HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-10-18, Page 4i For tie montes Crys Qnate the antlx .d flower market and right here in Gt deriah we have as flue a crop was .ever . wn anywhere/ .y We have Scores 'of variety man A of ' iyCt 3' colors, .large coin- merCl'a' x.�R and ,sing1 and ni pots._ 0R QUALITY FLOWERS Square.• ' Deal orists PHONE 1.05 The ..Greenhouses that have supplied.. Y� .. Qe .Groderxa'h. and vxcxnxty y fop 4p. years, ,modernized and under. new ownership. 9 B UCE � BR ZT . PHoNE 1,Ob mosemimmiiiimmilmmerink NOW, IT'S .HOCKEY Boys Who Win, to Play Are Invited to' Come Forward • Baseborn 'and other summer games having been put in storage for the.winter season, hockey is now coming up for attention., The Goderich Lions, who have been sponsoring local .school hockey leagues for quite ,a. number of dust received a large ship- ment Of household Purchase your fall needs , while our stock lasts Breckenrige ,(Succssor•,to t.1e late Fred "11=t)� Hardware slid Plumbing PB$ONE 135 year's, and 'frolic these . school ' teams have organized teams to ,meet outside competition, are again sponsoring' juvenile and midget clubs, as -well . as school leagues. The fine juvenile and midget teams which represented Gode- rich during the past couple of .hockey seasons .will aim to biiing Goderich during the coming winter the best' i hockey the fans can"ask for. - Both of these teams,, however, will need new players to replace boys who have become over -age for midget or juvenile play and the coaches�of both; teams want every boy in Goderich and the surrounding district who can play or wants to , play •'hockey,'`Vand . who wishes to get special pre -season coach- ing. • to leave name and address with "Nip" Whetstone or Joe Murphy... This is going to be the biggest and best hockey season Goderich has had since away back when. Anyway, that is. What- the boosters are going out' to ac- complish if they can. Mr.. and Mrs. Walter Cunningham of Glencoe are visiting their daughter, `Mrs. Beryl Straughan, of Goderich, and other relatives at Auburn. Mr. Jos. Priddle of Ottawa was 'a_re- cent guest with his mother, Mrs. Pearl; Priddle, before going to London. to join his 'Wife and.son, Jamie;' who were `Visiting her mother, Mrs. 'as. 1it'cNiven_. Mrs. Priddle ,accounpanied her .sin and spent a few days in Lon- don before going to Aylmer, Svhere she was the guess: of Mrs, M. Priddle and Miss 'Mae Priddle Refrigeration MODERN SERVICE :AND REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES All work guaranteed o NEW EQUIPMENT SOLD' AND INSTALLED Including Commercial Units, Deep Freezers, and'Domestic. Also Complete Line -of Farm Refrigeration '41.-2x` - CALL 4993 FOOD - iTO-R' Z ziorgzm 'FOOD RES If et'GteCtiATLAHi1C & P4 'HHC Tea Co.,Ltd. PRICES SUMO TO MARAD CNANS $ W`RESERVI THE satin roUMfl ausw lir PEAS CHOICE 4 Sieve 2.2°-"' Tins 230 WAX,BEtNS CHOICE - - 20 -oz. 230 OATS 5-1b. BO 240 HEM TOMATO SOUP Ths 170 CHEESE , OLD ibe 310 NEW lb' 270 PASTRY FLOUR Sunnyfiold 7-1b. Dog '230 MOM POWDER ANN 'FAGE Tin A071 MIL'AiN1Fli;i 'AD WHITE or DROWN"' . Lt„4"::. 150.. :CALIFORNIA. TOKAY CALIFORNIA 'VALEIWIA Fitesu GREEN • i50 ibm' 120 Doz. 210' A. ,YOUR HZADOi.IARTInt* • Pte. ,Harvey McKinnon, son; Of •Mrs. A. McKinnon, Kingston street arrived home from overseas.With the R 0.R: s who were :given 'A, civic w„elcppne in Landon. .hIe, was. met ,there by his Mother _arid' sister and relatives from -Z'eronto and Detroit. r • ' ' . Harvey ey enlisted in May, 1911, and served as. an in- struc'tor at Chatham, • Listowel and. x x' w' h Ife as .. H ' p e Swent overseas in , . J ul 1343,• , took .a course in England and went to Italy in January, 1944, then to . Belgleum, ` hdolland and Germany. After, a leave he:Will report iii London. 0, S: Billy Sanderson, R.C.N,, "left Halifax, . on Wednesday on H CC,S,.: "Puncher" for' Niobe ; from there he gill 'go'.on the destroyer "The Cru- sader,'f recently launched by the R,C.N., to the Mediterranean. Billy is the son of 11ir. and 'Mrs. George Sanderson, town. • Among the''soldiers recently returned from overseas service is Pte. Bud Walsh Smith, • son of Mr.: and Mrs. Andrew Smith, ,Maitland road. Bud was. working at Toronto when he ep- listed in 1942. Early the next Year he went overseas and served with the Hastings -Prince Edward Infantry in Sicily, Italy, France, Belgium and Holland. He returned home with the, 48th Highlanders and so Was not with the "Hasty Pee's" when they received an enthusiastic homecoming reception.. at Eglleville. At the end of his leave he reports at Toronto for discharge. On his return to civilian life he intends to devote himself to electronics, .having received some basic training along this line while in the army. THE *CRUSADE FOR CHRIST AND HIS KINGDOM Conference Last Night Addressed by • Rev. D. McTavish of London On Wednesday evening Victoria street United church opened its doors to the _Spiritual Life Conference better known as "The Crusade for Christ and His''`Kingdotn." Churches represented were Dungannon, Nile; Benrniller, ,Auburn, • Holmesville, Victoria street_ and North _street churches, ` oderich, Eayfieid " and Myth. • • • A pot -Hick supper was served by the Woman's Association of Victoria street church, approximately sixty participat- ing. Three short addresses were given covering the place • Of the elder in the Crusade, the place of the' Sunday school teacher 1 and the part of the .young people, These -short addresses were presented by Rev. L. 11. "Turner, Rev. H. J. Snell and 'Rev. W.: J. Rogers.; Rev. R. H. ° Turnbull of North street hurch Presented the' purpose of the rusade -and - gave specific direction o, this part of the evening's program; Unfortunately no.time:. was left for iscussion of. these salient phases of he crusade. -- :"The service' of public worship was onducted 'by Rev. Campbell P. Taveer f Ho'lnesville United.4linrch, assisted y Rei: . Lair rence Ii. ,Turner; minister f Victoria street. The combined choirs f North street and Victoria •'street hutches . raider the leadership of Mrs. array' Hetherington, with Mrs. L, anna at the organ, gave two anthems which added much to the service. • The, president, of the London Con- rence, Rev. Duncan McTavish, min ter of Calvary United chterch, Lon - on, gave the address, the theme.being, My , Part in the Crusade." In his rthr•ight, energetic. way, 'he pleaded r a sense of personal responsibility d' dedication in this task. Said he, his challenge is not -external, meant r someone else, but for me, for you, r all. One of ' the tricks of our dern day use of language' is to escape e tasks. of the church by the use c c d c 0 0 b c i I3 fe a fo "T fo fo mo th SIGNAIATAR OBITUARY JODN CUTP ” After a long illness, Mr. John Cutt passed a;; rv°in Alexandra hospital on Saturday evening • in his eighty fifth . year. he was a native of ,I31an.. Shard township, Perth coon.ty, a son of the late James and Christina Muir Cutt.,' Prior„ to conning to . Goderich thirty-three Years ago, he farmed"suc-, cessfully near ,Brussels, and in' Janu- ary, - 1800,he 'married ' Miss , Jennie. Robinson, of Ilowick townshi o the past twenty-sixyears • _ p ted. 'i he conductI a grocery • business an Victoria streets and^ was. well known both,in town ,and In the; adjacent . districts. A 'Mahn* Presbyterian,, he :was a rneinber of Knox church -and for twenty—seven years ofb the kirk'' .session. 1de,sdes wife, hey leaves one ion, $urvey,. who'. "for several years 'hus ''been .associated with . hinv.la the 'business, and " three grandchildren, •He was- the last sur- viving member of - his family,• The futeral service' was,_ Tuesday.. afternoon Ott Vis' resid Gruee"street and was conducted by Richard Stewart, The pallbe 'Were' membei$ of the, session of ,church, A. D. McLean, G,,W, 8cha P. J. MacEwan, C. K. Saunders; Go Bisset and D. M. Johnston.- ,The i went was in Maitland cemetery. MRS. PETE BISSLT The death of -Mrs - Peter Bisse native and former 'esident of Col- borne township, occurs d « on Tuesday, October 2, at the home, f her daughter in • Ann Arbor, Michiga I. Mrs, Bisset was in her eighty-fifth 'ear. She was the former Margaret oung, daughter f Bir. and Mrs. Gordon Young of Colborne.' township: After her mar -- Sage she lived In the ir'estern - States or some years,..returned to Goderich or- fi Belie,' and later removed again o the West. Her husband died' thirty- ine years age. She was a sister of the ate :1lrs, Samuel Bisset of Saltford Heights, Surviving are foils daughters and a on: Mrs. (Rev.) Dan Mclvor, 'of Fort tiVilliatm, Ont.; •Mrs. Rod -McKenzie, Ann Arbor, Mich.; Mrs; Larry Hig- ns, of White Horse; Yukon, and Mrs. Maud Dickeiman; , of: Williamstown, ass., and Chaster, of Regina; also hree brothers, A.. W. ,Young, of ile ; • Gordon, of Ca'tlow ; John, or berta, and two sisters, Mrs, Mary IcPhee, of Saltford • heights, and Mrs.' ate Searles, of Saskittoon, Sitet. here: are twelve .grandchildren. and n great-grandchildren. Anoth r son, eter, was killed -daring the last" war. .The funeral service was held at Ann rbor on October, 4th, and' burial, took ace in Winnipeg. the following Satur- • • C. P. S.. CARMAN Citizens of Goderich were s1?ocked learn on Sunday that Charles Philip anlek ,Carman, Mus. Bac., organist d choir leader of St. George's Angli- eghurch, had passed- • aWay -suddenly Satuu1day. evening in Alexandra spital, - Mr. Carman was seized with heart. attack whiles, at dinner at lnieg-Villa, and was removed to the spital. He wa unmarried and• had ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. s. Craig since coaling, to Goderich ee years , ago. He was in- " his entieth year. Born at Halifax, N:S,, on of the 'late Charles H. and Susan rton Carman lie became -••'-wide own' as 'a musician and a Cultured Itleinail. He• was a Fellow 'of the • erican Guild of Organists, and, only.!' t November won his L.T.C.M. degree m Trinity- College of Music in Len- , 'England. He was a member of. Ontario. Music Teachers' Associ- n. and took an active interest in Goderich Music Club. .He had d • the position of. organist 'in relies in Toronto, ' SiraeO Port pe, Brockville and Huntsville.- . De me interested in the '.Boy Scout ement while in `Huntsville, and - r his, removal- to Goderich he was utmaster. for the Goderich organiz- n. • e is survived by two brothers, H. or' Carman. ' of Indianapolis,. ;Ind,, Ed -ward rd E., of 'Germiston, -South Ica. He • was a cousin ' of the Gan= I poet, .Bliss `Orman. ' he _funeral service was -,held on day afternoon in St. George's eh: conducted by Rev, Mr, Bu eet-. C'l1nton:-Atter-the 'servicet a fun- • cortege moved , by way of the• re and -East street to the C.N,R, on, whence . the remains were sent the -afternoon -train' to St. 'John,. for interment in the family plot. rnhill .cemetery, The pallbearers Goderich ' were Messrs. J. A. am. W. A. Sutherland, Jos. Craig, L. Monteith, A. Wilkes and W. rt. ld' on ence, Rev. eters Knox efer, rdoin nter- t, a 0 f ii s of gi M Al K T to P A P day to St an -ea on kIo Ho ho �it Jo tor. sev as Be lin get Ana las fro don the atio the hel ehu Ho beca mov afte Sco ado H Viet and Afr of the first person plural pronoun •eve,' adial when; it ought' to be the pronoun personal T pronoun `I,' •ane'." Mr. mcTacisb also Sion pleaded for regularity .and business` chill' like procedure On the part of the e'lergy- l of and the eldership associations. "Know era your church constituency, every family. Squa every member of every family -the strati ehurched and the,.,, unchurched- and by through the mandate bequeathed by N.B., Christ show ,them the splendor of His in I'e personality, the challenge of His ,irit. at When the Chrifit is really revealed men rnPn Groh H'. .Btac, hear Walt Ford In grey' suffe recto estee will turn to him, not as the rock in ,which tO hide but ra,ther as tfie, rock from which they go forth to venture It Is confidently ho -ped that as a re- sult 'of the quickening of the kife -of the church its future witness will -be dynamic and „equally eompelling. Miss Ilele.0 Strang has returned to New Yerk after a visit of several weeks at her home• here. Dr. and Mrs. R. Doak. of North Carolina, were `guest's the. past week with the former's parenth. Mr. and Mr,s. R. jaDolik. • CONFEDERATION' LIFE. :V413 Preferred RateS ter • Preferred Risks. ACCIDENT & SICKNESS Phone`824a Dungannon ers were Messrs. G. Emerson, less -• than two weeks the con - red the loss by death of a, beloved med organist; Mr. Carman. .. Every resident of or visitor te Gode- rich should own a copy of -the famosis will of the celebrated Dr., "Tior" Dunlop. It, is a literary gem. • 35tf• — A. L." COLE Phone 3?*"' : Goderich; Ont. 1.041111.111.111161.1111,111.11010011.1,1111111111., erflOICAlie 'Recipe Checks ,Itheumatic Pain, Quickly . 1i you 'suffer .from .theunnitic, arth-„ title, or -neuritic pain, trY, this simple, inexpensive home recipe. Get a pack- age of Itn-ex Prescription from your druggist. Mix it with n -quart of water, add the juice of 4 lemons, It's easy. and pleasant. You' need only 2 lablespoonfnis two times a day. Often within 48 hours— sbinetimes overnight—splendid results are . obtained. If the' pains" are not quickly relieved and if you do not feel better, Itulet Preiwription' will cost you nothing to try, Ybur mon0 re* funded l,f it does not help you. 1141 -ex Prescription is sold at drug stores' everywhere, and rewannended by JAWS 41; CAMPBELL 0 • ..IVIondayi. Oct. 22 will. play for, DANCI at KiAgsbridge Hall AbMISt1101.11 50 coat( latch at 1 'R8D ., ooronortads, HARVIIST TRA 't 'IV1Rc AT VICTORIA 8T. OHURCH, Rev. 1t. R. Trwin o EXreter Pirear14 at Swiday'g Services ' Plowez's and vegetables fromn, the gardens,' fruits from the orchards and drain.. from the fields decorated the altar of Victoria street United; +church Oa 6 Sundby, when harvest thanksgiving services were' held under the auspices oi,' the Woman's Association.. . serviee at Union enure, 'lode, richtewnship,. teas Withdrawn,—and the congregation joined with Victoria Street in the observance, resulting in large • attendances at both services. Appro. priate harvest_ hymns, .Special inn sic. by the..choir, directed by Mrs. L..Ilauna, and inspiripg sermons •hy' •the 'guest preacher, cocker, x;eY. ° A. B' Irwin; of E$eter, were featured of the services of the day; . Mr 'Edward `Doty, who is at present in' the-C,P.It, express service riunning bttween Toronto and Goderich, ,:is., a soh ,of 'I11r. and Mrs. Chas. W. Doty of Toronto,'former_ residents of , Gode- rich° lila ild Cher ,,mill be remembered, by many 'as. the former Grace Dyke, Edward Doty was in Palestine for nine' Years as a member of "the police force, - The Misses' Nellie and Elizabeth Barry returned' to Toronto on Monday after having spent .two weeks visiting in ;their. old home- {town... • GOLF SEASON CLOSES WITH TROPHY _ COMPETI''IONS Maitland- Golf Club closed a success- ful season at the week -end with'several trophy competitions. The Garrow trophy, vas won by Carl Schnieker on low net score.. The .Ellis trofihy.. went to. Dr,, W. 1. Oakes, Linton, for low gross; second. and third scores hi this competition , win-- . ning for,.E, M. Harman the Dr. J. A. Graham first prize and for C. R. Naftel. the Dr. Graham second prize. In the ladies' competitions the F. R. Darrow first prize went to Miss Muriel j Leitch, 'tlte second Darrow prize to Miss Evelyn Cooper, and the ladies' trophy to Mrs. Mary Rouse. Earlier in the season Mrs.. Geo. A. It Mee- won the rose bowl and Dr. Oakes the Lloyd trophy. The closing of the season was marked by the most successful party of the year. A, pot -luck suppe ' was^ served in the 'club -house and a• l�ociai- time enjoyed. The ' .formal presentation of the -trophies will take place later at a special meeting of the Club. G.C.I.STUDENTS Eikt the Best ON ,MONDAY VOTE - SC•OTT BAECHLER • GINN FINLAY for students' Council 42x FOR SALE i WN BOWLERS HAVE_ONR MORE: 0.14114 The lawn bowlers took advantage of yesterday's tine Weather to have ane Mere game, and a Berge number of -members assembled fat the greens in the evenini for a mixed‘tournament. The winners •were declared as follows; 1st, Lorne Yuiig, Mrs. Calvin . Cutt, Geo. Mumby; 2•nd, Ed. Mason, Mrs., W. Mae. Laren, F. McArthur; " rd, J� wW.Mae- Vicar, 13,Ir^s. Arbour, Albert Kittonl 4th W. J. " Baker, Mr. and Mrs, A. T+nwns- end,, Pith, "Geo. ,Mathieson,: Airs. A, Scott, • W. MacLaren; 6th, F. Wood Mrs. Mills, F. Toole; 7th, R. G. Sander- son,. . Mrs. Ainslie, Nivins ; 8th, Ii.. McNee,.Miss rl~rene• Bowman,:E. Allison; 9tli F. Elsset, Mrs, Murney,,R Buechler; Mr J. D: ,Robertson Of Harriston was in. town -yesterday and. took 'in the Huron *diming match . in :.„Goder'icli township. va Out or 111 the ,r roe, order your suit • or 'Overcoat now. • Just give us your priority certificate or -a igned order that yon will be out ' and ' lie quick service, eve 11. � : you q � . Alterin - -Be .. . TAILOR Can 317W. ' West' St. F FRIDAY, OCT. 26 -SATURDAY, OCT. 27 MagKAY FALL, GODERICR TOWN HALL, LUCKNOW Meetings at .8:30 p.m. Speakers: A. M. NICHOLSON, M,p,+ J. W. NOSEWORTHr, former M,P. Come and hear the story about the Saskatchewan Legislation which the C.P.R., the Hudson's Bay Company, and the -Dominion Loan and Mortgage Co. are seeking to.disallow. BROADCAST: Mr. Nicholson will also broadcast over C K N Xk,at•7.00 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 27th �1 Couiity oan Three miles north Of Godepich onA Blue. Water Highwai Farm consists of 117 acres; with Barn 40x60, Double•Garage,' Miesian Well "with Windmill, Fruit TreeS. Close. to School, Church and Lake. • Earge-White frame house of seven rooms and sun -porch., open flre-place in living room. House has_ hydro and For further- particulars -alone „PHONE 544, Goderich. ct. 22 AT Huron County,National War Finance Conunittee in ,Ontaria in • 184V -Now' theme arr 21 hatcheries in Ontario. ott Lakes. are reltocked for our enjoyment. .Let us help protect and cbtiserve these fish by strict obsenfation, of our Ugh and game - laws. YOURS Tp ENJOY 4 -YOURS TO FaliOTICT .40000.444000. •404,011.46. • THE CARtIN0 OREWEIIIES LIMITED .;: