HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-12-06, Page 61 'AG
You'lL enjoy our
Orange PeBien�
BURNS,–TEI NANT •wore a lovely gown . in all White, the.
,Standards of varies sited, "cbrysantlie- bodice of alk jersey wit'h,.beart shaped
'Mums, - palms, and 'ferns, with white
.chrysanthemums on the, altar, decor-
ated Old St,: Paul's eh!arch, Woodstock,
„er the wedding on Saturday after-
noon; 'November lith, of Margaret:'
Elizabeth Tennant and 1Yilliartxi" Johr
Burns,, '"•l°he bride is the second dough,
ter of Mr, and Mrd C.° W. Tennant,
R. t. 2, Woodstock, and the bridegroom
is the onlyson of Mrs. D. J. Burns
and the . late Mr. Burns. of Goderich.
The double ring cereutony was per-
formed by Rev. 'John Morris, assisted
by Bev. Charles Langford of Mitchell,
uncle of the bridegroom, /Kenneth M.
ADA TEMPE1ANCEcT AGAINTennant of Paris, uncle of the bride,
TIIE rpivar.riage by her father, the bxiile gore
two-piece street -length frock of hose-
. � , . a wo
wood wool •with small black list and
A ease which affects the county ,.of handed, down the Liquor Control Board : accessories, and corsage of Johanna
re t e Prty Council in 'has .ho' power to open, either Govern- Hili roses. The bride•'s sister, Mrs.
Huron is befo h ment liquor stores or authorize the A Ross, as matron Qf honor, chose
I'wngland this week: This is..an, appeal opening ,ot brewers.•,retml stor'es,"tr tvo-piece dress of ,autumn gold,
Frovince� of Ontarioagl hist a 'l%hat the' G.T. Apt Sas IA.
blaek hat and accessories and corsage
by the ,.
d•ecision of : the tilipreme Court Of The Canada Temperance Act States of roses. John P. Hicks of Toronto
Canada upholding the validity of the that local option votes may be ,taken was best man. Douglas and Jack
Canada Temperance Act.. lileoxing of anywhere ha the Dominion whenever Tennant, brothers of the bride, were
the appeal was delayed for five years twenty4ive per cent. of the voters in fishers. A. reception followed .the Cera-
because of arteries of travel . Jur- any county sign, -n petition asking the moray in the parish halls the bride's.
eriv 1�. Dominion Government • to order such mother receiving with the bridal party
ing the war p
-The Canada Temperance Act by a plebiscite. Under these conditions in a rust crepe dress With brown
previous decision of the Privy Council the people of Perth, Peel and Huron" .accessories and corsage "of -orange
is in effect iu the counties of Huron, counties and .Manitoulin lslaud' have Token roses. The mother of the' bride -
Perth and Peel, lint -the Hepburn °Uov- voted to have ,prohibition. UntesS and' groom wore a • dress 'of fuchsia crepe,
.er ent refused .to' abide by the de- until the Canada Temperance Act is set. black accessories and corsage of Ta1is-?
'ci ion, and .issued authorities for the aside or amended , the Provincial Gov- man 'roses. Tables were attractive'
retail .std. of beer and wine. The' erumeut cannot lawfully put saloons with pink and whit chrysanthemums
Drevi Government has followed the and beverage rooms into these areas.; and white .tapers, be bride's table'
example •of ; the 'Hepburn, Government ,'There is only •one way in wn}ch usher !centred with .three-tier wedding cake.
p d been and wine licenses tete Dominion Att this might be (tone 1 Iter. John Morris proposed the toast to
and has issue
in the C.T.A....areas, although it evict- —that .would be to have one-quarter
eptly has some thought that its action of the electorate in those ,areas. ask.
in so doing is illegal, for in September Ottawa for a new plebiscite on the,
last in replying to a questiou put • to question of repeal and then to 'secure
' it by the Town Council of Goderich a majority of the electors in favor
as- to the possibility of the opening of .of repeal. •
liquor store and a When the Ontario Court. of Appeal.
a Government
' brewers' ' warehouse, in Goderieh the denied the. Hepburn Government s -re- of Woodstock General Hospital, is a so
Attorney -General's Department at 'i'or- quest for a finding that Would Upset a graduate of they School - of the Can -
onto wrote ('September 12, 1945) as this law, passed by the Dominion adieu Society of • Laboratory Tech
follows; , i Parliament in 1ti'7b and revised in' 19UEi nicia ests were resent fromJTor
'"As 'the entire' county of Huron. has ' and again in 1921, the Provincial C ov-1 Gu 1 onto,
declared ':under the . Canada , ernnieut decided to appeal. They I Kitchener, Goderich, Mitchell, St:
Act by the courts since ciailu the original measure was passed i Marys, Stratford and Paris.
the bride, which was responded -lid ify
the bridegroom. For a wedding trip
to Windsor and Detroit, the bride
donned an aquamarine topper. On
their return Mr. and' Mrs. Burns will.
reside in Toronto.
The pride, who is a nursing graduate
the granting of authorities for the sale because of a national emergency, and
of beer and wine in the County, pro- ` that such conditions nu ,longer ,exist.
ceedings would have to be taken under 'They argue that only in -such 'a..case
that -statute to have the operation of , of emergency could the ]federal` Gov-
the Act terminate(t before any Govern- ! ernurent legislate in this particular ht f
went' liquor stores or brewers' retail 'rield, because it is expressly - reserved
• for Provincial legislatures under -,.the
British North America . Act.
ancecontested' bythis ment rests on the -argument that the
Province and wrl Joseph's church, sang the nuptial_ high
Privy Council in the near future. Con- . of the act in 1�ti"', that this .decision .mass. The altar was decorated,�,i�t'h
has been used as a.basis for T rovincial bronze•. 'mums and fern.. The bide
° St. Joseph's church, Kingsbridge,
Bras tb;e scene of a pretty wedding -on
Saturday, .November 24, when Ellen
Helena,. younger -dang er o Mrs.
stores could be established, by P•
ro o t
vincial -authorities. The 'case for the Dominion Govern -
"The validity of the Canada Temper-
Act has been a dePrivy'Council sustained the validity
- " 1 be decided by the
Caroline Meneely, .Toronto, became -the
bide 'of Raymond Joseph Austin, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Austin, Kings-
bridge. •Father Quigleye-pastor of St
sequently `until that decision has been
Brophey s -
Funeral Home
0w Funeral : Chapel conibinea
the dignity of a place sof worship
and, the refinement of a quiet
cadence. ' •.
PHONE' 120
FLOYD M. LODGE, Director
You are invited to. listen to
"Music for Sunday program over
CKNX, W inghani; • each Sunday
afterndtn at 3 pan.
Cemetery a
'fou are invited to 'inspect our
stock in
Clintoh Exeter, Seaforth
Phone , 141
Enquiries � promptly attended to.
Cuu i,ngiiam 8c Rude
No extra eh rge for the use.
of our Funeral Rome, Toron-
to Street. • ` •
Prompt Amb{.ilance
Service •
Phone .335 Rea. 355 or 7
legislation' since °then, that evefi if --0. �•
which is not admitted nor was •it : everk entered the_ church on the arm- of 'her
claimed—a state of national emergency •brother, John Meneely, grid -was ex -
existed when the law was passed, quisitely gowned in. white brocaded
tieitce to show that net and lily of the- valley. Soft folds
there isn't any evi
the alcoholic situation is any • better from a small yoke formed a draped
today, "'gums showing the .ever-increas- sweetheart neckline. Her sleeves
ing consumption of liquor in Canada.' tapered to long points 'over her hands:
A wreath of orange blossoms, held in
-A. T. Whitehead o1 Toronto, counsel
for • the Ontario Temperance Feder- `place her (finger-tip veil of. dainty •em-
' alone one of the parties in the action, broidered net. 'She carried a bouquet
of red briar rases with white Romance
believes that the Dominioji s interest buds and white heather, and wore a
in maintaining the Canada. 'Temperance .buds
pearl necklace, the gift of
Act is due to - the recognition tor' the the groom: The bridesmaid, Miss of a democratic channel through
which residents in' any Province, that Mary Theresa A nstin; sister of the
started to sell' booze at: full speed°Um' wore' a ' floor-ler}gth gown -of
under guise of "control" could appeal to Pink net over taffeta...with a sweet -
the Federal (Uovernment to give them heart' crown and 'shoulder length veil.
a chance • to close saloons. '_arid bars She •carried a .,bouquet of,; :pink._ briar
with their own votes, roses, with white , .
Romance- buds and
Backing the Ontario Government
-is �. white heather. : The groontsinan was
Jack Austin, brother of the :groom.
During the signing • of . the- 'register
Ray Dalton sang '-Heart of Jesus, We
Are Grateful." Mrs. William Lamm
tothe_Attorney-General t presided ' at the organ.- The weuuing
neckline, the -full. 'air1rt `of double net.
Her Anger -tip veil vas held in a #c)wer
bandeau and she carried au arm bon-
quet.• red roses and "" wore, her
Mother's pearls. As 'ire id of honor
Miss Doris Huston wore door-ieugth
turquoise a sheer with Matching 'cap
and bouquet of Johanna Hill roses;
Murray Dae was best . man _and
Gordon' Miller acted as, 'usher, Mrs,
William Brock, wearing ''olive green,
with gold 'and black .accents. . received
„at . the home of the bride, where 'the
the Provincial Governments of Alberta
and New Brunswick. • • •
Apposing the Ontario Government; in
'speaker „ hopes that no* the rear i*
over Willie Standard Of jiving will be
set yup, with • eple taking it rtrong
stand for the highest and beat, Being
a native of Ripley, + wiry greeted
by; many friends who knew hire when
as a youth he used to • Sing Scotch
songs at. entertuiuumenta. The receipts
at the Sunday services were $325 and
those. from the Monday night tiekets
amounted to $55."`m .It was altogether
a °very successful oeasion, spiritually
and ilnanclally. • --.. �,..
i1TMILI�F<R, *.Dee. 4.Rev.. W. - J.
sohnston of Tarmac(); .;who was- guest
reception was • held, Later I r..Sud ,sDealter at the County, Federation ban -
Mrs. Leainen , left for Goderich, where gilet in . 'Clinton last Thursda3', was
the guest of Mr, and. Mrs. Wilmer
Hardy, for the day.
`Miss' D. Mode' entertained at a
cup` and saucer shower for Miss Luella
Fisher`, Pride -elect, at her horse last
Friday night. Lunch was served and
a social' time spent,
Rev;, ' U. I7: Cro'hhielm attended the
Presbytery meeting at Clinton on Tues-
day. ht
Mr, Benson Walters spent a nig
at his home here while' "his .boat was
docked. in Goderich.
Mr. A, Grange was in Pontiac this.
week to see his father, -who' is quite
ill in the hospital there.
The Sunday school Christmas' tree
entertainment will be held on . Decem
ber 21 'in Benlniller :United church. `
Mrs. Wilmer ,Hardy entertained her
..Sunday school class to a social time
at her home" on` Saturday afternoon.
All report a 'very enjoyable time.
Mr. and : Mrs. Girvin Young of
Goderich visited. on Sunday with Mr.
ai�c� Mrs. J. R. Long. q
5ri•.. FrC;iday night last a goodly num-
they will reside. The bride 'travelled
in a grey -blue tailored suit with black
topcoat collared in silver fox,
(Intended for last -week).
DUNGANNON, Nov?, 28.—yirs. Chas.
Duxu n 4,atid two children and Mrs.
Frank .Pentland and two little -girls
spent a° few days last week 'with rela-
tives in Toronto. A visit to T4ylaiid
in some: of the downtown stores with
Santa' Claus Was • quite an Attraction
for the children. - ' ' .. .• . •
The 'Dungannon Public and Con-
tinuation School, after ' enduring for
some thne poor water facilities," has
this week seen • the commencewent • of
the sinking of an artesian well; This
will no doubt remove the inconvenience
of the past, twenty-lve years. '
Two of Dungannon's boys ,returned
last week from war duty in Europe.
They -are Franklin Eedy and Neil
.Haines. We are glad to' see them ber
back looking so well. Each of then of. friends from Auburn and Nile
has .still a brother to follow him' home, "met at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Irvine Eedy and Carman Haines. '
l4r. Jas. Davidson is under the
doctor's care this week, but we hgpe
10 see him around soon.'
The Y.P.U. of Dungannon United
Church held a ,Social evening ori Friday
bors and friends of the Benmiller
night after choir practice. 1liany community gathered at the -home of
games were enjoyed and at the close Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Fisher and
refreshments were serve d.
Mr. Rout. Stothers, who operates -presented Miss Luer. Fisher, bride -
the Sunoco service •Station in this to -be,' with a table lamp and coffee
village, hada nasty accident on- Tues -maker. Luella thanked all .for the
day. He was removi the cap froth a•' lovely gifts, after which lunch wad
heated radiator when boiling .-,water
Served and a social time 'enjoyed:
gushed -over' on is.. arm, inflicting a
bad scald.
United . Church Anniversary.—The
Dungannon United :'Church observed
. - o 4 dinner was held at the Park House,
Canada, are . the' ufollowing organiz-'
ations : The Canada Temperance i'ed- Goderich, fur y
oration,, the Ontario Federation, the
Huron County Temperance• Federation,
the Manitoulin Teinperance - Feder-
ation, the Peel, Temperance Federation,
the Perth Temperance Pederiition, the
United Church of Canada, the council
for -social service of the Church of
England in . Canada.
Presentation of the case is: expected
to take a lull weeand` it Will be some
time. further before the judgment.'is
made known. •,�- -
The answer to. atomic bombs
spiritual upheaval.
ris a
• . SHOP P , . .
Guaranteed ' wo rkmanship:- at
prices that Win' please you..
Call at our. ofiTce 'Phone 242J or `
drop• us aline to Box 161, Gode-
rich. We will pleased to call
knd help choosesuitable mem-
orial for your- family plot:
R.. A. S .OTT`ON�_
St. Andre vv's`St.
Arriving !aily�
Phone 3993 .,
• thirt '-five guests.
Afterwards a reception was held at tile
home of the grouni's parents. The
groom's mother received: in a becom-
ing dress of pearl grey: with a corsage
of red roses with tern. She was as-
sisted -by the bride's mother wearing
a avy blue crepe dress trimmed with
sequins, with a similar corsage.
Guests were `preseut from 'Toronto and
.Goderich. '.lir"= - and Alis : eA�-ustin bit
-for a motor trip -to Stratford, London
and other poi sts: F4 ..., a'velliug the
bride donned •a moss green suit with
brown accessories and an orchid ° cor-
sage with snapdragons &hid carried
a topcoat of leopard skin. On their
return the couple will' reside in South
Porcupine; where the groom is 'em-
em-ployed' with the Dalton 'bus lines. .
The parsonage of North street United
Church was the scene of a pretty and
interesting wedding on ,Saturday; when
the ivarriage- was soleMnized by Rev.
R. - H. Turnbull of: -..Margaret Agnes,
daughter of Mr..and Mrs. John Cartier,
'of .Bothwell, Ontario, to Pte, Charles
Treble Sheardown,` of the Provost•
Corps', London, son of Mr. and 'Mrs.
Samuel JSl eardown, St. Andrew'•s
street, Goderich.. The bride looked
charming in a floor -length gown of
white lace with sweetheart neckline
and long sleeves. Her long veil fell
gracefully from a halo headdress. She
wore a. necklace of pearls, the gift of-
the • groom, and carried a bouquet of
yellow chrysanthemums and pink
roses. Sergt. and Mrs.. Murray Shear -
down, the former a Anther' --of, the
groom, vver"e the attenr rats, the latter
wearing, Alice blue- sheer with Match,
ing Shoulder -length veil, and a , gold
pendant, the, gift of the groom. ,lIer
flowers -Were yellow chrysanthemum':
After the . ceremony a' reception was
field- at the home'' of the groom's par-
ents, where the • dchorations were ,
a color scheme of 'pink' and: white..
Mrs. Sheardown, .ihother .of the groom,
received in a gown of teal blue and
navy blue hat. Mrs. Cartier, the
bride's mother, was gowned in cocoa
brown With Matching accessories.
Both wore corsages of„ red roses.
Later . the • happy co'tplo ..left on a
trip to Buffalo, Niagara Palls and New
York, the. bride travelling in n ; dress
of blue, wool, brown coat, with inatel
ing aec oriel, and •o,.''. corsage, of
orchids. Ferri their return, they will
'reside 'h .,London..
Dan Pitblado, jr., who were recently
married, and presented them with
gifts. Mr. and. Mrs. Pitblado replied
fittingly. Lunch was, served and a
social -time was enjoyed. . •
On Monday night a number `of° neigh-
SIHEPPARDTON, Dec. 4.—Mr. and
its ninety-nrpth anniversary on Sun-, 'Mrs, ,V' Ross, Lois and • Marvin,
day, November 25. lihe guest speaker, .of Win ::• ; spent a -,week -end recently
Rev. DuncanellIcTavish, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. Chas.. Jones' and
gave a forceful sermon at each ser- either relatives. -
vice.' In the morning Mts. Ralph, Mrs. Bert Bogie and Mrs. F. Rising
,roster favored with two solos, in ad=•°spent the past week=end at Listowel,
'"d'ition to an anthem by the choir, the former with. her mother, Mrs.
Mr. Aubrey Toll .of Auburn and Mrs. Parrish, and the latter with her sister,
_. rc. Elden- Erb, and Mr. Erb.
W. J. Rogers each sang a solo in .the M Eld'
evening. Mr. McTavish, who is a very' The teacher . and pupils are prac-
brilliant speaker, was heard with much tisi.ng for the Christmas concert, which:
interest, and attracted, many to come= i.s • to be • held the week before Christ-
back on Monday–evening to hens his
lecture, "The lvtisty Plats ,or Drifters
in Life,” which ' was sparkling. with
humor and upliftingthoughts."' The
Mother Not to Blame for
the 4hildren's Cold
out of
much blot
do to.
*to all then:tattler can d'o the kiddies -will. tun
pecly *Tapped up; have on too
wterhettted and eotd. off 'WO
wet; Jr:Wee the bed clothes; and
mother cannot help.
m treating children's colds is to give,them something
something they wid take without any fps, and this the mother
Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, a 'remedy •used by Canadian
; largo family Mse, about time* ail much, 60c,. 64
• 'Civilization will become a .farce un-
less Christianity •becomes • a force. '
bring ba t
The busy holiday season. is
almditliere"= bringing with it
additional demand,
They. will be urgent). 'needed
ena.ble A.4.. to .Maintain a
steady flow of supplies to the
Please return empties now. If
you can't bring thern in 'phone -
",or write your nearest Brewers'
Retail Store.
Painful, Pui
-the-Causeof uch Miiery
If you etiffer frem boils_ you, know how sick and
miserable they made you feel.
Boils are an outward indication of impurities in
the system, and just when you think you are rid of
• -one another crops up to take its place and prolong
.. your misery. All the lancing and poultieing you can do may mot stop more
coming. ,
• To help overcome boils yoii, should purify the blood, so Why' 110t, give'
that old; reliable blood medicine, Burdock Blood Bitters, a chance to show . °
what it will de in4 helping you get rid of them? Thousands have uskld it for
this purpose for the past 60 years. Why' not you?
LONIJON,, ONT.—In a ceremony at
,the Church of the Epiphany on Sat-
urday, Xathleen:Grace, only daughter
Of Prank Trickett; Emery -street, be.
'came the bride of Iola' Walter
'men, ion of Mrs. E. Willis, Goderich,
and the late Walter Leamen. net.
signing -of the register Mrs. Ifoward
PArotA41-1 sang "nfollimfi." The bride*
lathier gave ter 'in marriage, fitke
LY will be yours—if you are willing.
to fight. for it today! Bricki, may
build a' houSe, but to build a home,
you need , more than bricks! You
, need security—a job—a. future! And
ilhese depend on a Canadian dollar
that will always buy a full dOlar's
worth of „goods—a ( steady, sound
dollar that's not pulic4, down to
half its , .*Value .1.by.: inflation! 'Ames
why it's, necessary NOW-t-rnore, than
ever now—for all ,of us to' fight and
work to ikeep that dollar worth :a.
Why It SO itnportant NOW?
Because now is the time ciVillan goods
NOW is the time we mist guard
against paying MOBS than things
Ate worth 4 0 * or buying things We
don't really need. We MUSt Oupport
rationing, observe prid ceilings; and
avoid blackcmarkets. If WO
W9 can' keep prites 'from shooting
sky high. If We •don% sonie day we'll
be 'Paying a dollar .for fifty cents'
worth Of goods., This 'means your
dollars—those dollars 'you've saved
to buy your home—will only be worth'
fiftfCents! This is inflation!
sion! *We know what a pened after
the last War! It mustn e allowed to
happen again. Tharg-why, for'our
own iitkes; and for the sake of die
returned men io whom we owe a job,
future;, a home of their own—rwe
Mtist make sure Canada's dollar rea
Illait14 steady,' We must keep up a
constant fight against our country's
Make this Pledge today!
in -fighting inflation: '
sy-ibtarviao rationing and a.voidies
black markets In any shape dr
itete•cties prientuntints and Other.
anti-inflation measures, *ad re- .
sary buying. 1 will not buy two
where oat vitt do, "nor witti bur
where an Om WILL uo.
By buylna Victory Bonds, supporting
by *11 such tututsures
which will. lower the
cot: Of living itittd
help keep prices -at a
normal leveta t.