HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-11-29, Page 1e -tion Canipaigfl Goderich ..Lively Nomination Night , Gat'heringe at Town Hall .Largest Some Tears ,. The 'municipal electors. of Goderich 'will 'ballot on, Menday next 'foe the . • election of .a maYor, *a reeve and SIX -ceuncillOri; And la St.. David's ward a`Publie Kim/1 trustee is to be elected. Candidates for the Mayoralty are .1.), Mooney, the present Mayor, and Burton. It.. Rebinson, :ilevycoiner 13,A For 'the reevei3b,ip W, J. Baker, the present holder of the .office, has au his opponent:, Robert E., Turner, who has nad long municipal eiperiencel, •- though he IS not in tills year's Council... Councillor _George G. MacEwan steps up to the oince of deputy reeVe without a. contest, taking the . pleee W, C, • Attridge, who..16 retiring for personal For the SIX, 'councillors' seats there Are eignt in the field ---three -of this Year's Ceinicll and live new aspirants. retiring; and as already mentioned Councillor MacEwan is elected to the office ot deputy reeve Of this year's Council 3. 4. linable, tGeorge Matbie- son and IL G. -Sanderson:Jive- uP 1Q1." -re- election, and the new men are Albert Brereton, Cornish, 'Arthur Kaitting. joseph. Moody and Thomas In St. David's ward County Engineer T. It. Patterson and Mrs. Edith Argyle are.. caadidates for puplic school trustee, Ebb Ross 'retiring at, the con- clusion of his term. On the board. In the other wards the present school trustees are returned, for. another tWo- year term: Frank Kershaw for St. Patrick's Ward, J. B. Milne: for St. . Public Krtilitier Commission, for an - Other two-year terna ,-Without Oppesi- ' The Noinination Meeting "- The attendance et the Town Hall nomination meeting was larger than at shnilar meetings for 'several years, and most of the speakers coinniented .upqn the fact as. a pleasing 'indication • of increased interest in the affairs of the Town. A'number of ladies were in the gathering. After the official nomination pro- ceedings, conducted . by Town Clerk Blake, Ex -Mayor H. J. A.. MacEwan was voted to the chair.and the nom- - inees in turn were given an opportan- ity to address tb.e`;,,ineetitor; of the year, He comulimented the people of Goderkh on their contribu- tion to the success of the' ninth Vietory loan, in which they dutested-over a million dollars. The returned men done a good job. The purchase of the Oddfellowa' Hall for the IMO Of the servicemen would enable every citizen to feel that he , had taken some part in providing this handing as a per- manent home for the- returned men. • Speaking of the co-oPeration given him by the other niemhera of . the Couecil, His Worship said he believed every meniber tsied to do what was for the 'best. interests of the citizens of Gedericn. 'The Board of Trade also had giv.en co-oneration "and particularly was looking.after the suminer visitors. It haa been a good year for . tourist trade, and. the point -was being reached whore the town needed more email:- modation for tourists. - .A.passing reference waS made to the industrY that is seeking location at inancially the Town Was in good sha e; few towns were better oft in this respect, iiaid :the, Mayor. slow tax rate had been maintained tliavvas benture 'debt was -pretty well.paid off, but would he increased by the erection of a new schobl Which *as required_ to preelde more and better accom- His Worsiiip , concluded- by stating that hie hat' was -in „thelring, " Burton IL -*Robnison Burton R. Robinson,. neminee the mayoralty, was the next sneaker. He said it miglit be ebntrarY- to', tradi- tion for a coreparative newcomer to come before the eleetors, but he felt he could give seme help. He had been in , many towns , of Ontario and he kneW of no tOwn of comparable size that had greater /possibilittes than Goderiah; and its' people wind, not afford rto - deny "to their. ehildren the the corning, .year -there would -be 'a did not belieVe these eould'be made to the beat effect with the' present The speaker told of hie experience is `a labor organizer at' Windsor and ' a -member of the Colwell of Sandwich. East; where lie was &large of nubile welfare. He *promiSed to co-operate with labor Management at all' tiniei and to endeavor to increate industrial activitY. It, yonid be' hie aim also to have the Waterfront enlarged ahd beautified and , mere attractions pro- Vided for toarist trade. .1teeVe Baker Reeve We Baker, who is -chairman of Ihe public Works eommittee, said " $10,000 had been allovVed for tile work of the :conimittee \this year 'and'it was not eninigh for the Work that should have been1 done. Sewer conStruction. YWas' held np by inability to- procure . tee, The engineer had recominended the exteneion of the Waterloo Street that qUarter; this Vas on the pro- gram for next year. A nov.cr sideWalk -4* bad been eonstrneted Hamilton* i4ikeet, and sidewalks in other parte of the toWn- needed attention. , inentber Wit one On the COMity Celnicil had. 'voted forit. "I shall date; to see the . old Court mouse -earning down. but there isbn.othing We ,can do ,about. said the ReeVe. G . . J. Turner Robert ' E. "; Turner reminded his. audi t lie'was as not a member o enc o that the 194t Council, though. lie said he was not ;in° a critical, frame of mind. However, he :was not exactly satisfied 'with some actions of .the County Conn - During the war the County had bought""war bends to the amount -of 4;23.o,Oot. Now they --were proposing to build a new- Court'Souse at a, cost of. $275,000and the old structure was to be torn down. Where is the money coming from?, the speaker asked. Goderich days something like x;15,000 si year to the County, and. he wondered sometimes what• the Town got dor it. There was a: sotgestion`"'that the Town' should. separate `from the County; he would not say whether this would be U. good move- or not. He asked if there had been any member of the (county (iouncil who "talked of re - -habilitation for .the. returned. soldiers. It- was up to the •County,to make a cash or other donation to'the gallant men and women ,who had gone to -war, The Federal an°d Provincial Governments were chiefly responsible, but the County ,should do something too. Referring to the local Public Util- ities Commission, Mr. Turner. said that when he was .a noeanber of that body theyat -in = a musty -room- in- a- dilapid- ated building in a ppor location, "Why don't they buy a little paint. and brighten it up, put a few Nights around - it?"' ..There„ was :applause from the audience for. the speaker's remark that the, water, they were drinking was "quite a mature." George G. MacEwan .. Councillor Geo. G. MacEwan, named. for 'the .deputy-reeveship, (and later elected by acclamation )., : spoke . of the great world° eyents of the year, cul- minating in victory over Germany and' Japan and the Meeting of ' represent- ativesof the -major powers in :peace conference. He thought that Goderich and Huron° county might be proud of what they had done .in war effort,, Be .was glad to see so many of , the, men m Gode- richwomen who had gone froode- rich coming home safely. There were many important projects to be dealt . with during the coming year, After two years as chairman of the oeeznetery 'and parks committee he felt that the cemetery -should be placed in charge of a :commission as proposed some ,;tine ago by Mise MacPherson. This he • believed 'would • assure continuity in improvement of the cemetery so that it might be made the most beautiful spot in Ontario. • GQDERIC I, ONTARIO, TUt ' $DA'Y,, NOVEMBER29th, 190 Sailor Killed by. Fall from Ladder ,Slip s `.while Going . On )3oarc1` Str. Mantadoo and. Strikes Read on What Norman, Cbapman, , second mate on the freighter Mantacloe was fatally infifiect2 lat. Friday morning. when he fell 4.$ he was miillAtilag "a ladder • to, board the vessel. As the ship Wis. partially* unloaded it stood high ahove the water at , the elevator. The yonng malt had reached. the top rungs of the .ladder when he slipped and fell backwards,. striking, his head on the wharf and :r011ing off into the water. Ewart Young; ,night-watehman at the elevator, saw him fall and im- mediately telephoned Bert MacDonald. who .grappled for the btaly and re- covered it in a short time. Df. Gal - low, coroner, was notified and on in- vestigation decided that an inquest was unnecessary. The young man, who waa of large, rohust physiqae, was in his twenty- second year, •He *AS tictO 0111,f ellikl of Captain Edward Chaprattn, .of the S.S. Forf Willdoc, and Mrs. Chapman, whose home is at Wiarton. 'was returning to the vessel after attending a dance up town. -The body, was re- move&_ta the_B_rephey funeral _home, and. later forwarded to Niarton for burial. Conn. J. E. Huckins againat the failure of tne Public. „Commission to issue an an- nual, financial statement. It sheuld be published for tne information of the taxpayers, but this had not been done for several years now. ..He pretested Also against the big P.U.C. surplus, though admitting that the • consumers had received a slight- rebate. The P.U.C. people said they intended to spend the surplus on equipment, but the public Would like to see the figures. Mr. Huckins spoke of the . improve- ments made by his committee at the waterfront after be had insisted that the committee should have more money,. to spend: He advocated 'a thormigh giving- several insta.nces of buildings that ere' assessed away below tb,eir .value while_ _less _Valuable buildings were assessed approximately at -full_ value. This was not fair ,to the small property -owner and he favored bring- ing in a prefessional appraiser to appraise every piece of property - the town. He intended no refieetion on the present assessor ; some of tne present valuatipns dated from the time of Queen Victoria. If. re-elected, said Coun. Huckins, he would press this matter upon next year's Council. AT T 1'ATERF GQNT i Goderich harbor was, a' busy place at the beginning' ,off ;. the week,. six big. freightexo having arrived on `,Sunday with grain. One, the Altactoc, brought 200,000 bus, wheat to the Purity' Flour Home from the War' mill. The otner cargoefi were for. the SaSliftdoe, 267,01 bus. wheat and 04.0.4;* and. barley; Superior, 111,200 bus. MaSsey, 136,200 buS. screenings, and . Other arrivals at the elevator were: 'Monday, A. A, IltulSon, 111,400 bins barley; T.Intrsday (today), Brio:A(10e, 240,000 Ws. wheat, The Bricoldoc Will remain here, holding itS cargo ,for winter storage. c.aTrgbee o at rnuddranggei8d ittrain4sga°tilthae freight sheds, and has a couple of trips- yet to make before laying up for winter. Prospects are that Goderich „will have a'vVinter fleet of about fifteen vesselS. This will Include file three barges already here which have been: loaded with. grain from the elevator for storage. Recently ' returned. from .England, after four yeara overseas service, "Pte. Bob Pinkham is visiting with. his grandfather, Mr:, Robert Foley, Raglan street. Bob returned „a short tim-e ago on She Queen Elizabeth, and after visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.' Wilfred Pialtham, - at Windsor, came on to Goderich, which he con- siders iris home town, having „lived here 'nest ,of his life prior to his- en- listment -in -January, 1941. Pte. Pink - ham went overseas in June,' 1941 with the Second Canadian -Division: He transferred from the Ordnance Corps 1944 and ' was attached to the Fourth Diviston, On D -Day plus 4, Bob's unit 'landed in Normandy and he saw service throngh the fighting 'in France, Belginin, Holland and Germany. Bob is renewing n,lany old friendships .dur- ing hii stay irt Goderich; Coun. R. G. Sanderson - Chun. It G. Sanderson spoke of his work os'clutirinan of the special com- mittee and explained the change in tne nelice 'force. allowing tWo constables The bdys' band ivas making Progress and had $500 br $300 in the treasory towards the purchase Of uniforms. ' Conn:, Stan., Prevett said he tad en-. joyed his two Years in the' Council, put he 'didn't believe in staying on, hidefinitelY aad didn't think he .would. Stand for 're-election. He wished the incoming,. Council anceeis. Thos. Taylor said.he had been risked by some of hie 'fellow-woanien to stand ,for the Council and it he did 'So wohld endeavor to do his best for ,the town. He would _ net make, an promiseff; toe many promisee. we not carried Mit, .he said. Arthur t. liaitting Arthur T. Kaitting spoke ',very briefly', saying that if he qualified for election and were elected he would A° utmost in the interests of the eitizens of Goderich, Albert Brereten Said it *as a sitiprise to him to be nominated. He did not know whether he would • but „ elected he weedd do his heat. w. 'Gallow, re-elected without opposition to. the Public Utilities Com - Mission, said the year had been one of Steady and satisfying 'progrese. Con- ditions he& Made it, Impossible to get material for some of the work that otherwise would have been done; but in spite of Such difficulties the use of electricity in Gederkbli had, increttied power load had /readied its higheat point yet, 1950 Equipment needed pits; There had' been a ten per cent. ten per cent. rebate on -:bMs. 'The water wits , tested at leaSt tWiee and WO always 'Mond to be. grade A, filtration- plant was proPoeed and Sgt. Percy Sheardown returned from Englatd pn the Queen Elizabeth. after two and a -half years overseas service and is visiting with relatives and friends in town. Eels the.eldest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wren Shear - down, both Of whom passed away while Percy was overseas. Sgt. Sheardown enlisted early in the war, but his par- ticular work in the army kept him from getting overseat u,ntil early in 1943. He was attached to Canadian Army headquarters and saw service in England, France, Belgium, Holland and Germany. B'::��N��.�moo. '�t;1.�' Acelauations' in NineMunicipalities ColeTo . a WORT VE BEEN . SERIOUS ; en' flKe , broke ke out early -Sunday morning in the apartment in them' house 0C- tupied by Gerald Lassaline. Contested Elections' in FivesBeeve wad School Trustees Several Changes ?ua i Zlec +�niy' T County �iUtitlCll 44 Mr.. acid .Mrs. Robert toy and three cllildren, i.'ieton street, narrowly 'd esca being burned: to deeth h RETIRES AFTER, 43 :YEARS Another Goderich -veteran to receive his discharge recently after lengthy overseas service is Sgt. James Durnin, S611 of Mr. and Mrs. James Durnin of town. Jim arrived in, England in the suMmer of 1940 •while the blitz was* at its height. He fought through the Sicilian, Italian _ and Northwest Eurdpean canipaigns, returning to Canada in ...October. Atter a 'Month's -home leave he received his discharge ASHFIELD Fourteen• e lities have About 1, a.m. Mrs, Gordon- Fowler, Colborne township has a contest fo rani teen . Duron muni ipa . had nominations for next year's muni.- daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Williaxa the reeveship rand for Iembeera 01! tibe i a o sera; In nine of thea@ the Sproul, a neighbor, went to the Flog Township SG10b1: Board. , Only 'two ,off cp 1home to telephone. She .aiald :not the .ndminees for counelllor 4,10411 4104 Council Inas been elected by acclum arouse them and was on her way 1 me, and another nomination Will be .re-- ation. There are contested - elections when she turned and . saw the dances tiquired. „,q- 4 n ,five -Ashfield, . Colborne, Wingham in the Lassaline :apartment. She There wan , not a , large aatten and i succe ded in arousing , Mr, and MrV. , at the nomination meeting held in t . ° the tawaa• of a ot, the ehiidrex►. Township flalI on Friday afternoon,, Gadorich. - � � soya who .3�nzuedia:t+�iy ,� Blyth, as , well as , The .;toWrlshlps. of . Goderich, West out, and an'a[l$rrn .;was sent -w. When and some of. ti*., -electors " believe- the WwanQsh .�:xst Wawanosh,. Howick, the Are brigade aarrived the ' ilarnes nominations should ,: be held at the Mullett, Morris, Grey .arid Turnberry ,had enveloped the chesterfield, where end of December, as wile the ci • and the village of Hensel).have electe' the Are apparently had started, eaught until a few `years ago, With the later , ,,,, ,,,�,�.. on the�..s..a,,.,, and started up the nntninatinrix there wnnLi their ceinei�ls by acelorna on. - At Wingbam Mayor Maids= and Reeve Evans are returned without opposition, ,but there is • a' contest for councillors. Blyth has a_ contest for the reeve - ship, FranklinB•e:inton opposing Reeve W. 1 . Morritt. Councillors ate elected by ation. ReeveacclamFrayne's retirement .. in . Ash- field involves a change in the County Council. Anothe change is in Goderich, Jas. J. McEwen Sells 'Well-known Grocery to Bertram MsCreath The long-established and 'well-known grocery' business*'on the..Square which has been conducted for ,forty-three years by Mr. Janies McEwen has been purchaSed by Mr. Bertram Y. who returned la September after over fiVe years' 'army service. ••• Mr. Mt:Owen came to Goderich from Teeswater, having previously_ begun his business career Jamestown.' During his long term in blisiness here he' has built up la large patronage, and it is not withbut justifiable pride that among 'his customers he counts several who dealt 'with him througnout the entire forty-tbree ftars. He will now be, able to retire- and enjoy the leisure .that he has,'not had during his long • years of close attention to business. Before the war Mr. McCreath had several. years' experienee in the, grocery business. He enlisted in June, 1940, with the Elgin Regiment, went,over- seas in September, 1942,- and from February, 1944, to the end of the „war was with the First Army Briga.de, first in Italy and later through France to Belgium, Holland• -and- GermanY• His qualities a's ' saldier may be *judged from the 'fact that lie enlisted as a. private and . returned home a captain. He has -a wide acquaintance in hie native town and will have the good wishes of a -host of friends in his -business venture:, son and Bill ,have returned to their former lunne • in Kintall, where Mr. and Mrs. Bill MacDonald -lived tlie last two years. Mr. and Mrs. Parrish have moved td the farm vacated by _Mrs. Collinson, which formerly belonged to the late japes J. Bowler. Miss..Maud• MacKenzie has returned to Detroit after -a visit with Mr. atd Mrs. Neil G. MacKetzie. - Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Thos. Garvey and family . in the death of mr. DarVey. Mr. Garvey was a son of whom the texvnship may well ..pe Presentations. -- A gathering of, .special interest was held on Monda-Si night in the Ashlielck Presbyterian, cnurcn, where' a la* gathering as, sembled to- do noaor, to Donald Mac- Lean( and his sieter .Mary,,,, who have recently removed f„rsora-the liounds-of the congregation to reside -in Lucktiow: Dr. W. 01. Rhoad presideeever a pro- gram ,Oonsiating of selections by Alex, _MacDonald and Kenneth -MacLennan, recitations and readings ; splos by Mrs. W. Ross and Priscilla Rhoad, end Dannie Rose, Elmer MacKenzie and George° MacLennan. .Donald MacLean was a, pillar in Ashfield church. He was ohe of. the firet members of the A.slifield choir which was 'organized forty-seven years ago and for almost forty years was the competent leader. He also was -the secretary Of the con- gregation for thirty-nine yeara and Will he much missed in his accustomed place. An address of abpreciation was iefel by Mrs. p. A. MacLean, and Mr. D. A, MaeDonald made the pre- sentation of beautiful chair. Mrs. D. it. MacKenzie' and Mrs. Dan Rose lovely 7,!alotos and a fountain. pen on behalf c-Ifif the W.IV/.8.; Donald' made ,fitting. reply, reetilling- events of the post and assnring 11113' hearers a the hold Ashfield enureh. He also paid atien of the organist, "Mrs.'11)..-A. Miter Lean. The provided a beunti- time- was enjoyed. Turnberry has -a new reeve in Walter H. Woods, who, takes the place of Harold Moffatt, Wile retires, ALL BY ACOLAMA'TION . - IN GODiatiOki TOWNSHIP partition.' The chesterfield was, de- stroyed and other contents , of the apartment mere badly damaged. py• fire and smoke, they believe be a more representative attendate0 There are three candidatefi for tbe• reev@shill: Mex. Watson, the present /Ir. and Ilrs. Lassaline were out reeve, Harry A. 'MeOreath and William spending the evening and arrived home 1 Clark, botlx -members of the 390, about 3 a.m., not knoWing anything Clounell. Two Rata on the Towttliip School Board are to.be fillet], and three candidates are offering themselvere- Omer Brooks, rordyce Clark and, ,Tait - Clark were elected a year' ago'for :tor Ovo-Yeak terM. Elmer Robertson alsO was nominated blit did Ilot WittritY+ Another Nomination on 'December 2 - _For ,cormeillers the. following were about the fire, •The loss is partly ^covered by insurance. By the prompt action -of. the .fire brigade, the- fire was confined to the Lassaline apartment. ship are quiet. At the 'nomination meeting on Friday the Council of 1945, was re-electetl for ailother year and trustees -for the new s.ehooli-area- were chosen. without opposition. The Council and Selma Board of 1946';will therefore be at tfollows: Reeve—George Ginn. Conacillbrs— James R. Stirling, Rebert Go- Smith, Gordon QV, Ben Ralt,,,e11. All-round Election'. for Cfnmcif • and School Board Next Monday In 4Slatield Dr. Frayne is retiring from. the Township ' after eleven years' service, including several years as deputy reeve and reeve. Two Members of,•t,he 1945 council are contesting the ..reeveship, Cecil John- ston and Fred Anderson. Nominees for councillor are Frank Hamilton and Melvin Dickson --(members. of the,1945 Elmer' Graham and Earl MacDonald. Five members are to be etected for the, newly -created Township Board, and the nominees are Walter Tigert, Rey McKay, William G.. Hunter, Walter Alton, Glen Campbell, Marvin COUNCIL RE-ELECTED YOUNG LIONS ANCEIVE _CHAMPIONSHIP TROPHY It' waa basebalLnight at the Lions Club meeting on Friday last.' g'There was a large attendance at the dinner, including the boys oP the Lions juvenile 'team who won the 'W.O.A.A. championship last summer. Manager Eddie Jessop . introduced the boys and explained that they•were to be presented each with a crest and a picture of the team, but these had not yet al. -filled. Lion Jim Graham introduced Judge Castello and. spoke highly of His Honor's work with the team and his Pte. ,V'rnest ItneeshaW, who has been stationed at Calgary for a year and if( enjoying a leitve with his mother, Mrs. T. XneeshaW, before re - his waS estimated tooeost ,:porti4 for duty at Loudon, "BUD" STURDY AGAIN IN" WEST WAWANOSH Elections in West Wawanosh again this year are all by acclamation. The 1945 Connell is returned as follows: . Reeve—Brown Smyth. , Councillors --"-Everett Fienigan, Wal- lace Miller, David McAllister, Gordon, constant encourag,eraent of baseball in McPherson. - - Wallace Milker and Everett Finnigan were nominated: for the reeireship, but withdrew- their names, and Harold Gaunt, proposed -as a councillor, also declined to stand. For the new Township School Beard the nominations were: Archie Aitchi- son, Lorne Durnin, Kitchener Fin- nigan, Wm. Forster, Mackenzie Webb' and Harold Webster. Mr. Webster • withdrew, leavipg A the _first five to constitute the Board. Goderich. He referred fittingly te two boys ' who had made the supreme sacrifice in the war, Terry Costello and Billie Inaset. " . On behalf of the club* Don Scott presented' Judge Costello with a ,pe'n and pencil Set as a token of the boys' Judge Costello gave a brief but interesting address. Ilesaid the Lions juverxiles were Mt youngest team in the league and the' snappiest ball team Goderich had had in his expeilence. He hoped the business people of the town would see that the boys had jobs so that they might remain, .here. "Tory" Gregg of Vitingium, president Johniton, M.P.P. for Bruce,.,.who was prekne vvitn his wife and their two daughters. Mr. Johnston ,presented the championship. trophy, which- was accepted by Jack Evans on behalf of the team. - a. 'vv. Hanna, M.P.P., 'spoke briefly and brought the good wishes of the Lion Guy.tmerson, chairman of the. Lions °boys' and girls' eommittee, con- ducted, the 'meeting. ,The members of the bail *team *were D'onald, Scott, .Tim BiSset, jack Evens, George W'estlakte, Peter . Patterson, Bill Neweombe, Jim DonnellY, Harold Warren, Donald Warren, Robert AIM, Donald Ainslie, Bob Neeclhani, Gerald Mero, Jerry Ginn, Barry •Doak and Craig Costello who earried1;*=the* bats for the victors: . THE WEATHER Temperatures of the past week in ing week a year. ago, as officially re- corded, were as fellows: , ° 1946 1944 Max. Sat, Noy. 24 Illin. Max. Min. 23 30 26 27 32 28 28 31 29 24 41 36 34: 35 so eipal A. U. Scott ond'hIrs, seott, who has been employed ati prises Limited, is joining 'the" Inatrne- tional staff of the Sehool of Applied Science and kliigineerifig Of , Toronto Iiniversit4t, ,awav..wili•*•heglw his new dulleS January 204. The GN.R. dothitown office is again taken an a.ctive,.-interest in town af- fairs, are- still here, and we, have not learned their pjans for the *future., After a long , illness, the death of Miss Elizabeth Nivine occurred at the home of her sister, Mrs. E. J. Carter, oa Sunday afternoon, *in her sixty- eighth year. Born in Dungannon, Miss NiVins was a daughter- of the late William. and Mary McNevin Nivins,,,and lived -practically all her life. in Goderich. „She was a member of Knox Presbyterian church. Sur- viving are a brother, John; of Gode- rieh, and four sisters, Mrs. John Me- 147ay and Mrs. -E. J. Carter, of Gode- rich; Mrsv James Heddle, of' AIM Arbor, Mich, and Mrs. Verne Gledhill, of Benmiller. .- The funeral service, held at the Turner, in the -absence Of Rev. Richard William j. Clark spoke Partignlarly Stewart of Knex•church. .Six nephews Of roads arid:sitowpovving. He thought , .acted as pallbearers:: Donald and Ian the Tovvnship 'should have ith own . meKay, Stewart and' Philip, Carter, equipmenvtl, sehao,inpxd.se.11:.spegrafdoceiry:010fd it:bee Joseph Graham. and Clayton Nivits. rented by the ifour to farmers and Interment took place in Maitland oeffthnoerarr tioo ereate 'a fund for p' tual • care of the township cemetery, said It The death of ..Pe?cy T. E. C. Naftel was sti$112,a0oloonbgawdaybefernonLtihsee4oblee,, totive.ur oceurred.suddetlr on Saturday -after- Some rt0011 at his home:en the Baylield road, years. He'Dointed out that the charge' Goderich township, after a heart at- for the use of the Township Hall -for tack. ,With• the • exception of fifteen church serviees was the same for all;• years in Goderich, Naftel had $3:•50 a Smarty. (A newspaper re - spent his life in Goderith -tewnslih),, port had stated in error that the hail where lie was born, anV. later engaged was being rented to the United chttrch in farraing. ' He was a Ma of •the congregation at $1.) late Thomas and Mary Naftel, well- Ross Fisher advocated SoMe ft- -known residents Of this district. His penditure on the 'ToWnship Hall to • wife, formerly Miss Maripn Parsons make it more useful and convenient, of Goderieh, predeceased him several Stanley .Snyder thought there should* years. •He was a member of St. be more co-operation among the town - George's Anglican ohurcb. Surviving shiPs in letting gravel .Jobs and in are his datightek, Miss Madeleine; at the purehase of eq•uijOment. - home; a brother, Wilfred C. C. Naftel, The question of reeegniZing in. some ,and sister,'Miss Florence' E..Naftel, suitable manner the Services of those both of Goderich township. The fun.. from the township wholad joined the, eral serviee,•••lielral ,his late. residence armed forces" in tire recent war wait on Monday afternoon, was attended discussed ahd.various miggestions were by -many ,citiz.ens of town .and towli- offered. There, was some supped, for shin. Rev..teverly Farr, rector of St a ham:feet, but. finally a metion was . George's•church, officiated and the pall- passed "that this meeting'recommend bearers* were Reg. Johnston, Robert to the Council of Colborne the 'Itur- and Edward Sowerby, Harold Brirai- Chase of, a $50 >Victory bond for' all combe,_ Robert IVIcItwain and George persons ,the. army service from' the' Salkeld. Interment was in 'Maitland townshvi • Fordyce Clark, nominated" for re - THOMAS' GARVEY election to the •Township School Board, Thomas Garvey,. well-known ASh- reviewed the hperatione of the- hoard field tewaship farmer, passed away at for the past year, , Spine $2,000 lad CARTER SCHOLARSHIPS The Department of 'Education has annthinced the Winners of Carter scholarships in Huron- County ds fol- lows: First, Donald .G. Stevenson, Sea - forth Collegiate Institute,; Second, Lillian W. Irwin, Godericn Collegiate, 'Institute,;. third, Doris M. Malwen, Clinton Collegiate Institute. his home on • Sunday evening in his been speut on the Maitland sehoOt $6T0 haensde' ss4cohottpsehelptisv,elyOf tivraeluaewat1d0404. He was a devout member- of sii built, lie Said., in sections'1 and 8, yak eighty-ninth year, after a long 411ness. (No. '7), and new schools should be for the highest aggregate standing on ten papers of the upper school. exam- ination held in June: " Lillian 'W. Irwin is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.,T. D,Irwin, Waterloo street. - AG* AT ,D011thJION STGRE" 'Among returned f3ervicemen is Cpl. Robert Sharpe, who. for -severat,years was Manager of the Donation 'store in Goderich. and whose genial. manner contributed 'greatly to the popularity of that store. "Bob" left Goderich in June, 1943, was at'' Vancouver Island for. three menthe taking 'a "Japanese eourse," and then was transferred to Camp Borden as an instructor hi the use' of Vickers nmehine gilts. 'He is back again at thli,Donlinion store here and is being licC.tily greeted by •hrs. eld .friends. ENGAGEMENTS. ANNOUNCED `Ntr),.nnd Mrs. Fletcher Fisher, Col- borne township, announee• the, engage - merit of their daughter, Luella. Ma " to Harold Lewes Ye(); 8011 of Mrs. and the late Wm. J. Yet), of Gederieli township, the *marriage to take place en Saturday, Deeereber 8th. ' The engagemeat ' Announced Of ILC.A.P., son of IteV..and Mrs. Joseph Janes, Goderieb. The wedding- will take plac9 early la IVeember in North. field, Mitmesata. joseph's church, Kingsbridge, and was some readiu)::mugebnit tattlavdiocebhietaiopbniy.e.i.lel'hev: highly respected in the community. A lighting. in the- schOols should be ilm- son of the late Mr. and Mrs. ThOraas Proved. About the only advantage he all his lift, in Ashfield. • - - I was that sehool 'flupplies. and elltittv. • N"': Garvey, lie was born, and haf.1 lived -had seen so far in the townShip,area' , former Margaret Doroaelly, are six advocated more :attention to training Surviving • besides his wife, the 'Ment were sons and a daughter : james, Thonine 14 public speaking, and 'John, alle of A.shfieid; Joseph M., it would be better: to ,have a separate K.C., end Gerald, ofaTso,ruo.n; tor;h.ta„th:if maffeeotrin8goonlyr.ateipicaysearindtothitelr 4:ergebooie 02 Edwin O. Garvek, Assmription College; 0' Windsor, and Pupils in the schools of 'the townehiP„,, Sister Marie Therese, of, St. Joseph ,,,and $20,000 was spent during 'the'. ' Connnunity, Jiklmonton, Alta, Two Year, this amount including Govern., daughters, , Mrs. William A. Dalton input and County granti. . • 11. and rather 'Wilfred Oarvey, C.S.)3„ „ as a school trustee, told, of the dit- And-Miry, RN., and twii sons, Dr. Leo Onid Ilriolol, algo ettnIrr-fetaorkrere‘esloctitiom: surviving are eight grandchildren. 1 school. .11e*said the board was Mak- . /II tribute to the memory of Mk. lug a saving in the kite oticottitavphir,b„ Garvey, St.f joseph's elinreh at Rings- WA $10.110 a ton' at MeGaw. , bridge, was thronged with' citizens from Tait' ;Clark sPOke briefly, Stating Goderielii-Ashrield and the surrounding that lie ,..totild, aecept nemitultion for dlitricts for the funeral Service on the_ Scheel ilhard, Vitednesday , morning. SOleIXO1 high Terence 11tinter, chairman of., ndleactsasliVe(41,6 11,11e.rirDart.dE' d,,l)kriti4 (.819•11(1°aftVtehye, 0111°t°1110B4narr% tedrirtiteg tit.r yteirr,rilke of Assumption College;assisted bY IleV. stated that the. only fee the sehool, .T. g. QuigleY, of St. joserili's church,. trusteeS reeeived ',"WAS ye a mile to Kingsbrklge. as master of cerenionies; attendance -st ,10..1.ings; he bad re„ Rev. r. A. MeCtirdle, of ,rarkum, inv. celved hi OAR way $12 00. Ile otwervelt Goderich, at; sub -deacon. Ilev. rather* to have trifstees bettlyr paid, and be Weiler, of . Assumption • College, believed this s1011141 be done. - preached the sermon. tlurial took. Orville 131ake,,, alse a member -6# the place in: the Itingsbridge cemetery, Schoel lielyd. Said better proti4co those acting uo pallbettrers,.being V11- should be made lot* tritnspOrtatioe .dit limn . Young, Matthew Polo, Illaiste stUdents to i..4.4'ondary schoolt Oefor ltortiu,_,Z01 8. Dalton, Prank -Den. one 'Ws was. twerated and, it did %tot