HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-10-25, Page 2Howard Robertson of G.oderiph, gave
an interesting tai and Mrs. cad*
lett" . in prayer'..' Mrs.: Marsh read 'a
short address and. Mrs. F. hietwain
presented lovely
1 W a
pl Ith
picture. !Sirs. Stoll, `who bbeen a
faithful. seeretary ,for th past fifteen'
ears, has now moved to Goderieh.
Mrs, ,Wilson: s a serveddainty lunch at
the close • of the meeting, The next
meeting _ at Mswill be held r. Frank
Canadian Bank of -
Commerce- has such strong
faith in Victory ' Bonds as, to
m unreservedly as
or savings. P -
ha�e ail the
advantages_ of a Savings Bank
Security for your money -_
A steady interest yield '
Readily convertible into _'cash:
(gtOgrittl. ilPujttttl,*tttr
T��yy E N'A AND' '.t`> UOl ltI
, meet 'Street, Oodelich, Ontaro
� � t^,p uniteda a.. and great Britain, ;200 a y. c,
�, ptian 1 ter C gad 'groat'
Attyertlsing 1tatep on requeet, ,
• Telephone 71. -
TII1USDA'1%. OciTOBEI 24tki, : 94 $
Published by Signal -Star Press, Limited..
Now that seience has .jroducec • the:
atomic bomb. it: doesn't know what to
do with it. Will manind always 'have
to walk in fear thtit some day it may
be destroyed by its own`invention?
•• * +y 0-
The • war is over, but wax etpend,
itures go on,, The boys must be
brought home, and 'mans' of, thein need
medical treatment and hospital care.
Don't turn down the canvasser for
,the ninth Victory loan if you have
anything to invest.
• * • .
The editor. of The Exeter Times -
Advocate is greatly perturbed on hear -
that Canada's natig�nal debt is The fall has a smell peculiar to• itself.
ing pleasant smell. Take the
"something like two billion and a half It's a� rather
there is l • moist
He'll go over the deep end spring
dollars.about the -whole affair - •.'•
when he learns that Canada's debt is fecundity rammer has, a dry. - smell of
over eleven billions ' of dollmrs• and heat; but the fall is another matter..
* *' Maybe it's the colors all around- that
'` °"'tA ice orted remark, by QueenEliza- make you mor moike sensitive. At any
1 burl notice that
beth has been seized upon as indicating event,youu can't :help
thing has changed. '.•
ool. �A great.many people appear to
be'ignterant of the fact' that beet .sugar
producer •iu Canada is only a fraction
of the total amount of sugar consuz>,ed
in Canada. The Writer `of the article
referred to 'is only one of the, smart
people who fa~ssume to know more, about
such things than .the people who have
mode an intensive study of world pro-
duction and eonsumptiou with •all the
facts in their possession.
who-repretiented the card 4,860,000 lam. Of Vegetables had
a delegateand \ asaga sold direct to tourists by faerine ,
til Q .
fCll �'
Trade p 4lb
r ar s. ,
of blitter . lbs. 1� 4� t
x • G. Q00
e 'amazing
rather quoted sm.
hf ir�txY
Beach,. disposed
been, hade
at , '�
of Q� meat ,
value Drove
0 Q r
e t,
i li � @>`
e� ���
he suwh�jt g to e farmers of to tourists through l el de .
.the tourist trade the M1A ,1,I
that matter to dike . The farmer who !toes 'iw+�t 'appreciate
farnieisttrtct, mid for h v lie 'personally profits from the
r yrs of any district eaterin to. sx.E ••1 1 q unknown;
fa m . , i i mrist 'traffic is not quit
visitors. ' he, even in the district •served by'the Blue.
. t3ourrip,m who stated that t. t� ores quoted:
. i~lr -through., •h, a 'very. Water Itigli vay, but the fig
t horn s were e,viliznaie til t by Mr., ;our e ''should Most' certainly'
t 1Jar"9
ttaorough 'survey made in his distai'e,, ming bleu.' to a realix�.tion; of the 'bens
quoted the following statistics; .
ing the 19.45• tourist season 434,810 lbs. fits to thernral..districts directly,de
og' . poultry, ,530,92G doz.:.eggs . and *rived. 'from this..class of visitor.
By Herat .T. vl�
elps.(heck Colds Quickly
You can often, check a co#d„ quiekly
• if you follow these.iustruetions.
ust as soon .is you Seel cold cold coati-
ing on and experience headache, pains
in the back or limbs, soreness through
the body take a paradol tablet, a good'
big drink of hot lemonade or ginger tea
and go to bed,
The Paradol affords althost inznc ed•
late relief from the pains and aches and,
helps you to get off to sleep. The dose
!nay be repeated, if necessary, accord-
ing to the directions. If there issore-
nese of the throat, gargle With two
• Paradol. tablets dissolved mwater. Just
try Paradol the next timne you have a
cold and we believe that you will be
well pleased, Paradol does not dlsap-
that Their Majesties are contemplating some
The smell of apples in barrels on
another visit to Canada. That they the back kitchen stoop waiting for a
would be most, enthusiastically wel- nip of stiff frost to put flavor into the corned goes without saying; but if it flesh of their rosy .cheeks is one smell.
with 'the
would be prudent: for the whole film- There's another the potartoes• u Notice that
picking ether them
ily to travel' .together Canadians would rich, earthy smell as You gather
u notice
Step into the barn and y
' like to see the Princesses too. And up, and tangy smell of the hap
perhahs the Princesses would like the curinSty inn file mows. -
to see g
Canada. The sweater your wife has brought
* * ..- out of storage in a clothes closet or
Trench political affairs are a good the drawer of the dresser in.the spare:
deal of an enigma; but the elections room has the
smelur l of
mackinaws cgs
said to strengthen the of , horses ... a good, honest smell.
just 'held Vie, ,said rag..3�ou'�'e
•Est tale sired. as De Gaulle Your smells of the oily
Tonght' agai those, of 'itis.= coup r.�_ beeil rising rs , •t with -14a
i.....,no N;ditat .Hitler the for a hike back to the hush
• men who. made The cellar smells of food the vine-
results may be taken to 'mean that
rows •of jars of fruit . .
gar in the old-faSl1ioned crock withe
.the . pickles and. onions getting
seasoning- from • the spices
smell d in.
You can smell the dry,
the wood ... maple and beech blocks
stacked up waiting for the'opport'utity
the first cold snap when they'll start
fed ,into the heater in the on kilned " room:.
war. totalled 1,045,000, accordingto '
There are bunched• onions hanging -
from spikes in- the back woodshed and
a basket of grapes sittiirg on the back
stoop waiting for a session,in the pre -
20 000 Can- serving kettle. When ^ you go out
.the baro' in the morning y
`smell the frost thilt gleams like a silver
adians served—and there were about d
'200,000 casualties,R Dead in the. -first icing on the,rass stems.
Great 'ar numbered 60,000; in the There's wood smoke in the air and
war just concluded, • _''2.553. The dif ; the musks smell of burning trash or.I
leaves. It .feels good to be :ali��e. You
ference hi tile, proportion of casualties get sort of an urge to maybe take a few
in the two wars. is to be accounted for sandwiches and go back for a
partly by differences in the nature. of through the bush and then ;boil'
ell That
the. fighting and in large me..isitre by coffee in oil old' can over a
smell ot', coffee on a brisk day life this
the i;reater, use of mehllaliical and. would lust about make • the 'whole thing
armored 'equipment' in the recent alar. caulplete : . but theft yon realize the .
* * �, . : plowing has to --be done. so you harness
Efforts of tate Gut ertiment of Eire' the team and et out to work on the
to encourage the use b;�- its people of Even, here you can smell the htti`fl SS
flip (lit 1 l5'!' rn ta,• ;1 !'1 :1111 til 1151ve
and tilt'. horses 5111(1 the earth. as' It
fa.ilt,(J : I-lgii,"Il i, stn,l;t•!: own. and turns tip. Yes, s.ir. fail is e. wonderful
�. ,1�1r11 of the 'cal'.
more and (=.1eli, tt l5:'cl less. This _ _ ...,...i._._______ ,
illuy be...saddeni11r; tl, advocates of --til(` ,A.- NEW SCHOOL
old ways. but Eire' cannot fella itself - -
out. �,f' the world. La Mach oId ,ways Editor The ••Signed-titar:•
11's' tt, away, 1t 11„eel ' to. be ` ' Ili'ar `i1. -11t Connec't1011 with the\
5.1 rE' 1„1.. tr „
said that Dublin was O11€ cif the two or recent statenwnt of the ;;c•lto(v,• Board
threw !,tare's in .the British- Isles 'ill that a_ liwx\ icon] is urgently needed
«• Melt tTu kie�'t-12--ct-,t4 'fol eat. -lt1 (;.adh:ric-ha torte I add 10 the remarks
That is- a (T1 tilletinu tfot lightly to, made_ at. A'11 talria, 'Iionlc�, arid-chouti---
' 1nePtln;.r' a r'(lllple of sn};gP-tions made,
bc; forfeited, and if in other parts elf 1)1 Ilnttle and chuol nu'nibel•'.
"tow r,uld sod” 51 delightful flavor i Iieckugnizin�,, the •Riot that if t..nd('11(11 1
added to .the language 1rishnien may is 10 grow It must .bb('- to tIn» south, 1
boast that they have tnii(9e an' itn- east.- or west, one suggestion was to
chttfigt••' the dividing line to north and ,
1trorientent in English that maks it .nutlt. build -a 'new -school at.; the weist.�-
•distin< tit c'l� Ir sit. end for pupils below 'c`)uth street:' and
* * • have 'Victoria :school , for plipi-la east
The London ree -Press announces, 1 •! „f •tiouth street.
The other. suggestion was to bUilda '.
Dro Chase's Paradol
the French people, though divided in.
• various .. political parties, are over-
whelmingly devoted to the cause of the
United Nations.
* *
Men and - woolen. serving in the o>
forces of Canada in the recent being
figures presented in the House of
Commons -by Defence Minister .Abbott.
There • -were. 80,530 casualties.. In the
first Great War about .6 ,
that it.. just t elltyTl ,vf' sears since ''lic'w school on the present Victoria.
1., .Arthur R. Ford became, its i'litor-in- ; (•hoi,1 property for :t114 senior grades,
Odd, It ')las been 0 quartet -century _51)1.d use the present school .for all the
of advancement .for The Free Press, t junior' grades.
e 115a,lue suggested
which is .now. in the front rilnk of SIetlxo,1 School. and iwas Goderich
f• a gymnasium'
:Canadtl's 'daily newspapers. G.oderich r and- lar!51ge auditorium were "included
has a special interest in. Mr.` Ford, as i this could be a real community centre.
his father, the late Iter. J. I+.: Ford, EE soineone ' o1se may have other . ideas,
' I. and it would. be interesting to 'have
them .brought forward,
. • . MRS! A. •TAYLOR.
.(O.wen Sound Sun,Tlmes)
At the annual convention of tithe
Blue Water highway Association,
in this city on' October 1, J. N. Iiourrie,'
and other members . of the family
were highly esteemed •residents of this
town for some years, and one of tl,enl,
'Mars: Howard Ttobertsont is still --with
us. At •various''ttmes. and in various
capacities several Goderichites have
been on the staff? of The Free Press,
and at present Clyde Carter, son of
CIr. and Mrs. William . J. Carter of
town, is in. its advertising department.
Western •Ontario is well served by The
i'ree Press.
An article which . has, been repro-
duced • in several, of . our exchanges
purports' to find some inconsistency In.
two Statements said to have been issued
by t Wartime Pile's and Trade
Board.. Otte of these statements was
that "Vett €i considerable rise in
Canadian produetion of beet sugar
. would mean no more than an `extra
teaspiooiiftl per year for each con-
sumer?' The :other was to the erect
that the .wasting. of one ';teaspoon a.
da in every Canadian household :(by
spilling on the table, or 'being left at
the bottoms. • of they tea.rltyly k would
anaoufnt' to nearly eleven tons wasted
In a single day. Thereis nothing
inconsistent in tltc +e statemfents.° The
wasted sugar all'. conies . out of Can-
ada's store. any addition to Canada's
production of lit sugar ' goes into, the
International l; we might keep 11,411
fn, stoda, but wve would rPetivt et>r-,
y Woo from tt t ufitt
If morning finds you oily Kali, rested w
wear' .. if your sleep is broken by (gild
totting and taming... if you caret sem* t.
Attie damn to telatcing root.. *Pour WASP
goy b‘ to Lisa*,When your Wray*
get out of *cloy Yor
hep usually alfa., To kidneys
r�tlin o ' is you •nl(►y.
rMala--uto Dods it a
f,ou iis bloitittat*ses l it a
'o 1041001 Pills aro iiisySte 114 liskit istrok* Ask to
dog .
hot w � rot tea 127
*toy Pills
4� .
y .
.,� alad.� yy�
Vn', QGt
rd and. Mti
'w A
" fo Mat
the*, w
Du � ,
not; Mich., .spent the week red with
her Mother, MO. A. Wilson.
• . Keith, Yon
ng ':of • .Toronto spent;
Sunday with M. and Mrs. Gordon
T'dung. ".x.
Xt. and Mrs. Fordyce Cl*k, ,and
M and M. Allan Stoll
fatally ,.and.. Mr. a
,'visited with` and' Mrs.. Amos Stoll
of Ooderieb. ,
Mr. Fred Martin of Fergus visit.
with his brother. ' Mr, Frank Martin,
MPS, and
: t
he "CV 'ri
at the home, of Mrs. 'hoe. Wilson for
the October meeting, with a good "at-
tendance. Mrs. Marsh had , charge. of
meeting. Mrs. Tait Clark gave, -aa
thethesectional meeting field
retAu it , ord ce Ciai k : gave
at .,�ubu`rri.. Mrs., � y
a chapter 1n the study bOp'k. ' Mrs,
./ rT” I BANK -will lend you
money -to buy Victory Bonds on
easy. terms ... 5% down , .. the
balancerepayable over 12 months.
.. at the sane interest rate as you
receive on the Bonds. -
tr etroleuin roducts' as gasoline and oil
,R�TI�BL`"�` youvthuil� Q� rep �' tut at Shell Research•
needed to operate yb 1r . automobile. {�►.
Petroleum,,l?!yucts •.means fair 1rl,tol���:�; � .. means even saving
i r cc g 3
ey�loprt�patu — an anaesthetic with important advantages
d �e �fiieXd , over V .
oiler. Isopropyl. alcohol used ut surgery, to •prep
lk l Phenols as bases for powe antise
rtl 'StE'17.e instruments. -
4 an ingredient in' one of,the least hail sedatives.
';teal' alcohol, Allyl � • . e ti��ve protectors, against diseasE»
' esit t Oxide, used IA'•tlio most effective p �. , ,
a _ y insects. AU these 'hell I.eseareh develoied.:o • a commercial
tarrying ,,.
►asi ' f rc petroleum. �.
"2":01,1° CAN BE SURE OF SHEL4
let's hope that you'll not
need the benefit of these .
Shell medical products.', (
But you will need allrthe''
benefits that this same
Shell research' expert»
ante .and BIM is putting ,
into postwar petroleum.i.
products tor.you i car .
in . better gasoflne and
finer motor hilar: -