HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-08-09, Page 1_
. 11006 Voted to Eoard. of Trade—$309' Gnitrantee for Labor Day
00101:4•94ion-4. S. South Anterican to 041 Here Septemb6r.
7th—Fire Department to Have Fognozle Elnipmentri-Litinor
•,Control- 130ard. to Bc,:s_ AMtached Reicarding, Liquor Store
and Brewer's. Warehoise for. %Aerial.
. . •
The Town Connell en Friday night
had its longest session of the year,
0,-Hayk g.c., was present to speak
Lor the Doreinion Road Machinery 00.,
regarding fie Company's propesal to
• PUrchase, some vacant land belonging
•to the Town and adJeining the ORM-
pany's present site on. Maitland road.
• R. 34, Menzies was. ,neard. in behalf
of. the Board of T,rade,, /and Arthur
° Kaitting : and Thos. Taylor formed a
deputation from the trade union' com-
.anittee -which Is Putting' on the Labor
Day Celebration in Goderich. Before
brought forward .by these .deputations,
' and the routine ,-business of the nar..
,ell wa$ finished, it was '1,1.30 by the
ttoek. sAll the members of Council
„present. __. • . 0
Mr.. Hays areal:I.' ed. that althougb
Mr. Sully, now president of .the. Road
• Machinery Co., was not yet in n
tion to make a :definite pronarse, regard-
• ing the -extension Of the plant, he did
have in prospect a •considerable ,ex -
pension, for Wnich More room Woad
,be necessary: • It was •alsci planned to
• •,„.,.
-Move the foundry,, new oil" Victoria
street, tothe Maitland road plant
At a, later stage of the raeeting the
, Council decided to accept Mr.. Sales
offer. Of $200 or the property indicated.
Board of Trade to Get $1,000
Mr. Menzies, speaking for, tne Board
of Trade, of •wbich he is 'president,
said that the toSt Of the inforriaation
booth- for tourists, 'Which had just
been opened, with the pay -of the elerk
in charge for •the- remainder �f:the
tourist seaSOn„-had pretty well wrecked
tle funds of the' Board, and further'
plans would. depend •Upen the amount
the 'Board Could spend. Ile promised
that any moneys • the Council might
&Mate wouldr-ne wisely expended in
the latexes* of th.e towns - • '
- Most of 'the menabers took part in
the- •discusSion which followed, all ex-
pressing approval of -the activity shown
by the Board, though Deputy Reeve
Attridge, who is chairman of the Coun-
cils ,finane.e,cennnittee, urged,some con
sideration of the Town's finances.
'Eventually, on motion of Reeve
Baker- Conn. Seabrook, a grant
of $1,000 was amatilmously voted.
Guarantee „far Labor Day Celebration
The case or the Labor Day Celebra-
tion was put before the Council by
Messra. Kaitting,and Taylor, whia ex-
plained that the committee proposed
to circulate .a. booklet advertising the
•celebrntion, and incidentally ,the Town;
all over 'Canada- and the adjacent
States. A vete of $8,p0 was asked.
.The Council balked --at making a
• straight,. grant, but agr.eed to go as
far as. poo th guaranfeeing, the cele-
bration eeminittee against a •deficit;
• on -preseptatio11 of a statement of re-
ceipts and expenditures in connection
• with the celebr.atinn; • The motion to
, this 'effect, -by Conn. MacEtvan. and.
Deputy Reeve Attridge, also was paised
unanirhotiSly,.- , • ,
'Mayor Mooney thanked Colin. Mac
Elven andthe parks committee for.. -,the
improv•enient made by the placieg of
the chains and anebora at the -lake
• bank, And Conn. Hrickins and the
harbor committee for the cleaning fun
done attne., bathing beaeh.'
Tax' collections for July • were.
$65,566.42, according t� the Collector's
repOrt. . - ,
•• Applications for Building Permits '
Applications for ' building permit
Were from John Pinder, for re -rooting
his -plumber's shop, Cambria road";".
Mrs. Hugill, for sun porch and re-
sidieg house, °Maria road; John
Jeffery, for „ one -and -a -half -story
frame dwelling° n -Elgin avenue; Geo.
:McLeod, for a frame henhouse on
William street ; North: ,Street . United
church, for teallingling a portion of
the rontOthe church building:. and for
reshingling jobs from ,fil; • I; Warren,
East -street ; Mrs. Bertha Higginscin,,
• Carabria road; A. ROrigvie; LignthOuse
street; Michael .Plick, Britannia road ;-
W. Medd, St. Patrick's • Street; Geo..
McLeod, _Willis,' m , street; ,Mrs. Jesse
Gray, B,Fnee street,. " , •
A: request . froth Wm, J.jeWeil and
James Barrie, 'Regent street, fori
• • tension of the sanitary sewer! to their
• -prOperties was referred to the:Puhlic
works committee. • • -
, The- Dominion: -Road- maehinery Co
requested the eitension, of the sevier
to their plant on Maitland road. This
also was referred,. to - the publieWprkg
coinmittee. '• , . •
lihe request of, the ConriiauettY Nur
ing Registry 'fee permiSsion te hold 'a
ttg day on Septernber 1St Was ,granted.
-...insbeetor -poitras of the War Assets
Cerporationwrote stating that the .fire -
'fighting personnel were being removed
from Sky Harbor airnOrt and requeSt-'
ing *at the Town nrigade respond -to
any fire alarm, froth. the -airport. Cowl.:
ell decided that the reu;nieSt be granted
A letter: from 0, VireedS---with-refer-
enee to transient • trader's license fee
• charged against • him was referred t�
the special cOmMittee. '
In connection with thiS there Was
considerable disctiSsion of the.fees
ehargeahle to transient ; traders and,
peddlers' and there May, bo some
' revision. • •
,Chictigo, Duluth and Geerglaitlia$
Tranalt , Company that the steaniship
South, American willcall at Gbderiell
on Friday, September • 7tn, front 9
a.m. 011 am. WT., and it wag. asked
that necessary, docking arrangements
be made. Referred to the .special eein-
`inittee; • , .
% A -letter from D. E. Campbell, pro-
posing that MacKay Hall be turned
over to the women of the town, was
sent, to the special committee.
Committee Reports
The finance com.naittee passed a large
number .,.frf accounts and Made recom-
mendations as follows: That the SOI-
iCitor be asked to repare a bylaw
r' Corti:000'14-
the purchase of Oddfellows' Hall;
.that the Goderich Organ Co. be asked
for an -immediate payment of $1,000•on
.their mortgage •• loan. Relief -aCcounts
.for July amourited, to $200.70.
The public works committee recom-
mended that the C.N. Railways- .be
quested to provide a walk for ,pedes -
Arians when 1 -03r. -alterations are -made
to the overhead -bridge on the Maitland
River -laill; that C. Gs Riddell be of-
fered the, stoneerusher-plant complete
with leaders for -POO; that -Mi. Code
be asked to Make a survey ,Of lots
Nos. 967 arid 968 on Newgate street;
that the matter of . having the ToWn
Hall and the Publit health Mirse of6ce
painted be left in the bands of the,
chairman of this committee; that im-
Perla]. 011 Ltd. be advised . That • the
Town will assume pardon of the
eost, up to 050; sfor the paving Of the
road area in 644 of their-Atation at
tne corner of NeJson.--and ' Victoria'
• The 'special •commIttee recommended
that Mr. A. MeConnell beadvised that.
the Town will provide. ,prize money
,of $40 if he can arrange a - suitable
date for •a baseball • 'between
McConnell's.. All -Stars and the Limas
; that tne•matterof .having
a suitable "Welcome Home". sign;
erected be left with the Mayor, the
chairman of the parks committee, and
it membeof the "welecune lieme"
committee. - • '
The water, .liglit and 'harbor ‘com:-
mittee recommended that the -C.P.R.
be aSked to have 'refuse .dumped .along
the. beach- cleaned alp as Soon as :pos.-
sible. , • • .
. These reports 'were adepted.
D. R. M. Co.*Ofter ..AecenteA1
The "Indukrial Committee ,reCQT11-
mended that .the Dominion Road Ma-
chinery Co. be advised that the Town
Will sell the property at the cprner.
of Oxford street and Maitland road
"at a reasonable figure ifit is the.
intention of"''' the Compaziy to extend
their plant in tbe near future." An-'
• other recommendation , was that the
tender of Wm: A. ThoMas for white-
itashing the interior of the armories
building, at $85, -be accepted. '
To the first elapse of this report an,
amendment was offered, that the pro-
Perty be -sold to the Dominion Roa.d
Machinery Co. for $200 cash. T,he
amendment was carried on a vote of
V to 3. Yea -Baker, Attridge, Mac:-
-Ewan, Prevet,t, Sanderson. „ Nay-
Huckins, Ma thieson, eabrook.
Opposition , to • the 'sale was .ora the
ground that there was no .guarantee
ef enianSion by the Deminion Road
Machinery Co. necessitating the use
of the property, and the sale would
prevent its useby any other industry
that ,might be looking for a site along
the -railway ' track. -
Move 'Or Liquor Store
Ceun. Huckins moved, seconded by
Reeve Baker: "That the Clerk write
the Liquor ontrol Beard of Ontario
enquiring if a liquor store and a
brewer's warehouse could be opened in
GOderieh. if a resolution faltering this
action 'is passed IV the council." _
This was passe.d without opposition.
Coun. Prevett, chairman of the •fire
committee, proposed the purchase of
"fognozl" equipment for • the *fire de-.
partment at a 'cost of $292.95. This
'eqrzipment, it was stated, would re-
diice the water thrown- on a tire to*a
fine spray, Lima reducing damage frOna
water to a intnimuin.
This concluded the business of the
meeting. t
Five Bands Engaged for Labor • Day
° Celebration in Goderich
The tug-of-war promises '• to be a
lively, feature of the afternoon pro-
graM, at- Agricultural park oxi• Labor
DaY• ' The trophy . is the cup which
was presented by the Huron Old Boys'
Association of Toronto at the cen-
tennial celebration of 1927. for tom -
petition by teams frem, Goderich and
the townships . Ashfield, Colborne
and godericla,p,
B.H. the Labor Day' Competition Mr.
McCreath annolinces that the
Huron Old Boy0 will else give cash • The funeral of Mrs. john
prizes for this event -t7-$5 for each man ,who passed away on Tuesday, July
in the winning team of seven Men, and 31st, took place on Thursday after.
*2 for each man in the second: team. noon from the „family residence near
If four teams enter At will take. three ,I3ennailler. There was a large attend -
draws to decide the Winnera, and an ance of sympathizing neighbors and
exciting series of pulls is in prospect. friends. The services 'at the 'home
The band committee has prattitally and at-Colborneeemetery. were- cone
R. W. Cede. rePerted progress in eompleted arrangencrats for the dueted by. Rev. R. H. Turnbull, and tlio
conneetion With - the StirveY for the slay and. has 'five' bands on the list. Pallbearers . were ,7ir. IXamulton, 11.0h,u
The ,fifie.,-O,11.1t, brass band of Strat- Moore, Thos. Chambers, , J. S.
ford has been engaged,' also two pipe Iternigban, Geo. Million and 'Prank
' ,The seeretary Of the Ontario bands, 'the Centralia Air. Porde band Allin.- Among those present train
cipal Association *Vile stating that the and;;- the Lueknow pipers, The Gode. diStatice was Mr. Oliver Breen of
narpon conventions does not apply to rich •boys' band will be out for the Toronto, brother of the late Mrs.
the mental eonvention bf that As. day and the "old felloWS" bf thei tovvit.
satiation, .ividelt will be held $13 are band promise something speeial in the
ranged on August 28 to 31. The way of a clown band.
Clerk, the AesesSer and any mentbers Other •coramittees are bard, at work COLBORNE
thn Council may attend. and the program for Labor Dart The annual memorial serviee will
S.S. South AtileriCan to Can gipt. September 3rd, is shaping up for a be held in Colberfie cemetery on Sun -
Advice was reeelved from the grand. eglebration. day, AugUst 26th.
131 gest Crowd Byer,
at flojidai Race Meet "
On S atur4ty nlgbtMayer
Mooney ,presSed,, tb,e. :button Which
pirnedbn scores of e01.01ed lights wilich
, .
•'nenr „11eautiful-1Y illuMinate tbe' bath-
ing' " nett& and . waterfront. 'Merabers
ef the* Town Couneli "and. of the Beard
of Trade, besides acrowd of spectaters,
were -on hand to 'see the illumination.
'Strings of lignts,' red, White and blue,
on the, beach find along the Pier ',neat
the bathing nouse give the waterfront
a Coney Island appearance and add
Much to the evening attractiveness. a
the beacn, • ,
ArriVals of. the week at the Gods,-
„rien ,elevator were the Y. V. Massey,
Sunday, :with 108,000 bus. Wheat
:and barley; the Fort' Willdoe, on Mon-
day, with. 258,006 Anis. wheat, and the
'• Superior, • on'',WeclnesdaY, with 84,000
bps. wheat and screenings. „
The Howard .11indman'ts due at the
elevator Friday 'Morning-
The Canadoc LS discharging her
rgo o 47:000 buswheat at the
Purity Flour Mill.
Several sailing yachts have been, in
during the *eek, and today a hand -
Some one frora Sarnia, -the Bonita IL
is in.port: - • , •
, _ -
K�. „„Contests --Great Interest
. in. the Pree-forwall; Won. •
by he coot
- The "annual ervie nolidaY race':nieet
here went down in historY as a record -
breaker frbm practically 'eve/rY stand7
pointi the atientinne0 was the largest
In the history of the ieeal meet; the
racing was keen and flashes close,
The feature eVent .of the afternoon
was the free -for -al anc.l. all eyes were
foeuesed on the performanee of the
roan peeing streak The Count,' 2.0814
who was making,..his first start in this
eountrY this year, after a sneeesSful
campaign across 'the border; It also
marked the first time he haa met the
fast paceraicKyle Cash. '
So Inuch Mierest was manifested in
the perfermance of these two side-
hoerg that the...other,starters-We
almost overlooked and after The Count
won tne first two heats with PriFacy
Lee second 'each timethe rank and
tile took it ler granted- the rate 'as
as "good iii_olter, This lb,exactly where
they .--Were- "off the :beam," as,, Alf
Meere, driving Frisky ,.Lee, took the
Mare out from her trailing position
half -way through the lane•and beat
The Count to the. wire in 2.12, the
fastest h,eitt of the afternoon, In the
previous two heats Frisky Lee looked
the part of one that had plenty a
pace, although few figured she 'could
head the, ,r.oan. streak; hence her Vic-
tory was all the inore surprising and
pleasing to her supporters,
Miss. Billie Direct', London -owned
three-year-old pacer, was the best in
the -three-year-old pace„' winning all
three heats in commanding fashion.
The -daughter of 'Billie ,Direct 15
world's fastest harness horse, has hot
been beated his season. and at the
,present time appears to be .the bestof
the fleck of youngsters racing. *Victory
_Bars from. the Berry stable sent a „good
race, landing the place pesition in the
.first two heats, but when.,.he went the
fine/ •stanza he had only three shoes
on according tO reports, having pulled
one- while scoring. ,
,Golden Flash with -owner-driver
Jack Bannerman; Stratford, .doing• the
piloting' won the first two 'heats of the
2.26 fpade in a' driving finish each .time,
but the final skirmish, a mixup on the
backstretch, spoiled her ,chances of
landing three .trips.- Four .trottinV.
futunity ,candidates, .along two
aged performers made up the neld in
,the trotting' event and Jim .Harveater,
driven by Len Fraser,' tqpped.
The summary
2.20 PACE
Golden Plan, J.4.: Banner-
man •Stratford " 1 1T.
Sandy Lee, C.A. Hales, Dutton 2 :3 1
Christepher ',Stout, D. J. Me -
Charles, .Lucknow 3 2 2
Bagen Richard, Dr. J. .8. Fer-
'gaga, Chatham , 4 4 3
Sandra Dillon, Dr. W. N. Mel-
drum, Norwich :6 .5 4
Richard Lee, H. A. Dickenson,
Mannt Hope5 7 :5
Billy Direct' Heir, Marsh Mc:
. Fadden, Dresden • 7 ;6 '6
Time: 2.19, 2.201/12.1914..
lifiss Billy Direct, W. J. Hyatt,
London ...... 1 11
Victory Bars, Harold B,erry,
St.; lIttarys - 2.2 4
Sir Walter Scott, Richard
Seatt,-,-Toronto - 4 -43 2
Income, Dr.• W. , um,
Norwieh. . 3 3 S
On Wanesday ,night the. inembers;
of the Saltford unit of the Goderich
branch of the Red` Cross Society fit-
tingly honored several returned• men
Who had. beenassOciated with the life
of the Village before their eetistment,
. Headed by Harry. McCreath, repre-
sentative .of the Goderich branch, the
delegation • (first called on Sergeants
Ralph. and Hector Kingswell .at the
home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs.'
5, Walter KingsWell. Mr. McCreath,'
after a short address of welcome, made
the presentation to eaeli of a- nandsome
signet ring. Both boysex,pressed their
thanks 'ter' the ,gifts ancl their warm
appreciation . of tne ,many Parcels they
had received from the Safford unit..
Other returned men -similarly hon.:
pred, were AB. .rohn Mugford,
and L/Cpl..Arthur Murray, son of
Walker Murray of Port Albert, Whose
wife, the former Alice Dodkin, resides
Miss Senator Volo, ,,. C. A,0
Hales, Dutton • • 6 3
Betty Lee, A. D. , McKillop,
'West Lorne 5 9 6
Ann Grattan, W. L. Fraser,
Forest '
Sir Riehard, H. A. Dickenson,
MoutHope 7 5 d
Dillon Seymour, H. A. Dkken.-
sen Mount' Hope: 8, 7 .,(1
Tiin 2.10 2.17%, 2.171h. •
" EE -0R -AL
The Count, J, W..131,7ovvn,
•.114skeird 1 1 2
rriskey Lee,' on Tocighara,
'Chatham 2 2 1
Merry England, Dr. J. Sirer-
gown, Chatham 3 3 4
Star Ilenlen Dr. J, Fergu- .
Chathana 4 5 3
mclCylc,) Cast, R. W. Leather- . •
dale, Windsor 5 :4 S
Time 2.184, 2,1214, 2.12.
2.26 TROT
JIM Harvester, W. B. Coulter,
Atwood • 1- 1 1
Fanny Grattan, 3W. Brown.,
Ne* Liskeard 2 • 2 2
13ert McKillop, Harold Berry,
St. Marys , • 3 4 3
Edna McKillop, E. W. Fawm, •
Mitchell • 3 5
]3�b 14y, Vit.. JHyatt; London 5 5.: 4
Harbor Light, Owen. Stables.,
TillsOnburg 6 6 13
.Tizne: 2.241/2, .2.211/2, 2.26.
Starter, S. 34, *Clinaie Tillsonburg.
Judges, J*.' L. Shelton,' Kincardine ;
Tory Gregg, higham ; Hareld Currie,
Strathroy. - Timer. 'Stan BurnS,
riajtnersterr; W, • oraigie, Goderich.
8 ‘11
proposed read to the north Meet the
. harbor.
_ Mrs . and Mrs. :Samuel Patton
Taggart :of, Tpronto .- announce the
engagement of . their only daugh-
ter, Dorothy Marguerite, to Theodore
Wflhiam Ohapm.an, %son. of Mrs. arid
Mrs. L. C. Chapman, of Goderich.
The marriage will ; fake place In
Earlscoprt United' chusreh at 3 o'clock
on .Saturday,-- ,S.eptentbei- Xst.
The next brood donors' clinic in
Goderich will -be on Thursday, August
ie .est�n
Reported Killed
Son.of.)Ifr. and Xi's. E. R. :Weston
Was Repotted;Missing'
in January
Mr. and Mr-. E. It. Westen have
received word that their son, warrant
(Pi co Richard Verdun Weston,' R.O.
previously reported raissing,
now, oincially reported killed on active
service. ' Advice received' from the
United States Artily Grave s Registra-
tion threugiA. the. It.0•At1. ,easualties
officer 'overseas is that wjo. Weston
lost his life on January .2nd, 194b, itt
Puttelange, France, 'and was- buried
on March '.3rd ,in the .niiiitary cemetery.
at Grand Failly, eighteep *miles north -
eat 0±- Verduin, Prance.
Mr. rind mes.-westen have received
comforting lettersfront the 'wing com-
pander of Dick's squadron and from
other Air Toren personnel, by whom
•waS highly regarded: ° ••
W/O. Weston was in his twenty-
sixth year.. He vvas born at Bayfield
and came with his parents to Gode-
rich thirteen years ago and attended
the Collegiate Institute here. He en-
listed in May, 1941, went overseas the
following year, and, served in North'
Africa and*later in. Europe. Two
brothers also are;in the serlices, Sgt.
Clayton Weston with the T.I.S. Combat
Engineers in Germany, and LAC: G. E.
("White") .Weston; with the- Air FOrce•
in Burma. .• •
Lieut. Ernest Salkeld ha.s returned
to his station in yew Brunswick after
spending a furlough with his mother,
Mrs. H. L.'Salkeld..
Nursing .Sika.1,' Agnes Campbell,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. E.. Camp-
bell,.arrived -lane on Tuesday night
after three years' service Overseas.
She describes the crossing_ on the -Ile
de France as pleasant, and the food
On both the ho'at and the train as
the,best she had eaten in the past three
years. She Was met at London by
her parents on the arrival of the troop
train there..
"Lieut. Ciunnbell enlisted on Auguslj
20,, 1942, and went OversWits in De:
centher of the sante year. She served
in hospitals in •England; .Italy and
Belgium. She liked England .'best.
Italy is Ia.& at all -`1sunny Italy," she
said. There is ' a„ great deal of „rain
and •the "peeple are depressing and
dirtV. She saw -Belgium only on the
coast lines. , The •, invasion 'armies
went through is so quickly the country
she saw was seareely touched; the
fields were, well cultivated.: She Was
in the city of Brusiels on V4 Day,
when it waS difficult" to move for the
crowds.Fresh fruit and vegetables
could bei'purchased in abundance ; eggs
sold at -fifteen cents each. "
Lieut. Campbell visited Aber...sister,
Betty (Mrs. Alex. Wroot), tit her
'home .in St. Albans, England, and
reports her well and happy. °
lier • brother, Potty Officer Colin
Campbell,. R.C.N., with • his ' wife and
baby daughter, of 'Halifax, afe spend
ing holidays in Goderich.
Sgt. Muer Fisher, son of Mr. and
MrS. Arthur Fisher, Benmiller, has
returned home after nearly four years
overseas. He came to Halifax on the
hospital ship Lady Nelson mall was met
at tondon by this parents,brothers
and sisters. After reaching his lime
he had a treat 'welcome from otber
relathes •and -friends. Elmer enlisted
in June,
,1940, and went overseas with
the Perth Regiment hi .0Ctebe,i, 1041.
He served in Italy and or the western
front and receive4 seYere wounds in
Holland in April of this year. ,
Looking remarkably Well, Lieut. Ken-
neth.' Hunter, of the Essex ;Scottish
Regiment, , arrnecr,nonte from overseas
-.L.:tleputty -aght. .1-10 was met At
London by his piother on the, arrival
!of the train whieh brought troops who
came to Canada on the Ile de prance.
Lieut. Hunter is, another Goderich hero
if) the Dieppe raid who' lad spent
.tbiree 'years In a German prison camp;
He enlisted in May. 1040,, and went
overseas In July of thb $ttiete , year.
After Ms liberation ' he recuperated
at Ventnor, 011 the Isle of Wight-, and
last June ' married 'Miss Margaret
Mitebell, of'zbeincid, 'Vnghtild /re
ezive.ts his bride Will eenle to Canada
before Christmas. Vent. Hunter is
the son of Mrs. /hunter and: ,the late
Dr. A. C.- Hunter. . "His brother, 4'o11x,
Is a major of' the Ito al Canadian
Engineer, serving overs
• When the Signal -Star reporter called
.on Sgt. Hector- Kingswell,
at _the home of . his parents, Mr. and
krs. Walter Kingswell, Trafalgar
street, he was busily cleaning his car,
whichhad been in the garage since his
departure for Overseas almost. three
°years ago: - •
Hector arrived at Quebec on the
Stratheden, the ,first troopship- of this
war to arrive there,. an,d'reached Gode-
rich last -Friday. He was with a
ground crew, in England, where he
earned promotion to , the rank of
Sergeant. -He'', enlisted in September,
1910, and went overseas in -1942- He
,expressed a preference for Scotland
and the Scottish people,- and brought
home with him a souvenir that will
constantlyremind hint of the land
of the heather -a set ofHighland bag-
PiPes,-tyhich he purchased in Aberdeen.
A -piper at the station *gilt him to
play, and he modestly declared he
could "get the odd tune." He, pos-
sesseS also two earthenware German
steins and a •German helmet.
Hector's brother, -gt. Ralph Kings-
-well, Of the Provost Corps, arrived
home two weeks ago after five years'
service overseas. He went -to 'France
on D-rmy, and Was stationed in Bel-
gium and in Germany. Ile was
awarded the Canadian. Efficiency
Medal, and has several sotivenirs Of
the,' War, among thern a German "iron
dross and ribbons. He .has signed up
for the Pacific. •
Vance -Corporal Donald' -Thompson is
another of the men of.Dieppe who has
arrived home. He was five years• eiver-
seas, having' enlisted With the Essex
Sepal* in April, 1940, and going 'over-
seas in August of the same year -
Those five years included nearly three,
from August,' 1942, in „ a German
prisoner -of -war tainP. Ile is at the
home of hia parentitrffrnirid Mrs. Neil
Thompson, Quebec street. His Sister,
Corporal jean, of the It.C.,A.IVW.D.),
Is home from liockeliff on a two weeks'.
furlough, and since , his return his
sister' Maisie, from Voronto,and his
,brother William, from Glencoe, have
been home to greet him.
TeMPeratures of the past week In
Ooderieh, with those of the•eorrespond:
ing week a y6'ar ago, as. officially re-
eoriled, were as follows
1945 ' 1944
•' Max. Min. Max, •Min.
Thurs., Aug. 2 _69 89 71
Vri., Aug..........80 • 01 , 02 08
Sat., Aug. 4 ,68 .01 73
'Aug. 5 ..„„71, 00 70
mou, Aug. 6, 08 00 82 '
Tues., Aug. 770-- 00 /0, 56'
Wed., Aug. 8 ....,72 54, 81 /6
. ,
,Censtrnet.lon Workers Particularly
• , , Depas04. '
Vbe arke of the 1,1110eP1eAnent. Tn.
•anrance Cemmisaton i a ' _SY .nlate
'these' days. The • large •numPer. of
soldiers returning !rent OvereettfLis
reflected' in the local office by the
inereaSednumber at the bo s report-
ing for Jobe, .0* seeking ass ce in
rehabilitation. So far all r rued
'hien reporting. have. been eithe • re-
turned to their fernier PoSitiOnS0,,er
placed in. new ones. • A great nAllY of
Course, are starting out for thetaselves
in various hearteasekt or taking up land
under tbe Veterans' Land Act.
Tile Oommission, Is also still .Wark-
ink on tbe problem, of extra help fel°
the farriers in harvesting operations,
and, in addition to the large number
Weatern farmers placed in Linton,
soldiers are now- bei•Pg brought in from
military camps. There hay:CI:leen few.
coinplaints regarding the Western' men,
a scant half-dozen, which 'is considered
a good record in consideration of the
reug, , an genera
farniers .are well- pleased with the
service rendered them. '
There is still a great shortage of help
for heavy laboring work and a distinct
Shortage of female help for the textile
-thadtistrles--in :God,erien And Clinton. • -
The °thee of the •Oommisilon is being
kept open each night this week until
9 p.m. in order .to take registration
of construction „workers, and post-
masters throughout the drea governed
by the local Office outside the town of
Goderich will also take registration
of these workers, The Minister of
Labor has issued an order whicn, re-
quires the registration of every male
person whether presently, .uneniplOyed
or employed in some, occupation „other
than in building construction „work,
who has attained his sixteenth ,.birth-,
day • and. has not attained his Sixty-
fifth .birthday, and who, Shade Decem-
ber 31, 1936, hashad a total of two
years' experience eigitinuous or Other:.
wise, as a skilled Or unskilled building
construction tradesman -or laborer, em-
ployed or engaged in any building con-
struction work. - •
The 'need .for this order ariSes-from
the acute housing shortage for return-
ing ex -servicemen and their families,
and the Department, of Labor is bend-
ing every effort towards a solution of
this ,problem.
I ni., •
Mr. and -Mrs. J. Blair the
Centro of a Family Gathering
It is not given to- many couples to
,observe • tb.eir sixty-first wedding .an-
niVersary, but this was ,the privilege
of Mr. and Mrs. Williana J. Blair,
Cambria road, this week, It was on.
Augnst 6th, 1881, that they were
married at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.
After farming for some years at Pick-
ford, Mich., they. came fo Goderich
township in 1891 and to this town in
1898; and have lived here ever since.
Mr. Blair is in his eighty-fifth year
and Mrs. Blair in her eighty-third.
Mr. Blair is in remarkably good health
but Mrs. Blair unfortunately is con-
fined, to. the house and is suffering
greatly.' ,•
• The anniversary was celebrated on
Monday • with a „family 'dinner; both
:ehildren of the -couple,
Fitzgerald of Peterborough and Mrs.
0. J. Curren of Toronto; being present,
also Mr. 'Fitzgerald and daughter
. Adele, Mr. Currell and daughter, Mrs.
-Wright; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ethering-
tell, cousins, of • Exeter': MiS.-Blair's
sister; Mrs. Coffield, of town, and, Mr.
Q. A. Tienboirne, of Goderich township.
The house wits adorned with flowers,
Including a beautiful basket from the
Women's Association • of Victoria street
United ghurch and it fine 'bunch of
gladiolus .'from Mrs. '.Wilbur Fell,
i Many cards. and otner-messages of
congratalation 'were '• received, and a
'letter brought the greetings,' of the
official ,heiiird of Victoria street *church,
of which My. Blair is an honorary
meinber. Sisters and nieces at Pick-
ford and Sault Ste. ..Marle_ also:sent
generous gifts. .
P/O. Kenneth Reid, R.C.A.F. and
Miss Eileen Reid, of Arborg, Manitoba,
are spending ,0week with tneir uncle
and aunt, Mr. and M. I. J. Pridham.
P/0.. Reid who was a -prlioner of "
for two years In Germany, has 'just re.
inrned from oVerseas..
Oliarg�d with 'Itr
- 1.00 4t13,
Magistrate CoOli this "afternoen; Day -
After , 'preliminarY •bearbig, before
ton and Charles Platten Toronto, Were
coortima comittepodtefuet3
Lor trial iasid tt lotilhe,onncharges
Ofbreaking, entering and theft at the
Selforth creame17 on June
, Atter evidence had been' taken in
enase ttteDdarlanaV:eeliattt:pnp'
his bro-
ly to the
Charge?, against him. Both were re-
raanded to jail and bail., cancelled.
• e neathtroeulremnantelgbir of
the, -eounsel.
Seaforth ereamery, testified that -half -
an -hour after midnight on June 1,0th,
he had left the office -with the night,
light On and. the safe, which was.,
painted, green, locked. The robbery
-Lreported to thinr•-at
June .1.7t1i7 The safe. was found On
the, street, broken open. Cash and
valuables were in the strong box Which
was the safe, and showed it
had been tampered .with, but not forced.
Murray, -Parton, of London, -stated
he Was 'passing through Seaforth on,
raotoreyele, and, 'saw a car parked'
at the creamery and then move swiftly
away. The ear” was a two -door one -
and no .11e:its were visible,
Constable Day, acting chief of police ,
at" Stratford, found a ear parked. two
and a -half miles south of Stratford
In Downie township on June 3.7 at 5.30
a.m. A driver's license and key ease
were in the car with the name of Day --
ton Platten, .
'Provincial Constable Douglas, sta-
tioned at Stratford, testified a car
which had been reported stolen was
recovered at Paris with two bumper -
guards missing. The license number
was 81F7.i .Leather ' bags with adver- -
tising matter and other' articles were
found on the road 'on whieth the. Plat- -
ten car had been .abandoned. •
Constable Mark' Anthony of Strat-
ford -stated that 411 June 17 he heard
a car 'coming fronx• the weStat a high
rate of speed and got the license
ntunber, 81F7, at 5.30 a.m... He ideal-
fied the driver ' as "Marlin" Platten.
The car, was going To the direction of
WPordosytineckia.1 -Constable Fox identified
Marvin Platten ,as another ' brother.
He said he went to Paris to examine
the car recovered' tnere. The trunk',
had been forced. Inside on the Zan*
was green paint. ,
Harvey Fisher, 'Fullarton toWnshiP,
IdentiOd two bumpretteL put in as
exhibits as the ones'. he -had found
near the place where a ear had stopped
on the morning of the robbery.'
The 'first of the union services of
Knox Presbyterian and North street
United churches for August was held in
Knox charch on Sunday morning, with
„Rev. R. H. Turnbull of North, street '
in charge, and was attended by a large
congregation. '
The Caravan of .Life" was the sub-
ject Of tie impressive sermon by Air.
Turnbull, based • en the text :._ "Ipress
toWard -the-MAXI for the -high calling of,
God in Christ Jesus." .
"In these days," Said Mr. Turnbull,
"vvdare planning the, caravan routes
for those who will. succeed' tie, such
as world peace and a better Way of
He referred to the,- teaching'
of •rellgipn in the schools as an im-
portant. step, revealing the fact that
education ,Is not 'merely training for
the means of obtaining it livelihood
but should tendto the 'developrirent
of Chrigtian 'character building.
"We are facing 'a new day which
presents potent possibilities. , We have
proved we 'caia harnesS,indtistry and
science. Let Us .prove, that great
things can be accomplished' when we
harness ourspiritear resources for ,
he ma:king of -better lives for the high
ailing of God in Christ Jesup," pie
Minister ebnelnded.,•
The music,' under the direetion of
Mr, T.* G. Jones, included ui anthem,,
"God So Loved the World' • (StaYner)t
by fhb choir, arid a solo, "Ceffe Unto
Me, Ye Blessed," beautifully sung by '
Ralph Henderson. -
_The uln»n services will: be held at
Knox church .throughout the *nth of
August. •
Tourist Information Booth Opened
and Already Proving Its Usefulness
The official opening of the tourist
information: booth in Court House
Park, the initial .project ef . the -re-
organized Goderich Board of Trade,
along with the appearance' of tbe Sea
Cadet/ of Sarnia on parade, was the
occasion. for • a large and interested
gathering on the Square on Friday
' .The Cadets, headed by their band,
lined up on South street and Marched
smartly around the Seiler° then .0f -
kers and Cadetsformed a rectangle,
ha which the members of the band
.under the leaderaldp of Met. P. „V.
Preple gave* an exhibition of their
diver musical drill. ;then under em-
u:land df Lieut. Cliarlton; 0.0. of the
Cadet eamp, and tient. Fred Elliott,
0.C. Of the torpS,'they marched to the
space in 'trent of the ipforination booth
land steed at attention dining the
opening ceremony. •
MenzieS, president of the
Board of Trade, expressed the .,hoPe
that the organization Woad • be of
itASIStairce to the citizens of Goderich
and gave some indieatioo of its plans.
Mayor Mooney congratulated , the
members of the Board on their enter-
prise, described bY him as the first
evidence of what the, organization will
do„ Itt Me community. The Mayor
then turned the key, and he .and the
member , of the TOWA Connell Were
the, ars „--to sign the register. The
'0 I
registrar, Leslie filleY, a Young Veteran
of this war, was introduted, andin-
stalled his new duties in the. flag
bedecked booth., "„,
After this brief ceremony, the 'Cadets
gave a thrilling. demonstration of '
tumbling in the park, and a delightful
program was played in the bandstand.", •
Filling, a• Long -felt Want
Since the opening of the information
booth, Mr. Riley has been kept bnitY
with encliiiries, mainly for tooling
accoramodation, and so far he has been.
able to find accommodation for all
who applied to him- When, he was
informed that over the ereivcied heliday
.Week -end some people had -Welk in '
parked ,cars he stated that it was un-
fortunate they had not applied at the
booth, for he was Slim they tobid
have been aeeftlinOdated In private
-11onies. Oitimns, lie said, had Oren
splendid co-operation in offering their
homes. • .
The bOOth 18 open from 10 a.m. t.
0 0-111.,"-Membera of the Paull' of Trade'
voluntarily giving their services in
the emingS. sa -
It is again requested that owlet% of
rooming housea, tourist eahlns, etc*
eall the booth- each day '(telophone
107) informing Mr. ttiley -of any ac-
commodation they will have ,avallable,
so that be Way have the information
on file and be able to vast( it on t�