The Exeter Times, 1880-10-21, Page 8•
a3, btNl e'S 1',lAlirts OF FARMERS. since diene 'cry, lie it wits fit orat're.
•..-- ported tee 19}iving le tail less tharr a de -
There ie ,)rob lbit not one termer 'in gree look% . n:iairt'e 'snipe the del'ente
len thrnsarid ti 'lit keeps re Ret of no. lunch of tietttt attached beyond the
v:rtnts fermi wt3lbh ite'ei411 lit pity mo' limits offa tivlcl•bfView covering I,e1r1Y
II learn the"c est of ariytf:mg` ire 'twod'tigeees, ti]e tall extends upward
ahoy. flans tleodtt At, or malt UV
en$11t toward the iteilhl e tend apparently, pre -
of 111$roti proviol'ly, �''"r Lien a dee.the the bend matted of following
here who ht;ve "Ilieti biete'l lit 'tip tb ir•.' Still this tenunt be stated eith
leieinees White Vet) aloft '',Eit:n{rite, f'reend.iiinitt a as the exact position of the
'and are Able to tall how thw h' niffaire h-bttritet Melt re errnce to the son has
_have prr'g'•e4,t3•t, when ettoliearep, east)) Itnet' Mt leeen determined, brit probably
"1ti'td of et,ru'i, oreiteli an tretlt;iltus'anst, �"st<llte'lt)' d y.or two. If the tail t•,
'rind whet tenthilrndttces, .unwinr 1 jtirtreedit,g tke 'enrolee, as appears, it
theta ?'lutea 1'rtrii@er elft1 'Ic, t:) 1S verer "'-s 4rt 'lrldlaatinn that the comet bus enter) t, properly dr:iftle what 1'rrt'3iert 1te perihelion toed la.. reeedine
'(,mle he will row, and nhot 'ilii ell ot:''f nit the stun Tixie comet is by far
'etnek be Trill ty keel+•: HeHe. thee en, :the largest risible here in recent yaers,
ilble to alloly iii. arbor 1sZl army's intrIl'l may 1i'ar'11re a very conspieuitis
teller'' it 'volt cin the toilet 1 Neil r' n i rn:lje?bt.1)I . C ,old, of Cordoba, recently
call weed telt hie stock Mutti.r• nie,y cleetairerpd it barge comet in the eolith-
shell neonte'et RK nl tom; bet Ine t .mill ' i:rn- aerie itt'llil4pliere, but it ryas trot visible
fen •1or 'the want re anal. 'litiilnrlit+tlent, Jill the north, The present visitor is
venters ,3.lirli'tne, veer niter year tri all etc. eelit+nt object for exnmi'lation
teed e'WF :l'in't Ra'n'it np411.Rn't le, 'illitrti'it tIt-e spcetrnsaupo• The study of
f egliently Cell for lees diet...her ''Rate unttttlts with the spectroscope no'v offers
rr,o rhnt ie the tree of the Teed, be- the stireet ttle,tnt4 of determining the
''ctiler) the is; not kwr,nwu te.te 'sir bet. , beat 'olntr,actl;r and composition. The
ter tlle0, the rest. ':.''rel is • ,r,•i:n will% iteesent etlnet heave It nigh nittentfl'111;
r•d u'tnn ill•bred areola, i1.e 'keep til prover. A. power Of one llntutred and
, "•hinh costs three or forte tii,5'es -of well f,fte diantetere show that the mucrons
d)red n'iimnle, which, Ote ll'11q beet `Is !,renally eondonsed, shinin'I like a.
''prr,vetl by figures'i hieb'crulteet,'b be mil,. star in the centre nr eel envelope. A
talkeli n•tv a (Kegs profit nu their keep stip h'ilrher power a in be used to nit
two, For want of'kuowing ivi,'at tl'tev 'vrt91'tiieeP, strewing somewhat the strue•
Peet, pnnr trope wee. r1 i it"yre ey ;seer tote off the heath.
'tat an aeltual lose, pi'Jvi1tiui 't he termer's
inherent the rates 'cra:tent fi.u' cnrn-t '-1
'melon lab r, wee, .:stee eeeei rgai.n4 theta.; TERRIBLE EXPLOSION AT CHI-
T() learn that he Ii`se been a'rrrl;i',a for; CA(}0.
fiFty cents a ri'ty 'Tring la 'ni:atio"r nf" ----
'Feriae, while be 'hen been phi; frig his. A terrible explosion nocnrria on
i'e1n twice its nitiolt,' wcitilti open the- Friday evening last at the Garden City
'eyes o1 manv,atferaeter whn''ttrteettetnally. Distillery O.ilnpany's works, corner of
'been'ilning thio,'and'it wotild "convittce: Olydintfrn avenue and Morgan street,
him tiled theta is sole rake ett'•f3guresi killing seven persons and severely in -
an cl
n-and boot: t;eentn ts•
'sv 1 it vli'ritCTE MkX'' 1318 IIEP1lea AND
` r 01113ER.
juring four others. Ari exneriment
%v.:0'1411)g tried of the new st'S'iniiug
prncees. Tns corn woo put u hol3 into
a rtt11rn,th kettle, 18 feet high,' and
thele a strong preesnre of steam applied
to Puree it through the pipes into the
masts tub. The pipe became choked
r up, stopping the passage of the.swollen
Mr. 'Stitnev, ff iV rttieglirm, Eng., in corn, and instantly increasing the pres•
rl. nobliahed eriee of 'Uset:tlt Mite Tor stere in the kettle. A tet'rifsn explosion
the Penner Pretiefeettinn of a Carriage,' fell».,wed, blowing the root` off the build-
• Bays : A cai'iiiige,;;loud be 'kept in i•lg, kitting ontright or hurrying be-
an airy, dry enflak'tltinee, with a incl• .'teeth the frilling timbers. sctldinu
crate iarn aunt 'of li la, ottierlrise the (tont and debris, ten men and (me W )-
'•colore'will be'destitei 2d. There ebonit, man who bappeue•i to be in that part
'be no 'onlxtm'•un'io.:tion between the of the distillery. Andrew Daly, Jacob
iitablee end the gnash bore, The K,tknskrt, and a than called "Sandy,"
manors hear, or 'jilt, should also be were killed outright. Jneeph Husnnir,
dept as far'ataay'r:sl'poesibie. 'Ammonia His. Husoel, Jfritn't Trainor wi••e
cracks varnish add fades the color.•. buried in the ruins. George Sohoffar
'both of painti:l 't4'td lining. A car-, was takenout fatally injured about
'liagensver,"n.ititlerNety eirenmetanees, the Bead.. The otlhere injured were
Omuta be put aivey 'dirty. Washing a,, Edwnrd Kitimat, scalded ; Henry
carriage, keep off titie-aur. and'have the Fisnher, scalded and cut; Henry Zero -
lever end or the ''setts' 'toove-f with feta'., severely injured. The entire, eu-
'lelither. L•tse plenty 'of rwtit'er, which newt •room and butler rootu was torn
' appy (inhere practicrible) n ith "a imeentereplacies by the e:tplosion.
' or syringe, teking care 'tibia The "witted:
is naldrivetl'itito tlretsb dv 'to'tltt line
.'.jury of theli icing. tWleati`-fo'r'be'd Witter
vas not atteinttiele,t!,tie y or 'tile rtbody a 13om; nftall•
large soft •epbilge. 'Title, re'lrett same• Mr. David IL Craig, Allan 'Craig, it
'Med, si liee,o oyer'tt'e jtnnels, and by 'en ;v in NlOtltreal, attending to some
'tile flow down of the water, the dirt, heavy shipments cf cattle from that
'Quill ''soften itn'n tl•/arm lesely run off, port. He has recently shipped 1,000
tther finish 'Witte a soft chamois leather
and oil eille 'handkerchief. The salve
lremarke'ipply to the anderworks aud
'wheels, except that when the mud is
head, averaging frnln 1,400 to 1,500
lbs., and from the best farms in West-
ern Ontario. .A considerable portion of
thein were fed on hie own farm oxprese•
'well in tked, a soft mop, free from any ly for the export trade. Freights are
lbarcl substance in the head, may lie easy and favor shippers,
need. Never use a 'spoke brnsh,' Isabella Cusick, wife of C. Cusick,
winch. in oorjauetiot with the grit
'from the road, acts litre sandpaper on
the varnish, scratching it, and, of
'course, effectually removing all gloss. sum. of $80 and. abets for selling lidn"r
Never aalow wetter to dry itielf on to the 'rename, and -in the sum of $20
the carriage, as it invariably leaves
Adria Craig, Wlte coneieted'at a magi:,
trate's court, held in the town hall by
Squire Priestly and the 1itoeve, in •the
'stains- Be careful to grease the bear-
liugs of the fore -carriage so as to allow
'it --to torn freely. Examine a carriage
r coasfonelly, and whenever a bolt ,or
;slip -appears to be getting loose, tighten
iit•up with a wrench, and always have
iaittle repairing doue at once. Never
.raw out or back a carriage into a
eo'tch-honae with the horse attli,ehed,
as more accidents occur from this than
.from any other cause, Healed curl -
newt should never stand with the bead
down, and aprous of every kind ahould
tie frequently wafolded, or they will
kion. weal.
Rochester Itetstocrat : -- The new
.e- met discovered at Ann Arhor Thurs-
-tlay-eveningwa.s readily found last even-
vening at a littile after seven o'clock. It frightful wound mode on the fureheed
liar; moved .a little to the risrht and be-
low Alpheeea of - the Northern Crown.
The stranger was viewed lost even,h,g striking hits with a rang ou the heath.
,with a three-inch. telescope and a At I+iargtr,a, on Rttttrd,ty, a Peng
;comet eye•peioe giving forty diameters. meq named 'James \Vett, nrie of the
cn.rpeti era working on Dr. Grove's tiew
bnilding, fell from the scttff.ilcl, a die..
tatice of sheet twenty-five feat, dislo
eating both of his wrists and receiving
internal injuries and a inmates. of erste
And bruisers- abnnt the Bead and lege.
The fall gave him a terrible shock, and
and costa for selling Bahner within'
license Six Inonthe and two tnnuthe
respectively in the county jail is the
Tile burglaries of Toronto Rem to
be on the increase, Some of the de-
tectives of tll,tt place say that servant
girls often assist -in- etch c •sea.
The Parkhill council and Mr, Ma
Leod are at loir'gerhsarit about the
ousts of the arl;itratiotl betwtleli the
parties, And the whole- difference is
owing to Mr. McLeod requiring the
expenses to be taxed. A litte suit in
the division court has cost more now
than the whole amounts at issue, and
yet it remains utieettled, .
An East Wilfiame! post -office --that
at Oratbie--has been. closed. The
business there writ. lint Ruilicient to
warrant its being kept 'o Iger open.
A man non named Fahey, of Mark
barn, fell down dead oil beh"ldieg n
The first view was startling. There is
zi very bright centre or nincleils, while
the soma shades Off into the dat'lnlcse
very slowly. giving a broad and beantre
fol head.Ae the e} e''eelmes accgatonled
to the brightness of the head the tail
comes itli0 view. Tho tail is quite
broad where it is attached to the noad, it was a molder be way not killed.
And gradually whiting Put as it sweeps 'I'liree boys were recently caught
out into apace. At some dfstatice frotnstealing apples frein an orchard near
the heed it appears divided, showing $arristou. They ;were taken by the
two distinct brushes of light The , owne" of the orchard into his house
potet peust Liana grown rrpidl7 lari 111 '664 plataed lq 6 cotter of a rout, while
the farmer gathered all theittlsmbers
of his fan'c'ily to witaeia the',tlextt part
of the performance, A basltelI ot1, the
timeliest and snnreet applies flea* could'
be foiled web ltlneeii befe't'9 'i,'tset2t+1- with
orders to eat, . Tire hope thouslit i+t 41
sig j't411 at: fir'.', bete before (hell' got
through )rifle the boo+ltet tlreitr faoee
ct) tilted shapes seemed tient., the f'irtn-
er's frtmlty and hired [-uvnrte being joctet
Off to see that eraah eat tells sharer Wien
the sour apples in the Iitsiket were eat•
en by the ertptive yoih'the the farmer
',aided a little good advice, treed sent
t�iosn home to digest Bireix ;meal.
Tan Albert 'Hell, `.C'oront i, Atpostle,
seems uow to be pub'li'ii property.. His
talents are said to be of it very high
rder, his morals of the lowest, He
hat but a slim chance of any future
sympathy from the public. )lir, Leslie
has been under the necessity of dl eg-
ging and kicking him ont of Airs, Les.
lie's room, and stet side gave him a
good rautmeling for being there, sfr.
Leslie has w'ld off his )nruiture and
left Toronto and hit wifiit to theft. re-
epeetive f.ttes. )a Henctford it the de-
stroyer of much peace .i�a fiu:inilii's,
of the 'World's 1)ispe»gary. and Medford
Association of Buffalo, •or whish Dr. R.
V. Pierce ie preeidsnt, consisting of it
figure of Aeaelilapitts, the father of
inedioirte, the globe, fitly
symb'1Iikes of the world-wide repntatiou
pitied by the family medicine's of Dr.
Pierce new manufactured by this in-
corporated company and sold in all
parts of the world, With a mam-
m'th e.stabliehment, the WorJd•s Dis-
pensary and Iuvettid'e Hotel in Bnffalo,
and a o"rresp,ruddifrgly large - branch
establishment in London, 'Oda Aseocie-
tion make medicines fur the whole word
—not only that but they personally
examine and treat with special medi-
cinei ttlunsiinlli of saves--Aneong the
most celebra•e,t of the proprietary or
lir family medicines are Dr. Pierce's
Golden M Diseoeery—the great
blood puriryer, and Dr, T'ierce's Com-
pound Retract of Smart Weed --for
bowel ellectlons, colds and painful at•
tacky, RS colic, neuralgia, and rheuma-
tism,—I'avorire ?t'eseription furnishes
relief from female weakneesesn and
kindred affectidne. All sold by drug-
A specific) remedy for all summer
complaints, snob as dinrrhwa, Canada
cholera, cholera morbus, cholera in-
fantum, sour stmnsch, griping trains,
and all derangemente of the bowels
caused by using iwprnr)er foots, such
as raw 'vegetables, uutipe or sonr fruit,
bad milk impure water, changes of the
season, expo,rre, "No natter from
what cause or iti what furrn you are
snhjeet to any of the above complaints,
Dr, .Fowler's extractor Wild Strawbe'•ry
will relieve yon, and a speedy cure will
be effected tlithout injnry to the sys•
tem. It is manufactured. from the wild
strawberry plant. and free from opium
and other injurious: drags. For sale
by all dealers at is. 10id. per bottle.
Now that season of summer enm-
Onints is approaohime, every individ-
ual should he gitar.•ded by it proper re-
medy. The most lileasaut, snfe, end
speedy cure for diarrhoea, cholera. mor-
bus, dysentery, cramps, °hobc, tiansea
and all bowel complaints is that old
reliable medicine, Dr. Futeler'e extract
of Wild Stra%berry. All dealers stee-
ply it at 8n cents par bottle.
Nn other medicine the world was oyer
given such a test of its curative qualities as
llosoRzeii's GElnruN SYRUP. In throe years two
'Milieus four hundred tlt•rsand small bottles
of thissnedicinewere distributed free ofchest
by druggists in this oouutry to those aided
with Consumption, Asthma, Croup, severe
Coughs, Pnennrnonia, and other diseases of
the throat and lenge, giving the American
people undeniable proof that GERMAN SYnvr
will cure thele. The result has' been that
druggists in every town and village in the Cs.
sodas and United Statos are recommending it
to their enstemers. Go to yoar druggist and
ask what they know about it, Sample bottles,
10 cents. Regular sirs, 75 cents. T'hreJ doses
will relieve any case.
Nearly all diseases have their origin
in impure blood and improper notion
of the liver. Cleose the blood,regnlata
the bowels, and keep the glandular-
system in healthy trtotion by the nee of
Bin -dock Blood Bitters, gild, aiukneas
will be a stranger to stir hnn'+eliold,
BilIdock Blood Bitters is split by all
dealers at one driller per bottle. .
Au old uhysician. Faired from practice, hay.
Ing bad phased to Bill hende by an East In.
clic missionary the formula .of a simple vege-
talilq remedy for the • speedy and. permanela>
ours for (onsutuptinn, Bronchitis, Clattarh, Ast
thine, and ell' Throat and'LnngAtfections, also
a positive anis radical cure for Nervous' De-
bility and ail Nervous Complaints, after hav-
ing tested its won4eifnl curative powers. in
thousands of oases, has felt it hie duty to maks
it kuuwn to 1)is,sutiaring tt Ilea s. Actuated by
this ,native and a desiril to relieve rattail sill-
, I will send free Id charge to. all who de-.
{ sire it, bilis seeipe, in German, t'.renob, or Eng-
lislr,with fall directions for preparing anal ua-
naming this paper, W. S101tAi4Iu
1ing. Sent by mail by 0,1.08 ng with stamp,
, l lLt e LAW Solicitor iii Qhanoor33'., Notary
Public, Conveyanoorr�o. Oflioe—error l4xohango'
i13ank,,l,xetor, Ont.
R, HUT.CHII SON, Member of
�� ter'
s College otl,lry4,ioiaus and Surgoausoti
t)utario, &a, &o„ ()Wee next door to I. Qarliiugs
Main Street Exeter
• nit. UYNDNIAN.-001,10N1lasFOR
#-er the County of Tinton.. irMice ,mextdoes* to
iMr.'.Ott ling'satere,Ex'etex
W.BROWNING M. v., M. 0.
R; S, Graduate VtotoriaUitdreraity' Office
and residence, Don aioi' L-lObnChtoir. 15xotor,
C. MOO.1UIt, M I). (l. M. is Graduate of 1Ir,Gilj laivorsit 1;outree)
Ulaloeand residence, axe tor, OM't. ( I ours--
eboloa. m and ?
R. J. A. ROLLINS14 i. C.• 1'. S.
0„ Victorlis. St. Crediton, Ont, dobe hours
.)LU'1'7, M. D.,
'. Unice at his rests°deuce, Natter.
V ENNSITY Trinity Callege M ember°oil eluc
Puvsicianr•,incl surgeonr 0n;,.. r iticeTtirkton.
Tho great
Sierra Nevada Smoking Compound,
Tho only positive curefor Catttrrhyet discovered
vOB SALli ;1Y
W. L S1fITI-1, General Argent, Arkoua, Ont.
Ce- i ac rd See the Plover Plants.
having purchased the stook of Messrs. R, & E.
Senior, has removed to the store lately oc-
cupied by them,
North of Post Office.
All kinds
Flour and Feed Alwas on Hand.
in groat variety.
leaving added to my pump machinery, and pro
cored a large quantity ol first -plass pump logs, l
am prepared to offer an article
Superior to anY Factor in the County,
and at prices that defy nompotition. yells and
Cisterns dug on the shortest notice.
Beforepurchasing call atthe Hey Pump Works,
r.Sbop--One-quarte mile nort of Exeter,
London Bead. Ray T
D t7 ]E1
Humphreys' Homeopathic Specifics
Proved from ample experience an entire
success. Simple, Prompt, Efficient, and
Reliable, they ore the only medlclnes
adapted to popular use.
LIST PRINCIPAL Noe. even . P0105.
1. Fevers, Congestion, inflammations, .25
2. Worms, Vt or•m, Fever. Worm (011e. .25
8: (ryins Colic, or Teeth,ng of Infante, 25
4. Diarrhea 'thlldren or adults • • 25
{ n
rn.a o
6: 1/yventersy, p Bilious Colic, • .25
O. Cheaters `t'eel1norbus. vomiting, • - .25
7. Coughs, 0014, Bronchitis, • • • .25
8. Neur,dMta, Toothache recenshe. • 25
9. Headaches, Sick Heed/whet, vertigo, 25
10. Dvspepeln. Bilious Stomach, • • .25
IL 8n pressed or Painful Periods, - .25
12, a rtes too roles erioda - • .25
11. Croup, cough, LitnCult cough, • .25
14. Soltf`hol1un, ErtstpeiaL i2rlptions, ,25
15 Rholunn0,,
,, Rheums 1c airs, • .25
lf, Fever and Atrue, Ch111, Fever, agues, 5u
7. Plies, Bllad or Bleeding • • • • .tc
19. Catarrh, petite 01' chrome; Influenza, 50
20. Wheopin Cough, violent Coughs, .50
94. General IJeblllty. Phys'l Weakness..50
2I. Ktdney Dteeese,5a
28, Nervous' nehllltr, Apermatorrhea, 1.00
ao, LNnnryWeakness,wetting,tthe Ded,Se
82. Illseese Of the Heart, Palpitation, 1.00
FOr sale by druggists, or sent by the ,Case.
orsingle vial, free of Char e, en reeelpt of
pprice. aetlll fol Dr. Nwnphreyh' Hook on
Dlsen r,. n44� papes), also Illustrated
G tindtcg,es '. f"RL.E.
Hut) phrcvs, Ilomeopnrhlc
Med. Co., 109 'uitun 8t.. New York.
'or,aale at the D0141'INION LABORA-
The stew F^anchEEMedlclnecureeSpermaforreasci
Suittinng ui Losss O Aleatory. serious serious itupealment bo
merrfage,oat depression, etc. ?Sc per box'
for ltd. Sola by druggists everywhere. Wbolcs-
sale—LYMAN 3311OS. ' CO., Toronto. Sent by
mail, eecurelygsealed, 033reeeiptoftpriee, Address
Imperial Medicine icine Battu.'. &mat t P 0„Toronto
Pl.o r,. Tri I .,r r, .i''l► le 4 i
Send for circulars explaining our
1'ew System • of canvassing
A gents hove won dorfbl. success. 100 Nr'BRrrZtn-
Bus TO 1,000 .Our publications. are -
standard. Address,.
'I'ltellenry'tull Ikenli. Co.,
47 43 and.45 ih0tneket st, Norwich, Conn
Loan and Debenture Co'y
13ave removed to t'hoir rew oliree, Cbrner of.
Mwike5 Lane and Landes Street, uoxt door to
the Molscws llaull,. anr't are receiving •regubir
moutitly remittances of English capital for in-
vestment in mortgages 011 Real Estate,.
STRAIGHT LOANS AT 7 and 8.P•erGent.
nerot'ding to the class 0f 8001114by, offered,
Savings Bank Branch.
Apply personally or by letter to
London. Ont, :Munger'
TRADE MARK.'rhealoatE.ngli'shTRADE rARuf,
fug cure for Semi.
nal Weakness,
Spermato r rb a
Diseases that fel-
low as a sequence
of Self abuse, as
lose Of Memory," "•n��
Before Ta net fie Pa�v nage after Taking,
Baek,Dimnese of vision, Premature old age, and
many other Diseases that lead to Inshuity or
Couaumpbion and a Premature grave. I Frail
particulars in our pamphlet, which we desire to
send free by mall to every one. 1 'The Specific
Medicine is soIdby all drnggistsat *I per package
or six packages for $5. or will be sent bymail on
receipt of the money by addressing
TOTS1a� Sold in Exeterby all druggists,�and every-
where in Canada and the United States ',y whole-
sale endretail druggists.
N, B —The demand of our business have neorss-
ati,ated our removing to Tononto, to which place
please address all future communioatons.
.. Having commenced businessfor the
Fall andWinterTrade
We aro prepared to purchase any quantity of
Pork, subject to the following regulations
We will take off two pounds per hundred if
dry, and three pound if soft. Shoulder stunk,
twenty-five cents. If any of the bung gut is
left in, 25 cents extra will be deducted.
No pore will be bought at any price l j
Wart n.
We want all Hogs Cutting sriglit through
breast to head, and Hams opened ontto tail;
r (% J. PETTY.
This great nousonold Medicine ranks anion
the leading necessaries of life. These Eamon
Pills purify the 13s,00a, and wet most powerfully
yetsootningly on the Liver, Stomach, EidneyR,.
and, Bowels, giving tone, energy, and vigor to
these great mon, springs of life. They are non -
ndentlyrecommended as a never failing tweedy
in all cases where the constitdtion,from rrbatoypr
cause, has become impaired or weakened, They
are wonderfully eificucious in all ailments' Meii-
denunl to females of all age; and as a genet a
Family medicine are unsurpassed
Its searching and hosing properties are known
throughout the world.
For the oure of badiegs,bacl breasts. old wminda
Soros andUleere, itis an Infallible remedy. If
effectually rubbed on the nock and chest, an s0.1t
into meat it euros sore throat, Bironohitia,Cougbe
Colds, and even Asthma. For (Mandela,: Swel-
tinge,Abeeseee, Piles I,'istulas.00ntltheumatism
and every kind of Skin Disease, it has never been
known to fail. ThePillaand Ointment are tean-
ufacturou only at
Anel are anlrlby all Vendorsnf Medicinne thrn001-
011t the civilized wori i i with directions to tamest
every language.
The Trade Marks of these AfeclininOR 'ere reels.
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