The Exeter Times, 1880-10-21, Page 2A. NATION 013 INVENTORS. boy, 'and cher he said yoti lalti your pipes for ora a andof lett ley a urge 'Those who conteud that Protection , netgorhy. I 0°01(104 stand that, begets ingenuity, skill and clal±chtaulcal ifa'her, so I sailed over the feuee and, industry wherever it IS adapted, stand licked Bila bald-headed in leas than apex) no false ground, They level two. minutes, Thrash tele if you meat, proofs at hand that osuhnot be wipedfather, but 1 couldn't stlttld it to hear away by the t e lo d tareinneute, written' you abused by one of the malignant though they may be by the !ablest oppusiticn,' nulou x well informed Free Traders. 'tly son,' staid the father, as he felt 1? O.he has only to glance at the United for half a dollar with one hang and Statile to he struck with the teudaioy wiped his eyeewith the other, 'you of a Protective policy. la no country; may go out and bey Yourself half a i t the world are there so many beetle pound of sande, The Bible says It is engaged in working out boientifie pro• wroug to fight, but the Bible must b!ems'aud nioailttt ,oat gneations, as in melte allowance for political campaigns the American Republic tu•day, Almost t and the vile slaudera of the other party. every other WW1 tlhelc+ is alt inventor ; t I only brought you nttt here to talk to you, and vow you Oen put on your coat and run along.' nothing apparently is beneath the not- ice of Yankee genius and b'ence is it that Amelic+an man u0faactut b; itto fu t,d in all parts of the civilized s orld. Be- sides ail, our neighbors have the energy, born of those self reliant piin- cii{les inculcated by Protection—so c )nquer mediate fur wares, sometimes at the very feet of the Free Trade idol a, we find thein in such 11 ugli:ll citia�l az 111-ar,oliester, I3i.rtningham Sheffield, Leeds, and London with sewing ma- chines, guns, Chicles, wetclhee, pumps, entlery, boots, shuei and stoves. this fact id deplored in Euglaucl,fnr it some- how most rudely knocks a4de conceit. - e Criti, i m of "the ba baroul system of 1'cotectiun." Presirteut Cowper, of the WHY liE WAS IN PieNITEN- An important vase was tried before the Crilninal l,lonrt of the District of Calumble. An old colored man awns on the witness stand. The district At= torttey interrogated the witnees "What is yonr name ?' 'Jobu ' Villi,alna., scab,' 'Are you the J"hu Wifiaius who was Kent to the A'btauy State Prison fur larceny ?' 'No, sah—not this John.' 1.lstlttt:ion of llechlauicfal i:ugiueers, 'Ale you the John Williams who wasstents to feel A'uelioiau progress ii, the o?nvicteli of arson and sent to the Bal- " tunnre Peuiteutiary?' 'No sah.' Tired of asking fruitless questions the District Attorney enddeuly put a lending nee 'Have you ever boeu in the peuiten- tary 2' 'Yes, salh.' All eyes were now turned upon the smiled complacently and resumed : field .if mechanical labor wiry keuuly, because it lays blare English backward - Hess, in modern n18010(180(18 of manatee.tare and makes the English mechanic play seco•'d fiddle to hie American bother light at his own doors. Too overcome this oornpetitiou, Mr. Cow- per calls for el•ec1a1 machines such as Americans have, and a sc•irit that will take hold of a good "new thing" when it is brought out. Whetherhether anything will emne of Mr; Cowper's appeals re- mains to be seen; but it is: well worth noting that sit influential au English• 111.111 and Free Trader as President Owner, has decided that American spirit and Atnsricen ingenuity tuns( be emulated if Enzland is to hold her own "at home." When,tn keep abreast of the times,it is by a Free 'Prader con- sidered necessary that the men of Blanchester and Birmin:hem should take a leaf out of the book wed by those who reside in a country where Protect tion holds sway, it is time that Oobllen ideas were lam aside, for in the face facts and results, they are shown to be week and unfit to incite an in- ventive spirit among the masses. The American nation to -day is a nati•'11 of inventors, because, for twenty-five years the inventive faculties of its peo- ple have been stirnulllted by a policy which encourages dative fr;ellilt3,energv. talent and push. While English Ulan ufacturers have stuck to old processes. their American rivals --;;ranted their own markets by a pilter"rat Guvern- meut—hive hewed nut new tracks and win many fields of labor stand it) front of all. So sfatlsfactoiv a result under a National Policy carries CntiviC• 1J_r .1-iri E tinat~irtakErr O1J.ID SAY TO V1' those elm totem pairehas.itt •to do so troth the manufacturer. T e dealer vim boys to salt again must neeescaiil�?y� plate a profile., We'1lairil to give the purchasers the benefit, which e,auntitfail to moot the ejiMee, of the Grangers. Our oxneiteedti Tare loss tli(.0 �(0e0 Of 09 numb ntietit,bzt ave oust eel ell:eapor. C . c S, GIDIAEY„ rued Furniture 1\7an:uf cztvt±'ers ictrE Wk?i1LD eau apeolultttlreutien tri our undertaking t dept,rt utont,whi.U11 86 1ni01;.e':0�)1n- idde, t3 vera 111 OW des igtls 1 of late The best eoillli., caskets ahrauds,anal every unerel requisite at the ioit eat prlees. Our nabHoarse i6 Trnnca: e:ed by 0151Vetcui judger' to be soorryil to noryo 111 the �0.. pro v1Ut,ee .' • Ettlemt of 41 till lifletoxit SocYo' Ies. John ,f yv's Furniture & Undertaking Warerooins OEPOSI`.0 CENTRAL HOTEL$ EX.ErEti.. COFFINS, CASKETS, and BURIAL RJBES and ALL ;KINDS OF EMBLEMS. EMBALMING FLUID used for preserving the body iu warm weather or for shipping. Any, Person wanting Parlor, Bedroom, or Dining Room Furniture will save at least 20 per cent. by calling M JOHN DIREW'S FURNITURE ROOMS, opposi e. CJf.entral Hotel, ett r. 301,4N nazw. witness The ilistrjet lvttorno y OLD ESTABLISHED] elailumoursiortakeawin'How meaty times have you bean in the peuiteuttar} ?' - 'Twice, Sa11.' 'Where ?' 'In Baltimore, Bab.' 'Idnw long were you there the first time 2' 'About two hours, sah.' 'how long the second time ?' asked the attorney, rather crest fallen. 'An hour, sah. I went there to •vhitewash a cell for a lawyer who had robbed leis client.' The attorney sat down amid the laughter of the spectators. TOO MUCH PROFESSIONAL ETI• QETTTL. A arrange ease has cropped up at Montreal, in which the etiquette of the mediJal profession is said to have oper ,►ted to the serious di•advantage of n patient named John Dromey, of the arm of Doherty & Dromey, In the absence of the doctor who was attend log Mr. Dromey another wss celled in, who prescribed some medicine. On the first ohysiclan returning and finding that a second had been there he im- mediately left the house, and refused to tion wi li 1t, and ieavee Cenadianl, tyle° act further in the case- The eecc, d have gone in for a 1(110 policy nothing doctor carne back, but on being told to fear at.e to the future development of that the first medical man had been in the industries of the Dominion. Wnitt 1,816 been accomplished 111 the United States can be accempli:ehed bere,where . we have in abundance these factors of the honee since lie was there, he also left, and refused to attend the patient. It)d the meantime Mr. Drowsy became worse, and on sending for other physi- 'vealth which properly used always sisals it i t alleged they refused to at• snakes a nation happy and prosper- tend on being apprised of the attend. nus. ance of the medical men, whti a eti- �6.a. curette prevented them from cnntiuninl A FATHER WHO 11 +'LTE.D. their treatment. The patient onntin- tied to got worse and died on Sundae The other evening a citizen of De - morning, without silly medical taco canting to gee him. There was n gond iroit beeknned to his 12 year old ant! ileal of difficulty 161 getting a certificate to follow him to the woodshed, .,nae for burial, and all iugnest was threat- whet) they • had arrives the) a he be- eued, but n it held. 'e aIi : 'Now young man ynu've been fight iug again ! How many times have 1j told you that it is disgraceful to fight ?' . '01), Rather, tine wn. u't about mar- bles or taut' thing of that kind,' replied the boy. '1 can't help it. As a Christian m in it is my ditty to bring tut my children tod fear the Link. Take off yuttr coat 1' 'But, father, the boy I was fighting with called toe llatnee.' 'Can't help it ; calling 11aune8 don't hurt itnyone, Off with the coat !' '111 said 1 wlta the sou. of a wire -pul- ler.' ''Wheat l what's Cleat 2' And be said you was an officer Gun- ter. 'What 1 what losfer dared snake that assertion ?' 'It Inwde inc anful toad, but I didn't Bay atlyllting. Then he celled yott to 11trv1inlr:' 'Called Me a (11)eling 1 why, I'd like iii get iny bands on liirri 1' pulled the old 'Welt. ''les, and be said yott•was 11 polilieal lielr-80ttle ?• 'L48)1 o1 ttl•itcintta 1 but wothldu't I like to Iftvn the training of that bey for ab.'t. five iniontas 1' wheezed d iba.. old now, ,a4 lie hopped aroma ' 'I put up with Hutt;' continued the Mntlhers, do not drug your children w• ith poisonnns (spinets, it) the form of Soothing Syrups, when one bottle of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry end allay all irritation of the etoinacll and bowels incident to teeth- ing. It is pleassano, mild and harm- less, and is a positive specific for every form for sumtnercomplaint, All drug- aists.sell it at 87i cents per bottle. s Zer0ii.ent 1E186. FINE PHOTOGRAPHY. FRANK COOPER, ARTISTIC 1'FIo'i.'OG'IIAP11ERt. Studio 374 hiebatetlt' Street, ',tuatara All the latest improvements in I'hotograptiv ate tlu:i well knewn. studio. G. o,l p1ee to of li; Aotor, andandvie Mit" come and See us viten 3' 0U (201310 to 1100(1011,: alio. WV, WI iL DO YOU iu:wiO11 ! We are ;, L)GHTN/N n Child pen. (OL STA.BL1SHE,D JAMES PICKA D lack. :0. OCTOBER, 1880. Extra value in Colored Cashmeres :0: Extra value in DRESS GOODS r l 33aven and Blue Biiaelr,lVee lve s -GLtoveltie.snp pots; Ro, MANTLES FOR THE MILLION, �aJT AN EVIL IMPROVED Fanning:D.. 1 k'ATENTED 1879. —to•--- TfP,EE MACHINES IN ONE. 1Ianui' derated Soley by W. T. Z)] b OLE, Oshawa, Ont. fa' ittillinehy Steck never more coloplete. Utiles, don't forget our Show ltooM' belittle uying, See our Canadian, Scotch, Irish and 4t~orsted Suiting4. Our cutter is equal tr'the " Cutter of Ontario." All are welcierne to A son of Thos,' Longmore. need 12 years, and a son of D. 'Wright, rived 10 were playing with sun at Pembieke, 141e., nu Thursday. L ,nglnore atlden. vtired to preventW:right using it, and in the strnggl a received the contents of the gun in the band, breast 8111(1 face. Bec tiling tclartiled 110: dragged the body ut' hitt vietiin into the honse and tried to oonenlal 113,111 the cellar,- and att. oravdrde to put It in a cesspool,; 'Not succeeding in this attempt he dragged it into. the the yard, and seeing that life was not extinct, struck' the body several Ones With it "spade, fracturing the skull in three places. 1 -lo then proceeded to dig ta...huote .in a manurtl helalt, 111 whioh . to bury the corpse, acid ' n The o: �+ as (Recovered in the sot. boy y Was arrested, aril an examination is being held• ,JAMES :YIC.Jneseete S SUESPlIT'CTTES r --o-- e The uufllic are cautioned arainSS a custom which ss is grrwsng noire common of late among a certlm`Cla. , of medicine dealers. and which is this t When asked for a bottle of.PQin-IiilleD:' they suddenly discover that they ore "sold:out." "but have anothei' article just as. ]marl, front better," which they will stlpolvat the same, price. The nbiect of this deserve )n is transparent. These, substitutes are mane uo to sell on the great reputation of the Pain -Killer 1 viii being cnmvnuhded of theVilest and cheapest drug are bought by the dealer' at Shout half whir te pays for the genuine PalIt-Iii1ors iv h' enshh's him therefore totrealiz e afewwdcents More profit per!' t'ie unnn tate imitaYi n article than he can on the genuine. .16 FOR CHOLERIt,:MORBIIS,C12J8MI5S;• AND ALL SUMMER. 0R BOWEL COMPLAINTS PERRY DAVIS' PAIN -KILLER Is TINEQr1ALLED, IT CURES ALMOST INSTANTLY. The PAIN-KO:UM is put spin 2oz.and5 Oz. bottles l'6railthg se 25 and so cents respeeciwely,--large bottles are therefore cheanes,, SOLD BY ALL MEDICI= DE*LERS, NOTICE TO THE PTJBLIC. FL William Drew rvarra,iture Dealer, boxing been drawn into the Turuiture,1 Zane by docdittiitneseend falsehood i.+compelled tocontinue the business ran) is prepared to sell cheaper than any nailer house in the County of Itto•on. ASI ex• animation o'fmylarge (180013, wiliSIl Is not excelled outside of the aitids,rand 110ofnparibenof my prices with ether factories,cannot fail to couvivao the pu1io Q1 the bre th. of what,' gay. Every Article Marked Down tonne Very Lowesi'iguie. I.havr just purchased a first-class New £Jearse,,sud,am prepared toattend:fhngrnls Ceflhil(1 Shrouds and all Undertaking Material on panel; Prices very reasonable. Society Btnblenjs constantly in stook. Be sure to give we q .all, and 1 will snake it to your advantage to bity your'urnitttre front fee, Iietnetinber the place -north c>111f"olsons Sank. 44JEL)3"2-, EX VI gal. Harper 8 Bazar P tt rb5, 'ley ate graded to FI1Y ANY F'IGT.Y,,-, and so adjusted &Alt i ie To est hiexperieuo d, wills the aid of the printed directions wvltich a,ieool- parry eael snit, cast secures. perfect fit. k'bbi' tire' cheaper thou any others, ONLY 2G CENTS 1'U1i A COM'' PIJJ TE ST51T. Agiiiit for Excited axil vicinity, -w. A: CANFIEL Re would also Sall special' u.'!#teutio i' to Lis welt assorted stock of Fanny Goods, Berlin Wools; Fingering Yarns, :Knitting Coif it in llll en ors. Knitting done to order, A good supply ofhos.' tory always nn hand. Please call and extol:11 ie° -1(000 and prices before purelaiking elsewhorut: Opposite Fsneon's Bloat. �%.. calitti mV IELZi: • 4.4 (fl a 1. m A{ Gee tg',..---..;-..,.....o. o 7 $.4-. a nee n e if ,-• pl ,:eth..,,,,--i, :rii;,..1,04.i. 0. J ▪ V R.a c: a ]k t,, "1' c V g J i-. a ,,'F 0-1 `� �• a! gym, to ° a,"era It+ PH' ISSgo S� g• a, v. -7 F i 1173. t= lii w N'. M J, i,es . a '4• Al• o Fi,fir 0' 4. o er oo.� 5-1 Central Drug Stores WINAN'S OLD '�''1r ,3)': JUST RECEIVED A SUPPLY OF THE; VERY BEST Medicinal Wine• & Brandy "1!I1at Lias market af0rds. BEYDROLINE S, A new remedy for oonsiiinption. A large,_ cheap nod good lot of Shoulder Brame, always.. on Mallei, A. 110010rous variety Of T I ) S S S, And it goal fit guaranteed. No one regttiringe Toss need go to London. A. complete stock of Drugs and D'nuggists' Sundries, also StatfonePRaney -Goods ,Schaal Bboks,cee. tif'wAts or STQCH. fi EN•RAL ntUO STORB, f� eiNIN.AN'S OLD STAND Il TZ,