HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-10-21, Page 7!MIR TXMES
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Bookseller, Exeter.
,�FZ,le treks. iilje41.
;,TIIUESDAY, OCTOBER 21, '1l 80.
The Vo tale Belt Co., Marshall, hitch.,
Will send their celebrated Electro -Voltaic Belts to
•'the•afflicted upon 30 da35 trial. Speedy curos
guaranteed. They mean what they say. Write
to them without delay.
THE largest, beat and cheapest assortment
of shoulder braces in Exeter, at Central Drug
Store. C. Luiz.
Fresh arrival of a splendid stock of Boots
and Shoes at Chas. Eaorett'e,
Mr. S.E.JoNEs,has a large stook of watches,
docks, jewelry, silverware, etc., on hand,which
he is selling very cheep. Those disiring to
purchase anything in the jewelry line would
look to their advantage by calling on him and
examining his stock.
!� young man who has recently taken a wile,
says hn didn't find it half so hard to got mar-
eied as he did to get furniture. He did not try
Jelin Drew's furniture store, or he would not
say that.
Preparations for oaring et -ler, at the Cea
tial Drug Store.
Ir is said that the streets of Exeter will soon
be lit with lamps.
REV. Ain. WEBBER, B. C. tninietor,: preached
in Cleveland ou Sunday last.
REv. urn. GUNDY occupied the pulpit of the
Presbyterian Church Sabbath afternoon last.
Tire early inorning tia]u,frrom London has
been very Iate two or throe'times lately.
TUE Tam O'Shauter hats are becoming quite
popular among the young ladies of the town..
" Mn. J. \'. Howeno will relate his Manitoba
experience in the TIMIIS next week, Look out
for it.
adrertiseznent for this store was ozewaed out
this week.
Rev. Mn. HoLUEs occupied the pulpit in the
13, C. Church on Sunday evening last in the
absence of Rev. Mr. Webber.
r IN Tower.—Mr. M. M. Roscbrngh,of the To-
ronto Telephone Company, was in town for a
few days, visiting his many friends, who wore
glad to see him.
Succsssrnr,.--Mr. C. Senior, our village
photographer, took four prizes at the Kirkton
fair, oue beiug for the best work against keen
Tits MAREET SoALu,s.—Tire market weigh
scales have been awarded to 'Sir. Robt. Spicer
fir the ensuing year for the sum of $60. Hr
commenced his iluties in connection therewith
nn Friday last.
GOT HER CaRTLFICATE.—Wo are glad to
learn that Miss Dickson, who is now teaching
in Exeter, has secured a second-claes certifi-
cate as a result of an appeal from the decision
of the examiners at the midsummer cxanii.
WE underefttzl1<i that it is the intention of the
Young Pei plc's Christian Association to have
a course of ententaiuments, similar to the one
of last winterideiriug the coming winter months,
They deserve good patronage.
1?tz1ST Pu ze.—The judges of root crops for
south Faroe Agriottltural Society have oom-
tleted thein labors, and although the prize
lY<,c in rot rent y for publication, we have learn.
e 1 that Mr. Je,mes Pickard took the first prize
fax znangokle.
Tuts Care and ,front of the engine of the
down train on Monday morning Iasi were
covered with snow to the depth of three or
four inebes, having ]aid over at 'Wingham.
on Sunday night. That, must bo cold
Mr. barns ORE is it► great demand as an
anetioucer. We were present et Mr. John
Rosy' sale in Stephen the other, day, and can
testify that Jr. Oke is in every reenact a first -
ohm arotioneer. 'Mr. Roes wan fatly eatisfiod
with etre prioes be sold the articles at.
Ott.—OU Wednesdny morning Mr. David
Jewett received a telegr.un from Vargo, Dakota,
luforinitig hint that lits lou►igeet brother,
'J"'betnaer was dead, and: that leis remains would
be brought on d;lattu%Ay next, tot determent, to
Clinton, where lie formeLly resided, Mr, . br Foveal eotu a convenientnuele, one Staff,
Johns was well known gonna Exeter, Raving; 'amine. lent the money en the unsecured note of
been raised here. • ' 4.4400. The trensaetion. had ellthe appear-
• anceoha.xeality, while the plaintiff contends
, Maumee Som—Mr. J. Il. }Ip ward has left that et soak' a mere fraudulent pretense, all pate
in the TIMES office a prairie rose- ani! n. wild tine. concarring in the 'fraud, In the second
suit,., which is an interploded issue, Sheritt
had obtained execution againet Samuel Beattie
under which the Sheriff of Huron seized cera
taiu goods which had belonged to Beattie, but
.tbe son James intervened and claimed these
goodsas'kle, alleging he had got the goods as
well oho land. Sheritt alleged that this,too,
was fraudulent, -and that in any event the
'traneaotion was void against him, as there was
no billof site rogieterod and no actual and con -
tinned olzango'of possession, the father still
living "on the land as before the alleged
sales, Mr. B. V. Elliot, of Exeter was solicitor t
for Sheritt and Messrs,'McCaughy, and Rolin-
eted''for the Beatties. Mr. Boyd, Q. (;,,,,,nd i11r.
Garrow'appeared as counsel for Sheritt, and
Mr. Moss for Beatties: Vt. diet for`pheritt in
both eases,
hop which he brought with him !roes Menitc,
be. They are growing in the' same soil iu
which they grew iu Manitoba,, They,may be
seen in the office.
Trte,lii,►bxtrut. Stout.—The flidt,fall.of "the
snow, the beautiful stiow" for the Season was
ou Sunday evening last; tine da' watt extreme-
ly cold for the early time of the yoar,aud about
nine o'cloek, the snow fell in small quantites,
On Monday moruing the ground was covered
It quickly disappeared, however,
RIPE IlearazBnIEs.—Ott Tuesday evening
last, Mr. John Spaokinan thandcd tie a branch
pulled from a red raspberry bush which was
thickly covered with ripe berries, They were
the second crop and were as large as the first,
and taeted equally as well. .,They were plucked
iu the Township of Hay.
CATTLN Sau'MENTe.—During the past few
weeks, extensive shipments of.cattle nave been
made from Exeter station by the local buyers.
On Saturday last, Prier et Balk will shipped 80
sprndid steers, 4 carloads, to Jones dr John-
stone, of Montreal, and Mr. T. Coates shipped
one carload. A large number of sheep have
also been purchased by the Messrs. Petty, of
ACCIDENT.—On Tuesday last, while a couple
of men in Mr. Verity's touudry were working
at some . belts on .. the second floor, a large
sledge' weighing fifteen pounds, fell through
an opening in the floor near hy, str'king Mr,
Frank Sanders, who was working there, on
the bank, and knocking him dawn. He was
unable to move for some time, but finally re-
sumed work. It is lucky that he was not
atruuk on the head, as such a blow there could
not have failed to kill him.
TAE PARLOR Coxcsnx.—One of these popu-
lar entertainments was given hi aid of the ex-
tension fund of the Methodist Church in Mrs.
W. H. Verity's parlor, on Friday evening last,
The parlor was well filed with au appreciative
audience. • The entertainment was opened
with a short address by Rev. Mr. Gundy. The
musical and literary part followed, and was
well received.. The programme was finished
at au early hour, 'after which Mr. Gundy au -
flounced the pleasing intelligence that the pro-
ceeds amounted to over 531. Wo understand
that another entertainment of the kind will
shortly be held at the residence of some other
member of the church.
A HEAVY Loss.—On Friday Iast,at the Birk -
ton fair, Bissett Bross., of the Exeter livery,
suet with a heavy loss in the death of a hand-
some cbesnut mare, one of a matched team
which were known for their beauty iu all the
country round. They had been hired to soap
peddlers to go to the fair. Early on Friday
morning they let the team out iu the Kirkton
fair gronnd,whel e a wire was stretched around
the horse ring. In galloping around the ling,
the came to the wire, and which it is supposed
they did not see. The mare stumbled against
it and turned a complete somersault, alighting
in such a way that one of its legs was broken
below the knee. Efforts were made to set the
ler, but they were unavailing, and the poor
beast had to be shot. The peddlera paid for
the borse, but money cannot repiaee.the team
which was broken up. It was one of the pret-
tiest teams to be seen in a day's travel.
MANITOBA PnonooTIONa.—On Saturday last,
Capt. Jas. Howard ceded in the Tam office to
show us specimens of wheat grown iu Manito-
ba which he procured when visiting that Pro-
vince a few weeks ago. The spring wheat,
which took first prize at Wiunipeg—a sample
of wbicli he kad v'ith him, --cannot in our
opinion be excelled in this older province. The
next best sample was grown on the farm of
Mr. W. H. Trott, formerly of Exeter. The
kernels were plump and hard, and ought to
make first-class flour. The yield of this cereal
is much greater than in Ontario. Mr. Howard
also had with him a prairie rose planted in its
native soil, just as taken from the prairie. It
is a small shrub about a foot in height. The
soil is a heavy, rather stinky loam, which, we
are told is about a toot and a half deep. The
Captain has formed a very high opinion of the
capacity et the province, and will give his ex.
perienoe to the readers of Tem Terns.
RITT.—These two cases were heard together at
the Court of Chancery held iu Loudon last
week. The first was a suit to set aside a cou-
Toyanoe by the defendant Samuel Beattie, to
his son .tames of a 56,000 farm iu the town-
ship of Tuekerstilitli, county of kauron, make
on 2nd Juno last, said to have been made to
Sheritt, who is a creditor for a large sum of
the defendant, Samuel Beattie. There had
been a former stilt between the parties heard
at London last May, in which Sheritt snowed -
ed in establishinghte claim against the defend-
ant, Samuel Beattie, After the dhoisiou iu
that suit it is alleged that Samuel Beattie con-
veyed the land in question, with fraudulent
Went, to his eon, a young tnan ;just 21 -yearo.
old, and without means of his owri, The on
alleged that ha paid a eons}deratiou of 06,000
made np of ainortgago for 03,000, hie notes
tor 111,500 et 4, 5, and 6 yearn, endorsed by a
lila brother, 'i minor and of no means, aqd
5100 in cash. 'Me cash, it is asserted eras
Coulson, lkr'Eitrzz o,—T.he council met pursu-
ant to adjournment at the Market House on
Octe8the All members presont ; minutct Of
previoua-meeting read and confirmed. • Moved
by J. Pickard, seconded by (E. Drew, that or-
ders be granted for the following sn:ns : J.
Welehi 519 for• labor ; While et Sons, 559.18
for printing ; D. Brund,$1,15 for fixing engine;
W. Bawden,58 for balance of contract for drain
on Main street ; S. Littlejohn, 525 for labor ;
J. Winsor, $737 do; R. Rollaway, 51.25 do ;
J. Thompson,,,,,,$4.50 do ; J. Gillespie, 41.00
do. -Carried, Moved by J. Pickard, seconded
by E. Drew, that Geo. Emmett be collector at a
salary,of 5353•--Qarried By-law to appoint col-
leotoe, was duly read and passed. Moved by
J. Benton, seconded by E. Drew, that the
Reeve ascertain the probable cost of street
damps, altd`:report at next meeting of council.
Moved by W. Bissect, seeonded by J. Pickard
that the aleck ;give notice by printed bills
that the weigh scales will bo let by ten-
der on next Friday evening at 7.30 o'clock.—
Carried. On motion the council adjonrned
until next Friday at ;7_30 p. m.
Conroy. Ms'ETINe.--Adjourned meeting of
the council was held at the Market House
on Oct. 16. All present except 3, Pickard;
the minutes of.previous meeting was read and
confirmed. Tenders for street lamps were re
ceivetl as follows : E. H. Spackman, $3.65,
Geo. Bissett.e9.25 each. Moved by J. Banton,
seconded hy E. Drew, !that Geo. Bissett's ten-
der be accepted, and that one dozen be ordered
in the meantime.—Carried. Tenders for the
use of the weigh scales were received as follows:
G. A. K. McLeod, 540, and Robt. Spicer, 560.
Droved by J. Renton, seconded by W. Bissett;
that Mr. Spicer'S'tender be accepted.—Carried.
Moved by W. Bibiett, seconded by ,E. Drew,
that R. McLar@iii be paid 545 on contract of
grading sidewalks and ditching. — Carried.
Moved by J. lidntozi, seconded by E. Drew
that this counell adjourn nutil the nth ins'.
at 7.30 p. m. --Carried,
M. EiczurrT,
FATAL Ac x'EwT.—On Monday even-
iug last, as .,Mr. Wm. Doupe, of the
4th Line, Blltushard, was returning.
home in company with his wife from
the tea meeting at Cooper's Church on
the Base Line, the abaft beennto de
tached from the buggy when about
forty rods from home. Mr. Doupe
pulled the animal toward the fence
in order to stop him. The %udden
movement threw them both out on the
road., Mri4 Doupe'e temple struck on
the hard road, and she was killed in-
stantly. Mr. Loupe was badly hurl.
The deceased lady a •ns a very !urge
person, weighing over 200 pounds, and
this fact uo doubt caused her to fall
so heavily that death ensued. She
was buried at Kirktou yesterday.
MAsoNto.--It is rumored that a
Masonic Lodge will very shortly be
started here.
Musro.—Miss Lynch is giving music
lessons since Miss Hervey's departure.
She is highly landed as a teacher.
GoNE.—Mr. Parsons, er., weut to
Manitoba last party, on business. He
took with him a carload of butter.
Will be away a couple of month,.
A VISIT.—Sparks of the Tixar paid
us a visit last week. He thinks we
have a nice town and should be inoor
poratsti. Astonished at the businees
done here..
CrvILlza'xox.—Tenders for a Look-
up ars received. 'Voe to the Irnbibere
of tanglealeg. No boy over five, dare
atand on hitt head in the street hence•
forth,;,►rd.tlht o i'iEc' ►t nit ht to be s! rct-
ly prohibited.
No News.—The Donnelly excitement
having completely subsided, we are
now t attently awaiting the advent oi
the next month, when the U. S. Presi-
dential election takes place. This is
the next popular topic, after which,
the Paoido Railway,
Puoro's,—At Photo gallery landed
Lore lash week to bike up its winter
quarters: We.antioipato that hitir nil
t►nd standing collars will at once go up
itt the local market, nett result. Bang -
ea heir will probitbly become untvef+
eel Pelf Ib Zir.11es.
;E AGi.4 til '�, QO FIRAN .
.A g 1`icul. tu'f't t x
Mit.'.-, „s T: VERI2-17
Has.bbeezx appointol agent for • the sale of the fullowin:,r articles malntfaettt}•ed
St. Thomas and Beampton ,igz•ioultut'al Works
lay ,the
Improvd Royce Reaper,
r. endow Lark ` °pier,
TIGER .�...�,.., ,
These are all Warreuted, and hero gained a wide reputation . Satisfaction guaranteed
no sale, Any repairs or fatty of the above implements can be obtained from Mr. Verity
,'"r.ma. a .=t —
Visitors to London are requested to call and inspect our
stook of
Cloths and Tweeds for Ordered Clothing
Ready Made Clothing in GPeat 'Variety,
Gents' Purnishing Goods, &c.
We show the very latest New York styles for children's ;''ear,
BEslosw.—We understand that bir.l'�AeF'9►a'[tvr�ro ,tt •Q' ae►1.Ya. s
Hobktrik has formally resigned his posi-
t11u as head teacher iu our school, to
take effect at the end of the year. Mr.
Hublcitk retires from the position
cover, d with laurels. He will iu future
devote his whole time to Ills court, con-
vey' rr i'ag and . the r; u .iness. It is coo.
templated we believe to advertise for a
An indfntzgable epicure here, has
thin soasotl, we underetana secured
several barrels of much -rooms, Hs
sloes it systematically, visits all the
pasture fields in a radius of two miles
at twelve et night and five in the
tnoruing, Three spring calves alt
two sheep seared to death ie the only
set'toHa result, so far, of his nightly
,A.NDa ,11•Z Er
Flaying purchased the Boot and 5J: tt t;adfeof
W.12, Trott; we can now offer to the YL:bric Oho oi
Best and Choavesfi Stooks
of ready made work. ober oiheyect: Ian ureter, Wo
would also remind those in want of first-class)
home -ms do Boots gilt! S3loe', Served and uegged,
than wo easrolrpYtip Ih'eas *Nu *hat*IU give sats
Repair`ingd''rndettfovastttt'sfi6's incl eti$I3fs;e'Einrl
guarantee,). Call stud ace for' yefitr�e)yesa Doak?
forget the place..-isnarett's 13toala
'toter, Vebreary It, 1E80.
evidetee wits taken, the Wxgistrate'tf
Rave jndgmeu't against defefrdaert. The
prowlrngs. Bench thin tock op a collator charge
Goo,.—,batwitiltlbu:ditrg the benefit! preferred by Mrs, Cameron against.
effects of the N. P. ar•d the emigration Mrs. Nelson, whirl} was tlismissed with
to illanituba, two evils winch all g.vod costs, There sere at :►ny rate tire)
Grits consider as a visitation of Fro- persons well pleased with the result,
vldouce due to theTory victory of 1873; Mrs. Deleon and the constable.
the pleasing fact still exists, that in
Creditou we have not nearly sufficient
houses to accommodate the population.
Rents are advancing, and at tbe pre;
emit moment .there is not 4 vacant
Despatches from Ii•vlh►nd, iIieli.,
leave it no longer in doubt Ibat the.
steamer Alpena has gone down with,
:n the village, while several all on board. She left (}rand Have».
families have to !cava the corporational friday night for Chicago with freight,.
for aunt of houseroom. Qnrte a uuku- thirty passengers and a crew of about.
her of families wi.o are retiring front for or I+enough vvreto sh has conl:n
Work in the surrounding country are
giltere near wi-ecind to how these star
eointu here to settle down. Iu a few , re aertaiuly screekecl. rhe i,n p of s,
years, ae will have quite a large num-flatly, recognized as Uri. Brut leh was,
her of retired persons of indpsndent I u'n'shed sshnre et 111,4`1 7cl ``hii AI
m. ane in our midst.—We extend a petaa mus guilt at Dfariorr City, bfich ,
cordial welcome to all popple. '1'hislliti 1800, and. was valued at$40,000,
village is yearly becoming more at- l 51re was rated ::ti' 2,. stet!: was Ooin-
iritotive. Incorporation will be a goes han3,eoGClticsatrlr� Trs,ut;portatiun Coin
tion of the near future. The steam. barge 'Feder fa'srrpposedt
'to be lost and gone to pieces Un the
east chore of Lake Mioi,igr►n. She•
had a crew of ten men, and was' valued
at $6,000. All }lauds probably per,
NELsox vs. Centettorn—The parties
to thin suit live near thelvillage of Far-
quhar, iu the 'township of Ueborno.
The dispute arose froin a (Mel ,bzlong-
iug to the defendant trespassing on the
premises of the comphtittant, who,
while in the act of driving the ori,,
was assaulted by the dufenilant, The
case was up for hearing ou 1.Vedueaday
of last week before Squires Petty and
Carlisle, butowing to an error iu the
suminons it could not lata proceeded
with until Saturday, when the parties
made their appearance at' the halls of
justice, ani as' a necessary f►giiiendage
to the court, the ltxeter constable Was
present to enforce drders:i After 'the,';
. •s4
A petition is beige generally signed }' �
by persona 'living itl Luosn and Bid- i
dine!), praying' for the reieaaa on bail ��.
of the poisoners e'hur'ged with the Don-
nelly murder. The document is al•
dressed to Attorney -General Mowat,
and points ottt the result of the reoeltt
trial, tti:i length of time tile' prisoners:•
have been iu jail, the oirnifitt.,n of
their farina and hoards, and asks that
under these, eitotunstaneos the wnbetane
tial bonds of their friends be accepted
for'their'ap,pat► ante at the next trial,
It will be ftmewardeA to itis, tleirti lttt.iait
itq, a, ditY Wt' ivlr'a:;