HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-10-25, Page 8• J.* 8143 • 28th :O•... O. ER 190 .l>t0 '1 1 a.m. MORNING >'RAYER. AND, SERMON. p 3.00 .M. CHURCH SCHOOL: • • 7.00 p.m. EVENSONG' AND SERMON. V. A. O'NEEI : M.A., DP., Principal of Huron. Preacher—REV. #I L, e donboth services. College, London, � at s. o COME TO CHURCH North St. United Church MINISTER --REV: R. IL TURNBULL, $.A.. Bt.. S.T.M. • 11 a.m. MR. G. A. SHEWFELT, Principal of McGregor Public and -High School, Toronto, representing Ontario Temperance ••-•� Federation. ' 3 p.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 7 pan. MUSIC AND . THE CRUSADE. A Song Service with Illustrated hymns.. Y.P.U. 2nd and` 4th Mondays at 7.30 p.m. Orgarnist and Choir Leader— Mrs. Murray Hetherington, A.T.C.M. A SINCERE WELCOME AWAITS YOU Kiiox Presbyterian Ciuirch 9.45 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. JUNIOR CONGREGATION. 11 .a.m. PLBIAC '1'CORSHIP. 7 p.m. PUBLIC 'WORSHIP. ' Sermon Subject; "Against the Tide." .REV. B. L. WALDEN, S.A., OF STRATFORD, at both services. Monday, 8 pan.. The Young People's Society. MONDAY, 8 p.m. --The Young People's Society. , MINISTER =REVEREND, RICHARD STEWART. Director of Praise—Mr. T. G. Jones Come and Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness. n .- Victoria' St. United Church MINISTER--µREV....LAWRENCE' Hs TURNER, B.A. - • - ORGANIST—MRS. L. HANNA 10.00 a,m. SABBATH SCHOOL. • 11.00 a.m. ' Speaker—MR. LORNE' SHEWFELT, of Toronto, 7.00 ' p.m. LANTERN LECTURE ENTITLED "The Chinese Are Like'. That." . Tuesday 8 p.m. Young People's Union: 2.45 p.m. UNION. . • - • , YOU" ARE WELCOME!. Goderich_; Baptist Church REV. JOSEPH JANES, M.A„ PASTOR • Mrs. Ella I. Donaldson, AL.C,M., Organist 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. • 11 a.m.' PUBLIC WORSHIP. 'Subject: "The Pure Worship of God." 7 p.m.. PUBLIC WORSHIP: Subject: "The Holy War." Wednesday 8 pan: Prayer Meeting. ' ' • A CORDIAL WELCOME .FOR ALL Free. - Meth�di'st Church Cor. Victoria and Park'. -Sts, r. REV. R. C. McCALLUM; Pastor Sunday Services `" 10 ` a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. • 11 a.m. "COMPLETENESS IN CHRIST." (continued) 7 p.m. "EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. Prayer -Service every Wednesday at 8 p.m ALL ARE WELCOME Berean Missionary Church'Sersikes ODDFELLOWS' HALL +. -SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28th 11 a.m. • 7.30 p.in. BEZ'HEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 16 WATERLOO STREET , REV. J. A. PEARSON, PASTOR. , 10-'a.m.. SUNDAY SCHOOL.. '- ,K„�. 11 .m "OUR FATHER.” , 7.30 p.m. ' "A SURE ANCHOR." • Tuesday 8 p.m., Young People's Meeting. Thursday' 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting. - GOD IS BLESSING IN THESE OLD TIME MEETINGS, , COME AND ENJOY' THEM' WITH' 'VS.:, • ' • ''.ANTED TO RENT.-.- SMA.LL, Ahmeek Chapter, 1,O.li,E•, will hold . fuirntshed apartment or ,light tt rune nage sale in Mac .Ray Hall, Sat= 'Housekeeping •, rooms by couple; no urday, November 3rd,,,, at 1 p.m, 4a-4 children, Nould . ,prefer north or 'east Monday, October 22, .Carruthers' side of town, CPL, 0, SMITH, Port r at .Albert, Phone. 783. 43x orchestra will •play $o dancing Kingsbridge hall. Admission GOC. Lunch at midnight. -42 The regular 'meeting' of the Women's Institute will be -held at MaeKa$ Hall on .Thursday,' November 1st, at 3 p.m.3 People go barelieaded, and Some go 'barelegged; but they can go' barefoQ t,' •Oring your shoe troubles to•us five. w'ili. do ,our. best to az you,up. M. N. Mac- Donald. ,North street. . 37tf At tl1e public health' office, Tuesday, October 30th, and Thursday, November 1st, immi iization, clinic: will be• held and toxoid, vaccination n and whooping cough immunization will, l e ' given. -43 ,Corns instantly relieved' with Lloyd's• corn and callous, salve --the effective can remedy.. 50e at Caapbell's and Emerson's Drug Stores. -40.43 Why sudor .,the agony':•02 rl eumntic` pain;, sciatica, lumbago, when Run)acap's will give „ you quick welcome relief., Campbell s Drug Store. 43x Reserve Monday October 20th, 2Q Thanksgiving supper under auspices of St. George's Churchwoman's Guild. Admission 50c. 42-3 The annual meeting of the Federation of Agriculture in conjunction with the National Pilm Board will be held • at Holn�esville, Tuesday, October 30th; at 8 p.m. The showing o ,the •pictures will be. held fort the school children a.t 2.30 p.in. at the .. school and school boards should arrange transportation for the children. Mr, Alf. Warner will also give his report of the hog pro- ducers' convention held at Toronto recently. Everybody welcome. -43 Siendor tablets are effective. Two weeks' supply $1; twelve weeks' $5, at Campbell's Drug Store. ' 40-48 Bazaar, homy -baking, tea, ou Satur- day, November 3rd, at 3 pan., at Victoria street United church, under auspices of Willing Workers' Class. - 43-4 Youthful beauty and appearance of hair yours again, with Angelique Grey Hair Restorer. $1 ,at Campbell's Drug Store. -40-43 - On Monday, October 29th, at the Township Hall, Carlow; the National Film Board -will show school -pictures for the children of Colborne -township L tl- .buil' be shown for adults and the Colborne Federation of Agriculture will also hold its annual meeting. Mrs, Anderson ib expected to be in attendance to address the meeting. A banquet will also be held the first week in November by the Federation. Everyone welcome. WANTED. TO BURY OLD HORSES and dead.. cattle; must be nuttable for Wink . feed;,.. removed . promptly. Clip on. Calls PaPaid dr . r 21, 18t2 ' ANTED. --•- GENTLEMEN boarders in., ,private_ Kome. Apply SIGNA,L=STAR. • •43x W A N'T E D, -=-• STENOGRAI" HER, with, at least two to: three .years' experience. Must . be thoroughly cap- able and' efficient. , Apply in writing to THE . ' DOMINION '• ROAD • MA- CHINERY. COQ' LTD., .Goderich, On- tario. 42-3 *Nati), -s - APARTIZENT " OR fiat, furnished Lor unfurnished, Couple ' with; one baby. 130x 74, SIGNAL -STAR, „ µ40t2 ALEABLE FURNITURE.- AND household equipment bought and sold. 'CS.. WOODS, Secondhand Store,. 12 East 'street. Phone 331J, "ANTED TO PURCHASE. -- PUL- LETS, all ages and.breeds. High prices paid. Apply TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LIMITED, Fergus, Ontario. ' .. ,: -3848 AN OPPORTUNITY.—ONE OF TSE uation's largest companies, cater, ing prineipally farmers' needs„,is .ready to place ti valuable contract which .should mean complete independ- ence for a man fortunate enough to have the following qualifications .. . „character record that will withstand. investigation and - proven ability to efficiently manage both himself and his own business. Financial status now extremely important, but a travel outfit is necessary. Write THE J. R. WATKINS COMPANY, Dept. O-0-1; 2177 Masson street,. Montreal.- 40-3 LOST LOST:—A CHANGE 'PURSE .CON- TAINING ON-TAI TING between $30 and $35, believed to have been lost at Baxter's dairy bar, West street. Finder please leave at Signal -Star office and receive iklittppfim Goderich; R SALE. 00' 06RDS 12`-INO11 hardwood, and 100 cords 12- ch ce ar. elivere . FRANCIS; OV' �._ -Delivered. HOLT, phone `7'41j, 43x OR SALE.=�I3EAUTIPUL,.GARDEN chrysanthemuuus, � asters. and gladi- olus.; lovely bouquets at 75e, MRS. • , reet, Phone L., R. IOL1�A�jy, Cameron..ht 722; „ •d0tf FOR SALE—STORM PORCH, GOOD size, reasonable price. ,Phone 9541 after'5 p,lxi, H, O. JERRY, • 40 FOR SALE; ,-- WATERFRONT , IN;- FOR t, e r is - Att etli e� bank own; of- Godext.h. and beach. Healthful ,elevation. Or- chard, ,sewer, water, light. A quiet locationfor summer cottages • or for small (Arming, ' , Particulars from ' IL C. HAYS, Goderich, • 13t2 R SALE, ----NEW X! LIi0TRIC ,AND ,semi -electric (treadle) sewing ma- chines. Also. used ones. Goderich having been now included • in "Or division, our representatives will be iu town weekly, For'prompt service Gall or write THE SINGER: SEWING MACHINE 430,0AlslY, 78 Ontario street, Stratford. Phone 727. 12 Your machine. is new, have it checked free witl'ithninety days, • 42tf INSULATE' YOUR HOAfE THE modern way, by • blown methods; saving you many dollars in fuel; For free estimates phone , Goderich. ., 39=46x INS CL I. pL.4,TE THD+ new way. Do it' yourself, with Kimsuh. For information phone 499J. 41tf- FOR ' SALE. — BLOWER FAN, stoves, davenport, four -burner coal oil stove, dressers, sideboards, buffets, tables, chairs, ice box, electric plate, sewing - machines, . etc. C. WOODS, Secondhand Store,' 12 East~ street, phone 3313'. -42 FOR BALE.—TWO` SNOW SbITS-- boy's, blue and red, size- 2 years; girl's, pink, size 2 years. For inform- ation call SIGNAL -STAR,. ' • ` -43 43x MISSING.—FROM LOT 25, CON- CESSION 2, West Wawanosh, one dark red steer, rising two years and having -two horns. Information sent to MRS.. MABEL STRAUGHAN, Auburn. Phone • Blyth 42 r 18. 42-3 LOST.' — SWEATER AND •GOLD NOTICE •TO CREDITORS watich, between Culbert's gravel pit and Tom ' Rivett's farm. Finder please notify TOM POLLOCI , Dun- • gannon. 43 NOTICE' TO" CREDITORS. - Notice is hereby given to all persons having any -claims against the estate.. of John" Hilary Barnett, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, retired clergyman, ' who died on or about the 24th day of September, A.D. 1945, to' send same to the under- signed-, on • or beTore the ' 2nd day of November,..4.13t 1945, ason and' after•- that date 'the .executor .. of the said estate shall proceed to make distribu:. tion of the assets thereof, having re- gard only to' the claims then filed. Dated at Goderich this 12th day of October, A.D. 1945. R. C. HAYS, . Goderich, Ont., 42-44 ' ' Solicitor for the Estate. ..LOST. =.GOLD' CHERUB ;PIN rR. .A.F. wings),••valued 'as keep-- sake. Would finder please return + to Venus Restaurant? • -43 NOTICL iO rI0E TO TEACHERS .- AE' ' ON. Clir,AARINp AUCTION SALE OP FARM FART STOOK .SND IMPLEMENTS, afl rt 1; -eonce cion 2,. Stanley township, 114 m lesb west- A1' 7 ip1 f, 01h TUESDAZ OOToBER Dth at 12 o'cloek • ESTATE OF THE. TE EDGAR, BUTT,' �4,.I.,' HAROLD JACKSON, '„ 4g` .'Auctioneer CLEARING, AUCT,XON SALE Ok' 1'ARAI STOOK AND .IMPLEMENTS Lot 11, B11371 104 road, sou,tb, two'miles ,,west of Varna our miles east ' of Bayiield, on. . MONDAY, • OCTOBER 228th. • at 12 o'clock • • JOS, J. RICIARDSON, PSONfiopriet.or, RAIIOLD, JACK, #3: Auctioneer; CLEARING AUCTION • SALE, Or .Ii A IMS, FARM STOCK, ` IMPLE- MENTS & HOT:ISEHOLD' EFFEQTS' 'Harold Jackson liar. been instructed. to sell by public auctionthe, faring, farxu stock and implements and house; hold effects of the . estate- of the late• Edgar,Autt,,, Kipper, on, lot 1, concession 2, Stanley Township, on '-TUESDAY, OCTOBER' 30th.' ,t, at 12,o'clock , • This sale includes two choice farms with good. buildings and a choice lot of cattle and implements. ESTATE OF LATE 'EDGAR BUTT. E, P. CHESNEY, Clerk. HAROLD JACKSON, 42-3 • Auctioneer. L.r Pretty ••Colored Flower Pots -- Small Hanging Pots-- Wall ots—Wall Flower ' Holders • ` Bud Vases - Lovely Artificial Flowers SMITH'S ART AND GIFT STORE East St. Phone 198? imaDA'Y, ootrOBER 26th; no We isan reduce our 'work by h ° •by applying your ,i.pltkies and Pastry. . „ , .13PlitOX,AL° FUR. TRIS WETIEND, :Crram-#lied„ DotieHE'UTS $00-a dozen: 'S BRY `'eche Hoole. of ¶rast;p' Pastry MEL,, `CULJ3ERT, ` Proi Actor-, . "P,HONE'40 . Stitt LESSONS in ail . types of• sewing. . *ABY . B, HOWELL 4 •St.' •Vincefit St. • • Insure against Wind and Fire with GORDON:--JEWELL .R.R. G Goderich •-0 ' Phone Carlow ;21-r-4; Reasonable rates for. truck and car insurance. • - CONFEDERATION LIFE WIND -CAR Fire Preferred Rates for Preferred Risks. - ACCID.ENT & SICKNESS Consult• . , JNO. FARRISH, Lttcknow Phone - 82-13 Dungannon School attendance and progress re- ports are on sale at 25 cents a dozen at THE SIGNAL -STAR. 34tf EW AND -I. SAVE.—T11E POPULAR travelling Sewing School sponsored by the- Singer Sewing Machine Com- pany, and under the personal direction of Miss. Amelda . McKinnon, will con- duct --a• series of eight comprehensive lessons in , your community• soon, 'En- rolments per ° class limited - to eight students. .Please address inquiries to BOX 81, SIGNAL -STAR, Goderich.. 42-45 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. All persons harving claims against the Estate of Charles Philip Stanley Carman,qate of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Htiron, who di,ed on or about tbe 13th •day'..of October; A.D. 945, are hereby notilled,qo glitIo-to the undersigned personal representative- of the said deceased -on 'or before the 7fh day of Novembr, 1945, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the Sfiid personal. represent ative will distribute the assetS"' of the .said deceased:' having regard only_to" claims of which. he shall then • have' notice to the exclusion of all others, - and he will nOt be liable to any person of whose clahn be shall not then liave notice, for the aSsets so distributed or any part thereof. • Dated at Goderich this 16th. dity of October, A.D. 1945.- - WILLIAM A: SUTHERLAND, Solleibrif, etc., Executor, . Goderich, Ontario. • 42-44 • Mr. an& Mrs. Raymond. 'Cooper (Margaret Rozell), on, Sunday, October 21st, a daughter, Virginia Katharine. . • iviEmoniAm EIWINE.—In loving rati,inory. of Win. J. trvine, .who passed away two years ago, Oetober 27th. .:!We cannot clasp your hand, father YouT face ''We cannot see; , But let -this little token Tell. that we still remember thee.'" --t:Itemembered by the family. , 433e dear father; Mr. William It W.. Moore, who passed aWay, eight yearS AO, October 256, 1937. Weith more than silver r -or gold it's *tare of' yon, dear father, Whose memory Will' never grow old. —Fondly iemembered and sadly missed by his family. - -43 • -Asiihalt Tile *loon . Repairs; Alterations, Cupboardz, etc.. '44%*' BOWLER HA*RISON The following garages and service stations are, open 4,4tv., &twist October ilia, to 6 P•121: lit A 1:3 WISH TO THANK THE nos- initiL staff aneoiir friends tor their hindneskt in our bereaVement. Speelal thanks to our immediate' neigh, to n11 others, who sent flowers or Joined.. ,11114 J0014 OUTT ANi) Win. Beatty take this opportunity to thank those who were SO kind to them during the illness, „and hit the death of Mrs, Iles.tty. They 'wOuld also ,like to thank those who- sent floral tributos or Jowled ears •f0p. the ftinerat 48 WANTED Constable for Town of mence Nove'mber 1st; 1945. Apply to National EroplOyment 'Office ' Goderich by October 30th.. Refer to order No. 2074. 43 VOTERS' LIST NOTICE, Voters' List, 1945, Municipality of the Town of Goderich, County of Huron„ Notice is hereby given that I have complied with section•8 of the Voters' Lists Act and that I have posted up at' zny office at the Town Hall,- Goderich,, on the 17th day of October, 1945, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said tinnicipalitY at municipal elec- tions, and -that inch list retnaind there -for inspection. , And Lhereby call upon all veters to take immediate proceedings to have an§ -errors or omissions corrected cording to law, the last day of appeal being the seventh _day of November,. 42-3 Clerk of the Town of Goderich. No Experience Necessary 'v. m Bas Interesting Work: • Pleasant Working Conditions • Earn While You Yoti Learn We. offer an excellentopportunity for. girls' to learn alight, Clean; pleasant postwar trade".... operating seamless • half* hose knitting machines. We teach you. No -experience necessary. - You earn while you learn. - Vit (* , HOSIERY COMP -ANY. OF CANADA, LIMITED ' a EASTSTREET • GODERICH • + Phone 960 After a Fire You'll thank Ybur lucky stars you asked us to check up on your Insurance. - See .ps about an All Risk -Cov- erage on household furniture' and personal, eficcts. 11. M.' FORD,' Get Intsurci Stay Insured North Ste, 1 Tel. 268w VOTDRS' LIST NOTICE,. 0.0 1.04sdCK A&P romp_ STORES Voters' List, 1945, ifuniciPaiity of the ToWnship of Colborne, County of Notice is hereby given that I have complied Vith section 7. of 'the Voters' List Act, and that I have Posted up in my office 4n the To*iiship of Colborne on the 23rd day of..October,. 1945, a list' ..of all perions en,tftied to vote in the said mnizieipality at municipal 'elec- ' flons, and that such list remains there • . 'And / hereby call upon all voteis to take, immediate proceedings to have, any errors er omissions corrected s•ac- cordink to law, the last day of appeal being the 13th day of November,,1945.. Clerk of the Township of Colborne. V4 COCKTAIL Eng 'CEREAL SOUP The qualitY and price wiy,•Surprise you. Records '1 Regords " COLUMBIA °TOR *- BLUEBIRD iPopU.10,14, 01.4assioal and Sacred. 'Lighting. Fixturp,s'* Floureieent light* inolnding hawse lighting. Westingh,'Onio Mazda Lamps THE NEW :taxi-Aamr, LIGHT iRCE C A I. IT/ig lieyg CliEESE ET TAI1LETS Pkg. 240 310 &dieted,. Mt?ced lb. 530 QUAKER OATS. 13,,ks,11. lest 290. PDERAISN, .111:** 230' tam AYLMER iry Thu its lumllurai 'Green -Pea 4.. Aar 'CLEANSE!' sail et"' 416 PAGE Mit BREAD'.. SROWN 2 24 -oz. 150 Loaves *P7$1:414414"16,14441,48 -11 teem, C.Oiti OA MARSH 'for 41 Ans CALIFORNIA EATING * lb' 12 ' CALIFORNIA "Mem Rip. lb