HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-10-04, Page 1-
arge Against
Apr Dismissed
Atiniyessalry .04Served by: Presentation
' MajilSiratte '0001r‘ r14.Xtill •tVideslatie • The first anhivereary,' otsthe erganiz- Rector :of Ot; Georke's. Out& for' wsndoe, 67,000 Oa. Wheat for elevator,
' of Tins . to Members (4rain'i!rrival of ,the week ; Vrldity;
:Iteirarajng. Death . of • 'iitieu of .Goderieh's.EinergeneY'NurSing. .., P4tir: YearS—Natiirsi:70. ' 3.00,00 bus.' fer,,lnill; I's t. MaSSeys
• , ' BOil raftWO Reserve' Yvas 'Celebrated, on', Tuesday 1:41'aat, Ireland
, 1.12,000 inis, whea.t, barley and screen -
f " ' ...........,...ge ' .• --night in ..the Red Croes roolna. , The •, ingS; Saturday; barge Blanefie Iis in
Magtstrate A, P. COek Ulla afterneen preset:tuts-ton of .pins to thes.fieyenty• • The death of Revs W. H. DUllbarl, L. tow ut . tug .0•ettr Liehtleor 3.00"
, • -
dismisSed•the eharge of mattslaugliter inemberswise took tile Ceuree 4140 :a Ti, rector of St. George's churcn, which
' . bus. wheat; SUndtlY, BricoldOc, 265,000
• n '
against Bernina L....Fishers farm.er, of fPattire Qts the, eYening. . * * ' oecurred thls (TisurecleY) morning at
, bus. wileat and barleY; ISIonday,..Bay-
. , aaiss ' Auhra Cleayer, local health
Cells:Mae tOWnShip; ,In con.nection with sklexandra Hospital, brought a. Painful ton, a95,000: bus. oats and barley, ; Wed -
officer, was :chairman, and. discussed,
the death of Basil P. Lawfi,..whieh.r,?c- the. progra* for the soistag winter, shock to the people og Goaerieh, mr. repjp,y, A. • A.. Hudson, 139,000., bUS.
Cured at Westminster IXospital, 'Jun" ',which will includ'e 'home nursing st. Dunbar liad been ill for three weeks, but oats, liax and barley, -s All •cargeee
sloa, ba Thursday last. - • ' jolsn'S Ambulenee eetirsie and, lectures, it 'Was 'lot generally 4.110W112. that the were for the ,•Godertels Elevator Co,
Laws a "Peturned soldier, suffered • a
dislocated P. E. CainPbell, vtce-Preekleut of the Woess was so SeriOUS• Lig caIne-Ilere
sleek -daring a 'fight abent-seess Red c ross 4ranch, laye a, brief from Owen Sound in October, 1941, eXcept the Part earge of the Windoc,
'The V. V. Massey is due at the
midnight On September h, at a danee address is -
41,1 Which he explained the -4sla adlittian t° Petf°r4ntn 418 elevator tomorrow merhing. . .
at Sky Harbor sponsored by. the Ben- purposes of the Resterve. • rectoriel duties With ability and acs There; was good fishing' for perell
miner J'unior Club, 4tile Premeds nt Mrs, H. r Cl! -Duillcp,, president ,Of the ceptsaice, lle °.gained the goodWili and on Sunday and Monday and, on Sunday
• which, are used for gifts for Men l!e- beat Red cross; and aar., pansoell _esteem a the eitisena generally. . especially some,blgsoatches were m,a(le.
tabling front overseas . The injured Presented the pins to the follevving: William' Henry Dunbar Was 4 native Rev. J. N. H..•Mills of -Kitchener was
man . died at Westanhister Hospital, assrs,
London, on September 27t1s. Figher si
salaek, Miss • Maud Beacom,
Argyle, miss cs. Awn, suss -0. a T) 4. Ireland, and after reeeiv- gans000dnglutchke. laleeraiaolne MoneaT(13Aeay'sdaaind haan,dd
Mrs., :r. in his. primary- education in that 'city
was arrestkl. on FridaY last, charged. Brewnt airs. Bridle,- miss 0. Bseemer, Wednesday put an eud-to the sport for
With manslaughter ,and appeared •be-'" Miss -P. Bakehler, Miss Helen Bisset, a few days until ,the water, clears up.
Lore Mrs. Mabel 'Gray, J.:P., who eon).- Mre. T BellMissW. James, Mrs -N.
IniVed him fora hearing before Nagle- Coates, Mrs. John Oraig,-Mra, E. Craig,
trate Ooek. Bail of $15,000 was PUP- Mrs. B. Curry, Mr. Clairmont, Mrs.
plied by the aCeuSed, his father, Aaron Crandon, Mrs. J. Clement, Mr sis M.
' Fisher, and hie brother, .Elmer 'Fisher, Davidson, Mrs. M. Drennan, Mrs. M.
'all of Colborne township, Edward, Mrs. A. 'Freeman, Miss C.
The court room was crowded at the Graff; Mrs. C. Gibbons, Mrs. W. Hay,
, hearing this afternoon. every available Mrs. M. Henderson, Miss, H. Hogan,
seat being occupied. Twenty-four igiSS B. Johnston, Mrs. IL Johnston, :
witnesses were heard. " Mies A. King, Mrs. C. Kaitting, Mre.
Though' we do feet sorry the .de- B. Lassaline, Mrs. B. McClure, Mrs;
ceased person haps passed On, there I. McLean, Mrs. M Murphy, miss N.
is not sufficient evidence that would McCabe; .Mrs. E. Mceraren, Mies H.
entitle me to sena the Remised or McCarthy, .Mrs 'R, MeIntosh, Airs.
further trial," said the Magistrate it Merriam, 'Mrs. • E. Nelson, -Mrs. F:
the conclusion, oftheevidence. - Overholt,- Miss- n. WI -learn,. Mri. M.
, 'Witnesses testified, 1 that Laws, and Pipe, Mrs. E. J. Pridham, Mrs. W.
the accused had been fighting,- but no R,00pe, Miss G. Robertson, Mre. Selling,
,one actually - saw what took place, Airs. Shackleton, Miss P. sSteele,calra.
while---they-were-struggling-on---the 1-1-.-Sfira-ngnn, MISS P.-Siiiiii, Miss •-G.
ground outside the dance hat. ' Mem- Seilingaliss- A. Stowe, Mrs.' A.. Tichz
belt of the it.C.A.Fs testified- the de- borner_Miss E. Tobin, Mrs. J. Vincent,
. Ceased man bads, been put -out of the Mrs. M. Wallsom, Mrs'. E, Westbrooks
.canteen when he objeeted to Paying Mrs. R* Wilson, Miss E. Wiggins, Mies
the price asked for a bottle of ,coca /R. Williams,' IVIiss Alma; ,Clark, Mrs.
eola. Seveeral witnesses . stated that A. Eldridge, Aire, N. kill, Mrs. J. Lee,
Laws started the fracas. ' ''.- Mrs. a': McNee, Miss Pitblado, Miss P.
Medical Evidence / ' " Roope, Miek E. Tye. .
Dr.- W. F. GalloW; -Whe „attended ,..4."birthday cake, adorned with one
' Laws,- told of -having him removed to large pink candle, and ,a *bowl -of pink
, •
Westminster .Hospital, London. • ' and mauve asters decorated the table
Dr. Luney, of Jabridon, who ,con- •at which Mrs. ' H. C. Dunlop ,poured
dueted the post-mortem on September poffee, assisted by the Members.of the be took his theological eourse at St:
27, said there was no 'evidence of -Graduate Nurses' Association, and .all Aiden,'s College at I3irkenhead, Eng
external violence, 'except an abrasion enjoyed a pleasant social hour. land. . Coming tb Cana:da thirty-six
on the cheek. Death was due to a
dislocation of the -spine and maceration PUBLIC:SCHOOL BOARD , Years ago, he had Charges in Quebec
Provhfee, and later in Ontario,, at
and laceration of the spinal cord To The Public School Board met on. Clinton, Bervie, Listowel, Tillsonburg,
Frank Donnelly, Tc.C., *who appeared Tuesday evening and monthly reports Owen Sound and Goderich.
_ for the defence, he said pressure on were received from Victoria „and During the war years 'his ardent
the spinal cord woold - result in Central Schools. At Victoria school devotion to the British cause found'
paralysis. . the total °enrolment Was 362; average expression not only in his own pulpit
Witnesses; stated that , nerman attendance, 313.55; Percentage 96.48, but on many public occasions, and he
Fisher's face was badly scratched and and,: war saaings. stamps sold #8.25. gave, ,hireself wholeheartedly to patris
that it looked a•aw" atter it. had been At Central school the total enrolnaent otic efforts. He was a niemher of the
washed. ' • .
was 256s average attendance 198.88, executive committee -.Of the Anglican
County Cr9W-ri Attorney ilglincs Percentage 79.67, and War _ savings Dloeese.-. of `}Inron, Was rural - dean of
presecuted. - stamps sold1122.72. . ' ' , the Deanery a lauron, and was vigil
An extra room has been provided for ant and active -in all matters pertain -
POWER, SERVICE MIGHT at the Collegiate Institute and Mring te:lis.. church; ,
H: R, JackmanofToronto has. been Surviving are his wifealso a native
appointed assistant principal of Vic- of Belfast, a daughterssMiss Norma
torte School an a Will have charge of Dunbar, a teacher on tise staff of
this room. . . Victoria School, and two brothers,
Robert and, Themas, of Lambeth. -
The body is Jesting at the St.
Georges church' rectory, North street,.
and the funeral service will be held
at St. .Geerge's church on -Saturday
at 1.30 p.ms• with His Grace Archbishop
Seeger in attendance. Interment will
be in. Woodland cemetery, London.
Major J. W. Duncan, _ 0.B.E.,
rid Mrs. Duncan, of Louden, Ont., we
visitors at the Baptist parsonage, last'
4ev. W.11. Dunbar
Dies This Morning
Raring the windstorra on Tueiday
afternoon, a 'tree on, Cambria road Was
blown down and across the HYdro line,
with the result that power was cut
off in part of the town for over an
hour. The interruption came as. a
• member of the staff at Alexandra Hos-
pital vvas-on the elevator, The elevator
stopped between two. flooris and the
young woman was .caged there until
the mechanism was released' about an
hour later. ,
A more serious mishap to the. Power
service was narrowly averted -on Sat-
. urday' Morning last. A. :Shell truck
travelling-aleng the road beside The
town power station got out of control
and starteedown the •incline towards
the posierhouse. It was partly stopped
.bsi a little peach tree which -stood In
its way and was finally halted within
three. or four feet Of the corner of the
powerhouse where just inside is the
delicately -adjusted ,.Sbreaker" on the
main switch. _11 this had been hit,
Engineer -Glen Nelson explained,. the
entire system Would have ' • been
cut off. . 'kat was the slittle peach tree
• that I PlantecV that • seared the situ-
., a lion," said Glen.
A pretty autumn. wedding. took place
at high noon Tuesday an Knols United
church Manse: Auburn, when '''Rev.
Harold J. Snell united in Marriage
Lillian Ruth, eldest daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Norman:. Thompson, Donni-
• brook, and John Hlymer Tiffin, Wings
-ham, son of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Elymer' Tiffin. The bride wore a
street-length:dress of ,frosty •blue With
long .silk fringe; bltie felt hat,. and a
corsage . of pink carnations.. MisS
Bernice Durst, Benmiller, .was brideS-
maid in a light blu.e Wool street-iength'
frdek and a,corsage of dark pink car-
nations. John Leitch, BelgraVe, was
best man. A reception was held at
, the bride's ,heme, Mrs. ThonapSon .re-
• ceivingsin a black crepe dress. The
roonis were decorated in ,esspink and
• white color seheme. The gtiestas num-
bering twehty-five, were from Goderich,
Winglaam, Auburn, Lucknow, Bluevale,
• Beigrave and Benmiller. The dinner
was served by Mrs.. Edward Mills,
Auburn, and Misses Rehm and NOrine
Mills, Goderieh. For tkayelling, the
' brides donned 'a two-piece gold drege,
blue bat • with's-gold oatriela doe, and
* blue coat With red fOX trim. The
couple left for Detroit, where they will
spend their honeymoen.
4110 . SADDLE .-CLUB'S b1.14L0 DAY
The recently .Goderieh
Saddle Club. • Will hold a 110,1d day . at
• Agricultural Park •on • Thanksgiving
DO, October 8th. At 1 p;in. saddle
horses will parade from Victoria Park
by way of the Square to Agrieultural
Park, where A progran. of running
races and riding exhibitions is to
-begin at 1.30. There are about • a
•'dozen Avetit8 on the program, ineluding
a girls' .eaddle- race, musleal chairs,
wrestling on horsebaek, etc. • Good
-prizes-are offUed.
Tbis program will be something new
• in the way .Of Sports in Goderich and
• there should be a good turnout of
• •
Councillor Fred Seabrook, whoSe
birthday is on Saturday, was the re-
cipient 'greetings and good wishes
by way of cable from Hamburg, Ger=
many, the sender being LAC. Jack
Cleaver, of the -rtAx., who received
his.training at the Port Albert airport
and who while here, with: other Old
Country boys. sampled the hospitality
ofthe Seabreck home. 's
. . .
Accident on Dredge
On Mouday aasorning the tug Guard-
ian with the 'aredge Ella in tow left
harbor on the way to Midland and
-was about' 'eight• miles out when a
boiler tube broke on the dredge and
two members of the crew \yere-injured.
Word was got to )3ert alacDonald ,at
the. harbor by ship -to -shore telephone
via Sarnia, and the. "captain John"
went out and.brought the injured men
back to harbor, whence they were
conveyed to the hospital. One of them,
Fred Greenwood, .of Pefferlaw, Out,
had burns and. scalds on facto,. neck:
and eyes, but has' made a good re-
Covery and is leaving .the .hospital *to-
day. The other man, Robert Carson,
was only .slightly injured and left. the
-hospital shortly after admittance.
ss Repairs -have -been made on the
dredge:and it will leave with the tug
as soon as Weather permits. It is being
taken to Midland to vvork on, a G9vern-
„spent contract there.•• 0
At the LiODS Club meeting on Thurs-
day night last( held attheMaitland
Golf Club, Lion W. A-; Miy addressed.
the Cluh,giving a fine report upon the
Lions 'convention at. Quebec which he'
attended this, summer.
Lion A. II:Erskine talked, of plans
rfor the future, -which include the pro-
vision of a supervised playground for
children.. This was the subject of con-'
siderable discussion.
• A delicious .dinner waeservgd by the
ladies of the Club and among...4
gueSts were , Wing COmmander Sully,
son of Air -Vice-Marslial Sullys, and
Major 'McNeill, who has recently re-
turned after three and a -half .years
-everseas and. has joined his wife and
daughter here
Lion J. W. 'Coates, chairman of the.
war services' committee, spoke 9is he-
alfsof the -national clothing -collection; -
and at the conclusion of the meeting
the inembers of his committee demon-
strated their devotion tO-- the eause, by
doffing all the clothps they were wear-
ing -well, pretty nearly all -and de-
positing them in a barrel at the aoor.
(NolsodY ,had to ,go home in a barrel,
for the denuded ones had brought an
alternative 'outfit for 'the occasion.)
The. meeting was attended by about
fifty members.
Clarence Dustow
*&(1, by Tractor
oninninitY rirourne the Death of
One of Colbornele Most
Ee8Peated Residents
An 'Otien meetin,g;•.ef, the wird of
Trade” was behl on X61240: in
AlacKay'*1.1all, affording, an opportunity
to hear Air. Allyn Taylor of Lead*
a Past PreSident of the Cantidlan Junior
s Chamber of Commerce, 'TheSe. !,avaS
ginotorcloduttetdelibdr mere: it. M.
dent the Beard of Trade. *
Ur. Taylor's subject Was "The "Board
of Trade as a Factor In Town Better -
Went:" . Ile ,adviSed amide stream
lined Organisation, Ind/tiding the most
:interested.men In the community -s -not
neeessarlly the. ,raeSt prominent -and
elections held .anntially, The, Member-
ship should be a Cross;eectiou of the
whole coramilnity: ,
The Board of -Trade, advised,
should function through Small, active
committees, and four different classea
of activities could be prostioted-coin-
culiveirecilanliereinsdtuss. trial, agricultural, and
Discussing the industrial interests,
he' declared that the competition • in
various. centres in Ontario to get new
iminstries was tremendous,* A +. com-
mittee on labor was suggested. "Mis-
understanding between management
and labor is responsible for a great
hdeealsajodf. the trouble we have today,"
A town market for produce; friendly
relations between town and country;
improved highways, and the sponsoring
of cOmpetitions in junior :farmers'
werk, were suggestions for the pro-
motion of the agricultural interests.
Activities suggested for a civic com-
mittee included promotion of suitable
accommodation for tourists; encourag-
ing traffic safety ; recreational facil-
ities, and adequate bus, and truck ser -
Considering the Board of Trak from
a national standpoint, the speaker men-
tioned three sehools of thinking which
he advised ,steering away from -"the
•stand -patters," who are satisfied With
Vvhat they have; the. "spread-outers,"
who would take from the rids and give
to the poor; and the "blower -uppers,"
who advocate state control.
- President Menzies; -in a Short -address,
advocated, a "paint -up camPacign" 111
the spring. He congratulated the
townspeople an the appearance of their
homes, and hoped further progress
would be made.
Clarence Duetow, resi-
dent of Colborne townshipswas inetant-
IY killed on, Menday afternoOn When
he was. crushed between `:4, tractor and
the side of ,hie garage. News of the
fatality -was received -with deep regret
In Own and country, as Mr. DlaStOW
was well known and highly. regarded,
lite *as inbisatty.-ninth year, „_.
He had been cranking the tractor,
unaware that it was in gear, althea it
suddenly , 'moved forward, Mrs.
Dustow foand her -husband when she
ran from the house after hearing the
noise of the machine. •, Dr. J. • M,
C'Sralfata was called, but life Was ex-
tinct. ,
Mn. Disstow had lived all hig life
on hiss farm west of Nile, which had
been, the Dustow home for three gener-
ations. ,He was the son et the late
John and Jessie Taylor Dustow. Sur-
viving, besides his wife, formerlysaliss
Gladys Pentland, are a son, Gerald, at
home, a daughter. Evelyn, Alt Goderich
Collegiate Institnte, and•a sister, Mrs.
Alex. J. Cooper: of Goderich.
The funeral service was . held this
.(Thursday) afternoon- at Nile United
chnrch, of which deceased was a xuem-
ber. Rev. R. G. Hazlewood of Walton,
formerly of Benmiller, conducted the
service, which was attended by a very
large concourse of neighbors and
frjens4. The interment was in Col-
borne cemetery, the pallbearers 'being
Geo. Fagan, Alex. Watson, Ernest
Rogie, Leonard Christilawn.
Cann and Ont. McNeil.
Neck Fractured in Pair-
• •ThiS (ThursdayY molting Louis Le
•alar, on the dr, A. A. Hudson, fell
some twelve .feet to the hold of the -
vessel and was severely injured. At
Alexandra 'Hospital be was found to
have a fractured neck and several
broken ribs. He was taken this after-
noon, to the Toronto General Hospital
on, instructions train - the Workmen's
Compensation Board. Le Mar's ,home
is at Windsor. , •
Laying Cable .to Signal Tower
On Theredayslast.the cable waa 'laid
from the foghorn sivitch house on the
south pier to the radio signal station
at the end of the north pier, and on
Monday Joe Webb donned a diver's suit
and went down to •eee if the cable
was well and truly laicl at .the bottorn
of the .channel and to 4lte it fast'
An inspector Was herelrom the Radio
DePartment at Ottawa to supervise the
job, which took practically the Whole
day.. There are actually two cables,
one to supply power to the signal. tower
and a lighter one for telephone pur-
poses. The heavier one weighs three
and a-lialf tons, the other one ton.
Wm. MabDenald, local electrician, has
the , contract for the ' laying of the
cables and other electrical work in
connection with the signal tower.
., eTahsTkoentgs:s Ciothio7IneS twerehilo:h-atatOagduaa11:
from -the home of his parents, ;Mr. and
:a.fdn :lahlolsnt:OreogS lc::
Mrs'. '-"4r)iest Laws, 13ritannia • road,
waarlesMbers of Goderich Post 10%. Can -
Hospital, Landon, last. Thursday morn-
ing, was. held on Monday ' afternoon
tragic death occurred_ iii Westminster
The funeral of Basil La.anibvasosg,d_04.3w,::htapoNiveilisdoe
niniiiptaostsiciteeetInitioaefs:teerin a
besides the .many citisene from Gode-
rounded the casket, among them being
• A , profusion of floral tributes sur -
:Shies: stlreoym, .Tthoeronotaan, .adGfaurielpLeh,
• NIV.i0C110d,w:10.elld
roenl,atwivie:d:e.rd:a fordienndasm
sinee they greW from childhood there
Goderieh Salt Company, Berner Con-
,. stration Company, ex-seraice men and
• • friends, and the neighbors: ' '
Rev. Richard .Steivart conducted the
service owing -to the illness of Rev.
W. H. Dunbar, �f St. George's Anglican
church,' Uniformed comrades; recently
returned froin overseas; were the pall-
beareres They. were Williatn Freeth,
Gerdoil liradahaw, Ian Haggitt, Paul
Hill, MurraY Deer and Leslie PitbIado.
Interment was made in the .soldiers'
memorial -plot in Maitland cemetery,
Where Rev. air. Stewart conducted the
committal senace. The veterans . de-
posited theta poppies and,as the casket
_sis);ratSuloobweerrtecVetl, Post' was sounded
A noteworthy 0176/1t of Friday last
was a reunion of the Ili* fan:illy; three
brothers and five sisters, at the .home
of Mr. Michael-. Flick, South street.
The Sisters are Mise,Evit' Schiele of
Pontiac, Mich: Ms ''Mary ,A, Wieder
hold of Detroit, Mrs, 'Leah Shetler of
Santa Monica, California, Mrs. ,Lydia
Spurgeon .of Lake Orion, Mich., and
Miss Agnes, Vila of tOwn;* an the
brothers, MichaeL Fliek of town, John
ot Colborne' township and Leslie et
London, They are the ehildren of the
late Mr. andsMrs. Jacob Flick, pioneer
residents" of bolborlie townshirk, and
All:Ihtereeting Wedding took place
in North street United ehurch • ait 4
o'clock on Saturday afternoon,- YAM).
Elizabeth Jean, 'daughter 'of Mr. and,
Mrs. Gebrge Cone'', Maple Street, be-
came tke 'bride of lames 'Shearclown;
son et Mr. Wren .Sheardown and the
kite Mrs. Sheardown, all of Goderiels.
Rev. It. II, Turnbull officiated and the
Wedding music Was played' by MrS.
Murray Hetherington. • During the
Signing' of the register Mrs, Clayton
Edward sang, "rn Walk Beeide 'Thee."
The church Wall slecerated llettatifully
with gladioli, ferns and lighted tapers'
In tail eandelabra. The. bride, given
hi marriage by her father, Was loyely
in a floor length gown of ivory' Satin
fashioned With full skirt, tight -fitting
shirred bodice and long sleeves pointed
over the hands. 1-Ier long Yell of
bridal net ,fell hi •griteefiti folds from
a halo 'headdress, She carried a:
shower bouquet of red. Briareliffe roses.
Mrs. Peruke risher wit8 Matron of
honor for her sister In a fioor-length
gown of mauve net over tafteta vvitW
feather hat of .:matehing Shade..•Rer
flowers •were, Talismatf• reSe8. 'MISS
Aeker„, of • Pontiac, Miehigan,
cousin of the tbride, ttOd 'Alias Leona
Woodrow, of Loodoh, were the brides-
maids, The farmer Wore pink net over
taffeta svath finger-tip veil caught fo
a coronet' of ithavers. is Woodrow
Was sitaitarlst gowned in blue, with
Matching veil Their Soarers were
Butterfly noses and Pink Delight, roses,
respectifely., Georgina Colter, sister of,
the bride, was a eharming little flower -
girl in a long yelrow taffeta frarwith
Matching ehilfon poke bonnet, ITOWers
trimmed, She searried a nosegay of
Varicolored roses. Clayton sNivIns was
hest Mani' allarry Civic and Murray
Sheardown also w6re. attendants of
the groom, and the ushers were William
Colter, brother of the bride, sand
Howard Fowler.
After the Ceremony a:reeeption was
held at Mellon* of the bride's parents
which was decorated in a pink and has not been a break in the family.
white color" scheme and .With fall ."
flowers. Mrs. Colter received 111 brown TO REPLACE4COLORE1D LIGHTS
ereposavvitis acorsage of Talisman roses, The Colored lights tiroulad COUrt
and matehing ateeeeeorles. Helve Park are .to be re -installed as
Per a ,wedding . trip to Sarnia, the, soon as possible, the PUblie,TJtilities
bride *ore a grey tweed stilt with Ma& Commission having received at Tues-
aecessoilek. On their return Mr. •and day •Lnight's „meeting a request from
Mrs. Sheardown will reside on Essex the ..VOWit CAmnell that this be done:
street. The bridegroom returned this it WAS left to the superintendent to
year front overseas, where he served procure Iron'poles for suivortifigthe
as eompany sergeant -major with the wires; Instead 01 attaehing them to
Perth Regiment, and the 'bride is, a trees, as was formerly (tone.: -
member of the C.W.C.A„ stationed Ai The Ilydro power bill for the month
London. of %August WAS $4,141014. '
Among the Goderich young people
who are pursuing advanced studies
is William' Reid, son of Mr. and Mre.
James Reid, Nanillion street, who is
-taking an arts course at the Ilnr-
versity of Toronto. "Bill" returned
home recently after five years in army
service. • He • was overseas for two
years with the Th.C.R. and was in
Italy, Holland, Belgium aT'id Germany.
• At a meeting of the G.C.I. Board
on Friday .night, it Was decided to.
organize., subject to •the --approval of
,the Minister of Education, -evening
'classes in shopwork, home economies
and commercial work. The classes will
be held weekly, on Wednesday, even-
ings, commencing qie.tober .17th. and
continuing until the end of March..
The Board authorized the purchase.
of a sound 'moving picture projector
for the Collegiate.- '
Mrs. McD. Willis, Britannia road,
called arthis office this week with a
Huhbard squash weighing 28 lb. It
-was grown , from the seed of a squash
which tipped the Scales at 20 lb. last
year. ,
Master R,onald Parr of Galt spent
the week -end with Mr, and airs. C.
11dV. M. C. Parr and Mrs. Parr of
Galt were week-endguests with Mr.
and Mrs. E, E. Cranston. d
'Anse- Edna Hutchinson of Windsor
was a guest of Miss Terry 'Lemaire
over the week -end,' • •
Mr, and M.rs. J. W. Graham of De-
trolt are guests this week with Mrs.
Geo. Glen at Carlow. •
• Mr. alid Mrs. D. AL Hunt of Louis-
ville, -Ky. are -guests. with Mrs. .11mit's
mother,- Mrkr. John Clark, Nelsen street..
Mrs. Samtel Reid of Lucknow has
been 'spending holidays with her cousin,
.Mrs. H. Philips, East -street, and.,,other
friends In Goderich.
'Mk. Ana Mrs. Cecil McBride' and
son Donald' visited -Mr.. McBride's mo-
ther, Mrs. M. Mcliride, tratfortl, at
the week -end.
Mrs. Duncan McDonald and daugh:-:
ter Dianne, of Mint, Mich., are visit-
ing relatives in.., this elfstriet for a
week or two.
Mrs. j. W. Smith has returned heale
alter a 'two months' visit in Toronto
with her daughter,. atm Z. C. Beatty
Mr 4 'Ileatty. Mrs. Beatty acorn-
panied heranother. and spent a few
days in town.
Tbe nali4 ef it. 41, BlousonCV
S, W'
inadvertently othitted last week from'
the adVertisement spohsored by the
nierchants io aid .of the national cloth-
ing collection.
• A royal welcome was given by her
family and -many friends to Nursing
Sister Ida M. White on • 'Wednesday
night, when -she arrived home on the
late train. After the family greetings,
Mayor D. D. Mooney accorded the civic
welcome. Among the gathering were
many sister nurses who had beeil as-
sociated'with Miss -White in Goderich.
She was- escorted, to her home by a
line of cars. A dinner 'party for her
family was server: at the gaily decor-
ated home other parents.
Nursing Sister White returned to
Canada on the Ile de Prance. She was
s- •
one of the -first nurses from -GoderiCh
• •
to voltinfeerb for service and went to
South Africa, where she remained for
tWo years, and was. then transferred, to
Egypt. She'found that eduntry fascinr
ating, and stated' that eanadians who
Were married aed living in Africa
made,special efforts to shoi.v•hospitality,
•t1) ' the , Canadian •',,nurses.
She WAS in Italy for a year and a-
• half before returning to kIngland to
'embark for Canada.' She enjoyed the
Blue Water Area
Has Ead a Bi
Axamai Moetmg ot Hgbwa
Meodation Held at
Owen grpound
mom Owen outicl.gort-T141,08)
The lilt*. Water thghway AssOda-
doh, It the twenty,:sixth annual meet,
lug held on Monday inathe CitS, eternal,
ehataber, Owen Sound, elected the -sitMe
a14te of officers as that wide)z hag
held office for the year, as fellow's:
President; G. L. Parsons of, Goderiebss
Yicespresidents, W. ,Garfleld
Of, Oaten Sound, Bruce Bessenberry of
and Bend, and, 0 11 Hale of .04,1114.
O. Alan* of Sarnia also eoutinues to
hold the office of setretary-treasurer..
Daring' the businesS' session ;several
importust 'resolutions Were 'adopted in
the interests of the Aseociation,.all Of •
these having been,discussed at a
"forum. interval" Cendueted by W. Gar-
fiela Case And referred to a resoliitiens
committee of which Floyfi Itmnford of •
VOreSt was chairman with. Garnet
Smith of Orillia, 11, H, Moffat of Owen
Sound and Stan Prevett of Goderich as
Resolutions Adopted
• The first resolution of inaportance
urged that the ferry ,service from
Tobermory to Manitoulin ,Island
improved in order to meet the la-
ereased deniand for. such service.
Another resolution urged Imes the
Provineial Government that it take ,
immediate step g V� establish a *re-
ception centre at the Blue Water
'bridgehead at Point Edward, near
Sarnia. •
Still another resolution 'renewed
former request that: the Provincial.
Govertunent set up a Tourist Comilla-
sion to operate. independently :4clespite
changes, of goveraraent." . Q
Another resolution expressed ap-
preciation to Professor Landon • of
Western University for. his excellent.
Wok on Lake ,Huron.
The .thanks of the Association were
expressed, Ili another "resolution, 10 -
the Provincial Government for Provid-
ing' new road services, .during the war-
time years. ,
Endorsation of the movement to-
wards the development of "Huronia"
as a tourist centre, as advocated by .
the Board ef Trade . of. Collin,gwood.,
and Wasaga Beach, was alsb expressed
by resolution. .
Still another resolution expressed
appreciation . of the results attained
through the methods Of.' advertising
a.depted this year, and authcirlzed that • •
the publicity sought by the Association
in the ensuing year be handled in A
similar, manner. . s •
Further resolutions expressed setts-
factien with the reports: submitted by -
the President andsecretary-treassirer,
and tendered thanks , to these officers
far their efficient service. •
With thirty municipalitie's and • com-
munities within the, anembership of
the association, covering the district
from Wallaceburg in the south. WI'
Tobermory in: the north and Orillia to
the east, delegates Were present frora
practically every communitY, the total"
attendance at the asansuaoilbeinglmeetindjuusrt
underforty - ,
- President's Address , • a
• At the Opening, of the business ses-
sion •the president, G. L. •Parsons, is-
ferred to the fact' that statistic'al
ports indicated A tremendous -lacrease •
in the number of tourist visitors dur-
ing 1945, with regional reports shewing
that there was a serious shortage of
suitable xeconamoilation in many 'dis-
tricts of the Province.
Mr. -Parsons advocated the esthb-
Ifshment of a greater nuinber Of tourist
homes, suinnier hotels, arel other places .
for . the accommodation of tourists,
while be also suggested -that a, larger
nninher of'- fishing g1ti16 along the
district served •• by !the Ellie Water .
Highway would do much towards the
betterment of business.
The president also suggested that-
the Association give seriouS .consider -
a tion to the necessity fair larger and
faster ferries- running between T#'3b.er-'
• awry and Manitoulin Island," while
he stated that "little,. headway has
been made •in the improvement of -
accomnualation through government in-
spection, some tourtsts having 'found .
theinselves in accommodation Which
w'a's not up to par." • •'
Seereary's. Stateinent
-the secretary, in addressing the an meeting, stated „that the Associ-
ation, switli all expenses paid at the
end of August of this -year, had a '
balance in the' bank of $1,889; He also
reported that, $3,000 had been taken
in as dues during the year. He added -'
that, considering there Was, a deficit
of some $400 in 1944, "the Association --
Could congratulate itself on the year's'
The • Ladies' Aid Of .KneX Church re -
slimed their inonthlysnseetinge on Wed-.
needay evening, ,September' 26th, in
the form of a social evening, after two
months', recess. The devetional part
of -;•the Meeting was .taken by Mrs.-
Waltermbe NeWcoand Miss Edith , Wigs
gins. Mr % Alet, Stralton preeided,
Mrs. MacDongall rendered a piano
solo. Miss AnnsiSlacDonald and Mis,"
MeXin000-'were,- named a coitunittee
in connection with, the 'national. cloth-
ing eolleetion, the ealeetion date for
the Society being- ;October 8th to-
.0etober 13th. Mrs, 11, X. Itevell, Mrs,
W. -F. Saunders, Mrs. .Gordon Xaitting
and Mrs. 11. 0, Dunlop sang a humor,.
ons qUartette, unaceoinpented, whleh
was thoroiighly enjoyed. A, dttintY •
nlainseseh,eforgrIloolepd.,. eonvened by; Mros...3:49.
$^0110014 SPOItTs POSTPONED, -
Thvitig to the unfavorable Weather
thesG,CA. Sports, intended to be held
yesterday,. and the field day of the
And Separate ife1t001e, tItitAd ter
.today, were .both tiostponed. Thurs.
day, October llth: is now announced as
the date of the publie .and separate
school sports, to be held at Agricultural, .
cro sing.
Nursing Sister White said she is,,de-
lighted to be home. "I -can say most
humbly that 1 a1,11'd'eeply thankful to
our Lord for His guiudance, and for
the prayers of sceres ef friends"
s Mrs. Olga Ohly of Neudort Sask.,
:announces the engagement of her
daughter, Christine 'Katherine, to Wul-
ilain Bell, sou et Mr. Kenneth
Ross tell and the late Mrs. Bell of
Goderich. TI* wedding fo' take place
at Knox Presbyt.erian Osumi'', Water -
Too, Ont., October -20th, at 3 p.m. - •
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Finnigan, Dun-
gannon, announce the engagement of
their. daughter, Cora Evelyn, to Alvin
J. Sherwood, son of itIrs. M. Sherwood
and the late Wesley ..SherWood of
Wilkie, Saskatchewan.
Teralieratures of the past week in
Gloderich, with those of the eorrespotd-
ing week a year 'ago, as officially re-
corded, were as follows :
1945 • ' 1044 , •
Max. Mitt. Max. Min.
Thurs., Sept. 27 ..74 50 02 55
Fri., Sept. 28 ....08 . 54 03 51
Sat., Sept. 20 ....50 40 ' fit 40
Sun., Sept. 30. -140 31 -07 43
Oct, 1 ......03 40 08 47
Oet. ..„..02 45),.59 46
Wed.; Oct,* 3 47 48 03 43
— —