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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-11-22, Page 7
lP"ETS'OF THE '. Condensed Pram Sun NOBLI BeefDo. ' e lip$Ide w. lett flour 3( cup xadilk, or hail' milk fi3 i1° and halt water , . 1 top 14 cup sliced'oglon 1 loop. celet�y' )fit . 3d tap. white pent,1 can condensed tomato 5 tail, shortening,,, soup - '341b. ground rawbee '3 tsp. Magic Baking, Powder, , . Sift t ' ether flour baking ppowder, 34tepe salt. cele Balt andsapper• udd '3, tabieapoons oct �, 'sh encu int t orougid' with fork.. Md milk and stir uaitil blended. !licit remaining two tablespoons obortening in 9" frying pan, and cook onions until soft. Add tomato soup.. se- ,manning 3{ teaspoon salt and ground meat; bring to boll. Spread bakingg.powder mixture on • top of meat mixture and beim at 475°F. for 20 minutes. Turn gut upside down on largo rrls;te.Serves 8, •MADE IN CANADA When the tetry0y$ ' o munition trucks, supply vehicles of every. warlike THE PICK OFT.OBACCO• It DOES taste good ind• pipe halt on the.roads that lead. f o. Germany, soldiers will leap out at intervals cio a. the lines to exercise zneir aogs, There are large dog and small (legs, 'many n of every volar and variety, aci, . Of lie known breed.' the And theBelgian.$ and Dutch in wayside villages, ,`whoa assess a ,deg' mainly .on the work it °eon do, stare iuc lou y at the -profusion of .pets, r�du sly .and Shake their heads or . shrixg their shoulders .as if they think the British a strange - race. Some of the dogs have .accompanied their Owners: from Britain, but ,most Of them have .been picked up, along the , way—canine refugees of ' three or 11iAPt.EK'iNG, Nov. 20.—Mr. and Gbrdon Armstrong, M. and Mrs. We>3. Alto Ruby • Leonard and Miss- Mary four. nationalities. It seems almost as if. there .cannot be .a.stray • dog wherever' - the , :flies' • iuin armies. Have .passed in I'iance,;,Be g and Holland,:for an 'animal has only to wander inquisitively into a . camp :or wag its tail at A tent door to be adopted immediately' and given, a name. The dog as aa. beast of burden is un- familiar to most of the English -speak - hag nglish-speak ing _peoples, ' although the Canadians of the North remember their 'huskies. Tlie airman -..is. fond of flog, 'too, and there is not an • airfield without its canine complement. .Pilots and ground . rs ' of } .London • visited Mr. , and, staff ---they are all the same in their Thursby, ..,, , . Mrs. Will Irvin during the week. affection f'or a dog; Dr, Carman • Stothers, Toronto, vis- Sonde of them have travelled many ited Mr. and 'Mrs. Henry Horton ' on Saturday. Mr. Jim Misner, of Stratford, 2r. Ed. Misner, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs.' Jack .Ryan" and LeRoy; of God- erich, visited, at the end of the week with Mr. and Mrs. H. Curran. --S o'clock on Sunday next. Church ser- vice will be at 7.30 in the evening. Mr. and Mrs, ., Thos.' J• Anderson have retiree and moved to Lucknow. We are sori`y ;to lose such fine citizens, who with their family have contributed most generously in every branch of church and -social activities in this community. Mr. Chas. Hallam -is in Goderich hospital recovering from an 'operation, which he underwent on Monday morn-, -ing. We hope he may soon- be able to return home. ' ' There wits ti good attendance at the Y.11.13. meeting on Monday night at Hugh . Menary's. :Mr. T. Blake and Olive sang,a duet. Irene Menary read the rtopic. - 'It's • not where our. sphere of in- fluence is, but what is our influence on the sphere. - hundreds •of miles, as the airfields have ,followed : the Amy .. from France through 13gitim into Holland, squat- ting on their master's knees. at the front of trucks 'or sprawling on bag- glige or folded tents. Many of them. have been trained to Flo-a•-ttset + t_ watchdo-s at night; others are just pet's, roaming around the flying ` field and dispersals as if . they bwned the place. It , is noticeable that - a dog very quickly - becomes accustomed to the noise of, engines, and some of them seem to take an intelligent interest in flying activities. There is at least one dog ---a rough - haired terrier—who spends his day near a runway 'watching Typhoons, tak- ing off and "landing, a critical tilt top his head and a never -flagging interest in his .brown• eyes. ' He is owned.:, by an armorer, . who boasts that his terrier only bark when an enemy aircraft comes over, and he rarely barks. . - A cookhouse at a 'group headquarters of the R.A.F. _Second ' Tactical Air Force has a little mongrel as its mascot —a sharp -nosed dog' with spindly legs, which. was • found in the ruins of Caen Chrome fatigue And. norvous c: haustion are gettinggmen,' down E. nee se . down in health and t10wn xt ey.J to cold and other ailments. for. a build..upwith It is high sae, FOOD,_ the' Dr.,, Chases NERVE FOOD h V'£umin Bi' tonic. It will help, to'. you and1t she4 Steadyyour nerveP , sleep better. It will help you. to 4.igesst your food. and to ,regain energy and, vigor. Ask forthe hew econ- omy size bottle .of fpr cb Dr. Chases- . Nr +r" n v u of this Verwu 1u rnet on, Monday a en g Nerve Fool v,.chcseY 9M.pM116 week at •the home of Mr. and Mrs. MenE OO° pave' Martin with sixteen present. and Mrs., Albert M+... Mrs. Lester Mills as London peat a,. week -lend recently with her parents, Mr, ;and..Mrs. Dave °Martin,. Mr. and Mrs. Charles erawfortl: re- turned 1sma 1aa t week ,,after pending : a three. weeks' holiday with relatives pat Kenora. Neepawaa,'Winnipeg and Toronto, liir. Ilarburn. Adams 'liar purchased the farm of",Mr. and Mrs. Itoy Maize, 4th concession of Ashi1,0141,'• 'Miss Manche Graham, --,who is On ie •rh e G od,e •in.t athe staff' „x/,h nurses hospital, spent last :$untidy with her Parente, Mr. and Mrs. Percy* Craltain. Mrs. R. Reed spent a week recently with her 'sister, Mrs. Itoy Alton, at Belfast. .r.ntr G. fitter's . "and d ststor" , Mr4 aMSthaertethlieern,Ii' eDeaftdMthrsis.Dave Last week large flocks `of geese. were seen Eying south as well aa stopping for feeding on fields. quite 'a number of these 'geesewere shot. in. the district. A. few. farmers are :busy this week getting , their guns all shined . up for the ,deer' 'season which opens up next .week iin ruron and Bruce counties. V C�+'•Q s: —60ots. � -- y" After an hour: obf discussion on 'Farm- µ..« .,. I 180s $1,60 x� ing of the 'future." axery interesting mumaiiimmiimasmilmismommarawirmager subject, a social time was spent in „ . games, contest, etc., during which lunch . ,.,,.'-'... ..'` was served. The Forum ,will meet on rin • frons hell -shock. There is Tuesday evening of next week at the sure ng s home of Mr. Harold and""iss Margaret no sign of shell -shock now,. and the Adams.,; It is being held on Tuesday titin legs carry .a plump, well-fed body. .,evening instead pf Monday as usual; • But the airfields have a profusion of R'owing to the hog -producers' meeting in; Xlarold•Cantelon,''reeently diseltarged -from:. the R.C. #..F., has. been• appointed game overseer for Duran county with headquarters � �• i h Ott 'V Ay,y. "'R M." p h.N .A window lin memory of° the late Mr. and • Mrs. II., Li. 'Chant was unveiled in ''Yesley-Willis 'United , church,. Oltnton, on Strpday last.. The window wits pre- sonte+ by:ime>n bers3 of the Chaiit'faiuily. A portrait if' the late William Bry-„. doite, iK.C., well-known lawyer of Cl,in- pets other than des. If they were gathered together they would make. -an Dungannon. Literally hundreds of enthusiastic : skiers come from the States every year.- Experb or novice, they really' can have fun on Ontario's ski trails. And :we certainly want t:° make' sure they da! impressive R.A.F. goo. There are pigs and goats, hens and ducks, lizards and -horses. One` of the •pigs was also a shell - shock case. It Was found in the - wreckage of farm buildings, wander/ ing about in a stupor, its head jerking unpleasantly. Airmen took . charge cif it, nursed it back to iieaifh, and itow it is(as happy a pig as ever wai,tlowed in mud. Three hens were given to Spitfire pilots in Picardy, and •_they manufactured a Coop out of” a salvaged German ammunition box. The hens have travelled in ,the coop, fixed on the hat bonnet of a jeep,,,,,ali -the way to the ' German frontier, oc- casionally laying an egg. An equipment section has tethered its :pet, , duck . in fields and , orchard camping grounds#' all the way .from France, providing' .it with *a tank of water and- feeding it on porridge. A Typhoon squadron . has a goat which Wanders into the mess when it pleases and .drops contentedly in front of the stove. ' It will eat anything. that is offered- G rman biscuit even.. the captured a s, which are as hard as granite, and fit only to pave a road; but it is also fond of caps carelessly left lying about, and even the 'seat of a pilot's trousers. A former- German . possession, 1k' fine Alsatian • dog, presented a problem. It had -been left.behind at F"alaise,- but was apparently'. as intractable as its Nazi masters. fit; ould; allow no one to approach w proach it. • - .Yet it insisted on _ following an air- man who, in turn, coveted it -.as a pet. He threw it scraps which the,Alsatian golloped, but was .'uuaibie• to get nearer than • a -dozen -feet:' responded to shouting, insomuch 'as it stopped bark- ing when• commanded loudly to do so, but had no use for affection." The airman tried to .disregard it, but' the dog followed him •-,always at a distance—to the airfield. • It. took days of patient coaxing to win the dog's regard, and now the former Nazi beast is apparently as friendly and docile as .a household .pet—but only his air- inan .Jnaster' trusts PORT ALBERT -' ASHFIELD ASHFIELD, Nov. 10. --Mrs. Ralph Cowles, with her children, Mary'`Bar- ara J'obn, of-L-ondon, is isi in1- her n rents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Mac- donald. • . Miss Ethel Mackenzie of Toronto is spending a week with -her mother, Mrs. Rod Mackenzie.. The W.M.S. meeting for November is being. held on Thursday at the nYanse. Anglican + hureh, Clinton. T'he Ire tapwr, Rev. B. ` M. , P. Bu�lteel, �l� Lantern ENpI d©n Cam• Vire in Stephen, Townh The cxplt sign of a 0aso1ine lante�r'aa started: a fire whielu.de tr,'oyed a garage and driving shed on the -farm. of Roy Schwartz,' between D.a>ihwood ± r�.editon, .nn Sianciay evening. A Urge tarn elose • to. the garage took alesev- eral - eral'times, but was saved by the efforts of .111r. ' Schwantz• assIstted y a, i tan bas •been, presented to the Clinton i bucket brigade and later ' by .firemen Libras dart b or sir Ol n oni f1?0U1.t•he Centralia` air tio#i and � l"r �'' i< i t ansa ; . y mow residing. in :Toronto,. Mr Brydolle • was a Yiexn'ber of the Board for many; years,. first as, secretary and later' as ONE LIFE LOST Iii members of a Zurich: •fsuify 'tired in a road accident on No. t 9/Qt last,. whet their car we ' lilt 'the, ditch as<the steering column �snapeci.'. The injured were' Arnold Merrier, driver of the ear, and his three, children, Arnold, Donna and Robert, who suffered various outs but were not seriously 'hurt.. The ear was wrecked. . • - Mrs. Alexander Reid • passed away. suddenly on Saturday, ,November 10th, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Norman Sheppard, liullett township, in her eighty' -third year. Her husband died twelve years ago and three ebil dr n r iof Hul- e su v vex Sheppard, Mrs.S ppa , lett; Mrs. Frank Marshall,. of east. Wawanosh, and Edward, on .the Reid homestead: in, Bullett. .Keillor—Fremlin - The marriage of Violet, seconddaugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. E.. Fremlin, Clinton to `S dn. Ldr. Hubert George Keillor, D,S.O., D.F"C., soil of Mrs, Elizabeth Keillor of Mitchell,. was an event of Noyember 12th in St. Paul's BOYLE—SALKELD Spruce Lawn Farm, the home of Mr. • and . Mrs. - T. 3. Salkeld, West Wawanosh,. was the' scene. of a. quiet Wedding on Saturday, November 3rd, when their daughter, .,Mary Irene, was united In marriage to James Austin Boyle, .son' Of' Mrs. Frank Boyle of the 10th - eoncessibn of Huron ' township. Rev.' R. A. Joselyn, of St Peter's Anglican .church, officiated.. The young couple, yvho ' were unattended, were, surrounded by.members of their lin- mediate families. After, the . wedding dinner, they left for a trip to North- ern Ontario,. They will reside at Kinlough ' WHAT CAN r DO? Well, everybody has his own way of saying welcome.. Ontario hotel- men are famous for the.r hospi- tality: here is a set of tips suggested by one of them. 1.' Find out all about what ydur - neighbourhood offers, and be- come a booster:. • ` ' • 2.• Write .your friends in the States abort Ontario ... show them when they `cdrne you're really proud of at. S. Try` to make arty visitor glad „. -. he came. . .. ` - , • - 4.' -Take time -to give requested in- formation fully,and graciously. 5. In ;business, remember Can- ada's reputation for courtesy •;, and fairness depends on you. 6. To sumit til folio* - the' "Golden Rule." loath. leis weightin gold! The Province of Ontario profited to almost the same extent from tourist bust - nos . as' it did from the gold mining industry. It is up.to each of ua to see that it goes on growing. r We All Share! Yes, every- one benefits from Ontario's .tourist business. This .dial, gram shows it clearly. Aside from hospitality, it's good - -business' to make, all Ont; visitors from the United States feel athome. It works both ways! They treat us .royally when we visit'them .. . we can't do less than return the corpliment.. Rememberthat It costs • money .t take a boli - day w•., . so let's see they get a good- return for every penny they spend.• The editor had died and gone below. Scarcely- had he a arrived when he received the most colossal slap on the back from ` a contributor • who had pestered him • on earth. • • t`Well, sir," saiththe free-lance, "I'm, here - for . that appointi%ent." "Appointment? What appointment?" 'Well, every time I ;came into your office on earth to .shim you my std, you said you'd see me here first." -2= The Tatler. Dochart Furniture Factory Swe$ ►►y ` 1'aames on -Saturday The furniture planta John T ebart & Solas at Seaforth; was gutted.b** fire on Saturday afternoon, with oge to building, wachiitery and-, stock "es- tiannted at $11,000.. The fire cost also the, life of Aubrey It Avery, 57, of Mitchell, a. bricklayer working on: an addition to the. plant, wbo died is the Seaforth hospital the same night groin.' shock and burns.. �� The Are started , the.finishing r om on, the second t1 or of the plant and rapidly, spread p dly. The only _ ,pextipn: ' of ,. the, building saved was the :addttlon under' construction, which .was separ- ated from the main, building by a~ brick fire wall.- The - all. - - - The -factory employed over sixty`` hands, • and the number was ''to be 14 - creased. when the addition: was com- pleted. h r are nos and he owners Louis Dos a t, sons of ° -the late John Boshart. Eczema, oir salt rheum as it is conirnop.ly called, is one of the most'painful• of all skin troubles. . The intense burning; "itching and smarting, espe- cially at night, or When the affected part is .exposed to heat, or1the bands placed in hot water are most um, bearable, and relief isladly ,welcomed.: The relief offered b Burdock Blood Bitters is based on:the Iiaii_'ui'e c ge_ y that such ailments as eczema, and other skin troubles, are causes y an' impure blood condition. - Briiig . about inner cleanliness by using B. B. B. • to help cleanse the -blood -ot its 'im 'urities, Ask at any drug counter for B. B. B. Priep $1.00 a bottle. • ' The T. Milburn Co.. Limited. 'bronco, Ont. • ' 9q immendomminmemolowommormosimmo Quickly removed in Glean Sanitary Trucks. Phone collect.... 910r16 CLINTON -- 215 STRATFOED William. Stone Sons Limited INGERSOLL, ONTARIO - (Intended - for last week) A Social Afternoon.—A . pleasant afternoon was ,Spent . at the home of Mrs: Ralph Foster on Wednesday' of last week,' when the Women's Guild of Christ church entertained the ladies of St. Andrew's United church. Miss Elizabeth Foster presided and the Meeting opened -with at hymn, followed by prayers and a` Scripture reading. Miss Foster • welcomed the visiting safety and introduCed Rev. R. A. Joselyn as speaker for the afternoon. Ile told in his own interesting manner about. "'Sunday" -School by Post," and -reminded' his listeners of °' tileir duty as parents towards religious education in the honie `and its effect on diminish- ing juvenile delinquency. A program followed,- consisting of readings by Mrs. Waiter' Tigert,, Miss Margaret Adams and Mrs,. Will Vrooinan and solos by Mrs. Ralph roster, 'and little Miss Mildred Dougherty 'delighted -the audience with an" action song called "Washing Day;" durbig which she washed, ' rinsed and hung to -dry a miniature wa5.h. A . delicious lunch was ` served by the eenimittee in charge and, Mrs. Margaret .,,Gray poured tea at a table centred with an attractive 'bouquet of white . mums 'anti yellow snapdragon's. Mrs. '"Bert Crawford of the St. Andrew's association expressed thinks for the hospitality and 'enter- •taiinpent of, the afternoon. PORT ALBFRT, .Nov, 7.4: 11,frs. Crawford returned home 'on Tuesday of this week after `spending tt weeks visiting with her son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Crawford, at Lucknow. • - ' Mr. Cecil alegee, who is attending University 1tt Toronto, spent lust week- end at- the home of his parents, Mr. to get certain grades` -of paper, aynd conditions are not likely heavier weights (no mediums) suitable for almost any form. FI.Qur. Commercial Printing 'Department is at your service and can make quick delivery. Xf you suf'err, front rheumatic, arth- ritic, or neuritic pain, try this •simple, inexpensive home recipe. Get a pack- age of Itu-ex Prescription from your druggist. Mix it with a quart of water,. ,add the. juice of d i lemons, It's easy. and pleasant. You Beed only :fi tablespoonfuls two tittles a day.:,„„Often within 48 hours sometimes overnight—splendid results, "are obtained. If. the pains are not quickly relieved and if yott do not feel better, Eu -ex, preseription; will Bost you nothing: to try. Your money re- funded it it doe's not help you. Rit z Freseritslton'• 'is sold at drug stbros everywhere, and *Commended ommended by JAMES A. Ct MPfl LL