HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-11-22, Page 1•
Candidates for
Municipal. llouors,
Pattora Present Site for New - bourt Rouse atter Eittaiinitlg • Proposed TO Be Naanecl Friday Night ---
Site at lail,---Dr. Gliklii ROSIdenee at Oriiit011 Offered to -001111ty, , -:-Laboar Men, to Make a Eidlor
is, ancAdjuiio,t to the Oonnty Ilorae--SeVepa PrOpertieg PUrehaSed
-t ' • 0031116ii at ,
fOr RqOrestation
(Report Of :County Council: contbailed)
• On Thursday morning II: T. Edwards;'
superintendent of the Children's, Aid;
Society; suinnitted a report on the-vie:at,
'Nine hundred visit is were Mede during
* the year, . and there," were 600 .eitco
• ltitertiewe, Twenty-four, children. were
iedluitted to 'care; tvventy-three were
discharged, leaving seventy-threenow
under' supervision; twelve adoptions
were completed Oa eeverai were.pead-
ing, 84 wares- nae Served in the
armed. forces-_,*
___ApPreciation otethe care heing-glven
children by foster -parents. was, ex-
pressed; and also to, those Who opened
their homes to BritiSh. Child guests,all
og • whom 'ho,*6 ;now returned to their
homes -excepting one, .who hasthefeon-
sent of her parents to Anil& her oduca-
. tion..here. Eleven new or , reopened
child • rotection eases Were reported.
Factors inflated in t s ese. were ,eeere
tion, divorce, •non-support, separation
, Of parents, delinquency and truancy:
• There were twelve new cases of en -
married perente:, work. Seven Were
-closed, and fatty -nine still were epee. t
ative, gave an ,iefOrniative address on
, Five children' had been made wards.
Ninety-three ihvestigoticins were made soilconservation. He stated that
iu dependents of servicemen; work; nineey-eix per cent. of Huron county. is
ma, and seventy-five. per cent. of
thirteen -Iteinilles -a servicemen' were in for
reporting periodically to the Depend- this is cleared land. Soil classification.
ents'• Allowance -Board. • ie Project carried. On by . the
My. Hi:Iwo:x(1s: stated, there was experimental Orals and the DePartment
le§s neglect of children; the faintly Of Artricniture. - Up ; to the present
bone's- was assiStiag. Jirvenlie . de- esOlnPlete, Snr,V.67S have been made of
ji bis eign„..twenty-three counties;'Huron htta not
linquency had -increased,
Ion, owing to .-insuffielent • education, been`ComPleted but will .be in the near -
improper training and lack pf dis- future. He had spent two days in the
Touray studying soil areas that might
• '
Aginoultra.at Committee.. be eensidered ;for reforestation. Gni-
The agricultural committee'S
mendatioiis were adopted as folloWs: soil conservation, but they can be
, That :the coniniittee sponsor art eddea. controlled. .A:greST, raw subsall,on hills'
.tienal campaign to contrpl and, en- ladicates that the tep..-60ii has been
deayor tO .eradlcate the warble fly; washed oft. The, time has coine when
'With the. Federation of Agriculture there must be an equilibrium and
performing -the orianizatiOn.ivork ; that sooner or later people will have to
the County Connell request the Depart, Make plans to - better some regions'.
nient of Agriculture for a tuberculin The landfor reforestation to be pur-
- test- for cha.sed should be that whi4i can. be
.cattle in this 'county.
There were ...two syvine •elubs and bought'clieapeOt„:le emphasized.
three,. '6alf c1uIi 111 t1it county, ;with • An -informative talk on soils, illus -
a total enrolment of 88 members; 43 *trate(' with lantern slides, concluded
were enrolled in garden brigades; and Professor MariViek's address: .
, judging teams Were sent to Guelph. , Conservation and Reforestatien .Cow -
Sixty -four blot from Western ' Canada • . mittee • - '
assisted on, Huron county .farm. The conservation and reforestation
The junior; extension fund showed coxnmittee reported that two meetings
receipt S of :4$74.09 and a balance on had been, held since- the 'June, session
bend of $770.89, Concurrence .was
given ae recommended to the -resolution
from Prince' Edward County regarding
a more Simplified ;income tax return
for farinere ;-and..tp the resolution from
Waterloo County seeking e Sufficieht
° supply of anthracite eoal for the pro-
duction of- Poultry' -preclude. NO ac-
tion was faken On resolutions 'regard-
ing meat rationing and te bounty on
• foxes. '" • .. .
• Itrisp'ector Iitnkead
J. 'Xinkead;' nubile school In-
spector for North ',Huron, in addres$-.
ing, the Connell. stated that • the elle
rolmertt in the Schools- this year was
2,150, are: inerease. of 105 over last
year. There were 1:01..elaSS rooms, an
• increase of One.. There wee 191 suc-
cessful coinlidates•Lat the .high school
entetinee exatainations,- .Whom 145.
had entered sehool ;.• only four
had entered ' • • '
Three years ago eighty' per Cent. of
the' teaching staff "Intd first -clans eer-
- titicates. At present 'there were 52
• with firStelase certificates 32 with
- second, tindesix were teaching on per=,
• mits. The -average salary a year ago
was $1180, at present- 'wee $1292.
• Mr. Kinkead 'spoke of the. proplem
of overcrowding urban elassrooms.
Blyth opened another room after It
• had been. closed for wen years. The
effect of the Govermaerit grants was
shown in the trend to new schools and
better,. beildings. Better lighting; Pro-
vision ;40/Onld greater .6ot/eider-
" Olen. , There.' was an, increased ',int-
erest in shop: .work • and home econ-
omies classes, not -only in high schoble.
, but in ,public seliOdrs, Ptipliss were be-
ginning to he interested: in --'business
courses. There ' was a trend.. toward
-science:7-Aer-01.9:Utia_iiild. „engineering
courses were :apPealing 'boys and
the Speaker predicted there would he
a greater interest in dig-Het/14/re and
• . many' boys would,: point their , cOtirSee
to the Ontario Agricultural College.
• Mr. Kinkead drew attention. -to the
• operotion of -school buses, Which pro-
vide an 0PPortnnity' for . students to
• get to high Eitel/01s. Township areas
had proved . their. Worth; •and .others
were likely to be eitablishede '•
• 'Were it not for the married women
'teachers we 'should have had tti. tine,
• some • -sehoolS, - They have done ex:
cellently," Mr. 'Xiakead., ,
Inspector Staples, • '
, R. 0. Staples, public schoel inspector
for North Ilurou,..stated 'the enrolment
was 2,097, . The. teaching AMC Wail
•'Increased by.. two. There Wit8 the
of 'Overetowding, „partieular-'
• ly in Goderiela where the neat. Of a'
/tow school 'Wail evident.
There were 286 high44ehool entrance
eantlidate% - whom' 251 were Sue-
eesettl, and twenty were not attend-
ing •seeonditry sehoOls---a. very great
•• improvement due to the. transportation
provided, - .
There ,are 113 elaSS-rooms in South
* Huron and 15 tettelters with firSt-class
certtheatee, - and three have permite,
Mr. Staples reported. „
There has been .lese - loss of good
:teachers to • the cities. 'The average
Salery In the rural: schools is 0330;
mid• io graded tieheols towns and a eounty.
owes, 41282, exeIudieg the s•prin- Health st,nd Hotpitai 000Mittft
The report ,1", the health and ItoSpita.1
Mr, Staple's tOrtimeruted the work of committee Was rad and adopted. Miss
the pnblie health nurses. and Mat of Helen B. Gardner lied:sheen Appointed
the.COttn0 'Library -AssoelatiOn. as supervising. num for the 0st/rib*
, rote !Oral& on Soil Coratervation at a wary of $1,100 and ear al/ow/nice
On Thursday afternoon Protestor M.
F. Moiwiek - Puelph, introdueml by,
Bain Stewart, 'agricultural repressut-
• Notainathms will be received at the
Town. Ball to -Morrow (Friday) evening
B.ADMIliON CLUB for Members of tlie-Town Council. four.
The Bad/nil/ton Club, billing 'been members of the Public. Scheol Board
reorgenized opeu for' mendatrship to. and one member the Public Utilities
•anyone interested in the pine, hut ow- will be from 7.30,to 8.80. •
Mg to linalted accommodation it bas It is understood that Mayor. Mooney
been. fouud necessary to . reatriet the and Reeve Baker will accept Poplin.
mimber Joining: Hence ' tiny' 'pro- lition fOr re-election. Deputy Reeve
speetive ineMbers 'are requested-Itiget Attridge, however, is retirieg after
in touch with any of the meAbers Of several years of useful municipal. ser
the executive as early as poSail3le. vice. , The Councillors have not been
canvassed as to their intentions, but
• - THE WEATIIER • Coun. George Macifiwan is mentioned
Temperatures of tb.e paet week in as a possible aspirant to the deputy-
Goderich,. with those of the correspond. reeveship,•
Ing week a year ago, as officially re- Thos. Taylor, Arthur' Keating and
corded, were as follows: ' Possibly! Joseph Moody will be can-
. • 1945 " dklates for the Council with the sup -
Thum, Nov. 15-.40 34 .47 42 names are mentioned and tomorrow the
Fri., Nov. 16. 47 34 44 35
Sat., Nov. 17 49 44 ' 39 • 34 emit unannounced' candidates. Ex
1, •
Max ei.m. jeri.n, port of the label'. organiZation; Other
night's proceedings may bring out sev-.
first service here on Sunday next,
eorge's Church. He will conduct
newly-eppOinted ..Rec:tor of
It, Noy.• atayer,i-eolvrt Turt;ner V17)1()
CommiSsion. The hour foi.nounnatiens
I t
Mon Niv 19 ,48 33 40 37 years in municipal lie, n,lay be avail
Tues., Nov. 20 '34 31 38 33 able for service agalp. some•eapacity.
Wed. Nov, 21 39 2O4- 39 32 The public schoel trustees whose
two-year term is now expiring are Ebb
Ross, St. David's ward; F. Kersh.aw,
St. Patrick's; J. B. 11illne, St. George's;
M, J. Ainslie, St. Andrew's.
Dr. Gallows two-year term on the
.Public Utilities Cemmiesion elapses and
is understood he will be a candidate.
for re-election.
• The Huron: county ninth Victory loan
:orgonization .announces. winaer•a in the
school' poster Contest. Itepresented 'in
the competition were 178 .scheols and '
lies he mentioned as a big problem in -leach of the winners received a $o war
savings eertificate donated by Heron
County Council. 'The winners.:
Class ‘.‘A.," for all Secondary school
pupils--lst, Eunice Penhale, Winchelsea
School, , Usborne ; 2nd, Wanda StePhen,
Winchelsea school, U•sborne.
. Class "33," .grades .17 - •and 8, rural-
e4einentory schools--lst, Ruby Miller,
•S.•S.• No. S, Hay Township; 2nd, Colleen
Gill,' Grand Bend echool,
Class -"C;"- grades .4;.-.5 and: 6, rural',
elementary,schoolseelst, Lois Webb, S.
S..' No. 4, West Wawanosh ;211d, Murray
Xleffienagh. R.R. No. 3, LiCknow,
Class "I:);" •• grades 1, •2-fied. 3, rural
elementary .schools-elst, Isabelle • me-.
Pherson, SS. N9...4, West Wavianosh;
2nd, Lome Dale, S.S. No. 1, Hullett. •
and,the ccenmittee had also, 011 the in- Class "E," ,gra.d,es 7 and $, . urban
vitatiorie-of Mr. Porter of The -Farmer's elementary seheols—lst, Shirley Taylor,
.Advoaate, . accompanied.. other commit- Exeter;: 2nd, Vary 'Cleland, Wingham.
ues on a tour of inspection of the Them- glass "F," grades .4, 5 and 6, . urban
es Watershed,. where definite plans had elenieetary eel -wets -1st, .Ruth Bowed,
been made for reforestation at strateg•ic Central School, Goderich;. 2nd, Diane
points. , '• Gage,' Wingliam. • :
Professor MOrwick, the Ogficultural Class "G," grades 1, 2 and 3, urban
representative and the chaieman of the elementary schools—let, Wayne Me
committee- made a tour of different .Beide,•• Hensall P.S.•, , 2nd, John Mc
parts of the county with reg-ard to Deegan,' Vietoria School, .Godericlf.
soil ,coeServation. They found consid- .
erable ..erosion hi the -south and north A CUB DEMONSTRATION
. .
portions. of the county 1-ing adjacent ' The cubs held an open meeting on
to, the lake. ' Some definite Stepb Will Monday eight to which parents and
have to be taken to step this erosion friends were invited; and which was
and in. the opinion of the committee conducted by Mr. Firth, district corn-
reforestation- is the .answer. -, . ' - misSioner, of London. ,.
A WM of 127 acres in'Colborne town- An investitirre%was held at whieh
Ship had been. purchased from •George seven new Cuhs joined the peck.
If eagan, and it had' been • deeided to The meeting was a ' demonsteation
rairchase . also 'fittr•eeres- in Ashlield of a typital 'night with the Cubs.
toWnship oWnecl by Remy Maize and Relay and" circle games arid- a jungle
twenty five acres in Hay township dance were given Miss •Ann War
owned •Isy Bertram Klopp. The coke tele, as the kkela .(the Old Wolf) of
Mateo - recommended that a bylaw be th'e pack, 'and Mr. G. N. Dowker, as
passed to eover the purehase of these the Baghera. (the Wise :Black Panth-
farms et a total cost of $2,500. The er ) , were in. charge of olganizing the
'chairman .of -this :Committee and the meeting, vvhich was held ;in the and-
chajrnitin .of the agrieultare com_ itorium -Of the ToWn, Hall. ' The pack
taittee had been .authorized to exeMine has now a• Membership of twenty-two
the property owned by the Canada -Cubs, ranging in age from eight to
ConipailY, in the southern Inlet of the twelve ,, years:
courity,.*fted. to obtain au option. with- i' - •
bower to parchase if -this land could be
The . regular meeting of the W.M.S.
•prOcured at, a price not •exceeding $5
of Knox Presbyterian. chureh was
per acre 'It was reconarnended that
the, !Council Make a. giant of $25 for iheld on Tuesay.•-'The program was
:.. in Charge of Miss Eva ,. Somerville,
a reforestation demonstration and Mrs. Frank Robinson and Miss Belle.
'epnteSt at the forthceining Provincial • ,
Pl!)%liwillisre'llip:itite•tlt*Was.ii'd.Orted- . . Mrs. . Gorden Bisset presided and
4 County Home .Allaks . named the following as, a nominating
Toted -that-the tlender -Ai* • -coal -of
' - The Coenty ' Home cemmittee re-
-,.., -
C. IC Saundere and Mrs. Charles Ed-
Conaniltige :- Mrs. W. MacLaren, Mrs.
ward, , . -
Geotge Gerinan, Clinton, Was aecepted , .
at $$A5 for stoker eoal per , ton, $15.50 b• y MIS. A. H. 'nrskirte and Mrs. Frank
fof eio• ve coal and .$14 ter coke. le, Rohineon. •An ittformative paper on
carload •of notatoes -was *Purelutseu "The Churah ' hi • China, Japan •and
owing to the failure Of the crop at the •
Horne, . , . „ - ••• .
The committee felt that serious coil -
sideration alieuid begivenin the Very
near future to the providing of a suite
able • tntormediate home for persons
who do not..ueed hespitalization and
yet. are not proper inmates of the
The reeently purchased.' Holstein
herd had.snore than,supplied the house of Grand Master WI: J. Mark, 'of Pan -
with milk, 'and • coneleeraiile had bee--l'i Pos• er, aceompanied by JAstrict •Dok,•
sold -to the llolittesville cheese ,ftictory. Grand Master .Sholiz. One , hundred
members of the Order Were present
from j pliriton, . Seaforth. Brireefield,
Hensel', Exethr and Goderich. The
initiatOry degree was exemplified ivith
!Our eandidatescond the Grand Master
gave 'an,inspiring and educational Ad-
Retiring Head of .•Ceunty', Couriell
Honored at Annual Banquet,
•Warden A. .A.lexaiider entertained
the members of the County Councilat
a banquet •in the. British Exchange
Hotel lase ..Theraday„ :night- Former ,
wardens, member's .of .Parliament an&
others were -honored •--gusts. ' With
Ex -Warden •Fred Watson, 'former
'Reeve of .,ptanley To.wriship, presid-
ing, a Pi5grain of speeches was*, en-
ioyedp The speakers were • jiage • T.
M. Costello; L. • Cardiff, Mi',, . Dr. •
R, Taylor, __Aix...P., end John
lianna, M.P.P. A, fine lettej.. ad-
dressed to the .Warden was. readfrom
W. II. Golding, MP., expressing his
regret tharhe could not .be present
owing t� pressure, of. business. at' Ot-
tawa. •
On behalf of the 1.945 Council, the
presentation • pf a 'handsome chair,
with an 'address,- was -nutde to • Mr.
Alexand,er-by Reeves R. 3. Bowman
and • W. - Tacker., of 7Brits-sels and
• Exeter, respectively, • for • Which the
recipient expressed his 'warmest
thenies.. • . ••
All 'the ex -wardens .preeent were
introduced -and Trewartha of
Clinton, N'4:11.o was7Warden in '1922,
• represented them: in O.'xi„ excellent ad-
dress. - • - .
At the conclusion of the'. banquet a
.gay social tilne was enjoyed, with
.music and danclig..- • -
The devotional exereises were taken
South-east Asia" was given by Mrs.
J. VV. Smith, and an interestingBible
quiz was eondueted Mra. ,Gordon
Bisset •
• .
111(mday night'.was ,a red-letter one
for local Oddfellows,.for it Marked the
official visit to Huron Lodge, No. 62,
Goderich, and 1.0.0,F. district No. 8
, .• The Connty Nurses
Miss Mildred Haterer and Ilisa Jean
Walconeri, County health eurSee, gave
rerierte of their work in ilftY-three.
sclgols of the county. They are cons
eentrating this year on 'grade pupils;
and are endeavoring to do the same dregs. .
13ER 22
Visit' of ri.don's
Famed -Male Choir
Great 1V,63.sical OrgAnizatron,
'Condu,otect. by Fortier
Ob.q, irmaster in Gpderielt
“wo bring the best in muste te our
town'.is One of the slogans, adorited
by the' enierprising Gederich MwdC
Club, and ha peirettance Of this laudable
purpose the Club was dristrinnental in
bringing' to Goclerieli. the famed Lon-
don 'Male Choir for an appearance hi
Kilo* church. on Tuesday eVerting, It
-wee a rare opPortimity for the inuslc-
lovers of Ooderich and district, and
an audience of. over five hundfdd
turned out to -e nfoy it.• •
Nir, J.• Ai-- Snider, president of the
Aimee Club, on its behalf expressed
arnerecietion a the la,rge attendanee,
arid tendered thanks to the minister
and, sessien og. Knox church. for the
USir of .the 'auditorium. He announced
that the Festival of Music would be
held...next- year the week after Easter.
Rev., Richard Stewart :introduced'
• the condeeter of the choir, Mr. George
A,rrivals at ;the Goderich elevator;
Saturday—Ocorge litnitpupa, 3.2es500
bus. barley and wheat; 'ilkionday--sAls
gosoo, 203,,500 bus. Wnecit; Wednesday
night---,Xantadoe, 280.000 - bus barley,
wheat and oats. ,
The Saskadoc• is .espeeted lit ' the
elevator on. SaturdaY, with the Su-
Perior and, the A. A. litalson to follow.
The Algodoc expected at the Parity
Flour nxill on Sundal.• .
The Coalfax disebarged a cargo of
coal at tile' Purity!' Flour. mill at the
week -ell&
11 ` 111 • 1• 1 Li 1
ist and choirmaster- Knox church,
and •"who enjoys a reputation- as a
leading musician, • earned' .through
painstaking work."
Mr. Lethbridge, in reply, said he
was in Goderich from 1905 to 1907.
He spoke., of the co-operation and
kindliness accorded 'him in those
years.; mentioning particularly Rev.
J. A. 'Anderson, then the minister,
Mr. David Stoddart„. the- church of-
ficeii and Mrs. Beck; with whom
he resided. Ho has sinee held the
position of .'organist in churches at
St. Thomas, Gait, and London, now
holding that position in • St.. Paul's
Cathedral, ' Loudon. ' The membership
of the' mole :choisrs he said, was be-
tween eighty and' ninety. Organized
in 1924, it -was entered before the 'War
in festivals in many cities and had
won eighteen first prizes..
The choir° as. it appeared here on
Tuesday night had about fifty. voices.
Miss Elsie Payne; an accemplished
pianist, played the accompaniments
both for the choir and for the violin
soloist, Robert '
• A Musical Treat
-A pretty autumn wedding took
place in the• Northside United church
parsonage, . °Seaforth, • on Thursday,
November 15,1 at seven p.m.,. when
Ret. Mr. 'Workman unitedin marriage
Evelyn 'Rese• •Mariguerit4 eldest
daughter -of Mr. and Mrs. William R.
Venuss of Goderich, formerly of 6.ea-
ferth, and Robert Essaw, also of God-
erich. The bride wore a street -length
dress of powder blue wool and carried
a bouquet of orange chrysanthennnns,
ferns, white late and orange ribbon.
The bridesioaid,, Mise Doris Venuss,
sister of the hride, was dressed. in a
fuchsia red wool 'dress and Wore a
Corsage of orange chrysantheniume;
Mr. Alex. Smith, of Gederich, web.
best man. yhe groom's gift .110 the
bridesmaid -was a con:tenet, to the
best man a wallet. Mrs. V erithis,
mother of the bride, wearing -a madve
Wool dress and a -corsage of fern leef.
white, pink and yellow "minns, received'
the guests after their .return from
Seaforth. about 9 p.m. The „ guests,
Who ntuebered abaut fifteen, were
Ushered to the diningroom, which Wag'
tastefully decorated with . p:ink and
white streamer's and bells, pini, White
and yellow 'mume, and sat down to a
well ladeli table 'centred with 'a three-
story wedding cake. After supper.
the table was cleared and dancing' and
games .were enjoyed until' the small
hones 'cif the' morning. . Then the
bride donned a -grey tWeed :oat and
a 'small black hat with. veil and the
happy cpuple left by -motor for' a shalt
honeymoon trip to St. ••Catharines and
points- east They were the: reciPiente
Of many beautiful anc17,useful gifts.
On their „return -they Will, reside In
Goderich:' •
Weekly Poke Court
A bargeo1! common asaault agahnit
Mayor Morgan Agnew of Clinton, pre-
ferred by Clifford Coop 19, n1'6 .5118 -
missed bY Magistrate A. F. _Cook itt
'Weekly conrt this (Thnrsday), after:
neon. - - • •
Cooper, an employee of the Richmond
Hosiery Company, stated that Agnew
had called him to the poolroom which
•the windows on Hallowe'en; and that
the Mayor slapped his face when he
dented it. ; •
Mayor Agnew stated that he had
asked the youth how he would like to
clean off the windows and was told
he was a liar, with qualifying ad-
jectives, and •he slapped the boy.
A charge of wilful damage to pro-
perty • against Cooper also was dis-
Joseph -Ocarthro'-and-James: Drennan• -,
who are serving prison terms, elected,
trial by,fudge and jury on two charges
eaeh of breaking,.!entering and theft,
and two each of, being in pAsession
Of stOlen goods.' They were remanded
a week for. preliminaia. hearing. The
crimes are. alleged to havepeen com-
mitted at the sunnier home Of A. F.
Lithgow, Goderich township, and the
cottage of Herbert Sage, Ashfield. The
aceused‘ were brought here from King-
ston,• •
Christian Anderson, Dashwood,' was
fined $10 and costs of $21.60, after
pleading guilty to knowingly supplying.
'beer to a minor. His place Ives de-
elared a public piece.
Froth start to finish, the coricert was
a musical treat of d high order. The
exeeptionally ane quality of tone aIid
the superb blendine„ef Voices Were 'a
-delight to hear. Thie writer will.' not
attempt • an - appraisal of the various
numbers; the high quality of the
nitisic rendered le seen in the program
as below : • • ,
Choir "Calm as the • Night'
(Bolun) ; "Drums," by request (Nicole:.
Salter) ; • `.'Soldiers' Chorus" (Goun-
od). :
Thaisl (Massenet) ; ivenir".
(D\r-iceuiae:S, 71es:7. '..‘Meditatie • from
Choir ----"Lost Chord" (Sullivan) ;
"All through the Nigilt" . (old Welsh
air) ; • -Two Grenadiers" (Schuman).
. solose--"Intermezzo (Pro-
vost) ; '"To the Evening Star," from
'Tannhauser (Wagner). .. • .
Choir -e -"John Peel,'" by reqtesf
(Andrews) ; "Serenade' (Schubert),
solOist. W. BetitiChtinap":•- "Whereer.
Yeti Walk" (Handel).
• Violinsolos--e`Ceardes" (Monti) ;
'Gavotte' (Gossec). •
' Chair—"The . Lord's • Prayer,," by
request • (Malotte) ;I . "Drontheim"
(Protheroe) ; "Sing unto Gad", (Han-
del) .' • .
One of the most: beautiful renditions
of the evening was • Schubert's "Sere-
nade,7 with Nir: W. Beauchamp as the-
'seiolst: Mr. Beauchamp's -magnificent
tenor voice •completely won the aud-
lerice, and an encore was • denianded
and graciously given."John Peel" was
a rollicking bit of music, and .In the
chores, "Drentheim" the full range. of
the choir' as heald. "The Lord's
Prayer" was sung With 'reverent ap-
peal. .
A service. in the interests ,of- the
-Crusade' Lor • Christ will be held next
Monday • night, : November ' 26th, at 8
o'clock in the Goderich Baptist
Church. Lantern slides will be shown
of bombed churches of Britain, 'and
messages be -delivered by Rev.
Smith, of Strathroy, And Rev.
IL U. Trialer, Lortdole.,who is the
moderator of 'the Middlesex-Lambton
AesoelatiOn Of, Baptist -Churches. An
offering will be taken for the work of
the Xrusade. EVerybody1,18 cordially
invited to attetalthie service,
I strzwitg*:visgtotZlit.30
At- the Meeting se! ,Town Council
Priday night list Mooney
Young Violluiit
Robert Sproule, though only six -
tele -years of age; is , a violinist of
great premise. As the sweet strains.
of his instrument, so exqit isitely
played', 'tilled the church the audience
listened' in fapt silenee. He wee_ gen-
erous with encore numbers and made
a very favorable impreisioe.
• The _program was eoneluded with.
the National . Anthem and ufterwaeds
Weeds of Mr. Lethbridge in hiSbGed-
erigh days had, an, opportunity efmeets
in' him and expressing their appre-
elation personelly.e • To congratula-
tions upon the'lligh place he has reach-
ed „in the musical world he responded
With' the statement that -it wan the
eacouragethent the received here, in
his t first position as _Church organist,
that 'started him on the -way to. his
sUbseqeent 'succesees• . •
It is' hoped that he and his Choir
.will ,,favor Goderich vvith visit on
soMe future, oceasion:
This' is the week of ,the deer hunt in
kluron, and niteredi by, the sores and
hundreds are touring the wooded
areas and sWanips ofr the county.
jas: Natio' in Gederichf`alone has is-
sued 20elicenses for 'deer' hunting, in
additien to 800 ordinary gun lieenses.
The hunters are having faried luek,
work. in each.tUral sehool:.. They paid Atter the meeting theltebeltah Lodge but taken oil the whole they are bring-
tribitte .to the splendid:work the Lions served refreshments.
Clubs of the eotnity are doing for child
'Welfare. -
Dr, It. /Iobba Teyier, being
present, was invited to speak.Lte
said he Wei interested in the work of
the county nurSea, but felt they had
teo,anueh' space toCover and too many, Boner efts °portel. a law ,sinee as guest in your ;beautiful town and he-
ing doWn te great Marty deer—so many,
ort),-PrtACTIgE LAW 'AT. OWEN in faet, that some people' fear there
„.. 'SOUND • read it letter addresaed O. hint by ill b notie left. Considerable ob-
ormerlY a lieutenant: in'the Perth, Toronto .lady who spent some there Jcetion „le heard 'te the six-day open
gime*, with Which he iterved at the Goderich. ;The letter. WaS as follows: .aeaion. Some say tivo days eboidd be
e :of the war in...JURA/1d, Frederie "near 81r0:--1 have. been a summ,er ' Would have no open
sztson at'all in this county.
sehools.. The Provincial llealth De. owoi sound, A, native et •Goderieh, fere "leaving for tny, home pi:Toronto
parttriellt advised'six or eight nurses to
son of Dr. P. V.,. Egener, now of Lon-
don, and the late Mr & Egener.
Egener reeently was retired frdro the*,
arrnY., :Ile graduated from Osgoode
noir in 1939, efilistilig aeon after the
outbreak of the war in the Loroe,
Scots Ilegiment, Ile ottaitted the rank
of ettptaiii while deing army legal
I 'feel X roust exPress mytappreelation
of. the :kiwi end tourteous treatment: 14
have reeeived While. here and while
shopping' in your love* towli. . The
clerks in your stores are so cottrteous
and kind. lovely Young People, always.
with a smile so heiptttl in these trying
days when you ean not ititraSs get just
of Moo per year, and Miss lean Pal -1 work.. Iteverting liecon1e a ont. what you *teat. It bee been a great
caner and 9M1515 Mildred Haberer as lottant, he was transferred to the pleasure- to me. thank yott,,.One and
(Continued on page' 4) Perths and Wait WoUnded in lIolland, all." 4 •
We are, asked. to ;Pass on to the
women readers of The Signal -Star the
sUggestibn of the 1.0.11Enationai
exectitire that Woraen .ahould show
their interest in „eivie affairs, by at-
tending the, nomination meeting to be
held on 1r4day night ef this week. The
same advice might be heeded by a
efilksiderable number of male eltlzerts
also. .°.
: . 7 ff
re at -
Pros 10 -operation
Parents and nTeaabers in
0- Obild Training °
he bi Ot clueation Week
in Goderich was the eplendid Address,
given by Mrs. it.•,MOOre, Of Stratford, *
•at•the meeting of Vietoria litime and
Sehool Olub on.Thureday eVenhalfe No
ember 15th. Mrs. Moore was • lutre-
duced by the preSide,*," Mrs.
Viclean, and choae "do -operative Ed -
ueation'' as the subject of her..addreets.
She told of the intereet created
throuehout, the: Province during OA- .
motion Week, Seheelreoms areepened-
and parents ire .invited to, see whali •
their children are 'Jloing, 'Tiler have
an oPportunity t o meals W the teacberep
and this. should . heiP to ocreate Closer --.-
co-operation between the home and the
lt was stated that the /dm of ,eosop-,
erative. education, was for everyone to .
wprk. together •to draw out tile inherent
possibilitiee in every child, heth. men-
tally and physically, and to assist in
e orma rig t atta u es.
Education,. said Mrs. Moore, begins
* the home. There is no substitute .
for a good home, ,but parents should
avoid the mistake of doing everything.
for their children, instead of teaching
them to do thines for themselves. The
speaker referred. humorouSly to the
plight 'of any kindergarten teaeher
whollias tob neariy children :Who can't
do things for themselves. .
:tribute was...141,4.10 teachers, 'WO as a
group, have.beert "the least advertised, ' •
the poorest paid, yet moSt 4.10b1r-Tei, •
warded, though •not ha dollars and
inceunitiSit.;.: Their for g • ,oe,,dha,
been of untold benefit in every cora-
Present-day. conditions in- Canada
were referred to, and it was stated that
out of every hundred pUblre Sehceit'
stedents of:lir:about fifty-two enter high-
school, . about thirteen go on to upper
school, and from three to five enter
university. If ed ueation is really to
function, and play a vital part in the
lives o1!, Canadian% we need to give the
matter4,mbre. serious consideration, -said
the speaker.' We Must study the mkt-.
abilities of the bore and girls„and do
our best th equip •theni "to meet the e
problems that will face "them as theyet-i
go out into the werld. "No world phar-
ter of . peace Will ever be saceesefp,I
unless we raise a crap of 'boys and
girls who have learned to getalei,/g ”
with One another."
An Interesting.fact WaS mentioned in •
conneetiee. With the 'Sletiffeifd-Board-Or
Education,' nainelyr that. they hate a -
blanket insurance on all puhlie and
secendery •school pupils, to which the
parents- contribute 25c per year for
each child, if ti_heY wish to take advan-
tage of the benefit, This covers any
accident during sehool hours or When .
in charge of a teacher.
• The Regional Conference •
Mrs. Frank Currygave a short ieport
of the 'radio' secant of the 'Stratford
regional conference. and.a, list Of PI -
number of interesting programs for botle '-
parents. and children. 'Alm 016
Stretford Women said they WS:re unable
to tune in a spedial Children'S program
arranged by the CBC, se it was decided
to ask if it could be transcribed and
made available to 'local stations. •
Mrs. Videan gave a few • highlights
of the conference in An.interesting Mall- •
ner. There Was a, fine address in- • -
spectqr ' Nelson4 et the banquet, and
during the afternoon session there Were
,addresses by Mrs. Arrowsmith of Tore', '
onto (who was Cheirnian of the eon-
fereeee), the principal of Stratford
Normal Seho; I; -and Mre. Colin :Camp-
bell_ president. of the Ontario Home
'and ,SChocd Federation.
Mrs. Videen :ampunced that lIrte
,Campbell would be the giie'st of • honor -
at •the February birthday part.
is the, daughter .of Mrs. Courtieo, foun-
de'r of the HMICie and School moveMent, • '
Who came to Goderieh to organize Vie-
toria. Home and School . club "nearl*
twenty-three years Ago. (The title
•`"AsSoclotion” is a later developmenti)
'Menibership Increased
It was annenne..# that, thirty-om
new Members had been welcemeti,inak- ,
ing tetal mereleeiehip 'of ninety -t0,
,which was moet eecouraging. -
The Musical -part of 'thir-pregram was -
arranged by MTN. .MeDeugall. Jimmie
MacArthur played a piano seleetien,
and a group a. boye froin grade:0 sang
a number of chorines in, an excellent
manner Which mot with hearty .api-
plause from the birge atidience.
During the hi-lei/less sessitel the
treasurer, Mrs, R. Wilson, reported: a
balance on hand of $166.40.
It was also anaouneed that the joint
meeting with. Central School in Dee -
ember would take the feria of Christ-
mas concert by pupils of the two
Schools, and that anr effort' was being
Made to secure larger room for The
oceaelon. • -
Principal "Serjeler expresssed api-
4reciation. of Mrs.; ,Moore's epiendid
astdress and also paid .tribate tO the -
co-operation of Vie School Board, WhO
were 100 per csset. irr favor of a
eill;',it,°,s1.* F. Curry,. ineiber of the •Seti4/1
Board, outliged ,the' proteedings neces.
,sary bthre an, applieation could he
mode•fo build a new sehool, And ,stated
that everyithing Possible was done
Ili &tor of. #10 project, but with ilso
shortage of sauterlaTO It • would be eoVe
time before it could materialise;
Miss A. Taylor rentintled the Melehert.
ef the coming pontnation meeting, and
nabved heartY vote of thanks to Mrs.
Wore for her fine. Address, Woo to Mr*
McDougall and ',le impils. for the must.
eal program.
The Colborne hog • produeers'. meet-
ing sponsored by the Federatien of
Agriculture and ' held in the Carlow
tovvnihip hall, on Tuesday night, was
'atterided by most of the rarge hog
producers. The 'small hog -grower and
farmer was not quite as well repre-
sented,' as hoped considering the Im-
portance of organizatiori a.ed the fact
• that the. emall growers' vote is just as
-effective' as the larger. Wm. Tiirn-
bull of Grey, and Vic Roy of Clinton
were present andexplained the mark-
eting_ scheme in detail and answered
questions., en points not fully _under-
stoOd by those present. It WEiS point-
ed out; there are quite a number of
producer organizations • in Ontario
doing a good job. for producer's in act-
ing as a jo%nt. salesman and bargain-
ing agent -for, them. Hog producers
are by ' far the largest group of pro-
ducers and_ it was felt they should
organize and have some say in the
marketing af their liege..
Bain -Stewart, • agricultural -
representative, was preeent to register
producers and also'had. the ballots
and locked ballot -boxes to enable
those registering to vote. Any 'farm-
er twenty-one years of -age of over
who ralsed -hogs had to register to
vote. For thne not present the ;fol-
lowing instructions. were given for
registering and voting:
Write' to the tterietilturel- represent-
ative in Clinton stating the desire to.
register as a hog -producer. He :will
then send _you a ballet which yon
nuist mark and return this Week.
Or you may go yourself to the office
in • Clinton and register and vote but
you must vote this week Xt is. te be
hoped thany more producers. Will reg-
ister and vote, as the scheme must
have a two-thirds majority before the,
Ontario Government will put it in
effect. ,
. Geo. Feagan moved a Vete Of
thanks; to Messrs. Turnbull and Roy
for their trbuble' in coming to Carlow
and addressing the meetings
• Mr. and, Mrs. 4. Rirkwood of Hem-
ilton amaounce the engagement' of
their only daughter, rsobel Muir, to
Tpr. Gordon C. 'Fisher, younger ion
of Arr. T. Fisher and the late Mrs.
Fisher •of -Cofborne township; the
Wedding ,to take place in December
at Hamilton. '
Mr. and .Mrs,1 John Cartier of
Hothwell onnounce the engage/4.e*
of their yonngest daughter, Margaret
*Agnes, to Pte. Charles Treble, Shear -
down, eldest son of IkIr. and Mrs. Sam
Sheardown of GoderiO. The wed-
ding Is to take place early In Dee -
Mr. and Mrs. George, `Monk wish
to announce the engagement of •their
daughter, Phyllis Jean, to BrtIce Erie
Ryan, son of Mr. And Mrs. jack
Ryan, 136 Newgate street, Ooderieh.
The roarriage•is to take plaee the lat-
ter, part of November.
Mr. and. Writ David MeGretten on
Saturday last celebrotist' their fortieth
wedding anniversary with.. a Molly
gathering at their home on Essex street.
vrho . house was„a profusion of towers.
The dining,room *was decorated -with
pink and white Streamers and the table
with pink ea/Idles,. With a three-story
wedding (sake In the eentre., happy
eouple were the " reelpien.t' tafteY
beautiful gifts and eongratula ory mes-
sages, amoilg the latter a Cablegram,
frota Mr. 8. I. 111eGratten in England,
their daughter -in -1w. Ail the mem-
lava of the family werq, home for the
oecasion. .,
The) National Anthem was tang, and
the members 'wore Invited to visit the .
sehoolrootns and meet the teaehera.
On their rout% to the kindergarten
room a dainty lunch littO% toerved by the
sole committee_ convened Ur Mrs. I.,
MeNeVin and Mrs. Staniforth, and's&
soebtl, ha4tho-.0 I. -A* enjoyed by *114