The Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-12-13, Page 1PARK HOUSE GUTTED EY, FIRE WITII
Boardets Have NartoW roscaPe'
from Flames—Mrti. J. EillOtt
S,evare17 Burned,
A diaastrouS fire breke out ,in the
Park Ilottse abOut,4.30 o'cloek on Slin-
'llarafternoon. and the firemen WOrked,
fer five .hours before -it WaS finally ex-
tingeisima, • ,
The Are started on the seeond floor
and ellmbed to the third. floor,: Which
with the, reof was aeon, 9.• hia'ss .0g
Twelve boarders„esettped with
oniy the clothing they were wearing.
Gue of the boarders, Mrs.. Josepli
Elliott, 'Mane 'being .assisted outof
the buildiug wile badly burned about
the face and suffered from, shoek.
She was -gien medical attention, by
Dr: John. •Wallace;
One o1,. the house ataff was lying'
down When the alarm. was given by
.ML J. Barrie, of Chicago; and climbed
The regular Meeting Of. the Alnneek'
OULIPtert was held, in MacKay
Hail on Monday, with the regent,
Mrs. C. A. 'Reid, 'presiding.
'Mrs. J. W. Coates, treasurer're-
ported a balance the general fund
of $1046.79-, and in the war account
of .0.88.20;
A donation of $100 to the camp
libraries fond was ,authorized ; also an
additional $115 to the Children's War
Memorial Hospital,,, London. A don-
ation of $25 will be sent to the Sea
Cadet fund, and the treasurer was
authorized to set aside $59 as a con-,,
•Mrs. D. J. Patterson reported Aga
.she and -Mrs. Reid had Visited, the
hospital and recommended .that gifts
be seat there at Christmas.
Mrs. G: Emerson reported there were
down the fire escape. Mr. Barrie, with
his wire and rwe children, was a guest eighteen, "- subscriptions to "Echoes"
and urged this number be increased,
in the' house, They -were here toat-
ot me. Tile n. Redditt, educational. scr
eetary, Airs. F.
Airs. Gordon Henderson Was the leader • ••• the Parish „-
of the'. Miss Mollie Bisset
gave the call to worship aild read the ItBisset
,tklarr, neWly-appointetl
Scripture, and Mrs....Gordon, BiSaet I rector et St. 0,eorge'6,..Anglicall ehUreh,
represented the Pre4bXterial and tile' was. inducted with /repressive cere-
An. impressive ctinelle-lighting. cere- --","t a serview on Monday niglf.t
mony° was -the •
leaders, attended by a large congregation. The
the ,order of service compiled by Miss altar a the church was .adorned with
Margaret Webster, girls' work secret beautiful bouquets of white*Chrysan-
taryPbeing 'followed. • . -
theninins„ and a full choir • tinder the
tend the funeral of J
'Intosh. ° • thanked the members for
the shower a candy received at the
The contents on the first floor iwere meeting, which 'will be sent to the
, rentovecl to neighboring houses, but adopted school at MarkstN
ay in orth-
those on the other floors Were more or
ern Ontarid, in which there are twenty
les damaged by tire, snwke and waterone pupils ranging in age from six
it was one of the worst fires in
years in Goderieh. .1.`he firemen had t° sixteen • .
Mrs, C. Staniforth read an inform
to ught through deriSe 'clouds of smokeative article, "Meat," taken from
°bid Georger,l3eacOm. was overcome "Know Your 'Canada.")
- with the smoke and. Was taken `to his Mrs. A. L. Cole reported that flowers
home and given, medical 'attention.
had been sent totwobereaved mein
Tons of water Were poiared on the
blinding, • • ' . .„, , • leers, Mrs. P. Beachler and Mrs. E.
The Park House is owned bykthe .
Mrs. Lemaire, war service convener,
town and has been under the manage.- stated that the Legion bingos were
,ment of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wilson
being discontinued until after , Christ
the last two years. It is a large frame
°building, and was recently redeedrated. Inas* ' ' •
It is looked Upon as .a landliaark; The—following were appointed a
nominating' committee.: .Mrs • a •Stani-
as it, is .one of the oldest , build- fortis, Mrs. L. Hanna, *Mrs. W. F.
Jugs in Goderieh, 'having jaeen built
Walkom and Airs. Dodds.
., over a century tigo in the daYs of the
The Chapter agreed to send baskets
Canada Company. ' It is widely known
of Milt to -Goderich servicemen con
to the travelling public and does a '
fined to hospital.
large, summer business. ' ' ' The meeting closed with the National
Mr. and MrS. Wilson had gonedriv- Anthem. .
ing 111 the country that afternoon and . —
on thet - return found the Place in
GOD4RICH, ON114,1g0,'TlaU4SDA. DEcEN11341, lath, 1945
O�GIr ENTERTAINED Rector, Inducted at
St. George s Church
The of 'Kuox Pre'sbyterian
church were entertained last Tuesday " _
at tlie manse, where an affiliation smelt'. .Upverley Jan. rermauy
serviee' i'vith the-. W.M.S. .Nvas held, Placed in Charge
It Is said:that the fire began from AT CARLOW
ashes Which the children of one of the - • -
boarders took- trona, a,„ grate -„in their 1ffihA joint installation of officers of
-room an.d,, plaeed in a 'CardbOard box
which they left in a Clothes closet.
me town. has $3,000 insuranee on
the buildlig, Avhich will not cbver the
cost of recenstruCtion. There is $2,500
insuranee on the contents, the ,p,r-operty
of Mr. artd-Msrs, Wilson, but there is.a
heavy logs ,ibtiVe- this amouht. The
house was furniished .mostly with -valu-
able antique furniture which it Will
he almost •impossible to- replace.
The • Town Connell is meeting to-
morrow to discuas to• be done
with the adding. A 'good deal of
money lia,s• been spent on it in recent
years and the place was in better
coodition yaw), ever before. .
The parlor of Victoria street -United
church was the scene on Tuesday even-
ing of the annual goose: and chicken
-supper sponsored by the. Eureka class,
with tha •Ifilaister: of the chiirch, Rev.
Lawrenee41., 4mi:ter, Mrs. Turner and
, daughter, draee Marie, as invited
guests. The table -Was tastefully ar-
ranged and fully. loaded with good
thins, and the leader, -Mrs: Robert
Good, and the meMbers of theclass
. Were congratulated upon the success
of the evening. •
-The-highlight of-the-evening--w-as the
presentation of a ,beautiful-,botted
'flowering plant to Mrs. Byron *Wilson,
in honor of the ftftleth anniversary of
her ,wedding,*• which is to be cele-
brated next 4unday in the city of
• mrs. Wilson- (nee Cora Ware) Was
bora in London, and her liesband in
•'Colborne toWnship, and they have re-
sided- for :the major part of their
married lite , in Gcoderich.. They are
- to be the guests of Mrs. _Wilson's
• sister, Miss Gwendolyn Ware, and
brother, Frank'. Rev, Benjatain Clement
. Aims- the efhelating minister at the
ceremony five decades ago.
The os.,cers of the Eureka class were
' re-etected„ as follows: President, Mrs
Robert • Good; 0 -Vide -president, -• Mrs.
Junies.13arrie; secretary, • Mrs. Percy
- Barker's treasurer, Mrs. Fred Wilson;
teacner, Mrs. Byron Wilson. s,
' • The minister expressed appreciation
of the -splendid SeoPices,- rendered by
tile class in -giving financial assistanee
towards discharging the mortgage, and.
in :the beautifying and equipping Of
the church. kitchen; -also of the pro-
posed -purchase .qf a portable coni
• iuunion set for usetby the minister 'In
administeting the,',saerainent to the
sick and slitit.ins. Special. mention:
was accorded Mrs, , Robert Good for
her excellent leadership.
the Huron County Library Associ-
ation. Ints just4coinplete4 the December
\.exchange of books through' the county.
•iSinell interest' in this library service Is
being shown. The library at Vordwieh
.reeeived its first quota of books,- also
the -Ethel Public School ',and three
farm forilms,. Sixteen neW books were
adcled. each„unit of 100 beeks. and,
11. aunkber of new reprints Were in
eluded in the Collection. Books ft) the
, number o- 1925 are now In circulation
'throughout the nounty.'
The village of „Zurich is Vroposing to
°pee a public librttry tied Ileigrave
and Growl Bend -are reported to be
. thinking along aame lines.- ,
'Wednesday, .14ecember, Oth, the
„Seaf•ortli TiieSday Evening Club, 'pre -
seined the play "Here Cornea Charlie.
the lecture hall of Itnex ehtireh,
under' the auspicee of the .YOnng
keople"i14oelety. It wile a real comedy,
soentlidlyo premented before a full
ASocial time with ganaeti,
i. ... -'
end refrestomeds, brought the Contests evendireetion. of Mrs11Jolson led
to a close. There was a good tnynout
of meMbers.
* The annual meeting of the Arthur
Cirele of Knpx chnrch was held.rit,
the home of Mrs, C. Cutt, Park street)
on Monday evening, wlieu• reports og
the various secretariga and the treas-
urer were read and shoWed that the
in the.singing of tlie
Rev. R. P. Bulteel, of Clinton,
acting rural dean, of Huron, 'was 'in'
charge of the serviee, substituting or
Nenerable Archdeacons Dougherty, of
London, and Hartley, of ii.ineardine,
who had been appointed by His Grace
A-rehhishop Seager to, olliciate, but who
were unable to do se liecause of 'the
coiitUticii, ofthe rOadS. ktevr-
Nobes, of Corrie aaaisted, and Rev.
Maurice H. Farr, of b‘t. Paul's church,
Stratford, preaehed exeellentSer-7
mon, remarking ,that it • vvas a unique
year had been a busy and .suegessful
_occasion for one to „i,treach when his
brother was being inducted 110;had.
one under the leadership of its presi-
heard a great deal about *t.- Ueorge'S'
dent, Mrs. Geo. hiacEwan, with the
allocation more thanreached. .0rs., Church, which he hist visited as chap -
C. , . • einp read tbe Scripture lesson -.lain of the Sea Cadets of Strattord.
and bliss E. • Wins ied in prayer. He based his sernaon on the text:
The ()ulcers for 1946 were iustalled.
. , . .•
"Carry down with thee 'a-little'honey"
and.. dedicited by .mrsRichard(Gen43:11).-
The sells of Jacob had sold their
,Stewart aud are as follows: President, I
brothel. Joseph into . slavery. Later,-
Airs..Ed. Seruton; vice-presidents; Mrs.
Robt. enus, Mrs. Chas. Kemp, Mrs.: when.: Joseph, unknown to his own
had become a p
ruler in Egy.t,
G. Knitting; assistants . Miss . Dorothy People,
um, be demanded that -Benjamin, .his iroung.
Johnston, Miss* Helen 'Asset,
est brother, be brought to him, and the
Henry terry; secretary, Mrs. 'W. Reed ;1
father, Jacob, fearful of Benjamin's
treasurer, Mrs. W.' Cleinents,; pianist,!
•fate, sent with hint a present Of honey;
Airs. Claienee' MacDollaid; Glad Tid-
ing -6, secretaries, mrs. w.BeU urs. feeling that it would s'o§ten -the •heart
. • ,*
a Rivers; welcoule and welfare Sof the young ruler
retaries, Airs. 0. Cat, Mrs.. R. Daer ;. This was agood eXanaple. for the
supply secretaries, Mrs. Frank Alac=• ell-rtYing on of ate work, otif tfiltnev•eichitinrdclii
e•o•*er Thnest presents are fund e. finest Arthur, Mrs...Peache-y;
words of encourageinent and a little
secretary, •Miss Maxine Wilson;. press
miss:of ,the honey of good4III.
and corresponding iecretary,
"The trying times of the war have
Ethel Elder ; literature and library I
set nerves on ed0; sore people like to
secretary, Mrs. Ali- Snider; life -mem -
blame everyone: but themselves; -.We
bership secretary, MiS. Geo. Mii.cEwan;
refreas.,.all require a littlettOney, a little pat
talent table, Mr's. E. AleVittie;
ments, Abs.- E. Allison. Mrs. Scruton,j °n the hick—the :honey' which Jesus
had of picking out .the hest in others."
. the • new. president, took charge at • a
There is. much . in , life, said the
short business session and arranged
ments made for the annual pot.
preacher, which makes the lot of a
h t t ere are more
The lard two Ships to join the winter
heet at Gederiett harlior were the
Mantadoe, arriving on Friday last, and
the Juhetail, Saturday. Their
cargoes are for the ,Goderich Elevator
TWelye grain vessels are now
berthed, in the harbor, nine for the
Elevator Co, and three for the Purity
. Flour Mills.
The tanker Simeolite on SatiirdaY
brought. in a eargo' of kasoline from
SO,V114: for, the Iloperial pa depot and
Was back againsi on Tuesday with =-
other cargo. .11er departure marked
the dose •of •navigation here and on
Wednesday the log -boom was drawn
across the harbor entrance...
Big Year for Elevator Co,,
The Goderich Elevator Co. has had
a record year, having bandied. 23,500s-
000. buakels pf grain. This-444,in dd-
the two Masonic lodges, Maitland, No. luck supper in ,January, tor which . Y , .
,33, • of Goderich, and Morning Star, mrs. MacEwan offered the use of her • bright days ..than. dark: Everyone
No. 309, of Carlow, was held at the hone, and delegates were appeinted to likes the lfearty handshake and the
hall of Morning -Star Lodge on Wednes-- ' -
'fateful a meeting of the presbyterial bright., word ' Of encouragenient. The
day night of last week. The installing honey of appreciation is too often
. ,
master was R.W. Bro. Ralph Munro,
assisted .by R.W. 'Bro. Hugh Hill.
AtterWards,a banquet was served, with
.R.W, Bro. 'Tlugh .11.111 as toastmaster.
Officers .installed were as follows:
Maitland, No. 33.—W.AL, M. J.
Ainslie ; I.P.M., W. C. Newcombe ; S.W.,
Ogle Miller; J.W.,---Frank Walkom;
voutat pzo:PLE's ERVIOX
AT IMOX „030npfx
Mr. Wilhiam Lawson, 13./a, of Iroox
College, was the preacher at the
annual young people's service in Knox
Presbyterian church on SunOS' eVert.,
ing, at which there WAS a fairik geed
attendance. HIS /Abject. wraa "Choaen
of Gad." • The nansie by the elmir VOIX-
eisted Of the antheM, "HOW Long Wilt
Thou Forget Me," with Mr. Gorden
Ittitting as the soloist, ,and a Solo,
"Beside Still Water," by Miss Betty
Sinith. • • ,
Dart Walter, president of the Valli&
People's Society', was in charge a the
Service, 13111 Newcombe read ,the lea -
son, and Miss Gertrude Beattie led
in, prayer. ' • ,
After the service, the ybung peOple
assembled in the lecture hall for •S.
short- worship ..serYice.• Christmas
carols were sung:, and Mr. Lawson
spoke of ' the 'Work of the Provincial
..:1Ceung People's Society.
dition. to the,,,Storage cargoes afloat in -.-
the harbor, amounting to about
1,800,000 bushel. .
for Better Crow
W.M.S. at Clinton in January.
, .
-Spea— ker Says Housework and Cooking A -little a.ppreciation of , his work and
, should Be Regar• ded as Arta_ • the•Ploney of .good -will will. set a_man-
An. exceptionally tine address •• was on his . -feet, and the honey of the
listened to by a large, • audience in .grace of 'God makes a . person give
North • street . United church. hall ,On of his very best,"
chaplain, D. Al. Johnston; treasurer,
Friday evening, when Mrs, Ballantyne , . "Reception . Held . •
IL C. Dunlop; secretary, Wm. Bisset;
of Toronto, under the auspices of grouP ' • After the -service; aThreception was
director of ceremonies Roht. Bisset;
3. of the Women's Association,. spoke held in the parish ball, where Dr. J.
S.D., FloYd Lodge; J.D., Stan. Prevett ;
on- "Kitchen -Short-cuts." Mrs. D.' D.1 4: .Graham,- rector''s -warden,- and Mrs.
S.S., Win.. Roope-; J.S.,,-.0„.4. Worsell';
i. Mooney intiodneed :Ws.. Baliantyae, : Graham introduced . the new rector
I.G.. _James Bisset; ...%.tyler,. A. -.L.
. • who represehts a wefiLknown mining and his wife.
&pitting. , • •
company. . . . I .Refreshnients were served from ,a
Morning Star, N. 309.—W.M.; Chas.
Airs. Ballantyne prefaced her' re-' prettily -arranged table. by :Members of
E. Mitchell ;1.1?.M.Ighas. NiViI1S; S.W:, '
James .me., Marks _with a tribute to the serviee the Church Woman's Guild, with Mrs.
,Walter Washington; .J.W., men and women .of Or Country and E. AV. Carrie and Mrs,. J. S. •Platt
Whinney chaplain, Amos Andrew ;''
also. to those who assisted So generous- sreeiding. ", • .
treasures, Reg. Glen ; . secretary, It. D.
1,,v? in canteen, -Red--,CroSS,' and other! Dr. .L.A. Graham was -chairman, fiat
Alunrce;• director of Qerelatiiiies; Hugh
services. "Although entering a a program ef improinptu speeches.
Hill; S.D., George Hallam ; J.D., E. war
tl Rev. R. M. Bulled., of Chilton, brought
.i.s.; period of rest we must still go forwar
Pfriminer • S.S. Keith 'Arthur;
$ . , reepostructing homes and re -uniting greetings fr'om the Deanery.,- tev.
WM. Stothers; LG., Stuak't' Chananey ; '
home ties," .cautioned the speaker. "We Richard Stewart, of 'Knox„ Presby-
tyler, ' ThtiS. ,INTilson.-•
.• ' sider the womiertul work of the-Ministerittl Association; _and other
' piOneers, of our country, wh(p did so speakers were. Rev. Joseph Janes, of
lacking, because we. are top prone to
criticize. • "My advice to Iny brother
is to carry with him a little honey.
Kind words are bettgi 'than -cross ones.
The Willing Workers class of Victoria
street 'United:church met on Wednes-
day night at the home of Mrs. John
Moss, the Square, for its annual meet-
ing. M.& George---Currell, vice-presi-
dent. presided.
Diving the business meeting gratify-
ing repprta were given by the treas-
urer, Mrs, T. Gray, by group leaders,
Mrs. W. Gardner,and .3ars. A. Smith,
and the secretary, Miss A. Clark. SUb-
stantial gifts were given to the Sunday
school„- of whieli the class is a 'part,
and to the church's general fund- and
the renovation. fund. •
The election of officers was conducted
by Rey. L. H. Thrner, who spoke brief-
ly in appreciation of the assistance
given by the class in various ehurch
projects during the last feW years.
Ofileers 'elected were as follows: Presi-
dent, Mrs; Currell; vice-president,
Mrs. A. Linfield± -secretary, Mrs. V.
Smith; treasmer, Mrs. • A. Smith;
pianists, Mrs. L. 'Turner and Miss
Myrtle Johnstone. Mrs. R. T. Phillips,
who has.always been --a valued .teacher,
reniains in that capacity.
• must .turn our thoughts back and. con- terian church, .spoke for the Goderich
A: pretty wedding took place at the •atuch' with so little." the tiaptist chureb; Rev. L. 11:"1-trner,
manse of Inox Presbyte'rian. chureh, The following also, were some of the of Victoria street United church; Rev.
at_high noon on Saturilny, November main thouatts 01 aim Ballantyne's G Nobes of -Gorrie •
24t when Phyllis Jean youngest talk: All the women of, Canada have Farr, ' of Str'atford ; I'.
one bond in .common, namely, the Sturdy, .E. D. Brown and G. N.
nutkiug of hothes, and in this connec- , Dowker, former church wardens; Mr.
tion it is not what w9 have, but how Holmes, of Gorrle, and It. J. Acheson:
we use what we have, that counts,: • Expressions of regret in "their' ab -
Though suffering some shortages here,,!-.sence were received from clergymen
when we consider -the famished cen-1 in „London and the Deanery of Huron,
ditions in European countries. we Lind Itev. R. Ha: Turnbull of. North
should not complain. Not only Wel- street United church, who was .111. .
ligence but machsacrifice on the patt , All speakers cordially welcomed, the
o thel'ivomen is 'involved in hoine-: new rector and Mrs. Farr to,theehurch
kiiig,find if great deal ,of its Sue- and to Goderich; and Mr. Farr con-
eess lies- in good cooking. I.cluded his expression of appreciation
The speaker had travelled extensive. saying, "I ••%tm looking forward to
ly. iu Canada and spoke in glowing the days .that'are ahead.' .
terms on the main characteristics, both.' Mr. S. II. Prevett, people's warden,
physically and- economiVallyi of it's thanked the ladies, and Mrs. E.
Ave geographical -diVlsions. Each. Brown, president of the- Churela Wo -
district lms its specialty in 'the' line man's Guild, graciously replied, and
of cooking; the Maritimes, its maple the ;happy evening, was concluded with
cream; ;Quebec, its white bread and the -National Atithent.
sauces; . the prairies, the Saskatoon' '
pies, jams and jellies; the West, •fts . CROSS Notts
fricasseed' • chicken - and fried fish.' The Red Cross Workrooms. Will be
Ontario, thoughthe wealthiest of .the closed December 13th for the Christ -
districts, 110 produced .no dish a mas holiday season and Will reopen
special note. "One little specialty may: January. 3rd, okfs
lead fame to yOur door," she tehl the ,The geed for knitas and sewers
audience. She stressed the need,of during the coming months is very
'setting a high standard in Cookineand, Urgent. Little children • in England
she held out as a challenge to the and the liberated conntriea are greatly
younger generation' the looking on in need of • clothing. It is hoped that
housework and cooking as an art.„ ,all the ladies who have serVed. 80
After each one In the audience hallo faithfully in. the Past 'Will be on baud
.been presenthdwith a cookbook, Mrs. in the new year in order that all
:Ilalitintyne gave some ,additional sug- quotas maybe coMpleted• in record'
-geStions for theAgeipes therein, telling time, • • . .
her hearera not to be<afraid to expert- .List of tirticles shipped to Ilea&
ment with' different flavors, mid she quarters. during November and De -
concluded with the quotation: "No cember lucluded 452 Infants' gauze
nation, is greater 'than its homes and diapers, 120 a boys' and girls" vests,
110 llQnle8.greater than the women IIi 3t girls' eorabinations, '10 girls'
the boines."•' , . bloomers, 25 boys' pants, 20 baby night -
On behalf of those -present, Mrs. gowns, 20 tefugee' articles,. 30 sheets,
Turnbtill graelously ,moved, a vote of 100 hospital towels,, 24 men's sweaters,
thanks to the speaker, which' was ex- 45; ehtldren's sweaters, 10, petits boys'
tended to .lier•-by Mrs. Mooney. ' sock, 3 helmets, 30 .raen's gloves, 40
Daring the .evening Christinas carols Aiiiiriservice socki, •
were sung,. and Miss -Catherine Hay
dered it Il1eaSing4 Oland - 8010. Mrs. . NORTH STREET Y.F.U.
°ore rend the 'Scripture lesSon, and „A large group of, young people gath-
Mrs. Baxter led ,in prayer.. A short, eted In the church hall at North Street
business session was comineted by Mrs. 'Milted church on Mona?, eyeiiing,
Mooney, who anaouneed.;FridaY, &mu- The °Meeting was Under the direetion
ary 18th, as the iiate of the annitall of the citizenship .conVerier. Warren
meeting of the AsSociation. Mrs.
Hodge read the report of the iibminat,
Ing eommittee, the. only changes
the slate of dilicere for 1040 being Mrs.
M k,
of Mr. and Mrs. George
nited in. marriage to Mr.
Ryan, eldest on of Mr.
and Mrs. Jolin Ryan, Newgate street,
all of Goderich. Rey. Richard Stewart
officiated. The .bride were a floor -
length gown.of white satin with sweet -
'heart neckline and long sleeves. Her,
fingertip veil was caught to a coronet
.of. white feathers andt she carried• a
bouquet of Delight ;pink, 'and, Whiee
roses with fern and white streamers.
Miss Donna Mohring was the brides-
maid; ,wearing a long dress of •white
net, with • Matching- shoulder -length
veil. Her flowers were baby pink
'roses with fern and White streamers.
Mr. Harvey, -johnston' was best man.
The to the 'bride Was. a
pet of • silverware; to the bridesmaid,
gold earrings; and to the groomsman,.
tie and "dollar pins. • The wedding
,dinner served at the British Exchange
Hotel was attended by twenty-two
guests from Gederielt• ,Dtingannon,,
Port Albert and Woodstock. The
bride's table was centred with.' the
three-ticred wedding calre"..Mrs. Mot*,
Motlier of the bride wore a mauve
dress -wan corsage of White roses.
Mrs. Ryan, the 'groom's .inother, was
'gowned in light Wee, with corsage of
plait ,roses. Later the happy cotaile
left by motor on a trip to the Unithd
Statest-the bride travelling in a White
wool dress, powder blue coat and hat,
with brown acceatiories and a corsage
of ,..feclisitt roses. Qn their return
they fwill reside in Goderich, •
Prior to her marriage. the bride was
the. guest of honor at showers •given by
Miss Donna IVIohring; litr sister, Mrs,
Anthony liartnian;• and her mother,
Mts. Morik,"and by the girl -employees
at the ,;cloderieb, Salt. Company at the
home ,of, -her. sister, Mrs. . Atititfft
Temperatures of the past Weelt
'Goderieh, with these of the correspon
Ing 'Week yeaiv ago, as 'officially're-.
corded, were as follows; 4
1045' 1044
Max. Min.: Max. Mill.
Thur, Dec, 0 . 27 85 .33
Pa, Dee. 7 32 -35 34
Sat., Dee. 8„ 30 34 83
Sun., Dee. 0 42 . 30 3't 31
Mon., Dee. 10 23 36 . 28
Tueas, Dee: 11 20 15 30 *24
Dee. 12 22 ". 14 31.
Pinto. A very intereating talk on
aviation and the, training of the it.e.
AX. wag' given by Ur. Keith popkim.
'ton - -
W. V. At.rxice,.let.viee-president, Mrs. The 'next meeting Will take the 1061.
A. It Scott, corresponding seeretary, or at ryoutig roog614 thttroh tonic*
Mrs. 1.,4411yder. snd 'lyirA,Dca'n: Atinflay•eveninn, 1)049riber 23, when,
nellcy, a116,tztet. drnma be pro ,...nt.41.
• - • OFFICERS F,OR 1946
'The St. George's church branch of
the •Woman's Auxiliary held its .an-
nual. meeting on Wednesday, Decem-
ber 12th. •
Rey. B. H.- Farr,, who was ealled
upon by • Miss Burritt, vice -President,
to take the *chair, opened the meeting
vitith.lhe 'Scripture lesson.. This was
followed by the litany prayers and
the memhe s' prayer.
the last meeting of the
at reports were presented
s secretaries. °'
' The nominating committee, Mrs.
Whittingham,. Mrs. Williams, and Mrs.
Clark, brought in the following slate
of officers for 1940: Honorary presi-
dents, Mts. Carrie, Mrs. Hill, and Mrs.
Farr; president, 'Miss A. Mils; lst
vke,president, Miss A. )3nrritt; 2nd
vice-president, Mrs, Palmer • Secretary,
Mrs. D. Brown; treasurer, 'Mrs. Need -
envelope secretary, Miss- M.
MenarY ;,press secretary, Mrs. P. Tru -
dell; Doreas secretaries, 1VIrs.. Stani-
forth and Miss Brown; quilt conveners,
Airs. J. Yoster and Mrs. 'Whittingharn;
social service, Mrs. 'Pahaier; eXtra
cent -a -day, MO. Mundy ; Living Mess-
age, Mrs. Shore, and Miss Middleton;
study book, Mrs., Farr and Mrs. Mon-
teith; tea convener, Mrs. 'Riley.
Refreshments were served after the
meeting by Mrs. Riley and her assist-
Iris reported from The office of the
agricultural repre,sentative at Clinyan
that 1723 hog producers in this county
cast their votes for the hog market-
ing scheme projected by the Provincial.
Departnient of Agriculture..Sixty-twe
win) registered did- not vote:
. As only a two-thirds' majority o2.
these who registered was necessary,
it is apparent :that, so ,far as the es-
nression of Huron •producers is con-
cerned, thetproject 114 large support.
It is pointed. out, however, that there
are, approximatelF 5,000 hog prO-
ducers *lima; so that only about
thirty per cent. took the trouble' to
regiger and vote.' •
Last Monday night a , big tractor -
trailer belonging ,to National .Grocers
became -lodged in ierileus position
on the county road between Saltford
am.] Benialiller. The 'outfit wa.s.loaded
.With three hundred bags' of potatoes.
In -trying to negotiate the ice -covered
Sillttord hill, it stalled, skidded., ,then
jack knifed, and stopped with'the back
wheels hanging over the seVenfy-five-
foot precipice.
This bei
year, .excell
by. the vari
%NAV *each ot Ontario
proirement Asioeati,tion- .
* -11.1 Hpitel
• CLINTON; Dee. 8e--"ndo b7.f1,1
the .1).olt, organization Meeting 'I Itirre
attended thiti yeat'f” 801
McLeod, secretar7. of' the 9ntarle •r•',
Imprevement Assoelation, at, the end
of a mecting hc,ld •Irt the Departnietia
of Agriculture; PACO heye,. 7e8terft,
afternoon to organize a Crop
meat A.sSociatiOn in Huron count*,
• 'Until, yesterday 'Huron virtnik, one elf
two counties in Ontario in which CroP
improvement work° was not organize&
As a result of actien taken 'at Teite•*-
day"s Meeting, under :the leade
;Of John Arrastreng of 'Lontleshoro;
„other comity no.4 enjoyeale'ne ,the
doubtful diistinction, .
• Forty,rnine Huron county feria**
The- .tractorArailer via -s' driven by
Douglas °Chin and he and his assist-
Oehm, had a _narrow escape,
from. being • carried; .ever the hank.
The . road ...was blbcked entirely and
44.7111(7. -was re-routed While' Reg. Mc -
Gee's W pecker pulled the ma chine' back
on he road ..,swith considerable dif-
The narsenage Benmiller United
rbtirc.h. Was the. scene of a pretty wed-
ding a,t 11 o'clock Sathrday, December
8th, viliefi May„ eldest daughter
of Mr. and •Alis; Fleteher Fisher, Col-
borne township, Was united -in - mar-
riage to Ildroid Lewis Yeo, son .of
Mrs. Yeo and the litte William Yeo
of Goderielt township. Rey.. U. E.
• Cronhielm Officiated. The bride loolied
lovely -slit a street-leugth dress• of beige
silk crepe, with brown oicessories, and
wearing 'co -sage of Lady, Slipper
orchid, Tom 'mums and white heather.
Miss Lorrine Fisher, cousin of the
bride, was the bride's..only attendant.
She wore a street -length dress • of
powder blue, with corsage of American
Beauty roses, and brown tiecessories.
The groom was attended by his bro-
ther Eldin. After the ceremony a re-
• ception •was held and dinner served
at the honie of the bride's parents,
where the' bridea mother remised,
• dresaeCi in lose .crePe, With corsage Of
red roges, assiated by 'the groom's
friother dressed a two-pieee bin&
dress;. With corsage of pink • rostS.
Dinner Was Ser:Ittnjby four of the
bride's aunts, IV -WWItIgate Tebhutt
and Mrs. james"Uallagher of. Goderich,
• Mot. • Stanley Snyder and Mrs. Law-
rence Snyder of- Colborne township.
The .table, •centered with ihree-storg
Avedding-teake, was decorated with
pink ankwhite etrearnera, candles and
earnations In silver holders. The
bridegroom's.,gift- to the btide VIEW a
'double strand of pearls; to the brides-
maid a brooch, and to the groomsman
a leather billfold. For the wedding
trip, to Toronto, the bride ilmined
gold silk erepe ,dress, olive greex'. coat
trImined v7itit, brown mountain heftier,
with brown bat and Matehtsg. aeeess-
&lee, 011 •tbelt return the xobide
reside oa the bridegroom's, farm in
Goderieb township. •
I'reltions to her, marriage the bride
*AS honored at it tap and saucer
shower at the tome of, Miss Dorothy
Moore, and the neighbors and friend
gathered at tile bride's lionte ad jr
sented her with a. coffee -maker and
Act 47.e illtA;,t
The kegular meeting of the Women's
Institute was held in --•lqacKay Hall
on Thursday, December -..6th, the
president, Mrs. N. McInnis, in charge.
There was ft large attendance and
a fine program ,Was carried out; the,
spirit- of Chilstroas prevailing throngh-
out. The meeting room was gaily
decorated with evergreens and bright
A report of the dance held recently
showed if to have been very success -
flit • it was decided to donate a prize
to another entranee pupil at Central
School in. addition to the customary
An exchange a Christmas gifts was
made. Carols were sung, led by 1VIrs.
W. y. Saunders, accompanied -by Mrs.
0. Bisset. • Mrs. J. G. McDougall,
music instructor in the schools, gave
a' talk on "'Carols" and the origin of
the older carols, accompfulyink
Saunders as she .sang one. Her . talk
was appreciated by her listeners.
• There was display of Christmas
box wrappings' which had been made
by Mrs. McD. Willis, who proved her-
self an artist .irt that Itne, Absent.
through illness; a vote' of thanks was
attended the iheeting and. votd ant.
animontily to organize. 110MiliA4121V.
COillIllittee COUSISting of liert
Harry Sturdy, Alex, ,Alexauder, Hp&
13erry and W'illiftm Oestieleher
up ,•a slate of sixteen direetors, eat*
representing a municipality; the 41 ii**
ectort will. choose from among their
own number the first president, viee-
president, '.and seeretary»treasnrcr
the new organization. '
The Connecting Link
Expla'ining the purpose of the .Crop.
Improventent Association, Mr. McLeod
told the gathering that it provides the
necessary connecting link between the
research, man. in 1116 jaberatoty, or
office and the 'Practical man on the
farm, For example, he said, the as-
sociation takes on the tit* autithic •
form testi of new seed varieties de- ,
veloped at the Ontario Agricultural
College, , • "
The ultimate ba 'Eds. of all life, •said
Mr. McLeod, wheth'er numan anima);
rests on the production'. ot. crops. lee-
provement of any , farm rirodtiet, be
pointed out, whether 'meat,
.oggs, must depend Ultimately on hi-.
provement of the crops which provide
animal feed, as well,as of crops ,sucV
as, Wheat find vegetables, grown for
direet human constmaption. .
Among, .the projects" iniileitaken by
the Crop -Improvement AssociatiOis,,i.".
said Mr. MeLeod, are paature, improve,
m lit plots, 500,bushe1 Potato • clubs.
sl fairs, And grativariety tests.
/Mins of the
drew McTavish, a/director Of the
O,tario Association, Said at the Meet..
ing tbat a successful Ilyestock prograns
has to be based on'a sound
omicalideld crop program. One Of fthe
anus of the Crop Improvement As: ,
sociation, be said,. is a .higher) yield
per acre Pk held crops, -In order to get
economical and more profitable pro-
difetion. Througli *the association,
farmers haveanopportunity study
their problem, and arrange the testa
and research needed to find t1
answers they want An urgent prob-• •
ion in this part of the Province, he
added, is weed control,—a matter
which, he said, can be taken up thronet
the 0.C.I.A.1
The -lodging' of 'oats le 'another .
problem' which needs to be tackled- let
the association, said Alei. M. Stewart, *
preesideni of the • Canadian 'Seed
Growers' Association, and a past
pre -
dent of the Mr. Stewart also •
predieted a great future in, thie arc*
for the growing Of corn; he stressed
the value of using registered* seed'
the need. for a godd seed -cleaning plant.
Wherever the.0.0.ia. Inis sponsored.'
'a seed fair, Mr. Stewart •eeramented;
extended to her for her fine display. it has been possible to see in -the Jxass-
Rels. II. T. -Fallon, addressed • the
meeting oh the subject, "Christianity
and World Peace,;' stressing the fact
Mat there was great cause for thil
fulness at; this, time:, A. -vote of thank
was extended to Father Fallon for
1118 inSpiring Christuni8 message.
Roll call was answered with "What
i vvoubt like for Christmas."
• Lunch served by Mrs. LemairCand
her committee' was enjoyedp- after
Ivhich Christmas carol was sung and
the meeting 'Closed with the National
The regiilar meeting of St: George's
Churchwoman's Guild Was held In the
Guild room on Wednesday, December
5th, the president, Mrs, E. D. Brown,
m charge. After the opening hymn
the Scripture lesson -waS read by Mrs.
Tradell. *
- A, welcome on behalf of the Guild
'wps extended by Mr. 11. M. Monteith
to the new rector, Rev. B. 11. Farr*,
and Urs.Farr, Id which Mr. Farr
happily responded.
-.Miss Mille as gnest speaker, gave
f3hristmas message, her subject being
"Give:i-,What Shall I Give?' This
sthie addresi was much appretiated, -
• A nonainating• eornmittee was Lip-
Iminteti to bring in the new slate of
officers. 'the c meeting .elosed with
Prayer,Ay" Ilev. Mr. Park. A Soeitit
half-hour NV#114 enjoyed, lunch being
piled by Mrs. "Legg and -Mrs. Mumby,
in Comity Court on .loriday after-
noon Judge T. M. Costello gave judg-
went in favor of Prank `1110Cutcheon,
Ilritisele, in bis action for 'damages
of $5(i() against John O'Connor,' of
MeXillep towwthip.- Tile plaintiff was
!Ineweil.'051.10' and court costs., A
i,ounter-elaini.for $100. by the defend -
tint 4iSiui80i1. The action arose
ont of ttil accident 011 higliskiy No. 8,
between Seaforth andiDtiblita on June
Oth, 1045, When cars driven by the
parties involved. wore in tolliaion. The
plaintiff claim" -d' 'the defendant was
driving without lights and at exeessive
speed„ and did not allow half the road.
Tii�tb Boxing ‘Dak (teoeiber
,211ith).chas not hem' declared a public
helidaY, the Mereliant 'of tevitt, or
most Of them, ere arranging, tO heel)
their oloqd that
munity-concerneetui increase dr Oh*,
munitSr" spirit and a better distributiox
ef good seed in the district. •-;
" • Weed Control
Discussing the -problem of weed con- ,
trol, Mr. McLeod', shid that it weak •
point in • the weed controlwork has,
been the method of appointing weal
inspectors. •Mr. McLeod conside041,..., •
that .one inspector should be Made
responsible for a wider area. , One
Competera -inspector, he suggested,
might be appointed for each -count.%
insteadof, now, one -for :each' town-
ship. The result, Int pointed, out, .
would be to.reduce4t reatly the mileage- -
,ot.boundarl ,lifies between •vweed con-
trol jurisdietions. • ' • •
The.hat board Of directors for the
Huron Crop Improvement Association,„.
.m.,..C110,SOn at yesterday's meetine'con,-,
.sists of Samuel Alton,, AShfield; Harl
ora Gaunt West Wavvanosh;'11.
Sturdy, Batt Wawanosh;, Hariey
Timms, Turnberry; -john 'Winter,
Turnbull, Grey;
Richard Proctor, Morris; E. Snell,
Hullett;. Elnier Robertson, Colharne;
Alvin 13ettles,' Goderich -township;
diaries '1VtacIntosh, Tuckersinith ;' Steve
Murray, McKillop; Ilarry Strong,,Un-
bornel Alibi 'Wolper, Stephen.; Williams', .
Dougall, Hay; jo*Artastrong; Stask,
,,,At the annual meeting of the Nursee
Aliniume. held 'Friday evening, Decent -
her Vb, at the nurses' residence, the
following •officers were elected.: Iles.-
orary ",,preaident, Mit; M. Pickg41114:
paot president, Mrs. H. Baiter; preid.
(1ent, ,Mrs, lt Bradley; vice-presidonk
Miss. 0:vivid/filth; .secretarY-treaseter.
Mrs. X, Andersen; recording seereteit
Visa R. Patton; telephone committee,
Mrs. It. ,Brewer; 'boded eoromittee;
rs.'1. W. MaeViear 4tonvener).1trit.
Os. Araekelt .141,0t1. X. Paperniek,
•Sir. Stoddart; progranCeominittee, Win
ratlint '(entivener), Ulm Port Oran.' •
sten and Meg X. Crawford.
iMr:',Itnti• Up:. Tiros. #1,7 Chieholies,
olborne en*, sitntOunte the,
gagentent of their 'eeeond doughn,
LilUai'At arY.• to LOMA-ft Abiskle
Itoone%gion of Mr. artii Mts. L.' twos%
.1102°,11Octory. street, LentlOno Ot.0:$61
wedding will tate plat* mIlettenlity
Morning, Deceraberott o'$.*,!1•,' Pt. P'-W'"efotottro, .Tiondon, OM.