HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-10-28, Page 4• 4vrti. ' 1...• The Mosons Bank, t11aoltPOE4aC&D 8'Y AM; irk eXIMAADMANT. 185,, CrtpLhai1: �,Ut?11,OQi1, HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL THOMAS WoR11ttA.i•, Esq. . - Prea/Rent J.R, B. Alot.soti, l:eq. - • Vico..8/•e: Ii 111 Il ulr'01ts. :IlonD L AtaopitelsoU, •13.W Si9t1>ilord, H J Nelson, a1 Y P s H Ewing, Miles eriUiauns, t',*1'llrt'411t)t.. +1 481 woe. J:A.s. l4ieatow, h1`1Q , 3f t''1 WI .4t).intra a !9r•1.1o2. $tr ltSAr.)x, 11:41., - - • • - 't$,wotur. Exeter 1J1'anr311, 1IENRY O BREWER - - AfA.'+T.AGLR. .rt 1 s TO FARMERS. trolleyadvaneed to tumors ou easy terms, ou their DWI promissory !rotes with one or more good eu- dorseta, No mortgage required as security. SAVINGS BANK D''•'PABTA1I:NT itltel'esl allowed on aeuos'its. Drafts du United Status bought mud sold. Ster1• lig Exchange bought and sold, Collections made in all Darts of the Dominion .ncl returns promptly remitted at lowest rates of exchange. Avifebt15th 1845. 6-m THIS PAPEnd on ((lmay tat fUll o. 1'. RO. .. & Co'a Newsp per Advertising Bowan (10 Spruce Street) where advcr• NEW tYORic, rising contracts play be made for it in iN1CN* THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1880. 'Iran agreement bet" en the Govern anent and the Grenada Paoifie R.tilwar Syndicate has 'been signed, sealed ant, delivered, and the wort( will be proceed- ed as soon as possible by the Syndicate-. Tile ooltditi:lns of the agreement have bot yet b'eeu ofici'tlly made krt twit bu they will be 1u a short tittle. 'Pliere aro many rumors. but they are of ly r'un• ars, eta should bo treated sea .rdirlgl3, It world. be idle to ariticiz t the terra' upon the strength of such ruiners. N, doubt tits interests of the country hay. been• well guarded by the G:'verncaert. IT iS R9 THE Tuts autioipated with regard to the R'lddulpb prisoners. A - .eoriley General 11'10%00( (mullet see hi,. 1 way otear to litreretitig tbetu on bail. 'It Would be wrong for tutu to do so. But ere recurs trying t•iretn by special eolnmision;wjiien,.tobe .Wore acceptable to theme that' eaglet liberation nu bait, II) the letter event they would only bt: Wien to jell again during at other As• sizes, with no brighter prospects then of tbeir cape being settled, whiie a epecial commission would settle their fate defineately oneenterer rrtuer--eitli-. er by bringing them•tn giulty ur tin(dine theme innocent. TiiE TIMES r '•„ 1,,.::01!•„1 0 riii1F112S, 18(3(Y J be an)1 his friend were tin office, %%Ali the 1 djoy of the Government it aecept •4014 in•every part of the Domiuiou. 's ovideueed by the results of; the reOPnta bye 'eltlotioue which !lave been field in he d'if'ferent Pru't•inoee. It seems t'o us s;bt,ul'd then for Sir Richard to pts. • liut„11 the country teIllTMfitl1e people it !hat etre Government ie test d'sing i'1 •uoptihrrjtyl, when thti 1 tt;IO Of fee'e 'so oonolisively prove • that not only is the. Government not IJ log syrnllat•hy bot is winning supp•'rts front Sir Ilioliard'• Slli, RICHARD CPA. RL'WRIGHT. Sir I iobard Ciartwright, the memb- er for Centre Hu•rotri bas': (lilt ing tilt past week, .or two, hei d lt'series of meet- ings in the riding,:, at which he deliv- eredonddreases-up011 the• Public (Iller'• ttons•of the day; We do not propose' at the present time oolieidering any o' the etatetrre!lte her made. Fula uunccees• ary,:SirRichard (lith not.apl'eftr'•tts one 6tesiroas'of'dirt cussing in -a broad ami liberal•spirit the v'ari(rtts- gueelions he dealt with. • He appeared • 11 nlon[t his cone tit'lento . for the• purpose 01 finding f'iult••'Wath endt:de'la-morn! tit- Government,. turd het llerferuled Ilio self •appoiated'tattli• to itis! heart's cou• teat; audlno donbt'to•Life' saltiefae(ioe of the very considerable portion of hi supporters who• attended the • meeti)th,. for the kindred.par••pase•oE-hearing'th. Government deuouneed wed fon nd'fa&t No one,espected4lien t.o' tuiu(i tllat•the Government heti 'ever delle a Wise or benefieial'aet;:evely•`owe fitly e tpeated him to belittle- 1131(1'Cnndeni •e ererythingthey. hitve• doers 1'irtee t11ee• took ofee, .and the eapeetations of al, 'trt.dos were 'fully' realized. Of °na'rac • : K1 `ten. -s, man of ',Sir itiobar(l'ts• stamp, Al i181. Q in thought, bitter itrept'ritneed i.( (.Vies tasaryt illcgionl fit ' deduction, 1ni1a;.1 a ppeeeb, be never api)ronchew'fi' , (,inn •i)on-eetly end oanrt'ldlyt • St in the. wiildl,wofta, 1Vtitllagebl.3rg• stloe- 0wlstl3 ttn.0 ioritire9 atl'd .8T480ge1'ates ;make(' own friends. U.etil hit ce>Itt point to n re -lotion wh'oll doss) not eel -b' till., in his heated itnauitettti'lu, Si' Riche, el would do well to 1•efraiu front idle SPRING 'WHEAT boasting. 'lie -.' (tad Chaff " .., ... ... Sir Richard is one of the xble' ti ,!(Eley ... .,. ... Members of the opposition, and Runt•it u•' Eli vorsoet facility 'and felicity of Pxp1E4'140nslint) Peas ,,. t'ew Pgn11s of ally t-upt'1"'or1n tee lnni:P, Sitter ..'. of Cominome He is a trenchant andIOnrporbbl. .,, ,.. e'ntatoes, per bag ... .,. interesting speaker., b'at his remarks Poaehosper bee ,,. era titeged witha bitterness which Appples porlag .. Ihied,i.)tplee• pr b... ... weal(! oft e'er turn a fruited into an op-logsaf,dressedpor100 l.., .,. nnnetlt,tllall make an opponent became !Tildes, rough ,., friend. Iles wits specialty Itntlted dres6od 't ' Ql'reolskiva,eaeh ... .,. 'ming to thio' failing, to become a n.in• Calfslrine ister of the Crown, and v+sore especially `ieuensr ton ,.. a Finance !Milli t Hie reatorieal gnatit.ie•t would adorn nail tteliberative wesetnbty, but'he turns t1Yeiu to a pool secant when he uses them to abuse incl Cttrieatnte hiz nppO Pnts )end alis ST. MARY'S present a policy Which it is patent to he least observant, has done and is 1')in�'rnncll to 'bine Canada. its former ''rnctperity and place it in a command' il' position 'among the nations, where •' t<'iil Il. t stilt5IR( 'Merely nn tete Piif ere nee of anv rival. tie will need all '1iR lowers (!f'e'ns once to pet•sualde the eenele that It w'nnhi be to their advent - MA It A'c1-�V'OODDURN....Al (`nand Bend, in ilio manse, by the ltev, A. telsudennrng, on Aug. 91b, John i111tcy to Elizabeth Wood burn, both of Stephen. 1-ticxrr't;—BAx1R.—At the residence of John Pert!, Stephen, by tha Rev. A. Glen telt- 1thug, on Aug, 12, Robert Hickey. to Isa- bella Esker, bat., of Rtepheu, litcRi*'--Temis: At the Grigg lionse, London. by the Rev. A, Glendenning, on Oct. rrth, Andrew eleKitli to Llacy' Ann Toles,hoth of Werwiek. D1t90Artenes—Georree. — At Betkenhaatre's Hotel) Grand Bend, by Bev.A. Glendenn- ing, on Get, 18th, Dolph Desl(avdilro to Se:ioa Grotten, both of Stephen. Vhtt:e 1iitloat Scott PIG ESTRAY. --CAME ON ;tt3V 15, (lowest/Mu ;0, Usborne, about the hast ( f August, a white pt(. Tho owner slay has o the some '0lpayhlgexpenses and prOvilutprnuee4)' JAMES AfoCL11.L UGH,. ACRES O1+' GOOD LAND kt'tO !J ll Sale in the township of MOGillivrllyy]fi$ dlasel(C 1„ near Teitnerick. App11 to 11. W. 11ALL, Sultcitor, or l'huesinffee, t•xeter QTRAYED OR S'1'OJ EA k'RtOM9 Ir0118>.il, on the !light of the 2fst inst.,.e uiiloh eow;•hght re r', l hoot seven years 0111, wish bowlorns,•elul point broken off s clh. •tnyrtr• sou giving suc11 lnfcl matiou us wllltleati•tb thole reec-very will bo suitably rowert)ed,. Howell', Pot 19. 9(11. F f1IliBAIl IS: Hnro78 JxpesitOr Vaasa 6'03)31. NOTICE 1S 11l':1•t.Tt�13Y' OIV1, N lel thata Coirtwill he bola pursuant to•the JII "rcICFITS Voters Lists• Act, by his Manor theJ)ulite of the vent) WHEAT, County Court of the t'ouety of Her wont >REW'S HALL, 9XlfT1':It. on TLfi:SDAY,'CIT1aP\Vi;h TY• 09t ta0 96 SIXTH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1880, etttwolve'w cloak 0 sac 0 85 1)1wn, to hear and deteimiue the several coin - plaints of errors and 01nL8a10lle in the Voters' Idet at the Afunicipulily of ESeter,for 1880. 005 to 103 AU persons havlug bnsiite•s at,tlle Court are ... 0 9206.:00 95 required to attend at threaicd ti'ne and place. 0 40 ot 57 , 14Ae 1t1;TT, 0 1 28 Clerk of th•teseid ultuVittl,aliiOy. • . A 00 to 5 0 Dated at Exeter this 7th day of October' 1880, 0' 50 to ^. (010 0 (710'117 ,,, 0 17 to 9 20 ,., 5 00 to 5 0i; ,,. 0 10 to 0 60 , 8' 80 to 1 4 0 ,,. 26 to 1 25 .•• 501100138 ... 600to5SC ,.. 4 00 to 8 00 .,. 7501o800 8 1 O to 9 1.0 75 to 1 00 8/ t, 91 700 to750 (alone per bush ... ... 0 60' to 0 75 1,ard 0 13' fn 0 18 Tallow per lb 0 05 to 0 00 \1R,ul,pel db 0 28 to w1 80 Turkeys per lb 0 07 to 0 07 Neese " .. 0 05 tit. 0 t 0 0.45 to n 60 Ducks, per uair Fall wheat, per bushel 0 95 to 096 Spring wheat ............................... 0 95 to 098 Barley ............................... 40 to 0 08 Peas , 60 to 0 60 net, ........................................ . 20 to n 28 Kay . 7 60 to 6 50 (Eggs, per dozen...... .................. 0 16 to 0 17 Butter 19 to 21 Hides per lb ........ .... ........... ... ' 00 to 8 se Dressed' hoes . 4 75 to 5 00 Patat0 as 11nr bag...... ........ ...... f0 to 0 :il) Cheou sl:fns . ,.. 0 :)0 to 0 911 Woodper cord 2 50 to 2 50 Dunks per pair 0 35 t. 0 50 r 05 to 0 81) CLfekens till -.to ti1Ttl• Cltt T.91H melt In potter and t 'enlace (f'e'rn with nthers who, when lSa QU NL:�N the ere:knell, was in the theoos of sur- AiFering, tied the outlook rvas gloomy Bees to Worm the Laches of Exeter end sur - and desponding to the extreme. en,.,ronnding rneetry that lib • is ttgainprepare,'todo dressmaking in 111 its branches. Cutting all fit- ting tsneria1ty: Place ofbusi.iess—ono of 340.3. L use's houses, Union Sleet, Exeter, Apnrenticee As ant el. Oc l. 28. 'v told dnptltalion after deputation that they were 'powerless to da anything for their relief, and folded their arm in ease and lot. suffering and rniu hold high carnival, A man named Fr, tncoor, while Dross- jnlZ the-rliilway. trent( near St. ltomulo, Monday with a horse and wagon, was etruck by. .6 pasrsing engine. The Horse was killed, aid the man so badly 'itljlireo that he cannot recover. While burl( Graham, an old man living-r:ettr;IeOtlleny, wire drawing wood on Saturday lea slipped nff itis load and the wagon passed over Lis leg, break ing his thigh. As he was working alone 'he lay in the nusli in this con dition five hours. $e is doing well sit fat'. A,strange stn'y comet' from North Au)ut3lti;near Ottawa, 1t is'es follows: —Recently a teen named Meybee died and was 1)nried. Shortly after the funeral the teat: ltl)1)Nared to his (life tai >r.vi(110I1 an -I told that he had been btlrintf il•hve. .A second aged a third time (Ilia 'vision was repeated and rt 1in'ililr statem nt rnede by the ghostly visitor. The third night Mrs. Maybes was told that the vision would 'not ap- pear;.agaie.,..,She appeered to have been Igreat.ly• impresser( by what she had d'rilamed ,decided to have the grave opened. This was done and it was found that the glass 'Ante covering l'l1 face was broken end ...that one of Ole. hands bed beeIi.'r1lieed. The man tial!' aettially been buried alive. Twit Ottawa voting men, named Dick Irvine and Herbert 'O'Neil, were arrested at. Bnffain nn the charge of )•ebbing Charles Nichols, of tire IDdetst ral World, •nf a watch and chide end >il•8 in money. at Prercott. nn Thurs• day.ittight, • They will b8 brought' to Ottawa; . n•.aoet1inan•stretctedhimself !intim the line of the Cri'luid i'rrnk''near Strat 'oi'd the other dlty, rinhi eepre84ar1 his egret't;hat the c•wndtleior; Mr. Motais- ter, (iiet:'evered brio b fire the, suicide \ut4 anuttmit tad, • The •Prtirhvt,\rianq of Liennye. Ma. Giliivray and: vicinity, deserve much a+' (iii'• f(ir''nnt only' Orsarirtg'41111c •err• •ire it)dnh'tedness•of their Ile )v church 1►iti'ldirng at that palace on Snndnv lest, but alao'_irsi+ins' 8O0'over ttnd'nb'ovt, \vhitih ie plsond'to• credit of sinking fnnlde'T'he de(li'euiory'strvices provectla sucu0Ra: • A partridj'(1,•pro'b'tbly ill anticipation of a severe winter; got tlired'aflife:'and, a few days nen enc its throat. with Tat t of a'nane of F(hts•1 which i8 lied' broken. Horse d Cattle Powders/ A full stack of all varietfe0of Cond Won Powders, Cough Powders, Diuretic Polt!ders, ctc. Dashwood Nursery All kinds of fruit and Ornamental Trees suitable for Fall planting. atandlttar(9 Apple Trees 20 Vents lit1;6>: 1t) hen in quautlitioe 13 cents. each, Parties at a distance ordorilig trees eau r.'ly on gettiuethe kind ordered-ir not, osiers will be funnelled free of charge, Audress H.SOL DAN, Uashwooad P. 0. All trees brought from me are warranted to grow, or will bo replaced by others. Obtober 21,1880. TO ADVERTISERS. G1;O, P 220 WELT, fi ores SELECT LIST OF 1.1 CAL. NEWSPAPERS. A•rrc4r(vertis•r who spen.ts unwarrls of 83,1000 year, awl who i7Wrttea ten than i;350 Oft in (tuts List, w•ritus : "Poser Sclort Loral List paid me hello• last year TE ALL Y'11L•' 0111L1t 4DVEsit- T1 SIN 0- L DI.D IT Iii N. A CO.O'tERATIVL Ll an I'^ IS 3301 A 0-1E AO LIST. IP 18 AN 1l 0.\' E S 1' L'IS'P . 7 he o,ltalo! ue OR exactly what the pul)8rs .are \Vhau 1)10 uam•o in pLp^r is printeet'in I UL L FACE TIT,: it i,; in every fasten vi tlit• Id, ST. \vhen (Printed: iu 0 \Pl•31 AL1, it 1s the ONLYpaler in the ( lace The list give. them) Matic(( of 01.5.) 181011 atgt'ithe circulation of every paper, 1 he rates charged forr:.T. ortising ore bu.rels one lir't, 111e )auuliehe.'escaedule. The price for ,.ugh• htatas ret ages from *2 to r, 88. The uriee for 1 inch one mouth in t(1e mom's list is *ell. The reenter rates of the p.) !err fur -Cos same spites of t'i'le are 8'2,98'1' '1l 14, haliSt includes 951 newspapers of which 187 are Netted daily and 701 weakly. They aro located 111 758 ilir'frr„nt titin (11d tOw118, 0( whieh 26 1ue State •11e•pit•ds. 85.: places of over 5,090 voprduti')n•, 1Lnd •IC81Coeietystates. 1'nr copy 01 Li1t:cud ()Liar information a.lthese• GEE. P. Rr1WE1.L k (•l0: 10•aprutlokt., New York. • 1iaTP'i\'rfL,�t J. Ln1eu Talon uucl e art 840 to a 100 )t month• Also willows in11(1's Cough & t'endl1i00 Panders. );very g1 auuata' (;uarautoe'1 1t) ;etyma situation. Address lt, VALENr1NJ8,i ostage),Jauesville,Wis Which have stood the cost for years, — -- an>;snn1's frets,• Sond addhe8S for AT Tull(Jen tral DrugMare '� � 1wlLrtieuhtr•, 1'. TRr1+11T, $i SUhaUl eV'eeG, 1308ti)Sl,l;wla66. The best variety of GIRL'S SHOULDER BRACES now made, An additlenal st'cek of English and 3)1x2,011 Trus- ses just received. The seine brands of Medicinal Liquors always kept, ---HYDIIOLINE— A new remedy for•Cousnmptien, A Complete Stock of Patent Medicines, Drugs good and rolinbln. T(ru':gists Sundries—a• complete ttooe. Mobile's for curing cider. Stationery, School Books, Fancy Goods,'. d:o., to , as usual. CENTRAL DRU f STORE, • (WINAN'S OLD STAND) C. LUTZ. CONSUMPTION Can Be, . DETROIT hroat&Lung INSTITUTE 253;V oodwtel d;Avenu.e,, DEMOIT, iw: NTI,'Pi1tN)-WITI'f,'f,1MS, tt, 1/:, • Ors dt ato of Vlotorim Collage, Toronto, it mil: )Im- ber of Our Collage 01.1'byololcue and surgeons 01 (0etario•) t Pittiltr'iet'dr. • Permanenti 'oe'ttiblts'odiSitlCt 18713.'S11ieo which time over 101100 oases Ilaye Lieen:peral anentl)t ached of some of 111,, variant: dtPeusas of thellead.Throat and Chest, vise 0 utarrh,'t'hrook Diseasegr Bianatii tie.Asthlna OO11Rmnptiun,Ca.1a1•rhe1 OPhth,a late, (Sore Eyes) and Catarrhal )Deafness, • Alam Tis- Lasee of the Heart. • ' (lur'system of P emitted oo iaitita of t11e'moet iln•• pre 'oil Me dieatedluhalablen6,00mbined with gra: •!',oa(litent, hT'aving devatad.all t •circat t1(atftnee to snit his • convert. 'lire d'i'llli shed c'at Invest' ha; !lad a' perCorstituopal lrouttiule;etlergyar,dskill'for the pest twelve years v P 1106 „ toss•nt arras Sevetal.'rit .s \V(0r43 s't IRIS nos, giut'Sue people of,tthis ot'iil fitly Ie theretuoar on Sttnelart •fight..' i erbit'p' e .i�xa Retng'tratetl.':nf inol%ricinna of .Sit' to'etjud'td'ftiendsill Ieelttndl• trd'e class, T1uee take, !tis whale» was r9 nil rl+.t,,rt:0 th'at'Ctil' c'e1' It,fc-Gt. ,. It ao y [ p ,. •enleltls.tttiuolnti4tts and, exf([Crvnf;ant at 1Qttert of the QnAen'a fiivlr;••khe ''li'kely' rt Aets Cots. Pato ttrtiite They alta to be sell( to kite Northwestt:;e,e C1om. t9'.tn ill of the Notional wonder of (1188 Mounted Police; Iffe yiRSdsrKt+apd the 1s.uYk tf a °or the est b tt•a!hiF. fol til' t ell as Sie I.11ieltard ()art bpplt d p t e ,Pt,litr'n juf�tt+e �' ll(cely Howe ane tvoul(i be brought from �tirri` tet t (1(11 t.' Hot 1(1004 tion to tell )�ttgland tti taste eoinmaud of the t her or Etat they. IliaA More *hem, N let iti(Ott JtAt.lt 31'(aV pow, title,, werlt WIND 10 the treatment of the Various diseases of the • JIt.A. D, Toho %tr• 4.1'1: t l ,1' ' • . W'ere enabled t0'offor-the afilleted the ;nest »er- f0ebh'emedies and appliaucee for th'o intmeoi8te oursof a'i'theso troublesome uflioti(itfb. I'3y the system of ) 1 YEAR . L, e. • stun uxpeuaesto elue1t$ outfit (r' e. Address P:'.O. VTJ1i. P•.BY. Augusta. 'A•tine (TRAY'S S•1' C11'C sLIL'•D101NE. RA1,E MARIC,'1'>1eG' ) TRADE M5R((e ItemOcty,nn 03)(((1'1' :^7441$ 1117: Cnl•ofo0 Semis "., a%'r • nal Weel:Sos', I SperinutO110,lt(1o'alal ,• .'5•717.r. rupotencynd Diseases tbntfol- • r' low a6 (t sequence • As'Ati' , .,. ^ 02 8011 Abuse, as 3 loss of Memory, '- Before `rein.. ii1vorlia) • L1e81= •otiole,Patin in the =u+ 1° g Baclr,ll'imness of vision, Promatlu•etel8 agtt: and (1114ny other Diseases that lead to i•nsaillty or Con'Otuilption and n Premature• grave: Item! parti'an7Lreill our pamphlet, which we leslreto. seed'fr"e by mail to every one.' S'rieoiiir Mod bine i,s soldby all.7rl,ggistsat -1 resit pa c kegs or si:i packages for 90; or will be sent illy mail: on receipt toff the ma110y by addressing [•.'Sold lxTehHbGy BaTlY O(I{i\rTult)iWt301„(r110v orvA- . osTo0xPLA:7AD wherein Maned it and the United:States )y whole salo.an0•rSSail •trr0gist6. N,•B-PI'se• demand of our bus111ossrhave lames- etiatedonrrolnovingto %Niltonto; 6o N1liehpluao 1110050 aditrben all tutor° communion tons. • '1 r1i1UATEU81N1ll(rtt11ON ; . Head: Throat', ndLuog affectioue;tfave become al onralllo as any antes of 8480 i6es that ailliothumans icy, The very beet of raferenode glyan from al-. parts; of Canada frointhose(alroady cured. . Rem- edies sent to any part ot.Ontario, Duties Froe. XI impossible to Gail personally at the Institute, write for"List of Questions" and '1Atedioal Trot',, Mounted Polios. ,�.t,,11 etr' Address, 7.P tlRe 114Nrd nosh- I011k00' •rriROAT dk'LUCiGIN S2t1TUTE, tog *boat the, mottos, reiteutly. 253 Woodward Avenue, M tett • Tale grea)'nouselhold Medicine ranks MOW, the leading ue0esseries •of life. • TlwsO fames Pine purify the.BLOOD, and wet most poworfulbp yet soothitlgl ''outhe Liver, Stomach, Reduoye, and Dowels,. •giving tone, 'energy, .and vigor to thesegreat main springs of 1(0 . • •L'hey are eon. (!(Ieenyrecointeaended US 0. never Isiiling'relnedy ln'alleases whose the oonetitntion)trom wh(Lteve)r elms°, has become impaired or weakened: They are wonderfully 001011cieu6 in ell+iaitmeuts incl clausal to fomalas of•all age; :and -as •a •geoela Pam11v'ulettioineL are unsurpassed) FOLIOWAYS OINTMENT, xetor N Or 11 '1ti J' ;rt) ant. C , T" MILLS... Being in rloorlworttinunrllergives every aerl)a1- • •dation ptessfbTe' in 1(ti.�titft and flouring. Vieux and Mill food nolh•eve l to pttrties. I'eav1ti, thi lr 'orders before ousn'.lnok at. 7.BBEII1'8 Bakery ,u1 O'13YRN S 4100'S, orals. mill serve Clay Iteeneralling'ann' healing •properties aro known throe abbot the world). • 1:'or Mill cure olbad legs binthreast6, old 'wounds, Soros•andtrldore; lois an, infallible remedy, . If effectultily rubbedon•Mie'neek • and chest, as salt 111tt> •meat' (t ouros sore 1 hroat; Bronohiels Coughs .Colds;aud'evoli'Asthma. . For.Olandeld_ Swol- 1in06; Aher9(es; P(ids; Itidt ,las.1iout1Lliotuna.tie n 181id:every, hind of Skim Disease, it lute never beer, kuhwn'toSail t Tile 3)1(310 .tiot 011118120214) are'u1nu•' ufaoturS(.on1i:tat ,: ' ;•),., 5.83'() Ci'ORti ST>:,'t1T'i• LONtf0N', • .-.-0--- TERMS' CAST -I.. • _ 0- _ Vii' I'y ,: ` 17 r"C •" r c T?' E''FI'Ti Id ifo' tit; NEW STAND • 1 would .tequttint' my di/v.6111er' that I harie 1•o• • mvvrd my Fiour Feed; Business to W. H. T1tOTT'S OLD'STAND, '.fhreo 1100318 With of the Poet •tw(((ee, and has • opened.out a choice stock of fresh FLOWER, YIELD. Al 1) GARDEN ',SEEDS. 1=y. Flour and Feed delivered free of charge. ' Mem n,TEE3. F' • A R —AND— TOWN AND— T 'WNPROPERTY' Full SALTS CHEAP ANI) r1N EASY TFBMS 01' ' PAYI•l1:NT, IN T:11. CQrNTY'crnoTT. 80.1 iT-i of Y ? It. ut:lr:l,rr 1f', Can, IS in the • Tosen••1}111) of R' n!r•1t, a..1•:!6 ware 01. 11e5. • 5 acres 1t lt.',ri 'I) 101'4 ti'n')ere•e) with beech, mlplo u.oml et+t aa,l white sell. T310 evil1.t7 ael t\ loam a.,d c9 c tut frow tlu 'Village • of )alishwood half a mile. N11,2 ,A No ill the Village 01 Exeter, Lot number 4fr the subuivisimt of Lot number. 19 This valnapl0 property is situ,tt'd oi too principal or :flaw struot in tato said Villa'1 01,d is in cue beet business locality in 14xet,•r, Th •ro a brick store and resblenno on the lot (nearly hew) •1' storys h8911,.0. 1t loot and in goo. state 051epa10.. For Further ptlrtii1111116 roar to ANDREW 31111iE,.11eq.,. at 1) i L1Ah xetn r, or to W. F. B , . 1,113.(;0r tlutari :.Loan and Debenture Cu lOpliny Loo 0 on. Outaric x 44. Allan Line LIV]1RPOO11, LONDOi\.S.Jh•RPY, GLASGOW' SiIORTEST SEA PASSAGE. CA334N;• INTERMED9ATE AND• STEERAGE TICK- I;TS- Pbrebnswisllil)g:o1 send fol• their friends eon obtain passage ceiti,detttos at lowest rates from • Reglaend, Lure nil •n i ic,•tlitnd to any city or rail- • we.y to w11i11.41am1da. • Full particulars by nplly• ihA: to CAPT GP IiEM•P. Eider, THE p . i'XETE j'R, ' Planing Mill, Sash, DOOR Alit) i ILIED PATE!!' Andare sold by all''itenilorsof Medicines through- :Is p:t)tleasIvilized' world; with•dirootious iu almost everyI"nguago,' The Trade Marks of'ti oue,Mediaines) Etre r1g(s-. tered to Otte:tea. Heuae,'enry budlrf the British l'o49ossions,who may kee)1.tbatiite1Clean Qopn-' .eehfeltg'5o1.sale, will 0 proseou1tldt •' tarPurohssers should look to'tbs. Habitl on tell¢' Potslaud BMWs. 1f the addrees4e'net852 OYf6re' Street Logsdon theyr.aio Spurted t A Is1 IIIA D S' OF IThns tri order; • Remember 111eplace, Zv'ea-�'r' A' IICwa 'd 31=00.. q H E; N, 1.7 A. L t) 1 FURNITURE ; ROOMS:. Wify(Yu'abretid fox vont Furuittere•wh'en you can • • get Better 'Valeta fforyy�,n��ar (money in Henson, • ,��S.-1P1 CC177OI. having bought tonthe Furniture Rosiness of Sir s.1: airbatrn, and wide!' largely to the stook is enabled to offer'furnitura at v.ry' low priest. - Myi):iidertaktugDont 1tin ont•will•be foundea- perlor.te any frrthis sootlon,• ha'stngjust received u lArgeteddi$idpp:ef.all:kinds of undertaking goods. Aflratieltiss he(Nreefwilt:be furnished `for laterals • 00 reasonable toting. Ales agent forthe Wasnax•' tr 1$44?,140.1‘ TN1k $Sllgdr Sewing Machette. tri . COiir II.- 4