HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-10-21, Page 4The Motlsons Bank. raco110011:3:4) 73'Y AUT .013 $41.10,410.114ZhYa UNA, 04p4tt44y$2,000000O,. HEAD OFFICE MMUNtREM 1 l'aoatAs WenttaxAv,. Esq. •- •Pras4'le)lt 1.11,II. MorlsaN ±rsi� , ,• 1 doe-.aaeee, Dsell, a11S aZ W Shepherd, Eau D L Maaphofsoll, p , U A Nelson, M P P, S H Ewieg, Miles Willie:no, --0-- 1.1,W trartn:(arve Ta las, 4tq•, Gill 31'4 oder, Jas. Er rater, Esq., :kr 4'a tasr 4r/et/Vail Helt.rCh, M. f stems, 1740., - - - zruspeoeni% Exeter Dranoli.. 131 gar C. BREWER • 1rfANAG1:I1. LOANS TO FARMERS. '-Money adveeicett to faaruiers on easy terms, on their mutt prontiss)rynotes with oue or more good e- dersers. No moitgagesequired asseeitrity. SAVINGS 8ANIi. Dt+PARTMEivT. Interest OnowcaZ on cieoostbs. Drafts an United States bought andsoid. Storl- 1•_ Exehaugebought and sold, Celleetious made in all pmts of the Dominion azul retains promptly remitted at lowest rates of Exeter A:nguet13th ISIS. e,ehange. G -m Tao Pope has taken a very wise are very patriotic in tone, etic weak to Itit:: 14lel anzie`eheita told Iteat'1;rl tri' i course, and One that 1111.18t be eoniulaud^ Ffi'lifte'V6xue tll0ce I) J More unity of feeling ;id' ,seta as by all reaee loving people, ii1, sum. (. liuporFarAt*' 'batponal sluya'ti'(1ns (teed' ` molting Irish Bishops to !tome, ow" there exists no i'e(t ou why there should � �' ., " counselling them to iutet•fere in no way with the interua1 order poliey of thee oouutry iu wbioti they live. voyermhomoilrassaminmpak STEAM iomna1tuicltti:OnbetweenBrazil auk, Canada le about to be shpeued. The steamers will pass in close proximity one, of material euterese to def' i+nee to several important Mosietan p Iris. et and Conservative alike. If prroteeboll dies, „me, itt}ures Rae' raters,, it it i'11 like w ,se' sent dx rssecu i8 811g�ested that advaotltge allallla Ila Shoe,kins,oawh :,. ... tntlte same ex"irent ltll�tte k�t),satva Chits -ins ... not be) the Domiuiou• of Oauada vrouila rift tn-day be in o .. a more prosperous• and 0011145 a,.... nrngeseive state then itis,. There•.Leno' Peas' Qft Butler II70 2 0 `t0+ Flour Per l+Uil .. G F0 to 0 +it) .iii 't At a it At.l '.S+ u'ui.aa wooed,. • mimeo venal' t (see to 1 nB' ee,to1ea OcTont i tS`l, ;C' 3�1'O' SI' ItEOI,.tYJ W` 0'9t wee tete AT THE 0 0 choice Family Grocery i14s tat 6:r FRESH LAID, o'J.o to n ee. s oo to alp -1, FR1 S:I OVS7'ERret 0"u5toett0+ sUfplloient reason wily the »scold all both kg' a 17 to ]^; side of pc'1'tties"should not toe tyre to 1 eye on all trade and reveuue )JneetuOrts. It is lot a flt3(:tiou of p.rineiple', bat Potatoes, per berg' :,. .. 0 ",0 to 0 60.1 Peaches per bus Apples per bag Rried Apples pr b... .. Rees, dressed per 100) ... ... taken Cf this circumstance to strike up tivest when it is found that 'mise- Vey per box Ilutonsper busu ... W �� �' Y `tom iW I LT t 7• u sa to eti+, f, ANGTtiS',, 25 to 1 wt'i 0 C to o eq: LI+,bICNS. ▪ 8 00 to 5 5+. 4 (10 so 5 1)O ; • 750bo8(10:` ,. 8 00. to 0 t1' , • AO to 3. t4 to Os' . 7 UU bo 7 (3:( 060 to 7.) a trade with Mexico, which could not Lion has revived the (ll•ooPiegindult t3ard ... 0I:0 to 0 10 fail to be:profitable. Nothing like. enter- tries Of the. country, there oogbt to be 00 further OPposition to it,. tot all prise. a',maid do, as IM'ltr. Mao-keneta'boo says Ile is prepnredt to do, jtiin beads. aid THINGS are getting lively in Irelautl. (labor for the common axell!etr•.o' d the Opponents of the Land Leagurers say t that the game of lead is like most other games—one at .\Thiele more than one side can play. They threaten reprisals. Prompt and energetic action ott the THIS PA 11 fimIbLor.fo("suilnod. opn• Newspaper Aclver..i;5ing Bureau (10 Spruce tiei nt),witreo advert. p ���®®e ,Street), aoutrnotsiutay iia®y ■6iPIRE�■ be Alae Or it ill ►)he ftetat units. TUURSD X. OCTOBER 21, 1880. THE tr. S. ELECl'IO1' S. The State elections now being held is the United States, as well as the pelade g presidental contest, ro se Il I bonds to a woolieu mill when the more than than Ordinary interest to Caned- I way imposes such nlgli rates that the this •ear, as one of the rincival f people are actually driven to ship their 11LUS y , P was de. produce by other railroads which recog questions affecting the result er 1SG8. There Ilize the fact that these are the days of oiled here hi September, , competition. is no doubt that the Republican admin• iatratiou under President Grant was extremely corrupt, and the popular opiuion concerning the Republican 'tarty was shown f'ottr years ago, when Tilden was elected, but. counted out. pitete is the saute feeling still against the degeuertate Republicanism of the preheat time, as exemplified iu tits leaders, and the Democrats. Have felt e rtaiu of being able again to elect their candidate for the White House at Wash - legion. Had they allowed the Repub- lican party to kill themselves they would in time have seen their fondest heves realized. But they were not aeouteut. Tliey desired not only that the Republicans should become diytate- ful to the people, but that they them- •sa.ives should have a glolioua platform which would enable them to firully pox- ess the euufidenee of the people— which they have not possessed, bfiiug regarded the smaller of two evils. In this they have made a mist:.ko which will, if ,ordinary iudicatious are to be uccepted,, prove fatal to their hopes of ruliug the country once more. !u shite of the elT-dalnoustrated and Z)laiuiy to be seen fact that the Uuited States have prospered nuder Protection country.—for the pros verity of its n:l'ennfacturiug as well as its eigri0lt'I- tural oommuuitiee. Wee in are future let us have peace about the- tariff. If poli'cical parties Mina thiTerr.let it be on questions involving polit.ieal. principles, pad of the Government is necessary to I but let us be au mitt en (j;uestions of trade and revenue. settle the "Irish Question." It's the t . only way it can be done. West Huron Teaelters' Assoolati;on. Is it not time some concerted move- ment was beiugma'Ie by our merohauts and other business men—in fact the town at large, for we are all interested —to fume the G. W. It. to give better rates to our shippers. We cannot see the philosophy of granting t14,1501 of a A. emelt acceptable compliment could not be paid a policy of Protection than that conveyed in the letter which Gou- eral Baueock published after the reverses of the Damocratio party iu Indiana and Ohio, in which he strongly disavowed the intention of the Demo- crats to interfere with the tariff legis- lation iu any such way as would Injure the iudustl•ies of the country. 'With a revenue tariff poliey weighing them dowu, the Democrats stood no chauce whatever. Evidently protection has not yet came iuto disfavor with our Atnericau Cousins, when both canal - dates fair the Presidency have to dis- avow free trade. Tete MAIL was quite ready the other day to rebuke a .Brockville paper which WAS indiscreet euougb to say that the ve)uiut iu the __cute) trial was a die- 11 to the Canadian judicial system. But it had uu such ui08 etiruplee iteett in advocating. a change of venue id the tees a few d;tys after•varcls, when, to sheer mason fur the chuuge, de- clared th;at "Lila rrbult of the recent Lila' made it evident that 1)a fair trial could be looked ler in L,lrtiftn''—Which amounts to Baying that the verdict of the must rigid kiud, a3 they never should have been t;nitty, just what its prospered befurte a eerteiu uuitnpurt- broolivillo Contetnp,)rary L1iouglit, It one paper was weptlieui the people against the rriauiters iu plain Eteed-Lt, the other 1ao}(ea itself equally guilty ey means Of illa011do, nut and adtlliukiug Class, becoming ivabaed wall the teachings of free ttado theotista, clamored for the repeal of the high duties that are now intpos- Ld foe the protection, pule and simple, TUE election in Brorne, Qnebeo, to of Leave iudnetrlesr These teae•pot fill tale vaoinlcy caused by tile death. et agitations have been foolishly accepted the Bite E. L. Cilanller, Liberal, use by the Democratic leaders as indicating held l;r.;t, and resulted in n elianrre of opiuion (lith regard to pro` the rettent of dr, D. A. Meausou, Con- LeCti:Jn and a reveuue tariiT as oppose eervative, over Mt•..l+isher, the Reform ton protective tariff, 80011 betaine candidate, by a I1htlj0rity of 127. :lir. c)1 (1 of guest prominent planks ie the Chandler wits eketee by a lnatjori ty of platform of the Democrats, who, as tae said before, wield have Deno wilier to that Prints was until 1878 regarded rte h.tve. had uu elatfortlt at all fur the ea Clrtusetvc,zive County. Mt•. Uhuui- ,)e,Jple to criticize, the had repute n1 ler owed Ills t'leetiuu to his greet per - tee jitpublicau party t-eiug quite suffi• suuul popularity, N0verthuiesa, the llsllt to ensure their ultimate tl'itflrlt)il. t03b of one scut la a serious wetter fur ,dlut the pubiie feeling was not opposed the it,il'or111 party iu the House, who t, proteetiulr tie recent eleeti0115 clearly rely on the pleeuniet1 unpopularity of; aud irrof ata! ly illdieate. Tae agitation P1.otectinn to early thein hack to vqw- w.L.s not natiuual, but local, and to the er. Wt)CatlltOt flee what lound:tt1011 orrur eomtnitled by the Democratic they have to re 1t their hopes upon, lterty where they adt,pted fr.e trade, we since ave tn, Feet their Shlki; ic, Char ;)lite safely attribute their overwhelm- levui c. gaga, feud, and UOty 13rotns hie sail unlealrstt-for defeats in the have rcvarsed their decisions of 1b78, ,lotto elcctiout that have thus far bean and replaced Rofurulors with Conser- vatives. heal. The rclsLllts, as the have ulrvady 'while the Govsrl,tnent have i)1'.1)tINted, are of 111)r'e Wait 'ordinary 1.eette:et t0 0 tnadiaaes. Protection is till vied que;tioli in Cenadta, Protee, t•i'11 L. 1s lived and flourished' in the Ii ;rtes Stilus for great malty years, Peet the beige': it is tried, the more it C�it etude itself to the commntl settee of t11,) po')tlle who uuquestiouably. (oriel. the ehrowdoat oomznerciatl uatiou iu the wu4Id. The septi -annual nxoe'•cng of the nts- snolatien Was held iu &oderiels High School on Frlday;,:t rid Saturday, O'ot. Sth and 9th. The morning of the •first day was devoted to an address Ibv the Preside•rft, Mr4.-' I. I. Strang,. D. A., a detailed act(' mut of the nrocee'ti- ings of the Provincial Association, and the reading of minutes of previous meeting, which .were confirmed. The afternoon session cernrnet,eed at 1.v0• p. tn., when ItTr. J. W. Morgan, in a masterlyaty.le, led those present into secret of teachingmensuration to �'ttnior classes, for whish ho received a hearty onto of thanks. 111x. T. F. McLean, AI D., read a very instructive atld in- iereating eessv on. 'The hygiene of the Brain,' which was so highly appreci- ated that the doctor was requested to hand it over to the association to be printed. 11Ir. Strang then, in hip usual able manner, solved ail the difficulties in analysis and tYnr..sitigevehich had been handed in to'lsini, to the entire satis- faction of these present. llfr. G. W. Ross, II. P., now evade hie appearalioe l allose' per lb ,..• •1.4 lb .,. .,. .. Tulkeyu per lb 1,eese, Duoks,.ner•uair' AND GRAPES.. 1 y IE NA P,]` `tiY�,1Yil.luaV 14«l0~s0u'u Bleck, ltf aril: at., Exeter.. 0 03 to 0 On ; N L STAND. 0 28' t,e I, OU , i art 0 u7 to d 07 Q ori to U 1+0• 0 43 to 0 88'i ST, IleA,11Y'S �51•dd u11 accyuuintr try customer Pall wheltb;,neEi ashen,,. (k08 to 1 0l luuvud iii Spring wheat I is to 105 Barley , 40 to 0 58 Peas 811 to 0 00 Fill crania .. ..c .................... . ... .:... . 80 t0.0 30 Rimy 7 50 to 8 50 Eggs, per dozen,............. 0 18' Co 0 17 ander 11. to 21, hfiipos. per kb- .. 1 00 ter 8 80 t)rossod• hogs „ 4 75 10,5 00 Potato es .per bah :....................., ....... OS to 0 50 ahnr+u 6kuls, .. 0 rte. e ! 93) 4Vooclpor anvil 2 50 to 2.50 1)tuiks pa+r pat•,,,,..., 0 35 t;, 0:50 Ohfokees " C 23 to 0' 30 M ACRES GE GOOD LAND FOR ()to Sale in the township of lloGiliivrny,Mi-Z. c11t3tk+rr( 1.,elertime eek, Apl,ll to 11. le. IIALL Solicitor, or Lithos efface, Riiet'p• TRAYI+)D OR S'L'OLEit FROM t� Houeall on the night of the 21st inst., a mi1ehonw, light ref', tbout. seven years eikt, with bow horns, and+ whit broken off o..0h. Any pm, sou €iris,); suoli iufot�aatiotn as will lead to their —AND— tee( very will be suitably rewarded, • hens ill, Out. 13. SID. FAIRBAIIIN. I3nr0)u.gxposiferpiitmee Mese. Business to that Shave re-- Feed e-- H. TIIOT'IrS• OLD STAND, Three- Doors' south of. the Yost 0iiloe, and has - 111 50o1l out a choice stoek•u1fresh. FLOWER, ]tIE1D An GARDEN SB.I;•Det. 1 . flour and Peed delivered free of charge: Jo tt oI 'I ES. El A 13, .M TOWN PROPERTY 1®. fl'!'ifE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Cotntwill be' held pursuant to the FOIL SALE CHEAP AND ON EASY TFI1,SIS OF PAI MI1NT, IN TRE COUi TTG alt'11.® Voters°Lists Act, by his Rumor the Jarlgo oi'the County Court t 3 the•tlouuty of Pier malt I)BIGW'S HALL ] N1I'1'ttit on TUESDAY, THLT1VIuNTY- 1 SIE'1'1•&DAY (l7 OtttTtl13ER, 1880, ottwelveo elocic • rroon,tto hear and t1:otetmine the several ootn- i pI:atut, of errors Rea omissions in the Voters' List 01 the 51tinio1par,ty of Eater, for 188('. A11y arsons hiaving busies at the Court are rotpdred to attend at the said time and place. l A(,lt]ETT, Clerk of the surd munieivallty. Dated at Exeter this 7th day.rf October' 1880. SPLIT PEAS Prepared Pea Soup, ready for the table iu one minute at the S�zTF c R OOERTY, Dashwood Nursery! and fres received in a very entllutaiastte . AU kinds of Fruit and OrnamentalTrees manner. Silence beim reel ored, the suitable for Fall planting. President 08110(1 tip011 him, when he, Standard apple Trees 20 Cents Each 111 his renal felicitous manner, i,ltl'0• doted himself to ill: " Ott the evening tleeninquantities 16cents each. Parties at a distance ordering trees can,r=ply getting the kind ordered -if not,otbers will be furnished free of charge. Andress r3, SOLDAN, Dssliw0ood P- 0. All trees brou;ilt ft'om plc aro warranted grow, or will be ropiacod by others, October' 21, 1880. of the first day n public 'tweeting was held in tee Temperance Hall, Colonel Ross, Al. P. P. preSi.ling. Addresses we"e tleltvered by Messrs. J. R. Miller, I. P. lSr„ and G. W. Rose, M. P. The meeting was enlivened by music dig coursed by the iifi.ses Cooke and bfossre. Saunders and Collins, and re citations by Miss Harris and Messrs. D:,bie and McGillicuddy. The natal votes ef'haute; Laving been passed, it was brought to a close by singing the National Anthem. The Ssttnrday morning858010ll wag 012 to TO ADVERTISERS. GE'EO. PRC J/ ICLr, & Cn'3 SELECT LIST OF LCI CAL NI1WSPAPLRS. An advertiser who spen Ls 11 tear.Zs of 85,000 w Year, (ma who invested. loss trawl; 418,0 gift in this CABIN, ]NTERMEDIATE ANI. STEERAGE TICli- List, writes: "Your Select Local List paid. me better �• TICK - last yearTH6N _ALL THE O L'HLIt ADZE .R- 1 , i 1SI N(} I DID." IITS. N0 1 N 8 niN y' Lot ttmnbe119, Con. 13 the Town-11ib of Stephen 81 acres more or less.. 5 wens ,r0 elenn+tl 20, acres timbered with beech, maple, hemlock and white ash. The spills acl,av loam mid distant from the Villager of Dashwood half a mile. NO,2 A1go iu the Village of Exeter, Lot number 4ne the sabitivls/on of Lot number 19 This• valuable property ie situ.at •11 '3 Olio principal or 1,faOo atruetin.the said village, cud is in the best hardness lnrcality ill Exeter. Theo is a brick store tuiif residence ou the lot (nearly now).3 eborys hig1, •20': 4Dfoot anti in goo J. state of repairs. For Further pltrticwletss avnly to ANDREW MAKE, Esq., at Exeter;. or to W. F. BULLER,. Lanrtger Ontario Loan and D'ebenteace Company Lon v1 era. Outerio Allan' Line LIVERPOOL, LONDOND1'RRY, GLASGOW SHORTEST SEA PASSAGE. ITIS NI $1 A CO-o11ERATIVE Lze7, peroses wishing t, send for their friends eon {(Alen n byG. tV . Boss prescribing a . Iry ns AN ' HONEST LIST. obtain te,su'e cetttlicates at lowest rates from p I i' LS AN ILO VETT LIST I 1 I lt' 1 3 Scotland d t 't '+ reCt le for the I111rnAP011 difficulties ; Eng aur , •e enc nn . , on an o any oity or rail- t The cn.tnlogue states exactly what the papers way towxtiu Canada, Tull particulars by apply- ing to t''Ichere meet with in teaching reading, which if taken in proper doses and at ree'ular intervals will euro ls'itIsont fail. Ile 'vee followed by Inspector Miller, "School Boerne." Di' the after. ale When the name of a piper is4printed iv I TILL FACE' TYPE it is in ev- ry Distance the Be.ST. Vs hen printed In CAPITALS it is the ONLY paper in the place The list .give. thepop• elation of nye y town and the circulation of every palter. l'he rates clxtari ed for advertising are barely ono 071 . iiftu the publlsitt t 5 seueilnle. The price fors.ngle noon the Treasurer's Ile1)nrt was read, Statesrungee from $3 to .:N The mice forlinch ono mouth in +I cutire I1b11s t64::i. ' 1 regui ,. which was satisfactory from the fact ruts of tale pipers far tiro satnu specs of tine are , to is lou ac es r nolrspltp rs o whish is aro issued d.;ily:tnd 71(2 lveol:ly. 'They hand. II-. A. 3. Moore, B.. A., read a 1 t di 788 different t t r vapor on "0 'rapt -mid -in, which elicited some tiisetlssien ; the chief ontcotne of the remarks neon it wee the promise !hint he 8pinnid tette up the same sub- ject at next meeting'. Resolutions were passed condemning, as too severe, some of the papers of the last Inter- mediate t'Sn.mitialini), rand Censuring �,lale audspeci' S 27School Rt„ OG men free. Boston,i4Iass recent lecitlation with regard to boli- — days in the rural districts. The tneet- YI Ali aur aspptteuses ho aeo):ts �.�out5tlr„o. Adr91•ess 1, O. trlJli. ing was, on the tvhn1°, the most suc- F,I1Y,rtingastaa Dia,iue. esssfn: one ever held in the district., in Mortgage Sale tilatit alt),wa,i n.+7 1't(r'tt;ed balance on "209''114 1 9"d e f CAPT. G KEMP. Exeter. THE EXE+T'ER Planing Mill Saesh i F a+O sea e in 57133 01(106 enL 0W114, O which 26 are State C„pitals, 803 places of over DOOR AND 6,000 population, and 408:County States. For copy of Libt and outer information allehess GL J. P ROWELL & CO. 10 Spruce St.,'New York. TOTING sd•ETT Learn Telagruphl snap Fd td .6Y 4T dY1 t�1V o,trt: y$,40 to �.t LU0 a month, !Ivoryrt , payingn glutamate guaranteed a situation. Addrss 14. VALT,Ni.'IN(1,11turgr, ansvilln,Wis Pullpartiou- • F,TRIP E�.T, ALL KINDS OF '%J1 lit 18713. It i8 On1y fliir to state? point of attendance and work done, the Tier Eitsteru Qnestion is the Eastern gtt.dtiou stlll:aild$Llit,t i.) a!'.lhat rosy be fiaituiy said uboutit% .li,l•y difficulty being the election of ['resident, finally Mr. Strang accepted the position, an:I II144 convention tca,i brnnglht to a close. The next melting of ills association will be held iu Exeter some time 7)7 Januar'['. MARRIED. flor,x.t:1---112CCOSPY.—At tite residence of the bride's father, no Oct: Gift, by the Bev, C. li tst.oltor, Mr. G. W. F1ol,nan, •o Mrs; Jennie McCurrty, dang]iter of, Mr. Arch. McCurdy, all of Usborue. t :l3As.1e—s:n*,ran, - At the ro•thlonce of the bride's father,, on the 1i)tb inst, by the Ttev, J. W,13ntelier, Mr. John 1 Baker, of Grey not last a single constituency.f Township, to Selina Ann, oldest daughter Mr. James Rush, of the Township of Ste- _ t phew, Tire Hun. Alec. 1140,o1reuzie was — - preaeut at a meeting in Watford the' other day, and in a speech delivered there, is repotted as saying reit was tb the benefit of all politieel parties to promote the general inter- ests, and he would juin hands with his DIED. Bawsntlan,—In Usberlxe,, on this 1S)Ih inst., Jane, Unloved wife of -I. Bowerwan—aged 64 yeas -s. SANcsrie,—Ili Stephen, on the 14th i11st.,i)liaa Iielou, infant dauelttet of ;James Sandell, - aged Gj months anti 7 tlnye ' Conservative frl0tid8 413d neighbors t0 . � -`— advance the best intereete of the eine, I�CCx LSTRAYet-•CA.g%' ON ' i3OT y --m an It r , san}o ou pa t p ' pica eus86 la� d l revi'tg pmurirty ittn..A. V. ELLIOT, �t8rtil��r -� i76 fore Ohl gent l @7}� l . • aAylitf111agULLOU(# OgttouoY21,1.;,i Vuulor'S,SPlfol,WrpAketet�J it of c' u ittg as vire11 a8 Agri-Augue0, tq w0hlte 1g yf tI ho o v41frat bout have wl% —or — ouse and Lot IN VIE VILLAGE OF EXETFB. TTNDIR ANI) BY VIRTUE OF A POWER OF Saloeoutaiuod in an iudentuce;lof luoxt- g�age tputoh will be nrodncou at the trine of sale, ttatod28th day of eliirii, 1877, ntade by John b1sl)- burn and wife to the vendor, there will be sold by Public Auotioa at the Royal Hotel in the Village of Exeter, Thur day, October, 28, 1880 By JAMES OItn,auetionoof,at the hour of THRon U OLOOh IN T51E AFT •:1(;NUON, subject to such conditions as shall tuen bo produced, All and siegtitar that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situ ;be, lying and being in the viet,A0-tt Ob' 111/1.1411 KB, in the C•runts of Huron, and/ Province of ()utaelo, forming part el Lot Number sixteen in the first concession of the Township of Ushorne, subuivitled into village lots and being cotuuo•ed of lot fifty-seven and 111e berth part of lot efty.nve ou the west side of, TPA in atroet on the map or plan of such eabdt vision Old more piartiotltarly described in the said in leatare o,3 in irtgage. Tatou is a good frame cottage, frame stable, awl other builtlioga on the said premises. For furtherppartiettlara apply to t110 rtuotton' eor, or at the efAee of Lf U B .li. \ I .l.. V G Done to order. Ltemembertlie place :91'®r tit nowa^rol Eros. 4' ..EN SALL FURNITURE •!•tOO v1b. Why go abroad for Vour Furniture when yon can get Bettor Value for your money in Hensall. d A.S. CO ORTX1 having bought out the Furniture Business. of Mr S.Iairbaire. and added largely to the steals' enabled to offer furniture at Very low prices. My bindortakiug 1)epu:Intent will be found su- perior to any in We section, having fust received a large addition of all kinds ofundortakivg goods.' A Arlt -Glass hearse will be furnished for funerals. on roasnnable terms, Also agent for the Waltzer axidt bgw Viet Singer Sowing Maelsine, ' JAS. COXWQi TIL