HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-09-13, Page 5- STIEWAII. TS° • °EOR DISTINCTIVE PLORAL ARRANGEMENTS Fresh Roses always in stack• phone860J-* R --hearer. _ M mitt- l Stewnlr - _ ---The - - f In dowers it has been', Stewart s since 1.460+" AUBURN ° (Intended for last week) Dt at6 of George, . •Yungblut.-the • deatll of George .F, .Yungblut, which `• occurred ;early Sundaymorning at his dome east. of Auburn, `removed a high- ly esteemed . and lifelong resident • of Was •in' his seventy-fifth' year, had suffered a stroke a week previous, Son. o the ` late Ir. ' and Mrs, Weiner Yungblut, . he was born on the . farm on the Dlyth road wuere• Maier Yung- blut lives. For many years he con- ducted a.: butcher shop • in Auburn, . rel who tiring from, •tbia business in 1919 and, thin community. Mr. „,,Yungblut,n° . moving to the farmon which 4e died, For some time he was extensively en- gaged as.a°,eattle-buyer, and afterthe building "of the 'C.P.B. to A.ufiurn he was the 1irst manager of the elevator at the, ` _railway_ g ttol - n cls, --f a - ytars tie was active in sports circles, was a spilled Markarian and captain of the Auburn Rifle Club. '711e conn Peted'inany times, at Long Branch and was a winner of the Huron. County medal. lite was an active and devoted member of. Knox .Presbyterian church and served on tiie bead 'of managers lie was a MasoJn• and a past' 'master of Morning Scar, Lodge, Carlow; *a director of the W'esterh 'Farmers. Weather .insurance 'Co., and had served on, the Township Council.., of. Enst T1 awanesh. ,111Thwevaber, , ..!",n... married- A ina Walper, Who died in March, 1988."In, June, '1941, he Married Mrs. Jemmy Mugford, ,who . survives, Also surviving- are ,.three sons, Victor, -home 'Leonard, lid 1 iud r, u Arthur, of Detroit, and two daughters, Mrs. Clarence Walden (Marguerite), of .Seafoi'th, and Lila, of White l terse, Yukon, who Baine b3 plane to Toronto on learning of her father's illness, but failed to arrive ' ire• before his death. There are also' one, brotner;.11'arry,. of 'Mulch, and .. seven sisters, Mrs. C. W. ,,Mogk, of, Favistoek, bars, Geo. ,Beadle .and, •Miffs, , ° John Arthur, of Aiiburxi; MM'rs. 'Wins. IgUtell, of• Clinton, Mrs, Nelson'Arznstrong and Mrs. Vollinerahauson, of Woodstock, an+ Mrs. ,W. R. Hill,►; La Riviera,.. Kau. The funeral was held from the home this ('Wednesday) afternoon, the service being conducted by Itev. ,. ILy. (�,, .�.'i'{�lson/,��•o��e�yWhite(�cb�urch 1'Qresb}y�tterjafjn church;--- here- was • .ITr..-large` attezidunee, persons frons eery walk in life being present, to! pay their last respects to .a dear ,friend. ° The beautiful. it ral tributes from .friends and relatives at Woodstock, La Riviere, Man., Detroit, Tavistock, Toronto, Zurich and sur-- rounding community, werecarried by Ernest Patterson, Harry Yungblut, Robert. Arthur, Ronald Yungblut of Auburn, Van Yungblut of 'Zurich, and LAG," Keith Arthur of Camp Borden. The pallbearers, were Dr. i3. O. "Weir,' J C. •Stoltz,' Edgar Lawson,,Mr Klopp of ,Zurieli, Pere* "WV`alden, a:zili `George; Beadle. .,` Iirtexment was made in• the fancily Blot in Ball's cemetery. Friends were present. • from. Toronto, Detroit, Windsor, Woodstoek, Tavistock, Zurich, Clinton, "Goderich, Delaware State, 1T,M•A., London, 'and llolyrood. Miss Lila` Yungblut, `Iteg.N,, arrived from the Yukon. on Tuesday. e a ollowivg wages •d`. .' • Sumlity, Umber IS* to 6: GODBRICH *MN; . ,',ARAYSTEAD From Wed. Sept. 12th to . Wed. Sept. 19th at all I.D.A. Drug Stores 'throughout 'Ontario. , Along with, this handy list of popular brands at lowest prices, your I.D.A. druggist offer money -saving bargains. I.D.A. 1RAND I.D.A. BRAND- A. B. S.- & C. . BEEF, IRON • Tablets ® & WINE )100's Reg- 19c '14c 16 oz. 69c Galvanized Wash Tubs Galvanized Pails Galvanized Ridgerolll dust received a large ship - inept of stove and. furnace • spoke pipes and • elbows,. black and . galvanized. Special sizes made . to order. I.D.A. ,BRAND • CRE=O-TONE Sthnmlating Tonle 16 oz. 98c E. Breckenridge (Successor to the late Fred- Hunt) Hardware and 'li'mi'ng' ° NOTUC'E We. are b.ehind,, our usual. schedule on deIiyerips' coal, due to a shortage of .coal Irandiers. We have this week added ex -service men to our de- livery staff, alid•we ezp ct to 'make deliveries of most.orders now on our books within one. month. ' If any eustom;er ,requiring coal for immediate eon. suiniptio i will please advise -"lis,, we will give prompt service to their orders. , a . • . ,. "YOUR COAL 13 IN OURS YARD" Absorbine Jr. . 98c, 1.95 . Agarol Compound ..69c, 1.29 Alka-Scitzer 29c, 57e Allergi-Tabs ..1.00, 2.50, 7.00' 'Almond . Lotion, 6. oz. .. -50c Alphamettes .... 1.00 to 15.00 Anacin' Tablets .. 22c,: 43c, 98c Analgesic Balm, IDA Brand 25 Arrid Cream Deodorant 39, 59c A.S.A.• Tablets, 100's•21e 2for39c Astringent Mouth 'Wash 23c, 69c Baby's.. 'Own Tablets w . ,.. 23c Path Salts, Velvetta .... • 69c Bayer -Aspirin 18c, 29c, 79c Beacon Mouse Killer .. 25c Beechain's Pills . 23e, 49c Bile Beans 47c Blood Purifier, I.D.A. ` 89c Britisli Consols Cigarettes 50's 80c Brilliantine,-Ve1'uetta .... 35e Bromo-Seltzer ..... 25c, 49e Bronchia Cough Syrup . 50c Camphorated Oil, ;x,D.A,, , ,25c Canadian . Nasal Spray Outfit' • 1.50 Castoria 33e,' 63c •Children's Own Tablets . 25c Dr. Chase's Nerve .Food 60e, 1.50 Cold Tablets, I.D.A. 'Brand' 25e Colgate's Dental Cream 25, 40c Cress Corn Salve 50e Cue'Liquid Dentifrice 19e, 33c Cutez•Nail Polish 25c Cuticura Baby Oil • • 60e MINERAL SIL HEAVY GRADE An especially' efficient internal MILK of MAGNESIA MINERAL OIL Smooth; , pleasant tasting. An efficient' 'alkalizer, gentle laxative. Reg. 25c DIOX'OGEN CREAM 30c s 60c Dettol Antiseptic .... 49c,1.49 Diaperwite .. . ' 39c Dodd's Kidney Pills • 43c Don Juan Lipsticlr..49c, 1.10 Don Juan, ,Cake Make -Up 49c, 1:25 • Drene Shampoo ...... 67e Eno's Fruit Salt • .. 59c, 98c Ephazzone Tablets ..1:50;x.50 Estivin . •.. .... . .. . ... 1.23 Etiquet Deodorant.. F :. . 39c -Ex-Lax Chocolate 'Laxative 15c, 33c I.D.A. BRAND FLOOR WAX • Easi-Gloss 1 lb. tin ' 43c Feen-A-Mint .. .19c, 33c, 69c Fitch Shampoo 35e, 69c. Floor, Wax, .Easi-Gloss . , 43c Forhan's Tooth Paste 29c, 49c Fruit -A -Thies' ....... 22c, 39c Gillette Blue -Blades. 5 for 25c. G eve's Coll Tablets. 24c, 44c Haytone 25c, 50c, . 1.00 H,orlick's Malted Milk 48e;197c I.D.A. B AND I.D.A, N ALT . Extralt Malt and Cod 'Liver Oil 58c : 98o -. 1.69 Idarub Chest Rub • • 39e. Idol -Agar, I.D.A. Brand ,69e Ingram's` Shave, Cream .. • 39c 'Ipana Tooth' Paste ..29,c, 49c Iodized Throat Gargle .•. 25c Ironized ' Yeast -Tablets ..98c J &J: Baby Powder ._ 28c 55c J.&.J. Band-Aid ....10c, 25e Kasagra, Stearn's. 25e, 50c, 90c ' Kolynos Dental Cream 29c, 47c BIG 9c 19c 29c ' SALE • `9c 4 1, S Muffets..., �h ... ,pkg. 9c Old Dutch Cleanser .. Tin '9c Cow Brand Soda .. lb. pkg. . 9c Libby's Mustard 6 oz. jar 9c Aylm. Deny, d. Beans, 2 for' 9c Ellmarr, Vanil..a,-4 oz. bot. 9c Cream-a•tustards ..2-4 oz. pkgs. 9c 19c VALUES FrY's Cocoa 1/2 lb. tin 19.c Quick Quaker :Oats .. pkg. 196 Davis Gelatine ..pkg. • 19c Aylmer. Olives . 6 oz. plain 19c. Newport Fluffs • .5 qt. bag 19c Laing's C.C. Sauce 8 oz. bat. 19c Canada Vinegar .2-12 oz. • bot: 19c 29c VALUES 0. and G. Marmalade .: 2 lb. jar 29c Shelled Almonds .1/4 lb. '29c Cut Mixed Peel. . 2 1/2 1b. _pkgs. 29c .v . Stokely's Tomato Soup - 4.tins 29c Kkovah Health Salts tin 29c Roman Meal .. . •pkg. 29c Pard Dog Food . �.2 pkgs. 29c Maxwell House Ooffee 11b. bag 43c Pastry Flour ..1 lb. bang 25c Kellogg's Corn Flakes 3-8 oz. pkgs. 25c The latest report received from the Provincial Department of Health laboratories of Augusta 16, 1945, of samples of milk sub- mitted a rom the different, milk vendors in the, town is as follows : .3• • Per Cent. --Result of -Source of Supply' B..Coli - Standard Butter Phosphatase . gount• Plate Count Fat Test Goderich Dairy --milk 20 50,000 • . 3:5 A Goderich Dairy -cream 0 -400,000. 25.0 . A McManus Dairy -mill: '. • 0 ' 60,000 4.1 A _McManus Dairy -cream; .0 4,006,00() 23.5 A Orr's Dairy -milk- 10 70,000 3.5.5 A. Orr's Dairy -cream .. 0 • • 600,000• 19.0 A Baxter's Dairy -milk . 0 ' 15,000 3.55 A laxtees Dairy -=-cream ..,., 0. 700,000, 22.0 A Beattie's Dairy -milk 0 -15,000 3.3 A Town Hall Tap 90None in 50 ec A The interpretation of this report is as follows : B. Coli Count -Refers 'to the bacillus coli germ, one capable of instituting bowel disturbances. � The Standard Plate Count -Js an estimate of the rfumber of ' bacteria per c.c., not necessarily injurious' to health, and is an, indica- tion of the care used in cooling and handling. •� • . The Per Cent. of Futter Fat_(Mrmnun JaxiVaaunt 3.8% 'far inli1l11; and` 18% for cream permitted. In the PhoSphata a Test Column -The letter A indicates that the =milk has been pasteurized. y, P. T. ARMSTRONG; • . Chairman, Board of 1ieaith. ' W. F: GALLONS', M.O.H.: Reg, 29c Reg. 1.39 A pure white erystaline salt. Always fresh. Reg. 15c 1 lb. tin • Beet'Upside Down 'Pie 1j.6 cups 'flour - cup milk, or half milk 1 tap.��salt and half water - '1 tsp. celery salt 34 cup sliced onion' 3( tap. white pepper 1 can• condensed tomato 5 tbs. shortening SOUP . H Ib. ground raw_beef 3 tsp. Magic Baking Powder Sift together flour, ' bakidg powder, M tsp. salt, celery salt and pepper; add 3 tablesl5oons shortening; mix in thoroughly with fork. Add' milk and stir until blended. Melt remaining two tablespoons, shortening in 9" frying pan, and cook onions until soft. Add tomato soup, re- maining boil, Spread b king and und mixture on top of meat mixture and bake at 475°F. for about 20 .minutes. Turn out upside down on large plate. Serves 8. ' • MADE IN CANADA M.A. BRANT) WAX, PAPER , 100 ft. " BRAND EVELYN ' HOWARD, i Theatrical COLDCREA] -tet-Beg. 69e 1 Ib. , •57c Lady Esther Face Cream ' • 256, 55c Lifebuoy Shave Cream, tube 33c Linseed' Meal, 12 oz, 15c Lysol Disinfectant 35, 65, 1:25 MacLean's Tooth Pastse 29, 47 'Mecca Ointment.' 23c, 45e, 79c Mennen's Quinsana Foot -a FOOT& . ,. 59c Minardl's.' Liniment 29c 14orptex Tablets ....1.00, 1.75 0do-Ito-iia Creafn 'Deodorant.. 39e, 65e Ono -A -Day A & D Tabs. �.. • 44c, 98c A B C SAL>' -SPECIAL ' . Brand ' LAVENDER WAVE, 0REA11I Big Tube ' Reg.. 27c . Pablum, 1 ib. , , • 4'5c PacquinS Hand•Cream 29c, 57t' Palmolive Shave Cream 33, 49c Peggy ••Sage Nail•Enamel -50c Pepsodene Tooth -Powder • , 29e 45c' Pepto-Besmal.... 50e, 1.50 Revlon Nail Enamel .... 50c% '°Rubhcrset Tooth Brush , , 50c Sal Hepatica . 30c, 59e, 1.15 Slendor Tablets .. 1.00, 5.00 Stomach:'• Powder, I.D.A. • ' 49c, 1.50 Shampoo, Cocoanut 01125, 89e LD.A. 'BRAND• TEI 'TOOTH BRUSH ea. '''29 pack 49 Tek Tooth' Brush . 29e - _. Twin Pack 49c Three Flowers Face Powder' 60e Thorens Lighter Fluid ,. 30c Tintex Dyes _ 15c, 2 for 2.5e inguentino Rectal Cones ..75e Vick% Vapo-Rub aor' Va-Trq-No1 ..43c Vitof Shampoo ..25c, 49e, 98e Wampole's CO Liver Extract • 1,00 Waterbury's Compound William's Shaving Cream 33c, 49e Wildroot Cream Oil . , .. 50c Zam-Buk .Ointment . 47c Large timber, marsh • and prairie fires destroy more ' wild' ducks in • the western Canada breeding grounds' than are killed by all the hunters of the continent. i • A311 �n�nrrz. tcl."� , Ifllllli�i ((Il(�l�St((`((11i! A 4 -RAV 1 N rAN1/4 "� >< I� flf I�11(lf A B C SALE 'SPEJIAL L.D.A. Brand HALIBUT LIVER ' 'Capsules 160's• Reg., 1.19 :. , el v '%' ' 1.1 % ; Prevention of fires is the most effective means of conserving all CanadYa"s.vd life • and natural resources.' J " ,r-tclrttor:rlrti'h ey YOURS TO gNJOY„. YOURS TO PROTCCT • ^ cAittirz Ce 1 F1 CAMML1NG 1 stwE0IE 1 LIMITED