HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-10-18, Page 71•1•4 , ..... , OiSrt.A.RIO'S .1013T1URE 111:10IIEES4. 'that when the war is over and normal, W.u..f3prOule, riofesSor o DairY- derataudS are resumed. Many of /lig, Ontario Agricultural VOI1Pget price adtantages. yve IlOW enjoY GuelPh., Ont. . neceSsity,.adJust themselveii to lower (NoTE.--Tws is the. Aftlt in a serieS of Comments by, well-known authorities, written ex)reSsly for the 'weekly press of'Ontario). ..Last yea. Ontario's cheese output was -over 178 million pounds, an in, .erease o49 per cent, over the Ave year ,a•verage prior to the war, During the Same period 131 uiLllfon pounds were exported to the United Kingdom. It is largely because of its position in the export market that ,cheese commands so -much attention in ;Canadian agri- cultural policy. , . • • In periods of favorable pricea for. cheese and other farm products it is well to give careful study and eon- sidetlition to tile future.- It is beyood our reach to ,accurately anticipate what the post-war period may bring. We know. 010 pries which, we, now ,enjoy ape induced by war i'demands It is therefore quite natural to expect levels. It-,,aVrts generally recognized, while negotiations regarding the cheese, contrasts were -:under WaY.between 03.e. British Ministry, of nod' :and Atte representativesof the' Canadian °GOY- ernment, that- while tWenty-cent cheeSe WAS . possible during the war it. could scarcely be Considered as a. post-war price. However, *It is not necessary that the -titure be viewed with alarm but rather from the standpoint, of ex,- Plering Possible trends and challenges, , The impact of -war Is bound to create changed conditions, and these condi- tions—the aftermath of war—may be expected to be different from these .v.vhicit prevailed in prewar tithes or during the, period of the war itself,' In order that thecheese producer may successful/SY meet ' the , demands and uncertainties Of •the post-war ,period, a policy of conseriration of financial re- sOnrces now, witen faaan -income is at a high level, would seem to provide the besttiesurance ,for the future adjust- . . Contains. Vitanin 13.1. anti Essonficti Poeti Minati•aIS Extensively used for headache, loss of sloop, nervous indigestion, ikrifability, anaemia, chronio fatigue, and exhaustion of the nervou system. 60 pills, 60 ets. Economy size, 180 pills, $1.50. Coca-Cola you get. But there's one thing you can de. pend on what . Coke there' is is the- real thing. GODERICH BOTTLING WORKS 58 PIOTON $T. - TELEPHONE 498. MAGIC,Peach Layer Cake 23g," cups sifted coke' 1 cup white corn syrup flour 2 eggs, unbeaten eking Powder 31 cup ' rirp. Bait tsp. vanilla 3,1cup 'shortening 34: tsp. almond extract Sift -dry ingredients to- gether 3 times: Cream shortening: Add syrup gradually, 'beating Well after each Addition. Add 4 of flour , -Mitture. Blend well. Add eggs, one - at a time; beat well'after ' each. Add, remaining flour mixture in thirde, alternatel,y with milk in ' •bilvest beating well after • each addition. Add Bei,- oring. Bake in 2 greased lightly floured: 8" layer • cake pans at 378°P. until , done. Top and flltlaYers with peach-halres and .whipped cream. , MADE IN CANADA eat period, The temptation to spend ii lieep`ing with, lueressed, earuiAS power in the pureheso of nouressentials should be avoided, as far as, pOssible. blunds thus Preserved will be available lateu?, Tor both farin and cliceSe factory equipment wb1eb 15 likely to undergO. considerable . improvement in desian, Wea'r10,, qua4ty And costAeserveS Of StiVingd,*cumulated through Pe chase. of 'Victory, bonds and bola say- ipgs•. will, enable dairymen .L4(4 'ouir to withstand less of marketr decline,- priceS,tshOUld' Suck occur, but abio tamake posSible•Carrying through such PoSt,War plana, as May he deenied necessaryin" the, best interests ot° the industry. , r -Let us .Weall that for the Past „five 'years of war. the .clieese industry :has enjoyed .ty-nortecOnpetitive Mothet for all sornius cheese stipplletil.' With the termination of war and -the rdsuntptiot. of normal International trade, competi- tion in ,markets is •certain • and with it qnality* will become the deciding *factor. To assure tne quality of cheese, Itigh quality in milk supplies wiI1 be neces- sary.tJ15 invelyes the, possinie im- provement' and Modiiicatieo- at any Stables in Which Milk is produced- and „also,.. the -acquisition, of modern ••millt. cooling facilities on mauy farnii. Un- doubtedly the fundamental cause Of muck a our second-grade and 'meat. oere cheese is traceable to inferior piilk•SUppiies. It Will be better in the future to provide the facilities and equipment necessary to • aSsure' high quality of produet• even at the experele of quantity. These hnprovements should not be attempted now because of shortage of labor and materials. The future need of these Improvements is one of the essential retisons for con- serving finances at the present tine. Among other considerations to which the cheese milk..producer should give study immediately is the cost, of .pro - clueing milk froni his own .herd. Not .only will. -the industry .be- eonfronted with competition' in cheese quality, but price and cost of production also will be a vital factor in his future.- One of the most important ways to reduce the cost of milk production will be to hoproVi:i' the average produetien per eow. • There.- is..no -.doubt .-that*-anteng our cheese -producing 'herds of Ontario may be found malty individual cows and even herdg which, arprobahle post-. war prices for milk, would not pay their niaiutenance, not to mention profits to their owner. To establish _these herds upon a paying' basis at lower price levels • for cheese will require drastic culling of .low -producing cows. This ,will entail a policy ..of herd. improire- . merit' which will.invOlve the keeping of milkand fat production records, 201- ' • A. -as -404* cows for replacements. The - acquisi- tion of bulls of provenancestry and the Possible introduction of additional females into the herd where necessary will of course require the investment of capital which should be provided for post-war plans. . From the standpoint of cheese -manu- facturing costs there is little doubt Of _the existence of tee many small, poorly - equipped factories in Ontario—factories .in which the present cheese tonnage Output i$ too small to permit employing suffilcientrained personnel to mann- _faettirrcheese economically. Many. Of these factories have been carrying on Terir9rftre'r7-Witir- whieh has reached a poor state sof re- pair and is ' net conducive • to high- quality, cheese. Future .demand will undoubtedly make' necessary a recog- nition on the part of cheese .producers and fa tars. ownersof_the uee_d for improved manufacturing facilities.- In many instances the amalgamation of twO or • more existing factories may offer,a 'solution. In .such cases, a. new building fully equipped with modern vats, cheese presses and curing rooms could he • provided, for Which the cost chn, be partly subsidized by the Govern- ment. The remaining 50 per cent. • of the post •might. be provided froin It re- serve established for this . purpose, facilitated by authorizing that de- ductions be Made ,from milk payments 'now when prices are most favorable. Tbe aggregate of, funds thus collected might be invested, in Victory_honds, in which form funds would be readily available ata future -time ,When 'needed. The Main point to keep in mind is that careful consideration and planning in adVance will -be necessary if cheese pro- ducers are to secuure 'the greatest benefits from the present improvement in their finaneial poSitrart. . - "After all," sai& the history pre- . fessor, ."Sir Walter Ralejgh' Made chivalrous history when he let Queen Elizabeth' step on kgs coat.". •4,...was just thinking;" spoke up a. student, -"what ' it would have been -if it had been.. the Queen and Mahatma Gandhi.". • • if we settle ;back_ because the War is settled, We have ..Sttled nething. . DUNGANNON I ............,—, (Intended for fast week) ,DUNGANNONT, Oct. 10.—Mra. l!dinnie i Jones waS a weelt-end. visitor with- her friend .Mrs. Lorne Serimgeonr, Blyth. , Nisitors with Mr. and Mrs. David -.S. Errington for TlittnitSgiving were Mr. and, Mrs. Stanley Hughes, of Torontoar and F. and Mrs. Bert-BadMan and family, of Conber,,, Ii,Issex .CoOrtty.. Mr. aud Mrs '''Rieli. Park, jr., have'. `returned fronliheir honeymoon, spent at, Toronto and Detroit. They have purchased tile hOnle of, 'Alis. 'rhos. Dickson, sr,,, and are now -occupying it. • Mrs. S. J. Regers of Hearne, Sask.,. arrived on Itiriday te Visit her :son, Ite,v...• W• J. Rogers, Minister of the Dungannon 'United church. , Mrs. L'rnest Eiritehard (if T,oronto is 4,..1. vtator with her mother* Mrs: A. , D. 1 entlan an 0. re a Xves. Miss jean Stothers yiSited iter father, Mr. Thos. Stothers, for Thaultsgtvinge, and was aecompttnied. by her ' friend, „Aliss Connie Duest, of Taranto. . • Air...Itobt. ArmStrong Ims been' quite al this • week and .under ' the "doctor's care. We hope for an • unpros"ed cdn. (Mien. • . * • , • Mr. and Mrs. 3'ohn. Blake were • .Thaoksgivieg guests of Rev. -quid los, _It • 4arola „Mr, and ,Airs. Rayinond Carter and twt,i' little childreo, of Toronto,. were • viSitors over the libliday 'with her • father, "Mr. Wen, Deed; Port Albert, and, also called on Mr. and ,Mrs. Witt, D 1. • Mrs 8..liolden, Erie, Pa., and Mrs. A. Winger, .Welland,. consins of Mrs. A. B. Peplum], were holiday visitors with Pauline Jones, Goderich, spe'nt the week -end with' her parents, Mr. and. Airs. Frank Jones. .Mr. and Mrs. Preston; visited the tbrilter'S mothei., Mrs. a. G. Montgomery, and'Sister, Mrs. Allan Reed, over the week -end. • • A. :McKenzie, of. whig.ham, is her datighter, ,Mr-,. Otto cro.nbielm, of T1M Ben - Miller -Nile United chureh circuit, Will cOnnuct. the missionary thank -offering. service at Dringannon United church on Sunday evening, Oetoia.r 21 q, at 7.30 '.p.m.' Rev. Mr. Cronliiellp *has rendered service Chinese missionary' fields and' give an address ouqhis work. Mr. and Mrs. Neil McDonald, Lang - side, visited Mr, and Mrs. john Ryan Sunday. Mr. .and Mrs. Ernest, Hall. af Brant- ford visited relatiVes in the distriet over the holiday. They were aceoill- panied on their. retur by Miss Mary 117.wri"rfrat—'4-1, spen ---'e auninrer-JaeDe, Mr. and' Mrs. Wilfred Elliott and daughter. Jean, of Goderich, spent. the week -end with Miss Betty Elliott. Alfss Ida Whyard,)E.N., is leavise on Thursday to spend., two month$ at Bogota, N.J. Burial of Mrs, • Daley. ---.Mrs. John Daley of Seater succumbed on Satur- day Morning after a severe stroke. She was the mother of Mrs. IsL F. Wloyard, fOrnterly Aliso DOW- Mhe Jived with. Iter daughter, Mrs. Whyard* and the late N. V. Whyard in Dun- gantion, Coming from the 'WeS . 1.44 ) renatilled here Until going to Se forth With her daughter atter the de th of Mr.. WhYard. She waki, in her AgUtY- eighth, year arid wat5s,itighly rcspeated by friends here, -141.1m ronalati we,re brought. for Interment in Ininganiton . cemetery OW Sliliday. afternoon, 'Yra- pattiSr is 'extendedlo Mrs. Whyard in the loss of -her mother. 4, ' Address by II4old TaYlor. — The Y.P.D. -of . Dungannon, United church met on :Sunday evening for -a devotional period mad an address. Miss Millie Anderson led" the Meeting:and Mra. W. 01',„.110gers Presided at the piano 'foe the opening' hymn. After some favorite hymns were sung,. .181r. iiarold 1.'ttylor, principal of..,Dtingannon scheol, with L large map of the Northwest Ter- ritories gave. an outline of his trip to •the far North which, •was made two summers ago, choosing tts-...thi! title ,).if his . address--1,1The Green, A.retle." Many women have to do their o honsevirork, and the constant ben ing over7,. lifting, malthig beds, 8 -Weeping, ironing,--sewing,...so neces- sary to perform _their household duties puts a heavy strain on the _back and kidb.eys, and if there'were no kidney weakness the back would be. strong and well. Doan's Kidney Pills help_ to give • relief to weak, backache, kidney s - fering women. Doan 78 Kidney Pills are put up in an oblong grey box with °lir trade mark a "Maple Leaf" on the wrapper. •-• Don't accept substitittP. Be sure amt. get ,!Doan's.." The T. Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto. Ont. , Attention r - Horse Peqiers. We are in tbe market to buy old Live Horses. .-. ' Write fa' price. WILLIAM STONE o.Ns., I ' LI1VIITED. , INGERS6L.L; ONTARIO I 39-42 . d ihe trip .frotti Ethnonton northward wIts made by boat down the Maditenzie Raver to Aklayik, beyond' „the Arctic .Circle,..and took severalweeks in long, naribw, liatlbottom boats. The ,speaker who had enjoyed his trip,and his stay itt the North, spoke of the Indians and Eskimoa and of the advantages. and disadvantages of life there., Pictures, were shown of„ churehes and missions and of those who are siatiooed• there and- other interesting pletnivs •were shown. Miss Andertion thanked Mr. Tayloron behalf Of the orgtiolzationl for the instructive talk and hoped some time to hear nioreien :the, subject. Bride -to -he Showered. -:-Miss Lucille Eedy on Tuesday. evenilig gave a mis- cellaneous shower for Miss Cora, lin- nigtffi, bride -to -he, with about thirty - live guests present, Mrs. Roy Finnigan read an address, and a decorated um- brella stisPended from the, ceiling had notes attached which disclosed to Cora the clue of 'iVliere each present was hidden. After the gifts were opened and the recipient had thanked her friends for their kindly 'interest, games and contests NN ere enjoyed. The hostess served .a lovely lunch, n:,:Aiste4 by Mrs. Geo. Hamilton and Mrs. Tommy Rivett. United Church W.M.S.—The of the United ehtufli held the October :Meeting on Friday afternoon, in charge of the president, Airs. M. J. Reed. Mrs, Shackletun took charge of the worship service and following the theof "Tin n ksgi v g'?' the numerous things for 'whichpeoPle sho-tild be thankful. Mrs. Ryan and Miss Elliott gave readings from the t Missionary MOnthly.. Mrs. Rogers 111-1 troduced the new study. book on -Africa, to arouse interest. Reed read an 'article on Christian stewardship. The meeting closed with a hymn and tile benediction, Mrs. John johnstort, Hensall's (404 worrtan resident,- died last week, int her ninetY-littli year. I The OvSeSsraent returns of the Town of Settforth reveal a„ population of 1,782, an increase. of 74 over last year. The propetty, nssessrdent -heen (Teased by 4;1,24OP5 over last year, A. Dubhanart, who has conducted, a trucking hustoesvat Varna for seVeral` years, has.disposed of his businesS 'and preperty Varoa Dttlee Me - Clinches', who gets possessiolt April 1st, 1016. Mr. MeClinchey has sold escaped, With amino Mrs. Reuben thigg Dies lit Clinton , Xrit Itellken,Ortitg, of dliod Sliddenly on" Thur*IitY bar sixty-fifth year. ,,,Former44 4.ietha ,Stevens., SI* . was bora in CalbOraa to.wnshiPt the daughter of. Mr., 404 Mks. John ii-tevena, aud .married Mr Origg ••in,•• .1901.,44They ,farnted. on the 'TelePhone „road in • 4.ocierie•li toWnahip, until two aind aphalf years., ago, when th,ey Moved • to • 'Olintorr; Desidee hoShand, Si7conS' ,i41111 tWO daughter* his farmto Elgin McKinley, who owniS survive: Bruce 'Grigg, GOderiett; falad-• the adjoining farm— ' . - 1 stelae, Clipi,911; -, John,. 11;dword `4114 ' Mr. and Mrs. William Miter of Williani, farMing in . Goderieh town. 1 Exeter on Sunday celebrated- their six- ship ;• Chestn Iinntsville ; Urs. Eimer - tieth wedding annii.ersary. Thc,ar bave Trick,' Goderielt township, and 100, been residents of the Exeter .4iliarist Kenneth t- ;Cobice, Clinton. William all I:1101r lives. Mr. aitisher,. wbO is Stevens of London.* is a brother. n6 uinety ,y,ears. of age, has never /welled fluters.l took place on Saturday,' with a doctor, does not wear' glasses, and interment in Maitland cemetery, Cie:4'e- heve2.' had it tooth filled or extracted. rich- • Tile death of Janet Mostard, widow ' of Neil Alalregor,' occurred on Wks- dODERICH TOWNSHIP GODERICH TOWNSHIP, Oct. Mr. Gordon Harwood of Toronto visited at his home here on Friday. , A meeting of the executive of the Dramatic Club was held on Thursday evening at the Jionie of Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Fuller, with a good attendance. Mrs. 'Harwood presided and introduced Mr. Wilmot Haacke, a representative "- 01flittth After much :discussion, the club con- sented to Serve a banquet to the plow- men. on October 17, and plans were made forthwith.-, Workers Entertained.—Mrs. GorAlon 1-;arwood 4ntertained the mem:- hers of two W.M.S. auxiliaries, those of Victoria street church, Goderich, and Union, Goderich. township, at her home` 'On Wednesday. Each, auxiliary was well represented. . Mrs. Everett MeIlwain presided for •the devotional period, which..'openell With a hymn, followed by prayer by Mrs. Piostele- thwaite. For the Scriptdelesson, the "Song of the Three..., Children" was read responsively. Mrs. Gordon -Orr sang the solo part of Kayek A'imiitemboa song, with aIl joining in. Mrs. Harve,y Fuller read . an . article, "Are We a Grateful People?" A solo, "The Bird with the' ,Broken Pinion," was sung by Mrs. Harry Sanderson, aecompanied by Mrs. Turner. Rev. L. H. Turner introduced the guest speaker, Miss Anima "Cleaver,- public health .nurse, of *Goderich, who spoke on her work in Red c ross :hospitals. Mr, Turner sang a solo, Come . to Thee," .in his, nsual fine voice. After the thank - offering was received, the doxology was sung. 'The nieeting closed with :the hymn r!The.. Day • Thou 'Gayest, Lord; Is 'Ended," and prayer by Mrs. Wm. Fuller. Lunch was serVed by I the Union ' --TO -BUY, MORE BONDS, 140S-, LOAN . ,JUST. CMJTI . YES, YOU C,AN, SALLY ! IT WON'T COST, YOU. 'ANY MORE I 14.60N'T UNDERSTAND . iSN'T.A HUNDRED DOLLAR, BOND WORTH TWICE AS MUCH - _AS FIETY ? 11"S! SIMPLE! YOUR. MONTHY PAY-IVIENT CAR.R.Y CfN I FOR. A YEAlz.:: SEE IT ,TAKES L ,NGER BUT I GET BIGGE'R'.. BOND I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO BE ABLE TO AFFOR.D A HUNDKED DOLL:AK 50ND. NOW CAt01 ,E)<ACTLY I YOu see YOU CAN TAKE MORE Y.OU CAN, TO,01 EvelyObe can. buy More bonds in this, Canada's ..Ninth Victory Loan, -with -4 out increasing their regular, outlay. The sa.me amount per month, at the end of the year, will bring' domble di 7 • rpur,investments in pre. ' loans. So, sign up: for. twice ,as much this time. And remember; Canada needs our cotithmedsupport. JOHN LABAti ISMIT[o London Canada MAFEKING ' CREWE ' ' • • •-• .,•::.: 'day last at .her home 'M Stanley tol‘wiin; . ship, in 'her eightscsecond year. . eill•IWE. Oct. 1.5-,--41.4k few 10•004'frorit me'Org`Qr At 38 "burn' in "nil"' the. Crewe attended the 11tfiernoon seSsion, daughter t Mr. f d lri • •. ATM 1 . • , Mustard, and had lived. all her life of the soctional INT4U.S.• meeting 404 in the township.Her ' hnsbaod died. at Aubufn on Thursday afternoon,. twel ve years -ago. your sons and two 'The sympathy of the . community IS . daughters 8arylVe, i extended to the family and friends of Airs. Allen IL Snow died is. the , Airs, Joseph II/Iowa *,r, Luckupw, Clinton hospital on Monday lifter an i whose detith oceurred. at her late rest- -" illness of some months., She was the: dente Friday evening. , daughter of the late Mr. „!Intl. Mrs. . Mrs. Jack' Bremner of Sudbury ifl 0.0 Rutledge. of GoderiCh tewa-1 visiting.her sister, Mrs. Jim Sherwood.. ship :Lind ,was a griuluate of -Goderich ! • Nfr:•. G, 0. Durnin left - on *atUrdaY ColleOate institute and Stratford! for Windsor, where he has secured a Normal School. She is survived. by position, , • . two dttughterS and a sister, Mrs. W. 1 . . Mrs.. Edna MeWhinney leaves,- on Seeley of Clinton. .- ; Tuesdliy of this NWETIC . for her home At - nit. death of mina'. Edgar Butt, of 1.,:e110 Bay, . 1 to :which lo had been taken for a rest.; Airs. 8. Kilpatrick. Mrs,. '1tiwas KIPPell, '' occurred - lulexPectedlY, on 'Rev. and Mrs. C. Tavelier of Hehnes- October Oth In the Seaforth hospital, vine were guests On'SundaY of Mr. and - after suffeilneffeart trouble for sever: ,guest, .speaker at. the tlhat4t7effering a/ • months. He VritS tifty-eigiit .YearS 1 meeting in Crewe church on Sunday of age and' had .spent his- whole like i and delivered ' an inspiring- addreqs. in ,the' distriet. For 'over twenty years i Mrs. McLean of littekilOW rendered_ two . he conducted the, general store at , sOlos with Mrs: Harold,Allin as aeCom- Kippen, also engziging ill farming. and ; ptinist. for !Wilieh the members ar?, ' eat tle%shipping. ' ' Two- yeltrs ago he sold ' gratefid. . : ' -". 4 the store to the present .OWner and The .0etiber meeting. of the AV. .S., moved to his tam in Stanley township. ; of Crewe is being held at the home ef fIe is survived by his wife and three , Mks. • AL- Shackleton on Tuesday , of 'brother•s,- Thomas, of. Kippen, Roy, of this week. ' . . , ‘I• leii24,41-14.. , . _,,.., , Ttu-dcersniith• to , • . ;• • VICTORIA. STREET tfa. Curfew Law :- , _' . , i rItlle TownShip c000ell of• Tucker- I pie.' ellitiri;'id .the..W,A.. of •V'-igtorin, Street ' '" I . n teresting and well -attended smith has decided to institute .a curfew united eiturch Was held at the hone . requiring thatiehildren of fifteen :tears.; of Mrs. Sand'erson, , East ' street, on or under must be . off ,fibe streets 8 p.m. from October to March, and by ! 11)31 i Tuesday,' October 9. Mrs. ' II.' Phillips led the devotional exercises and after 9 pan. from April to September, unlessLithe. singing of a hymn and prayer . accompanied by parent or guardian... Mrs. p; Barker read the 65th Psalm. This action is taken because of tor com- A plaints' by residents of the village et oondef uihan ‘ goodness o irtowards EgreondVille that children are catiSing 'feIWI i SIIV wonderful 'oft annoyance and damage at lite hours. His peOple in giving* them .vietory over Injured in • • . • their enemies, and for the many .other Highway Aceident , • blessings received dnring the year, were expressed by, the leader. . The Mrs. Fergus Turnbull, of Water Highway; was severerithe Bluel 'ldured president, 'Mrs. P. Wilson, proceeded with the business sessien. TWentY- • • Morning of last •week when the car-rn Wfin-alie---an-d..--M-n,Turnbull., se•ven visits were reported. Arrange - were riding collided' with, a Departrbent 1 ments--vvere made -regarding a, bazaar. to be held next month. -A donation of of Highways truck on No. 4 highw.aY 1 $50 was to be given as a thank -offering at the Huron -Middlesex county line. 1 to the. -churcb., Mrs. Treble closed tlit• Mrs: Turnbull Iva's, removed to Victoria.meeting stiith prayer. A delicious Hospital, London. The Turnbull car 1 i lunch was -served ..by the hostesses, .Mrs.. was badly damage -T.' The Department . i . • Sanderson,'. Mrs. IL Webster and.' Mrs. r • e and its occupants , received little I damage. • - ' P. Wilson; _ 'Truck Chassis • . , I Goes through Tree ' . , I AN hen two .trucks collided at an i intersection in Ugborne township a ! load of. German prisoners was badly Ishaken up and a truck vvith about five • tons of cona 'driven by Garfield Brock landed up against ii. tree and the right , side . of the ...chassis that protrudes out • lin front went clean through the tre6, Ithe radiator hugging' the tree.. The .trruek taking a load of German pris-.• i oiler's on their way to work. had failed 1 to stop at a Stop sign.- It suffered some damage, but the driver and occripants MAFEKING, . Oct. 10.—MTs.' Louis Boothby, be„troit,. is spending a .few day's witlr her father .and brothers: Mr. Finlay Shackleton ana -Son- Nor- man, of Cooksville, visited his par- entS over •the week --end. - • Mr: Wallace TWamley andAartgliter Hilda, of .Winghani, • sport% Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kilpatrick. Mr. and, Mrs. Hardy Sinipson and family, of Tees -Water, visited with Mr; and Airs, Geo. Saunders on Sunday last— Pte.. Howard Blake is home from 'Vernon, two weeks' leave. ,• Mrs. .Chitster Brown, of Detroit, 14 spending this Week with her' sister, Mrs. Geo. Twainley, and Mr. Twamley. Mr. Nelson—yost, of Hanover,.. re- paired the—organ in Blake's United ehm•Ch 'one day this week. Mrs. H. 'Curran had the W.M.S„ meeting at her home on Tuesday'. She also gave the first chapter of the study book, "Currie of Chisamba," Very ably. 13ENIVIILIZR KINGSBRIDGE, Oct. j6. — Miss Marion Dalton -at Detroit and Miss Reta Dalton Of - Alexandra Hospital, Goderieh, spent a" few days, Visiting their father, Mr. J.- C. Dalton. - ' Mr. Clare Lannon and Miss Rose Mary came up from 'Toronto to .spend the week -end with their parents, 'Mr, and Mrs. Wm. -Lannon. Owing to road eonstruction the tele- phone is an of commission for a while. The road- IA being wi'Lled and the poles are beifig.Moved back. . ,The wi,ld geese are here onee more and several flocks are feeding on the wheat fields. Wedd LOndon.—The newly- weds—Ir. Thomas Upwood a the Greyhm nd bus staff, London,' and °Miss Marie lartin—who were married on October gth in St. Peter's- Cathedral, London, by Rev. rather Mellaihr, spent, the week -end with the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Martin. .Con- gratulations and best wishes are ex- tended the young couple by this com- munity. C�iughing WHEN A COLO stuffs .up the nose, . causes month breathing, throat 'tickle and night coughing,. use • this time -tested Vicks treatment that goes to -work. instantly ..• 2 ways at once! At bedtime rub good old 'Vicki) VapeRub on throat, .chest and. back. Then watch itsPENETRATING- STIMULATING Action bring relief from distress. It PENETRATES to upper breath- ing passages with soothing medicinal vapor. It STIMULATES , chest and back surfaces like a warming, comforting poultice and it keeps on working fOr hours, even while, you sleep—to .ease . coughing spasms, relieve muscu- lar soreness and tightness—and bring grand comfort! Try It night ...vieke Vapont10. DENAIIiitntrsOet. 10,—ftev. tnf. E. and Mrs. Crenhielm spealtlast Tuesday in Wniton., , A quilt will be quilted on Wednesday to be sent with. the clothfng A. nnmber from item 'attended the -reeeption fOr Mr. and Airs.' R. Park at Dongannon on Monday night. .• Mr. ,and • Mrs.' Carter of ',Goderieh vialted on. Sunday With Mr. find Mrs. Verne Gledhill. The „ interior of . ehureb NS received n new emit of mint the work belt., done by, 'Mr. Prnnk Mier. Sev0raCfrom 'here Attended the fun- eral of the late Mrs. Grigg It Clinton on Saturday. • Mr. and Mrs. Peter risher and faintly vialted. in Hamilton over- the week -end. Peaee deltarthda 11 getiertilship iis great, 12 not greater, than war DEAD (di . DISABLED Quickly removed in Olean Sanitary l'iuolcs. .Phone liateet. 910r16 ()LINTON ' 215 STRATFORD William Stone Sons Limited " INOERSOLL, ONTARIO Do -You Suffer • Ileadachs? %It is'hard to struggle along with A head that aches An1 paths all the tima.'. ' A.herrtiache need not be an'illnav in,itself,"but it may he a warning aymptomthat, there intestinal sluggishness To help overootte the eause of headache it is 11eeessar3r to eliminate the,wasto matter from tho system: liardock Bhod° Water:. lielpa rkimove the cause of headacho 1)3r regulating the. digestive' „ and biliary organs, nentralizimoacidity, regulating the comuipated bowels nod tottino •rp,,the sluggish liVor, and when this ham been accomplithed, the, head:30101 Nionld disappear. • 0., 1, 3. 8. at anydrug counter. Price $1.00 a bottle, no T. unborn co.. utilte„4.1. Tootto,