The Exeter Times, 1880-10-28, Page 5fepe x. 98. 1880 THE T flv1 '1:S • --JOAN •FAhM ff1 Vs7'1-IOLZSALICI)mazz EMS WINES, L[QUORS, CIGARS, ITC., Dealer in Groceries, Flour and Seed. Carling's Ale, Lager and Porter in Casks and —LABATT'S ALE AND STOUT IN BOTTLE AND QUAR CER CASK--- S,od, i,;sa ai= Street, Exeter. ging HURON' ROn i3Et)104• We have reeeivftl die 'e •11rt of th' f ulges of the S 'u h berms Rout, (.trop, but ai it is :L lentithy d cti'ie"t, wr. nave 11'74 the time 1''u ptlltli••il tltl+ weeti. It Witt, ho 't•te' 111:11(111.1' ill nor next Iv• bull. 13e1'1> l.+ lite prize list : TUfLN1P8. 10, nm. Clo'nore; 2ud,.Ias. Built. and ; 3, d, Hlugh Chesney, MANG 'LDS. 1st, Jamria I'i.okar'd ; 2nd, Thigh Chesney ; 3i d, James Dickson, cantors. ly', James l)ie•rou ; 2ud, James Pickard. F r Jysente'y, ditarnccea, and all summer coluplhiiuts, use the g' eetest of all pure, situp a' remedies—Dr. I? wler's Exttnut of Wild Sis.' herty. It is vie:tenet, rapid, reliable, and t•tfeerive. For salt' by all dealer.!, T.'MILBURN a CO., Pr"prig',1)119. THE pul)1iu sire (ftL'n v' rt unjust but riev'er c tiseion.dy so. What they cb8 -clearly t•) 1)g' justice they always ap Drove. It „fle'a tattles a long time to 1)liol; them to see things a•• they really etre but In the end their vertiiet. iH al- ways girth. It was faith i't 1 hi- idea which l indnoe.1 the n:» t'atoturers of the "'Myrtle rtle. N.Lvy'' to tar :1 by their superior brand cutler every discourege- .tllent tet the outset. The public ver dict has beets rtred ;Lt !stye, and it is emphatically in their favor. • ,, 1)r. Fowler's E. t x r+et of Wild Stratw- 'ftterry. This prr.paratiou stands inset..less u:i a remedy fur al summer corn• - YOUNGElt'S, TENNETT'S, BASS' AND GUINESS' STOUT AND ALES ALWAYS IN STOCK. ETC. ;Quarter Crt secs. JOHN F"ABMER, r12.EIiS Z N O II() Truth Concerns You More Than Counterfeit, Therefore, yea d,purot'uee, and enjoy its bargains. When I gay )manufacture my own furniture !u prepared with my!arnnt. heetthatthepeople cuuinspect atany time by culling at any Ware rouses where they wi11 see It superb dis phut of Furniture in All Its Branches 41 L' 1q' t't'ir41 by •tivsllt Lad •tvn)unwell artis.tio skill, witq good workmanship. I der tare not usati,fyingtile people with acla'') of IP»•uituro that o'tuaot be equalled for equality or price in Uxetor„t11 blowing to the contrary, notwithstanding, WHEN _YOU WANT ANY FURNITURE GIVE J. BRAWN A CAI I. Nearly oppot•ite Kemp's Tobacco Store.Main Street, E: eter. SAMWELL PICKARD Vee daily opening oat large quanti- ties of Fresh, Seaso able DRY GOODS, Boots }alaiotn. Ill.vu you diarrhoea? It wit] Will positively cure you. Is your ttom- •itcit sour9 It will posi'iveiy cure you. �_lru you going en a eeaL vl'yage? Be 'a%tkra anti take a, bar- of S'ra,vbe'ry iu ;your It versack. fir ase to a ut.sieliness, vomiting, and other :rrltation of the of the stomach and bowels; it will positively cure you. Every one speaks Iliglltly of it. Duck sit:)r!iu;t on the Sarnia Bay is said texi:dileut sport at present. rI]le Govt;ronr_(Jeiterai is t•oon expeettd to juin tla heti Ja the Plot k. Soule of tin' many hold youths at :Adieu Orsi; tuc likely to crane to grief for practicing not always perfectly intruders fut..,,i Sabbath clays. The bites cf a blaelt spieler well nigh 'caused till) dead) of Mr. Stolliken, of Petrolia later'. `Phare were three doc- tors iu att:)utilisnCe. The telegraph oeol'iitori between Stratford and I'•,i.it E'g'ad have enc- lieeded 111 Olrlainiog ten cents a day in. crease on eller]' pay. The ntivanee to takes place:from first Of enr'eut month. Mrs. Holden, of Point. Edward, huv i tg missed some valuable clothing -from her clothes line, went to ft cert9Li' boarding house, told actually compelled )it'boardei there to divest himself and otherwise find for her every missing article. She afterwards received the plaudits of tawny. .A Letter from a Clergyman. Veronvilla:, ,Seep. 8th. 1876. Messrs. Milb erre & Co., G1,NrLE•-1)r. , 'FoW'ier'e E7ltraet :or Wild Strawberry had Cured the worst ,ftiase Of Slimmer •contplttint I ever knew. Our little child was, for one month, not *expected to recover .We got lnedicin- tebhow our family physician, brat like e)verthilag else, failed, until we tried 1)r. 1'owler's Extraor' of Wild Strawberry, whi*sii anted like a charm, and perfectly cured the infant in less than Once days. Yours faithfully, REV. S. R, LEARNS, --+•0, Dr Fowler's Extract of Wiid Straw. berry is the most successful medicine known for 811 summer complaints, dittrtliaaa, tlysentry, cholera tnorbus. .etc. Its effects etre mttrveilune.. It acts like ta, charm; relief iet almost in- stantaneous, In 'sea•sickress and vomiting it is a R1)eoitic worth ten tinges. its cost. Equally good t'or tlie, young the old, and the middle-aged, For sale by all dealers. T. MIILBUIIN4 nets Toronto. SALE REGISTER. nitrrsday, Oat, 28. -- Carriages, wagons, baggies, sleighs, &a , property of R. Ban. ntir, 1 irkton, 06'apd under omit; 12agoi; credit. James Dinsmore, nee. t aid Shoo: Hats and Cads, BCc., BCC:, &C. NI 3000 s. .4ItL t O+ -S "Sat ab `eh1i %l /J.1'/a/ -NI a]1L .s A splendid range of 23LACI M CASHMERES BlackLustres Pompadour iPICQ..rIS, WIN CEYS, TWEEDS, VionleiCoalings SHIRTS, DRAWERS, [XC., &U., SAMWELL PICKARD''S FROM NOW to the END OF 1881 ONE DOLLAR. The Mail is in the front rauk of j'nrnalism, and ahead of its rivals in Canada. Itis the hest written, the sii?ciest, the newsiest and,most influential paper in the Dominion. It is n credit to Canadian enterprise,—Biamptoll Conservator. T H E. WEEKLY MAIL —'iHE— Cheapes't & Best Paper in America We haven few Farm Anneals for 1880*on hand, These Annuals contain more practical Agricultural iuforniatiou than any tin ee dollar subscription Farm book iu the market, and we will give them. F1tEE to every new subscriber sent in as long as they last. But WILLnO MOEE We will present every snbscriber to the Weekly Mail for 1881 with the CANADIAN FARM ANNUAL for 1881, which will be published early next year, Therefore, new sui scribers whose names are sent iu irumediately will receive The WEEKLY HAIL for Fifteen Months. The FARM.'A.!NUA.L for 1830, And the FARM, ANNUAL for 1581, OnAOLLIfoilu Address, THE MAIL, Toronto. THE EXETER TIN AND STOVE DEPOT' MAIN ST JTAKE tkia epportuulty of thanking my numeroris customers for pact favors, and wishto j notify thele and the public generally that I have Purchased Mr, D. Johns' stock; of STOVES, TIN'WAFIE,• LAMPS,:: &c. &c, and have moved my own stook into the building lately °toppled by Mr: John's, in the Post Ofioe,131oeki,wi ere I new have one of the largest. and best assorted stooks iu the county, . JUST RECEIVE D i Mortgage Sale THE Choice Family Grocery —0E— FRESH LARD, House and. Lot FRESH OYSTERS. NEW FRUITS: ORANGES, LEMONS AND GRAPES, Fanson's Block, ifaint st., Exeter. ! HO ! FOR MANITOBA, During' the lernuidder or the season of 1880, GREEN VVAy'S Manitoba Parties will leave on The FIRST TUESDAY f Every Month. Next party on September8 For particulars apply to JNO. P e0X. G.W. It, A'+o'•t, Centralia, 4404 • IN THE VILLAGE' OF EXETER, TTNT)FR ANT) BY VIRTUE OF AI'OWER 01” Salo contained In an indentale of mort- enee w• reh will be p)'odneeu at the time of sale, anted 28th day of April, 1877, n)ade by Jahn Nish - burn and wife to the vendor, there will be sold by Public Auction at the Royal Hotel In the Village of Exeter, --ON— Thur:.day,Ootaber, 28, 1880 By JAMES O'EE,anotioneer,at the hour of TH'RFE O') IL1>OK IN TILE AFT: RNOON, subject to such conditions us sballtileube produced, All end singular that certe in p • reel or tract of 1'an'l and preiuleoe. situ tte,lving and being in the VIT,I,AGP1Ok' S'?Their, in theC,o,nty of Huron, and 1 ravine. of Ontario forming pn.rt of Lot Nnmber sixteen in the -Cyst eonees-i,n of the Township of 'Osborne, subuivieled illtu village lot, :anmina)d being mina) 'if lot fltty-seven and the north part of lot fifty-five on the west side of U',iun street on the map or plan of such subdi- vision a'ld more particularly o''cribea: in the said in lentnre of in -wt» ige Tlisre i4 a([nod frame cottage, frame stable and other buildings en the said premises. For further particulars awply to the auction- eer, or at the office of MR, B. V. FLLIOT, October 21,1890. Vendor's Solicitor,Exetei • FAR 'p , FARMERS, S,, USE ONLY THE Castorine ' Lachine OW_ THLi VERY BEST IN USE. FOR SALE AT THE DOMINION LABORATORY, SiUrN C .i THE GO MO )TAR, ;!Main street, Exeter. JUST RECEIVED AT THE EXETER GROCERY AND :LIQUOR STORE; A LARGE STOCK OF. GREEN, JAPAN, .10 UNG HYSON and BLACK TEAS, RAISINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, DRIED APPLES CANED FRUIT, SARDINE' S, LOBSTERS, SALMON, 13.ITTEIt BAUCE AND PICKLES, 'BRANDIES, GINS, WINES AND, SYRUPS, RYE, WALT SCOTCH, IRISH AND COMMON WHISEIES, TOBACCOS' tND'CIGARS, Wholesale and Retail, • • . G. A, MACE . ' ' Main Street,Exoter. 'THE vircntruna of than DAT NOTHING LIKE IT EVER WEEN: PEOPLE OANNoT REALIZE Until they call sand tnake an examination what Real Bar. gains are offered. Everything at. the Lowest figure is the in- ducement we offer in TAPLE AND FANCY DRY, GOODS Cooking, Parlor and erne! Stoves Boots and Shc;•es., Hats and Caps; • pp� THE. BESL.IN'THE MARKET, Ladies' ;&:Gents' Furnishing Goods Atso to la,ge vanity of ;Tinware, 'Ltnml's, Latnp Chimneys„ Goal Oil and Cutlery. P astimates given for,Eayetroughtng, ' Cl►1 ittge+:fluting u, Speciality.. Depend upon it will give you l ops value tor. yoiti k4uiiey: The very hi hest, price in Ca hpaid for Hides' and'iSItee ,skims; take item. etl>iilt 'iite,piaeo•-trio Eabierri te Itind Stove Depot, Post.O'hee Brooke Main Street,. Axeter. • iil;etet, lTants'i i ifow 8soe ` 74 • Clothing, CrOCIteil .1 # i ; IYViiie's ghe L illiora. , j, : i {f; r1::"IN.reet,t'ettgr6 itY%.t,, .',x ., ,.(i�swire, Hardpt re, 'Groceries,. .,:,:::';',.:1,.v:„'::?' I.ia'.ry,u1t an Ja4if )r,# ' t.eaµ, .c. , l. •,,,•;%,,f)r ))411 I+1:11i1 ti,i. ,e.iFl! }1.y'j 't:11,1 I,:.,il''ef,eltstt t::,..ph