HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-09-13, Page 8001:410011 OMGA.,A4+1�STn ,n You Are Invited Ta Attencju�nuay::Services'II !HURSDAT, SEPTEMRER'13th,1� '4..x .. . CI71 its iv. We �aUN.B Rector ••41,- Pq0 ,• CRIV N, l4.nd ream' .3,30.. HOLY COMMUNION, 10.00 a.m.• ..CH1JRCH ,S(31901.4, 11.48 aapai.' IHOLY COMMUNION :ANI) • Subject: "Pit the Pro r SERMON. Proper , Labels on,, ife' . Ea►its," • , 740 p.m. EVENSONi,K.' ,,AND SERMON. .•. , Subject: ,'"Wham Makes Lif ;q„ a ��••eitryr} .COME TQ . OHURCH r 1- 4 - ox Presbyterian Church 9.45 a.m. SUNDAY 'SCHOOL. N' 11..0 a.m.. 'JUNIOR CONGREGATION. x1.44 a.ni. PUBLIC WORSHIP, Sermon Subject: °Robbers in the House of God." 7.00 p.m, PUBLIC. 'WORSHIP., Sermon Subject:. "Followers of Christ," MINISTER -REVEREND RICHARD, STEWART. Director of fraise -Mr. T. G. Jones Come ' and . Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness. North. St. United Church MINISTER -REV. R. 'H. TURNI ULL, S.A., $:D.. B.T.M. ' 11 a.m. 'VITAL RELIGION." 12.15 - a.m. SUNpAY . SCHOOL. - 7 pan: "THE CHANGELESS AMIDST CHANGE IN RELIGION." " . Organist and Choir Leader- Mrs. Murray Hetherington, A.T.C.M. A SINCERE WELCOME AWAITS YOU _ Victoria St. United Church MINISTER -REV. rLAWRENCE H. TURNER, R.A. 10.00 a.m. SABBATH SOHOOL, ORGANIST MRS. •L. MANNA 11.00 •a.m. ,SERIES= -"Blueprints of the' Kingdom" "Blessed Are They that Mourn." p.m. 'SERIES•=The `Itzngdom _ of .Heaven is like -"Unto a Certain King." Monday 3.00 pan. Y.E.U. UNION -9.45' a.m." PUBLIC WORSHIP.' WELCOME! Goderich Ba tist Churc p ch REV. JOSEPH JANES, M.A., PASTOR 'Mrs. Elia I. Donaldson, A:L.C.M., Organist 10 a.m. • SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. PUBLIC WARSHIP. "The Secret of Stability." 7 .p.m, PUBLIC WORSHIP. "Why I Ain a Protestant." fr Wednesday 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting, A CORDIAL WELCOME FOR ALL - • a «. Berean Missionary Church Services ODDFELLOWS' HALL SUNDAY,.SEPTEMBER 16th 11, a.m. 7.30 p,m. ... : BETBEL'. E.COBTAL TABERNACLE 16 WATERLOO STREET 1A , ami. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11, a.m. MORNING,SERVICE; I.N•G 7.30 p:m.; EVENSERVICE. Tuesday & p.m, Young People's Service. Thursday,8 p.m. Prayer Service. 'Come and enjoy the-nOld Story" that is ever new. • Free .Methodist Church REV. R.: r:_,MeCALL1L114 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL., - ''• 11 a.m. - MORNING SERVICE, "Christian Living' at Its Best.” 7.30 p.m. EVENING ..SERVICE,. "Deepening of Experience. " .. A WELCOME . EXTENDED TO. ALL CHUECH TOTES Anniversary ' services will ,be held , at' Union ehureh, Goderich township, on Sunday, - September 30th, with ser- . 'Vices at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m: ° Rev. Madmen ,C..Parr of .Galt, -will .be the guest sptol ke , Re vJ. A. Pearson, 'pastor of the 'Strathr'oy Pentecostal, Assembly, has accepted a call to 'Bethel Pentecostal A..ssembly, Goderich. He will com- mence his pastorate here on the first Sunday of October. Rev. A. G. Harris, whonfi''!:•Ite succeeds, has gone . to ,the' United States, where . he may, pursue further studies. CARPEATTRYP CONTRACTOR'S' Repairs, Alterations, Cupboards, e'to. • BOWLER 8,; HARRISON, 19 BICOCE ST. 58 gpLsoN 13T; .-WHEN 1/011 REQUIRE COAL OR COliR CALL - *tharle! Co ,Lie Estat COAL AND HARDWARE AV ME HARTiOVIR • 'ANTE, D TO. RENT. ---,THREE OR Smart fall hats Showing' the, feweet four. ' bedroom +Cottage .or- house, iii •style and color, Many new arrival beforeOctober 155th, BOA: tai, a e•-wec�,l#tcl,• s<- aeY.ir�s . *�.�AL� �3-R-7-3 millinery ry ston Kinstreet, •store, KingSten. 1'nbne Tx� 462. ... „ANTER '.p0 f RENT.-s;,.•HQUSI+1 OR • • -37 TT .� . Fuller' Brush, representative Mist apartment, , live rooms, unfurn- dAl Winnifred Clintonis e. Apply alt' SIGNAL -STAR., 37x O'Neil,, o ,will call in. �' ti Goderich during• the summer months. y. •., , . ... . Anyone wishing to get in tbuch� - .,WA��.ID TO BUY,-mCiifiST 03�`• her, phone Si l -S •with. drawers, household •f ui'uture and gna tail Office, phone 71. equipment. electric. ,not plates, irons, Reserve isSon a "24 typewriters; sewing ntaehine small. d si � 3�, •October .29th,, for radios'ai.nal other Useful" ar,tieles' 'exce Thanksgis ing supper under auspices a of St. George's. Chtarclx , W m n' clothing' C• WQQUS,. Secoradlian+ Guild. k . o �a-3 .Stone,, 12 East' Street. hone 331J., ,I3ua:lank- is a social error.. �. Take ' .• ' ••: •' M • 33tf Wilder's s Stomach Powder • to- stop ..tho . .ANTED. -' 1 'F pain of indigestion, heartbtirn,' or sour ski, OR GENERAL •stomach, SUe and +1 .at. Campbell's tzsework in small family rand ho' drug store. - • . 3f3r home with, all eonvenietnces ; dutis to Don't forget'Victoria 9 commence i;Xnmediately; good wages. 'F ie oria Howe a . d .«, School meeting Thuicsday, . September Phone 5 f3J, . .37 20,th, t 8 meeting A good musical: pro- ANTED,.. --T0 BUY OLD HORSES• gram is beingr prepared and refresh- and •dead cattle; muet be suitable ntents will be served. Special: Malta- for mink feed; removed ,promptly. tion to kindergarten mothers, -37 JACK GILBERT, phone ' 908 r 21, ,Pain Killer for, corns! . Lloyd's Corn Clinton. Calls paid for. 180 and Callous Salve givesprompt, sure relief. 500 at Caanipbellx s and 'Emer- I %TANTED.L-800 DEALERS EARN. A son's drug stores. 36.9 ooznfortable. income by selling Goderich Township hospital Aux- Fainilex••Products from'' door to door! Mary will .meet at the home of isirs.1.IIow about starting a business of your' T. R. Rundle on Thursday, September own, in your spare time; 'with the, .:Oth, ,at 2;45, -37 same advantages, ';in the district of Every resident. of Or Visitor to Gode-your choice? For free detailsand ich shottldXtiwn a copy of the faziious ! catalogue : FAAMILEX, 1600 Delorimier, all of the celebrated Dr. "Tiger" Montreal. 33-37 r w Dunlop. It is a literary gem. 35tf Rummage sale at Victoria street United ;. church under auspices of Eureka class, Saturday, September 22nd, commencing at 2 pan. Silver tea. 37-8 The Goderich Music Club will hold its first meeting ' of the new season in :'1acKay Hall on Tuesday, September 18th, at : 8 o'clock. -36-7 People go bareheaded, and some go barelegged, but• they can't go barefoot. Bring your shoe troubles .,tn us : we will do our best to til: you up. M. N. Mac- Donald, North street. 37tf We • can't insure "your life but we can insure comfort for your feet, When your shoes need attention, leave' them with us. They 'will be repaired and. ready when promised., M. N. Mac; Donald, North street. 33tf It's .the place . to go when you Want a light. lunch, a solid meal or a cool drink. • Bert Brereton, Grill Club, Kingston street. 33tf Don't suffer- constipation, biliousness, indigestion. -use- Kipp's Herb Tablets for quick, relief. An excellent tonic laxatire. 25c and. 75c sizes, at' Camp- bell's rind ail druggists, • 36.9 Slendor tablets- are effective. Two weeks' supply' $1; twelve weeks' $5, at Campbell's Drug Store. • 31-35 BORN HENDERSON.=-At A.1exadra Hos- pital, Godelich, on September 5,.1945; to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Henderson, 20 Raglan street, Goderich, a daughter. MITCHELL• -At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on September 11th, 1945, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mitchell, R.R.-1, Listowel, Ont., -a son, John Roger. , • SNIDER.- At • Alexandra Hos ital, • . God erich, on September 9th, 1945, to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Snider,,. B14 -field -road, Goderich, 'a daughter, Susan Kathleen. . ,DIED • N,OTICE M SCRIMGEOUR.-At•.London, on Sat- CHRISTAS CARDS AND ACCES- urday, September 8th, 1945, William SORIES. • When thinking of purchas- Scrimgeour, in his 82nd year. . ing your needs in this line for the IN MEMORIAM. 'coming season, would you keep in ELLIOTT.-In loving memory . of • a' mind that ERNIE BARKER handles • son • . and brother, Lieut. George the finest lines_ on . the- Canadian market? His stock . is on . order and as soon as it _ arrives it will be ad- vertised in these columns. Your patronage will be greatly ap- preciated. _ • WANTED.. --- GIRLS TO LEARN .• glove knitting.• Highest wages to ambitious workears. Best factory con- ditions and steady employment. Apply by letter or personally to TIIE LIAMS-TROW KNITTING CO, LIMITED, Stratford, Ohtario. 35-7 AN OPPORTUNITY. -ONE OF THE' ,nation's largest companies, cater- ing principally '-ro farmer's needs, is ready - to. place ' a valuable, contract which !should mean complete independ- ance for • a roan fortunate eiibugh,,, to have the following qualifications: Character record that will withstand investigation and proven ability' to efficiently manage both himself and his own business. • Financial status not extremely important but a travel out- fit is . necessary. Write THE J. R. WATKIN COMPANY, " Dept. O -G-1, 2177 Masson street, Montreal. -36-9 TO RENT TO RENT. "'`COMFORTABLE ,ROOM with suitable conveniences. Call •SIGNAL -STAR. • -37 TO RENT. -- 'DOUBLE GARAGE, corner Lighthouse and Wellington streets. Phone 715. 37tf TO RENT. 127 -ACRE tFARM. • 't Apply WILprR SSTEWA.1ZT, R.R. 6, Goderich. • ••• 37x 4 1 NOTICE NiOTIQE TO TEACHERS. , School attendance and progress re= .ports are on sale at 25 .Gents, a dozen at THE 'SIGNAL -STAR... 341•,._ . • Vi'etor Elliott, killed in action in France, September 15th, 1944. A beautiful memory, , dearer than gold, Of a son and brother whose worth can ne'er be told; Happy and smiling, always content, Loved andrespected wherever he went. •To a beautiful life, came a'sudden ,end, NOTICE TO CREDITORS f e" died as he lived, everyone's friend. °"---+": • 'Lo's-ingly remembered • by his .OTIQE • TO • CREDITORS. Mother, Sisters. and Brothers. -37 ALLEN. -In IN MEMORIAM "'Notice is _ hereby given•to 'all 'personsN.In loving memory of a dear having any •claim against the estate husband and • father, Thos.' G. Allen, of Emily Rellstab, late of the Town who passed away September 12, 1942. of. Goderich, in the County 'of Huron, To -day recalls sad memories widow, who died on or about the 18th Of a loved one gone to rest, day of August, A.D. 1945, to 'send And those who think of him today • same to the Undersigned 'on or before Are those who loved him best. : • the 14th of September, A.D. 1945, as -Ever remembered by Wife• and on and after that date the executor Daughters. • =37 of the said estate =shall IN MEMORIAM make , dis- '-TDERSON --In ,' loving Memory oftributio riut•anaaAn � of the assets thereof, .having regard only to the claims then Ailed. Dated at 'Goderich••this .180th day of August, A.D. 1945. - • y ..... R. • 0. HAYS, - Goderich, Ontario, 35-7.• . Solicitor tor the above Estate. ',OTICE ° TO CREDITO,S. In Estate of Donald Cameron Galbraith, late, of the village of Bay- field in the County of Huron- laborer, Mrs. Eva Anderson, who paSsed away September 1th, 1944. „ -Fondly remembered by son and brothers, , \Valter Anderson,. Wilfred and Bernard Walters. '• 37x ' CARDS OF THANKS MISS AGNES GRIFFIN WOULD like to thank those who were so kind to her in her bereavement. •She would like also to thank ,those who sent flowers,or Maned cars. =37 MR. AND I/IRS. WR. 'ALEXANDER take this means to express their gratitude to those who sent flowers or loaned their cars or in any way ex- pressed 'their sympathy in their time RS. T. H. TAYLOR WISHES TO thank the staff and nursei. of Alexandra Marine and General Hos- pital, Goderieh, 'Ont., also Miss R. A: Patton; and Mrs.'LeMie N'aftel, and Mrs. George Menterief, -for . the use of her radio. Special thanks to Victoria street United, church and to all her 'friends who so kindly ;remembered her +with flowers, earcla, WANTED Female - Ages '18 to 40 Male Ages le to 18 SHIFT vironz Phone, write, or apply-io' PERSONNEL DEPT. 1Celloit Coinptiaty of Canada, Ltd. Loney, on,,. 87.8 All persons having chili= against the estate of the above deceased are required:to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor- for the eState, on or before the 2i)th day of Septeniber, .A.p. 1945, after which date the assets Will be distributed amongst the 'parties entitled thereto) having regard only to the elaims of Which notice shall have Dated at Clinton this:A:5th daY of - September, A.D. .P. FINGLAND, - Clinton, Ontario, 36-8 Solicitor for the .said Estate: NOTICE TO cltEDITogs. In the Estate of ElizabethAleleher, 'All petsons hatring claims against the estate of the abOve deceased are' required to file,. the same With the Undersigned, Solicitor for the, estate, on or` before the 20tli day of September, entitled thereto, having regiird only Dated this Ith day of ,Septemberi 37-9 • &Atelier for the said Estate.' Mr. D. It Downie has been in Tor- ento.for some days ,owing to the death of his sister. Mrs. Phillips, has bee.n visiting a,t Mr. truest 'Meereath, of Dearborn, Mich., WaS' ,reeent visitor With „ /MS sister, Mrs. Randal' rtfarriott. OR' SALE. US -ACME `",SRM, clay learn ;, good brick house, bank barn, 32 ft. cement silo, henhouse -im- 'ple --sheds; _.---wititiniill, running water at back of farm; bueh, Mostly hardwood, well drained, kept hi high state of. fertility;. Maitland _concession Colborne, 7., miles from Clinton, ' 9, Miles . fr_oni Goderieh•'MRS. WM. STEVENS, Goderich.37tf J'.''01 'SALE. LA1)XOLI..",..RE.AUTI.. VUL and . choice. bloozur; 75c per dozen; other cut flowers in season. MRS. L. R. IOLMAN,Cameron .street. 4 Phone 722.. 310 OIt SALE: GjRL'S TUN Sx. Phone 9494'. , 37x 16..� 37� FOR SALE.' _ KITCHEN RANGE with., water. front, nearly: new. 0 Cambria road. $5tt oIt SALE..•-SMALL1TOUSE WITH Hydro, ehicken house, and ,barn, 34, acre of land, ,on No. 8 Highway: Ap1y FRANK ROOTH, Port Albert, Ont.,, -37-8 FOR SALE. WATERFRONT,: IN town 'of . Goderich • . Attractive bank and beach. Healthful' elevation. Or= chard, sewer,' "water, light. A quiet location for summer;, cottages or Por small farming. Particulars from . R. C. HAYS, (Goderich, 13tf F' OR S A L .E. --- EVERBEARING strawberry plants. 74 Huron road. -37 FOR SALE. -- • KITCHEN TABLE; • and 4 chairs; extension table ;. sewing machines, • $10.00 and up; settees, $1.00 and up; Coleman lamps; electric irons, guaranteed in good. order, $2.50 up; stoves and heaters. Also coal oil heaters, odd chairs, and many other articles. C. WOODS, ,12 a _East street,, `"Phone 331J•, FOR SALE. =- FRAME •' HOUSE, R 'eight rooms, all conveniel ices. Ap- ply 8 Cambria road. 37tf n AUCTION SALE O1' FARM: SCK AND IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD • E 'FVOTS at lot 27, concession 2, West, 'W'awanosh Township,; one and a half miles north f Auburn; •-on - TIIURSDAY, SEPTEMBER. 20th This sale consists of Cattle, pigs, hens, feed, implements and household goods.' Featured is an .International 10-20 tractor. on steel, „in, good order. • TERMS -CASH. . • SEtEP. NiCuLSON', • J Proprietor, HAROLD- JACKSON, 37 .Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE OF FUENITURE on S4TURD4r, $EPTEMRER 15th at, 1:30 p.m, at McKay Ball, . consisting of : • Chesterfield and occasional chairs studio' couch and two chairs; walnu dining -room suite, table, buffet and chairs; round dining -room table .an square dining -room table, both eXteu cion; - bridge lamp; radio; drupes two • magazine ' racks ; two mirrors walnut, bedroom :suite, double bed dresser, chiffonier; iron bed, ,dresser pillows; mantle clock; kitchen cipek Beatty washing machine and tw tubs ; eleetrolux and accessories kitchen utensils ; ironing board; elec- tric.. rangette, practically. new ; electric plate; new kitchen range; fruit Cup- board with pint and quart sealers. • In case of bad weather, sale will be held in, the hall. TERMS -CASH. 'MCI-IA.RD BOND, Proprietor. HAROLD JACKSON, 36-7 Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE Ur+ -ANTIQUE+ ;AND•- MODERN • FURNITURE on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER .26th' in Goderich; corner of Wellington street nd Elgin avenue. at 12 o'clock sharp. .Furniture • of Late Sheriff . R. G. eynolds. Large antique walnut sideboard,' wal- ut dining table, 8 walnut antique dining -room chairs,,. 1 antique walnut `whatnot' with mirror, antique grand- father's, clock, - walnut antique writing desk, walnut sewing table, spool wal- nut corner chair, wrought iron fireplace tongue and stand,, wrought ' irdii hat rack, walnut sofa, 2. beaded whatnots, number' odd antique chairs, 2 walnut living -room .tables, 2 small walnut tables, walnut: clock, walnut ottoman, 3 brass antique lamps, .rose broadloom rug's 9 x 1.2, reed veranda furniture; veranda swing; , 6 mahogany „dining - room elixirs, walnut oval 'table, wall - nut chest of drawers, walnut settee and 2 chairs, arm chair, reed walntit bed room rocker, walnut bookcase, 2 iron. single beds, springs and mattresses, antique bedroom Suite, 3 Marshal mattresses, white dressing table, quilt boxes, quantity' of bedding,. bedroom rugs, odd , dresser, washstand, . ward- robe, curtains, al4tique odd dresser, cot, number scatter mats, pictures and watercolors, steel -engravings, large quantity of dishes, silverware, kitchens table, ,chairs and cupboard, electric' stove in good condition... TERMS -CASH. 6 dI 0 FARM FOR SALE. TO CL -OSE - ESTATE 225 ACRES -$'9,500.00 On Highway 80 '4%miles from Lucknow, 3/4 -wile- from school. BEAUTIFUL EIGHT -ROOM HOME-- hot and cold water; furnace. • BANS BARN -,--60 feet x - 135: feet; litter-ear- rier, ,-water 'bowls, double thresh floor'] silo, implement shed and garage. Water also at _back of farm„,, Level, well drained, ideal tractor farm, kept. in highest state of fertility. , This. -is one:of Huron's finest farm's;; buildings alone Worth more than price asked. Apply MRS. ISOBEL �MacDONALD, 35-7 Lucknow (Town) , Ontario. FOR SALE.-YO31 BUICK ,•SEDAN,. good ,;family size. Car cart,. be seen in Goderich. Call S. McKENZIE,• Clin- ton, `phione 619 -r 12, evenings. -37 FOR SALE. -- THREE-PIECE AN- ' T1QUE. mahogany suite,- rocker, armchair and settee, "beautifully carved, Phone 664J. ' -37 FOR SALE.*QUEBE0 SULKY ING plow; nearly • new; also one walking plow. .Apply _ J; R. • .IOHN- STON,nR.11. 2, Goderich, 4th concession. 37-8 FOR• SALE: LOUSE, '13 VICTORIA street. « • • -37-8x FOR SALE. =-FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE with. hydro, garage, henhouse 20 x 22, small henhouse 1,2 x 12, garden. Corner Cypress and Walnut streets. Apply 61 West street. Evenings. 37-9xsisissy. • CATTLE AND* 'PIGS nt-lot 25, Porter's Hill,__3:_nailes-west of Hohnesville, on • FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21st at 1.30 "p.m. sharp., conSiSting of 25 young spriniers and milkers; '5 choice Holstein heifers, springing; 20 heifers, supposed to •be in calf; 15 young Holstein heifers; 80 stockers weighing from 400 to 800 lbs; 5 brood sows1-20 chunks. • Thisds a good line of stock and will be sold to the high dollar. Cattle will be delivered Up to 35 miles .for .50c per head. ' A. E. TOWNSIEEND, • DONALD BLUE, ED: W. ELLIOTT, ' Auctioneers. Rev. R. C. lvfeeallum, who •has fin- ished a pastorate of live years, at Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., is the new pastor of the *Free Methodist Clutch in Goderldh. Ile• succeeds Rev. W. E. 1VIeQuiggan, who has been transferred • PtISONER- OF WAR 'CLEARING AUCTION • SALE, OF STOCK; IMPLES1ENTS ' AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS On lot 25, Goderich Township, on No. 8 highway, 21/2 miles west Of Holmea- FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28th HORSES -Bay, horse, 12 Years old; grey mare, 10 years old; aged driving • CATTLE -73 Durham cows, due in October; 1 cow, ,due JantuitY ; roan cow, due Fehruary; roan ekw,.. dim €LQ$ING 0 , g to the shortage hortdosed :of std this Will . front Ito-- t. 2 ,__bot dam- inclusive a - inclusive, and will reopen van • Monday, Sept. 24th. • . WEEK -END SPECIAL • APPLE PI G• 20 cents each. CURRY'S BAKERY- . K AY e on26 of Tasty a^ MEL: CULBERT, r Proprietor. PHONE 465 " cow, due March; red cow,' due 'March; red Ow, 'due May; 1 'calf, 0 weeks old; 4 Hereford steers, ` 2 years old, (950 lbs.) ; 2 Durham, Steers, 2 years old; 2 Durham year-old steers ; 5, baby beet calves (450 lbs.). PIGS -3 Young York sows, due time of sale. binder, 7 ft. cut ; Massey -Harris moWer, 6 ft. cut; Massey -Harris 13 disc drill; MasSey-Harris hay rake; springtooth cultivator; 21 Cockshut walking plough; 2 -furrow riding plow; '150 ft. new 1" piping; 4 -section harrovvs; land roller; scuffler; Dig crate; fanning mill and bagger; farm vhgon; hay rack ; stock rack ; 135,ft. new hay rope; cutter; buggy ; set of sleighs.; 1 set team harness and collars; grain bags; sling ropes and chain; hay knife; hay fork ; 20 tons good •timothy hay; quantity of grain if threshed; forks, *shovels and other articles. Some household effects. GEORGE B. WILSON, HAROLD JACKSON, E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk. 37-8 CLEARING SALE OF FARM STOCK • concession 1, West Wawanosh, 3 miles - west of Auburn,. on THURSDAY, -SEPTEMBER- 27th heifer, supposed to,freshen Decem- ber 25th; 1 black cow, supposed to freshen November 20th ;• 1 black coW, • supposed •,`t�` freshen Deceruher,;21st,; 1 Durham-lieifer, supposed to freshen. to freshen January 10th; 1 heifer, sup- posed to freshen about lst of OctOber; steers; 1 white two-year-old heifer; 1 two, -year-old Hereford heifer; 4-7 spring calves; 1. A.berdeen-Angus bull calf about five naorfths old,;„ 1 Clyde year old; 1 Belgiair colt, 5 months old ;* 1 filly, about 43/2, months' old. Pigs - Everything advertised must be- dis- pose& of. SAM YOUNG, Proprietor - 31 -8x Auctioneer- • INSULATION - FLEECE -LINE YOUR nomu. Blown Rockwool Insulation instal- led in ceilings ,and walls of your home will pave fuel with more •comfort and phone 71, SIGNAL -STAR, or write „ROWLAND C: -DAY, 5 Thornton -ave., • Ergp--Immediately ,_cullts TO OPERATE SEAIVILESS HALF HOSE KNITTING, IVIACHINES AND LOOMS LIGHT CLEAN WORK. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN POSTWAR TiApE. GOOD PAY AND WORKING CONDITIONS APPLY Holeproof Hosiery Company of Canada, Limited Ea:st Street,-Goderich . PHONE 960 so E -6 -14 -es voteree (soma or MY • World 'pear stocks are dangerouslylowo. use lassL.toe with discretion