HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-08-16, Page 1IONI1TY. IGHTIEI YEAR. , Lioii 'Out win s A .tlionsan street ,a the 11, carniva success. the str when t and pip • Crowd f 'The nags an the boo were e It w Bruce member a most funds f are doin relief w W The •from a Little tickets, GOderic Roy 141 Wol .-Mrs. certifica $10 W mins ( Mrs. W of eertifica Theti a- swini was not Each drawn o'clock Norman o'clock $15 pri drawn when c There adnaissi tinued o door an fel% The • popular sides ti pipe m turesque Wi, LAC.- at- pres England Mrs. J. gratitud sent to the 'Can they ca. impossi He hope future. Petty and will bis fat , has an instr Wilfred _world in the war. 144n.. qr. Mr. "Monday ,Kemp, day afte SKY The S • havirtg Softball best-thre two club on Mon boys, mounda: • won8t9 Ross lieved b The s Clinton Sky Ha rn The G a game, . • Victoria The Bru athletic/ througho trebles 01 rich Bo Clinton Lucknow the rema • the local from Cli other wi 2nd, • 11. combe; Stair Alc • Geo. Ma • M. j; A At, the church, 13th,- R formed t • riage Ath of Air. Go4erteh, son of trondon.-. to /sllagg. ttp reside . s. .GODERICI-L.Q1iTARIO; Til ii,SDA AUIJST 16th 1945 is , Carnival an ' .. Su. -GETTING- READY : , . . . .rit.J.4' 'ER UP,: • ,. • • .. . .. OR. LAO:M. DAY . ,. . . . ., . . , ,, II": l'i c"Th• ", a*. r .Av --tc ' ''' , BOr$ MANX •OAVOE I OF PAM° 'TROUBLE- .Attothet Promo standin. g ce... essl , ' Committee . ' ., .• . . '''' for L. Mex, 1 . .,.. , Celebration, 4s4s Ot• ' today.' is that . OperatiOrt, in' 'rand() Feature ., News 'frOia '0...ttlisw. . 1.., , 'OVer '—' . ,. . . . . ., IT- iiht- 0, 091103114.4„ Fricity , , ,,, kibi Nee1C-"'"Lad '3ffb'V'' . Draw, Wiimers.- • •••• .,,• • a , . . The . tabOrs Day celebration.° Om- e 1. c , ,s, )1., r"Sti Eton '0 the sale of gasoline has; ' Is lift a' ci.'se*vice stations )41•tte'e-'14 °•xl.°48''14' Wg113:..tb"43748 . 'a 'e,en' ' e L411— ' l' ' ' prpgram on AePtensber fird with" a fine are now, 01110g -without raiien cOUPonki• parade whiels win set the standard•fer' _ , . . -• ' ,s ' VeoPle.,all, tOwn. Were disap- ., . . 0 - . ' 434(11—__Ori°±_lt .a.,,s1)* .pointed on „Slinday'Wheu •Statie was :se !Wirt., Advancing Se:Sere. gi.S. te inake their 'radios prao: . •-• -0-avaugung AA '1414 . . tieally' useleSS, The: next day they of iTournaaiona _ - . . .., . , , . . . Tire ' ratiOning is .still. in. effect. - • • day. To this the . .. . . . . ('' • - Ming .crowd, of over two ,I Irople , 44ionged . rene, ou.Wedtaesday night W hen i'ns Club -held their annual . the entire end" co- Daylight ' %wing tiine , it is . rePOrte(1,. ePeration of • ma.nufacturerss, business - .• .' .s. • '. , , will, probablY ,be• discontinird Within men,:' F°111mlingY 61&411,tzatlim, s.' .• 41.4 secieties is ,, solicited; '' Prizes ,aye . of- the next ,, " ' '. f.,ew insenthsferedfor the beak'hents, ,also fkin deeor . •••• o• •., . de' rich , - ,, .,,,. Celebrates ' . . 0 . . „ . , • 's Day in Were, more than disappointed? they , • . Were. annoyed, then, 'angry," to; thby • 'Anna= cent Is iti,,.tide by eSPeelally wanted OS ,get thelatea )1eWS On IrreCIVOSS • of the ',,appoh .s°3rfaltlieljacPaamPee."inseltdueart.1°:11s. 1;Tichioen* rYald-a• 11,1;41. eotaliwunla et'Corespoer1:1(leanet . and ScOred' an .' outstanding, Thousands of people were on . , r, — axed ,•,cars . and bicycles, and „although PE.RSON, AL MU. NTION. not•every ettrant can. win 0, prize the , . effOrt inlielping tti Malresup the parade' , 1 t. 00d arnest. . , . ' Sapsrintendent.' Ke11iYaiaPtgar1ee(8141) tuatht dew:wises ' ism; tie. capita.% t 4111.0.. at. ,OttaWa w .. . ..-.. • • - - , isii inspector was Sent up from LOInien, aPPe4rIug regularlY - * int !" celebrating *Y -J. _Day, and eta, Le Centralia pipe. band arrisr_ed A the way is) the th* 4 141ge °Rowed thercs . • • . ,... in was - gaily' csiecOrtited with d pennant's of the .Allie$ ; and hs at Which gainee'were 'PlaYe(1 ceeclingly well patronized. Ls a, big night for President- C'ennant and the, Officers and Air. A. 3.4; Wallace 'of "Barrie was in will be ,appreciated by the union mem- oedesieh for the week_eild: • . bership and bY the town8people, and ' SPectators generally.. ' ' . 0. ' H '. Mra. R• astetter of Ki.tehener is —,. - • , reaeWing acquaintances in tOwn, Anyoae wishing any information. nt this matter is requestedo get in: sends Miss 'Connie Burgess. of Toronto? ia with - Arthur Kaitting, chairman,or the guest of Miss „Terry LeYlaire. '• Tom Taylor,: secretary ,of the COM-. Miss. Marion. Fraser, Of • Saranac, mittee, or any other member of. the N.Y., is :visiting friends. in loWn. • ' celebration executive. - _ . • , Mr.. and Mrs. J. W. Taylor of Galt_ , Legion "to . Co-operate friends in. town. this . ,,,,,w, 'A, li 1.23 ',. NI s, •,A . iscs 7sss- 4 ,• The glad news that Japan had sutz' rendered, bringing to an end six years Of war,. grief land. hardshiP,' was re- ceived in .Goderich as elsewhere with relief •and. exultation. swlitlizajanhiteil,cwipeaeattniong5, (01 ttliiiee.(rilvalfaotiQeunn, Call r s "''' our fathers the last by. our victory j,ust..ice;" "Patribtism," Vr,_ .W... s-scs i..- has, 'six years.. belief' that'He for He , ssvs .been• is ever th.e ''. ?AK with us during We were sustained would giVe on the side speaker continued,' ?1,, . us a 'a'rriving here Tuesday In°111h3g' 'With Utiaheilailig_repYoliet 't°11,113.13; Vire. hoiSterdelotextegtieseanruPaorvaetrUSthethteownintVelotxter. the trotilile On Wednesday Illerniug' a (In "Alenettle4y1Ce,j:°nmu:Ilthablelltai()epdpoe'llinre°11t,niteS'ebStill West Street, '.Serueene, probablyt spiel hey playing in the street, 'bad Senate of Charles 1.?•. Bishop, looped some *lie through toto .speels :ted__:ftott:esue:a7ti: e:nunbe.ri and thrown it bigivin the.air, where it •Kx'ess i.,(44,1crY at '04!/v,i'as!?,e tangled on the high tension line. It •was removed and- the trOuble waS over. piper man as.eldef-Parliainei r pondent and columnist on 3. There was fun for all, and., .gratifying;feature Is that the or the work which the.,,Lions•s?v.... are visiting week. At• the request of the committee in .,,,,:, Mrs. A. Welch 'of TorOlitd is a guest charge . of 'the Labor 'Day • celebration f her •cousin,• Mrs, Frank, Rowed, and in Goderich, the Canadian Legion will .i.,owed. . parade at both. morning and afternoon -"' o'clocks•on TuesdaY evening to discuss plans for. a seiebratioa. The meeOng vir was scarcely over when the news as • means more that the waving, of flags and " talk,ing about It. It iny91v.es. the- worship of God, for it is righteousness that exalteth a nation, with sobriety,. , , S "GODERIOR1) 0- The, Ottawa cltizeit, in' ti TO ASIC .11.1V1,0. . ity lie writes 4 daily,eolintin ( ,• - -STATIONED HERE- ment when it is iii, seasion an . , .. - • --. ' g for -crippled Children and War 11 be splendidly augmented. nners in the Ticket Draw IrMs for the prizes. Was, made after Midnight barrel close- a , • .i''' marches of the unions. _ . Jur; and Mrs. .P. W •T ttl f D , . 41 1 o e- - ' troit visited. over the week -end with Representatives of the committee in Mrs. M.. Gador. charge ef the day'S events app -eared at . Mr. and. Mrs. W. A.. Ooxon of Kitch- the last meeting ef the. Legion and. , t d • that 'possible reques eas many. as t ith Mrs E. ' W: ener were s w 'flashed over the wires at 7 o'clock. , . • • Immediately sU•ens • shrieked, whistles blew and bel ls rang, and soon a crowd gathered at. t e ? quare an a SPen- - . , a t, .t•d St ' taneous paia e was s ai e . reamers . - integrity,' h o d 11 the the on r an • a o r elementary virtues included. This is a day of penitence when we with humilitY • confess our sins and seek f His •he p. -, - 'Ar.' - . IY article .between sessions, • ' At the monthly %meeting of the Began with- The .Goderich , . ' • ' - ' • . k Board of Trade on Monday night -Alec put his foot Ilinal;, President It Al. Menzies gave a review firk'rung of the 'ladder of k. f ' th • ' t" T a f -tit B . d ' • ' ' r ' ' ' 0 ,e, ac ivi le o . e oar ,_. StaCe -journa ism. when he joined the previous meeting, With special of 'Ilie -Goderich : Signal Ira Ann ginunerman ,drew, the and the winners, • all from 1, were:.,$150 Victory bon11-.- )yd, with ticket 1718 sold' by $50 war savings cettificate, gues . Carrie last week. , - of thq veterans of,both this and the last ' war' turn out - President D, E. ;Lieut. Williain Chubb, Mrs..:. Chubb Campbell and the executive of •the and 'daughter Caroline are viSiting, at c Legion have, as a consequence, ex- the home of Mit. ehubb's-grandinother, of white Davey shoWered frdin honki ng carsani , 'd children n, ruc s waymg scene a dags Made the ,n even mortei festive ene..i. As th ingnprforgoresstehe I: Yreonv'e hundreds o Pl'9913d 11 whose. Who Made _the' Great Sacrifice On this momentous occasion, . we think of our gallant and beloved (lead .who made. the sacrifice for justice as reference 'to ,,,,the establishing of the over twenty Years, ay. A tourist information booth. ' , ai a -half years - with The . Chairmen of „committees wete an:- was. with 'The London Adve tm noeed TR ural .folloWs ural telations, tout and a -half year* .then ad; R. Clement . (6003) •,. $25 W:S. • tes-,L.- . B. P. Du, PurbY- (7026); ,s, certificate -Mrs. OhEl4c.s 2367) ; $10 s,W.S.. Certificate, - c, illiam Medd (1700), $5 W,••• te-lVirs. S. Allen- ..(•9709.). . ' .cket- drawfl forthe door prize,m .ming .pool, nambeted 15089,, • clainaed. . . . • hour, on the hours•tickets were or prizes .. for $5* do.: The 9 : me Was -won by Ha.rbormaster MacKay. % The 10 and 11 orizes were not claimed,. and at d to claim the k no one aPPeare . • . lder of the ticket :es . The , ho . :. . claim- it lad to be present to . . . tended ,an urgent invitation to all ex- Mrs. g. videan.: • „- , servicemen to gather - in the• morning Miss Christine Rohertson, of Whitby, at 'Victoria Park in order to take part is spending. holidays at 'her old home in the parade. ' 'Details' of the affair in Colborne township. have not yet been Worked out, but it . Mr. and Mrs. James Videan- De- is expected• that further instructions troit are the .guests of the ,for er's for the afthrnoon parade Nom be eon. , other, Mrs. H. Videan. - veyed to the men ,t the 'morning Mrs. Weeden 1.1nderWbod,. of Erie, gathering, ajid through -the columns of . • . Penn.,- was. the .1 guest of Mrs.. Wm. this paper. , - - , • - hn over tile week-am/7v .----sia Veterans pt- this war. are espeeially Straca • . and Mrs. Geo. 33arnett of De- asked to be .out ttS' it is. stated that Mr troit were week end guests with. Mrs. something of' especial interest to them • has been planned. " • • .pire., Jos. Brophey, Quebec street. " . - Those Ian unable to walk owing . ,. , , . , Miss . M. R.* and Miss.. al, ailacVicar to wounds or • Other disabilities - will will attend the millinery openings 111, be earried in motor cars provided for Toronto next "Monday and Tuesday. the occasiOn. , , Miss A. Cleaver, health - in - f 'in . country to see in t le un, ana the noise,. aountin' at times to sa. n2 gt t d f la veritable „dm, mos „con in le or.. ours, . . Wednesday was ,declared a holiday and business places were closed up tight.; even the restaurants for the most art • 'shut 'their doors. Tlie m V. official celebration as planned by the . • - „ Town Council coinmeacAds at....,2 o elock . in the afternoon, when a parade waS formed,' headed by the Sea Cadets and b i le band. frona • ' Kitchigami ..Camp, l• g b •th ifi b i ad and followed y e re, i g, ,eequip- ment; the Goderich boys' band, :the , ,. a flock of cars. C 1 dad ' Taw n . mulct , d. the walks about the Crowds: line . .. . Square and later listened to a -concert by the band in Court House Ptirk. and freedom. They gave their all that • 11; • i eity and justice should. not perish. from the earth. They died for the freedom pad peace of the world. 'May • the- God of all qcomfort ' these who. mourn their loved ote,s.-Harold „We would aionor those. who fought .4. for us'our /leaders, the prime Minister . - - of this Dominion, witiston OhurchM and, the late President Roosevelt- We , t f 1 t G f h K• d ate gra e u o od or t e mg an - Queen WhO, 4UVe set an ecarople of devotion to:God: and duty to. the Epa-, Jesus 'Christ has cast Out • the , demon . of slavery and some. day the - . • . demon of war. will be overthrown as • • . .visioned by. Isaiah ' and Micah, when they predicted swords would be beaten .• A. H. Erskine; tourist •and publicity, Ottatva.to Win the staff of•TI -S, H. Prevett; • industrial,. .R. K. where his - abilities have ea Wurtele; retail 'merchants, W." • IL steady, advancement: • Blackstone ; -civle, R. 01. Hays, K:0:;- '...,For •two and tWifIll. year mPraberships Clayton .Edward, wilth engaged in war work .for th Blackstote, jr., as iteisistant. Governnient.• For. one and a- , Note WAS taken of,„ the announce- of' this peried he.was private 'tent that S.g. South American will to Hon.. J. T. Thorson, M 'Call at Goderieh on September 7th,Tand. National War Services,. and' the. Council of the Board was asked Thorsen's appointment ' to to make • arrongeniehti_. to transnert •checnier Coutt f Can. d h the visitors . ' ' town. f • ' - ' ' . 9 "a a 'l up t togs the, hathor. a year an executive .pOSith It w.as sta ed hat flint $10,000 Was. national salvage diyision. 01 left in town by the passengers on the PaVtinent of 'War -Services. same ship, on . its visit .here in . jinie turned t(s. The , Citizen and ti last. • • - • ' Press GallerY On January .1s . , .. • A rootioia was passed to ask L.. E. • Aleck is the: youngest sc Cardiff. and 'W. H. Golding, .M.P.'ss' to late .T. P. Eitimes for many Y their 'influence Red. . . Continue Friday Night, were.over two thousstiad paid. The, will•be col- public nurse, • is on holidays for' two -weeks and is . ,. NORMAN -MILLER• . visiting her ' home at Burlington. . * GETS THE GROCERIES Mr. and. ,Mrs. J. 11, Brennan of , . , . . • - Church Service the Ministerial Under the auspices of .. '..4.,ssociation an impressiv.e community into ploughshares. On this day of joy and vietorY, let us, consecrate ourselves anew. • We can best sere hmtanity by walking use at Ottawa to have cipal of Goderich Collegiate H.M.C.S. • "Goderlah" placed" perman- and brother of Miss Esther entlY at this port as a training ship the staff of Victoria. Public ',5, when if .i's taken out of commission. ns. carnival 'night, 'ame --,--. , 'Benton service thankegiv,ing was held in . in -way . • ----- a Friday when the 8 1 other• prizes will' be drawn . .. i • Har or Mich spent• he week- • , h , s t Prize DraW • Held at Maple Leafs end with Mr. and•Mrs. G. P. Rumsoy. Garden party on 'Tuesday . . Mr.- and,- Mrs. D. J. Patterson lia;Ye With gay decorations of flags, and . .of St. Geo - 's church at 7 p.m. The ige sacred edifice, decorated with flags and .0 • . . , the of the Commandments and b . ki fi t th K' d f G d y see ng . rs e ing ona o .o and His righteousness." '" ' • ' - , . MRS. ERSKINE'S ADDI3 TOURING CYCLIST - (4 A .1 I . • . OUTST ND NG. GAI • VISITS GODERICH' • • .• lentralia band, always a returned from -a week 'S vacation at bunting, the attractive • summer • home d'd t the d e the n wets, was ,erovs e . o e o is, e • l3efore the recessional hyran, • '-• '• pipe attraction in Godetich, be rendering a the favorite sic gave- a .fine touch of plc- color to the cainival. '. - - . Kalamazoo, Battle Cieek and Detroit of Mrs. Frank Curry' on. Essex street , Miss Lottle Bentley, of Acton, forni- was the scene of a delightful garden erly on ' the • staff of Victoria. SchoOl party, onauesday afternoon held under here, is the guest of Miss . Edith the auSpices of. the, Maple Leaf ' . s' Chapter, OD El Despite a Clown.pour Sea Cadets and.their officers occupying . the froat pews.. .. • . . , . , . • d b The service was coo ucted y the rector, Rev: W. H. Dunbar, who ek- tended 'a special welcialhe to the Cadets; t,"0;a•• xi ch • t• • s id. ,, - • ,.. wat , , ris ian - 0 len., . _was ..smis, Rev. W. H. Dunbar expressed a13- predation to Eels mr. Tianes; to Lieut Charlton, ,"who brought the cadets. and bugle band to give color to the Mr . . . . i , regent,_•p , , 8 C X Re'd . An interesting visitor in town over a. busy Meeting of 4..hrneek -Wednesday night ,this. week was. Mr, I.O.D.E ' 111 - ' aft ., on • onday af ern; ern c., B.' Raynham Of VVeston who was ar n • ' ' • '' ra g,,i, nass, On a bicycle tour . L av'n'' hi h ' ements were co leteC on August 4th d h ed' 1 g he eln mg it enny Pair" in the 'Si an '• ith the Troop.s _..., , . .Wiggins it uring the morning, there' was• Mrs. il. • Strachan and. soni Harry, fr- fill d • ' of Cleveland, 'Ohio, spent the last two air y good, attendance, and all en- • . d th t' • jOyed the tea serve on e por ion _.. the members ' f the 'T C n- and to.o le ON% n ou,. 11 h p esent The Recession- c Tv G wPre, r, • . • . , al" was beautifully sling as an anthem, . . , . _service," d A th • d T an o e Mayor an own .Council for -their 'attendance. . • • ' The Celebration Continued.. ea mg east e a rink. The co-operatiOn ;of ? - • ' 1 isited Kingston, Montreal,. Ottawa, Club has been assured, and i Perth, Peterborough; Barrie -and Owen to haVe a band in attendanee, Sound; from which last-narned Point he committee f " ...,• • 1 ..., Kenneth. Lae Maire, l't•C.•41-0,.., nt stationed at Bournemouth, ,r in a letter. to his mother, • LeM•aire, • expresses sincere a for the cartons .of cigarettes dm by the Goderieb. brtesanchthat . of [Winn L,egien. He sta me at ' a 4tiiiie. wilen it was le fok him to purc.hase them. S to ' return home in the near ' . - . Officer Wilfred Greenwood, Ltrivedhoine.-on--TuesdaysniglItS spend a thirty day leave with ter, Mr. Herbert Greenwood. been stationed at ' Halifax as weeks with. Mr. and Mrs. W , 311' Strachart . Mr. and Mrs. E. C. BeaCbm, of .Strat- • ford, are at their summer residence at P.ort Albert for the 'remainder. a the , holiday t ' erm. . • . 1 - • , Mra Albert ' Ferguson of . Morden . Man., spent last.week wit , is bro er Archie who has- been in Alexandra Hospital , _ . since isetoruary. . Mr.., and Mrs. G. -E. Rowed of Lon- den have been visiting the former - owed and Mrs -...--pole brother, Mr. Fra , RoWed.at. their Cottage -at Beim:killer; ,-----" Mr. and Mrs.. A. m. Jiitid, of•London,_ and Mrs. P. ' W. Price and . Miss Patricia Price Toronto „ s . of the lawn overlooking the blue waters with' Harold Shore. Inking the solo lake parts in excellent voice. of the, • .,. .. . ' The, guests were received by Mrs. 3. A spirit of. thankfulness and re- - • • - - ch dedication seemed to Pervade the A.• Graharm, regent of . the Chapter rs. . . ' a e ey- ', church as Rev. joseph janes,-, of the M R C . WE t 1 and Miss Julia Lewis poured tea at the. effectively Goderich Baptist oihreb, stood at the arranged teatable, centred with a bowl lectern and in .quiet voice preached ' g y . , . the•-sernion. He chose as his text, "0 of bri htl colored 'gladioli' They were assisted by ..the young daughters give thanks unto the Lord, for He .., is good; for 'His )aiercy endureth for of the members. ever " . 4 A hOlne-baking table was soon sold • , . rt. is fitting s out by Mrs. H. McNee, Mrs. )3. Catch- and right to give than and Mrs. Bettiger. Pretty articles to God for victory over a cruel. and k- were -retailed- -by-Mrs.- :I -if :falleY-IvM G et '-falsinger relentlessenetay,"_ Ms. • janes'declared:- - M., Graham, ,,, I'S. "It is not a tivie tor avg.sting, -Titit for de le ' K.. Ho ' thanksgiving' .: and joy:'-' The God of -Sirs: 13. al. Veal an i rs.., p- . , , . ,,,,_.. Mason. Lovely gftrden .flowers were • - •A huge bonfire lighted under the' aaspices of the Town Council attracted a: crowd of close to 3000 people to Victoria Park. High. above• -,..the fire and suspended fi•om a •Pole„ an 'effigy of Hirohito, Emperor of Japan, was burned. The band- was in attendance, and flaines from the ,fire lighted tp the park and the surrounding area. It s last embers were extinguished by the ., fire brigade: , . %lie cpncluding feature of the cele- _ bration program, of .the dayo.a. street dance on the Sqnare, where the road -NV-OS- reneil off, -was "kept tip - -MAU 'Mid- night. - • - . • . , b' s or games, Ingo, wheeled doWn the' Biue :Water. High- appointed.; also for the mai • s way to G.oderich. This morning - he the Penny Pair,'for which g " left .for Sarnia; from wfueh point .he have been secured. •• • ' would. turn east 'for hOme, via London I 'order-' - . - , n to encourage the "completing his 1400 -mile circuit at the of the band, -11, donation of week end • He averages 'about ninety votedto the boys' band, as p miles a . day. - ••• .' educational work of the .Ch, • He MS"' it special C.C.M. six -speed . Mrs. J.. LeMaire, War 'Se: bicycled • • li" ' . an calms is own tent, -a vener; asked for goods used cookstove, and a camera.• He IS an preferably woollens, t b d 0 0 o) official tire tester for the ; Dunlop ing a campaign for these arti Company and since 1929 'has. Overed • , , . , , .c ... sored by the 'Lions Club fro] .7,0,-,000 ,mileS. . . , • -1st to 15th., for overseas relie Mr. Baynham is of the lean, ,sinewy A letter Was read from the type, 'and -attriblites- his 'energy and -music C- - - ---- - ' ' lub . expressing, ap good. condition to "clean ' habits • and of the scholarShip of $25 (14 a decent mind." He had. praise for the Chapter. to the eirl• .. , uctor'in the Gumiery School. travelled . areund -the. the service of the navy durkng • - of are ,guests er ivir,„, and,,Mrs. 13; H. McCreath at Metesetimg park.. . - Mr. and ..,,ITS, John Galt, of Montreal, Mrs It M Menzies 'and one . . . Sold .by . . • , - , . . of the. busiest places was the fortune-, telling/booth -in charge df. Mrs. W. F". A . .-eamp . *. : - .• ' Saunders. THE W II the- Goderick tourist camp at. Harbor Park, and says it is the best -equipped he hag seen yet. - ' _.• obti highest marks in Interiaedi classes at the FeStivaI of •11M scholarshi was 'wort b ' n • P ;I' CY ti 4e•-• . • . -±Park H ' ' • ate theHouse and will remain , ,H.OME .FROM . • . The Outstanding feature of the after-. . • • 'OBITUARY who also expresSed .her ths letter. -,-----, , has. Kemp received word .on in -Goderieli at least for •some months. ' . . , , . . noon was .the draw for $15 worth of , • , PTE. WILLIAM _ ., ,• , A. most iateresting that' his brother, Sgt. 'Wm. H. -ould .arrive in. Toronto on. that r 'spending two -years4overseas. Mr. Galt- has retired after over forty ,years in the service of the .Bank of • Montreal. ' • • ' . , S .. • C. ' .. f 1 d *: gt. and Mis. . Adatts o . on im ' for Which; tickets had been . .._ . . HARVEY groceties . ,.. iste. William Harvey of the Royal sold. Mrs. Frank Curry sslrew the . ) - Canadian Engineers, was the first re- lucky ticket which was held by County ' • .. -: ., turned man to receive a welcome,Juider Clerk Norman Miller. • PAX GEORGE DOWRER • PilOt Meer George Dowker, FLO. i . A.1., is another gallant. Goderich air- man who has arrived home. He was . . , JOHN GILLESPIE . -. .4 fine old gentlemot, John Gillespie of Vhitechurcln•passed away on Thuts- • ,, paper standing Gardens 'was rea4 A-.- Hs -Erskine, in which m•el made. of .the garden• of l described ' • I -, were recent guests with the latter s the new System inaugurated V the a prisoner of War for over a yeur day, .August.9th, in: hiS tinetieth b Y Kate Douglas -1 "Mrs. ',Riley.. . . civic committee ,in Gerinany. is •son year Wi ggs of Cabbag( SOFTBALL • • parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Sgt.' Adanis has just returned •from • • • ' welcome ,.:_r, Through the kindness of Conductor Herbert •Chick, He a of Mr. G. N.. Dowker, . Wellington street. He was . . lip was well. knol-vn throughout the distriet 'halt* taken an active part , . • • ,)the those- a ' ' t Aklavik, or Ne Liternational Peace 'Garden, . . :ARBOR ONE UP '., overseas, •Where he. served. in France, Holland' and Germany: AT •T TERPRONT - . '.. - • • the arrival of the yelling soldier was learned 'through. a Message. advising ., ... . taken prisoner while flying over enemy territory on March 18, 1944, and was ia,pnblic' affaire • He was a " enib „ , , . . na er of the . Township - Council of East garden at Iltunilton and the St: Croix 1 ' r• SOFTBALL PLAYOFFS F/0.. Herb Davidson 'and Mrs. recently that he wag Oil board the 02,R, train Arrivals of the week at the Goderich due to arrive at 1 p.m. on •monday. • liberated -on may 1, 1945. He said , • Ile, was well treated and added,: "1 Wftwatosivq,or twenty the years, as . and reeve, . faithful p anted by du IA Poutrincour .t. Hearty appl ky Harbot and Clinston teams meh won their group 'in the and son Kenneth re- tnined from Vancouver, where WO. '-1.0 Davidson had -been doing Patrol duty, • , . no d ' H •1. Hindman • Mayor D. D. Mooney was o hand t elevator: Satur ay, , own( . , . _ . . . , . , .. - 000 bus. ' wheat; •Sanday, A. A. give , a civic welcome to the iad, and • • f the I Is' es"' w as one 0 e uc 3 en, . , • PAL Dowker enlisted - in SePtcliber, ,coun,cillor and a member of Chalmers Presbyterian church and 'later of the putted ciiiireb, ace 'd d M. D I,' . oi e • I's, 4 rs -ine as eluded.' . ' • • . League, the first gamy in the e-out-of4five. series between the layed at Vicioria Park 3 was p . ay evening:" The Sky Harbor ith . Tommy Briggs On ., the ad 'Charley Till bellind the bat, iltehed for 'Clinton'suntil re h ' nedy in the sixt . -,- ore; IL5 IL E; , -000020201- 'bor 200510 0 0 x-8 9 0 and are. vlsiting Mrs. Davidson's par - 'mats, Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Cook. • ' .1 • ' Mr. ohn Wood, of PortColborne, is in toWn this week visiting his par- ents.' Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Wood. He has Soldlhe hotel Which he had Con- ducted' for ten years at Port Colborne In il has archased anOther in the same i P , , , town . „ ., • 'Guests with Mr. and 'Mrs. 'Fred, . Murney last week were Miss .. - • . manor).- ..aiurney, Miss Margaret S ' d NI Charles' P' f T ' lean an r. Pierce 0 • 0r- } 120000 b 8,:barle .and. screen. Iud .1;4%jommoirs Stu ' b 1 102 000 bus ings; J. ay, ._ ar ucc, ., . rye ;. Tuetcla V. V. Massey, 110,800 b barley and heat • Thursday (to.. Us. ,.._ 5, . 0 bus wheat AlgowaY, 247.,,,,9 _ .,, . , and oats. '---,„• • - The training ship Haideesarrived 'on • Monday . evening from Midland_ and with the yacht Shirl is b'eing employ U in the training of the Sea Cadets jfrJtu1y, camp at Ritchigami. The Haidee is a 65 -footer with twin Diesel engines. Both Ilaidee and Shirl are away today' h • ' " on a training cruise to Grand Bond,. R.. 1V1. Menzies, president Of the Gode- rich Board of Trade 1 •- t , a.so was presoi . Th .f 11 e am y car with,thes yonn, ,oldier's parents, afr, and mrs. sidne r•• arvey, and members of hiS filthily Iva at the static)" t takeh* t his h ' ,ii.*ch a, aa um o, s ome, w , i was ec r I ' c d o ated with flags and NS el onie J, . Home streamers. • • Pte. HarVey enlisted at London in 1)44, • and went overseas in the -S1t,s,•me year, -mid served in England and }Mtn ml..._ He had a. pleasant - vo . _ home and, neither going over nor re- tun ng d 4 t .. i i h suffer • from seasickness, 1940. •••Iiis brother, Soni. Frederick D -1- • R CN V R i -o is s endin • ow ,ei, • • • • , a b_ p g a leave at Us home here. . - He has been on .eonvoy duty, and. had -volunteered .for tile Pacific. Another brother Ca tarn' Arthur .B. DO k • p . „ ., we3.., who re- en 1 - was awarde th NI r : e t 3 d e ilita y Cross for valor at Boulogne last September,. has been overseas since the spring of 1941. • CPL. COLIN AVSTERBEICRY •• • ' teAt,....CP.lin -Mister- , .. sui,...„.9111 berry son of , Mr. and Mrs. •Charles ' b . Brock° 1 ' d mister erry,street, arr ye Sixty-four ears a o h ' ' d -A. B ' alley of Lucknow Who suivive8 him ' ' -•-:,.....,- •._ • ' with Vil 0 SOLIS, WWII. of wnitechurch and Charles of. Toronto, and a daugh- ter, Mrs Charle Marti (C th• ' ., • s n a ern:Le), of , East. Wawartosn, seven, grand-, " • - , • childien nd thr g at g d dren - a • ee re - ran &II . Thefuneral was held f the f '1 , s.roni, e ami y residence on " Satiirday, Rev. 111: G. Newton (Melding, assisted by Reventry. A., IL Wilsen and Rev, W. .J. 'W' • att . ‘Tbe,..iiiterineatz„liai jp.„Zingliwil_cOrge4 tery, the allh a - - ' p, e rers ,beitg William Dawsou; John -..,. ., =Ds LE I.01 .KAC.g FOR,.YOUNG • :. . . . - .,• • • ' ' --"---• ' The first race for young 1 held b the G ' h II ' ` by e °cleric omial Club over the week -end. It i r , di Stratfo 4 a stanee of 4 - . miles, and wag won: by P. J The birds .were lib( 9 a m and the first bird art"' • • • 1 at + 10A)51/2. This Was a very , 'tit Youngsters. B. Jerry. wa ,.„.. • -. 10.tmtPeachey.3rd 4th- • onto; Mr. and mrs. James Brooks,' of -- - • ,e He brought baek Diitch from 'Sunday Craig, Malcolm , Ro s, and ,, al '5th 1,1JSSELS GIRLS WIN •_. , iderieti girls' softball team lost -Brooks, - , . 'Jo the BrusSels girls. tealn at Woodstoek, and Mt. and Mri. Thomas ,, Of Ottawa. .. . SALVATION AltlyIY PICNIC An enjoyable . time was spent by several coins ,, . , . , secured' iu Hollaod; which he describes 4 18 a very beautiful country. home, overseas on .night. His Pareats met him at Stratford after hisreturn to Canada on the ,. 1b• t Paterson E• S h I d er, + Ara e o z an fit; Farrier... . • • • Johnstonat 10.06%1 Pet at 1'0.07; Jerry .7th itt 10.071/41 8th, 9th anc1,10th,. and Le Ilakk on. 'Friday night last. ;sels• girls are experienced and and showed superior „style s 19-5 ut. , The score wa , .,. Mr; and, Mrs, Harry .Peardon, a Windsor, • spent last week-etil with. the latter's Aster, Miss Jean .Lliasson- On their return they were accOm led • pan , by Donald McMillan and Harry Pear- children and adults at the Salarati6T Army picnic at Harbor Park on August 7th 'Races and ames aseramble and ' • • g ' a bountiful limp. made up the program for the afternoon. - Results ef: the His parents had gone to London to meet ,him on "Sunday after receiving infOrmation that lie would. arrive tl • • ' - ' - iere, and the word from the -committee .a of nis. pending arriVal on Monday "Alcantara." He 'enlisted • five years •• ago, and Spent three years •and three months with the R.C.A.1.0 overseas as b f b.' '' B el d 6 membei o t e u a o squa. r.n, 'servings as an engine mechanic on , .. ' - • 4OHN MeCLINCIREY- , • . ' A resident* of •Stanley township prat- deafly all his life,, John MeClinchey passed-.1away on. Monday afternoon. at The next raCe will be from I . The . old bird series ifinisl Ernest F'eachey 'ivinnin th in 3' 'g with 4380- Do tsohn . ston with 505 Pitbiado . don; jr., who had . been Donald's . guest races and ether contests were as fol- . was relayedto them that morning. Beaufighter and other • types the home 02 his nieee, ' Mrs. Gordon points; .: .•-e20; ' 0 ING ,, here for We' past ten `daYS. • - 'Visitors with 1ir8.... M. Black, New Mr1Xrs.,0, It. Martin, lews; ' Sand 'tray', 5 years and •-under, Da•Vid. Gower, Sohn Goiter,•• boys' run- , ,.,. . lEILT....,SGT. -fikIRT, HUCHINS , ' , other arrival from overseas. Is of air- craft chiefly engaged '. in attacking enemy Shipping, He will be home on pedour, Nelson street! after , a. long illness, in his .seventy-fifth, year, He farmed in Baker 4th, Ladd 5th, number os the birds in ' tli6 are not 'home yet '. • . . gate street.; and ning, raee,' Donnie •Goadard. Howard' ,Ilit.-Sgt, Bert nuckins, Jt.CA.r., who thirty days' leave -before reportings, at his native township until . r teams played. In the Irish pen tournament of the' Oode- ding- Club on Ationday night, ras represented by -four teams,' by three, 'Seaforth by one, tiling twelve teams being from . elub. Roy Sparling's team; ' nton • wem ',first prize. Tha rulers were, all. of Goderich: Bob and Barbara, Of Detroit;* Mr.- and Mrs. g. Chtunney and:Virginia Mlle, of Windsor, Mr. and MM. 3.'Glever. of Toronto ; . Con. Stapleton and sister. Mrs.* Paul Aitkins, of Detroit, ; . Mr. J: P. Craig, with. Mr.,. and, Mrs. -Dilly jack Ckalg, of Barrie, Spent , a. -few . i . • days in 'Ooderich. while on a4,Motor trip 'through Western Ontario. Mr., J. Erlwhids; girls' running ,race, Dolores Goiver, Pauline niit; girfs' shoe race, Lucille Daer, ICathleen 11111; boys 10 years and• andel% Clarence ater,, Joe- Daer, ; girls • and boys kicking the shoe, 'Edwards, Kathleen Hill; . drop- ping the spoon, Mrs. D. 'Willis, MrS. 3".. McBrien; objecerace, Major 3'. Crake, Ursa .1t. Goddard; kicking the slipper, was met at' Stratford by his parenta,Toronto.• CoUricillar J. E. Iluckins-, Mrs. Huekins, and •Iiis-kz• lie,' the fortier Betty, Rootlf,' early Mo day • morning. ....,En,‘ relite, after dis naharking on the arrival of the "Aleantara," Pit; -Sgt. iluckins rest his 'brother, Reg.; at. Toronto and they spent . two hours together.- The' latter was returning , to the navy " base at ., . - . • ' - Cpl. Austerberry expressed high praise for the service rendered. by the Red 'Cross and *Canadian Legion, and is deeply grateful for parcels , sent byMrs the Rebekah Lodge and,,, the Goderieh overseas 'parcel committee. - Ile waS born at Stratford, but had lived in Goderich for a number of years.' overtaken bY illness. He Was a son of the late' james-and Jeannette -Routilt , . . . . - • +1cOlinehey,. and never married: , He ' was a inember et 'the .„Anglican, church. aa field a d f' • t 13 y , ri is surprod by a ,sister, a brO ,,,,s4; . Ellen- anhuSton and a h If- • ' - ',.'.17' William Mcclinehey, both, of t; 'Mot • -• *, .• - ' ' - .. • -,' . .1 • The funeral service,- conducthd by Eton. jOhn. II. Sturdy of in. •• • -h v mai Govertnnent of askt vitas in toWn falVer .tlie Week on leaVink for'Regina V$7a8 ace by ,Mr. Murray .Kernighan of . - who may enter Alm servic( Saskatchewan Ooy:ernment ! _. .- • oteetleiVe capaeity-. * • • Iii. Trice, , W: New- P.,,„Qraig was born in -Ooderieh. and MrS. S. Mention.. Lieut. M. Partner; CornWallis, N.S,, after a thirty-dayj • Rev. W. H. to.unbar, Was held on Wed- 4 ., ,MeNce,- . , It. Bisset, .T. 11: Linder, rd Lean; 4th, B. G. Sanderson, got a great deal of pleasure in, meeting some • Of the resident.t. ' • Ile throwing the hat, Mr., W. Venus,- Mrs, leave at his home here. ' . *Fit . .,r'te. Wm, 13arloW,i .,.9 on bi, :ars. win. 'street, a • ern nesd y af . t t 00 ey ' t 'oort a he 33 • I fun - er--a home Interment toOk ' DEMIMUM ......m...... cHwan, Oeo. .5th; older . .n. established a reeord for lengthy Goddard. • - -SgtHue . kins ,enlisted in 1040 •thh,-sanie Barlow, Newgate arrived home 'Monday i - linee i it Hayfield semetsrv with the following • . _ , . ,. • .. - ... , rreSented With Watchts.--t .SymontTal tslie, 0, 331.acki Sos. Swagleid.' its .., , , , . .. „ , , • .serviee Mayor of Barrie,-Aiaving oecupied„ that office for . ' , ' TUC WEATIIEW . '•• 4 ' ' aild vent oversells year: II4 . returned" in 1043 and was stationed ' on after spending almost fonr Years overseaslie it., rriv ea i n a, oront o " . ' - . - ------7---; as pallbearers ---- - • orman Stevett acting ' son, Harry Ilayter; Lorne • , - • . • miRler Sunior Club, emnposed merObers; held kl,10411-,--COLCLOUGH eight .years, Mrs. • X41116 BlYgatto MSS CYfitilia' TemperatureS of the .past week in Goderi,011, with those. of the correspond. at No.12 V.P.T.S.,.., Sky Harbor, as ttn. instructor... Ile. Weaved his wings on, n g , Sunday1 ht * Armstrong, jack ArmStr ng • William Armstrong a the Meld gath evening of August aiianse" ot Metropolitan tutted London, on , MondaY, , AUgUst V: Wm. 1). MacNiven per 40 preniOny uniting -In mar- la Pearl Colelongh, daughter ad Mrs. N. WColelottgli, of and Williani Earl. Haskell, ter ,, Mygatt, Mrs. Luey Morey and datight' ing ter,, Miss jane Morey, Detroit, were' visitors in Ooderiely this week, and , with Mr. and Mrs: Andrew .13recken- ridge, of Chicago, were guests at, 'Old British Hotel. Mrs. Mygatt, is a, (laugh- of late Mr. and' Mrs. week a year ago, as otlicittuy -te- corded, Were, as f,ollowsl- .„ ' ' • * i.1045 • 1044 . • - - Max.' Milt Max*. Min. Thurs., Aug. 0 77 57 87 . ti't PA, Attg. 10 '82 ,58 93 01 • at Aylmer in September,' 1944, and 're. turned to England in. the .Satrte month. . Ile . is glad to be back in Canada. "I have put the roots;gloWn,in Goderieh and I'll leave them Them"' be declared. lie had the additional joy ,of receiving ENO . 0 N ED .. ' A.GEMET ANN II C The . engagement 18 announeed„ )f Delores. Patricia, only daughter of Mr.' '•,)? and -Mrs. William 11 VoSter, Vort Wit- Ham, Ontario, to Ur. George Albert ,ft.arth, Gauley,' son of Mrs. William Gulley ,,,,,,i yit....,...1,, At note.; m,....... mi,,,, 4 G......,.. "A"A":„'"-;,..,:.".`-'"41.'""z* 4-ucHduvwcx" tutY,,,7,„„w''' "'"'"1.'" ; it, Greer and :Russell ' per. 17rie s attended Irma 'S ' ea- Clint it, rtaYfielq' 211V1ell anti oderich, 44... tWO %.,016. 'Of the 13erunilIer CO who (1 e tl '• i4 I. 3.1-libes",, /1.,Cia(i 1111 -Viat.frtirs4 the two uest ()o.f b dr with Utflovaswri 1 at-watehm , them had served tour r. and Mrs. Wm. Haskell of The couple left on a trip in 'a 4.114 Torohto bilore taking acelug 'tk*, • .the „David, Wilson, and was at one"thne a teacher ,Stm., The old St: °Andrew's raid school. Mr daughters Are betli on the teach- staff of Detroit •schools. ' " Sat„ Aug, 11 .J0'; , 02 80 14' Aug, 12,„80 07 .• 84 , 00 Mon., Aug. 13 ..'85 • OS ,88. Tues., Aug. 14 -81 . 71 ' 97 Wed., Aug. 15 -74 50 • ,01 , 117 ' . ' it.' welcome from ltia little twenty. month' daughter Roberta, whom lie hail haerseen, gig other (laugh- ter, jean, was eintally glad to see her daddy. • • . ., „ ' and -the late Mr.Alauley of' Goderich. The wedding will, take ,place on - Sent:ember 3rd in Vt. Vatrieles Roman Catholic elturch, Port Wiliittm,, On tarlOc- ' • ' •Goderich, . . , . - , *COUNTY COMM PICNIC .„ Ituron County omen via, .loid the annual picnic . in' itarber Park, ou Weilnesdar, Auttrott '211. rearS. 1 On a. rev' • - 1 ,A13 ' 1.).(teaP.Pri . Cm flIV,a,s10 rented, Witil, it watel I u Wu' Itmeh the, menin with the tine irg ef "God tri.., Of •+ ion lune Stoe4Sy old ne tutent h bort as •and bis are now t paper, Sign of Tatung - s reached n. to, the, for years of the WO pro- nt news- tary or - the staff capae. Parliti,,* it week- , On the uccess ...the staff, Aeporter ter two Signal he , 41Ser. for • went to e 'lied him he 'was F• ederal .* alf years. seeretarY ister of after Mr. the, -shad •for • the: the De -- He te- e 'Ottawa , 1.94a. • n of tne earls prin. Institute, Flume, of • kthaoL ESS ENS" , sided at Chapter, ' On, when for bold- est street he Lions t is hoped • Various were featare; od prizea members 50was - art of the' pters . vice con - clothing, ated dur- cies spoil -- October f. Goderich reciation •• flitted. lay Wing the ate vocal The la Yenng, nks in a , on :"Outs by Mrs. tion was ollyhocks %gin .in Patch;'? Ison, • the the rock garden at opts ahd - use was 'she con- * ADS •BIRDS irds was g P,Igrion as from forty -live orhnatesdtona'at edooah:arneee s .2nd- a elli°e.y°6614th* 4:2(ide5o :11. leowe: liphl et Pl it Al Lr3 rh; •Was 42nd rd, f2591 ast race the Pro- tchewan, -end and mpariled Torente, of the * in an he' Deno of ilftjt• ring- on honor Of munity in ever - n411 Cfm4 • evening resented Both, of verse**. Xier . After K ended re bra