The Exeter Times, 1880-10-28, Page 2T.t TIMES 11')\V SNOOKS GOT O J ' OP 1T. An boar later the deedwla done. I batu,d Lp l( ss Let, Her nose llaolfed `- Some cameo ehi ovegete a. auk 1 lonely iu the pale ulonuli eat ; t,o I dere. 'Ifvon still (take my a(1V'ice," Anil" avenue (1.1 believe bee were t}ome ( say he clad not :hull the iulfilliul of Halt; D'tr \Vildiutt, u' ekle11; a.lavt 'ublo but GhiueMe lanterns there orip;htlly, but law difficult: futile e)tlui't to beItnoe tee ivory pNver^ a kind wind hail blown there out), atld .After that he had eotne'n''nore, a good knife 410 the tits cit his first linger,' you a soft little hand slitlped into his, del deal twee), ehietnpegue ; and bleu he won't g) to the Brown rigs' bull,' the work, and libels Katie had prumis• proposed to Mins Georgie, who al..o 'And !why wet ?' asked 'hie 000112an• ed b1eshfillly, but with uutllieteltable consented to he I(is. Theis new re - ion, irritably.eellio guess, to he the future Furs, emitted but one ,)tiler step to be t#ikon "yr 411, 1 Nally wouldn't, yon know,' k 811(i,e1(3. Whether it wax 800.010.14 of He crossed the room, and hsked the said liar, Wilding, giviog tits ilia Shill; the property pertaiuiug to Suooks'she yteuugest Mise I3rl)Wurig'to dance. He gee with the anlpusstble, and layatlg the most effected, deponent eaveth not., wted getting t'uther Mixed by this time, rt-fraotory ieper•kuife upon the table,- When, however, her betrothed found and w•as ou, the very point of askiug ' One at a tithe ; my breath ie ) of what it used to be,' he said, addrtesoing Katie. (if he had said breadth' 1t would have been °g14431ty trig, ae hie mother-- f elle wile to be believed- al.lvnys declere(1 110 was a lean baby. Tdl'itdt ‘2g: 1 t'(,1 FINE P1IOTOG11APHy. • FRANK COOPEk7 A1VL'1$ 'Tt' PI10T(cltrtt1111,:II. ' 14Iay I ask the name of your lever y' Studio 1374 lticbun1u11 Streit:, .hotelet'. 111r. Shooks,' said she, with clown. oast eyos and a timid _3410110, :the t•t•ok 11p the ouruer of a cherry -colored bow that adhesed Ler gown lied fell to nil. u'lirine it, through what she thought wles blee1i ultwee. 'far a variety of reasons, Girls Play whet he bad dune, and remembered her to !merry 11i111 instead, SQ ensturll- 'Impossible 1' e ,olaimed Georgie, the Very mischief with y0'l, and Yoe his f„t'nler wordh tram all the awrlllnees trey had the question grown to hill') angrily. ]plow wkat trouble it gave me to get of parental wrath, his heart failed hila, ouw. Miss DIS, however, l&eodined to ' Witt n. tlisgrn°elul untrnth t' ()lied sou out of your last scrape. There Helwent., as he nsuelly (lfd wiled it, (belles, all the !flea that alta was tired, Betty, rudely. Mr. bino(kd proposed are four l3rolwnrig glt'ls, aren't there ? Aad they are all pretty 2' '1 don't see what that's got to do `-'vith it,' said Snooks, sulkily. 'There's sefsty in a multitude. I clan'( 111arl'y 'eel all. 04111 2' 'Happily no 1 Though, if the laws of your Le11(t aid not forbid it, I ata i11 berate examination of thedisturbed face asked her to cotue for a stroll instead ; sorry case, in searoh of Wildi(Ig, and and could Exert heneelf no more that to tee last dight, told t ticeepted lime having nise0vered hits took him into tL night. With gnastioinbte taste he ' What is it you slLy 1 0, 1 tctu going side room, end Hhutti.ng the door, con- Pressed the matter, and begged her to out of my millatr my senses )Leo fleet et fronted lliui with a rather Pale looking give him one, ;test one, \;t this she ing rhe, said €teolgie, puatmg her face. told hirer frankly that she dict not ad- hands to her lltu(l with a li'ree 33110 'So the eyes were too many for yon,' mire his style of deeming, which of gesture. ' Or is it a eb'e1111 that he said Mr. Wilding calmly, after a (loll- course Ande 1 the conversation. So be 0 teed to dunk you might try to accurst- before hitu, '1 told you how it would plish even that. Still, be advised, be•• Snooks, and be conspicuous by your 'Thet's the sort of a t.hing any fellow 1ab,enee at the 13 ro vi rtgs' '$fl3Llt stud might s,zy,' returned Snooks, pethetl• early.' Papa Brow'., rig when incensed Dally. '1 didu'tthink you would have it watt, hat 1 know 13 wound 0p wit 11 is not nice, mei you know y in are de- been so aggravating. And jest when the deele'8riou that be adorel her and you see .1. in (1Uw1) 0(1 lily lttek, too, wanted to marry her, Yes ; I've been and gone and done it.' •11's extremely gond of you, I'm 'Mother will be pleased,' quoted his stere,' said the yuuuge;.t Mies et, owe. friend and law adviser, with a shrug. ti;;, calmly. 'But, uncivil at4 1 fear it 'So by-ttie•bye, will be yunr father. Most, 800utl, 1 don't %'tuft to marry They t'uLlt regard nothing so highly as you.' birth, I suppose Mrs. Brown! ig can 'Don't yen, by Jove 1' Pai*1 Snooks Broeuriig, with snnr4'ressed out e'te+tlt•lit lay cluing to some decent breeding ?' Mistily. •\'V3ll, that's awfully ki—No, Cul 3'. 'ghat tit 14 thin—buil• 4tir(eted •The old chap is a turn chandler, aro 1' plt'lling himself up with a start ; scoundrel. Asked you all to peavey him' you know that; elt le11.8t, he need to be,' •I don't mean that,, you know; I nee,r.,, last night ?' it's awfully horribly, von know. 1.) ' If we speak the truth, yes,' repsird tact,' warming to his work through the eirle', di -malty. eiteer gratitude, 'yo'u have made me ' He was.druuk,' eaid papa, sit-rirgely% tnisernule forever;• you've broken my' 1 can't heli'-ve it, said Kdt1e, who 'One would drink I WAS 8 raw school- wheat, staff of life, quaint old will, and 1 heart.' was dissolved iu tears—iu fact, ' lieu Alerts bridge 144 the (113tence ; miller Niobe, 11 1 1) teats`—by thea time. sitting nu it. 1 wander,' doeat11ily, 'if h' Nothing al)uld be nicer thlua the why Bi owurig ever wore a white Gat 2 AtidI lie did 1L. His language' vas perfect, and so ahoronghly from the—heart.' ' He adtireeee41 me in a must houor- ab'e, ooright aunt Uhristi'1a•la fashion,' von I should go in and sale good ilieght said ei3ett}. 1 am burg he lustful to mamma because von have teem every wort! he sr11,1.' • havieg a good deal of pepa's clhampag She wee thinking nnellesily of that Nrir. A.: . � .• .AC 1itr,I,,Ty and having arrived at the momentous elicit delivered11':lmself of the enlace speech, that !toed already done ditty three (mines that night. I forget•What Qftl (ley eines with Mies Katie 'N , f 11.111 1101,' sail1 5110010, with (10'fttli)1, ; '1101 a bit of it. 'Though 1 allow pile is it handsome girl, and hat, lovely eyes. hasn't she naw 2' 'Until know. A3 m rule I never look int° a \womau'g eyes. I consider it rudeness as well as a, betise,' said Wild- ing, earnestly, telling his lie without a mind b'11,11. 'Never dal her eyes. If,' All the latest i nprnyo1url'tsih1'L'lzntogl'n1•l15' ut Wit: well known 3314(11`1*,. (1 n,l.lrouplo "f auc1 vi dust,' chino nr40 five us wenn( you ,:Dune icy l,ou(lun, and �cz!1 'Y.11,1, 1)0 x011 1VSTICE 1 We are L1•a3'frvttt ” 7 VV( t')7. • Vv T iJ r �' Airy'' ittIFIOVED netted, late to Lumleykinin 3e1,11 tllrrt I toll Fanr` i ' .�` ' j a: said yes 2' J!ATENTED' 1870. 1 seldom visit „lye elon(lra,' Reid;u. Lily,' with a short b'il1 bitter knelt. Asti I certainly home he nt1)0k mea ` REE •kcr rs ro OTE • noble nffor of uis hs.tni nod ireettrt, both ____ ••I, of whioli tre1Lanre3 1 deelit4)'ll`,'� Maultfactured Sol('y '('.• Iy1NC*I,L, • Where 1' drrn oodetd' the utllel three,. Oshawa, Out, dos thouglh wi'12. one 11:171th. lo the laurelrivO))((4,' At this they all groaned aloud.. ' E0 �•1Cs- L�E,rfidi0u3. I1,U01t4lr 1' s,titt Kielty from 11e1' heart. to ntllierstaiul,' hexer i\fr. '- Warningiy,'you n13)33 go t0 this ball, Said Suouks, with a heavy groan. at, least 1ip to forget that she to any '0, indeed 1 Aug a veryollarinina eyes at alt. If Sou don't you• will pro -E business, toe, I make no doubt, Loads pose to her, to 3i moral.' I up to quite K train of ideas. Cern, boy,' said young Snooks, wra1131L1 lv. 'Do you think I can't look at a woman without cerurnitting myself 2 Do 1 look like a fool €' Whatever Mr. Wilding thointlit at, that moment, he kept it to himself. Before 11(4 moire next lie and his- eon - science had agreed to dissemble, 'My dear fellow, do not let us even 1(111t at Each a tiling,' be solid, amiably. 'I only meant you were .lightly—vee y slightly --susceptible, a11(1 that !lids K./tie has a curtain amount of plessing power. and that—I positively would give up this ball if I--' 'Are you guiug 2' broke in Snooks, i m ne t len fly. 'Fell, yes, I daresay I shall loot( in ab'ntt 12.' 'Then I (4111311 look in with yon,' said Snnokt3, defi'ently. 'Feet is, the fellow wants to spoon lier himself, altd 1'n't see the force of being eat out,' said till to hiulself, com- placently. as he rel down the steps of W:Iding's stairs. Beyond all questions the. Brown - rigs' hall was n decided success. The rooms were filled to overflowing, the ,'tairCaMe8. were choked;. the heat wee intolerable. Sir Thotnas and Lady Hitraios had actually put. in an apps tr- ance after all, and the supper, if un- eatable, was. I assure you, vers expen- sive. No pains or money bed been spared ; everything wag what the mite trees of the hnnse called 'rug regal ;' and all the Miss Bro\v)rrigs looked as charming fes any one could desire. Th 're were four of theld. There wits Katie. the second (lan'liter— Snooks' friend, and the po33ess(4r of the lovely eyes. And they were lovely; 1'rrge, 'Reel' dark, mid tree, mid tender,' like the Nottll, according to the lame eate ; 'black As slued,' said her fond if slightly oppressive ell, titer, and of the languid, nleltatlg•order. Then the, e was Hetty--the eldest girl. who, if her eyes were not dark 3113 emenloht, had at 'Pest the dearest. lit - 'Deer me, bc*w s?ihcl(ing I. Raid Mis3 Lily, frivoluttsly. 'Let us hope time will mend it. 'm 11 (t very sure' ;woo if so -•-telly ? Dou't all speak. at once. slid not speak the truth at first. Well, well, 31)0 is ,t Pretty girl. Such 1 reeliy believe it is kind, nt'y refusi'llg eves, you know I I really eongratu. von. And now, Mr. Suety s, if I were luta you, rely dear fellow.' 'Wilding,' desperately. 'can't you d0 something 2 I-1 (100'1 know how it uuppened. It. was the ohampaguo, I suppose and of coarse you knew ahs i e ci!.B"b,, L'.'_>Y.i:7LE,R. Bazar Patterns-, They aro tended to FIT ANY PIGURrt anaHe aclj n sto:l that the moat mexilerien1Pct, ,vitlt the (eltl 4 1 He priuted ilirecti MP whiclvttee ut !)any et el suit, 44(111 secure it pa th'C11iit. 6.'11ay tore' chcal,nr 3(1ti0 any othtts, ONLY 20 frL —TS i'€):t1' A' COM- PLETE, SLI -'13. Agent for Exot r'hnd sieiiifte, RV, aridit is tryleg ter the conetitu- kiss ill the woonligilt. € Dine anyone Ie 1eSIMIiv,ko call niocittl HUintiKk to 1117 well' pretty ; but 1 don't want GO marry iLllyl. al)Ullt anywhere a• Uh141 t"IUluent 2 .Fuittin„uosloto order.. ,>,'gneas:tt,plyofhes: Snooks tools the Mut, bade feer'ewell <1 es:rumnl culthikl,'red hismoonier sora ul „'ays;a, inure. Please ell). and examine' one, and 11(uuw the guveruor wouldn't y 6 to Mrs. Brownrig, who, to 1l1A 1lrertted st .1.d.W t a,::44 ha' )np411'.' siugel:3e\vLu,e. Ilea- of it.' Rh ange, not rl bit, 1411(E! What one reeds,' t)ppositol a,1Hun K 111ocicr elt'id €)'eorgie, honeettly; ' but I throeglit o1 the title and the property, tend I' eltid yes directly,' • 1 thought him the very gren'th.st trnff I ever anoke to,' broke in Miss Lily, wimp decision. ' 1 refuted his ill,' retnrnPll he, gloomily. 'Piet I fel without a luorneut%s' lrerllLntiou, tined y' told him to go home: r'm sure it viae lowed your advice al]cl pi ollosed to 'sell welt I did. I daresay if he lied stayed ILII,' here much longer,. he would have pre - 'And they accepttlrl you 2' puse,l se matlima g)1ext, and ufter\vard 'The 11)0flt of 'em. But Lily, the to the ripper 10n3I emaid. 1 agree wie'h � - youngest, elle— you, papa, the ehllml)ltgfl6' Wt1.8 too' 'I always said she was a sent=iblegfrl,' much for him,' j.-1 put in Mr. Wilding, sotto voce. ' I—I—thiel( lee i'1 fond of. me,' said Z 'Did you 2' with 100011 surprise. 'Katie. ill a low and I1•enl1ti)g�tnlltl. g h1/ve seer) Iles' 2 tutus 0142 major Sterne assoreei' 1,h^+Il• of I"nllM ( its x1t(rLt evo ls,• 4104).' li_r',r1i,'):aus (((1t)u^C'oltv))114a,ll3)4101 • He will hove to heal of it now, Irnagl'latlln,. appea•'ed to reg,Lr,l him we'n't he ?' 413140(1 Wilding, unfeeling. already with a, motet and motherly Fye, 1!and taking \Vikiiug s arm, drew him 'Ile would go out of his mind if such out of the house. a thing W113 eyem Elaine to kinin' de- 11 ell , said the other iutereogali- olared Snooks, wildly. 'Try to help vele, rue out of it \Vildiug, can't you 2' '1 don't know whether it is well or I don't gee what there is to do, ex- cept marry her. I only hope Lady Stooks and hies Cornohand:er wilt get 00. And yet) ebenl(1 tither of her beauty, you know donbtlessit will cou- sule you when Sir Peter cuts you off wit) 0, custuntary shifter, ' I enppose 1 had better cat guy throat and put an Emil to it ' said Snooks di's- i/.4. .D.+ Z'I Lam. molly, athen—overcome, hen—overoome, uo doubt, `iVell , she refnae(1 me ; "31' of stint she Her fingers (Lre not playing with the 1)v the mel• uchoiv of his suggestion- I wonldu t have me nt Kny grins. So cherry colored ltuw now, but her eye - you see you leers wrong !' idle have harrowed largely of its tient. ne breaks down and give*) way to tears. 'I say, 11011'1 do that, yon kuow,' ex• claimed Wilding, indignantly: 'Weep- ing all over the place won't improve matters, and will only melte you look a worse fool Plata nature iuteuded, when you go oat of the room. If you have ant your foot in it, at least try to bear tntdfo)'tune like a 1T1a11. Jaoo'k here,' angrily, 'if you are going to keep up tits boohooing I'd leave the roots, and yen too, to your fate. It's downright indecent. They will hear you iu the )text house if you dant moderate your grit -f.' • A4 the nearest house was a .gnarter of a mile off, t'hi3 was severe,' '1 ehould)'t caro if they' heard hie '1 always knew she was one of the ' 1),'1't be a geode, kettle,:' :said the most intelligent girls hever suet,' Mr. youngest Mist; Blrowul'ig, kindly butWilding repeated; 1n a tune so deoidPli scornfully ; you don't suppose atb4 of tis wound marry him now lifter thwway he has behaved. D., have a little The next morniri aA Bate Brown- Pilaf': Pel'haps he is mad.' eahl Betty, rig turned the angle of the hall that led vaguely. Just at this moment,. 143(4 K to her fetne)''s sanctum (whither a solve to her wounded vanity. she would sense of filial duty beckoned her), she that 1104 companion for once had suffi- cient. sense to refrain from demanding an explanation almost ran into the arms of her three sisters, alt converging towards the same spot f('otn different' dire -tions. Simultaneously they entered 1 ro en- rig's study. (He called it a library ,•' but that word is toy often profaned for (Tae to profane 13, SO 1 811811'draw the town,' et study.) lint to lleturn. Miss In the next town,' •sai(1 -Mr. ..Snooks, Lily• heist the 11in est was of course tie pogo iu the world. A. pore Greek %vim was unit(+ too far izc ne for shame. Lily, y R ' feature, perfect'i0 ev44ry 3)0'110611 ikon; 'There is just one (Plante for von. the first to raise hal voice. want of sales iu the held'tint mania I had a eroposal last , night, palm. one long to tell '!ler ('0:11e, she would 'este only nue,' haul Wilding, slowly; 'I' and have corse to tell yen about it,' have an idea mid you most eitherfol said she, in a .tone ,4-epiete with tri- bronght til') about Dodo este her Phi '1'11 fulluw auythiug' eagerly. '\Vhat uulpu.• •' elan appeudaite.is i' `t' It is so sweet to the mind of' e•ontll 'L'1.4on 04Lnte Georgie--'George the , • .ka 1111ve pi•np0Rt d to Mies Katie,' to outdo its elders.• But uu this 00 - third,' as she was pia}'fully termed is 801,,u1 lily. 'Nosy go este propose to the ,00111 i:.ou.;y (lid elders. refused to be the boson.) of her family --'t ho, if she, other t)iie 44, swne.., Tf inwaach end all hatrayed. lead neither 11048 0of eyei+' like her sip- As Wlldicg gave vent to his idea he a smile of inward Aatidfactilil, aud tore, had certniel se a prettier month turned abruptly on his heel end left the then they .gave way to speech, 11496 binehea' 11aey were all mieely ,low it, or e0 to the alter. than either. A sweet, ltttlo, ki•sablM ens"had of IL 1r1nt}tl1 that pontell an:d knelled al eriettely, and did cuu31der- able execie 11, And filially thele wets Lily. . A tall, pale girl, with blue Pve3, a finely cut chin, slid a good deal of detel it'linatilrn all '(1)11)1. K /tie's eyes were larger, darker anti (when sloe looked et Snoalts 3111(. thongbt of ht, thml•1 u1.14)'nore rn('Itine thin ever ti311. night. h[or giros,, if slightly biz.m't'P, was iu400sely become r1)11111 4'11 do 1t,'" 'Raid, Snnnlie, valiantly, drying ilia tesn•s 41(1(1 giving hie breast it rag -ie. Lnp.'WV111146%441 00111ee.0f it.' Going tllt(1e11e'•114411 he saw Betty srandiug near` an Oiitt'enee ; w iittle be- ynnrl her was Ketioe conversing ,within 61e:IT,. ran1pal,y. increased dein e. for Feil lee Hari laukt youth. Not tiering to l H S' d because fora •ou of it, t have beet' Bled to believe lulu so. ' No, my dear,' declared Lily, calm- ly;' he has 110 braids worth turning.' ' He said something, papa, about calling today about 4 o'olaek,' eail1 Katie, very faintly. '. Then I shall sit here till 4,' return- ed Mr. Iirownri;; in an awful tone. • I shall sit here until 5; cud then I shall get up, aud' go ons and find that young than, and give bit» stud a horsewhip. ping se 1 warraut you he never got be- fore in all his life,' D,tn't be too hard on him, papa,' untreated Ketie, weekly. . • 1 shan't, illy (teal'„ but my whip will,' said peen, griu)(r. So •be waited until 5 ; lige waited till. haliepast five; and then he took up a certain heavy gold•knobbed whip that' reed - No 1' they said in, a breath. They, andinees,rL then ed l.:nallied forth the table as tinf leen alt did lint meat, to dnnbt. or be impolite ; of 'Snooks' morns.. And he found them they only meant surprise, • Tire °ciente,' stud Hetty. in a cmu• poll d but plainly cllntE•nlptnous whis- per:` It was a stage whisper.. , • ' 0 4 elitj.'r Sterne;' sltil1,Miss Gear - and Shooks toy'—,iu bed s;iffering from a severe catarrh, coiight, I presume, iu the laurel avenue. And 00 man klhows, tvliat' lie did to Suooks( lint )et leapt lie, .grave him an look ill the dlr(d11nu of thH latter, 45111 er last's ent•3" Lrna1144, snhgPs1P ford,ight wftel•)L'ald lie !lows.( attired plainly expsoletl hie) to (5orue t I Katie, with some'`1Vnlpatby. Tlaey I s r1uR It tenting to her fatln'r, she'. said, with K\Vr bsn site. Wilding heard of all this, I regrot to say he gave way to 3101437 mirth in tete privacy of kis ehalnbers, a11(1 seas Iputnelly caught by his wash erwon se --who O3eped through the key'h''le—performing Ea wild alnico ih the middle of the floor. )tieleesked Uet.t;y to deuce. c s , y s range, page, but 1 too lead a propod`a1 last. They denote', mid than (it wall a , "14' 8"""I'''' (dr the) fir1t half•hnnr, Gnat„roe with the b.11•gee1•tl in 1)4441,' ala ht. kept hinl4Plf bri,901y aloof fi;otn her mild 80)31I b,Ln neil�labarhood) 11(1 drew 'And '411.1111d T I' "%alnime(1 GE orgae fkselrlatinnR, deoli11ed to notice her rr+- 1(81. 11131 wider the i le,tlllitl�g 8,,tre end and 111 2'y t) 14 breath' ) oncffnl eleeeee end !1(4/11 sin) lei! 1tttt ?' said papa, puelriing up hie l 1( Ilp the"11LC1( avenue ,that a. 'few! mitint(S 111(103, 1111(1 foe reward e•:1H wretched. 44(•4300 woe, the S6t;1(0 U'1• her •telstel''n 1.11111• kt1entucle.• L1(3 w118 , fat and 'pudgy, 1.'i11rlly, br,i)e (nivel, into 'a corner es, with sandy heir,and aflabby nose. lie r1'horo he prnpnsPd in ilrle fcr toe, stile 1 was it pnwerfnl 111811, 100, au9 nese 1u1- tele%l$1111t to 00111e f( open (parted with. wee agent Steeeltt((1, Letoty's cundnrt, lode d.; was *t rhalld It 1c'gree more two- i�ro'inH,tla 111 111'e 131•nw)11•Iq hoar, (si'l'o few pro,,,,p).011„ Este bet w('rn---ily foci, ctti,io'-i d11r1,'g It el1t141 HP) of 114(1 CPrM, 11e 1)1Pt her eves. 94459 a' d w'18 ooligiterel1, She 191)11111 delete the next with him t YON (u',Idlv), , Aed the 4iext 2 Yee(more Ztei,'), ); iill(l, 111+' ninth—lie 0834 ° Heel 110(1t,c4(1 than 1S'atte'.e, l)ecltllse lie laid lies —a)d e„ meek woe as the pi, i" site is is'ugax(-u for it 2 yo,,(11,i, her head noon 11)') shoulder, and lie described fulling into oue day 6401- ti Lie guile was 11111 ). felt he was by all theletvs of beutiuieut powered bine, The rev 11"enob AtedteteeenresSpel rc,terr3tre IMPOT} N CE, wr,(1 all 803)4dt1H Col:q t'a,Lults r'e' snlliva in i.03130f ere )ory, serious impediments to marriage, r'r. at (le/nevem',std. Tae per ooa: .4 for !f �. �iolaj 09 elrtegg(Hta everywhere whofo- 81aie—LYIk e,N 1119„ N eta Ute•, Toronto. Sent by r 0 0 A P'1 ati11 Ahead ! Lock at It! Made and Sold by us only., 'We are also showing a8 usual the largest and best: aseortedsnoul; ut Stoves and nett. v ,ire• To be seenln the country—co11'1stia3ni Cook Stoves, Parlor Stoves, Box (Stoves,. En endlega vnrietp. A full stool( of 'thea i•e cf a17., 1:141,18, ren intuu;use iLyaurttueut of Lamps and Lamp Goods! Which 540141e selling at enormously low priee8 lest price bald' for 11Iitle8 a"d sheep errurot ,mina i.' t (084 O. t.',tt40. 13ISS1'1•T 13ILO; . 1rmatt) ltn.r•g.nr .a,,,.at.af ,riot): +AtldrreR. ikn3)3131 i 12 411( .14 «.x 44,1,1 o&it.e i, 0.. Violate',• 4 W ji