HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-09-13, Page 7TOVir.NSTURCOUNCIL COLBORNE TOWNSHIP • �•- . 'Township:- oducil--met _ tl e, • 7 ownsbip Hall on Tuesday. evening, Sepfmber• 4th, with , :ll members pre- mnt. Minutes °of last meeting- were read mesad adopted.II as Mr, Thomas.. .Sandy v�. present': in- fornming 'the Council that he hadpari chased 'the Fleming Eaiate praty and would like to take over the Town-' ship road leading down along the bank to -the river, er';to--m ire some-ar'jranSe. vents to have the. road improved. On motion 1)y Stanley Snyder, " ,NC- onded by Wm, Clark; it was decided that Councils eald Meet Ar. Sandy :n Wetnesday, September 12th, before Filled the'eaise MuchMisery Miler If you suffer from. om boils Y oii knew' ow sick and miserable they ou feel, . n'�` indication of impurities in. ° Boils are au,autward }, pr 'i a of -. the System, and j ust when you think you ar e i crops u to take . its lace and prolong one another a p•not stop more • lancing and poulticing you can do may' All �o it g your uilsery, .. aping, blood,so whynot ;;►vel u shouldpurify the ..; .�help.�overcome boils o To . 3i • blood .an. divine Burdock I3lood Bitters,_ a, chance to show .that old, xQiable a ., do in helping get rid of them? Thousandia have used it for'" what it wad youthis purpbse for the past 60 years. . Why not you? I The T. Milburn Cb.. Limited, Toronto, Ont passing 3udgtaaeaat, A letter was . read ft^otll Mr* Iou* nelly; asking Council to repair the culvert at Kimble Brindley s without ., . - - ttooad vauehersAnti bills were ordered ;paid "except 'Vin,- Thorn's sheep claim, which was 'land over .to next meeting: "Itoad. vouclaea's, $216.23; County . of Huron, culvert •for' Alien .drain, 00 : 2 R F i S. Mitchell, , hours;, work With team in cemetery, $3.75.; ''Miss Lillie MacPherson, Search fort assessor, $5 Print Shop, $2.50; Provincyial•Treaasurer, Insulin, q8c• 'County �f'. H uton,,i ~C of1 borne sharpie far indigent, $7.36;Wm..JR Westlake, salary for 'August; pg.. Counciladjournedto ee t th e 2nd Clap of October, at 8 .o clock p1'lat. •"VPbi, SA,;LI.0WB; Clerk, FORMES ODBBugi HIDE r SD1fioOh STUD'T, DIES ,EAFORTII, Sept. S.•—Mrs. Thomas Coleman and George Cotematn, E tnoncl g g ville, have received word .of the death of Rev. Dr. -Oliver Coleman, prominent minister of. the United Church, Winni- peg, on T tesday' . morning, in his sew .nt y-lrs year. He had been ° iu +� 3 failing health for a ome year. Born in 18701, Br. Coleman was a on or the late Francis Coleman and liza Jane Smith o1 the Farr line, -Stanley ,townshnp,. on„ farm . now a Geon Caenlaaa's Hol, ,Anson. owned. by g Ile attended Clinton,and ' Coderieh. High Schools, completinhie edueation at Belleville Theological College Ile servec'1- in several °slates. lA fan:itoba, M #• F Including 'Killarney. 'ilvt, , Mound, wawatiesst,; and Winnipeg, and ° re-. ceived the degree -of Doctor of, Divinity about,fifteen years ago.;, He is :i urvived by is wife, the oar er Reale a l ox, flay; City:. 1ighR ; two 's ns, M orley� of. Ottawa, and vi Charles Coleman, 'Winnipeg: one, daughter, Mrs. Glen Clark, in ipefi , one brother, , Georgeorge .n 'T oiadville;, and'Iwo. sisters, Mrs. John l igie, California, and Mrs. Mary A Ortweip, • WhiniPeg, The funeral vas held'Phurrsduy in 'Winnipeg•, A fellow ;has to. 1?e a contortionist to get ;on these: days, First, ilei has to keephis back to . the wall and his ehr e ground. Then he must put his tQ the eel his nose .shoui4ier to. the wheel, to the grindstone, keep a level head and have both feet on ; the' ground. • UNCLE FRED,. DO YOU -,THINK JOE'S GOING ? TO FEEL. ET DOWN WHEN •HE GETS HOME ,• SURE! BUJ" REMEMBER; 1� HOME HAD SEEMED PERFECT... FROM OVER THERE 'lC�+... • 'J��..waY .: n'�"�:'?'c�.-nhi.....krx�nwri BUT YOUR AUNT AND° WORKED OUR PRO¢LEMS OUT TOGETHER..: THEY'RE' MUCH EASIER ;;. THAT WAY. YOU AND" JOE TRY ° THAT!... YOU'LL FIND IT .. WQRKS! REUNION IN CANADA!. How many of us are making happy plans far when our men come back. And maybe the reality.won't quite live up to expectations: But the awakening doesn't have to be too rude: Everyone will weed a little adjusting .. . So; let's plan to work our our problems together! JOHN LABATT LIMITED London Canada 1 i S ith fourteen- .ear -old son, 'of sisters .also survive. He retie .ved head. l3i l_ a .tat: , Y � cid t Airs. ' A elbert .Snaith of Liny and internal ' initiries in the ac ... ,, en tYow and M d and never re ained eonsciousneas. township, was operating ,,alE roller when g the team of -horses became unmanage<. Gardiner Home In able and ran away; are received severe Usborne 'hurried iaeaid bruises and i� and. nd• other.iulur ,. e r. ses was taken to. London for hospital treat- .1Webster, 1 er ° u death* . of ,� o , .The' dear h y. native of I.ticknow, , and" resident in later years of Seaforth,, ; oeeiia,'tred. on. September 3rd, at Bean7:sville, where he was visiting his son Lawrence. Ile was in his seventy-eighth. year. -mAn- other son,' Gordon, lives at.. Toronto, and there are two stepdaughters, Mrs, I3, Rising of McKillop and Mrs. O. Leach of Illinois. Burial' took place in Greenhill cemetery, Lucknow, Raydeld � l Wins Two Scholarships The Sir Ernest Cooper: scholarship of 'the Clinton ,Collegiate Institute has been awarded • to Miss Doris McEwen of .Bayfield. The awtrri of $50 goes to the pupil of the school having, the highest standing on ' any nine upper -school papers. Miss McEwen has. also won a University of Western Ontario scholarship of two years' tuition itt that University. —She is the daughter of -Mrs. Frecl. \icEawetl, Bayfield. Accident at Stratford Fatal to Seaforth Young Man Cpl, Harold I:Iector Chesney of Sea - forth died in the military hospital at Crumlin on Friday of injuries received in .•a motorcycle accident at Stratford, the 4previous Tuesday ,night. He waS twenty-seVetl years ofl age. son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chesney. Egntoildville. A. young wife and. several brothers and lire of unknown destroyed origin ed he � y two-story brit* d e11ia1 ' ofJames Gardiner,' , Tliatnaes' .toad, Usborne township? on Suu t . . Damage ge is plated• at $10,000,, The `'family." were .at Grand Bend when the dire ltroire out, A passerby who .discovered .the are. in the iaaek kitchen gave the alarm, but by that time it had- wined such headway khat it teas ..:litlpossible to save,any of the eonten,ts.' The 'buil.ding was 'burned to the. ground. 'The. loss is partially covered by insurance. VVV'.pr Scholansrship.N'of :$500. 1lziss-'Helen. Thom son,` of• 'Vic - P. torian-Order Nurses. London, the daattgh- WRr. or Mr. Mrs. m* meet*** 10, lit Wawa itis, lbw been awarded the, Victoria* Nurse*, scholarship, valued at 1000.. This .award . entittee Miss Tf o to a y is 'tuitinu :at t,l s,._1 ttt*to Baabllc IIesltb, London, ,wlii'C I ixt. filiated ,with the University, of WOW* Ontario. NEXT YEWS +7••!lF �• . S i lkf rit4�'n Motor car license plates In Onlar1tr ueXt Year` will have white Attire* a black b)wkgronnd, $till faced 'with: mn.. w l oto theProvince petal shortage, rv 'continuotol�aue ,only o .��t e, to ear, number of :&.. registered aassen er car ,,IiOn torI is 5150,000r R, � r � . CrYa ed ki ' a ilf ►.i� 7%11 year,..19 41. . The number of registered trucks remains the same 'as in 1041,, sit 0r4,000: 11111DRO SOWER LOADS Ilydro . paw r .loads, in this district. In May, .s as reported by hydra; New* fou September: Blyth, 10; Brussel*, , 156; . Clinton, ' 0044 , Ttshiwood,, 110; Exeter,079 ,; Ooderich, 1605'; Henaiall, 100; _Seafo�rth Y 1078; ,'wrier}, 159; Lucknow, 351;. Winghani, 801. PORTER'S HILL PORTER'S. HILL, Sept. 11. = Miss Phyllis wilding. school teacher, spent Sunday at her home at Ripley. Mr.' Ivison and 'Miss Jean Ivison of • Kippen were Sunday visitors at E. T. ' Torrance's. Mr. and Mrs', Theron Betties, of Winthrop,, accompanied by their daughter Isobell, who has • • recently` returned from England. where. she was- on the staff ,of nurses at a base hospital.' spent-Sunilay, with Mr. and :Mrs..., Allen Betties. 'On Monday;—September 17, the ,Red Cross meeting will be held at the home `'af Mrs. F. Picot. Miss Anna • Townsend has entered business college at Clinton for the fall term. It is rumored that Ir. Joe Postbill has . bought the 'orw nsend farm on the hayfield road. . . • 'Audrey Harris is attending. High ;school • at_ Clinton." Church .Anniversary. --The annivers- ary services at Grace church on .clay were well attendhd. The day was ideal. The profusion • of. flowers contributed by the ladies was much ,admired. .'The -music by the choir, assi.Sted by Miss Jean Ivisein of Kippeu .and b1t•. C.hlirles Wilson of Ilolmesville. with Mrs. Will Cox nt .the organ, was especially good. The officials of the •!ehufeh .*appreciate Very . mach the. musical talent given so willingly. ,. Rev. 1 F.• G. St;itesbin'y was the speakee at. boot st•rvices apd his addresses were ' much appreciated. The thank -offering amounted' to about $150. . No need to wonder about synthetic tires standing up -'snot when you' can buy Firestone DeLuxe Champions --the tires that were used .oil the famous .speedwayy test supervised by officials ofthe American Automobile Association. Imagine the punishment those tires took as 'Wilbur Shaw; the famous race driver, streaked over the 500 -mile course to average 100.34 miles per hour..... equal; to 50,000 miles of ordinary driving. Not a skid •"dr blowout occurred even when hey _st ppekF tap~ �to ,135 miles on the straightaways! Be sure to have Firestone DeLuxe Champions on your car. See the nearest Firestone Dealer: ' .. c 02403,r..40,;. ,t y . • . It's . your safety a mean, when we speak of the Treadmark of Safety. he basic pattern of the Goodyear diamond read has remained the same year after -year,,.--r. unchanged: for 37 years:' Othertread designs. area -always 'charging ... always• ccstartlulg", • always°marvellous" . but never. quite good .enough to survive. The simple truth is that ,no tire atnaker .. '. not, even Goodyear ...;has°been able to improve the non-skid safety and ' traction efficiency of ,that basic diamond -block THE DIAMOND TREAD,, GRIPS MORE SECURELY IN ALL DIRECTIONS., FORWARD . EDGES �" $rake" • itgc est road for quick stops on slippery pavements. ' ` SII5E EDGES • check side -slip on' crowned roads and soft shoulders. pattern. The diamond tread continues through the law of "Survival .of the Fittest". Of course, there -lave been' changes in detail to: -meet progressive ckanges in motoring conditions; but the basic diamond -block design survives ... and wherever you Jiave seen it, you have seen the 'mark of a Goodyear tire. The diamond .tread is,only one of many reasons why now, as for 30 years, "More People' Ride on. Goodyear Tires Than On Any Other Kind". SIDEEDGESresist fantailskids when you brake in emerged, cies. REAWEDGES act like cleats for quicker starting: help to pre. •- IP' , . . Vent spiremeg mud antL • snow. • 2,347,000 blood donations were 'made in Canada, 1,423,000 in Ontario, . thr-oiigh ,the volunteer Blood Don9r Service ' of the Canadian Red Cross Society since the first clinics were estab- lished in 'January, 1940. The' lives of hundreds in the army, the navy and the air force were saved `through this service. c, F ' This record was"only made possible through your donations of blood.: We_wish to thank you sincerely for your generous•help at a time when the need was so great. Special thanks are also given to the doctors,. nurses, ° transport drivers and . all other volunteers who gave, so generously of their tune and talents. • The Volunteer Blood -Donor Service is -now closed as a war ° Measure._ A new challenge is presented, however, for many deaths occur in `Canadian hospital's each year for lack of an adequate transfusion service. , ;: To meet this need, the Red Cross Is making a survey with a view to providing all Canadia4 hospitals with blood for transfusion .r •purposes. ° •'To our thanks, then, . we add an invitation to help us as we continue our humanitarian work. .When the tune comes, and plans are ready, announcements will be duly Jnade. Your Goodyear dealer note only. will keep your present tares' in serv'iee ... he also' will; advise .,yott promptly when you 1ecdme eligible for new tires. See hen .... . re alp '' THE CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY BLOOD DONOR" SERVICE... Ftsidtne .. RUSSELL T. KELLEY Onio:1„41s on . ME. NELSON nal, Glathrrian 'Chairman On tario Lamin tleo r.� ' f oc*I Caltamittee, BToed Dol,' aor• $ rti ace �,Q Blood'DonorSerw ice