HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-10-11, Page 3Basin6$4. 1)treetc!ry .,LEGit* DuDT111.'war:Alio8 „ •-1- Barrister, Ete, Offiee Court Reuse, Gederieb, • Telephene 55. WM, A. SUTHERLAND Barrister and lielieltor • Office—North St., Goderich: -Phone 750 ciugautp AccoOTANT . MONTEITH and MONTEITH, ' Chartered Aeconntants 51 Albert Street,. Stratford oronto Office: 302 Bay Street 4.0.4.•••••••• PEARSON-HUNT & CO. ' -1' Accountants and • Auditors 195 Dundas St. , London, Ont. Fairmount 3877. *INSURANCE . jicKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE StRANCE CO.—Farm and Ise- ' lifted town property insured. Officers—President, W. Archi- bald„ Seaforth; Vice -President, Frank McGregor, Clinton; /Manager mid tecrettiry-Treasnrer, M. A. Reid, Sea- 'forth.-' ucep, Direetors—W. R. Archibald, Sea- -forth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Alex: • Broadfoot, .Seaforth; Chris. Leon- thardf, -Bornholm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seaforth; Alex. McEwing, Blyth; Hugh Alex- ander, Walton; Geo. Leitch, Clinton. _Agents—John E., Pepper, Bruce-- • field; It. F. McKercher, Dublin; T.T1'. Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt, .Blyth. • Policy -holders can make. all pay- ments and get their cards receipted at the Royal Bank, Clintot ; Calvna. Cutt'S Grocery, Kingston Street, Goderich, or ;. H. Reid'S General Store i ,,Bayfield. Hi1140,N COVAt7r.5,00'REMOST ,WEKLY GODERICIli ONTARIO, TITURSDAYi OCTOBER. lith, SCIIOOLIVIATES Or MANY YEARS AGO IN GOIDERICII- MEET IN TORONTO TOR -N-0, -Oct. 9. — Since the • Changes in.the • eaPital Strnetnieof f „was, in Toronte short time age is a large ro4m 'and the tables were I4firity Flour Mills, formerly Westerir end'poled .be an o1 fiiezid j, 'full. Said be walla, 1)e safe (.:11111a1a Flour' gills :0o., Were given in addressing any diner here es Doctor, effect In '1944, '-the company has • ter Middleton, editorial writer and, book for in all j)robability he is either an deemed 2,900,'sliare$ a the new Pre - reviewer On ethe "Sa„turdaY Night" M.D., a D.S., D,D, er a Ph.D." ThiS fereneueuilaertor ofsefu4ialreOpsaorilvtsawInuedtgm r,eldruoee staff. ' • waS 'an Qatnlesphere" for me different then 7011 the way to the Artg'il-Pd Letters from that Of the office, the fonlidrY, 48,000 to 40000 One thousand fliaareS the mill to whiett n/ was aecustonied were redeeined in:the (Weal year Which for ,haif-a-penturY • ' endedJuly last pd the reduction will The most exhiliratine .vaeation is be reflected in' the financial statement not in loafing at some resort,. but covering that Year which will be for-. rather in a change of environment that Warded to .sluireholdera in a Week or, stinaulates 'one's thinking in a new to The other thousand'shares of pre dlrection 1 wan having a" Vacation lerred stock were purchased * for re. and enjoying it greOly. demption ,Sinee the close of the last I Was shown many of"the interesting, fiscal year.• • featuresepf the University, with.a. bit The present preferred shares are the of history thrown htt occasionally for resolt of the exchange ef each old share good measure, among them a life-size of ,$100 par value, on Which aceuniu-; oil painting of ,my companion, pre- lifted -dividend arrears amounted to sented t° Victoria College by a nuinber $67.623/2 per "share, for two new pre 02 his friends now scattered over the feired shares of '$40 par value and two American continent. In honoring him common shares Of *10 Pa.e>value. The they honor my old alrna meter, Goderich preferred shares are currently entitled High School, in which his educational to an annual cumulative dividend of career sprouted. $2,5c, per share, which increases to - ' Pritharily 1 went •to Toronto•to visit $3.50 per Rum= After July 31, 1948. a aitunber of relatives, 'and during my The company has the right to purchase stay I was the guest of a niece and the tliares fey redemption in the market her recently acquired banker husband. or by tender at a price not exceeding, I had been riding .the elands for two the call price,of 05 per share. days and it was an easy transition to a feeling of ,plutocracy as I visualized mY new -nephew, with, reckless. lack of caution and a flourish of his pen, initial my ;pbtential rubber cheque to be .presented to the teller. I didn't risk it, for 1 had a return ticket to -lugersokl, .so I parachuted to earth. am now home', and my blood -pressure is normal again. B. H. MORRISH. .Ingersoll, Oct. 2, 1945. Blue iliater 13oosters 'leak Travel Expert Watille00 at Owen Sound by Chief of Provincial Publicity , l3r14704 Club for lunch, I mentioned, tbtO nalae •og ,t.tn old schoolmate. from Gbderich. My cempanion said: "I know him well —a 'fine felhiw, whe has made his mark la the educational and, literary field." ,At the dining table I was in.- treduced to the two men nearest rae as a friend oliid schoolmate. of the .authorof "Mixed: „Company," They were bath intimately- acquainted with him. Was it merely a coincidence that the Arst three people 1 met that day knew my •fellow -student ,ef the late seventies? I think not. I venture to say that most of the hundred or more diners knew, either'yersonally or by reputation, nay esteemed friend John C. 'Robertson, professor emeritus, of Toronto University, who at thirteen years of age was not only a felloW- student but was also my Latin tutor in Goderich High 'School.. , The, next day I lunched with him at the facility runit in 'Hart House. Irt MEDICAL DR. P. J. R. FORSTER, EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT Late House ' Surgeon New York ' Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital, assist- ant at Moorefield Eye Hospital and Golden SquareThroat Hospital, London, England. _ EYES rrESTED, GLAgsns SUPPLIED 5.1 Waterloo Street S., Stratford. Telephone 267. • - Next visit Bedford • Hotel, Goderich, Wednesday, Nevemher 28th, at 2 pan. till 4.30 p.m. - • ei,HIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST Goderich, Phone .341 Office hours -10 to 12 a.m., , 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p.m., Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. . 10- to 12 a.m. wily on -Wednesday. •Monday and Thursday 'at Mitchell. Mineral fume baths lay. appointment only. .g A. N. ATKINSON 51 South St. ' Registered Under Drugless PractitiOners Act for the Province oepntario. , FUIBLIC NOTICE • CI. P.S. CARMAN, Mus. Bac.; F.A. G:0.; L.T.C.L.; Member of Ontario Music Teacher' Association; 'OrganiSt and Choir -Leader,-St.' George's Church. Pupils taken. „Residence, . Mr. ,J. Craig's, St. ,George's Crescent. F. T. Instrong OPTICIAN and OIPTOMLETteliST Square -- Goderleb "See Armstrong and See Better", At Luekuow. every Wednesday florm 2 tO 6. J. W. CR4IG1E *INSURANCE so.nd •-• ESTATE rimthi 24 •GODERIC.JI 1111111111111111111 WESTERN ONTARIO MOTORWAYS Bus Schedule now in effect Leaves Goderieh daily including Sunday 7.45 a.m.;; 12.25 p.m.*'4.15 pan. Arrives Goderichdaily 11.50 a.m.; 3A5 p.m.; 9.20 ,pan. Leaves Sundays and ,holidays . 8:00 pm. and 9.30 pan. The 8.00 p.m. 'bus goes dittet to 'London only. - Conneetio' ns I Clinton for London. • Detroit, Wingbam, Walkerton, Port Elginzand Owen' Sound; Conneetiongat Stratf'ord ,for Woodstock' 'Kitchener, Guelph, Hamilton and -"roronto. - Connections •at Mitchell t'for 'Listowel and London. •- - For infonnagon phoneBritish Xx- ebange phone 891 ;or 1717. -1•N Geo. G. Maawan Fire, Accident and Motor Car urance • OFFICEL:SASONIC TEMPLE . WEST STREET * PHONE 230 GoDERICK., -41,-RrAN Real Estate and -bisgannoc.. Office and 'Residence: 11 Trafalgar, Street Phone 603 FOR -SALE-:-Flouses of all kinds, choice blinding jots, business pro- perty and several good farms. • DONALD B. BLUE - faXPERIENCED. AUCTIONEER Licensed for Countieg of Huron and Bruce - RIPLEY,- PHONE 49 For information apply to J. N. • Kernighan,„Division Court Clerk, Goderieh, Ont. • EDWARD Nit; ELLTOTV , LICENSED AUCTIONEER ., Correspondence ' "promptly an- - sWered. Immediate arrangements • can be nistde or. Sales Date by • calling Phone 203, Clinton. • Charge moderate and satisfac- • tion Guaranteed. 19t2 •DUE DATES OF RATION COUPONS 1 Coupons now valid are., sugar . 46 .to • 64,..butter 116 to 125, preserves 33 to 57*.end P1 to P17, meat ,MI. to MO „ ialtatip JACKSON iqICENSEEI AUCTIONEER ' HURON AND PERTH For information, ete., write It.R. 4, Seaforth; or phOne (eel- lect) Seaforth, or g67, Goderich. , CAPITAL. "told " THEATRE P. • 47 Now—TurbanRey andffitoganna Foster in "Bowery to Rreadwo,y." . -i. .. . . , Monday,,Tuesday and(WednOday"--,:' . 0 ' ROBERT . YOUNG-2LARAINE DAY and ANN HARIDING • Fresh "from its triumphant Toronto copeRing comes the year's"- - • - brightest and most appealing ronlanee. • -"Those Endearing Young Charms" Thursday, Filidayiard Satirdai-r . MAIM `GAELE-7.-LORETTA 310U44G , and JACK ()MOE • Set andd natural' Wade backgrounds. the popnlar jaek London story ... . ,. becOmes it Sereen epic *of. adventure. '= ..0 "Call of the Wild" Matinees W4 Sat. an ttaltdays at toning ttorls harloff and Susanna roster hi, "The ClhnaxP .„ According to a statement by Hon. J. L. Ilsley, meat in storage in Canada. at September list, 1945, was approxim- ately 49 million pounds. The cer- responding figure for September 1, .1944. was about 70 -million pounds. THOSE „USEFUL MEAT TOKENS . The women, are. finding meat tokens a boon in the buying of meat, accord-• - 'big to Mrs. J. IY. Detwiler, .ehairman of the Consumer Branch Committee for Western Ontario. These tokens enable small families tO bps sufficient quantities bf meat without feeling they are expending too much of the coupon for' purchases, Mrs Detwiler said: Any woman who fails to make use of these tokens is only cheating herself and family out,of ).3.er rightful quota of meat. ,She is able to budget her meat Supply for the week to the very best advantage, and is rapidly becom- ing familiar with the approximate amounts of meat she can obtain for various numbers df •tokens. ' There is another. advantage to tokens .that makes visiting even -with meat rationing 'no - embarrassment to the guest and no trial ti the hostess.. When visiting for a week -end flow .a few' tokens can be taken along and left with the hostess. In .this way no one - feels forced, to give a full. week's coupon or meat being eaten While on a week -end visit, ahd 'yet' the vlsItoi will be. relieved that she can iti onie measure cenipepsate her hostess for using meat from her own limited ra- tinns, Mrs. Detwiler pointed out. 1, OTHERS,ARE ASKING, Q4E-W1at is the.maximum price thatt I Can .charge when 1 sell my grade chickens -on the market? A.—'The; Maximum' price that ,,con be asked for chickens grade A roasters and fryers .loose pack is 40 cents ,a pound. Q.—MY husband has just returned from overseas and is gettieg his dis- • charge: . Can he get his coupons for sugar for canning? I have fralt.on hand and 'could use them. ' he is discharged. before. October alst and applies for a ration' book on or before that date, he may secure his doupons for sugar for can- ning. The twenty coupons allowed give yoti ten pounds of sugar. REPORT or RED •SHIELD • Thomas McCkill, chief of 'the Vravei, anti PUblicitY Bureau in the PrOvince of .Ontario, was: the guest 'Speaker at the bancinet. held by the 331fie Water 170ghWaY Association ma., rkieg the Close of the tWenty-sixth, annual convention, held at Owen. Sound on,October 1st Classing the present year as "one ef 'the hueiest we have ever had in Ontario," Mr. McCall stated that "we are well. on the way towards lining up a record, in spite ofgas- raticming, cacl' cars, ,and °poor tires, 'This ,year, is equal to Ihe Piggest year we ever had." "In the United ,States today there are thirty-six billion dollars in savings acCounts, and billionsAmore in war bonds, and a lot of that will be spent in travel," said the speaker. "We have this tremendous wealth waiting to go some place." He referred to the Blue Water High- way Association as ;!the oldest tourist. promotion organization in the Province, probably in Canada," while he classed the tourist industry as "an 'unparal- leled opportunity" whichwill face the Province in the near future. Types of Visitor - He stated that "we have three dis- tinct types of visitor," grouping them -as folrows: The visitor who stays two or three' days, sight-seeing; the "vacationer" who "leaves a good dea here"; the sportsman; and t lions who have had their no grindstone for the past fo years atid-who are Oink • Of eivie eonscieuSness, "Where it becomes a matter ,Of, 'de- veloping your OWilinunediate reSenrcea you are Strietly on your -own," Said the speaker, Who concluded by expressing big' Slneere appreciation of the co- operation given to his Department ,by the ASsociation over a long Period of. ear& ."TOMMY" SOOLE IS, DEAD Thedeath of Thoma lii G.• Sooie at ,Teronte is 'atunninced. "ToranaY" Soele, as he -was 'enema among friends, was born at SeafOrth eighty-ftrar Yea)* ago, was. a "printer's deVirl in the 'office of 'The flurOn EXPeater ill that t0W11, and when still in his 'therie Went' to Toronto, where In had Since lived., He was connected with, the printing trade throughout Ids life, lakteitly 'With 'the Toronto TYpe' Voinary Ce. At one tiMe .110, Wa't PreSident Of tint Huron Old „. Boys' Assoel!ttien of Toronto. • Trouble, never comes •to a head 'When pelogY is afoot. • ROME FRONT APPEAL At a meeting in the Town Hall on Wednesday evening last. week a report of the- returnsfrom the recent Salvation Army Red Shield Home Front appeal was given: From the canvass in Gode- rich, *976.75; from . Clinton, $237; Cou7nty.of Huron, $500 -- total, si,iz415; The-local-ofilcers-of - the lialvation, Army wish' to thank.. the, public a,nd contributing organisations ' for their generous response to the appeal- They also -express their, gratitude to the eampaigwehitirman, Mr. D. -H. Downie, thelieasUrer, „Mr. W. A. Hay, and the following workers: G. N. Dowker, A. H. Erskine, H. M. Ford, John H. It. It. Long, -J. B. Milne, D. D. Mooney, W. F. Riley, Harold Shore, G. W. Schaefer, M. B. Tennant and R. .0. Wintteley. • Further -donations., May be deposited at the 'Canadian Bank of Cenunerce or given to the officers of the 'Salvation Q.—I am going to start a chicken farm. Do I need a W.P.T.B. license for this? . A.—No; unless you would be chasink poultry for re -sale. You would be 'classified as a primary' producer and -would not need a liceese. . Q.—I own a housk 111 a Small town and am now planning on renting this. Do I need to have .the rental set by the Wartime Prices -and Trade Board? A.—Yes. You nitist contact the rentals office of your nearest Wartime Prices and Trade Board. -Th yoiir case it would be at Windsor.. Q.—I have been, building up a herd of cOws and am just starting to make butter hi some quantity. Are there seine Prices Beard regulations in 1.01, glad to this? —Yes. Yen must register with the local Ttatipn Board- as a, primary prodUcer. You will be given registrai. tin eard 1113464. You Lutist report once a. menth showing the ameunt of batter used la your household and.the aindunt o btitter sold. •Yon detach the butter eoiniNA that have, beeome valid in the month, and return these to ,the iloard or the amount "of butter con- sumed hi the4iqusehold. Idepoibio QueStions on any reguiattons of the Wartime 'Prices .and Trade lioardwill be answered it Submitted 'to, the Ins- fornattion Braneh, Wartime Pgiee$ and Trade board, Vederill 'lading, tote,• den, Obtatio. • • money "mil - to the r or five to be on the move next year.'.'. ° "We do net have to spend a.. five - cent piece to ,fill every' tourist resort in Ontario next year," _said Mr. Mc- Call, "we kno*. they are going: .to come. It is a "natter of statistics. We have been right on the United, States doorstep for so long that we take it for granted." The speaker referred tot.he *adopted policy of tlie Unite'd44States Govern- ment in "promoting trade and friend- ship with countries to the south, a policy baaked With many. fhillions Of dollars, ,ptit I have y,et to hear 'of any convention in Washington to get any- body to go north," said the speaker. In Ontario we •-have -the greatest national endowment on, the- continent. ."but you have got1 to keep telling yourself that before you realize it." Importance of Courtesy Mr. McCall stated that- he had re- cently been receiving replies to a questionaire delivered to visiting tour- ists and had discovered that "ninety- five per cent. of these people stated that the most important, -thing, to them, was the courtesy and friendliness of our peoPle. ' , "Does .every hellboY,apd gas station attendant realize how importanthe is in the development of this, tremend- ous industry? We have got to develop courtesy. During the past four el; five years wehave become inured .t� com- plete .callousness on the laart ef those, who take our money. We never hear a 'thank you.' "We are confronted with a chal- lenge," said Mr. McCall. "Weare short on accommodation and -facilities and We have got to develop a spirit 1 beaten egg Stirjn -u,cup mak - tbs. melted shortening Grease skillet lightly. Make 6 large thhtlmincalges about 6 inches across. When brownon btoth shies, heap in centers a filling made of IX cups of chopped cooked pork moistened 'with Ircup gravy or *white sauce. Roll up, place on hot platter find pour remaining sauce o'er rolls.. MADE IN CANADA Your Olft161iLEX Will Relieve Now! --,-ARTHRITIC PAINS: --WIEUMATIC PAINS' -,-NEURITIC -PAINS -7-VARICOSE VEINS —SINUS --INSOMNIA —NERVOUSNESS .--1TRADA01-1.11 --CONSTIPATION and many other circulatory. . ailments., • ast St. Bakery Tisane MO' East St. FREE DEMONSTRATKiN IN YOUR,,,HOMEi•• OBI/GAT/ON - ON DISPLAY AT ••4, HE lines are still loaded. Please continue to use Long Distance as , 'sparingly And efficiently as you -can. For instance: Do you use this sequence whet placing an out-of-town call? It. is, impoirtant, saving both: the op,erator's time ,and .-\ , . • 2. floe awe the name at the city vyao are Coiling. , ..-: • 2, • Itten the nnicober 'of the' distant • ielephone;. *hen e ovatatev astd, nutehet et the telept100 vAirSi yea ate calling. You can help, too, by placing as many calls as possible, aurini off-peak hours:, Before `9:30 p.p.; between 12 -noon and: 2:30;'hetwecri 5 and 7 and atm. Mo p.m. • ,