HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-11-22, Page 4THE GODERICH SIGNALSTAli Coming Governor.Genera ,. We ' ow Mir own #lowers alld: try to si pli1y norma, requiremeutsi When' funeral trade is tilighter tb nor. mal`'i we often -Uwe BUrigus.. flowers, and hairs 'decided" to share -these as a TRADE •DTVI END with our customers. -Orders for )booms will:be Overt add txuna1.biooras. ° funeral designs and s►rays extra dower l be BIaco your orderi and reap the benefit of surplus dowers,, - re'. ,,.• P 4 4IQNJ- VS. The Greenhouses that have supplied Goderich, and vicinity for 44 years,. 0 Children are the product .either- of our time or of our spare time. METAL TOWEL BARS BUTCHER KNIVES ---C:AF. XfiINd--SETS *WASTE PAPER BASSETS METAL CASH AND . TACKLE BQXRf cows DOR MATS (Successor to the late Fred Hunt). Hardware and Plumbing PHONE 135 OBITUARY - HENRY OKE T The --following is from the , Bois sevain, 3Ian., local paper of November 1st: Funeral services for the later Henry Qke, .who passes away October 19th, in • the Winnipeg 'General Hospital in his. eighty -Second year, were held in St. Paul's Uhited . church on Wed- nesday, October 24th, with interment 'in the family plot in Boissevain cern- etery. The • pallbearers were Mr. _%err,1r. _tsii -FoYBruce; Charlie and , Sam Oke.' Coming to Boissevain in 1888 from .'Goderich, Ontario, My. Oke worked for several ,years - with the Turtle.;,,, Min:merlin Milling Co.. and .then moved,, to Van- sof ver. He returned to Winnipeg in resided there till the time of his demise. Left to miauru, his passing.- a re- his wife, the .former Eli- zabeth `eriingeour, sister of • . John :Terri r ioGO' detieh ... 2t the late ,j Scrimgeour, a brother, fabez, of this district, an land ome listen;-'Nell•rtr of Detroit.' BEN MILLER 1 OVERCOAT TIME! New ,Samples Top Quality, Perfect Fit, Popular Prices. Priority for returned men. Be kind .to Your clothes— Keep them in good repair. Mrs. Diek Park of Dungannon visited on Sunday with their grandparents, Mr. and. Ml's. C. A. Vanstone. The marria*'e of Mr. D. Pitblado, jr., and Miss Lois McPhee was solemnized: at the Benna-iller' parsonage on Satur- day, November 17, `b`"Rev. Ulf. E, Cronhielm: Congratulations ' Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hill,and family, of Mitchell, -visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. Fisher. 'Mr. and Mrs. Fred `White of Goderich visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. fI. Good. In Benninger I'nited church last Fri- day night Rev. Ulf. E. Cronllielrn show- ed lantbrn slides on China. and' Tibet. There was a large attendance and the proceeds went to 'missions. A number around—Iter. are .'taking advantageof the deer hunt which is on this week." Mr.' Sidney Nettleton was -able to. leave the hospital this week and return to his home after a lengthy illness. - TAW SHE 1854 ILK BREAD HIGH` 1.0 NUTRITIONAL -VALUE • *.POSSESSING AN.•OUTSTANI5ING FLAVOUR 1*.it/ST(AYS'''FRESH LONGER` ' =`OUR' ,OWN FL.AVOURFUL: ILA TEA.. p. iiil0101rs S>pLF RAISING.FLOUR .23 SOUP Aylmer 2- Tins 15c, ¢, r IIA5u �..+f�0fi�.. 1.1b.m 250. IIAISINSSt�cuitri Pkg. ' • �uxk • Ib16 ¢= OLD CHEESE RENNET TABLgT$" JUN r CHAS WAX PEELIXE M IXED • calipier vivo JTMULLSEXASEEDLESS, M4RSs , 5 fol. 96 d' OII)iN FL,OtIIDA, New Crop dor. 310 g50's • . , OREGON 80SC' _ s.. . Eric.Il�rnt iii:. ' hAgq. gating' Jur TEXAS No, i• 'GRADE ; , A i� nRt�D TEXAS S r v r r�• A . r( . f7 '• V J C JJ C7ia y1}10. r1 taGsieY f 9, ,. �A,dfA� ry LOU IftlANNA P4 f . Grads - r� IthiL , 2� Iistivo' Ib:014 Crown "There's Ottawa," Field Marshal Alexander points up his duties. as GovernorGeneral of : Canada early "next - out to his intea•eyted family as they tudy a map of Canada ;year. Lade Alexander and their three children, Rose, - in the garden of their English home. ".Sir Harold will 'take ' •a Brian and. Shang, will come with .him to Rideau Hall . (Canadian Army Oversew. Photo) COUNTY COUNCIL CONCLUDES -ITS FINAL SESSIONn 11.OR.•1945 (Continued ,from page 1)• . nurses at $1.,000 and car allow:ince -of $600 per year. Owing to an unforeseen emergency, genc Y the illness ess of her sister, , Miss Gardner was .compelled to leave the „county at the .etid of SePtember. "Consequently," said the report, "we have only two nurses at the- present. time, although every endeavor has been made to procure another supervising nirse." •In the meantime' Miss•I-3aberer and Miss Falconer, were performing their duties very capably. Furniture and supplies for the, nurses had. been 'purchased .at a cost of $840. ' • , The County Hofne inspector, George Feagan, gave a detailed report of the Horne and farm. ' •At this point several guests present for ~ the Warden's banquet -.was intro- duced and spoke briefly. . They 'were Gerald Nelson, assistant' agricultural representative; L. E. Cardiff, M.P.; John Hanna, M.P.P. ; Ex -wardens N. W. Trew.artha,. 'Clinton, R. E. Turner, Goderich, George Armstrong, Hay town- ship, and Fred • Watson, Stanley ; Ex - Reeves Roland Grain, Turnberry, and 4 County in any expense incurred. E. V. Radiiourne, .assessor of . the County' of Grey, addressed the 'Council - ora the new system of minty assessnient as adopted in Grey and other: counties , 'A grant er$2W ivas authorPzec to the Dairymen's Association of Western Ontario, and no action was reconi- mended on the request from the Ontario Trustees' arid' Ratepayers' Association, for a fee, 'as rec-omMended by the executive committee. • The legislative cominittee , recoil], mendations were .adopted as follows:` Non -concurrence in the resolution from Prince Edward' County regarding a more 'simplified income tax • return for. farmers ; no action on •an El -in County resolution' regarding :registr;ation of births:; and no eoneurrence in It Siitucoe County resolution to co-ordinate public welfare services at a county level under; a County board. No 'action was 'taken on the Depart- ment of Education's announcement 'of a plan to encourage physical `fitness and recreational - progress, as recommended by the education committee. -- Motions The following motions w,,ere dealt with as indicated: Tuckey --J. Armstrong : That the County pay a bounty of $4 each on all foxes taken within the county from PERSONAL MENTION NOVEMBER MEETING OF _ { AHMEEI , CHAPTER, I.O.D.E. Mrs, and Mrs. Charles Chapnitn of London were in • Goderich On a ..short visit during the week. Mrs, J, E, Aiutcla has returned home after;. spending seV'eral weeks with her 'daughter:, Airs.,, Jarvis; at Oshawa. Mr. 'Thos;. Chisholm has returned' horde after' spending ,some time at Sault • Ste: Marie, Ont., visiting Air. and Mrs. Walter Chislioliu and little grandson , _Walter., lir, -and Mrs. John Riulriie and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Walker, of Camp- bellford, spent the work -end with their cousin, Miss Esther .,Hume. Mgrs. Clarence Purdon and small .son have returned to Ilamilton after en- joying a visit With her mother, Mrs. Wilson Brownlee, Anglesea street. I,./Cpl. Ambrose Nigli arrived on the noon C.N.R. train tedray and was wel-. conned after sixteen 'months' service overseas with the Black Watch Reg- iment, of Montreal. - Sgrnn. Verne Snaith of Seaforth, who returned recently from service overseas, is visiting his uncle, Major I4. • Jane', and may reside here after receiving ' his discharge, o Mr. and :Mrs. John Vincent, East 7s.,t�r�eet, were7. week -end guestts]._�- at the home-` the' on—zu._ .nate ""•'•�I'3r Y - ter, Sgt. -Major G: C. and Mrs. Brewer, 'Winghana. Sgt. Brewer,- who has just returned from overseas, has served in the R.C.R. since. 1940 on boar Atlantic and .Pacific coasts arid in - Alaska._ He also saw active ser- vice- in the Ste ly, Italy and Germany theatres of • war. • He is a : nephew of Mr. Reuben Brewer, Cambria road: Mr. and Mrs. VT. L. Dunkeld, of • Pontiac, . •Mich,, formerly of , Goderich, have been officially notified from Ot- t tawa that their- sqn, 1?IO. • )dill Dun- keld, R.C.A.F., 'previously reported missing on December 24, 1944, is now presumed dead. The gallant- youlig officer took his elementary training a t Sky Harbor airport, and received his wings at Dunnville. He served in Quebec and Labrador before •going• overseas in • April, 1944. Besides his. parents in Pontiac, d brother, Orville, is serving as a missionary in Africa. He;was a nephetiv of Mrs. James W. MacVicar, Cambria road. Harry Sturdy, president of the Huron. Federation of Akriculture:- County Clerk Miller interjected an expression of grirtitude to the ,nurses, who,, he saidf were doing a .wonderful job. 'He felt the two nurses were en- titled to increased xemuneratiore for mileage. - Gunn Property Offered to .Count* At the opening of the session on" -Fri- day morning Reeve'. Tuckey of .Exeter. stated ,that it had been intimated to him that ..the Dr. Gunn residence at Clinton Would 'be' available free of cost for charitable purposes,,as an ad- dition to the County Honte,.: ailtt that it had received the appro al of Dr. J. W. Shaw, County Home physician. - Reeve Falconer said the estate com- prised -three . acres of .land and. the buildings were in good:,condition. 'He estimated the property ,would be ;worth $10,000 and he felt the proposition was worthy -of:consideration. , H. C. Charlton, Provincial inspector of County Homes, addressed the Coun- cil. He said the types of presett homes were obsolete, and there was need all over Ontario of increased; facilities: -.'The 'biggest, problem Was not a home for the aged but a place to _which to send .mentality ill and ` incur= able patients. There were people in ,the Cotuity Home who .srhould not be there. He heartily. disapproved- of taking over any old A4141 ►s .. There was excellent management ii>; the Huron Hoene. Thirty-two per: cent. of the money that event into county homes was, paid by the Inmates, lie declared. Reeve Falconer did not agree with, the inspecior'ii disapproval: of old .the singing of the National•Antheni. buildings. With regard' to. the Gums. County Road • Cotxlmission estate proposition, he said` lie would. The Ct,unty road Commission re - pili his faith on the advice of Di, ported' that war conditions were still Shaw. "We cannot aim too high and affecting the work. There were In- cannot all reach the. goal, • but I feel dleations that . a more plentiful suppliy this " home (the Dr, Gtinir residence) ; of labor would be available next year, could. be turned into a Iiome.for paving but as wa.rtinae price controls were patients."` befng lifted it would not; lie wise do Warden Ali x•ander asked Mr. Chan- depend on lower prices in general. ton Should a (•'Clin.Valeseent home,. be, The most important construction ex- separato?—to which ,Mr. Charlton re- ' •pentlitUres were: Varna hill aid Soutar, plied that doctors preferred, it cora- $0,770.99 ; Ilippen ,bridge, $5,77O; St.- nested with the hospital. Ile advised Marys road,- $17,843.06; Ether ,bridge that the ideal set-up' was a separate (accotuntspaid in 1045j', $400.80;. mialn, building, with s tiler ones all I•Iantia drain bridge, $'1539.04; leo. 5, around, lit. '` Stephen. and Mt Ciilli.vray, grading, A. Motion by and R�eeY�'{] a? mail . $1,584.75. M grain •r`eferring the matter , ' e New machinery was purchased this �nty home eominittee, to report, to. year as follows One No. 12 caterpillar the Couneil :sifter a'lhoiough.discussion, grader and snow loyv4 one KS Inter A was passed. national truck :. one No. 148 Prink to the January session: Wheeler—Mawclrnn : That Grey Town= ship return Reeve' A. Alexander to the 1946 Council. Carried; Wheeler—Moffatt : That Hon. George Doticett give eorasiderationito 'bringing the • Provincial highways in Huron county up to a better standard. • Car- ried:. Winter—Machan : That �r resolution be sent to Hon. George Challies asking that in the post-war nrogram r every. effort be made ' toThave Hydro extended to' ,all farming communities in the.; county. Carried. Bowman—Machan: ' That a resol- ution be sent to IIori. George `Drew asking consideration of the appointment 'of Dr. R. Ii.' Ta`cloi; 1M.P'.P,, as Min- ister of Health, as Huron County has notIliad the honor of being represented in the Cabinet for mane years. Car- ried, Beecroft—A, Watson : Asking for an amendment to °the Education Act to provide that remuneration may be given to high, . public, separate and continu- ation school trustees. Carried. Reeve Tuckey inquired if 'anything had been done by the publicity., corn- mittee to advertise the county. ' P.ttWe decided it would be foolisk to bring in any more • people with ethe housing situation`, as it is," clrairrg,an V. D. Falconer answered. (Laughter).-' A bylaw author1 dng an increase of tate salaries of the four county con- stables from $1200. to $1400, with Car ttllbwance of $1020, was passed. - Warden Alexander expressed his thanks for . the co-operation given him and the 1.9,45 Council was closed with Same Site for Nova ' Co>lirt House e� snowplow, :full power hydraulic :three At the neon hour the Connell, fn- spected the property 'around the gaol as a proposed Site, for the new ."Court hoose. 1Nividently it did not meet with approval,• for at the afternoon session, the Council went on record as favoring the recommendation of the a ,art. p ` ro v• y eoulmittee 'that tllnti Court" blouse be erected on• the present location. Tredve"W..7. Xtak(tr of (1(aleridh fiffkoil that Onsideration be given in the plans of the new building for rest room tic: eolinrodation, Tie . thought the ' 'Towle of (teder1eh would• t'o'-operate with the Dominion Road snawplo`ivs, The snow- ilovvs had not o t . e.t a «i carers 1 x e c v d but w 'it was aped to ear e tlYem in time for the 'winter snow -clearing: - Six field l artillcry. ,tractors were see- med .from the War` Assets Corporation,• and it 'MIS •4anned to use them for G1 a - sn we r . o irlg. It -was not expected that` It could be adapted and equipped this this.s g t tl`. i.�,.e rar'tt were lat'iltg made tCr secure other War Assets machines. Consideration was being; given to the matter of turning in 'old tracks 'Raid graders 0n new units. Some tiertion's Mrs. C. A. Reid presided • at the , November meeting 9 r, the_ Ahmeek Chapter, I.(),D.L:„1.41 on :Monday of last week 'in MacKay Tall. • Mrs. A. H. Erskine, who gave the treasurer's report for. Mrs. J. W. Coates, reported a balance in the general fund of $1366.- , 97 ,and in the war - aC ount of $63. I The net receipts at the recent rummage sale were $0040. Donations were voted to the follow- ing funds : British 'clothing and child welfare, $25; sailors and rninesit•eepers, $2'5 ; Polish' relief, $25. • " ' . i Two 'rrieir 811ternbers,': Mrs. Thomas Glazier and Mrs. F: L. B. Bull, .•took, their .affirmation and .Mrs. Mal,'y Henry was accepted as a new nieinber. A leiter.wns read -by the educational secretary, Mrs. Redditt, from the ! teacher of the Chapter's adopted; school at Markstay, Northern Ontario, and it was- decided to send a box of Christ- mas gifts to the pupils there.' A shower ofcandy for the box will be eel -d' at the next meeting, Subscrip- tions to the National Geographic will be sent to the Goderich•,schools and an I,O.D.E,-•calendar placed `in each class- _ rooiri. A s oxen ti n, rskine ,o t •.•- paper, .asrequested by the teacher, was authorized to be sent to the adopted school.. Three ori"ze books have been purchased for presentation to entrance class pupils of the Goderich public j and separate schools obtaining the highest marks in English literature. j Alis. J: Leanaire, war services con- vener, reported that the 'members had' contributed more than 387 irgunds of clothing- to the ,national clothing. col- lec�tion, and her.coniinittee had assisted in the packing at the collection depot. �• • , representatives to the Legion bingos -c.r e_ namednamedas follows :. Mrs. E. Mc- Laughlin, Mrs. Lynn, Mrs. D. J. Pat terson, Mrs. "Gordon Brown. A. dors- ation of $10 was granted' to the Child- were hild- �Ser ren's War Memorial Hospital at Lon- don. e Mrs. E read . an -interesting paper ora the system of education in 1 Ontario. - W .O:A.A. TO SPONSOR ' JUVENILE HOCKEY 'Lloyd Whetstone attended the' an- nual meeting of the Western Ontario Athletic Association, which waS 'held at Wiugharn. • • Officers were - .re - „elected for the •conning year as: follows onorary presidents, J. H. Crawford., Wiughain;- W. M. Mitchell, .Ii`incar.dine•; 'Ralph, Peguenault, Port Elgin; ' Bill Lustig, Chesley ;, Campbell Grant, Walkerton ; Otto Dick, Seaforth ; Judge T. M. Costello, Goderich; John "W'., Hanna, M.P.P., , Wingham ; W. T.. Cruickshank, Wingham ;. • Dr. J. it Riddell, Palmerston; president, Tory Gregg, W inghani ; • first vice-president; M. -Pratt, Listowel; second Vice. - president, Clarence Srnaltz, Walkertonil secretary, Miss 'Jean Ter"vit, Wingliam ; treasurer, Alfred L- oekridge; Wingham. Representatives . were' present from Goderich, Walkerton, Wingham, Owen Sound, Sofitharpton, Port Elgin, Dun- fidallr, . Chesley, Mildmay; ilarriston, Listowel, Palmerston,, Ianover. ° and Brussels. • '• Motions were approved to sponsor midget,thiVe rjle and ladies' ''teams. A special feature this year will be the promotion of boys' hockey, twelve years arid• under. • adjacent to County roads had. been planted with trees with a view to 'preventing drifting, - • On an iraspeetion trip, , ' 1sitsf Ser e made to several counties in the 'Piot via r . i ce. and , tl risen, roads s a nd machines es and shops” were seen.. Garages of the Ontario Irartnrent cif highways also w i e vi.sited. A sail WAS nnitdtlat the Ware Assets Corporation, Montreal,. and road'wdrk in Quebec WAS observed. Of V late. years' • the Province of Quebec has carried out a lot of road Improvement 1'4`tyl'1{', and the quality Uocl. •• ° Concurrence was recommended' in a resoltttioli naskIn•a that the X)epartnient of 1iigbway, ..artan increased t ub'fidy on' snow removal,.a Mrs. b, • J. Patterson and Mrs. H. B. M. T1elilaorne were named a com- mittee to visit the - hospital, after a discussion regarding ''a •suitable gift. ' Mrs. Reid , read , a letter she had. EUCHRE, ‘,000" ,nd DA . M:... • �~ _WEDNESDAY, NO1T 20th' F Auspices Women's Institute' ', -CARDS 8:15 sharp Novelty, Dances . Floor !liow CAIURVTHERS'. ORCHESTRA Lunch will be served, * ADMISSION 500 .Froeceds for War Services received, from LAC'. Unary Minds,` of Belfast, Ireland,,expressing thanlzs foir a -ditty,;bag he had received while he was stationed attjhe• J,A,F. camp' at Aldergrove, -England. The meeting closed with the singing r, of the National Anthem. " sir ANNUAL CHItISTMViAS SEAL CAN1'AIGN Support oP Queen' Alexanth a, Sanatorium in the Fight against Tuberculosis ' - Thomas F. Walker, chairman of the Christmas seal campaign, in- formed' The Signal -Star that Queen Alexandra Sanatorium Would launch its eighteenth annual campaign • on Monday, November" 19th, ` vyhen thou-- sands hou--sands of appeal letters would arrive at the offices and homes of ,cities, towns and rural communities of the seven- Western Ontario counties of the" Sanatorium district,• The letter will iin»artthe good news ' e ! a ' $tilia uivu are gradual- winning t-lie'`vviir.,against ' tuberculosis, the death rate last year having been reduced from, 51,7 in 1043 to 48 last year, a most gratifying com- parison with the rate of 200 per 100,000 of our population int,. the year the Sanatorium was founded in 1909. But with -tuberculosis still taking • an annual toll of almost 6000 Canadian lives, the majority, being young people, between tie -age. eighteen and thirty, the Canadian Tuulosis Association, Ottawa, warns against any complac- ency and asks that `preyezitive mes su es . be intensifi&1 if po,6sible. :The still high death toll has so stirred the Provincial and municipal authorities that active steps are tieing taken tos „ist in the control and final elimiaJi tion of the 'disease by the discovery off' new cases through mass x-rays, and already many thousands oflight. unsuspected cases have `come tQ As the Sanatorium's preventive pro- gram, research, education and the "travelling clinics, which have done ,such outstanding. work in the finding of new 'cases, is supported entirely by the sale of Chrisfmas •sealft;'and; the larger contributions of individuals and business concerns, Mr. Walker would ask everyone- to give generously, thus supporting the Sanatorium in the grand work. it is doing, in the fight against tuberculosis. • Sunday morning's praise and worship United church was xecentllV organized party composed ,,of Hanna, Charles . service of prayer, at Victoria street e'ririched by the male quartette Messrs. Leslie Woods, Charles Lawrence I3: Turner, under the dir- ectign of the organist of the church, 'Mrs. Leslie Hanna. The initial num- ber selected was "Bye and Dye." • We confessed that we didn't know svhy- trees turn red in the fall. But the arbori-cultured Chatham News is brighter, and. says it's because they're embarrassed, knowing that their limbs will soon be bare.—Ottawa Citizen. Every resident of or visitor to Gode- rich should own a copy of the famous will of the .celebrated Dr. "Tiger"" t tinlop..- It is a litergry gem. 35tf MOVING .WEST M. Rawlinson Limited regulamaks rly m. up ani� d ship' Household prnfture, Coa- 3olidated Pool Cars to M-an1tobar Saekatcls- ewan, Alberta, British Columbia and ..to" Californla. Write. wire or phone for reduced freight rates. ' Established 105. . .10 'Yong,. St.. ,.Toronto. KIngsclala it1 6' - MOVINGi PACKING. 4,8l!PI116 ail STORAGE We now have out 'Wilier • nd Grinder, in operation and are ready to serve youu. •SHUR-GAYS PIONEER ROYAL PUR1'I.E BLATC•HFORD'B " FEED,$ and ... � CaNCEB'TR.ATES. BROADCAST FROM TUE ponExiaa COLLEGIATE' 4:50 to 6.80 TffiJRSfl&Y, NOVE11EER 22nd .-with- best wishes .of � • coE BLACi STOryES RESTAURANT' STAUAwrb 111a$I14CER'S 3EWEL •, B AND CAMPUEL 'S DltUG STOR FASHION. 13O1'EE