HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-10-18, Page 1GOD RI H, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18th, 1945 Geny Ghat Semor G G tie V.tctotor. Baeob1e ? /tuna Away with .Semon Girls' • m. -0114141404810_,_ �: , the result. The tones and distances recorded were, for the ,Mest• part, not upe to pre- war etandardS, but enough talent 'Wu unfolded to 'foreshadow interesting athletic competition, in future years. With. a return to county cenipetition and a little More attention paid by the students to physical condition, and proper track equipment, the quality of the tracksters should return to former standards. -• Gerry Ginn durable middle-dfstance- man, ran off' with the senior boys' championship with, five firsts for 25 points. Peter Macillwan with 18 points and Bin ("Skip") MacDonald with 16 points were rianners-up in - the senior dam.. "Skip!' jat recently returned to schbol after a period with the Navy and showed lack of condition; but was always in the competition. - • The interniediate buys showed the class of the day and here competition was Very, keen. Some good -times were recorded in this' ,field, nqtably in the . 100 yard and 220 yard -clashes, which: spiked shoes might have helped the =boys eomeelose to records. Don Scott's - 17 -ft. record in. the broad Jiimp augured well for future•years'with good coach- ing, and Royce inallips' winning time of 5 mins. 22 secsF in the mile stvas Doe Scott led the intermedib.te boys with 21 pointsrjim Bisset was second • With 14 'pointe, and Rem Phillips • Don HOhnes, a husky youngster 'who lOoks like a comer with gopd coaching, led the junior boys with 21 points. Con Spain was a close second with 18; while Eric Holmes placed third With 14 There were plenty of competitors in Baeebler ran away from the field in ',, the senior events with. five firsts and two seconds for a total of SI...points. Marion Peen', was runner-up with 15 points. Maxine Oke todie the intermediate amassed from four firsts and' two sec - :ods. .P,unner-hp was Mary -Pridhain The junior' girls* .champiOnsihip Wee taken by Eleanor Willis with 24 peints, from four firsts, a second and a third. Gretta Arbour wass-right behind her Beeause of meat rationing, Miss,Mac- Naughton's hot-dog stand, a former 'fiekI day landmark, was noticeably absent Awl was missed by all. Officials for the boys' events were Principal A. R. Scott, Messrs.-Walkom and Payne of, .the -staff and Jack Gra- ham, and Miss Bisset handled the girls' eveets with. the assistance 'of several - The boys' senior, intermediate and Junior events were run off together in the 440 yards, 880 yards: andsOne- 'mile runs. Therefore winning times will not show in each class' for these The reeults: The Winners JUNIOR GIRLS 1' 50-fd. dash - Marie Johnston, •Eleapor Willis, Hattie Wightman. I Standing 'broad jump, Eleanor „ Willis, Lois Mugford, Gretta Arbour. • Running broad jump -Eleanor Willis, Gretta'Arbour, Lois -Mugford. Arbour, ,Grace Maiden, : Baseball throw - Elean.or Grace Hayden, Joan Baechler. ' ' Three-legged pace-Eleeepr Willis and Grace Hayden; Grata Arbou'iraid Joanne Allison„ •Evelyn, Mist* and Bicycle race--Gretta Arbour, Joan Menzies, Marjorie Overholt. Junior champion -Eleanor .Willis, 24 Points; runner-up•-•--Gretta Arbour, 18 points. INTERMEDIATE GIRLS • 50 -yd. dash -Maxine Oke, Mary go -o. dash -Maxine Oke and Mary Prldham (tied first), Molly Bisset.' ' High jump -Joan Scott, Maxino,Oke, Helen Montgomery. Baseball throw Bisset, Audrey Ginn, Joan. Scott Three-legged raee-Maxine Oke and Ruth Thurlow, Mary Straughan and Audrey Ginn, Dorothy Bradley and Bicycle race Mary Straiighan, DorOthy Brnaley,•Itainona Baer: '- w IAT. Tut T brotight,,t0, this Pert 'the 'paSt 'week. Arrives for the GOderleh' lifievalbr Go. • were: Saturday -A, A, Hudson, 184 coo Algona', 202,000 bus, wheat and bar -.1, of tug Marguerite,, 197,000 bus. :oats and wheat; Tuesday, Superior, so,000. day-Algosoo, 267,000 buS, wheat; bar.; ley •and .,11ax; Thursday (today) -- George Hindman, '124;000 bus, barley and wheat. The Quedoe au Tuesday brought 140,000 bns. -whdht the' Purity Flour * - The tanker Sinicplite le in today from Sarnia with a cargo of ga‘oline for the lroperlal Oil depot. MORE CONTRIBUTiONS NEEDED 1"OR NATIONAL, CLOTHING COLLECTION The- 'rear portion of the Stewart towers -shop on the Square looks like a busy readyreade clothing store these days, and Mr. and Airs. 'Stewart have been bueily engaged in receiving, sort- ing and packing the donations of cloth- ing sent in as part of the . national clothing collection. - To date about three tons of clothing have been IT- eeived, but the Lions Club committee .of which Mr. Stewart is chairman hag set five tons as the objective, and it is hoped thee the next two or ,three days will see -this objective reached. •This, of course, 4oes not 'include the clothing received by the churches _ and other The_committee wishes to have it made known to the -public that 'clothing contributed need not be in- perfect condition. Donations of any usable clothing, shoes, bedding,. etc., be ,gladli received, even- if 'Slightly soiled. Free Show for School Children To hel6 the good work along Mr. Sutherland of the Capital Theatre is putting "on a free •shoW for - school children :On Saturday morning. School children, will be ad_mitted on bringing new or used articles suitable for the clothing collection. For this showing ,arranged. -.(See•advertisement ,page 8 of this paper.) SENIOR' GIRLS 80 -yd. daSh Victoria taethier, 7.5.3-d. dash - Victoria taethier, 'Pauline Patterson, Marion PrIeth. standing' broad jump ytetoria terson, ' Running broad junap-Marion Frieth, jumv--Ituth Reid, Audrey 13aseball throW-Ituth Reid, Victoria and • Pauline Patterson, Suite liftechier Roth Sone • One -Mier, Roth Rem GALL STUDENTS HAVING A REAL ELECTION CONTEST yMamtfacture: lanes, : in Goder e Become �a�boar �►. ., the Bite .of ,u .Important ., • Inauatry �° . . 'Thera' is o, prospect that the lands mnd build ' ,. ' at ' Sky Harbor 4 -or as much of , them as may . be necessary, for the ', `rpose---will be sequined by*a fires of '`! irplane •manufacture _e now operating in an Ontariocity virhielt is seeking room for exPansion. A representative of the . firm has made several visits .to Goderich and has conferred with Mayor Mooney and others interested in one wayor an- other in the, proposition. Warden A1exander_hasbeen Consulted in eon- nection with Huron Comity interests; as, the site of Sky Harbor is, the pro- perty of the County,' having been turned over to the "Air Force for the duration of the war and a period thereafter. The firm is now makingtwo models of airplanes and plans to increase its output and employ possibly-' 150 to 200 hands. It would also be pre- pared to service planes, and to give in- struction in flying if required, Altogether it looks like a good op- 'portunity to secure for Goderich and Htiren County a going concern which,. with the increasing market for air- planes,. may -develop into a very sub- stantial industry. 1113.1ON .cOUNEY 1Mi$T: SAYS (T OIJAIR VVIJ :OW-OI'lIZEN-S; OP HURON .COUNTY On. October 22nd, Canada's xiinth. Victory loan will be' launched. Probably this :is the last.loan to ,be -raised by thee, eXisting War 'Finance Organization`. 'Certainly there . will not be another Government loa for a year.. • Even t lou `h the w.s.r is. over,' even • through ' expenditure$ have , been 'greatly :reduced, :there is still need, for 'vast revenues, xn the *nature of the ease,,, this ninth, loan is for a larger obje'cti`•e than any previous loan, . Huron,. County's° share #s $4;170,000; an increase of 32. Per cent„ over the last loan. We, cannot face the prospect Of raising such, a large amount with' 'any ,careless optimism. There is no reason for fearing that it cannot be"'done, but, there are many reasons for knoWing that. this time our Victory loan ' organization will have •to make a more vigorous' innpaet than ,it . hasever' nte,,de sibefore, and the people of , =Huron will have to make a, mire substantial response than ever.. before, • ' - t I do not hide my feeling of urgency and anxiety. Rather I. want to impart to, every Victory loan worker and to every Huron citizen that -sense of urgency and anxiety4 rt know that we have never failed before; Mit this tiflie there are ,different factors in the case, and the only guarantee of success tliat we hgye is in the diligence and : determination of our leaders and in the loyal support of • the people. It is not to be thought of that Huron Covuty will fail in this last Victory loan, but it will succeed only if there -is a great rallying of interest all over the county. With. the War over and victory wan, and •our boys coining home, the stage is -all' set for a grand - climax to CanAda'd titanic effort, and, at a different- level, with Great Britain and the United States already offering lower, interest rates, the wise buyer will not miss this ,chance of a sound three per cent. investment, Now All together -,for •the lust and biggest heave. • Yours faithfully, ; W. A, BEECROFT; ? _. Chairman, Huron Clbunty Victory Loan, Goderich, Oct, 12th, ,i945. The halls of the Collegiate Institute are buzzilfg with excitement this week as candidates for office in the Students' Council are canvassipg for votes. The election takes place next Monday. There are three tickets in, the contest. The 'Dannelly ticket has Jim Donnelly' as candidate for preSident; tunic* Milne for vice-president ; Peter Patteis son for treasurer aid Eleanor Martin for secretary. Don Scott is another candidate for president, heading a ticket with June Bitechler as candidate for vice-presi- dent, Warren Finlay for treasurer, and Audrey Ginn for secretary. , The thirst tieltet.hes Bill Newcombe for president, Pauline, Patterson for vice-president, Don Ainslie for treas- urer and Gwen Finnigan for secretary. The candidates and their supporters st„re putting up a lively eontest. The Donnelly party' stole a march on their opponents by' getting out small bills which were showered hy. an airplane over the AgriFeltural grounds while the students were having their field conipetitions there pn Wednesday afternoon. •• MISS ROBERTS HONORED Presented with Life Membership Recognition of Long and Efficient Service The regular meeting of the- Maple ,Leaf Chapter, I.O.D.E., was lield in MacKaY Hall. on Friday afternoon, October 12th. The regent, Mrs. J. A. Graham, presided and conducted -a short business meeting to which 'the pf good Used' clothing of all types for the European countries. _ As Miss Roberts, war services con- vener durie,g the war, 'had resigned, it was necessary to appoint a successor, and on motion of Mrs. J. 'M. Graham Saunders was named for this office. A. letter Of thanks was read. which had. been reeeiired from Mrs. W. •New- combe, treasurer of the:overseas par - eels committee, acknowledging the gift Of socks donated by „,the Maple Leaf ' The Chapter voted $50 te the LO:D.E. service libraries fund 'and $25 to the I.O.D.E. cigarette fund. On motion of Mrs. F. Curry, member,'" ship convener, and Mrs. P. Saunders, and with the approval a the Cl,hapter, Mrs. Gorden' McManus was made a Member.. Two new members, Mrs: Bud Jerry and Missnlinnie Dicksme made their affirmation. - The regent announced that •the Legion bingo gameS had been postponed until the Legion has its own place for this purpose. • • After the business meeting, a tea in honor of Miss Edith.Roberts was held at the home of the regent. The rooms and tea -table were beautiful with autumn flowers. ,Mrs; E. H. Rill was in charge of the arrangements. Miss Roberts was presented' with a life membership in the Maple Leaf 'Chapter •and with a life membership badge by Mra. E. Cranston„past treasurer. The presentation address was made by •Mrs. p. D. Mooney, past regent, who spoke of Miss Roberts' lopg and faithful service as •a member Of the executive. During the • secend year of the war, Miss Rpberts shouldered the arduous war services convenership and devoted her untiring energy and special talents to this work with zeal and enthusiasm. Mrs. Mooney stated that the Chapter was unanimous in feeling that Miss Reberts merited the honor of becoming the firsts life member of the-Mapie Leaf Chepter end asked her to accept the presentation as a token of esteem and respeet. Mrs. Mooney .alsd refer- red to the .splendicl.w.o* do,ne by Mrs; Beattie as, ticket cenvener • for many 'Roberts to accept a bouquet Of flowers on her behalf' aS a. gift from the Chapter, Miss -Roberts, although taken little speech of thanks. Tea vests served and a social hour enjoyed hy 'over fifty 31 points; runner -up -Marion Frieth, 100 -yds. dash -Don Holmes, Erie Holmes, Wendelf-Pitblado. , 12.75 secs. 220 -yds. dash--sDen, Holmes, Eric Holmes, Wendell Pitbladce 28 secs. 440 -yds. dash -Don Holmes, Eric 880 ,yds.-=Grah.am Bogie, Wendell One- mile - Graham Bogie, Don, High jump - Erie liolistes, Ron Shelton, Don MacEwan. , Broed jump - Don Holmes, Con 'Spain, John Wilson.. Hop, step and junsp--Con.Spain, It.ob :INTERMEDIATE BOYS 1001ds. dash -Harold Warren, 13111 Craig, Don Scott. 11,02 seds. 220 -yds. desk -Don. 'Scott, Harold 'Warren, Bill Craig. :7'25 secs. - 440-y#S, dnsh-Bob. Moore, Royce Phillips, Jim Fellows. 07 sees. • 880 -yds. -Bill Smyth, Bob Moore, Rove Philips. 2.37 secs. One ralle--Royee Phillips', Gordon Ardle, Grant.chisholm. 5.22 secs. Shot -put -11M Bisset, Bill Qhantler, nigh jump., --.-Don Scott, Bill Craig, rlep, step and juinp--Dort Scott, Jim Bisset, Grant 'Chisholm. . DiScus-Jint Bisset, Bill Sinyth, Bill Chattier. • 100 -yds. dash -13111 MiteDonald, Bob Diggon, Don; Ainslie. 11..02 secs. • 220 -yds. dash -Gerry Ginn, Bill Maei' Donald, Don Aittslie. .24 secs. 880 -yds. daSh--:-Gerry Gann, nob • One, tniie-,GerrY Ginn. Shot -put -Gerry Ginn, Peter Mac Ewan, Eric Moore. ' High, „, jump -Peter MacEwan, Bill MacDonald. • Pole vault -Bill MaeDonald, trnce DISeuS-13111 AttiteDOIltadi 001 Ainslie,, Peter ittaelilwan &COTTISH CIIUEOII ACTIVE IN 'AUSSICIIAltV Interesting Addoso trthi n, Circl.i by , Rolm Venus „The. .;Tiaanlisgiving thank -Offering Meeting of the Arthur Circle ,of K..> ox elturch oheld at the borne of Mrs, rdon Henderson, Nelson Street,, on Monday - evening, with. ' an excellent. attendance • of 'members. and. their friends. The president, Airs. Geo. Mae - Ewan, was in 'the chair,. Mrs. Robert Venus, a valued reraher,. was the thank -offering .speaker.. A. war bride who e0.4 to Goderich last year 'from Edinburgh, she breu ght greetings, .she said, . from the mother church in. Scotland, She gave in pleas-" ant voice and manlier, an interesting talk on -.the work of the Girls' Auxiliary of the Church of .Scotland, of which she had been a member. The organiz- ation . was started ,by two girls a little over a hundred years .ago for the pur- Coun:ty Quota for 9th Loaft $4,170,000 Quotas for the ninth Victory loan hi Huron county have been set as"follows: Quota for District Ninth Loan Ashfield Township $• 148,000 West Wawanosh Township 97,000 Colborne gownship , .93,000 Town of Goderich ' 605,000 Town of Winghain , 265,000 108,000 314,000 133 000 Turnberry Township Morris Township Village of Bilissels .104,000, 64,000 Village of Blyth 142,000 Tuckersmith Township McKillop Township • 142,000 142,000 Hullett Township Town of: Seaforth ;4249:009000 Stanley Toweslaip' 120,000 Goderich Toweship 142,000 128,000 Zurich.and Hay West Usborne Township 142,000 Village of _Exeter 209,000 Stephen East , 93,000 Stephen West 93 000. 249,000 A pretty wedding took place in the parlors of Knox Presbyterian church on • Monday at high noon, when Rev. Richard Stewart *united in xi:ferriage .Mildrude, Marietta Iteyeords, 'daughter IV 'Mr. and 11,1r8. Reynolds of Midland, and- John Wesley Mugford,* son of Mrs..Mugford and the late4saseph Mug- ford og Goderich.. Mr. and Mrs. W,„: 1VIcCordy were their attendants. The bride looked lovely in a street -length dress of "aqua bite crepe. with brown accessories and a shoulder,,earsage -of Curdy Wore grey Crepe with black ac - Beauty roses. After the weddifig cere- Molly a lovely 'dinner was served to About twenty .guests at Wong's Cafe and later a.,reception was held at the bridegroom's .home on 'William street. Thb happy couple -ieft on a trip to Toronte. and other points, .the bride travelling in a brown' suit with match- ing topcoat and 1).rOwn aceessorieS.• The bridegroom is well. known In' Goderich anti has recently reeeived his discharge from the IlOyal 'Canadian NavY, With. Which he -served the past three • years, and. a hest Of- friends and relatives jOin'in wishing the young couple the very best of luck. MIL CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDING Aft. and Mrs. Sames.G. Drennan will celebrate their fiftieth wedding an. niversary on Tuesday, Oetober 30th, and will he at home to their friends evening at the home of their daughter Mrs, Melvin Itaynard and Mr. /tabard, - East Street. DATES POR MAILING OVERSEAS PARCELS • A Goderich youth, who pleaded guilty before Magistrate A. P. Cook today of the theft of , money. less than $25,, was granted suspended sentence on consent 'of the laecused and ordered Gus Tolson, was fined $5 and costs, or ten days in 'jail, upon conviction .of trespassing in a house on ,North street. He was found by the lady of the house "in the morning asleep in a chair. He was • arrested by Chief of Police Ross and deposited a cash hail. He is a sailor on the lake, and had been drinking: The fine was imposed in his absence after Chief A. 0, Ross had given evidence. uron *Plowme eet in Competition A.1211.184 rio.;7wnsui70:13, Hod years', the animal plawing match under nesday of this week At 'the farm og Benson "Sew,erby, an the Bine -Water' HighwaY, south of Cloderich,' tinned rains, the land.was a little too wet for the plowmen to 40 their best. the other hand, the bright, Wane day kept many farmers at home to - ,eatch up on their work, and this bad some ,effecto On the attendance, How- ever, there was a 'good, turnout of spectators °in addition to the com- pose ,of uniting the girls of the church petitors. in the service of Jesus 'Christ. • All the An exhibition of labor-saving farm mission. work is carried on under the machinery attracted much attention, direetion of the General .Assembly .of and a ,rgfreshment boOth Was well the Church of Scotland -Twelve mils- patronized. sionaries are supported by the Girls' The match was under the direction Association, which is interested in all of the ;following officers; President, branches of the: chureh's work, includ- Geo. Feagan, Goderich; viee-president, ing Jewish missions at home and Elmer Dennis, Walton' honorary vice- • abroad, orphanage homes, and in send- president, N. II. Carclilf, Ethel; .seere- ing supplies to the girls svho are en- tary-treastirer, L. E. Cardiff, gaged in the herring fishing trade in Brussels. .,, • the north. of Scotland, besides the work The results were: in the slums of the cities, which, she Class 3. -Using jointer plow; 'rest, • declared, were a challenge to any dents of Huron connty, any age, wh.0 Christian church. Incidents which had 141,ave never -plowed before in a plowing pccurred in the mission .fields of Africa match:- lit, John Johnston, Godericii; and India were arresting it their 2nd, Duncan McKinnon,. A.R. Gode- During the _evening life -membership Class '2 --jointer plows • 'with skim - certificates in the W.M.S. were pres: mers in sod, ppen to all except anyone . ented by Miss Anne MacDenald, Iife winning first prize at the Vrovintial auxiliary, to Miss Margaret MacVicar, 2nel. Elmer- bipeds, Walton. Robt. Daer and „ Mrs. Clayton Class 4" -s -Boys 19 yearS and under, - Edward, three members who have given also boys 25, years and under Who have much of their time and talents to the served, in Worlsi War 2; George"Sillib,' meetingS of the Arthur Circle. Mrs. Godericli. • Richard Stewart and Mrs. Geo. Mac- ' glass 5-BeyS ander 16 years, in Ewan 'led M prayer and Psahas' 95 stubble,' with skinoners: .1st, Douglas and 96 were read by Mrs. M. Bell 'and Fuller, A.R. 2, Goderich; 2nd, • John • Mrs. F. McArthur. Mrs. F. Lodge Fa*oner, Goderich. 'gave an entertaining reading and Mre„ Class 6-TrItetor claSs for boys and • Clayton Edward conducted a Biblical girls ander 19 years, residing in Huion "quiz." After th'e meeting. tea was cciuntY: 1st, George Robertson, R.R..5; served and all enjoyed a pleasant Goderich; 2nd, -Dan Willis, Thlt. social hours "Goderich; 3rd, Verne Posthill, R.R, 2, The November meeting will be held Goderich; 4th, Murney.„ Johnston, ft.R. at_the home of Miss Dorothy Johnston; 1, Goderich. Elgin aveziue. postal authorities. November 10 is the Dates for fuelling Christinaa parcels' to members of the armed forces and civilians Overseas are announced by the deadline - for parcels going. to the European Continent; • and. November 15 for those going to the United King. • The eleven -pound still applies on parcels for servicemen and the five - pound Unlit on those for civilians over- seas, 'With not niore than twO pounds of any one item. Persons with relatives or friends in the armed forces farther away than Europe should -mail their parcels pro- portionately. earlier. • Today's* Police -Court Huron County quota . 44,170,000 The. ctInvaSsers for Goderich, who will. begin • work eteit- Monday, are returned servicemen: Gerry O'Brien, Bud Sturdy, Ned Sale, ,Ken Juck_-,and Ted Plant. IPPERWASII RANGES 'Several members of "0" Co'y.; Middle- sex-thiron Regiment (Reserve)., jour- neyed to Ipperwash Camp o_n Sunday to take part in rifle and Bren gun firing on the ranges.., It was just another of those days of which we have had so many -rain, rain and more rain, Which mixedsup the clay aid. made mud, mud, and More.mud, No records of the shoot- ing have been posted as yet. -Breakfast and dinner -were served on the ranges in the rain. Ei'erybody, hOwever, had a good , day. Arrangements are being made to have More of these, army schemes for the Reserves, The marriage -of DorPthy Mae Mac- Donald and Vidor Reginald Crime was solemnized on .0etober 8th, in St'. Cuth- bert's church, ',wide, Toronto.. • Rev. P. M. Lamb officiated. The bride is the daughter of •Mr. and Mrs. William MacDonald, Goderich, and 'the growl' the sot of Mrs. Crane, Teronto, and the late' George, A. Crane./ The bride wore a turquoise bide dress with Match- ing accessories,- and a corsage of crim- son reuse Miss Patricia Webb at- tended' the bride, wearing an orchid dress with' matching accessories,. and a corsage of •tea roses. John R. BroWsi was groomsman. ,After the ,cereMony the couple. left on a short trtp.:-They Will live in Toronto. • EVENING CLAS§ES AT G.C.I. Evening classes in , Shopwork • and ,comMercial subjects at the Collegiate Instittite were' begun on Wednesday of this week. Eighteen were eprolled in the former, and ten in the latter. The classes Will -be held eaeh Wednes- day Aight at the Collegiate. Mrs. Murray Hetherington has been engaged by the Collegiate Board as music instructor to grade IX • PuPirs. Instruction will be on Mondays and Fridays. . • ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED CM and Mrs. Harold Allen, East Street,JGoderich, Wieli to announce the ertageraent of their second daughter, Norma Jean, to Sgt. 'littlish M. Kings- well, younger son of Mr. and MrS. Walter Kingswell, Goderich, the mar= riage to, take place in Noveinber. 01101PrIt4161 MILL IN OP$RATION the• feed store and poultry and egg gate street 'has been completed and is now in operation. .This has beeif farme had difficulty in. getting' their grain ground in this vicinity. Mr. Ryan's mtil is centrally' located, near the Square. Mr. Arthur Doak is 'visiting In De. troit this Week. JOHN McGRAW TELLS. 01' OVERSEAS EXPERIENCES The Men's Christian Service Gronp of Victoria street United chtirch con- vened in the church parlors on Tuesday evening for „the bi-monthly "get-to- "gether.'' The attendance was eiacourag- ing and plans were made to present a play in the near future. . • The address of the eVening was given by One of the group's returned members from overseas, Mr. John Tile - gum' This travelogue was interest- ingly presented, revealing pgrils whiCh were many -:-.and a sense on the part of the speaker of the 'presence of the Unseen., In, contrast with the loW standard of living eXperienced by Con- tinental urppep.us, the people of Can- ada live like princes of the realm, the speaker stated, and they onght to be supremely lhankful. Touching upen North Africa, Mr. McGraw said that, 'modes of living that appear strahge to the Anglo-Saxon, religiously their ratieg was high, despite the shafts pf. superstition which interspersed4t. Many hissoric•••places-were seen by Mr. McGraW, the palUiel St. Peter's at Rome, the Pope'4 Magnificent home„ possessing a multiplicity Oft -rooms, and at a distance he sew the Pontiff, the Words of appreciation were ex- pressed by the minister, Rev. Lawrence H. Turner, in the name of the group. NOT A CONCENTRATION CAMP A reader of The Signal -Star writes: was lopking• at' 0. picture in yeur paper of this week,, which, apparently was a concentration can* in Germany, not recognize . ply in the picture and presume there were a number of Can-, adieus amongst them. In your next issue, could you tell us who are the members in the picture, but they are All 'unrecognizable to inc." In response to this enquiry,. we would say that the persons in the picture* 'were members of a conamittee of the Goderich Lions Club, inbst of whoni had doffed their garments as a -Contribution to the national clothing eolleetion ter inipoverished Europe. Prom left tb right they were : .ClaYtori_ Edward, ArnO14.MeConnell, J. LeMaire, Gm. Baxter, truce Tennant, Chas. Xemp, Leo Witlzak, Sheriff Nelson hill, Martin Stewart, Ebb' Itoss, Ana.ti 'apd ;reek Coates: Mr. Joseph Xelly, of New York City, was in town •for a few -days at the week -end viSiting big father, Mr. 11. He is on the advertising Staff 'of "'Tutted States News," high - tali Government. Mr. Basil of tendOil, algo Was here int Sunday to AT kNOX W,MS. MEETING „- --An inspiring and succes• sful thank - offering meeting was held by the W.Del. .S. ,of _Knox Piesbyterian- church on Tuesday afternoon, hi. charge of• the, president, Mrs. Gordon ,Bisset" • Mrs. Bisset conducted th,e worShip servide as contained in "Glad Tidings," •and -Mrs., J. W. Smith read the 'Scrip- ture 'lesson. A pleasing •musleal 'pro- gram was Presented, consisting of a duet, ',"Tfie. Church by the Side of the Road," by Mrs. W. F. Saunders and Ye .Thankful PeOple, Come," by Misses Cynthia Young • and Grace Pinder. Mrs. Kenneth MacLean, of Exeter, gave a• splendid address 'on "Thanks- giving:" Canada is' particularly blessed, she said, in comparlton with many countries, y'et people .are' worrying about what. they have &it got, instead of being thankful_ for What they have. She reviewed the inissioe work of the W.M.S. The church now has twenty deaconesses. The building of boys and girls' is better than meeding-men arid women, she remarked. She had never heard a ruiskonaryf make -an appeal -for, money, but.fpr--the prayerS. of the people at-home. This year, especially, thanks should be, tendered to God in remembrance of all, His 'goodness. • • There was a good'attendance at the meeting, and —the thank-offeling ansouuted to $132. Class 7 -Tractor ciass, open only to residents of Huron county: 1st,. Frank ' Thompson, ESC. 2, Goderich.; 2fid, Graham Johnston, R.R. 2, aderieh; 3rd, Ben Feagan, R.R. 1, Goderich. .Class. 8 -Tractor- drawing wide -bot- •1 tom plows, tenting not legs than a 12- ineh furrow, open to all: 1st,' Joe Gibson,- R.R. 3, „ClintOns 2nd, Robert Irwin, Seaforth; 3rd, William,Leeming, Walton; 4th, Keith, Feaganr Goderich. Class 9-SPecial tractor class for veterans, of second world war, Enron county residents only,: 1st; Alex. Kerr, Seaforth. A special prize of .$10 donated by the Salada Tea Company for the best plowed land with jointer plows *in sod was awarded to James Hogg, Seaforth. A walking Massey -Harris plow, valued at $25, in Class 5, yeas won by. Doeglas Feller, R.R. 2, GOderich. A special prize Of $5 donated by J. man using .horses was 'won by John Johnston; town of GOderich. A $5 special ,prize donated by L. E. Cardiff, „M.P., 'for the youngest boy using a team of , horses was won by John Falconer, Goderich. The interesting -day was concluded With a banquet in the Orange Hall, 4th cencession of •Goderich• township, at- tended by hundred guests. N. McINNIS RETIRES FROM C.P.R. stRvicg. After thirty-twd7years in°' the see vice of the Canadian Pacifie Railway;. Mr. Norman -McInnis, of the loCal staff, Tea • was kived- after tbe meeting has retired owing. to •poore-,health. and a social • time was. enjoyed over began his servree with thes •at Port MeNicoll 1913," and ,came to, the tetieeps, Goderich 'about feurteen yearg ago. LIONS ADDRESSED BY Twenty -Eve • eniployees of the rail, „ way at this point gathered at the home pf turd Mrs. McInnis, West street, The Lions,. Club" met' at the-bedford to tender --to their former fellew-em- , Ilotel •Friday evening for the semi- ployee an 'expression of their .esteent and, good wishes. An- address., wag., monthly dinner gathering and had as read by Ed. Hartney„ and gitts: were?, guest speaker Deputy District Governor Lidd Edighoffer of Mitchell, who gave preSented to both,- Mr.: and Mrs. Me-. Innis, on behalf of- the employees, by. • an interesting 14diess. Alvin Crookkaed Harry Robinson. •• Plant for the 1945-46 season were' presented by Lion Guy E'merson, We are, pleased tO„Itt , able to 'say • that Mr. and Mrs. Mc nnis have 'no man of the Club's boyS' and girls' Com- present intention, Of removing from mittee. It is intended to sponsor the Goderich, and it :•1S the hope both. :of ri ous sports, and sub -committees Mr. McInnis' associates' in the C.P.R. have been appointed as follews: sersdce and of the people of Goderich Hockey, --Whetstone, McGee, ltlerphy, general -that he will has% hnpreved --silmaith and that he and .his good part - Snider ; baseball-Jessop, Patterson tier' may continue as reSidents of,.'this Graham, 'Magma, Snider ; °band -Sands town for many years to come. Connell; Boy Seouts and 'Girl Guidesr-- Watson, - Noble and Monteith; girls' sports -Whetstone, Met'ree, Graham and Mathyson. Tlie baseball game that was tO be MEETING 'OF NUR$ES played on Saturday last at' Harristorti A meeting of the. Gradmite Nurses' between the LiouS juveniles Of adtle" Association and the Red, cross Emerg- rich and thd Harriston team,' wati .(41(cy Nursing Reserve was held in the ealled off on acconnt of unfa,vora.ble Town Hall on ll'Ionday night MiSs A. weather, and the ilarriston chth has Cleaver.introduced the new study book* since defatilted the gainey,leaving GOde- 'with a leeture on first aid, and several richrS Young Liatt3 champlims in the. new ineeshers were enrolled. The next Western Ontario Athletie Asseciation: regular meeting will be addressed by The first oame in the inter -group Dr. W. F. Gallow, int October 30th, playoffs. between Hatriston and Gode. There are fifty Members. enrolled for rich was folayed ha Goderieli on SePtems the course. ber 29th, the .score being 37-1 in, favor ; At. MUD DOG 'TRIALS Judo costoa 'attonded the field Tilt WEATHER trials of the Ontario Bird Dog As- Temperatures of the past 'week in soelation near' London on Pridar and Goderich, with those t..pf the eorreSpOna- Saturday hist and at the annual meet- fug week a year ago,' as' Offiejaliy re; ing of' the Association was eleeted corded, were aS. follows: Vieo-prosident.- 1045 1044 ft Max. TAG 46AY FOR THE, RILIND ThUrS.. Oet. 11 -.55 82 53 45 by the Goderieh-lloren advisory board Sat., Oct 10 48 41 63 58 for the *Canadian Institute for the Sun., Oct 44 4'.." 36 57 42, taggers were In charge of Miss Me- Tues., Oct 16 45 50 80 Naughton and MISS 101, POwell. Wed., Oet. 11 115 45 05 46 :DEP. DISTRICT GOVERNOR GOliERICH BASEBALL TEAM DECLARED „12.17.0. OTAMPIONS