HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-11-29, Page 4Au +Alts par- ems'' here, .1frili. 11eati* wrapped Boxed . is at" tractive Christ- • Tugs containers, ST. GE.01491M GUILDXtialka. On Friday afternoon ' the St. 9 lr'atriGiL s'�► A S • np f. t +George a Guild held a "successful tea and bazaar i the Guild ' roon*. The tea table was covered with a lace tablecloth Wintered, with a bowl of 'mums. Tea was poured trona silver tea services by Mits ifurritt ,and Mrs.'Carey, sr., and many, ' .e o t people enjoyed the of tea. other feature of the 'afternoon, was a draw ffkr: a pair of pflleweaces made by, Jane Graham. The lucky winner• was Mrs. J. W. Reid; 'Hamilton street. • B J W amu, R �.- N.• 1�Cp1 ay p Iw!R $ t1 to1'Vl ett ta. 'Citizens of Bayileld° and community gathered in the Town Hall on Friday i' evening to welcome service g�mea.-and women of the village . and alstriet. After a short program of ,community singing 'finder the direction. of Mrs; James Ferguson, a . ,chorus by the, school children and sdlos by Miss Lucy Woods and Mrs. Brown Higgins,, Mr. John, Howard, representing the village trustees, called the returned•,meu and women to the -platform, where he pre- sented ;them with gold 'signet' rings oil behalf of the' village, Rev. Mr. Stotesbitry., 'acting as chairman; called ail the. service .muen and women from Bayfield and district to the platform, where Mrs. James Ferguson, president ofi. the' Community Fund, . read. a ,short address . and each one was presented with a leather billfold eontainiig ave. .dollars., The 'followingwere present: From t Tiaydeld, ''Dor'othy Anne Mac- Leod, Ellen,,MacKay, Walter Johnston, Grant' Turner; Robert Macleod, Mal - i coin MacLeod, Merten 1llerner, Stewart Atkinson, Fred Weston, Clarence Lar- son; from G oderich, township, , Oliver Hopson, Borden Clark, Alfred Scotch-, mer; from the Bronson line, Robert Carlile, Bertram Carrie, Stewart Wat- son, Thomas Scotehmer, Joseph Wild, R. Cornish t. from the ° Blue. Water Highway, Brown Higgins. Those mm- able to be present but who are in Canada were Eugene Castle, Geraldine Castle, Margaret :Ferguson, Wm. Os- mond, Albert Osniond, James Dewar, `Harold Warner, Keith Brandon, Wil- liam Duncalf, G. A. Hopson, John Armstrong, Charles Parker, John Mac- Leod, John Pearson. Their gifts .have been sent to them.. After. lunch, _ Dr. F. G. Thompson,» who, had been 'scheduled to speak earlier but had been unavoid- ably detained, spoke to , the young men and women on "Rehabilitation. ' For the daneing- musie--wa-s----provided- by Denomme's orchestra. • "% MO Bingle; Double, Triple and F'on�r $tri $3•59 11P HANDBAGS Mail, new styli im- ported English WE PAY SBMAI. PRICES, FOR. GEFSE . DUCKS CHIC and TURKEYS ° We have installed a poultry picking macne and can also .do custom work at reasonable rates. ' Poultry called for and delivered,• We are also 'agents for the Lakeview':,l''oultry Farms, Exeter, .and can supply you With day old-'olucks from March 1st on r A price list will be sent you on request. P Custom hatching•'can'be taken care of in our own incubators, DRESSWARE 3 Piece Sets in green, blue or rose, no federal tax $2.95 up 5 Pi•ece Sets in blue, green or rose, no federal tax $13.25 up Sterling Silver• Sets, in•all 'Well known patterns $26.25 up WEEK -END FEATURES! R�i%l3INBIN HOOD s Oats ' 5 'ib. Barg " 25c ROYAL YORK `' ib. CHEESE .. pkg. 21c PTt'TON'S RED LABEL ' TEA . % lb. pkg. 37c •William Doak, eays street ,SAO- companying her on. the trip is Mrs. Iris Parker, formerly Mist Iris War• noeli, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V.. Warn.oek of Zurich, who , also . will join her husband- in ,England::,. I The', regular meeting of the North . el reet United church Y.P.U. 'Was held an. November 26, 'in the church hall, With ' a large *attendance. The meet- ing was under the convenership- of Audrey Barker. Mrs. K. Pennington rendered, a delightful solo...,, .. Mr_ Glen Francis, of the Collegiate staff, gave an interesting and thought-provoking talk. The- meeting closed' with a sing- song led by Mrs. M. Hetherington. The next meeting will be held. on December 10 at 7.30 sharp. ;lir. K. Hopkinson will be the speaker. , 1 lb. tin 45c J{ELLOGGh KRUMBLES Old Dutch Cleanex Tin 10c WHITE BEANS pkgs. 27c 2 lbs., 13c Nabob * Coffee l' lb. bag 43c Readicut Macaroni 2.lbs. 15c • PERSONAL MENTION Mr., and Mrs. Robert J. McMillan visited their sou Donald at Toronto over, the week -end. ' • Miss Kathleen Crawford, ,Reg.N., has returned to Goderich after enjoying a holiday with .relatives ..at Walker- ville and Detroit. Miss Agnes Flick left this week to spend ' 'the ' winter • months with her sisters, Mrs. P. Weiderhold at Detroit and Mrs. L. Shetler at Santa Monica, Calif., • Mrs. James .' Wilkinson, with two children, David and Shirley Ann, 'left via ' C.P.R. on Monday, and will sail on ,the Empress 'of. Scotland this week to join her husband in, Scarborough, England: She. is, t ..e former Evelyn Doak, a .daughter,'Of Mr. and Mrs. Wise hrosevJii"ies know r- that early Christmas shopping means the best selections. Time slips by so quickly. Before we realize it, Christmas . is only a few days away. Why not plan now and shop early to avoid that -last -minute -rush. Early shoppers are rewarded with wider. and belier selections # ' • ,WW Pine assortment *in.gift boxes at 50e to • $1.00, . • Persimal 'cards, ' 12 and 25 for $1.00, No 'orders can • be 'accep- " ted. for these after Dec, i.Oth. Gift enclosure cards 25e box. -Af.Oce'asion (birthday, get-.: 'well, etc.) . SOc and 75c box. Sacred calendars 35e ea Wall plaques In assorted de- signs. Ideal", for gifts. Priced from 500 pair up. • ERNTE .BAR KER,p, a '32 Palmerston ° $1., Town . a Fhone 417J Nomination.NominotiOn.- Township ofeolborne A meeting of the ratenayters of the Township of Colborne will be held in the TOWNSH-HALL, CARLOW • • 'from 7 to 8 o'clock in the evening, on r ` FRIDAY, DEC. 70,:194$5 to nominate •'candidates to 1111 sthhiep t' wCoo unvaciclanfoes1 on'the Town - will an election isMonnedceys,arDeiet . ember 1.7th, 1,045. WM, SATGLOWS, Clerk 'of of ColbornetheTownship -48• TO THE. ELECTORS OF THE TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE— " VOTE AS „z,OU WILL As I have been Reeve, of the Township the' past three years, I woulf like you to support me for Reeve at this . election on .Dec. 3rd. Sincerely Yours,. Toys When doing your . Christ- . rias Shopping, visit the - CORNISH ELECTRIC WEST_ ST. Christmas Toys R.C.A. - Victor' • Records . Columbia Records . for all „the popular music.' Sheet Music a . Toasters, "lamps, etc. , -. R. H.:CORNISH ELECTRIC -� GROCERY) FEATURES ,,/ NO. I FIRST GRADE • Butter Braeside Brand Lb. 38c PE WECTIOIif BRAND 7 lb. 23c. Pastry Flour lb 69c RICUN,IELLO Ground Fresh 94,:, Coffee ' 8 oz.' llc 1 lb. bag 3 `•. KELLOGG'S or•:POSTS 8 ez. 10e Bran Flakes I a o114c Bulk Ceieats' Pot Barley Wheatlets Rolled Oats .2 '8•79.6 FOR . SLICING• On 'SPREADING Chateau Chees 19c •• SOUPS ,• 10' on. tin CAMPBELL'S TOM, • 2 for ,19c AYL%lER Tom or Veg. 2 for 15c CLARKS Tam.•Asp.-Mush.2/15 SAXONIA CUT Mixed. Peel 8 oz. pkg. 14c MARASCHINO .RED Cherries oz. bottle :.29c DOMINO BRAND', Bolo.$ Powder g:z. 15 AUNT DNAH• . .-. fi ° Z3 �Q�. bel. Molasses MONARCH FANCY, Pastry Flour :It 29c Glenwood Brand Lemon Xanilla, �20�.Extracts lmnn�r Bti.7c. Glenwood Bram- For Xmas Cakes 9 °" iced. Puddings Ja`r � a• FRUITS- & VEGETABLES FLORIDA JUICY ' 'Size 250 Oranges '2.39c WATCH FOR OUR CHRISTMAS SPECIALS. COMMENCING DBCFMBEE'. TOWNSHIP OF .ASHFIELD Having . served on the Council Board for,eight. years, I have accepted the nomination for Reeve of Ashfield for the coming year. I hereby solicit youar support and if elected will endeavor to fulfill my duties to the best of 'my ability. ' Yours Very Truly, TO THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD-- - , Ladies9 and Gentlemen: Having accepted the nomination for the Reeveship of the town- ship for 1946, I - take this ' opportunity of soliciting your influence and 'vote .at the ?oils:,on Monday next. During the past seven years as : Councillor I have .'tried to serve you to the' best of my ability. If elected I chill, continue to do so. TO THE ELECTORS QF THE TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD--- - Having qualified as a candidate` for the Council of •the Town:'bili, of Ashfield, ---I take this means of soliciting your 'vote and 'influence in "the forthcoming election on Monday next. , •if elected, I will do my best to represent you to' the best _of my ability: , a • Sincexely Yours, TEXAS SWEET Size 96 Grapefruit . 5 for 25e."NO,, 1. 0ORING, Extra Special Oniwis 3 Lbs. 14c I�1 1 urnips, Lb. 3C GOLDEN RIPE - • . . Bananas .. Lb. 14c . NO.' 1 MICHIGAN X Potatoes 10 Lbs. 34c Extr P. 252 oz. 55c (Successor to the late ti Fred Hunt)' Ha,rdwara and Plumbing tgONE 135 Having- been nominated as' School 'Trustee I feel that_ I am well, • h� qualified for this position as I have served on the School Board for six years: If elected I will continue to. serve :you to the best of my ability. FREE DOMINION BREAD' 1st 200 CUSTOMERSyry}. •r.:. SAT.; DEC. 1 ` SHELLED FILBERTS 4 or. 27e,. • 'SHETAr a;;D ALMONDS 4 oz. 32c IISHELLED PECANS' 9 oz.3 IN SHELL' Almond Filbert 'RESP ►AILY CARROTS - - LETTUCE DEETS -,CELERY_ CABBAGE ' PARSLEY' PINEAPPLES 30's 39e New Samples Top quality Perfect Fit Popular Praises. • Priority for returned men.. kind to your' clothes -- Keep them in ;good repair. • MARTIN M . . e fw TAILOR° Call 317W lest St. NOTICE �ow have' cur .Mcg and Grinder in operation and are ready' to serve you.SHUR4AIN ` ' .: ?IQNEER ROYAL PURPLE w°B GATOHp`ORp►'. FEEDS and CONCENTRATES GeO. Ryan 8 'Son 47tf WE CLOSE WED. AFTERNOON