The Exeter Times, 1880-10-28, Page 1ocentosateeeetteesettestakentie
Vol. VIII.
Exeter, Ontario, Thursday, October 28,1880.
• 1011 BAZ,E.-- --AN EXCELLENT•
PAUV este., itutt!leed lttkeet au tike London
• troad, hrst oatietesiou titO
ifE.x.s. ell- A piny to Mik. IVs P. fileitl T,
• miter, • ckuipist 14 lap.
• -
-1013, BALE Olt TO f!&N�
• for other pro rlArtAttre litAttos and two lots
to -the tciwuCintf ".V...11 LULL i!..orttS' to J. D. Ellis,
ITOUSIft LOT rN 'ER F()11.
SAL lq C ff KAP PEE C value.
• toe prmetbv is situated on NifIlliatn. street, ,plat
house is a entry itald half brisk containing
rooms, a closet and A WM:bilked.. Eor further
particulo its apply to A Lake, Exeter.
V 0.
owentatosee one- third of an acre et land
situated on Nelson. t�et, Exeter. The house
contains:4 C0441.1A, upstairs and 4 (ownstairs, till
well finished. Thati t. well of water
also a lira -ohm weatitshed en the prOWASCP. Ap.
• ply at the Truss otlith.
CL STOCK.—..laere will be offered for sale bY
pendia auction, on the moraines, on Saturday,
1.1 otober i,ISSO, a vaitttntle farm of 3.00 acres, ay.
property of the late Philip Rader, befog lot 10,
souto Heueslari, Ontieum lino, Hay. 'Mere are
St acres cteared. and la U g00(1 tit'ao of cultiva-
tion ; three gond well -t, good dwelling house, good
nuu bartintel good orohard, There will .&$O 110
at qUasItity (it LIALV sold by the sou an.1 a large
)thit of M.M..riono,1 leuxuar and a lot of Flack Sale
et lo es'elock u., iu. AU persons having chains
against the estate are requested to present theflt
to the nutlet tuned. on or lintore day of sale.
Jon licauturn Womrsats, Executors.
}lay, A al:test Co 18Se
ueer. Sales p Immtly atteutled to. Days of
sales arranged at Ws eitice,
4. tato forthe Huron nrie Loan Savings
". Society. Low rates of ititoresi. Apply to 'Them
Spackteau, Exeter. •
-gor rent. nacoreing to terms. Special ad-
-. vitutageS to these borrowing forYlour Yea:* and
spa ex ils . Apiny to
October ;5, V, Solicitor, Exeter,
t"..e.v..L mess seastesoes vs a Real Estate ci .10r
bawling purposes, for the Dominion havio.,,
*. investment Society, of Loudon., (hat , Or any
1 umber of yeare from one .to twe met. Apply to
till& SENIOR, Plietegnalaber,.Exetex.
J. MARL Agent4fortqabe tJ
.L.N.Irberne.tml Uo.ttialEire lneurautt.t.
Connally, Itesidence.- Out qitivar, ba,o
• promptly akamieleillo.
A e, Lena Sur v.eyer, „will ra the
Hotel,nIxoter,en. thefirilt Tuesday inouch
tuestli. i/cders for..-ttork left with air. Julie.
'400.01mi:um wale aveirronp pt ittonition
Taxidermist an Natureilist. Beasts rola' Birds
• i'tuffed and Preserved.; in' the most approved
- style. -tn stook Mena, burgs variesty of Pictures,
- sad :Pictures freetnedi inthe best and cheapest
• -style. -Main Street. Exeter.. . SUI
• 1"1114.F.: • EMETElie GREEIN HOUSE.
Alilz,nds.otiVirinolow and Plants.
..13' asciug Baskets and Vases filled to
order. 04.1rsbage., caulidower, celsry
:up). wootats Plants in soaron. Job-
bing (gardening carefully attended to.
Canadian 11,nd. American -Fruit , and
The Groat Lone Land-
Dear Editor.
Having made up our tninds to rice
for ourselves that great Lone Land eo
muelt talked of, Mr. R. Senders, Mr.
D. johns, aud niveelf, started ou „Fil•
Any, the 18 of Au. last. Desiring to
enjoy the lake breezes, we decided t(,
16Ize passage by boat as far as Duluth.
We reached Kineartline, which it) 60
miles dietant from Exeter, and find the
vessel will not arrive until Sunday ; en
we have to pa ett the time the beet we
call, viewing fee flue harbour aud see.
log the good 'folks of the town until
Stindnet morning, when we were right
glad to see the "City of Quebec" come
steaming into the harbour. Meting
got all nn beard we left at 7.80 a. m.
The captaitt, first mate, put•sor, and
stewart did all they conk" to melte the
time Pass aft pleasantly. We were all
well pleased with the accommodatton.
1. will not dwell much on this part of
the trip, as mar y of yonr readers are
GO 90me extant, already familiar with it.
After touching at Southamptou, 28
miles from Kiecardine, distances
will be given from last place temed),
we cross the lake to the Bruce mince'.
At a stall village on the west shore
we firm see Indians in their ,conioal
shaped bark tents. We pass the Brim°
mines on Mouday mornhig (distance
150 miles) of the Rost shore. There
seems very Ifttio goitre on there at the
present time, the woe being nearly all
closed. We were informed they did
tot pay to work. We How glide over
the 811100th surface of the water past
the log honses of both white and red
men. We pass many a iovely Island
tuid wood covered nook ; now coming -
to thickly •studdect with ceder
covered Islitude which with the high
• • k
rocky Mate for a sok wontd
) , nae
the scenery grand iv. the ,extretne. We
pass St. Joseph Teland on the left, with
nothing to distinguish it from the main
lansi. We eatch sight of the two towts
divided by the Sault ;St Marie river at
:10 a. w-40 riles. On the north. or vonte. We were very much disep.
fiatmetiau shore, we gee some eery flue pointed on fitoliug our vessel would
dwellitags. We now.erose over to the
lithe Michigan city on the south hore.
Thisdmey place is fall of Indians and
theliatt curiosities. Friend Sanders
seyseeteLet ns take •a .peep at 'Ilitcle
Seeneobig guns,' so we pass jute, the .
graeeyesuclosure. Ili Oho tf ntt'e etends
a flag strati holding tech! Sam's colors.,
Tbis is Wort BI ady, wiele its oilicere'
quarter, barracks and part of Anil- Williatn and Prince Arthur's Landing
lery. Fiend Senders teed three others for some years. The residents of the
gave an Indian 0. to pilot them while latter say.there will always be a de -
they sheet the .rapida, the Sergeant citify in boats getting to the Fort, atr
said it was about tbeibifvest shooting the Saila bars will contineally block
.of the kind he had ,ever done. Oue the river near its mouth, owing to the
Mould think it was imposeible that all ileeady mentioned delta, while at the
landing at Dander Bay there ie a
natural harimer where vessels of the
largest buliden may ride safely. The
people of the Fort say the Landiug
can never be safe without a great deal
of expense for a water break to protect
it from the Ftormt4. Fort William was
iptended at first to be the terminus of
,the Canada Pacific. Iiiiilway, but the
tit AO people of the Landing willed it other.
wise hy.grauting a bonus of $32,000 to
lerg; seven miles, .
continue the road to the Landing, twine
n the, -This part of the read is now oorn-
goo pleted. Troins run out about 146
r, the miles. ; As this may now be termed
reito the; termioua of the C. P. IL R., as
, thp /tent: as iteis completed most of the
(mg. grap,igroWn , in the Northwest must
poar through here to seek, shipment
il iielte,Bnperior.,, This Will 111) doubt
henome OW a place.
andhe now dieplays roach pourAgeoend
cooluese throtigh all the detiger.
couldnot help laughing at friend Stead. Lome LEAGCTZ °Ronnie neemethitto AGR'
era, who was Going his utmost to atifik RIAN CRI5INN AND SYGIPA'XIIY WITH, 'ME
a lady whose enormous weight WRK 133 CRIIIIINALS.—VIE IRISH
Oct. 25. --Before Mr. Par-
oell left here for Galway one Saterday;
a tong conference was held by the leuid
teatime to decide what aotien slimed
be taken iu view of the determinatiou
of the Gevernment to prosecete the
League. It wee decided to adopt itn•
mediate measures to Realm a complete
orgauizeti n of farmers all over Irelanet
so that the general stake ageiost the
payment of rent might be pat in foroe
13 OE t year. It was decided to appoint
et, general organizer for all Ireleed, ns•
misted by six district orgaeizers, whose
duty it would be to establish a, branch
of the League in every parish, so that
the organization would not }internale
ently in ease of the prolonged imprison -
intuit of the Leaguers. This phut will
be pat in operation immediately. Mr.
PAreell has telegraphed and writtou to
Ir_ Devitt, urging him iu the etrong•
est manner to remain in Ainericetu
organize aid when the prosecutions
have autually begun The action of
the Government will probably lead to
-tire disappearance of all remaining hose
than double that size. Koministiquis„ tility between the Fenians andI the
on the west, fmene a delta as it mop. ) Land Lenguere. It is thought that
ties its three mouths into the bey. The tbey will combine thruughont the
village with its white honsee gradnally eountry, in the face of what is considerrisiug higher as the distance from yen ed a common- danger,
increases, presents a grand appear- IRONCLAD r everts,
item After landing at the wharf, we
iable Maim exists among the
pass tip Art her St. Tire ground con- C°"111t er
tinues to rise gradually. After about
laudlord ease. Orders have been re-
s half Mile walk we reach the hush eeived by Dublin tailors for armonr-
plated ulsters, and several are aotually
grouods, where we get a flee view of
Atte villttee and harbor, and also Than- i" Pr"e's ("f 'ilaul/fli'21112re'
der Cape (1400 feet high), which rises , TES emerge" ON PARNIML'S SPEECH.
to our right int we stand hieing the Loudon. Oct 25 —The Votes sutn-
bay, and whose rocky shores Are oon- matizes PArnellei argument iu
etantly htslied by the waves of the speechyesterday at Galway as mean•
great lake beyond. Prince Arthur St. ing that crime wet outrage are jaet,fi-
leatie into the well known Date son ed by the determioation of tiee Govern
meat to keep the peace, and the refus-
al of the bailee ot the House of Lot de
to pees a Compensation for the disturb
anee in the Irelend Bill. It says :—
"It is impossible) to mistake the
meaning of such aa argument, or the
purpose of the man who use* it." The
condition of Irelawl. and the temper of
the men w tot ere criminatly misleading
the people calls fordostant attention.
the neighborhed of 800 lite, terrogat•
ing• her as to the whereabouts of her
hushaud eke replies he lute quite enough
to do to take care ot Wilma After
running on our back track for three
honrs, we are enabled to turn and make
Silver Islet -240 miles. We see many
little red bon ooi on the rocks which we
are told form Silver Wet. This thee
is the mach talked of Silver 1eht,
where they have eta tick it so rich. It
appears 8 very mall place to be so
rich. We were la/teuila by toe clip.
tain theeit took 4 million dollars to
build the wheel or water brake, A.
very busy place. is Silver Islet, and
this licit wine is all owned by it great
American company. •After a, short
stay hare we ere off aud soon pass the
great headland off Thund r Cape.
After about two bouts sail we outer
'Meader Bay -21 mil, Sailing to
the Bay a e get a fine view of the Heim;
village of in Arthur's Lauding.
Thie place received its name from
00103381 Sir Garnet Wolseley in. Liunor
of hie Royal Highness.
For years ago this place contained
only 1,000 people. '10 day it -is more
The yardmaster of bile Greed, Trunk
at F Erie was killed while, °Dueling
car, there a few days ago..
e I t n McDonald jnwnatl from a
cool car going at. considerable (mew
meth railway at Swaney. C..13„
milm . fr'.ctnred his leg, from the effects
et welch he died pi a few hours.
M Belleville Hr., Henry JEkodgson
was thro wn frotre iiie,hutegy and severe-.
ly injnred about the head: and neck,.
[tin ynntig man who, drove had pia left '
Rom (motored in two plaoes..
.At St. John, N. Bo on Steteley,
Jemee Fox, cook of the, pilot boat
Richard Simotds, fell between the
wharf mid the vessel. and was crushed
to death, a heavy swell.causing the
'vessel to pitch seainet the wharf.
IttiP4,1;ly nicht at twelve o'clock the
Grand Trunk Railway re -opened thier ' .
Footion at western endi of Preecott, for
peeRonger and freight traffic. They
nre doing away .with the Prescott Inac-
tion and the brenehtirafe.
A deepatoe Irem Dueinvillte says the
barge Lady Cate of Merritton,, towe&.
by the eng Dooglass, on the way from
Dunnville to Cayuga, swamped oft
knger's Paint. The barge was owned
by Mr. W. Hamilton le;Ieeritt. No
lives lost ; no inearakte.
not call at Fort WrIllatu, more especi-
ally our friend John's, who wnnld have
liked to have settle the much -talked of
Neebiug Hotel, where f.ittuds of the
late Goveremeut gained tomb laurels
by purchasing this grand sciffice oe
stilts for the accommodation of emi-
gron ts bound for rhe gt wit Lone Land.
A jealousy bas eoisted betweed Fort
`Clenantenthl Trees. Orders solicited elle water 'that es continually pou
net settee, coon euerenteee. WIi .MURDOCH.
into Lake Superior from so m
soureee .was passing over these she
,rneiiis. Some seem to thiuk tleei
au under gr3und passage Gil/
Willa it makes its way to ttte rive
low. After refreshments we con
our jouruey, and euter the first to
the canal at 12.80 p. m, ; on our 1
the large ebip cane,'1, its locks ar
feet wide, holdhets ig feet of water
Will& of adurAting vessels of the
gest burden on the Lakes.
l'altoirlre trough -we are soon o
waters of Lake Superior. MI
well et) fear. Darkness falba ove
food of. the deep, while we talk
011'. friends to pass &Ivey the time
treeino strikes up in the cabin,
:do w
✓ be -
ck of
eft is
money tui mortgages, notes and other
• .thouritie.a.sikkeuts and accounts collected on tea.
rociikle.teetme. Insurance effected in first-class
upa, les at reasonable rates. Oilico—at Dr.
iU futtinali'S, 14412 S reat zoom.
?AXE, kIsTbh,ONE.Elt FOR
era- Islet receivedleerinsesainent Oluatiortgages
t(L,eJ cent.
...11 Ota..reettfloalvbie florins.
tAreasimerotttestameneeeter friend Sanders befog ot a getue
ilhaNTAI TI4GEONS. position, and having the knack of
fug himself generally agreeable,
eTtitotgatir oweilboni,ce opposite sarawen.
seem to leek for partners as he
in the me of eleadrillee, and ge,
.714FAUOVED-4:.iiNSMAN, DEN- Sir Boger wits pp the dee
wirno ved • 6.• _ , After bidding one ft jowls good
1111c4ii:,three We yap?* to onr berths. 3.4
Voorir north mornitig 17th, there is e dense f
'dote. Office 1111111
the lake, with rain, the wavelog
1 die -
cow erithit 80,000 acres in eetent. with an
Geperal of time Comoehnlar
We left the laneTing at 6.80 p.m.
TheOfirst thing that attracts our at -
%option after leevifig is Pie bland,
angry tes eye plough our way the
112‘. m-reetvithin 80 omits of Silvit
London, Oct. 25.—Matthetv Harris,
one of the speakers at the land meeting
at Galway yesterday, asked whether it
were isetter that one bad man be- shot
or o hundred families be di iven from
Irelond. He said, after wituessing the
eviotiou of learners, he resolved, if the
farmers shot the landlords like partrid
ges, would never s.ay a word against
it. his ipeseb was received with
cheer, and be proceeded to 'ilenounoti that is in the city, for being under the,
an agent by name, but was mildly.. re- Government test. Messrs. Renaud,.
buked by the Chairman of the meeting.
• The Atkinsatt Bros receive and send
roore. mall mutter than tiny other basic
toss firm in the counter. This is large.
ly owing to the frequent demand for
the Ailsa Craig's Stave; of wuich the.
Rept Thos. Atkinson is the proorititere
The Cosiclette of Ailsa Craig, lately
po heityily fined for selling liquor to In-
dians, and •also gelling without licence,.
have not SS Yet been sent up, eicknesse
ithor real or feigned preventing..
The surveyors of the Credit Valley.
Railway were in Belmont Mondey
legating the proposed extensiOnof their
lineofrom lneereoll to St. Thomas..
Mr. Third Marshall, who has acted
Rs Chief of the Port Hope Volunteer
Fire B.igade, was presented on Too -
day night with a valuable purse of
money subscribed by the citizens.
The Government has direoted.a sur-.
vey to be made of the title of every
squatter on the Coughnawaten Indian
Reserve, with a view of reclaiming the
property belonging to the natives.
The ladies of So Andrew's Chnrob,
Sarnia, opened a bazaar in the Town
Hall on Wedattedav, the proceeds of
which go towards the Bnilding Fund
of the church, v,hich ie being recon -
strutted so as to greatly enlarge he
A sad neeident occurred in the dna&
rennin of N. Webellikere, Mute railed
of Bartle, Ont. A derrick need for at-
hig•stnne fell, striking a men named
Peter Hill and injuring him so serious-
ly that he died Monday night,. Demis-
ed WAR nntnarried.,
The Collector of inland R'evenne at.
Quebec on nodally 'made a large seize
nre of coal °ill; in foot, has seized' alb
Queenstown, Oct. 25.—Parnell at a
banquet at Galway toolay Said, oI feel
3onvinoed that if ever yon call upon
your cnuntrymen in Americit for help,
and show them there is a fair*,chapee
Ross, Turcatte and others luta taro
lots confiscated. At the forme e gent-
leman's over 400 barrels were condemn-
A drowning aeoident is reported
itt Collingwond. OMR. (1011144,* only
Ron of Oat. George Collin', lighthouse.
of success, you will have their trained, keeper, with e wan "'"'"d 8°"nt °11
organized assistance for bresking, the their way from Thornbury vitloffe
British yoke. Menday • afternoon, Collin*.
being in the stern of the boat, stood up.
for some purpose and fell baekwardir
London, Oct. 25. -e -J. B. Killeen, into the water, Befnrithe boat wild
speaking et ti banquet at Galway sun' be ironed he bad sunk. He leaves a.
day, declared that every letter that. wife end mend smell children. •
came WORN the Atlantic orought Ire- pewter merchants eeeeheeo *rouble& •
land more elomely to 1lAmerica—they considerably of tete ley some youthful;
were in fact nu longer Ireland, but ono
of the States of the .American Union. barglare, and some time between SM -
Imlay night and MoGordaitniorttrolltth.
LOOKING AFTRIG /NE PMEARIts. et"re of Metiers. ant ee
Dublin. Oct. 25.—The fw mre
. hardware merchants,
!tree entered
40) altitude of 850 ft. • On its west'end ie • • y mined
t?.87,996-TOLOAN ON REAL EST/11.E. eat. The fpg Mill oontipnes, the
.At 7 Per Cent. blowing!), gpla from the west.
ample to V/IA LL, poast being oery rooky liereabou
th'lici'dor,Fteeter, paptain Lbjpke it advisable to tur
run before be Wind until the fog
eti_RIG:14.01,..1.4Soht.1-4:OorislyTtli Oita. Re%
qeet On tippling roi,nd into the t,
ednertenue NEW RotiSk x.r.W vini4o7'AYI'm pf the see, a large wave (tang!
440011) EA.MPE41.3134101USe 'corner of zoos sate , ,
elizennone streets. • poet on the broad gide and thre
Theo'clock, while a Norwegian entertains whom otmeifthea, by whom received,
the oil with bis stranger yenta. We plies tho 041" a Pertions who bought them,
0ece thronith the channel tot elose to the !tie and for whet paepose puechased
clove it would seem in the glotme you could
it stianoe, me-sleiped rook, from which
it derives its name. , With our ftlends
sit in the bow of the boat. witch-
ing -Me strange-lonking nbjeet till 11
a circular regneeting ell the constables
to furnish a weekly statement, showing
the otrmber of time and ammneition itt
their districts, the names of threw+ •to
rocch almost touch it, with your hand. DOMINION.
it the Friend d'ohns And I watch it while we
W ler
' 1 imaginary forts on iis stunt:tit. . Tani Powes, of • Wind4or, went
4k -0 an her beern Mb; at this time
Vint IttISUItA.NOVI CO011eY, OP Tionoli.,
%STAY:MUM') IS 1782.
AMMON* nstOliehed,in Canada. in1804. 17,14Insf,, storm bpfore, lie imegmed hie bo
tee unouto et all tho Eltooltholderee mut cqpie. We reaphed the cabin
Iteserve'Euivis. Moderate rates Of ofoiohot
• mash diftlenIty, etid to ' hie me
3011Ol, Ifs NO301 • ni nit eats .1140.feati tverel nreAtly
ocopr tt,nap?r. dsteut• et Oxetette ee . y , 7
johne awl I were hatween the but
tvehd, *blob le mount with nnaginertogune through R. hole in a rotten- Omit' the
eitit,rhe to protect the bay front an imtigitiary other day end hrootcht np,atul to Nod,
'fleot. The Pie le paseed arnutol, or, Totniny Itikerman, e 7 years old boy -
the only eon of hie mother, sod Mee
*MO W -who for the third time had gone
ud the eebin, and pot dripping P'••
By the pervous appearance of my
who hos) never experienceda
flcilk,?4,,,•,in other, woroe, we have pivoted ii:ound
nib tho Ptei hod take ourselves to oar state
66!nt't . • to the bottom of the river. Tommy
ut hod
• .
through the Imuk dooroehich was open.
ed heotmaking it hole threrigh the door; .
and reaching the bolt. About Ittfa,
worth of roan+ ciao monied off.: The
guilty partiee have not yet bean found
ont. „. .
%I'M; Dobie.jr., of Senile, met with
a serious no •itlime while out shooting.
an Monday moruinto The pin fattten•
tog the barrels of hes gun to the stook
fell out tie he Was walking on the rail-
way test*, two miles from town, and.
the barrels dropped out, mintine over
ni .ibeir. fall, en that the 'musk the
'pruned, nipples downtverd and mon- ,
'ales; turned towards the yonng men..
The clap on nittoof the barrels coming
in enntect with some hart stibeterioe,
exploded. aria the whole eherge of dttok
, ba.c,onliout, , ittid Tam modestly rejoittaa hs snot, ylyble 14, ittiont the
geving Pim, mid &wogthi, s eesoest, anklet ItLittertng the bone in ufUob-'
van OtilOrti from a
, watoty grave, -tu. ugly and pentrul wound.