HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-12-06, Page 2• TIM '1 din t T SIPWAirSTAR torto t5twi*" sr - SWING :TOL .'Y!O^" 113,U U 8I9N4L , rid/ ¶L'UE. t+IO#0RLCH, OUR Published by Signal -Star sag, „Limited, We at Street, Qoderich. 'Ontario nadat Grand Great Britain. • *2,00. a.. year; .to: United States; $2.504 veirtiains ftetee on request. Telephone 71. TBUn,S AY, . DECEidBER. 190 ..... ED TO• - , . " NO ;, settle disputee between 'emplOYers '•ta�AT •, . to employee), it would be proper .,„. � ,. and 11tkiU0►�} atVC ,People saythere ti <ere ,and lilting, ha recognition ot• the claims which, eau jt stly .be made for the returne+l . men, that they" should be. gitvenr, the plaeee of pxierity instead, of: the strikers. This is ant to sal► that the stri'kd at Witudsor is, without pro- vocatlea • taut the welfare of the ! ,= our school, days who co i1itry ,dig a . whole mt st-, come before the f i o . rat* .flat ... Well4 if' there !►'k a lot of mQUeX Ic4 being' spent ' ' bran'• le appeal etuently in _1 ' r' b . dilnes: �thie i> ;tile .. raw "e" ` ,*. . the' claims. er aa3" Particular class, and Yclr<ed the e . out' of i t. and why?. s • ae • . by the 't1t''indsorstrike W' the comrnua- untold tub ma ge lila already • been done 11 PIM, OVER OF LAZY MEADOWS toyi ., And I and. afraid there will be a great makiY nearly broken hearts ,04 Christmas »ay. "The Evening 'Telegram British War B11'Barry-',1' Bou1t 1 Victims' Vend and .its' .atexili Christmas Clieer 'for British Children, • BEFORE CI) BTMAS . ahave• done such a sujerb job in helping We're, in .that s .ort of ;in-between to bring .happiness, 'azftl normalcy. to' British ehildren, I , wonder whether here . . ". neither fall nor winter. One you ten. think of anything we. might. day it rains' and the iie}x�t.,daY it pgets- do forry these lle }boyn 'annd girls in cold. Somehow orti other, however, 'Yorkshire. 'When 1 *iany.' �1r e,' I ' believe Clirist>paas seens' " tci be in the alr..there may be others. from the e R.C.A.F. Seine years,you sense that. sort of and• brother Services who would like thing.'4". 1 to help. I am enclosing' a sinall don- - • When • I was in the village the other , ation 05.00) from myself and children day they were ,decorating the store -for some 'little Yorkshire child, who ;windows for .Christmas. Tim Murphy no doubt will be wondering whether has a funny elf, all dressed UP, wito,, the airmen ,front Canada (with• their Wbows. and scrapes in a mechanical way , strange talk) will remember to visit and tips his hat' and rolls his big -eyes. ! then again and give, them another There was a terrific jam of people 1, happy Christmt s. • • around the front of the store. 1 don't i Thanks, Mr.; Perry. 4 Christmas suppose it would have caused much Cheer for British Children knows you. ofPaa stir on' a maim street in. .n big will be happy to learn that already city, bat in 'the village it had. every- €5,000 has gone . overseas to provide bpd out. The kids.: Were getting Yuletide treats for • eleven London Out of the way to^•mnake room .-boroughs and as , further ' gifts .are p�� o y , I received from Canadigtns, the children for t e grown-ups. s been o 'Hull, Bristol, Plymouth, Ports- Iting Christmasktrees. tie Jenkins atrucks mouth and York will be treated. Bu. cuit� . theme to the. city and Sella them. A in any event. the orphanages of St. few years ago he had a farm that,, Hilda's and 'St.. Stephen's again will didn't seem much, good for' anything, be remembered by Canadians, as re - Then he- started cutting some of the , quested by M. Perry. • ire do not recallaitl; poetry ity, as well. as to the industry involved Jerallei o the. December 131111; bait these . aind, , to the strikers,. themselves. That day$ towards the• the of the a large number of the • strikers- recog-, • steer might well afford the necessary asipirattion. ' 0 ',U.S. array plane has circled the hard,. in tea minutes less than ninety- seven hours. That • rather takes the * nine ' this is shown . by the narrow margin of. voles... -for the continuance -clf '*utrike when proposals to end it were submitted by the Federal De- parttfient. of Labor and voted upon. Only the fact that motor years are not cite out of, • Jules Verse's. mAround the World iui1i `iitty Days." • There could 'not .be 'election... contests writ eat defeated. candidates; so: those *ha ,:ailed to ;galla munlcitph1 place 'on ,3Kondny were performing one of the ctians of democracy—and perhaps w r tving themselv•es fro•m a lot of • 'trouble • during the coming year. necessary to, existence , renders the situation at Windsor less than absolutely Intolerable. 1VI.P: S HELP T�MSEL .VES • (Barrie Examiner) • Members of the House of Commons last week treated themselves to a raise • of $2,00Q0 •per' session in pay, and A went the whole hog 'by Making the amount exempt from income tax. The regulations freezing wages and We • hear still .df- a shortage of salaries are still in'' effect, but • the eaurses,' and, young -`•women are being M.P,'s paid no -heed to that. Their. new pay is . $6,000 per session (ani f • athsit -our mouths),- u spruce trees'1nd little 'scrub, pines and selling /hem for the Christmas trade. Then he got into reforesting a lot of the sandy land on the back fifty, and now he has a nice. crop of themcoming along each year. • CREWE CREWE, Dec. 3,- Mrs. Susan Andrew of Ziolf visited this week with 1 Mr, and Mrs. S. Kilpatrick. I guess t`hia :sounds like a hodge- podge' of ideas, but sitting here now, Mr. Raymond Finnigan attended the thinking about Christmas coming, 1 annual meeting and banquet 'of the 'find myself sort of mixed up. You Federation of Agriculture whibh was hear a. lot these dayvabout Christmas held in Clinton on Thursday.' and people attacking the idea and , Mrs. Sara Chamney returned to her going -•:into a rigmiarole about Santa; home near Belgrave on Thursday- after Claus. Santa Claus has stood . for a , visiting her .daughter, Mrs. Raymond good thing in a wood that has never Finnigan, and Mr. Finnigan.. Jjeen,, particularly noted for its kind-; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Maize of, Wingham ness nor goodwill. It may. not always; visited • on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. bring out the best in children, and the ; C. Crozier, also with -Mr. Hasty'and. whole idea of exchanging gifts may ` Lorne. in cases be a commercial racket. I This. -community extends its sincere We don't notice that sort' of thing. sympathy to Mrs. W. J. Shields, whose here in the country. A good many I father, Mr. Hugh Shields, passed away of the presents that Santa Claus brings l on Sunday .morning. to go tato training to all the average o f ths) b t L. c,�u• caiildren• consist or sleds. that, The annual meeting ,of �Ciewe W.M..S. ., -gh at- places. -.Why not :0101... the_ -iutwit.h; tanding this very generoti.i lr,.- -:-.. , - i -ctrl- trate -been':is- beim eitl--a-t--t ief.Cie a • of the rent; -so. far :is ,this 'Pro- deal i and the perquisites they 'en- clan t • ii`io-k Ili :rhino' �poipl e�;;ped• ii ' car,, ecl out by good workmen in the president, ,;,Mrs. S. . K-Ppatrick, on i,�lY hcuent of lily training courses rug°Dived in the extra �2,oba they have t d tl 1 though there are around here secretly knit �� arm end; Bill Caesar, woo spent four years Il ,h 't `1s -c arses �vhrZh d f 'Canadians with surprise or on � iia i); g. - [Carol Ann, of -Dungannon; spent Snn- A lot of our kids make useful things day evening_ visiting Mr. •and M• rs., with their hands to bestow ' on their • E. Zinn and sons-, • • •' - perents. A large part of the 'candy School Enter'tajnuient•. The ladies on o_lir- trees has been made in DLit: of Crewe school were invited to the -J , own kitchens from 'brown sugar and school on. Monday afternoon to be Most people would probably agree d reci entertaui is ` COre•cc�rned, of :mowing the joy they win nit pay the income tax , liri�•aev of a workshop while rhe child- Thursday, December 6. ,,;, • . re -es s ren are at school. at , F t • A' 11 , women We are glad to Welconie" home Mr. voted iernse ves, • lett the stud er ospr <Z u tens of thousands . o dna i c•oriifort•ible initteiis and socks as a overseas. • -ieguiated milt Of 'existence by income of less than X1,000• who pay f and li i t morn- Rev and Mrs. 'Dad rs -W J Rogers and ptt a -' Govern mit? This train- income . assessments, We leave it to -,�_+ our readers • to form their own• opinion• Aug i;l. Local hosita should. never as' tb the action of their .parliamentary •.matin .discontinued., and in face representatives 'in this matter.' ,. e f the 'resent delnited• for nurses ‘-ins - �ne •.."+dull • be lost "b3' .,the Provincial WAR MEMORIALS OF' VALUE auaithoi it les in ,.withdrawing the reg a- good - ed by the rive:.rizauy young, wo- that many -of Our local war memorials Of course it ' n't always like that, M. Dunnin,.and the 'pupils. There was lionslatch deprive: are sadly=lacking m" artistic merit. and we do buy a lot of our presents, a . program and the different grades wen of the opportunity of training But few of those who live : in the but they're simple presents and they're displayed their year's work in a very ter this; useful 'calliiri.... country, and ,join year by ygar in the tendered in a spirit' of•good-will. • Our capable •manner. Lunch was nerved • + + •gathering of friends and neighbors Chr en their a ue t Raymond Finnigan pes. istrnas is still' a pretty good time by. grades 1, 2 and 7. On behalf of v 1 tin he ladies - Mrs. ft the life of the g Y in the eyes of. a good many d o unique- in the: number of freak year or two after the last war two - We . used. to think, the--lnited States , round. them, would deny and Santa Claus does . cause a gleam °villa a community. A •chid ren tendered a hearty 'vote of thanks "to Mrs. Durnin and the pups "t`iutlts'�`' w'hich from time . to tune young Americans on a walking tour Bpfmirr`, up among its people; but, we' through England assured me that noth-, 1 ing had impressed then,:: so much as beg}tiriing to think "that, in pro: the - war• memorials. in every ,village. . portioot .topopulation,• _ the . United They told me that until they saw them Kingdom is .to. the States a c1os.e' they' had no idea of what the• war had lace. The latent is the "Legion of meant to this .country.—Maj.-gen. Sir • ,• John' Headlam„ in The London_ Times. man, who last Christmas gave his over- Qhr3sti u $efornr,",; which, according seas bo'.x of good things to orphaned 9 LS British children, Christmas sent $5.00 and (H. C. Mason, in London 'free Press) a challenge to Christmas Cheer for in these parts.' ORPHANS OF BRITAIN NOT FORGOTTEN -BY CANADIAN FLYER' TORONTO, Dec. 5.—A- Canadian air- es to a cable 'despatch has gamed public- THE YEAR FOR aNO'WY • Ur in SHERIFF HILL- ON ,EXECUTIVE At the annual. meeting • of the On-• •tario Sheriffs!. Association, held • at Torosto on Friday last, Sheriff Nelson 11111 of-• Goder•ich was . re-elected to the exCutive committee. • we ark-toid.,:imrchitsed SWastilta. :ban- This is the year for _snowy owls British Children, - auxiliary to The lous Attacks ste.ra-at. the, auction= sale' of :effeets at to visit us • again, front their homei Evening Telegram British . War the -German' enibasSy -113. London and in the-ftir north. Almost always, they Victims' Fund. „In 'come south in considerable numbers He is R. II...Perry, one-time R..C.A.F.1 Liver Com lamt • squadron leader, living at 974 Avenue I the name -of "Adolf Hitler, amen." In I Naturalists explain this is because roadt who iS afraid that owing tO the Ziliousness is just another name every fourth' year. its - mai:Meats the Oiganization calls of the • four-year nunther cycle of return hoite of Canadian service per- i tor a clogged or sluggish 'liver. It Hitler 'the Messiah:" The British1 an' al which is numerous for three', nearly broken hearts on Christmas , -be 'quickly, remedied by stimulating mouse -like northern sonnel, "there will be a great -many , Ls a, very common complaint, but can. " people 01v 'the, ;fittest tolerant on earth; Years, facies out in the...fourth. - if they . weren't, they . would clap the - The Lemming is the, Artowy ONVI.S ere is e e e yp y g whole ''bunch in an asylum 4for "the principal item. of food. 'When. the • of Canadian sailors, soldiers and air. carried out_ot. the system, and the • WOMMil1gS 'fade • mit, the awls have to men which.iehnally brought . peace , on 'PTy T.411Z Q M$ER SITTING SET TQ°'. 0 A Message to . R.eturn Men planning to start up In BusineS's , S, oon` you will be making your final deeision—to set up sbop'in your old„line of business, -to. start• a brand new venture, to buy an interest in• a going concerxi... • ' . "- Now is a :good time to talk over your plans with someone you can trust and whose judg. mtrnt you respect. Call on our nearest branch • manager. Discuss with hint all the financial angles of your proposed undertaking. Tlenefit from► his wide and varied business experience He is easy �:Y to see and eager,to offer �r you every possible assis- ; :; ``•f� tante in getting soundly started on �, your •own. • To 011' ServiCemen 5_.be fore You invest your saving t13efore y credit or obli- gate .. pledge your rehabilitation our plans �, way, talky • plans gate yourself in any , Welfare Officer over with your Veterans Cottee. or Rehabilitation . - - -_ in•a district without aform� • If You hpe we extend a special. . rehabilitation centre, our local • invitation to you to consult Manager. THERQY'�t4�:L : BAN rY OF CANADA GODERICH BRANCH—W. G. Dulmage, Manager 'wouldn't can't' at deal for my• nations. Even. wi►en a' small hone goes to As. for• glamor, ladies, you wouldn t ; , I . do a great. • have to glitter • outside if you had a • unless L give a square deal to 'my 1 pieces, the nation 'it 'belongs; to -feels 'spark inside. • - • - ,I. neighbors.• the bump. • • • .• he flow. of bile. This softens the . Day," in Brilfin. accumulated' mass, the poisone are • • .• I come south. in search. tood—mostlyl earth after sir ChriStmases of war: liver and bowels ere relieved and. fOritieS of Prime Minister King , SaW a , picture the other dayr of a -of us were sharing the Christmas sea - mice. "just • a year ago many thousands toned up: and enliven the sluggish liver, open- ,ing up every channel, by eausing a free flow Of bile and thus eleaneing the liver of.ths clogging impurities. They arc ;small and easy to take. thoose .peculiiir things upOn which to i man who had shot a snowy owl and ,sen with the people of Britain. Bacic base .thei criticisnis. Here is The ,, appaxrently was prond. of :-it. Now. a • home again there are probably others 1 snowYr owl, fresh from the "almest mais• I who feel as I do and ,cannot help cora- Ottawa. 'journal cotupiaining that Mr, ... less north; is not aWare ' of the de- , paring the brilliance of our Canadian litcing has gone to Washington to enter Structiveness of 'man. HO th almost • Chrlitma's season with . the pathetic' lac; "a0mments regarding the atelnic as cagy to approach as a' Barred Rock, I absence Over there of ev6h. such 'little , ' *Oink „one sf)f the 'mosr4naonienteus tour easier • than- a lot of L6ghorns ! I things as _dolls- and .1g111pops, tinsel Being a big 'bird, he is just 'about as and colored rights. ' Wigs ill history,' ivitlaelitini6nt,hav- '7. no More to do wi h -ft_than the Tne farmer who sheets a snovvy "F.rom aii .reports - coming from • difficult a ta.rget as,,a 'tanie tarkey. Santa .Farther. . Away .,tegislature atf Berrainla." What, wel, is killing the. best mouser he'll. ever Britain, the ending of the war, rather And the sportsman who thinks; that food supply, has called for still fur.: , • Canada do about it? At .W.aghington killing one is any proof of his- skill ther rationing. And the' people might ask,. could the Parliament of have around: the place. • than improving the dull,,and scanty ght just abont as well boast that be even colder and their clothes More advice of experts in atomic science he can hit.. a barn door, Close, up, worn. Last year. Canadians overseas zed of the deliberations of .titili ex..' broadside .011. . ! .. be made in the light, Of 'reont dii- . . 4 , OF WELD WAR II "Most of the stations,, forrain the toveries.'", Should 'these ' experts 'be Mr: Kiti'g haVe'llie benefit of the in • were aille, to help out in a small, .way ' b'y sharing their Christmas boxes from perte upon seliat dispositions should. EpapiRE,s CASTIALTIE home and by other generous action. baled to Ottawa (o• waste 'weeki of A despatch. trona 'London-, 'sin i , , .„. .. '`!". , parties for local village children, hos- precious.. time , in replying to 'fatuous saya: , s ' ' • , , .. pitals, orphanages and such. • One questhins from .the .inehibers' of purija. . The armed forces ,,,(if the British / latent? ,'" Mr. Xing is: a practical with, Commonwealth ' and •Eifipire suffers., was stationed, Made, toys from wooden , -3 L246,025 casuMties during .the-: war, bomb crate,o, petrol tins and bits of and. has , taken the 'practical Course'; Prhne Minister Attlee reported today , things! . There were dven stuffed and 'it Parliainent is iiel, satisfied With to the Ilouse of 'Commo' ns. . . ' animals* fabricated from gadiess ' .Of these, 353,052 were , listen as "'Caw whenever' it takes' ,a• notion fo 6., killed, including .those woo died 0 • . JO arid. iit a toylesa .country, 'these „ wounds et • injuries, and 90,844 as things were priceless. Donation boxes, - dri So. '§iirelY the Ottawik PaPer al:,1 missing. - ' . . " 1 located in central. places around the • .00d something more sribStantial upon - Canadian casualties totaled 101,538, station,., bulged arid overflowed with -., 0,4-4: gifts of candy, chocolate 'bo.rs, cookies, ' .at a tult-dresS debate in. the Eleifse41°"; Kiged, 37147G; miss, a.gi _..-Lot gameS, etc., contributed ,1‘3,'" eierybody lorammismoomPlumimmiera • =Priirat'ismition ot veterans during rrigures' for other parts ot,,the Ern; given. at Lt-vvo orphanages in York— Wiled—United • Kingdoni, f 244,723. , delight of the children and the att- s predation of;the matrons- was really Alissing---United Kingdom, 03;689 , "But this year there will be practio- and., 'others like theta • witldnordisjiutes'" lot iervie vit.° mitst u:evethreita 6ii-N-Nr°i/ohlueng :48:1 .,r4teiiii*OureeS tO the ufisuat. ,rfiSeiniVes. '501 -11th 'Africa, 1.4)363; ehbne tthard *6.,, '1,1v: :hi:it:1:s • saottflood e eiil of . make tim„,, 0 will' havt; ce out other years',:well worn un ry a .7 ri ,,,,Anst tot 'XhigdOin, 180 405* *list in , the ..outoesit and indnotrio 30,920; !loath Africa, • 37,033; India ate. ot tho: tovntry,, ...inst0,44 tu y, no,03fir toloonvel,,,,,/%06,1/2to•., tal8 inoude; boor 'demanding priority for thens.I Jana Ind 8°1Itil°111.41116dcs14. ' ' ull * ,ilisaratriliera holding up production obit ion* itt .uto Jos who, they el,peet-r, easualtieK,to,iherchant wainen were . 46 toitt 1,1111111tble lthOti the interrtipted .1;,tat '`.Vourigtligfil. f,;211181); inisslit • DO Tiiistto relieve discomforts, One of the best things' yell can do Is put a good spoonful of home- ot boiling water. Then,feel welcome" Telieft come as You.,breathe in the steaming medies.t'ed vapors that penetrate tO the cold -congested upper 'breathing passages: See how this thes irritation, quiets cough-. g, and helps clear the head - bringing grand comfOrt. • FOR AIIDIED ROAR . rub throat, chest and back with Va,poAub at bedtime. VickS VapoRub works for hours -2 ways at qnce-to bring relief from distresa. VICKS ii,kkzArsotub 4roU Want?. vA.01:01 • ee 'a 1,00g titstaoce tete- 'Is ytattokag, ,to es‘chaose beavler9.tb.ao, ever Ibis least 'ven:i-vith ailopeOtofs on duty *log 113. mo voioct to .dig- • Cine thing you can do make' .31t; ur greeting caldas far. hewl of Christmas -Day possible' eftsi tration • All work guarAnteed /noinding doMmerciai Units, Deep Iritezerg, and Domestic Also Complete tine of Parra Ilkfrigeration OXCLISTON, 493* P,014101014 4.4