HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-12-06, Page 1D. D. MOONEY RE-ELECTED MAYOR WITH A *FIVE-TO-ONg VOTE Ttulier Ousts Reeve,-- Baker and our New MO Elected. Couudilorit There Will be ^ quite :a naiber dI new faeeli...tit the TOwn Council next, year. Cif the nine members . of this year's -genital' -lour return ter 1946.•, Robert Turner, who haS' • run the scale from town •counciller to warden of the coutinty, after. 111, year's absence is baeles- again as reepe„ de- feating the Present reeve,'W. J, Baker, in the Closest vote of the day. .Arthur Kaitting, Themes . Taylor, Josep Moody and. 'Albert Brereton are elected _ councillors, in; their 'first bid. for mun- icipal office. • Mayor D. "D. Meaner, IS re-eletted, with probably, the largest majorlty ever given a candidate in a mayoralty or any ether election in Goderich. George G....Macwan. was ' elected deputy reeve :Without oppesitien, suct- ceediug W. C. Attridge retired: George Mathieson and R. G: Sanderson •of the„ 1945 Colincil are re-elected, )1r. Mathieson heading- the Poll with Mr. SanderSon second. • J. E. Iluclarts,....ofethe present Coun- ell, and R. H. Gornieh, making his "first appearance rits a candidate, failed of election. The 1946 Council, therefore Will be composed as foUoWB Mayor—I) D MeolleY- • Reeve -'---R. E. Turner. Deputy Reeve—G. MacE-tvan. Councillors -.4- A --is. Brer.etori, A. Kaitting; Ge� /Ylathieson, rM00% R. G. Sanderson, Thos.. TaYlor. • **The dole contest for the Public School Board was in $t. David's,ward, where Mrs. Argyle and T. R. Pattersofl. were candidates fOr the Seat vacated by Ebb. Rosa. Mr. Pat,terseif was elected' with' a 'Substantial laieritY. Otherwise the membership of the School' Board remains unaltered." . The figures .of Monday's Polling are ' Published elsewhere en 'this page. ALEX. WATSON AG,AIN itmvz or 00.7,BOilitE Omer Brooks and Tait :Clark Elected te the S'ovviishi'p School Board In Colborte township Reeve Alex. Watson was re-elected;'with a 'Majority of 66 over the combined totalsof his two opponents. Omer • Br.00ks •vvie O sent back to- • the . Townlbip School Board, 'but Fordyce Clark, 'up -for rep electien, fell' behind Tait' Clark for the second seat. O The vote by subdivisions Was:, 1.2• 3 4 Total. • For Reeveee- Wm. Clark . 12 • 3 29 --Zee. 51 H. McCreath ' 43. 44. .27 7-:•-•121 -0 A. Watson ...34 tg. 87' 79-1-238 For , School. Trustees— O O. Brook's 42 75, 45-e-215 Fordiee Clark' -.44 45, 73 .37-199. Tait Clark 49 58 67 88-212 Memberselected to the Caancil :of 1946 are: , " • Reeve—Alex, Watson. , 1 0' Councillors—Boas 0 Fisher, -StailleY Snyder (two more to he „elected). , The Township School Roast will ,be composed of Terence 'llunter,,Qrvifle ••431alte, ,John kerniglian, Omer •Brboke and Tait Clark. „ • • cuir,. JoipiSzoiq wzris Astiviltix „ Three New Men - in Council—Sehool Trustees Elected •• Ashfield,, had an all-round .contest at the polls] on. ilbildity, and: nt's a resint several new ,faces appear in TownehiP . _ affairs.' Ceeil,-XOhnston. defeged1Fred Andersen for the reeveship With a majority of 222; Of the six candidates 4%,, for, seats as councillors the succes-sful ones are thiter Graham,. B, Pratt,. % Melvin' •Dicksonee.and Ray Dalton (Graham, Grant and. Dalton are all • new A --, - The newly -constituted' Scheol .Area Board will be composed of ROY Mac- Kay, Walter Alton, Wililant G. limiter., Marvin Durnin and Walter Tigert The - first. three will .serve- for two years and the last two for one year. The Vete was as folloWsr For ReeVe—johnston 587, Anderson .315. • • . * " For Councillors-:-Grahana 528, Grant -.500, Dickson 179, Data; 4,Hamilton MacDonald 241.. • _ For Sehool TrueteekTiMeicKay 397, Alton -387, Hunter '383, D,Uriiin 376, Tigert 367, Robb 295,.Clakapbell 263: 110'007Arr 014iTirr • kLn IVIOieday'e election*it,Blytia,Frank- lin T. Balaton 'defeated -William. U. Morritt for Abe:reeveshIP, PY 'PlaJority of 110. The.,.;vete Was: 'Bain:ton .249, .1forritt 133.„ Morritk ',had'. been Reeve a Myth foi,the iitatire years; Baind . ton has* been a .0ouw Councillete,:elected 'by 'aeclititiation • for 1040 are Ilitrold Vodden, W. G. 1.443Wis and Prank VISIT DUNGANNON 'INSTITUTE Mrs. Mr. II. Doak • and Mrs. Chad. ockhart vleitea. , the Dutigannon anch of the Vitontentst,Institute on TituradaY of last week: 'Mrs. Leek - hart, first Vice-preaident of the.district; was the plea ,lillieaker. The Meeting Was held at the home, of 030 dialet president, Mrs. Lorne 'verso in, -Dun- german. • litre. O. Scrlingour, second vice-president, of Myth, also was pre- sent and gave a paper•.whie,11 was Much enjoyed. ..After the meetfng a qttiz contest vas etnultieted„by Mrs.. Itodgest the president. Mita. Dawson and Mrs. Lockhart had to draw ,!for the 'prize and Ors. Loekhart won, The prize was a lovely' Witred table bouquet; ii:fterwards v. dainty lunch was 'serVed by irs. RES.VMER.PRACTICE :Oft LAW ' Lieut. S. ,,Kentieth Itunter has re- sumed the practiceof law after over • „five years Of war serviee and has opened an otlice hfl Ilamilto* street 'over ilw 'Royal Rank office; ,, (AMU:AM( " , JouN Many residents and former residents of Colborne tOWnSlalp, will learia with regret of the death: of John. Levy, once a well-knovvetesident of thelownship, who passed away at his home, 620 Portola avenue, Glendale, California, • ,Saturday, Novettiler.'24th. Mr. Levy- had reached. ti' age of eighty- six years. Though he, had not been •• good health for seine. years, he was active until the very -last, and the end came very suddenly. He had been a fellfklent of California 'for tvventy-six years and anal his -retire-. anent carried on a retail grocery busi- neeS, Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Reta I. Levy, a son, Dr. Richard W. Levy, and. six daughters, Gladys and Mn Levy; Mrs,- Rota Taylor and Mrs. Elsie 'Arrow ef Glendale, Mrs. ,Lilly Mercer ef Long Beach and Mrs. Jessie ElOrton of North Hollyweod; also four grtindchildren, and two -great-grand- ehildren.- ,The funeral took place at Glend.ale. on November 28th: Friends of the family in their old home com- munity will join in syrapathf for the bereaved ones. MRS., FREDERICK LOVE O Alter a heart attack suffered on Sunday, Mrs., Frederick Love, William street, died suddenly at her Mine at noon on Monday, in ' her • fifty-ninth year. Formerly Ida May Barker, ehe _was-the•daughtee -of-the late John -and 'Emma Graham Barker- of Colborne township. With the exception of two years spent in Detroit, she had Jived •practically all her life 0 in Goderich. She was a member of Victoria street United church, Surviving 0 besides her husband are two sons, John and Charles, and 0 a daughter, Edna, of Goderielf, and three sisters: Mrs. Jaraes Houston, Goderich; Mrs. Sam- • uel "Westlake,•BaYfield-,- and Mrs: -Amos Cornelius, ye'hitechurch., The funeral was held from' the Brophey funeral hotne on Wednesday afternoon, Rev. L. H. Turner, 0 Vic- toria street United church, conducting the services. The interment was in Maitland cemetery. the pallbearers O being Geo. McLeod, 'VVilliam Kay; 'Samuel Westlake,- William Morrish, Norman McPhail. and John Sproul. . MRS. WILLIAM FAR Mrs.- • William • Parr, Cambridge street, passed away in Alexandra Hos- pital on Thursday last in. her ' eighty-. secoud year: She had taken suddenly ill a few:, days previously and was removed. .to the :hospital, where •she never regained consciousness. 0 Forin- eily. Mary, Ann Connors, Mre. 0 Farr was born in Brockville, but had lived' practically all her life In Goderich. She and her husband celebrated the 'sixtietb, anniversary of their marriage •on Noyember 16th this year. She was a meniber • of St. Peter's ‘•Roxnan. 'Cath- olic church and of theo Altar Society. Besides her husband; who is in his ninety-third year, she leaves a daughe ter, Mrs. dloraee Hearn, of Stratford, O and 0 nine grandchildren. 0 A son, Ger- ald, died twenty-seiren Years 'ago. On Monday morning the, funeral service was held at St. Peter's church, Rev. _ T. Fallon , officiating.- The pall: bearers, Were D. M. O'Brien, John .Fellows, Gregory Hearn (Stratford), C. :Spain, Leo Chisholm and John Gauley. The internient was in the •Roman, Catholic cemetery in Colborne township. MRS: JAMS SIlifipSON • , • 'Jan*, Simpson passed away suddenly aftera heart attitek on ister, 26th at her home on the 3rd. concesikin of Ashfield tovvnehip: • She Avas in her seveuty-seventh year. Formerly Miss 'Eike Brown, she was born near Brant- ford, a daughter of the late William and, Christina Ramey Brown. 0 She eame with her parentS ,to Ashfield ni 1870 and had since *sided there: Her husband predeceased her ten years. She was a Member of the United e.liairch, at Port Aibert. Surviving are a 'Clitoghter, Miss 'Mabel SiMpson, *at home.; a eon,. Balfour, of Ashileld; three brothers; -.Edward Brown, , of Port Albert; W1jl1ah,0 of Ashfield; Charles, of Parry' Sound.; and three sister Mxs.A. Linington, of Goderich; Mrs: George Stewart, of Saltford, and Miss Ethel Brown, of London. A son, CherieS, died 'last july.„ ' 4 The funeral service on Nov. .28th, held at the Cranston funeral. home, Was condaeted by Bev. L. H. Turner, of Victoria street ;United church. Four 'nephews Jotted tts'' pallbearer), Janes, Ben and • Albert Brown of 'Ashfield and ':Mortey • Linington, of ' Goderteh. Internieitt-. was -in the.Duttgamipik cemetery..- TOBIN .• • , • An esteemed Citirlen'ef Goderich for the ,past thirty-two yeartio, Michael J. Tobin, Nelson Street, passed away Ip St. Joseph's Hespital, London, on Sat- urday afternoon In his seventy-fourth year, after an illness of two months. Mr, Tobin was. born in .Colborne town- ship, son of the -,:late Janies and Margaret 'Dalton Tobin. lie fainted in his native township until his. removal to Goderich.' inte .va etieniber of SE Peter's Roman Catholic church. Besides his .wife, formerly, 1Vliss Sarah Corbett, he 'leaves a tioe, 'William, of Elmira,and two •daughters, Sister St. Michael :(Mary ,,Tobin), of -St. Joseph's Hospitel, London", and'Aliss Elizabeth, Deputy ItegistrAr of DeedS for Piuron County: also a, brother anti a sister, James Tobin, of San Francisco, Calif., and Mister Isabel, of the Saered.lIeart 4C°Tilliveentr'eti%°111dnianriestht1 tit the 1;op1iey Altera' lime until Tuesdas 'morning, when requiem high %mass was eele- brated in SE --repes--chttrell,-by-Itev; II. T. rallOn. ititernketr WAS in the Bomar' Catholic cemetery in Colborne township, the PalXbetirers F. Donnelly, K.0„, Alex. Stratton, Lee GODERICH0 ONTARIO, THURSDAX, DMEMBER 6thl 1945 "NONE SO BEAinktis AS GODERICH''- Mr. Geoege '14eVicar the other day received from a. "lady at 13toomingte1, Ill.; an *encintry regarding an article of- footwear Whichshe .coule- not get in her home toWn. .She. intrOdUced her enquiry as, follows.: lived in Goderich Pr about our years, Mauy years .ago,' 1 have never forgottenhow lovely it was where the riverewent into the Jake,*and a couple of miles out there wes an olernal114 dein and an old stone house. Farther on there Were several little waterfalls. The Maitland ,was small 'eXcept in. spring when -the deep snow melted. Then it was a raging torrent1 have been 'in many places, hut none of. the*. has been so beautiful as little Gode- rich." * • Mr: ilaeVicar was able to send the lady the article shewas seeking, and also to assure her that he was well acquainted with the sp'otS that ,she relnembered • so Well... The site 'Of :the old mill -dam and the old stone house is, a course, • what we still Dtim,"- though the dam has long since disappeared. - HILLIARY HORTON KILLED •ON STREET AT METER Native of Leeburn Struck by Car while Riding Home on lilts Bicycle. • Hilliary Horton, .11 member of the well-known Horton family of Leeburn, who for some years ha4 carried on his trade as a blakksraith at Exeter, was almost instantly killed last Thursday evening.when • struck by, a •ear. . in that village—Ile_ WAS „riding his bicycle on his way home after his day's work when he was overtaken and hit by a 'motor ear 'said to have been driven by Kenneth Weber, of Dashwood. He died while being taken in an. 'ambulaiice to a-.,cloctor's Ooffice only about two blocks from the Beene of the accident. 0 .• - • O Mr. Horton was. born at Leeburn seventy years ago, son Of the. late Mr. and Mrs; john- Horton. - His grandfatlies was Hilliary Horton., who AS noted 'in G. H. -Green's book, "The Old tog School," was a member and secretary -treasurer of the first school board 010000 S.S. No. 5, 'Col- borne. , " The late deceased was a blacksmith at Duiigapflon,0 in •Goderich (with the late D. K. Strachan and nore recently With the Dominion Road .Machinery 09.), and finally at Exeter. He is survived by• his wife, the former Frances .Saunby of Dungannon, •and two daughters, Mrs. Ed. Edworthy elaildredf of Tillsonhurg„ and Mrs. Harvey Alessi": (Alberta) of 'Toronto; also by two brothers, Horace of Salt - ford and ...Henry of Ashlield, and; tao sisters, the. Misses Lizzie and Edirh of Leiburn. . The funeral •took .place at Exeter em 1VIonda7.' and was in ,charge of the Exeter branch of the Ca.nadian Legion, Mr. .Horton being a veteran of the Ofirst World War. Inter.ment was in the Exeter scemetery. he brothers an sisters,. also Mrs. G. Cecil Treleaven Of Dungannon,. were .among those 0in attendance. ED. MASON IS BACH Ed.,,,Mason left for the north coeptry on a ,huntieg trip back in actober and was so long gone his friends 0 began to wonder what had be,conre of, him. However, he turned 0 up last Saturday and ertirs he had the biggest.time of his life. For 0 four weeks he stayed with a French-Canadian family in their, little farm home • on the banks Of the Montreal River" near Cobalt; spent ,several days hi a logging camp -neer Temegiuni; nearly, ran over a silver gray fox wheal he didn't...have gun, visited the ,shrine erected by the Kiwanis Club of Cobalt in mefriory of Dr. W. II. Drummond --Ed's favor- ite poet—and had other .expertences• "too numerous to mention," as the auctioneerS say. Incidentally, be gat his deer'. - • Chisholm, Oliver 11,leBrien, Frank Young. MRS: ISABELLA. MacKAY AM:WIELD, Dec. 4.—The death lac- ccutd at. the home- of Mr. /and Mrs. T. Edwards, Cameron street, Gode- rich, on. Friday; November 30, of Isabella 'MacRae, Widow of tthe late Murdoch J.• MacKay, in her eighty- ninth ,year. During' a long period of falling heaith, Mrs. MacKaywas tenderly nursed by her daughter, Mrs. Edwards, who gave her ,constant at- tention. She was born on the Huron - Bruce boundary, near Lochalsh, daugh- ter of the late Mr. and' Mrs. Duncan R.: MacRae, and Was married sixty-five ,years ago, her. husband 'being one • of the early teachers at Dungannon but latertaking up farmieg oe the farm next , 'to the Addield Presbyterian church, Here theybuilt up a beauti- ful home where a family of' 'ten were born and. ridged, „In 1030 they took up- fegou-de-:in "Goderielf,sleliVh4 the' farm to their son /toy. Mr. Mitelta.y passed away in 1938. ,Surviving are five dringhters and four • eons: Mr8. Robert. Ilullen (Rebecca) and Mrs. Edwards. „(Florende), df, Goderich; Mrs, Votald. MacKenzie (Margaret), of Ripley; Mrs. &tines Beaton (Annie), of Lucknow; Mrs.. Harry Lockwood (Mary), of Monroe, Mieh.; Dittiette, Of Vancouver, &tinge, of Alberta; Alexander, of Detroit, and John Roy, of Asialield. Two brothers else sur- vive; Duncan MacRae, Huron town-, ship, and, Dr. John R. MacRae,' Los Angeles, California.% „".A, soh, George, died in 1917, and a sister, Mrs. Mary MtieLe6d, in April of This year., The funeral took plaee on Monday from the home of her sit% ,R0 in Ash; ileht- with a' large number of her former neighbors in attendance. The service mis conducted by Rev. William Matheson of Chesley, assisted by Xtev. -DrAthead--4- in the Loclialsh cemetery, the pall- heareit being Kenneth and John Mac- Leod, Duncan Vitleyson, IL A. Grant, John Cow4n tuikd Bussell Farmers Should• Organize Strongly AT THE ,WATERPROIr Say Opeakero at Annual Meeting of County Vederaticn - et Agriculture The annual meeting 'ef the Huron County: Vederaticin Of Agriculture Was held .in the Clinton Town Dail on Thursday,. aftereoon, November 2902, with' an attendance 1 0,04-400 farinerS from all: parts Of the county and the presidentellarry L, Sturdy :Auburn, in the chair. - ReeVe FaleOner ok.„01,1ntee 'addressed the gathering •In behalf' of the town of Clinton, complimenting tlie farmers. on :their wertirae•-,production••-record. Be also outlined the neW:Cotinty health plan .fpr the, ecilool.e. ,The president gave a review of, the year's work of the Federation. One -of the projeetS was the Fajen Forum, in connection with which prizes were givefor attendance, and other as- sistance was givenwhen reqeested. :P.ropetion pictures were shown in Many parts of the count, with an at- tendance of almost 4,000 at the shim - lugs. The attendance at these show - Inge was decreasing, and it was con- sidered advisable to vary the pro- grams with music and readings. Teas given by the Junior Red Cross tended to 'sociability and larger attendance. Speaking of the hog -producers' Marketing scheme, 11Ir. Sturdy said the -response of farmers was not up to expectations. Control of .the warble fly Was another project Of the, • year, and here it waS foaled. that voluntary support_ was_ not_fortilcoraing, to ;an extent to give COMPlete result's. kr. Sturdy , also pointed out the variation 'among the different Municipalities in the payment of fees. and suggested in- -creased effort to ' belie the fifth -mill assessment aderited 11,v all the muni- cipalities. , .- • Mrs.. o. G. - Andersen, Wingham, spoke en 'farm formes'. Hume Clut- ton, Colborne township,- gave an e:f.ut- line of the case between the farm of this district and the grain elevators at Godericli.-. Harvey. C. Johnston, Blyth0 reviewed the 'Work of the Na- tional. Film BeArd. Bain -Stewart, agricultural represeatative, talked on crop improvement and stressed the necessity, nwirtg te the size of Huron county, of kvorking through different organizations., • The following reselutien was Adopted enaniramisly : "Whereas the warble firlias beenthe cause of serious fin- ancial loss to the cattle industry in 'Ontario, be it resolved that this meet- ing recommend to the secretary of the., Ontario Federation of Agriculture that he forward to the, Minister Of Agriculture,Hon, Iennedy, request that Provincial legislation be Put int e effect to ;Make it cempul- sory that cattle in the PrOvince of Ontario' be, :treated to control this pest." . The guest steaker of the. afternoon •was V. S. Milburn, secretary-treepurer of the Ontario Federation, who Urged stroeg support of the Federation so that it might be an effective force in the post-war era. More attention, he said, would haVe to be paid to costs of: production and under the proposed WOrld conditions would have to .be studied, and means taken to •secure long-term • prices. ' In Britain farmers had organized and had secured recognition. by the Governraent in the ,fixing Of prices' after. a beard of economists had agreed on average costs of production. Canadian farmers, the speaker urged, should organize hi such strength as to secure representation in an international union. • Officers Elected • In the election of officers, Mr. Sturdy having expressed his wish to retire from the presidency, Russell Bolton of Dublin was elected to that office, end Bert Lobb of Goderich township was elected vice-pregdent." Mr. :Sturdy and GOrdon A 0 Miller, of the Bank of Montreal, Clinton, were' Wiesen as auditors. Getting y or Big Plowbig Ma It looks like a whiter Pen 'storage' fleet • of twelve vessels for Godericli harbor. Already the Windoc, I'ort Willdoc and Qtiedoe, With, eargeee for the Purity Fr, Mill lou, and the •Brieoldoc,- Ontadoc, Canadoe, Algon- quins, and three' bargee., hOlding grain •for the Ooderien Elevator Co., are in port, and the Mantadoe •and A4gorail, are expected te join the .Goderich elevator fleet in the next feW daYa.. Besidee;,the vessels remaining for the NrinWit, arrivale of the past weelf' Were: Saturday—Starbuck, 30,000 WA, screenings; Sunday -e -George Hindman, 136,000 'btis, Tato and Wheat; Mon- day---Algosteel, 338,000 bus, bariey and wheat. These were all' for the Gode- rich elevator. The Aragon on Friday brought a, eargo of coal, for the,Purity Flout min.' ,A. log boom has Peea built ana Is lying alongside the north pier In readi- ness to be placed in position the harbor harbor endance as soon as, the last Vessel is in port. In the evening a banquet Was -held 'in the parish hall cif St. Paul's church; where every seat was occupied and a splendid feast WAS served by the ladies of the thurch Guild. Re,v. W. 3. John- ston, of Eglinton United &nigh, Tor- onto, was the ,speaker, and a group .of entertainers from 'Toronto rounded - out the prokram. PERSONAL MENTRN Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ...I. Barna of Toronto visited at the home, of his mother; Mrs. D. J. Bares, over the week -end.' . • • - lifisO Claire •Reynolds is leaving this week to spend ao,nie mOnths with Mrs. W.1/. Miner at Heart's Delight Farin, • CillikalzrY's. OhiCke lias returned home after spending threexionttei with Mr. and Mrs. 1'. D, Mcllhargey at Three Rivers, Quebec. • Mr. and, Mrs, Leonard Spender and Karen, of Detroit, are guests with ,grkt. Spencer's neither; Mit). Shlelds, and Mrs. M. J. Mrs. A. I, Paltridge, atter an ex- tended -visit with her daughter, Mrs. Leelie Pentland, Nile, has left .for Los Angeles, California, where -.she will be vvith her son, kr. W. A. Paltridge. ARM•.•3/e Jeri, Franklin ghields, of the Milted States Navy, hate returned to Detroit after visiting* With Mr. and Mts. AL 3. $.lnslie ,Iie has just returned from seeing action of eight Moraine In the , THE WEATHER Temperatures of the past week in Goderich„Witif those of the correspond - big week a„Year age, 4.as offiIally re- corded, were as follows: 1045 1044 Max. Min. Max. Min. Thurs., Nov. 23 JO 31 31 80 Fri., NOV. 80 ....38 28 31 2/ ak-Decy,1 Sim., Dee; 2' 30 25 31 23 Mon., We. 3 .4-38 • 34 29 2.5 Tues., Dee. 4 ....AO 25 37, 28 Wed.,,, Dee. 5 32 38 32 . DUNC-ANNON DUNGANNON, "Dec. :e - Miss Margaret 'Stewart is leavipg this week to resume her nursing duties at the Hospital for Incurable Children, Tor- onto. O Mrs. Mary Carpenter left hist' week' to spend the winter with her nep w, Mr. Gordon Stewart, inest Wawanosh. Little Tommy .Fowler, seven -year - old on of Mr. and Mrs. 'Chas. Fowler, who'veas-k-noeked down. by a Car three week:el-lige, receiving serious head in- ,jariee, is now convalescing at his home, having been brought home from Goderich hospital last week. We shall be glad to hear of his complete re- covery: Mr. J. Kinkead, Goderich, inspedor of public schools in this district, paid -a visit to. the,' United Church Uni0n on e venln A' and _gave a fine address on 'llettry, Van Dykes story, "The,' Fourth Wise 0 Mail,". vehicil lent itself to deep thought oand con- centration on the part of his listeners. It is hoped.that in futdre the young people in • this community miss hearing similar addresses. The Women's Association of Dun-, gannon United church held a success- ful bazaar and tea on Saturday after- noon, at which the proceeds amounted to $60. MR. 4, T. qrAlv,MAGE : who la now In' charge of the Gledhill shoe store.tie arrived In -.Goderich early this week from St' Catharines, accompanied. by Mrs. Gammage, to assume hisenew...dutiea, Mr. ,Gammage Was on active service in the army for two years. Be .has had an 'extensive experieece in the boot and shoe business and specializes in orthopedic -work. The Gledhill, store was dosed for a few days for stock -taking but opened' for bushiest) this (Thursday) morning. • oouNTT coma' IN 0 - SESSION THIS WEER The Connty Jadge's Crimlnal•Court and General -Bessimis orrthe -Peace openetLa sitthig here on Monday after- noon,-, Etio ,rionor Judge :11. D. Lang of Perth eonnty presiding. ,' ' Frank 'Donnelly; KC:, - on behalf of the bar • of Huroncounty, welcomed Judge , Lang on this • his ' first official visit to Huron and offered pongratula- tions thi his reCe.nt appoietanent to thexnli„reneephiA. • JuLang Lang said- he. felt he was only reciprocating for 'Baron the many visits of Judge Costello to °thecae sPioenrthis eangrtinsitialittitiviitisprollesidintbi: at a jury -trial, as there ..veere few in. Perth county, be ,stated. .After one and a -half bents' deliber- ation the grand jury returned a trite bill in ail three counts itt. the case ef Rex vs: john McKenzie ie vildch the accused was charged witpi. littering a efieragrzepdeleed.ad°cemtd tu.ot.i..11:11juty.° taondalf°1 rtgleirrIee. - 0 Tbecharges arose out of a _Div -igen Cott •action at 0 Seafortb. on Novem- ber 6,71944, in which McKenzie Was the plaintiff and in which it was alleged he conamitted .0 perjury bY swearing that he had paid National Motors Limited,- Toronto: $81.20; forgery by changing the amount 0 on a recelpted bill from $01.20 to $8L20; and utter- jg0 a forged document • by *using it as if it were genuine. :. Judgment was given infavor* 0 of Andrew "Mitchell, drover, 010 Wingham, against Garfield Finlay for $849, the value ef• seventy-one pigs, for the theft Of which Finlay is serving0 a reformatory term. Judgment by. con- McICAY, out of court, for the ' pane oeeffnetneew. as given also aganest John An application for _ naturalization papers was presented by Mrs. Adella Fisher, Dasbwood. The applicant .WAS born in, 1573 in Alsace, Germany, and left there at the age of twelve to live in the United States and came to 1Canada in 1908. She is .the Mother of a large family, -and .one son served in the -Canadian- army tor five years in the last war; The application was apProved by the 0 Court. 0 . After hearing a large number pf witnesses, and argument by cennsel, the' petit jury on Tuesday :brought in, a -verdict of not guilty in ti* charges against. John McKenzie. . • In the action of Fowler vs'.' Shipley et 'al., arishagYfrom a motor ear col- lision on November lst, 1044, on high- way No. 8, west. of Seafortb, the plaintiff, Alfred p, Fowler of Clinton, asked damages of $520, -claiming 'negligence on • the part -of Frank Halnes, driver of a car owned bY Regintird Shipley, both Oi Sea -forth,. Judgment was given it/ favor el the plaintiff 'for $240' and Costa. ••• Platten Cases Dropped - At the -Tuesday Morning session, row)) Attorney. .D• E: • Holmes enounced that, with ..the consent of the Attorney -General, the oherges of, breaking, entering' land theft of a • safe at the Seaford!, creamery, held tigitibet Mantle Pititten; Toronto, were,.• withdrawn. Frank Donnelly, K.C.,' couneel for Platten, asked for dist:Wesel, and Judge Lang discharged the accused, -Who • was brought to eGoderich 1.inder eseott of the R.C.A.P. .• The case.Was traversed troll.; the recent sitting of the Supreme Court f whenthe jurY disagreed in the ease I of iVtarvenplatten, andaequitted his brothers, Ohariva and Dayton, of the ,charges against them.. ' , , -... O Mr. Carman Farrier,. teacher Of 8.8. No. 17; West Wawanosh, has resigned gild has 'accepted a teaching position in a public school at New Toronto., Mr. Bert Maize and two little child- ren, and their grandmother, Mrs.:Jelin Glenn,' have taken—lip lesidence in Goderich for the winter nionths, to be More convenient to Mr. Maize's work. • • • : 4, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Congram and sons, Cecil and Leslie, of Holyrood, and Mr. and Mrs:Chas. Congram; of Luck - now, spent Sunday at the home of Mr, W. 'A. Cialbert. Mr. and Mks. Chas. Congram remained for a few days longer. • -0 • 0 ,, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey 0 Maize, Mrs. Olive Culbert and Mr. and Mrs. W. A:. Culbert attended the funeral of the late George Glazier at Guelph on Sat- urday.. The deceased is a brother of Mrs. Maize and 4,native of Ashfield. Senbeam. Cleb's Activities.' — The annual meetfiag of the Sunbeam Club was held at the home of Mrs. Orland Bere on Friday afternoon, with twelve naembers present. After the quilting of a eiuilt, the election of officers" was cenducted and resulted as follows:. President,' Mrs. Orland Bore; vice- president, Mrs: -Alvin Kerr;'secretarA Mrs. Ghas. McNee; treasurer, Mks. Graham McNee; ,Work committee, Mrs. Arthur Elliott and Mrs. Wilmer Rut- ledge; aniusement 0 committee, 0 Mrs. Ralph GodfreY, 'Mrs. Gladys Rivett, Mrs. Russell Brindley, Mrs. Clifford Sproul; 'buying committee, Mrs. Ross McNee, -.. Mil. Herb. Stothers. Work acbomplished during the past year for the. Red Cross included 18 quilts,' 74 pairs socks, 2 helinets, 10 prate phamas, Also •for the sch,00l where they have entertainments, they got two gas lanterns, Seven card tables and six dozen cups. Other Odoriations in cash were: To the Red Cross, .$50'; European relief, $50 r_Stuart Henry fuadr4161 :Salvation, termY.,- $10. Bal- ance on hand, $70. , IDeath of Hugh Shields.—The =thy, inoUrns the loss of Mr. Hugh Shields. who, passed away peacefully at his home on, the 4th conceesion of Aehfield on Sunday Morning. Ilis lit- tlest) was a brief one; as he had .been about his farm duties up to tWO da* before. Ile was eighty-three years p1 age.- He resided with his Only dangh- ter,' Mrs, W111 .Shields (Sadie), since the death of 'Mrs. -Shields (forineriy Margaret Tackabeery) and the death of his daughter's, husband, Mr. Will Shields, vvini passed away three years ago. Mr. Ilugh Shields Was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Shields and Was born -on the, -2nd -.concession Of AEA:filet& He 18 miry:teed by two. bro- there, Harry Sinekle of Dunlop end 'Matthew, Shields of Wiseonein.Ele WAS a faithful member, of ,the Dun- -gannon 'Culled church, attending regularly., and he had the high respect Of all ,who knew liIth. The funeral Was held from his late home on Tnee- day,afternoon, itt charge of Reit. W. Rogers of the United ehureh. Inter - molt was ia the family Plotitt ,Rett. gannon .cemeteiy. t • GOD:ERICII TOWNSHIP Showing. of PretureS.--The •Deeeta. .ber meeting or the Federation Of Agri- culture and the National Vilna piettires will be held in 8.S. No..4 (Bert Lobb'S) On Wednesday, riecember 12,, at 2 p.m; and 8 P.m. A tlilnt On health will be shothi which, everyone is well adVISid to see. lellese *tures_ Are til:0111lelP free -and :Ivry edteittiontiL` School boards should make .arrangements for the .transportation ,to 4110 afternooe program All tidtilts are inAIAI to attend in.the evdning. 49 froors and Ohosen,May at Vox* - 1[406161 Active ' Prelia,ratione are now under NiraY for the ProvInelal plowing Mittele to be -held in thie, cowity.*.itt Ilaron county had been chosen Or 0411 annual event when war interruPteoll the 'program, and with the iettirit Of peace preparations „are being reeve** for vvhgt is exPeeted to be one or-tha biggest 'show" ever held in this put - .0 Ontario, . • , , A meeting wee held at Clinton Friday night last to Male PreinunaaTt pleas, and efficers and committee head. were chosen. Date' and location of the Watch haye not been'decided upon definitely,' How: ever; • the anatqlx will be held in .tke ,early fall, possibly at the "Port Albert air field. • • Instead of the • International,' , ingi,:Match, as the Provincial Mettle has been known fOr•some years, it will he known as the Victory Plowing Match, the meetip.g..*cided. • Hugh Hill, of Colborne township, was elected chairman of the Plowing match aSseciation. Other ooieers are; v ice.chairnian, George Feagan; ot Benmiller;. seeretariege Bain 'Stewarte* Clinton; A. H. Ei*kint, Qpderich. The treasurer :Will be -appointed later,' . ' • Committee ,LgaawiTheti- Coinmittee cbdrimen were appointed as follows: Teams, Dale, Clinton; -horse anew, 1:ingh Berry, zroceffelf; tractor, A. J. McMurray, Clinton; grounds, Wilmot Baacke, GOdetiehf" horse -shoeing, Russell Bolton; MeKillop township; reception, AIex. Alexatill% Grey -township; .buildings, •Ross : Mo - Gregor; Titekeisinitin„, pubLitity, W. Cruickshanks, Winghtunt local day, Percy Passmore, .HensaB; parking, R. McKercher;', Uttborne township; ".11).01e•. " -George- Ateistrong,--7-MaY„ towds,11,WF• ' countY. expenses, Bert. Henimingwayi Stanley township; ltmcb, Rolarg'WS; Hares, Exeter 4; elti-ordination, 'Barer - Sturdy, Natblirni.;:n_ Thomas Pryde„., Exeter ; L._ ID, Cardiff, Brnssela; veterans, It. Pooley, Woodhant; man- agement, Jack. Eckert, MeKillop tower ' ship. Eighty -.seven persbias • were. present, representing all parte nfrauron county* and they were Ima.nimoos 1 agreehlg that they would "put their shoulders to the wheel" and make the match • a success. INDUCTION 'TO -TAKE MAORI NEXT .3ION1iAY EITEMNit Rev.' BeVerleY 'Rarr will be Tut-- dneted as rector of St George's .parlsb,- on Monday evening next. - The•serviee begin at 8 o'doek in Et George'ir church. His Grace Archbishop Seeger, who will not be able til-otliciate at the ceremony , has 'appointed Ven. Ara - deacon W. Hartley of Kincardine to preach the r41131013.,, .An invitation to attend this service .has been issued to the:Anglican &era - men of Huron Deanery and also to the members of the Goderich Ministerial Association. As xnany..as ,posSible of St George's 'parish are asked te be present and .n cordial'invitation is ex-. tended to the publte. PUBLIC' sOHOOL BOARD MAKES APPOINTMENis# • The Publie--Sciaciel oard has ewe Miss, -Hdrtwell leave of absence tint* next June on account of illness, and • Mrs: L. H. Turner is taking her place on -tile teaching staff of Victoria School ' '• Miss jean Yemen, Of Ripley, bas been engaged ae .teather of grade 173 Central Schooi, her duties to begin in January. She takes the place Of Miss Irene :Bavvmare resigned. GOIAERECH ItILUkle CLUB The .Gederich Musk. Club mei o- '- Wednesday. evening, December title' . with a -large attendance. The men- bes vneouraging report on the London Male Cianir .eoneert Plana *Ere' discuasetl....fore--eoneerts itt the new year; vehmi *sozne especially *le talent, it is hoped;ivill be broUght .to Goderieh. MrsMa1Elouga11 rePOrtea., good progress on plane for .the Mum Festival in the 'spring. ;Some :disetts.' • eion-was devoted to the need ot a coin - =lay hall in will& programs Vete sored by the elnb could be promly presented. The hOPO wee eIpressed that buildingprojecte 'which would elude SIM' a ja41,evooti1d olOt be -tee long neglected- ' The attention of the Club was to the regrettable ben*. lency of mrode Instruction' in tioderiele where now 3, would-be students canna lind teaeltere with free tun e teeth them Mrs. MaEDougall;gave an Interest's*, and instructive talk" on Christman ciirols with Illustrative 1731181C, ,IAMICIO was served under 'the 'eabable direct** of Mrs. Clarentont. now .G0J)11f.RICII VOT POR 'MAYOU MOOPNotillY 68 119 124 43 85 , 03 117 127 100 78 105---4000 1, 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 .0 101'11 '12 Tottll Robinson ..... . ... 4 ;32 11 134'..21 tI 20 it 10 30 12 Majority Or Mooney -440 Raker 41 'Oft 150°42;111 114111:338 70 11 .90 62, TURNER 1)1 DD 77 35 57 33 08 20 51 17; 46 14--11411, ,,I!,Itererity for Tarter-- 41 . VOlt .'410IINOILLORS 04 00 31' 40 43 58 :W 03 a 30 Cornish25 38 25 10, 31 133. 41 14 115 33 Pfa Hu'ektua 1.: '67 66 30 20 C2 21 614 30 32 67 KAITTING .. ... el -30 49 41 70 27 h4 74 46 MATIllt$ON ..... ....ISO • 8e; TA 3 50 45- 82 •28 106 41 02 71' M0()DY2t1,17 64 3141 .50 37 69 ?..11, 454 'I/ 41 76— 12 SANDE/ii()N. VI`r 71 la 52 43 et", 19 1)9 SO 58 ter . -10-- !3 58 Off 46 -- .Matlrieson, Mondernen, ICelft!t5r._ 'Taylor, Mirmly an6 AreittOti ele0600., ". POlt 80//00L, Tat3S3.1iX, ST. DAN, 11.Y4 WARD 57 Argyle 35, 01 116 10. litajority for 1'atterr:.:4%-.13.4 "."