HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-10-25, Page 1, NMETY-474GUTO YEAR. Caretaker ofiViacKay hall Appointed 004144 Has ,rvvo oiber'poduccas to Pill -To Prepare :Brief. for Harbor "JOB:a pretty serious situation people seeking.a plate to live In are, turned away because theY have ,ehild- xen," Said Mayor D. D. Mooney .at'lthe meeting of the Town Council .on Fri- day night, citlng a case which had, •eome to hs..attention. "How is the town to, grow if .people :cannot .have children?" he queried., ' The Counc,11 ensured living accom- modation for one smell, fainilY by the 4 appointment of Gordon' D. Pangitan; formerly- of .the eairettiker of MacKay Hall, with .living quarters In the hall. Mr. Pengman was chosen from eight appliCants. He .and wife and two Children have been living tourist cabin. The Comeil had before it the resigna- ten of William .T.A7.13ecle.ats night con- stable: to 'take effect October 31st. It, was understood that Mr. Beek, who, has had the ,position only twelve months, did not like the long hours, and the question wee raised -• whether recent Provincial. .legislatien necessitate the engagement of 'a third 'constable, .giving each..man _eight hours •on duty. It was decided to advertise for applicants for the position pn the. old basis, and in the .meantImewto inake enquiry of the Ontario Labor Board as to whether the legislation applies to ,police officers. Still another ,post to be filled is that of sexton of Maitland cemetery, • the present sexton, •Jcihn W..Bell, hav-, ing declined to live in the, A:Welling at the cemetery .during the winter and. ' having asked for some, new arrange-, the I • z position Were receivred;-.1-Urit-was--de cided to .table .them until the, •nex meeting 'and Iri.the Meantime ,tO' se if Mr. Bill would carry ,on for .a time On recommendation of the fire corn mitteer George Beacom, Whose offiC has ,been that ,of "acting fire .chief,' was named fire .chief, viith an increas of allowance from 1120 .to. $150. .Engineer Cadet() 'Brief" .Harbor .Road . Another .step In the matter .of th north harborroad was .taken .in the *decision' to .ask Engineer Code to Mee the Council .and .prepare .a .brlef • to be presented .to the 'Department *. 0 •Public Works ,at Ottawa setting forth the benefits to .be. derived from- .the *,construction of the road. All the .members wereprnient .except _Reeve Attridge ,and Councillor Iluckins Chief of Poli,ce Ross reported as _follows On weights • of coal inspected from September 20 to October 11: Town ,Company .Scale ;Weight Dean. Coal Co. 2040lb: 2000 lb C. Edwards Coal Co* 2740,1b. 2700 lb •C. C. Lee Estate • 4220.1b: 4210 lb. Saults Coal Co. ...... 14801b. 14601b .Sea.broak .Coal C9. 300,0`.1b. 3150 lb. A request from AE. Townshend, Goderich township, for permission to use the Agricultural Park .for a sale of cattle was left in the hands of the ;chairmen of the parks apsIpublic works ,committees. • Burton R. Robinson, for the local C.U.F. committee, . requested the- use .of MacKay --Hall .or the Town 'Hall auditorium. for October .26, _November 9, 16 and 23, and inquired as4to the rental The use of the Town Hall -was granted at $10. per meeting, -pro- waded ,the- dates do not conflict, with the municipal nomination meeting. • Applications for .lifilding..Perinits 0..J. Ranniater-applied for a -,permit to inove the house .a.t the corner of Elgin .aveiane and Victoria street to *llit 418, Britannia road': -Geo. .Stokes asked a permit for a workshop, 16 X:a2i. on Park street. Applications from Geo. plum were for a. garage .and a stable on Bayfield. road;' from Charles Hunt and LI." C. Kerr ,ga.reges on .St., Patrick's street and ....11iirem reed, re- spectively. Other applications, for. r,eshingling ,er, other ininox improve- ment, were frona Alex. Yew Estate, St. Audrefe's .,street,; M. .Stapleton, Regent street; Mrs. .jae., ARS. „Adams, Britannia read; Russell Drennan, Bay- field road; ' WM. ,Marvelek; Cobonrg street; P. J. Buehler, Napier ,atreet; C. M. Robertson, Park street. - W. A. Smini was heaXti,.Ve, ith regard to -water supplY!,fer some lots he pro- posed to inirehase on li4r.tha street. It was decided 'the !council Shotild* look over the property hamdoeidixig vault Should be One. • , k. request 'frein the,.BeIi Telepliene Co. for approVa/ by bylaw .of the erec- tion 'of one pole en Cambria rott41 was . referred to be. plog.te works mittee. L., ,‘ The DepartMent dt Munieipiil Affstiret, . Toronto, advised that approval was given the. essence '',ef bylaw No:. 7, with respect to, ,a grant to the Canadian Legion, brit as the . form • of the bylaw ftd not conform to the requirements of tlie Department a salnPle bylaw Would be forwarded. Oaymen's offer of $10 for ot 1.22, Wilson *street; Was referred .to 0 public works ; conunittee. Ur. Chapman stated that his intention was to usethe •lot for A garden Untilsuch thne as labor and building materials Were not so scare as at present' and then to build a..hoese for renting, -pur- poses. • A letter from B. W. Beattie, London, was with. reference to unguaranteed bonds of the former Ontario West Shore Railway held by' him as executor of the estate of his father. the late Dr. 'maul Beattie,. ,,As he had' learned that the sole remaining ..asset of the Contpeny, the right-of-way, Was being purchased by the Departnient Of High- ways, he &limed 5. pro Tata distribu- tion of the proceedA between hit:11801f And tbs concerned. (Of the bends of the Itallway *400,- 000 was guaranteed by„the nunlelpat- Itle And 420*000 WAS- ungneranteed, ny, decision of the Itallway Board only $20,000 og 'Ole* unguaranteed bonds, a ODERICII, ONTAlgO, TIMRSDAY, OCTOBER 2504 1946-,, ° • • 'NO. 4$ Tax VITATERF. RON'T .„. Arrivals at the goderikla elevator the past wee . Saturday., -,F..„ V. Massey, 1' 3,500 bus, 'oats, Wheat and barley; day, Canadoc, 253,000 bus. at d barley; Monday; Starbuck La 0 us.barley. • vintadoc is due at the elevator Friday orming, .. • 4 " Two in re barges, the'•Mitchilbre and the Delcote, have been berthed beside the .'.Swederope at the north side of the .harbor. Wiley were brought In, light, by the tug Sulphite, and, will be used 10- the Elevator Company for euxillary storage during the winter. * * • Sunday was like a simmer day at the Waterfront, with the exception thkt nobody was in bathing. There 'Were scores of tars, many of them having brought .anglere from .a distance to try their luck with the perch.. Bert Macdonald's launches were plying to and from the outside breakwaters, with the fisUers,.ineet of. whom •seemed to be getting .good.catches. Those who weren't pulling in fish were ,eujoying the sunny fall AO. About the middle of the afternoon a -naiddle-aged man (name unknown)., .bailing from Kitchener, fell off the Sloping outer side- of the southwest breakwater and was in ,danger, of drowning until Albert•Salman, a.youug man „from Kitchener, ,plunged in .and .drew .him to safety. -He was taken uptown to. the Bedford .Hotel 'and..put •in bed, .and later, after being ,outfitted with .dry clothes, .he .left for home none the worse for .hla cold .bath. PRESENTED The folleWieg letter to *dyer Mooney from the DepartWent,oD Naval $erve tit Ottawa, dated October Oth, was read at, Friday nignt's" meeting Of the Town Connell.: ' advise-yoti that 11,1$1.0.S. `Goderieh' is shortlx, to decommission and will, therefore, no 'longer require spouSorship. - • `tAs it is felt that gifts from gponsors Were ,donated to naval personnel rather than te the individual Units in which they serve, upon decommissioning the non -consumable comforts-, Neill • be brought ashore •for redistribution te other units remaining in service, 33y this' meanseomforte will , continue to be of benefit to naval personnel even. though the ship which first welcomed • them be -no longer in service. • "It was thought that this plau should .T0..PURCHAATTACHREENT „FOR -INFANT INCUEATOR •••••••••••••••••••••• • The Women's Hoapital Auxiliary .held „the regulai: meeting ,on Monday' after- noon, Mrs. D. E.CanpbeU Imesiding. *It was .decided to .purchase an oxygen at,gnt in- ubator „purchased over .a yeat ago:byr- the Auxiliary. The lollowing .ladiesi .volunteered .to assist.at the -Tie -eon bingos' .in •Novem- ber : :Mrs. E. •MeLaughlin, Miss E. Maiffts, ,Mrs. 11. M, -Monteith and Mrs. W. Coulthurst. The .usual sewing will:be done at the hospital each Monday afternoon. , • ERICH" HE TO appeal to denorSip: that it ensures'that .maximule of benefit will be derived from, the:fruits of their kiedeess • and generesity; .„ "Arrangements. are being' made for snips, bells to be given to sponsors after decenimiSeioning as a Memento of their asSociation with the ships. ...With .the bells -will , go suitably , prepared; Pre- setitatiOn Scrolls. Naturally, some little time Will be required in theYreparatien of the above, but you will be advised AS 50011 as the preeentatien can be made. . `,`The Department takes this oppor- funitY to express Its appreciation. of your efforts en behteif of the' crew of this minesweeper." Also from the Department came a picture of the ship% It -ascot, which it was decided tcr have framed and hung on -the wall Of the Comeil 'chamber.. New School Needed Sa,,ys Mrs. A TayJor Urges 'WOmen to Attend at •„NoMixiation Meth* to Support Project • An exceptionally interesting program • was .presented at the meeting of the Victoria Home and School Club on Thurtday evening, October 18th. '• • A. short business session was con- ducted by the -president, Mrs. E. Videan. The treasurer,. Mrs. R. Wil- son, reported a •balance on hand of $162.25, and it was decided to continue the donation of magazine subscriptions to the school. .,It was also decided ta, invite Mrs. O.fGtb&r -guest speaker tit the November meet- ing. Mrs. Moore, a former resident of Goderich, it a member og the executive of the Ontario Home and Sehoor.Feder- ation, .and a member of the Stratford Board of Education. Mrs. G. Bowra reported that 'a num- ber -of articles for a layette had been donated for overseas, and furtifer con- tributions Would be welcome. Wool would .be supplied for • children's sweaters, etc., to any members willing te help in pis way. • Mr& .ATaylor, spoke on the' need. • *am MOOSE ,.ON „EI.RST flAX Ween .Harvey..Ba.xter and .Allan Lin- field left :their... SerVice•station In Gocie- _Nth an ,the 12th. of October; accom-- _Panted .by,Jamee Macon of gaMilton, theY . intended to : @pend :t'wo weeks Jaunting moose Itethe RapuSkasing dis- .triet,' At .Kaphskasing they were •joined by Art Valley aed ,a guide from •that .town and continued on a 1147 - mile .trip Into the north. Their luck was .so unusual that on .the first day each of .the four .had shot h moose, .probably .establishing .record for lifintieg. • •• AS the weather ,had turned warm; the _party, .wishing tcePreserve as Much of .the .meat as ',possible, .reluctantly turned heinewa.rd .and arrived back on, the 1912i:thus depriving themselves of half of their Intended .holidey. ' ,Since their return, the- meat rations have .had no disappointments ter num- bers of their. friends. , No deer .ar .bears were seen in the neighborhood • *here the Moose . were bagged. • . • - • JUST .A lime. Wednesday .night of next Week IS Hallowe'en. and it wouldbe just as well if people who ordinarily ,.pnt out their gar,bage .cans •that .nigh,t would keep theta inside .over -night and put them out before :9 o'cloek ,the next morning.. t • those held by the late William Beattie, were to be..considered As outstanding.) The matter' Was referred to .the fin- ance. committee; The Inatitute$01 Local Government, Queen's University, Xiagsten,..has pre- pared a booklet, "!‘The Municliesti \Conn - All and Couneillor hi.Ontario," and sug- gested :That: the Council purchase- a number of coplee. Council decided to take ten copies, :at 40e each. , , CommItteli.E4ipetts • The public. works Adnunittee recom- mended that permission' be g.ranted0C. I. Bridgwater for a stgn everhanging ,:the • sidewalk at his plaee :of business " on .:EaSt .Street; the bond 41 'indeinnity. tlaaving been,kligued, and the •Goderich, Bottling Works be given ,p,ermission to lay a eement driveway at their p?sop t; ety ' The lire comitittee ,reported that .41.` CheqUe-40. $1.00 had been received fr MI •Illigh_111111 for services rendered by; the •Town lire brigade On September; 17th and recommended that ..05 be: turned' over i. to the firemen. -0,weri retommendations were that -0eorgel. Beiwoin be .appointed lire chief at $150; per annum, and that C. 0: Moons be asked . to -restrict MS -Welding work to daylight hours and to discontinue this ,work on Sundays. Committee of the whole recommended that the offer of Walter It. Pierson of $15 per lot. for lots' 1 and 2, Huron road, and lots 1, and 2, °Cedar street, beaccepted, and that ilarry hesnell be offered seven lots on Mary and •Martlut streets at $5 per lot. The titmice committee reported a number of accounts passed: , • By resolution . building permit No. 284, passed by the Council on October Oth, was 'cancelled. This Permit was for four frame cottage., 25 x 80 feet, which a Detroit man proposed totbulld oil' Eight avenue between Essex and WelieSley streets. Objection had been raised to the erection of that class Of building on the avenue. Coun., Prevett brought nP the .matter of*La subeeription to the ninth Vietdry loan AS Si Seta:off to. the campaign, in which rettiroed servicemen Would, be starting outon the following Monday inoreineirlt WAS deeided that the Mayor; the Treasurer and the chairman" of the .finante committee should look over the Town' S bond Oat to see what eould be Converted for- Investment at this- time. SIX TONS OF CLOTHING SHIPPED AND MOR E TO GO A busy „group of Workers was en- gaged On Sunday afternoon bundling the clothing collected ,here during the national clothing tainpaign, whichrre- suited. in a shipment of six tons .being sent forward -on Monday. Under the leadership of Mr Jklartin Stewart, chairman of the t4on.10, Club committee, the clothing was sorted and packed in cartons... The goods were of fine qual- ity and included clothing for men, wonsen and children; besides shoes and bedding. Further ,contributions have been re-, ceived this week at the local head- quarters, the Stewart flower shop, and another shipment will, be made at the week -end. • • The school Children of the town A1 1 t er and o • api Theatre put On a `shiny for them on Saturday morning, the price of ad - Mission being new or used articles suitable for the collection. It proved an unqualified success, fat 2,500 peunds •of e1athieg were brought in. Some •of the children carried bundles almost as big as themselves, Prizes of $3, $2 and $1 were giveii for the largest parcels. The. first was Won. by Jimmy Webster; who had 82 pounds; . second by. Martha Thompson, with 63 pounds, and .third by Jimmy Beattie, who had II • • I • 1 of a .new school. The School Boar,d bO.pouncls. was in favor of the idea, and Horne and Schpol members could co-ope.rat .by.attending the municipal nominatien meeting In the Town Hall on Friday evenipg, ',November 3.0th, and ,givieg their wholehearted support to the pro- ject. The,present-arrangement for .the use of a .rooin at the Collegiate Was, • Mrs. _Taylor / said, only a temporary solution. If .there were an increased attendance -.there .next year, the room would be .rieeded, and the seine dif- ficulty would be encountered again. .Mrs. Taylor referred to a report that Stratbroy is .planning to build a new .t welve,room school, with gymnasium .and auditorium to seat 500 to 600 .peo.ple, to .be .used as e' community centre. The .plans, she said, have been passed.hy the Department of Edlication and .fts.soon as. Government perrniSSiOn .received °And, •materials are avail-,; able ,the work on.the building will' commence. "If, .Strathrby cap do it, wly not Goderich?" the speaker asked. • .frs. Videan introduced MiSs Gard- iner, home economics teacher at the Collegiate Institute, who had conthental to ,,jimige..the Contest in meal planning. The .audience ,divided into four groups, each group planning a day's -meals for a family of .four, father, mother and' tw Ahildren of school age. Mise Gardiner .exialained her method Of judging, .she ;made-. suggettions as to how the varbaus menus could be im- proved, and .eongratulated the various: greups on .their efforts. . She also gave a ,brief.,,eutline ,01 the home-economice course ler grades and 8, 'which -was most intereatingno aim is to teach home-mliking, and the course includes general housework • as well as eoeking and sewing. Mrs. MeDoligall save a short teik on mimic appreciatiou, illustrated by "a fine piano :Selection,' and also condueted musical' ignie ;which Was enjoyed by all. - Mrs. Overholt ceintributed a baumor- . ous reading, ;and a teontest was held, In which cate .and Nwitc)les were tore from . pieces of .paper and pro4ded Much merriment. Prizes for the ftti- ishee Produet .eeere awarded to NW. 'Townshend and . less aurae. • :Mrs. Videan tleanked:1111 the laid4Wel who had taken . part ii the program, land the meeting egiesed .with the.. sfv- eJ YOUN6PEOPLEIVUNION OF .NOTH .ST. UNITED CHURCH Over thirty. young:. people" .gathered in, the church hall t of IslOrth street ited •church to enjoy what proved to be a most interesting meeting of e Young people's.; •Union. The open- ing worship ,service was In charie of ,• Audrey Barker and Joyce .Hadden, with Marjorie Baxter and .Joan Scott assisting in the reading of poems and the Scripture. ,Barbara and Margaret Henry contributed to the service by rendering a Piano- duct. • After the worship service the 'Min- ister, Rev.' R. 11. Turnbull, , gave the report of the nominating committee .and installed the following as ,thc scatters of the Union for the forth- coming year: President, Marie .Smibert ; Vice-president,, Keith .Jackson; secre- tary, Yvonne .Sheardowni- treasurer, Donald ".Seotti; conveners--Claristaii fellowship, Audrey Barker; ,(hristian .rals,sionS, Barbara Henry; Christian culture, Carlton, Worsen; Christian ' Citizenship, to be • a.ppoitited.; recrea- tion, Bill Moorhead.; pianist, Mrs. Murray. Hetherington. Miss Sinibert was Welcomed to the chair as president and presided- over the remainder of the meeting: , Each of the conveners Was ,called niacin to ispeak briefly on plans for future meet - Inge:. The meeting was than.cltided with a Lively and enjeyable singsong led by Mrs, Murray Onthealtigtcoa. The reviler meetings 'of : the Union are to kJ: on the_seeond And. ieur.tb, Mon- days of _each- month ,at 7.30 W..C.TX. MEETING The regular meeting of the4W.C1.T.11. Was held on Monday, October 22nd, .at the home of MUG B.; T. Phillips, East street. Bible readings were given leY Mrs. Snell and AtritiL Ohlero And prayer.; was offered. by. Mrs. Centelne Mra, Philips - had charge' of the business. The treasurer's report,* reed by° Aire. Snell, !••showed that $113.00, had been raised for war purposes. $70.00 for the Red Cross through tehis in niemberi' loniesi and 43.7 for British war rictinas by Voluntary gifts. Arrangements were *made to carry on. the work and .have )arally and tea. in November,,, also, a ..teAnoerance"..conteet -An., the Mind*/ schools, Mrs.. Ohler dosed, thereeeti hog . with prayer. •andA)Irs. Phillips served, lunch diving a soelal half - hoer.. t eota91tNE' riot MIMEO • Gore *non, 'fitteenl'eaPold youth• of *Colborne • township, sattnined pain - fel, ikiiirles • In an accident on the eounty read between *Mimed and Ben - miller test Friday night. Alke. Is in iAlexandra llOspital suffering' with a severe wound in the neck wilt* pene- trated to the traeliee, also frem, cott- cuaelonand deett 'laceration/3 Of the scalp.. The youth .• was injured When the bieyele he was riding collided with a ear driven by 'Thomas Mitchelt of Sanford which he was backing on to the road. Bolton's heed, And Peek went through, the 'glass of the rear window of the tar,. Ile did, not lose consciousness,. and after _the accident walked about for a, -while before he Was removed to the hospital*. Provincial Traffic .0ffleer *Taira& Culp investigated the. accident. • * EX -PREMIER DRURY COMING The board of Trade Will hold the annual "rural' relations night" on. Wednesday, November 14; "heti Hon.' E. O. Drury, of Barriefotmer Premier of Ontario, will be the MI6 -it .Speaker at 4''bonquet in X.Criox, church lecture' hall, to whiell 16C,i gneits hate been invited. ,MuISTspiTE'S COURT ° After pleadieg, guilty , to, operating a ear Witheet a •driver'sPetudt. John Goderich, was lined .$10 and costs by Magistrate A. P. Cook In today's eotirt. Chief ,' A.. C. Rims stated the swooned had backed the car off the street and damageda house by knocking off three ,bricks. Dalton M. Xegenzie, of Arkena, Charged with vagrancy. was given.'into the care of ,his parents for medical troll/lent. lie was wandering -tirk,nt the town of. Seafortb wbzi pleked 111) by the police. • • ANOVIIgit nocToit FOR Gannition Dr* William X. 'Wafters, of London, has, parcliaseit the residene of •Mr. and Mrs. Hector nays, on St; Patrick's street, .with, a view to engaging in the practiee of. his profession here. tre, has been' With the Itoytti Canadian Air Vore0., latterly. . at Toronto,. and. 'OZ.' peete to be Able to eohinteiiee his Ode. tiee here ...aboet the tniddle '.of November*" eavy Docket for Next.lifek's Court Platten Brsothers„to„Fice Trial ou Theft Charges '-;-43e'veral Damage Actions The falI aSsIseS of the SuPrePe Court Of Ontario wili open here on 'Monday; October , 29t11, with Mr. .Justice Wilson presiding; • The docket is a heavy one, as there are seven Jury 'cases ,listed besides three non jury eaten& • 91.‘he three Platten brothers, .DaYtert, Charles anti Marvern, will face dial on charges of breaking' and entering and theft of it site at the. Seaforth Cream ,eVinthe ngj-uAeYlleticte trial ile ''' Ad ttrhel Pbryjury.elfrelirY h '=Nlarven. Platten is to be tried.on the additional charge of the, theft of a car from W. A. McTear, of .Stratford, on the night -of the Seaforth creamery robbery, • •, Another jury case is that of Rex vs. Arthur. E. Parry, of Clinton, who is charged With defthatory libel against the personnel of the Radio School at Clinton. • In the action of Arnold,, F. Shultz, •Goderich, vs. Thomas Hackett and Eric Hackett, of Ashfield, the plaintiff seeks •slated damages of 417,800 Ler injurieg reeeiVal in an accident at Lueknow on November -4_044, when he alleges he was stip& by a car owned by Thomas Hackett, farmer, of Ashfield, and driven by Eric Hackett. • The defence claims the plaintiff failed, to keep a proper lookout, cressing the street in a manner unexpected of pedestrians and not giving notice to the operator of de- fendant's car. 9 Ione and George Baechler, Goderieh, are plaintiffs- in a motor damage action against james Swanson of Stratford, arising-lifeofan accideut on highway , two miles north of London, on November- 30,' 1044. The plaintiff e-32: 'of $2;800 for loss of wages, pain and sufferink.and-$15,0d0 general damages. Ione baeChler, his wife, enters a -claim Of $1,000 • for the loss of her motor car. The defendant, Swanson, claims the plaintiff did not keep- a proper lookout, 'excessive and immoderate speed. • Three actions for divorce are Listed. an, :4.1.1r _MRS. 1VIcORRATH LOOKING TO THE .CENTURY MARK • Mrs. William McCreath celebrated het ninety-fourth birthday on Tues- day at the home • qf her son Georcre C. MeCreath, . at Detroit.,„ With her were Capt. and Mrs. M".14,*:'. -MacLean of Cleveland , and Mrs. (Capt.) D. J. yslop• of Geneva, _Ohio. Hersons arry McCreatb."' of "town and B. ,11. McCreath. of Toronto were unable to attend owing to the Victory loan cam- paign. There .is some doubt whether Mrs. McCreath's age is ninety-four or ninety-five Years. • Some *records indi- cate; she ,was •born in 1850, while •the family Bible has the record as 1851. She was born in the log cabin on the present site of the Ontario Agri- cultufal Cellelge oat Guelph and her father, the late George. Currell, helped to bend the first corduroy road be- tween Guelph and Gederich, later settling in Ashfield. For many years, with her husband, the late William McCreath, she was a- resident of .Gode- rich and she lives now with members of her family, making occasional' visits to her old home:toWn; She is , 18 exCellent Irealth and has recently concluded a lengthy 'motor tear, She is looking forward to pass- ing the century mark and the fact that she has changed very little In the past twenty years seems to assure her at- taining that objective. Her , many friends in Goderichwish* her continued health auktoomfort. • •. •. EVENING AUXILIARY. The Otani= thank -offering meeting of . the Evening Auxiliary of North street United church was held in ltie church on Thursday evening, October 18, at 8 o'cloek, with a good attendance. The meeting opened with the singing of "FrolfurGreenland's Mbuntains." after which Mrs. Clairemoat led in prayer. Mrs. Webb read the Scripture lessen. Mary Pridhaei favored with a piano. solo. Mrs. 'S,fonli souse intro- duced the guest speaker, Miss *Edith nark, a missionary on furlough from Africa. MiSs Clark in most interest- ing 'manner told of many conditions which she found in Angola. She also stressed the need of naore missionaries in A.frica. HrS. C. Robertson offered the dedicatory prayer. Mrs. refining -- ton ,sang a eolo in ,her usual pleasing weeper. On behalf of the society Mrs. Ndole moved a vote of thankto the speaker and the Others taking, part. The meeting closed with the 'singing •...• N ][..1 1111NT11 VICTORY .1.40AN of St hymn and prayer, after which litneh wag served by group 4. • - Ornerat$ /*OM " TWO ,B0:213, ARREFLICA. 'PeiiCe are investigiiting breitk-in and robbery of summer cottages ht the Goderigk toWnehip dietriet about ,sis miles *with :lot Goderich at whet is• known as 'Burke's' Beach. Cottages evveed by M. T. CorIeSa, Mies Shirley Bowden .0.' B. Lohli„ Orval Lebn end A. ilitehell, all 'Chilton , residents, . were broken into some time during the past week and besides ditma.ge to build- ings and seeseIesieVandeliern.conraittid quantities of valuables, lueluding inns, binoculars, bedding, dishes, cutlery, radios and pictures, were.. stolen. It appears that the robbers had been living in the Oriel Lobb cottage, whiela is on the hillside and Commands a view of the lake and beach from both direc- • tion a distance of MAWS' each way. Articles from the other cottages had been carried there and were partially destroyed or ren red Wholly unusable, Damage to buJldings. is extensive in one or more maces. Two Boys.Arrested at Bayfield Yesterday two 'teen -lige boys, said to be from.,Aylmer, were arrested at Bayfield by Provincial Constable Wil- Ilain Gardner, of Goderfch and Ceti - stable John Parker of hayfield. They were found in a cottage at hayfield and aemitted that, they had entered cottages' at the village and on nearby beeches. They were brought to Gode- rich for an appearance in court. • YOUNG ARTISTS GIVE FINE =swim PROGRAM • A rare musical treat, -sponsored by the Goderich Mesic Club, wee *enjoyed by a large audience at North' street United church on Friday night last, when the Toronto Junior Conservatory Trio presented the program. The mem- bers • of the trio are May Ann Pau/ aged, fifteen years, violinist; Carl Xaye, thirteen years, 'pallet, and • Dorothy' Applebaum, fifteen years, piaeist.. • The \, artists •played • a number of 4- • ' nembers. The piano eolo,s. were 'Chopin's "Impromptu," "Clair -de -lune," and "The Little White Donkey." The violinist played "Spanish Dances," and the 'cellist's numbers were "Call of the Night" and "Showboat." Mary Ann Paul is a niece of Mrs. Bruce Tennant of town and her mother, Mrs. G. F. Paul, played the piano ac- companists for the4goists. The church "was- 'decorated with chrysanthemumsoladrihe young ushers in their' long formal dresses made a Pretty • background for the visiting artists in their formal dress, . . ST, GEORGE'S WA. . . The October. Meeting of the W.A. of St. George's church was held .4n the Guild room, with.- eighteen members • present. In the absencd-Jaf 'Mrs. -Dun- bar, Miss Burritt presided. The secre- itary was requested to send a letter to .Mrs. 'Dunbar expressing the deep syni- Pathy of all tfie members • of the, W.A. in the passing of the beloved rector, the late Res. W. Dunbar. Instead of usual chapteri from the stthly book, Mrs. Monteith read an interesting letter from Miss Margretta Fowler of Swan _,River, Man. A large amount .of used clothing' was taken in for the national clothing collection. Miss Bur- ritt elesed the meeting with prayer, and tea Was served by Mrs. Riley and -Mrs. Shore.' • THE WEATHER Temperatures ofrthe past Week in Goderich, with those of the correspond- ing week a year ago, as officially re- corded, were as: follows: . • . `•• 1945 1944 ,Max. Mifs. Max. Min. Thu• rs., Oct., 18 ....71 * 53 66 46 lere.-70ce, 19 51 61 37 Sat., Oct. 20 58 48 52 33 Sun., Oct. 21 64- '45 56 37 Mon., Oct. 22 59 41 51 • 28 Tues., Oct. 231) 48 • 35 56 48 Wed., Oct. 24 45 31 60 ' 45 RESIGNS EXPRESS JOB After thirty-three years' - Service, George McLeod is resignieg his .posi-, tion as carter for the C.N.R. Express. In all that time, Mr. McLeod proudly states, he has missed the early morning -train only seven times. He Ilea been in oilliging official; and now feels he deserves a rett. His plans for the future are indefinite, , • ENGAGEMENT' ANNOUNCED The. engagement is announced ' of Ellen Katharine Morray, only daughter of Mrs. Ellen Murray and the late Crask Murray of Goclerich, to Vernon Douglas Smith, elder son o,fs. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sinith of Toronto ; the marriage to take place early in, N oimetly Ticket Wiiis iie AttOr Hot 0aanp 'Vake Part in ler the 'Winners theI. A lively election campaign Came t. a close on 'Monday morning when the students " Of Goderich' Collegiate tute. gathered in *tile woad* hall,. listened to speeches by the candidate* 011 the variouS tickenrfor the Student* Councilexecufive, and then polled their ballots* '• In accordancewithprevtellii alere* Inent,the ballot was taken on the OM?* ferable. vote plan, each Vete; 'indicating On his or her =ballet the order of pre- ference for the, three tickets, firsto's Second or - third. Bill Neyweonibe'e ticket *as found to have the greateet number of first preference votes, Jim Donnelly' s' second, and Don Scott's `third. With Scott eliminated, and his, second preference votes emitted' for one or other Of the other We caw*. didates, it was found that Donnelly had a majority of 13 and his ticket wax Accordingly declared the winners. The elected officers are Jira Donnelly, president; Eunice Milne, vice-president; Peter Patterson, treasurer, arie Eleanor' ' Martin, secretary. * , At the noon -hour a parade was •forraed, headed by the students'. band, and made the elreuit of the Square, with the 'elected ofeeers riding in triumph. Bill Newcombe and pon, • Scott, good. sports, were in the band which, tooted for the winners. Arrangements for sports, dances and other school events of, the coming year , wig'be in the hands of the elected, ° officers, $rnd 111 addition.President Don- nelly and his executive are believed to • have under their hats other 41eas to make the -Students' Connell more thavs„ • - eVera force in the lives of the students „T:0 pRESE*T TVITO 'Ma IS- La • Two'Huron county districts will .be rewarded for reaching the highest per- centage over their 'objective. A plaque representing the ninth Victory loan official insignia and. mounted will be presented -one to the tovvaiship and one to the town or village that ex- ceeds its quota on the largest per- centage at the end of the campaign, In the eighth"' loan, Brussels, undet the chairmanship of Robert' Bowman, won the plaque, followed • closely by West Wawanosh and Wingham.° Keen interest in the districts. in Win-, nine the plaques has belie. shown be past campaigns, as they- remain a lite ting tribute to the town or township for' the splendid part Played in pro- viding the sinews of both war_Land peace by their subseriptions to Victory loans:- , • ELY= ALREAD'k OVER ITS • QUOTA- FOR NricToitY LOAN • • .The ninth Victory 'loan drive, which commenced on Monday, is making good progress. The village of Blyth leaped into prominence on the first day, re- porting subscriptions of 168,000, whiqs is $4,000 over the quota for. tliV village. It is still away thine lead &Meng the minicipalities, East Wawanosh and GoderielPtownships being second and third with 44.18 and 42.91. pereentago respectively. / As usual;ssthe air schools • hare' been quick an the trigger, both- Central* and the:Clinton Radio School having already exceeded their quotas byssub- stantial amounts. • 4' f RASPBERRIES IN OCTOBER Mr. and Mrs: David McGratten• moved in to Goderich trom, Dungannon. a year ago and anlong • the pleasures of their first year , in town has been. a crop of second -growth raspberrieff, a. elle sample of which they presented to The Signal -Star. Mrs. MeGjattea considers two .crops of berries ni One year deservessorae special notice, and slie expresses her sentimentsethus: .tny lirst year off the farm, . Id the garden My •berries I'm picking. Some people .grumble abOut the rain, .But Tsdy, let's stop ottr kicking. In a world so full ' of plea sure, r Handed to • us in good measure, Let's smile throughit all and in tireend We'll find the. premised treasure. ,113116r••••• • NO APPLE .DAY - The Boy Scout "apple day" Will' 'be ft, minus this year,.. For one thing, the Scout organization has lost it* leader, Mr. Carman. and Is not aetivel; and for another, pot many tipples are available. So' an interesting.„annual . event- will be missed this pear' .• , .•FORMER GODERICII ROY 1., MARRIED • • Cpl. John Ralph Griff, ion of . Mr. and Mrs. 11. S. Griff, Stratford, former. - l,y of Goderieh, was one' of the prin- cipals in a wedding at St. 'Andrew's church, Stratford, on Wednesday; ,October 17th, the bride being Ellen Lyda, daughter of Mrs.: Brown, Strat- ford, and the late W. W. 13rown. Bev, 13. L. Walden oftielated. After a trip through the States of Miehigan and Ohio the couple will reside in Stretford. FROM A CALIFORNIA. READER Many readers of The . Sigettl-Star, partiettlarly 111 Colborne township, will be interested- Of news ef Mr. John Levy, who with his tonally left. the township years ago to Jive in' Celi- fornia, Mr. Levy writes from .Glen- dale, renewing' his subSeriptinh The.„ Signal -Star, and says: "We are all:quite well; but 1 am not as Spry as X' used to be. ,*The weather 10 quite °fine just now. No rain in the strainer.- IloWever, !When it reins it pours' is stately true of this- State.' Mr..LeVy saysf "We majoy the Miter' so much. It keepS ua in, tooth Witb. the old town." 4' • • .... T1114SDAY, 0011013ER 25th ' Distriet Quota To Date Village of Blyth $ •64,000 - . $ 73,150 East Wawanosh Township 97,000 42,850 2 Goderich Township 120,000 . .51,500 265,000 73,250 • 108,000 ' 20400 142,000 35,200 209,000 43,150. .. .249,000 48,950 *• 005,000 114,250 . 97,000 10,800 Town of Wirighata TurnberrY Township Usberne Township '....-... ... Village of Exeter 'Town of. Clinton Town' of Goderich , West iVirwanosh Township .... Zurich land Hay Weet . . 128,000 liowick' Township . , 314,000 , Stanley Township 144,000. ,Colborne Township .4... . 03,000 'ToWit of Seaforth .. . .. 220,00P Iluilett Township. ... . .. . . 142,000 MeXijlop-Township 142,000 Village of Drussels ... 104,000 Grey Township .. . ... . 107,000 Ashfield Township' ... . ..... '148,000 Stephen "tett ' • 08,000 Tuckersmith TOwnship .142,000. 'Stephen West' .. ..,........ . liou8iot and. Hay . . .. 142,000. Uorris‘.TO*nship .. . .. . . .133,000 : floral Count Y total ... Air S'ehoolS, • 50,300 CoMbined total ; $4,220,500 -21,950 52,250 • 28,000 14,400 82,000 20,350 " 18,050 '12,000 .17,900 - 14,350 • 8,850 • 18,200 4,750 5,950 5,250' $ 103,940. D0,600 4 880,00 Percentage 114.30 44.18 42.91 27.64 2644 . 2440 • 20.0$ • 19.6$ 17.31 17,15 1040 * 16.97 :15.40 14.87 14.4. 32.71 12.12 • 10.170.58, 910' 511 4.10 S.94 t I o.