HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-09-13, Page 1ICINETZEIGHTH YEAR.
Board Awaits
Dension:op C. T. Act
In Meantime Liquor Store or
Warehouse Will Not Be
Opened in Ooderiob.
The Town Coifncil 'at its meet
on Friday' night last had its re
from the 1 -41(1n -o1 Control Board
Ontario to the question 'submitted to
under resolution Of the Connell at
previous meeting, "if a liquor store a
. „
,a brewers' warehouse ,could be open
In Ooderlsh if a resolution favor.
this actien is passed by. -the Counci
The reply, dated August 14th, w
as tiillews:
"As the validity of the Cana
Temperance, Act will some tithe in t
near future be decided by the Pri
Council in the ease now pending bet°
it, the Board1 feels that until such t
as this question is settled it woul& n
be justified in opening a GoVerame
liquor store or a,uthorizing the locatt
of a brewers' warehpuse in the to
of Goderich." °
There was no discussion on t
statement, the Council tabling it
futore consideration.
Earlier in - the meeting, ilowev
Mayor -Mooney referred to letters pu
lished in The Signal -Star with, ref
ence to the Council's action in su
xaitting . the question. It had be
urged upon the Cduncil, he said, th
.all that was needed' for the open
of -a liquor 'store or brewers' wareho
in Goderich was the passing 9f
resolution •by the Council. The Co
cil understood that a plebiscite woal
be required before either store or war
house could -„be establiShed, and
clear up the matter had asked.
Liquor Board for a ruling. He d
. not consider the.eritieltim of the Con.
-ell for this. action was -fair. -
Appreciated the Signirig, of his ma.
by one of. the letter -writers, but If
could not say the same for the o
Who did not sign his dame.
Letteis of Protest
• Further reference to the subject w
made in a letter 'directed to the Cou
cil by Al• -"M-.• -Robertson. His mote
against anymove for the establishiri
ottadditional facilities for the sale
liquor. in Goderich was on three points
.1st,, that the matter was outside- th
Council's jurisdiction 2nd, that th
Canada Temperance At IS in force
Huron county and it would be peg
to 'grant any authority for the ope
ation of a , liquor stere or brewers
warehouse anywhere in this county
3rd, the welfare of our Ming peop
and -children.,, -should -:be: -.considered, an
protected.' '
Another letter Of protest was fro
the Women's Christian Temperanc
• After the reading of Mr? Roberts:On'
letter Coma. Huckins made some" r
marks' in criticism.,of those who i
their attacks on liquor' spoke of .i
detrimental effects on childreh an
• young people,Ixt-411e last twenty -11v
years i he said, there had been as man
sixty families on 'relief in.-dederieh
and some children unable to atm.
school because of lack of proper* food
and he didn't. remember any pOtes
by these people against such conditions
111any volunteers fOr mar swim ba
been rejected, but not from the effect
of drink, he said.
Both Mr. 'Robertson's letter and thtt
• of the W.C.T:U.• were tabled. •
' Four Members Absent
Only five_ members Of the courici
were present. • One was reported 11
and three others out Of town, 'Those
present were Mayor Mooney and Coun
cillors MacEwan, Pre,yett,• Huckins and
William 'Smith, Napier. street, Ap-
peared before the Council with refer-
ence to the purchase of d lot one-vals
told to submit an offer in writing:
Tremblay, addressed 'the •Coun-
cil on the evils of liqixor and. the, beer
rooms, .Clinton. peo„ple had told her
they "wouldn't live , in Goderldh." for
anyping," because of the. beer parlors
here. „ • ,
The tax collector- reported $1,953.69
collected in August.
Acting *fief of Police Beck reported
as follows on weights of .eoal checked'
in August:
• Town Company
''. Scale : Weight
Saults Coal Co. 3049 lb. 30Z0 lb.
Seabrook Coal Co 5720 16. 5715 ib.
Dean, Coal Co. 2750 lb. .2736 lb.
C. C. Lee .Estate 0140 lb. 0100 lb;
0, Edward Coal Co.. -6580 lb. 6530 ibi
A large ninriber of applications„rfo
building, permits were submitted. One
was from Clare F. 33aechler for a
• brick dwelling, one •and a-halOftbries,
on St. Vincent street estimated cost
$6,500: F/0. H. 3'; Davidson 'proposes
to erect a cement block CoMmercial
garage on Bridge street. Herb Gra:-
hUm's Applic'atior Was ter a' frame
dwelling .on South street. Marshall J.
Bell is remodelling a dwelling on
Picton street. Clements Proposes
to erect three todrist cabins on King-
ston. street; and S. C. Argyle is erecting
one. on Britannia road. 4.4. L.;Walter
Making improvements to his dwell -
g on Jones . street, Lloyd' Ferguson
s putting up a chicken house on South
• Street, Other applieations yore for
resbi1lng".:And. ether , minor -jobs :
Rebecca. Adams, Britartniaroad ; Leis
'Ellwood, Walnut street; Glen RObin-
Son, *Ilayfield road; A. W: George,
, South street; EL - Cements,, Kingston
• street; Mrs. Inkster,. Elgin ave..; Reg.
McGeecIlatnilten: Street; j. M. Martin,
• Cambria road ; Wilfred Larder, •St.
David's street
Nevit, Sidewalk on ifiuniltou Street
A petition with fonrteen signatures
•for a new sidevvalk on the north side
of Hamilton street front Plante's garage
to R. a HayS' oillee was referred to
the, public works coinnittee, as 1;08
also a petition from. property miters on.
the South Side of Park" street between
Victoria street and Cambria road, for c
eetnent curbing; ,
An offer bY L.. 14 Walter • of $10 a 1
lot for two 1�t in Wells surVey, and
one by M. S. Stevfart Of $28. for lot on
un -
the the
r -
Asks -That New Scheel Be Provided
.• ° •to Replace Ventral.
A, theeting of the Public School Board
was •heldc'oz Thursday night last to
deal with a petition from parents whose
children were pent to Central. •Soho],
although living . in the vkinity of
Victoria chool.
The principals . and inspector ex-
plained the necessity of the transfer.s
• The, followingresolution was un-
'animously approved by the Board:
"In view of the crowded conditions in
the 'public schools, and in order that
the best' KOViSinn be made, for tlia
advancement of all pupils, each and
every pupil 'shall be required tet- attend
the school and class assigned to him or
her by the principals Of the schciels;
lrievge.a,,r,dlessof where such pupil may
• In explanation of this resolution the
Miming ,statement was issued by the
Board: •
4 "The accelerated class to speed up
the entrance age 4n the Goderlat
schools was inaugurated last year. This
meant the taking of three years' work
in two. The plan is proving success-
ful and to carry it out a number of
transfers have to be made. • Last year
the average entrance.' age in Goderich
Was to „Veen year and Seven months
and it is desirable that this age be
reduced at least to thirteen.years and
six months.
"Owing to the overcrowding in
both schools, and in view of the
obsolete conditions. of Central- School,
the Board 'feels. that iramediate action
should be taken to provide a new school
for Goderich.” • ••
• Mr. John Elliott returned. to London
today after . spending almost' a •Week
In . town. He joined Mr: R. H. Morrish
who had arrived from Ingersoll a few
days before, and the two old. friends
had.a grand tithe together. •Mr. Elliott
has.passed his ninetieth birthday; Mr.
Morrish is •eighty7five. Both are'
natives of Colborne township, and they
spent much of' their time in the town
ship visiting old haunts and reviving
old memories. On Tuesday Mr., Harry
McCreath , took them in his oar on a
tour of several Of the schools of the
'township. At Beniniller there was the
unique sPectaele of two fellow-Mdents
of seventy._ years ,ago revisiting the
Scheel which theyattended 80 many
years ago. They also visited No.. 3
(Young's) school, :where Mr. •ElLiott
absorbed' a part-of-liis early education,
and the A.altford school, Where Mr.
Morrish was the- teacher Many years
• -14
l• •
Complimenting Mrs. Chester John-
• ston, the member.s of the bridge and
five:hundred groups entertained at the
home of Mrs. Arelde Wilkin, Cambria
• road. •Misses Kathleen Robertson and
Margaret Bond made the presentation.
An evening of eards was enjoyed at
Which Mrs. Johnston was the lucky
winner. After this a dainty lunch•was
served. Mr. aid Mrs. Johnston and
family are leaving shortly to make
their home in J.,tondon.
The Dominion Road Machinery Com-.
pony announces the ,appointment Of
Mr. W. Earl M.acLaren, as district sales
and service ijresexibitive 3Xr. .Mac -
Laren will make his headquarters *
Goderich, and will cover the counties
Of Huron, Grey, Bruce and Wellington.
Quebec street were sent to the publ
works committee.
Copy of a letter. from R. Wurtel
managing director of the Goderich Sa
Company,. to Superintendent Kelly o
the Public Utilities CommissiOn, •wit
reference to requested asSistance • fro
the Salt Company in supplying wate
at fires in that part of ,the town, wa
sent to the fire committee. ' . • ,
Mrs. I. J. I3eevers Wrote complaiiiin
of the burning of garbage from th
bowling green on the boulevard10fron
of her property on Pict= strea"4.„. Thi
Was referred to '' the publie work
A letter from Roy Breckenridge, en
quiring if MacKay Hall 'Would b
available Asa dance hall for one o
two nights a week* during the coming
Winter, was Sent to .the Public work
committee. - -.
Notice was received of the auntie
conference of tile Association of On
tark Mayors and Reeves, to be held
at Kirkland Lake,. September 26-28.
- A communication. from the National
Aeronautical' Association of Canada
(fei,imerly the Aeronautical Institute
-of 'Canada), soliciting a continuance
of the pouncirs „membership, was sent
to 'the nuance committee.
. 'Says Bylaw Doesn't 'Apply
Wonder Bakeries, London, sent a
I4ondon lawyer's advice 'to 'the effect
that the Town's transient traders by-
law does not apply to the Aelivery
of bread by the firm's own wagons in
Goderich. Return of $50' already paid
to the Town was requested. Referred
to the Special„committee.
The report of the 'finance committee.
recommending payment of a large num-
ber of accounts, and routine reports
from other committees. were read and
adopted. - • ' ,
Town Clerk Blake gave* an interest-
ing report of the recent meeting of the
Ontario Municipal Association, which
he attended, sketching briefly the out-
standing matters that were dealt with.
Bylaws, No. 7 and No. 8 , were put
through their • three readings , and
passed, • Bylaw No. / is for the -pur-
chase of Oddfellows'. Hall for 00,000
and its presentation to the tegteh
"upon certain conditions which will,
be set out .firt. the ConVeyarice by the
Corporation to the Aid' Legion.” .-X3y-
avv ,No. 8 authorizes the Conveyance
of ,part of park lot No. 12; coneetsion
A (corner Maitland road and ,Oxford
street), to; the Dominion Itoad Ma-
hipery CO., for $200. • '
The Mayor and Clerk Were author.
zed to „subixlit bylaw No, 1 to the,
Ontario, Department of infoipal
m -
Highlight of .Whole
Trip," Says Visitor
Pfteeengers MO. South Araerican
Express Might with Their
k, Call at Goderich
OnFriday Morning last Godericir
welcOnied the "passenger. steamship
South, Atherlean on her second call of
the Season.at this port. The ship' was
on her way, to etroit with 450
Passengers on the last leg of a -week's
cruise. She berthed at 8.30 a.xn, and
xaentberS of the • ToCvn. CoWicil and
Board of Trade and citizens generally
,were on hand to greet the visitors
and extend courtesies, -The Luck.neW
pipe band.. With their stirring.: airs
added to the welcome. The visitors
circulated about -town -for about two
hours, and be1!or6 departing they gave
•entlausiaStie expression to their ap-
prieciation. of their reception by the
people of Goderich. "The highlight ef
the whole trip," "Wish we could stay
longer," "Best reception. ,we've had
anywheire," were some of the remarks
heard. The South American left at
11 o'clock. • • •r
At the meeting of the ...Board of
Trade on Monday night two letters
were read which gave further evidence,
of the cordial feeling created during
the, brietay of the South American's
• Herbert C.'Ott,Monroe, Mich.; wrote;
• "As a passenger On the 'South -Am-
erican' which stopped at Goderich yes-
terday,,,,A feel that I must write anl.
tell you, hew much Idr
and the reiof
the passengers appreelated your wel-
come. Everyone on board remarked
that Goderich
was the most pleasant
stop of • the entire trip.•
"Yon and your community are to be
congratulated for having such, a pleas-
ant and friendly city,. and I am sure
that the, Memory of our all too short
stay Will remain in the minds of all
iy.ho -visited you for years."
' The letter from Henry Morley, of
The Huron Press, Ypsilanti, Ali
„cia., was
as. follows: •
"Will' you please •Nexpress •to the
members of your Board of Commerge
ray personal thanks ,for :the act of
frieridship which you all showed to
myself and Mrs.. Morley on our visit
to your city by S.S. South American
last, Friday. We thanked J')/r. Mooney
personally 'who graciously gave up his
time to Show us 'all around, but I
think that it IS 4uitelii order to thank
you all for this friendly attitude.
"Thanks, too, for the pipers from
Lucknow. • They, too, were very Mach
appreciated. ' •
"My -wife and I are Britisherk-haYe
,travelled extensively,, but I assure- you.
that your greeting of ,us, Tina the rest
of the 'passengers on S.S. South Am--
erican, will'• be „ a fond memory al-
ways. We. will visit you again, for
much longer, at some future time.
"Best wishes to you all."
The ladies' softball team of the
Clinton.Radio School met the Goderich
girls in an exhibition game at Victoria
Park on Thursday, eveninclast. With
June Baechler as pitcher the local
girls held 'the "visitors to two runs In
five innings While they collected
thirteen tallies for themselves-. Then
Manager •Lauder, expgrimenting with
a'view to future games, made several
changes in the line-up, "includi4 the
pitcher, •with the result that the Visitors
ran up nine runs in their last time
ai bat. This still left the- home. team
with a margin of.. two4-,runs: Niere
was a big. crowd on. hand to. see the
game. .
• The teams: - - .
Goderich—Maxine Martin 16, June
Baechler p, .11furiel Leitch 21a, Victoria
Baechler 3b, Ruth Reid ss, Mildred
Leitch' *cf, 'Phyllis Jeffrey rf, Dorothy
Ginn lf, Bernice Fuller c. Subs—
PeareFarrant rf, Beryl Castle lb, Jean
Lumby ss.
Radio School—Elliott if, 3e11 c, Ross
cf, Campbell, Perry 1b, Pyke
Lucas ss, Chris 2b, Hutchison rf.
The 'Score:
Radio School— 0 0 1 0 1 9-11 .•
• Goderich— 4 0 1 7 1 x•-13
Annual Convention at . North Street
• United Church September 2.1-23 •
Young people of the -London Con
femme- of the United Church. are to
meet, in ",Goderich on Friday, Saturday
and Sunday, ,September 21, 22, and 23,
in the• twentieth annual convention of
the ,Conferenee Young People's 'Union.
• The seisions are to be held in North
Street United chureh, the first being on
Friday evening at 8 o'clock. On Satur-
day' morning there will be a, worship
service at 9 &block mid the remainder
of the morning, the afternoon and the
evening will he occupied: with group
meetings, song sessiens,' addresses, a
play, receiving bf reports and other
business, with a banquet at 5.30 o'clock.
• 6n Sunday morning a eonnnunion
service will be conducted by Rev fl. IL
Turnb,u11 and Rev. L. Turner, and
at the regular 11 o'clock serviee the
Speaker will be Dr,. SIG Gilchrist, ()f
Angola, Africa.
• The wedding took place on July 14th,
in Knox Presbyterian church,
ton, of MIA Agnes Laverty, only dough -
ter of Flt.Sgt. and Mrs. A. Laverty,
Ilanailton, and Harold 'W. Ga.uley,
yOtingest- son of Mrs. Gauley and the
late William, Gauley,- Goderich. The
young couple will reside at se Cath-
arines. Mrs. .tauley and NIrs, Chas.
Larder of town, mother and' sister of
the bridegroom, were present, at the
Sgt.*Williani Kemp, hat re-
turned to big hOthe , at Toronto after
two years overseas •and is spending
week here, ,with hiS brother Sir
Affairs: - Chas. W. ltemp,' Bank of Alontreal.
• The ,Iocoliter from Sarnia, lein port
toditytitsthsrgi4g a cargo Of gasoline
for the Imperial 011 depot.
Grain arrivals of the week- at the
.elevator were: Friday, :George
xnan, 120,000 bus, 'wheat; Saturday,
Bricoldoc, 280,000 bus, wheat and eats;
Tuesday, Outarde, 128,000 bus. barley.
The Ilayton. and the A. A. Hudson
are due at the elevator tonight.
Erection was begun yesterday of ,the
steel tower at the .end of the north
pier for the radio Signal statien. It
is •expected".to have this completed
.early next week. There will still be
a large amount of work to be done in
installing the equipment.
On Sunday evening boys throwing
stones broke. sixty-five panes ofl, glass
in, the Godericb, Elevator Co. building.'
On Monday 'night the same gang Or'
others smashed seven of the heavy
'benches belonging to the Town at the
bathing beach and Scattered the pieces
in the water. A door on • the Town
freight shed Also was torn off. Noth-
ing was stolen ; it was just a riot of
sheer destruction. The police have
their eyes on suspects.
Home from- the War
,.• *Writ JOHN McGRAW • •
• Among theboys eoming home froin
overseas was Tpr. j. T. McGraw, who
has seen service in France, Italy, Ger-
many and Holland. He arrived
Halifax on the New Amsterdam,
reached caderich • on TuesdaY night
, the- late train and was met by\ a,
,crowd of relatives and friends: A
band composed of Art Curry, Geo.
Jenner and Bert Medd, playing •,a slide
trombone; baritone. and Sousa horn,
1serenaded him areund the Square and
•up to -his mother's` home. Messrs.
Sully and Roberts.. were aniong those
on hand ,at the station to welcpine him.
A former • Goderich boy, Ca
Bertram McCreath, now of 'Loud°
has returned after three years Overse
and was in' town visiting his siste
Mrs; Randall Marriott, and - oth
relatives, He enlisted in April, 194
with the Elgin Regiment and serv
in ItalY, Holland, France mad German
He receiVed his captaincy in Ital
His wife, formerly Miss Hazel Whalle
accOmpanied him On his visit to God
rch. •
L -Cpl. Russell Thompson, 71 Ne
gate street, is another veteran of the w
who has -arrived home, -After fin 'nal'
and four months in the art*, and ov
three Years in sort& overseas.
was a joyful fantily/reunion. on Tue
'day When his Wife„formerly Mari
Johnston of Ashfield,- and two son
George, ten, and Harry, six, met h
on his arr,ival at 'London. L -C
Thompson enlisted ,with the mg
Regiment at .London: He trained
London Valcartier, Que.; Sidney, N.
Sussex, N.B., and Debert, N.S., an
went overseas in August, 1942. H
served in North .Africa, Malta, Sicil
Italy, France, Belgium,- Holland an
Germaiiy. He found Holland wash
the hardest as far'as food shortage w
concerned. He liked that country `best
but, war .•weary, he is pleased to.
in Canada, and at home.- Eie is a so
of W. J. Thompson' of Auburn.
L -Cpl. William Stoddart, son of M
avid Stoddart and the late•Mrs. Sto
art, arrived home on Tuesday ft
erving three and, a -half years_ove
eas, astriver with the Cana-diaii Arm
ervice Corps, 'in , England, 'Skil
ranee arid 1,1o1land. He returned t
anada on the New Amsterdam, whic
ocked at Halifax. Ire was
onclbh, by his wife, formerly, Mis
rene Graham, Reg.14., and their' so
enneth, three years -old, who wa
orn after his departure for oversea
evertheless, the little boy -greeted hl
• ther excitedly,. and gave • a bi
ug.. Before:going . overseas L -Op
toddart •trained at 'Kitchener, Re
eer and Nova Scotia camps. He wil
port...at- London in October. .0
Young Lions Take
SaturdaY,s Garlic
Visitors from 'Lond)
on yield $(,,:ve,n
Buns in,Fatal
• [fl_The ,Goderich baseball, 'team spon-
sored` by the Lions Club put up their
best display Qt the season on Sattarday,
last at Exhibition. Park when they
toek the London .Midgets to the tune
of $76. The JesSOp-led aggregation
needed all, their spare change in putting
vietory =Doi, as London has a well-
balatred team wi,th p1enty.4of reserve
power, showing three good pitchers and
an extra baekatop before the event Wty3
finally decided. •
• Bisset went itll the way for Godeiicii
And pitched lirs best game of the season,
with gilt-edged support behind the hat
from Don Scott, who seems to, be Im-
• proving every time out. Indeed, the
whole Goderich team played. inspired
ball, Captain Jaek Evans -showing a
good example by seine .snappr work
at first. • In an effort to get a winning
combination for•tlie play-offs, the Gate -
rich board of strategy shifted the team
around, starting Newc.:ombe at second
and Don Warren shortstop: The fiery
redhead came through with a dazzling
'performance in the crucial ninth when
London shot live wicked grounders at
hfm in succession. Two hurried throws
pulled Eyans off first, and finally, with
the tieing and .winning.. rms. on the
bases, Don adjusted his sights.and got
the third gut. by an eyelash. Patterson,
Donnelly and Ainslie, a good defensive
trio,- started in the outfield and .played
errorless ball.. The Goderich coach
kept Allin, Needham, Ticker Mero and
the hard-hitting Westlake On the bench
•until pinch -hitters were needed, and
the. latter three responded with a real
display of pinch-hitting, Needham coin-
ing through with a single, Mgr° a
double, and the Saltford "Farmer" a
triple to clear the bases and put the
game on ice.- •Allin, a snappy infielder,
was in uniform, but not used. How-
ever, he will be heard from in future
games. It was a good game to win;
partieularly as the local hays were
down 5-0 in the early stages,-Lkut fought
back valiantly.
The teams lined up as follows:
• London—Bradford rf, Nickol 3b, P.
Sheldon 21;, Baines lf, Black sA, Legg
lb, _Stedman If, Woods cf,, Adams p
and 2b, Thompson p and rf.
-Goderich—H. Warren 3b, Newcombe
2b, Westlake 2b, Bisset p, Scott c,
Evans lb; lf, Nero If, Donnelly
cf, Patterson rf, Needham rg, D., War-
ren ss. ,••
• The score;
-London , 2 2 0 0,0 '0 1- 0-6
•Gaderich 0 0 0 0 0 7 o ,x-8
The fifth race •for young birds held
by the Goderich Ilbming Pigeon Club
was flown over the week -end from Port
Hope, a diStance of 170 miles, and
was won by -E. Peachey's entry. The
birds were liberated at 8.15-a.m. -and
cloudy weather-Wak., accountable, for
the slow time. The entry from the
"Sunset Loft" was • first home at
2.45 p.m;
,The first nine arrivals were as f01
lows : lst, E, Peachey, at 2.45 p.m.;'
2nd, W. Pitblado, 2,40; •_3rd, and 4th;-
E. Peaciley,,, 2463/2 ; 5th, P. Johnston,
2.49; 6th and 7th,, E. Peachey ; 8th,
W. Pitblade.; 9th,- C. Ladd., The next
race will be from Belleville; 215 miles.
r• A. pretty ceremony took place in
Earlscourt United chureh, Toronto, on
er eptember 1st, when Rev. C. Hie united
r".. in marriage Miss Dorothy 'Marguerite
Y. Taggart and Mr. Theodore (Ted)
liani Chapman, againstf 4a, setting of
O palms and- white. gladioli. - The bride
h is the *daughter of Mr. and. Mrs, Samuel
t Patton 'Taggart 'of Toronto, While the
s groom is ,the son of Mr. and Mrs. L.
n C. Ofiapinan of Goderich. Mr. J. Pratt
s was the organist. Tlie bride, given
s• away by her father, -looking charming,
gopned in white taffeta with a‘ floor -
• length veil, caught with a flower-tripa-
med, heart -shaped net hale., She -colt'
d tied a bouquet of red roses- and white
gladioli. "She, was attended by Miss'
Yvonne Williamson, as maid of honor,
VarioniChapman, bridesmaid, sister
n the Won', in mauve -taffeta, wit
e' matching taffeta halo hath, and catty
Ing nosegays of yellow gladioli an
pink. reses. Mr. James-M(2°d,, of Tor
• *
ento, was best imam,. Mr. 'David Tag
t'gait and Mr. Clinton Bent, both o
s Toronto, were Ushers. -.During th
• signing of the register Mrs. E. ,Gre
P sang "Because."
Following the wedding, the reception
was held at the home of th q bride'
'unfit, Mrs. Clinton. Bent, with th
' bride's mother receiving in a powde
, blue dress,. - navy accessories and cot-
- sage of white gladioli and •fed roses.
The groom's mother assisted in 'an
orchid en§emble with corsage of Tails-
man,roses. Later the couple left on
a honeymoon, motoring to Niagara and
points north. The bride wore for
travelling. a lime green dress and hat
• with brown accessories and corsage
of yellow roses.
*Out-of-town guests, besides -the par-
ents of the bridegroom, Mr. and Mr.•
1.1. C. Chapman, Goderleh, were Mr.
and - Mrs. A. ,,J. Walker, • Winghtun;
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Chapman, Port
Erie; Dr. and Mrs. O. K. Chapman,
Fort Erie; Mrs., Myrtle Smith, Dunn-
' pte.- Harvey Stoddart; another so
of Mr. David Stoddart, arrived hom
last week from. Overseas. He came o
the Pasteur, which docked at Quebec
Both boys /were welcomed at a fain
ily gathering at the honae of .:thel
'father On Tuesday night. „ Harvey ha
served since 1939 with the R.C.A.S.0
He trained nt London, Chatham, Cam
Borden and Windsor, N,S., before goin
overseas two years, ago. Ile was in
the Sicily, .rItalian and French • cam
paigns,...and through, Belgium to Hol
land. His wife, formerly Edith :Wiles
of Stratford, and three -and -a -half-year
old daughter,Diane, met him, at Lon
den. Pte. Stoddart 'resides in Strat
• 9 •
, When the guns :stopped: Aring and
the planes 'Stopped raining ..death and
destruction from the sky, rap.ny people
aSsinned there was no longer any oc-
casion to save-, paper. Such is • not
the• case. . • „ • •
• Repfying to an enquiry by the local
Salvage Committee, the Department
of National War Services said, "Contp.iners are still needed. in great quan-
titles to supPlY. feed, ClOthing, raedical
.supplies and rehabilitation neeessitieS,
net only to our own boys still overseas
in the array of oCcupationbut alSo to
the peoplesof the liberated countries,
For this"reaSort we hope that all Coln-
nlittees will continue, to carry on with,
their splendid work until they are
advised otherwise." •
. In accordance with the *above re
quest,- an all-over' town pick-up of
paper will be made on Thursday,
October 4th. Please save all you can.
Congratulations to Frank Donnelly,
who has, been named as a King's
CounseLlearned 10 the law: Mr. Don-
nelly, who is the son of Senator J. Y.
Donnelly. of South Bruce, has been
ractising his • profession in, Goderich
• ince 1930.
At a Joint meeting on Monday even-
ing, September 10th, of employers and
employees in the carpentry industry, it
wds decided, in the interests of all
concerned, including the public, to
publish the Act regarding carpenter
mirk in the Goderich zone. It appears
on gage 3 of -this issue of The Signal -
Star. '
Harry and Bert Leach, the former
of Ann Arbor, Mich., and ...the latter
of Detroit,. Were in town at the week-
end and brought news . of' the ,.death
of their father, James H. -Leach, a
• former resident and business *man of
Goderich. Mr. Leach passed away on
August 1.9th at Ann Arbor, in his
seventy-second year. A 'native Of
Tillsonburg,- Ont., he came to Gederich
forty years ago and conducted a
grocery business on the Square until
1924; when he removed to Detroit and
went into business there. " He had
since, visited • Goderich on various , oc-
casions. While a resident here he was
associated with North street Methodist
(now United) church. He •is Survived
by his wife and two sons. Burial
took place at Ann (Arbor on A-ugust
The -death occurred at .Montreal on
August 28th Of. F. P. L. Lane, vice -
resident of Imperial Tobacco Co. Ltd.,.
after a brief illness. Mr. Lane was
fifty -two -'years of age. He was presiL
dent of the Canadian Manufacturers'
Assegiation for • 1943-44 and was a,
proMment sportsman. Surviving are
his wife and. a daughter, Mks. George
Adams of Ottawa. The deeeased was
a grandson of L. E. Dancey,
Goderich, and ..his .parentA, Mr. and
Mrs. H. 3. Lane, are buried in Mait-
land cemetery.
The death occurred at his libm.e ,at
Chicago, •on-Angust 2/th, of George F.
Dpbbie, brother of Mrs. Anne Shields
and Mrs. Flossie Sheardown.- of Gode-
rich. Mr. Dabble' was cousin
of Lt. -Gen. Willliam G. S. Dobbie, the
heroic Governor-General of Malta when
that (island • was the most bombed
spot on„earth. Deceased LS survived by
his wife, by a brother, William Dobbie
of Guelph, and by a third sister; Mrs.
Ada Wright of 'Vernon, 13.0. The
funeral g-tookplace at Chicago on
August 29,11.
William Scrimgedur, a resident ..�t
Goderich' for twenty-two years; and
formerly of Wesf,-WawanoSh, passed
away hi Victoria --Hospital, London, on
'Saturday 111 his eighty-second year.
He had been in failing health for the
ast year, and had been -a patient in
be London hospital 'fa; three weeks.
Ir. Scrimgeour was born in West
Wa*anosh, a son of the late ‘11fr. and
Irs. Alexander •Scrinigeour; • He
armed *in his native township until his•
emoval to Goderich, • where he was
mployecj. in the salt plant of the
Vestern Canada _Flour Mills. • His
formerly Miss Ehnirit Winmill,
redeceasedhim seven years. He was
member of the tnited church. Sur-
iving are four sons, Carl,. of Strat-
ord ; Norval, 110y and Harvey, of
oderich, and two daughters; -Mrs.
rnest Craig, of Goderich, and Mrs'.
renton Godkin, -of London; i also a
rother,, john; 'Victoria ' street, Gode-
ch; and two,...sisters in Vancouver.
here are siX grandchildren. ,
the funeral` was held from the Cron -
on funeral home on Monday after -
ooh, when the service was eonducted
y, Rev. kit ,Turner, of Vietoria, street
nited church. Aroong, the many floral.
!butes were those froln the employee
Gardner's garage', Goderieb..- Salt
oinpany ' employees, the Vietoria
elpers' class of yietoria street United
ureh, the Girls' and toys' Club of
ratford, and the neighbors. The
Ilbearers were: J". Logan; D. Bond,
atthew Sproul, 'A. Stevenson, J. Bar-
u and M. Oarney.- The flower -bearers
ere :• Clifford Scrimgeour, Edward
rim.geour, ,TAIM Gardner, Carl Cox;
Scritngeour* And George Mae
wan. Burial took plaee In the family
ot in Colborne centeterY.
J11 . lettuce.„ green taffeta, and Miss t
e rv
• P
s •f
Rinks. from W'inglutm, ;, Sea forth,
Exeter, Mitchell and Clintoa with
those froin the local ..elub, took part
in the .-op,en trebjes tournament on the
Pkton street greens on Monday night.
A Wffighara trio, 'Viral's, Miller, Alex.
Crawford and Wilfred Hamilton, eap-
tured first prize. Seeoral prize wertt
to Bert Sanderson, J. W. klaeViear
and.,;J, B. Swailleld; third- to 13ert
Rivers, It Davies and W. E. Sanders,
Exeter; fourth to J. It.Wheeler,. Geo.
Symonds aud W. NeWeombe fifth to
T. Pritchard, O. Nivins and, C. Ilrookt.
Goderich wits well represented at the
LucknOw doubles yesterday and four
Of the lite prizes eame to .this town.
P. V. Carey and P. Donnelly were
first; MeNee find T. X'riteltard see,
owl; Geo. Mathieson and' McManus
third ; and Jack Wood, fifth.
Chief Petty Officer Ray -Baiker
rsIved in .town on MondaY„. night from
Shelburne, N.M., and will report at
London op October lith.
• • g,
Temperatures of .the past week in
Goderich, with those of the correspond-
ing woo; a Year ago; as officially re-
corded, were as, follows:
1345 1644
. Max. Min. Max. Min.
Thurs., Sept. 0 ....92 67 . 72 53
Pre, Sept. 7 -...01 66 60 53
Sat., Sept 8 -.485 70 ; 57 51
Sun., ,Seet. 9 .....,80 70 68 43
Mom, Sept.' 10 ....81 63 '
Tues., Sept. n -.72 55 - 79 51
WM.,' Sept. 12 -.67 54 70 57
'Thursday, 'September Oth, was the
hottest day of the year,
Mr. R. II. Cdpnish, eleetrician, has
purehased from 11. O. Dunlop the three.
story brick block on West street con-
taining his OWII store, the Curry taxi
stand, and aPartments upStairS.. This
property has been oWned bylhe Dunlop
family for well over half-a-centhry.
Mr. COM1811 intends to remodel his
store to that he will have a Modern
electrical ,eStabliSlitnetit.
N 0
Spr. Lewis iViaellard
- Gets Military Medal.
Operated Bulldozer under ,,Enemy
Fire for liourZ—NOW` at
ITOUte in Goderich
OTTAWA, Sept 12. --The ,DePart-
ment of National Defence *day an-
nounced that Spr.;14ewis ViiellardY, 22.
of .Goderiela, has 'been Alecorated 4for
gallant service overseas With the
award qf the Military Medal,
UIs citatien reads : ."Sprr"MackiardYi
bornat St Thomas, Out, on August
24, 1923, was a resident of tioderie
Ont.,. before Ids- enlistment in the
Canadian Army. lie entered the SOV -
'vice July, 1943, and proceededover-
seas in July, 1944, serving with the
Royal Canadian Engineers, Els wife.
Airs. Lorraine MacHardY„, tesides at
19 Bruce street, Goderich, • •
""On March. $, 1945, SP'. AracHardY
and Spr. Prank Ray, 29,, of Vancouver,
were driving a. D-7 armored bulldozer
'during the attack. on Alpon During
the whole of the afternoon the bultk"
dozer was well up •with the platoon
waiting. orders to go in to clear the road,
At dusk they moved up to meet thS •
leading platoon and cleared a large
block of trees and mines. Spr. Mac -
Hardy worked for severalhours on
this work under constant fire,. t
arms, Mortar and shell; until relieved.
The enemy gunshad been- actin in
the area and the supporting tanks
would not fellow the leading infantry .
en this- account. Not only did rale
bulldozer driver follow them but he
was right -up with the leading platoon.,
The progress was magnificent. His •
efforts allowed supporting arms to pro,
.gress in thislast German, barrier'before
the River Rhine." .•
'Supper MacHardy has returned to
Canada and is at present, with hia'
wife,. formerly Miss. Lorraine Durttlit '
of Dungannon, and their eighteen-.
months -old son, Robert, at the fhonae
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Forest ,
MacHardy, Bruce street. He served
in Holland and Germany.
Central Home and School .Association •
had an interesting meeting' atthe
school on Tuesday evening, Seritera..ber
11. The singing_ ofs"0- CartedaWfwas
followed by a prayer for -faking peace
offered by,the president, Mrs. C. Kemp,
and the Lord's Prayer in unison.
Many items of business were dis-
cussed and it was decided to purchase •
a couch for, the school, ,also -Te donate
a shield to be used in the field,, day
competitions. A graduation banquet
for the 1945 entrance clasa is to beheld
early in the fol.. • .
• 'The speaker, Rev R. Stewart, spoke
of the self-sacrifice afld responsibil-
ities of parenthood's -centering, his re t
marks around the story of Antram and
Jechebed, the parents of Attronrilliriam
and Moses. Although slaves compelled
to gather straw after Completing
day's work, they implanted in the
hearts and minds of their children it
love, a fOyalty and it faith which
stood !the test of life hr h wicked
Egyptian cdArt. "It is only as children
catch theSere-Sisons fro/0 their parents
today, that they will be able to with-
stand temptations which eonle as surely •
f.°"" 11:Winter," said the
,..Mrs. C. Edward sang a, lullaby in her
usual pleasing manner, and Miss Mari
HoWell gave a humorous reading,
"Aunt jerushy Visits the City."
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ray, Goderich,
announce the engagement of their
daughter, Winifred Margaret, to Mr.
Herbert L. MeNaught, Kingston, son of
• Rev. and Mrs, ThomIs • MeNaught,
Russell, Ont., the 'Marriage to • take'
place in North street United chureh,
Goderich, on October 6th..
Mr. and Mrs, Dari,1TheDonald, Duart,
Ont., wish to annonnee the engagement _
of their daughter, Doris • Madeline,.,
Reg,N., to. 11.1n Harold William Short,
son of Mr.' and Mrs. 'Albert Shore of
Goderich, •he xnarriage will take
place on Wednesday, -SePtember 26t1t,
in the Duart Presbyterian church.
LAC. kenneth William Chishohn ar-
rived bona° on Tuesday, 'after itturee
years overseas. Ile is well and very
happy to • be home with his family
again.He is the son of Mr. and.tbirs...,.„,
W. Chisholm; Anglesea streetw-,
ansi Mrs. Lionel Hieks, of Picton,
are visiting' their aunt, ma;
Thomson, and other relatives in the .
vicinity. Mr. Hicks has just returned
from overseas, where . he was with.
the Signal Corps In Holland; Belgium
and Germany. • .
8/0. Elizabeth newton., Who, litts
returned after eighteen months Over-
seas with the Women's Division of the
Canadian Air Force, visited her aunts,. .
the Mines Strang, for a few days last
week. She is" the daughter .of Mr.
and Mrs, V. 11. Ilewson, .,Niagara -on.
the -Lake. •
Mr. L. C, Gidley, his, wife and young
8011, Charles, of London, base taken up
residence in Goderich. Mt: Oldley
recently ret tirned from overseas after
live years' serviee in the 'Comedian
army, Serving in Pranee, Belgluin, Ilol-
land and" Germany. Ile is now 'son.
ployed with E. Breckenridge, .11ardware.
- A pleasant anir happy time vas Spent
at the home of Mrs: OSbaldeaten, 04
Gloucester Terrace, :when a number of
relatives Inet to 'Welcome honte her
nephew, Stanley 13511 (11! A.uburtit after
three years spent' overseas in England,
Fran, ttn4 Germany. The
• young mftui is looking Weil, and is glad
to be back home.
The ortuuut .1),or •ativortistot
again this week compels the
of moth news water* hitludin.
repot of the Jubilee of the Ruroi