat and LtingAt'fections, also a positive and radical core for Nervous De- bility told &1 Nervous Complaints, after hav- ing tested its won'lolful enretive powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it 1(10;•11 to his sobering fellows. Autuatedby this motive and a desire to relieve human suf- fering, I will enol free of charge to xt1I who de- sire it, this rtcipt in German, l reuell, or Eng- iish,ltith full dueetiuns for preparing and us- ing. Scut by wail by addressing with stnanp, itemize; this paper, W. W. SuaxAn, 140 Powers IJluck.Rochester GEIUt[Aiv SYRUP." No other medicine the world was ever given such a te•t of its Darative 4laalities as Baseline's GERMAN SYRBl,. I11hree years two tuillious four hundred th•lusaud smith bottles of this vlediciue were distributed free of charge by druggists iu this country to 'those aided with Cousnluption, Asthma. Croup, severe Coughs, Puenumoui8, and other ell. eases of the throat and lungs, giving the American people undeniable proof that Gen?1AN Reiter will cure them. The result has been that druggists in every town and village iu the Ca- imans anti United States are recommending it .to their customers. Gott) your druggist and ask what they know about it. Sample bottles, 10 cents. Eegular size, 75 cents. Titre) doses will relieve any case. E.r7IFL(J1F.rs1F:irT FO Ott et &L. Seed tor circulars explaining our dew System of canvassing Agents have wonderful success. 100 Sunocoiu• EDS TO 1,000 1NIIAIMITANTS, . , Our pnblitatians are standard: Address, Tete Itenry Bill Pub. Co., 4] 49 and 45 Shetucket at, 'Norwich, Conn • THE TIMES, C . S. GIDLEY, t; aill2l ,an•u./~iiotlu]" '2 .i �E WOULD eallapoOfOlattoutlop T Inclertalcor -r ` (TOUL1) HA7' TO thus; 1411;1.81(4141. purell[lc;. t- to 4 0 SO from the 12111)1nlaet111.•1 '.1'110. :tester who buys to sell again • Junkt 0140 0 8181 1111' here a yrolit. 'We 'dthu to gtveth8 o,tro 1n lora bhp benefit, %Mach umlaut tail bo meet the views of the Grangers. Our' exsenses are 1etc.Ythan Close of tits mantn'setnrerf 0011seq"olat we can ss'11obettuer, RTOTICE. 11�� THE ONTARIO Loan and Debenture Cosy (OF LONDON, ONT.) Have removed to their row officer Corner of Market Lane and Dundee Street, ;oat door to Oho hiolscus 'tank, and are receiving regular. alouttlly'r.'nlittauces of Englitah capital for in- vestmous in mortgages On heal L• stare. STRAIGHT LOANS AT 7 and S Per Cent. according to tho oleos of security offs. ed. E Savings Bank Branchi INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. 1 Or 11illinety Stock never mure complete. Ladies, don't forget our Show Room before W. F. BULLEN t eying See our Canadian, Scotoh, Irish and Worsted Suitings. Our cutter is equal is the ;teenager "Getter of Ontario." All ore welcome to London, Ont, Apply personally o i by letter to Emblems ,s ,_ . , 10044r undertaking depart r, ',, «` tnunt,v+hlch is more soot. ta” ..: pieta than 0vor,asw baro added several new design" I of late The besto0tllua. caskets slirouds,aud every lines) requisite at tate lou est prioes. Our new Hearse is pronounced by 001)pete1112 Judges to be second SO nor int the pro vinees of all the Different Societies. John Drew's Pur'1'1 tore & Undertaking k reroonms OPPOSITE CENTRAL HO'TV.T,, EXETER. COFFINS, CASKETS, and BURIAL RJBES and ,ALL :KINDS OF EMBLEMS. E:lIBAL:l1IN(.# FLUID used fur preserving the body in wtu'tn weather or for shipping. Any person wanting Parlor, Bedroom,. or Dining ltooui Puruitn'e wild save at least 20 per cent.. by calling at JOILN, DREW'a FURNITURE 1tOO1IS, opposi:e Central Hotel,�Exetu1. „Toni INT,+� ,OIId a dV • STIES TI T T E g LgQ.Ai4 Vf. 14 t. FIALLI., ATTT )ItN'b Y'.A',t'- A,.. a LAW, solicitor in 4bancoryM rotary Pubiio Ouuveyauc0ri sin: Ufliev—u3'er l .xOnithBo llauk,Exuter, Out, n 1)TC,es,. [�Il. II'U'1'CklINS N, Member nf: the College of Phy4.ioiaue and•;izu•gcnnsnf Ontario die., ,8e., polos alert door 10.1, Va141ugs 'itfain Street Exeter M~ IL H.YNUAIAN.—COBASNLIt FOB, the County of Huron; Office ,ne xt evert0 lir .,C,darling sstore, Exeter .• T W. 13ttOWNIN(ir 111, De, U. (r' • P. 13, Graduate VietoriiUfiltveratty' Office andresidenue; Doe aiorvltabornto,v. Exeter. 0, r,1OORtE, M. D. 0- M. 1 a • Graduate of afoGill tfutversitt4, Montreal Olilccaudreaideuce,Exeter, Ont. : Ovirco l Ste 144. in and 7 to it}o, iu D1t. J'. A. ROLL N'S, M. C. 1'. S. 0., Victoria S'. Crediton, 011.0. Office hours row 9 to 19 a. v1,; 8 ta.5 D. 1n. LU'rZ, M. D., ufli00at his resIdenee;.IL':tetes. Tll1, IRVIN,(T, 3i1ADlTJATitl 1JNI- lJ' VERITY Trinity College 4; 04,0,4)1JoLiege Nuvsicianswad amttoont On•,,., r'il ceKirktou, ( TLk11uEI1 CATARRH 1'!' USE `l .l The great Sierva Nevada Sn7oting; Compound, Tiia•onlypositive euneforCatarrh yet disoovered P011 SALE B'1. C. LUTZ'S CENTRAL BRIG STORE. L SMITH, Gencial Agent, Aritona,.Ont, i^ "he rnhlic are cent'nn"d aredirta cnstnm,,vl+icht isrrn„•:nrrn"itecommon of lnre omenp-a eerreln class t f m^n'csne deaiets• and which it this: When asked 4 •r • r. bottle of Fain -Killer. they suddenly cii.scnver that they ere •' cele! nor." "hut have annrhe prvi. if not hotter." which they will strnniv r.t the s"me t tY c• . The nhiect of this derenrinn is transparent. These. .ul ststi'ntes a a vro to sell nn the Areae renurntion•of: 1 t,le rein -Killer: and keine compounded of the vilest. and chew, est drugs. lg are bought by the dealer at about holt khat he rave for the genuine Patin -Tiller.. which enables him therefore m realize a few cents more profit per hnrle norm the imitation article than he can nn the article 111,t 88 gpn"ne. lrm CHOLERA MORBUS, CRAMPS. AND ALL SUMMER OR BOWEL COMPLAINTS PERRY DAVIS' PAIN -KILLER to VNEQUALLED. IT CURES ALMOST INSTANTLY. The PAIN-Ktttsa is put up in z oz. and 5 oz. bottles retai:any 14 a5 and 5o cents respectively,—large bottles are therefore (beau,„ SOLD BY ALL MED1a1NE DEALERS. OLD ESTABLISHED] [OLD ESTABLISHED JAMES PICKARD :0: 4a OCTOBER, 1880, Extra valne iii Black arc Colored Cashmeres Extra value in DRESS GOODS VELVETEENS—All tho Novelties in Spots, &to, Raven and Blue Black Velvets --Cheap. MANTLES FOR THE .MILLION. EENSALi. PORK PACKING HOUSE oe% JAMES YICGkraa,,tt 'S NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC.. ll'i11l; 1 trek the geutlouinu fur we 11.34- paha.' Havlilg c,0innien0el(1 Dnsibessfor tS11e Fail andWinterT'rade We are prepared to purchase any rlltautity. of Pork, subject to the following regulations We will tate off two pounds per. hundred if dry. ancl• t1]reo pound .1 soft, Shouldelt1'And, tweet!• -fit's cents. If say of the bung gilt is. left in, '3u coots eat will be deducted. No po:K will be bought at any price i1 We want all Hogs Cutting ;sight. through bLCast to irearl, and. fialns opened outto tail. PETTY. .Wi .Iia= brew SNIT:nit .=e Dealer, having been drawn into the Furniture Lille by doceittelneet Hud talsehboe is eompelle 1 to cnntinre the bi1Siuees and 15 i,l'dpalred t0 sell eheapdr (hall tiny, '(her h0040 in the Comity of Huron. Alt ex. alniva.tion ttf my iarrt0 .stuck, which is Hot excoileti eutsi'ie of tho pities, and n comparison of my 11ri0ds will ether factories, (menet fail to omviuoe the public of the truth of what I say. Every Article Marked Glov, LG ihe Verb Lowest Figure. 1 hoe, jest pnrcbasnd a ti2st'class New HOsrse, and anti prepared to 11)18111)1Interials Collins, Shrouds {tit"! all Undertaking ylattji',a1 011 hand, Prices very reasonable. Society Emblems Constantly in stook. Be sure to give ,,1e a cull, and I will melte it, to your advantago to buy yotU P1.lrlait'1re Bial0 me, ltomclnbe1• the place—ua41li of :tl:olsons Bank. 14:1.mr. w. }i— l IV ' ' V v 1;4 0 l 1 14-,i t r , S p9 tli H LI r ~' tg1 b r,,-., n„iG.ielan;!,o rV ,Ti.cZ• JOHN BACK having purohaeed the stook of Mess's. R. & Spicer, has removed to the store lately oc- cupied by thew, North of Post Office. All kinds Flour and Feed Alwas on Hand. "LOWER, FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS, in groat variety. JOHN 13ACH. HAY PU121' WORKS. G. BOLTON - PROPRIETEL• ]saving added to my pnmp macmnerv, and pro cured a large quantity o. first -clans pump logs, I um preuared to offer an article Superior to anY Faotor in: the County, and at prices that defy competition. Wells and Cisterns dug on the shortest notice. Before purchasing call atthe Hay Pump Works. rA.Shop--One-quarte mile sort of Exeter, London Road. Hav 1 THE MILD POWER Humphreys' Homeopathic Specifics Prove from ampteexperience an entire. success. Simple, Prompt, htti0icnt, and Reliable. they are the uttly medicines adapted to popular use.. LIST PRINCIPAL NOS, ` 0(411188.' 0501 1. revere. Congestion, Inflammations, .25 2 Worms, R eri i' Fever. Worm 4 -otic, 2. 8. Crying cone. or Teething of Infants, 25 4. Dlnrrh,•n of Children or Adults,25 8. i)y lientery, erlptng' Bilious Colo, • .25d 5, Cholera :rioGr , 'Vomiting, • 20. 7 (loughs, Cola, Brondhitis, • • • • .2.k 8. Headaches Toothache, ches,,vert 25 vertigo, 10. Dyspepsia. Bilious sto wall, • .4 11, Sgnl;reeaed or Painful Pi1rtode, • .21 12. !'t bites too profuse Periods, ' • •s i 13. Croup. hough. Difneult.Breathtng, • ,23 14. pale (ilteuut, Ery5sipelas eruptions, .`45 15 llltcbnlntis,nnh , Rhenttic rains. • .26 18, Fever and A4tac. Chill 1 epee, Ague, 511 17, Tiler, Blind or Bleeding., • . • • • • ,61) 19.(, nterrh, tteem 0r e,eronto`inftuenia, 50 ^J), Wheoping C tight, violent 0oaghs, .50 24, iienernt.l►ebillty. Phys') ilieAknoss. Y. Kidney Disenee, • • ` • �, 28. i)';Wary Dt:bin ees, Deest totheBe t,W 30, tt rtnarytloaknese,xt'et13 atheBed,Sd r2, Insoles or the Heart, Palpitation, tee For sale by druggists, or nem by the (time orstngle Vial, free of charge, M receipt of price. seed for Dr. fluntirhreys' Book on Disease, a 144 1)ageia), also illustrated Catey;Rims, $UEIe. Addrrse, Ihmt )grey,' Homeopathic Med. Co., 1109 Fulton bt., Noe lark. Fur sale at the DOMINION LAIIOLIA- TO1lY;