HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-07-19, Page 4P*O v eIT A,ZaWMtS ON THE JOB AT 49 WOVE ST: (*cross from .Softball p mood) Ta. D . SI NA Square lw'r#esh. I'c�rea, includxtg 'hoses, always -in *wk.' • Beautiful and tong -lasting trrawoments for any Qocasion. The Greenhouses that save Supplied °flowers. "to Goderich Said. vicinity for 43 ....ears, 49 BRUCE ST. PHONE 105 Mr: William J. Lacey, of Detroit, Mich,, spent the past ' week with his, sister,. Miss -Mary . Lacey,: Cambridge street. U , v SPECIAL. THIS WEEK Screen' Doors, -°" • Window Screens. Galvanized Wash Tubs " " Wash Boilers Scrub Tubs " Garbage Cans (Assorted sizes) .Breckenridge (Successor to the late Fred Hunt) 'Hardware and ?111i'nbing • S. S. HAMONIC 13132,NED. AT PT. EDWARD TUESDAY Ji morrie o The ,passengerste .mer a ,t f the Canada Steamship Lines, took .fire at her mooring' at Point. Edward on Tuesday morning; and burned to the Water. line. Passengersnumbering nearly four hundred were taken. of without loss of life, but about two hundred of them suffered injuries in their hurried flight from the ship and nearly one hundred were admitted to the Sarnia General hospital for treat- ment forburns and other injuries -- The fire broke out in the 'Targe freight sheds alongside the N'harif and great quantities-. of package •freight were• burned. Damage to`htp`iteight sheds and cargo goods is estimated at nearly $2,004,000. - , EX -COUNCILLOR LAID UP "- Ex -Councillor David Sproul is con- fined to his homewith painful injury aap u n�u y tohis back, received when he fell in ct:wards- over--a-Ns-ire at the home- Of Ms brother, William Sproul, `ter weeks ago, badly straining the .muscles of his back. - , Miss :Maud -Watson, of Toronto, .is spending holidays at- her home here. Lakeview : CaSino Grand, Bend Dancing Every Night TO - STAN. PATTON'S-- ALL SAXOPHONE ORCHESTRA ` `The Newest Band -of 1945" Sunday, July 22nd. CO•NCE•RT AND STREET PARADE By No: 9 S,I'KT.S. Centralia Brass Band and Orchestra •,• Mrs. ,c1, Bueltdnai -, Elgin' ave., - is in receipt of n letter froze, her son, George Buchanan, • overseas,, in which he states than fire • iiad, actually had elle, egg out of tiie 'shell, . for 'thee.• ii'st time since gping !over nxantla$, ago, - CFi• Altai Lawrence Is now StatiOne4 at London,where he is sect"etary to the commanding officer' at the head- quarters of military district No L Ray -has been .enjoying ging a. two weeks' - furlough"•1vith bis Tznother, Mrs. Frank Lawrence of town, prior to which he,. had' been stationed at various points in British Columbia. FC. Jaok Taman,- of the U.8: army, is, spending his thirty -day furlough visiting relatives. in town. .Tack has just returned' after spending ;twenty- seven months en; the„Aleutian ;Islands. In apicture , shown last week.at the Capita' Theatre, of `�a reception given by Their Majesties Khig George . and Queen Eiizabetlt to men ivlao :had been prisoners of war in Germany, W/O.1 Allan Bowmair was • - distinctly recog- nized by his mother, 4 Mrs. Jos. Bow - .and others,' -Allan is on the way home and, his mother has -gone.. to Toronto to meet' him., ' ” EDUCATION AN IMPORTANT PART. OF MISSIONARY WORK Paper on the Subject Read at Meeting 'Thew July meetingof the W':M.S. of Knox Presbyterian .church was held on Tuesday afternoon in the lecture hall, The opening exercises were con- ducted by Mrs. R. J.. P. bWailter and Mrs. Albert Taylor. A beautifully LAWN 1OWi.LW FOR, THE FRED HUNT TROPHY One of the, big events of the -lawn bowling season in Goderich,. the open tournament for the I'red Hunt trophy; is scheduled for Wednesday of next. week, J`uly� «,nth, BesideS the trophy' aiad miniature cups, attractive prizes are being offered. ,Eutries close'- at 1.2.30, July 2t). and rlay, . (doubles) is to begin at.1;30., • SOVLBALL Two games were play ekiin ,the dis; triet gr`orzp•' of the 'Western •'Ontario 'A.A.' Softba.11 Leaigue'on Monday 'last; II the nor'ther�n :division• of the. group, Sky harbor' defeated the luckless. Fine` River boils I4-' ozi the local diamond The otheir' garne was played at. Clinto between Clinton and the Goderich a. gregation, . and proved to be a • thriile Goderich' finally edged • out their trad tional irivais 5'4,, halt the result was in doubt until the last man was, put out in the njnth, Thai Goderich boys showed consider-, able improvement ,. over their 'resent efforts,a no W, and w halve hopes of� tusking a place in the group play -ors.. The feature Qf t+le game was the return to the mound of "Skip" Mac»onald who went the route for the locals and turned in a remarkable performance These two 'teana"s `meet .again in Gode- rich on Friday evening, and an exciff ing game should. result. OBITUARY MR3. "SAMUE1'4 ANDREWS _The death occurred recently at .Itegiraa, :Sask., st irs. Sananel •Aniirews,' at the age of forty-seven years.' Toe - Ceased .was born in IIuddersfiel..jc ,__'York.. shire, • England, and married • Mr. Andi:eWs „on his return from the first Great %Var. She .hadbeen an invalid for many years.. Mr Andreivs:.is a native of Goderich; a son of the late oiViiliatu Andrews who conducted a meat market here for soiuo, years. Ilo is now pressroom. stuperintenderft -of The Leader -Post at Regina. Mrs,' B. DIcWlinney, of• port 'Albert, ISAster of Mr, Andrews. ERNEST. F. HICK , Word -has been' received by relatives, n' here . of the sudden passing . of 'Ur. Ernest : P. Hick on ,,Sunday, July 8th, r. at his home, 217 Hastings ave., Tor- i- onto, in his sixty-fifth year. The ?funeral was held on Tuesday 'after- noon. Mr, Hick was the son of the late Frank and . Emily Mellish Hick • and was born in .Goderich and -lived on Bleck street until the family moved to Winnipeg and . a flew years later to Toronto. He is survived' by• his wife, the. foruter Ida May Shelly, one'',daugh- ter, ,, Miss Nina Hick, two sons, Jack of Toronto and Fred of .Port Arthur, and by his sister, Hortense (Mrs: Geo, Hodgson), and a brother, Walter M,, Montreal. ontreal. He was ,Predeceased by two children and by his brother Regin- ald. Mr, Hick was associated with the Dmi Dominion Rubber Co. until - his re= -tirenaent in 1940. He wall a nephew of Mr. 'Walter F. Hick of town and 'of the late Mr. S. E. Hick. SKY •HARBOR WINS , • MONDAY NIGHT'S .GAME A softball game played -at Victoria Park on` Monday evening••between the Pine River and Sky Harbor teams re= salted in •a score of 14-7 in fa�cor- of of Knox 'W.M. Sky •Iiaa.rbor. -:Gordon Bmmerton was S. pitcher for Pine: River, with Chester Enumerton behind the bat, and the Sky Harbor battery was Tommy Briggs .and Charlie Til, Charlie -Mummery- of Sky Harbor knocked out 'a; home run, but the honors 0 f the game go toTill ,the Sky men's rendered solo rvasyGontriUuted b "11Irs, stalwart catcher. Besides his steady, .y..,.LL._.._ 1 • _ � ., Edward, _ oh,ariz_ e __ worlt: behind the .plate,.: er yton Edward, - ecom panied b Mis • he I y s slugged out four hitsin five ti E: Somerville. thug at bat, including two three -baggers, bring 4. letter was read from Mrs McBrien ing in four'wins. acknowledging sympathy .expressed for Score. by innings: • " her rthn'supplyet llness r]3'ui ha r._ tiQnations-Pirie-Ri\=er-- - 0 0 0.1-0 0 1;4 1- 7 t• sked. for by Sky Harbor ....0 0 5 1 2 3 2.1--x-.-14 Hiss M. Gordon,` supply secretary. Umpires-lfarr•ison and MeNall. made Mrs. to l t otutlined-the plans •, -Sky Harbor cJ--Pine-River.6. llrs. Albert �l'aavl Presbyterial executive for Sky Harbor won another game Wed - the° observance of the . si•xtieth an- nesay .evening,• at `Pine River, with a niversary of the Presbyterial organiz- score of 9-6, Batteries were: Pine. ation, which will be observed in Knox River, Gordon Emmea•ton and Chester church,' Goderich, on the second Tues 'Emmerton ,• Sky. H:afbor, 'Toiuniy Briggs day of September, when*Mrs. J. G. and 'Charlie Till, ' • Inkster of Toronto will be . the guest • • speaker, D rs. J. E. •Whitely readf an inter- PERSONAL MENTION .r s., paper .prepared • by Mrs.' S. 'Mc- 'Phial 1iafl entitled "Entering the Gate," Mr. and Mrs: J. M. Wilson of Elora based on the study book and- dealing visited in town and vicinity .the past. with the progress of •education in week• • - various countries: 'Illiteracy in Russia Mr and Mrs. L: E. Dancey are has been practically eliminated; andvacationing' this..week •. at Pante Au its conquest in 'Africa may form an, Baril. integral part in combatting disease and The Tebbiutt' family picnic will- be reducing ,oinfant mortality: Slow• pro- held on July 25th at Lions Park,, Kress in education is • beim,. Made in Seaforth. — India. owing to.the. scarcity -of books Flt. -Lt: and „Mrs. Wm.- Gowan .:are and newspapers, ignorance, and ex- enjoying a vacation at their home at cessive. ° heat llis unaries.. are lead- Bracebridge. ing'the way in overcoining these•hancli- I ' Mr. Fred • J: Shannon ~has returned caps ;by the circulation of Christian 1 to Ottawa after spending • several I literature. • • , • weeks in town , ' . ; A Bible contest conducted by Dirs. " Mr. and Mrs. Paul Trudell have as "1 W. A. Maclaren was an interestingi their _ guest , this week' Miss Coryll feature of the program. Mrs. Gordon,l Anderson of Chatham. Bisset Iireysided. and .closed • th,e meet- ing with prayer. o , 4 ,FCL. ? a t � f 1.6 Gteo• 171„AN1It & PACIFIC Tea Co., Ltd. rutin SUBJECT TO MARKO CHAN9IS 6 NE RESEIVE Tilt 111411110 OMIT QUANTITIES ! Bun SILVERBRCIIDK FIRST GRADE;. •Ib.''rprT� , BIDIES. _O;GILVIE'SM . o - 2 pkyts.viNE. GAB (CONTENTS ONLY) Gal. Jar: 300 BLACK OUR OWIV FLAVOURFUL ib. C. C,o J./• JINN PAGE ALL. BRAN' Rkg. .$ X19 FETS 3 Pkgs. '25 1 1 1 1 1 G'RAP$NUT8 sFLAKES•..ro 3 Pfkgs. 250 • 'OLD IC►REESE 310 DOG DISOU ITS • , MASTER 2 `Pkgai. 250- SEALERS 50- S L S Quarts. Don. 990 111.E111Z 'Ihgstebls $01111 . Get G.oIt� n fat • Easil .. • ;Naturally. Painlessly v With ~rias, 2S ". w . ►: w .. • .o r 4 ' Oaf►LIFORNIA HONEYDEW, 0010 JUM00 Sl.Zllf, re AllIZONA-FLORA A elft. IMO $alarm Mesh, Jamba► H6'r OMJFO1tNIAy w a 'noloo Ix$,'.•i c. "ARDENA IDEAL SUNTAN 011, . t 4. foe an even, natural, doep• tan. It lam the tun through.but keep* yourikin soft and "J • , supple. U't nota bit sticky. - Two shade*, honey and cafe. 2orw°1:00,4oz.1.50 • p����.�p��,yy,� �.�}��y ARD NA-SUNPRIAt CREAT ... helps to filter out tho • `• tun's burning raym. helps . protect sensitive skint against over•etxposure. Ton If you wish, by regulating applications. 1.25 KRONA 8 HOUR CREAM iat 10 ►th +and cool your skin andlipsafter anvil► exPositte. E salient for. sunsdried hair and scalp. ° L05 tend S.10 Campbell* Drug Store tlO Mr. and Mrs. James Martin, of Glenwood Crescent, . Toronto. are . guegts at St. George's rectory. Mr. ..Chas. I..°• Corkins of Detroit, ,.I_M.ireh., SpeenI ,.._1a t_ _week- hoi•e- visiting - :Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Curson. - Mr...and Mrs: FI. Preston Strang, of Toronto, are spending holidays in town, :the guests of Miss Mabel Strang. Mrs, M: E Boyes and baby have, re- turned to Stratford .after visiting her parents -,-Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Thoinas. Rev. and Mrs. J. Billingsley. . and son rDavid, of Chatham, were recent visitors with Mr: -and Mrs. P. Trudell, Britan- nia road. - • Mr. and Ills. Arthur .Lithgow and family, of Toronto, are spending two 1 weeks at 1 -their farm on . the Huron road. - - 1 Mr. and Mrs. Angus Macfie of Cale- donia are guests this week with the f• former's parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Archie f i 1a cfie. ' Mr.. and 'Mrs. Harvey Finnigan; of 1 Detroit were . week-encl visitors • With n I Ii. and Dirs: M. J. 'Ainslie and Mrs. • Shields. - Mr. and Mrs:- G. A. Dunlop have re- turned after spending a feW weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Bert McManus at Little Lake:. • 'Mrs. ' Sid. Hoey and daughter, ;Madeline, and friend, Dorothy Parrant, of Toronto, are guests at the Park House for two ' weeks. • Mr. and Mrs. Will Black and child- ren, of Walkerton, • Visited this -eek at the• home of Mr. Black's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Black. .... Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hamilton and family, of Detroit., are holidaying at ,Bayfield' fob two weeks., .IVfr,_ Timm - toff, is`' • connected with TIM Detroit Times. .- .. . Miss Vera Wilkins has returned to Malton after spending a two 'weeks' vacation with -her . parents, Mr, • and Airs.: A. J. :Wilkins, fib - Gloucester Terrace. - Rev. and Mrs.. W. E. McQuiggin lraveareturned from a Free Methodist ramp meeting at Sombra,at which fortyinfne• members. "were aptized in the St.- Clair River. Miss Kathleen Curson is in Toronto for several days. too-aassist al the wed- ding of Miss Helen Colborne; daughter df Mrs. Colborne and the late' G. E. Colborne of . Toronto: • - . Mrs. A. G. IH'at:rris is a• •guest this week • i 'ith; her sister, Mrs.* II. ,.-A. Johnston, and Mr. Johnston, who is pastor of the Bethel Pentecostal .eon- gregation at Elizabeth Ray, Manitoulin Island, Mrs. L. L. X4161 returned home last week from Byron Satiltariitni, where she spent severa=l• months under treat,' merit, and - ter .friends are gratified to know that her health hag been frilly: restored. . , • ldr. and Mrs, Leonard Spencer and little daughter, Karen Marie; of De troitti with ;.irii s Bette Bradford, nurse - 4n -training -in Vittoria Hospital, Lott» •clop,toiv..spentxr, the past week with, friends iza Mr. ;and gra. Clifford McCartney, Misses P1babetla and Mary, of De- tr'oit, •n fid ('p1.4#'li1torci eC'a 'tney, ti.S', 1 A,A. . ,of 4t1g' Springs, Totals, rlsited at the born o ' M.rrs. IL 3'. lIeW tr`d over the week;entL • WILLIAM .G, BURROWS The- death- occurred at Stratford. on Tuesday evening of William G. Bur: - rows, native of Ashfield, • and son of Mrs. Ellen 'Burrows, Goderich, .:at the age of''sixty-two years. Mr. Burrows had been in failing health for some time, but his death came quite sud- denly. He was born .at Sheppardton, was v married in :October, 1904, to Edith Pellow .of Ashfield, and had . since lined- -in Stratford': He htid been in the, postal service there for twenty- three years. .He was a member of tlie. I.O.O.F., was financial, secretar=y of the Independent Order Of Foresters for dirty -seven Sears and high auditor in the High "Court of that order. He was a member •df St. John's United church. Beside ,,his mother and his wife he leges two . sous, Jack, ' 'of -Betroit, and Reg., of • Napanee, - and tlirde daughters, .. Mrs. T. Pryde (Helen ),' of • Windsor , Mrs. R. Jeson' (Margaret), of Stratford, and, Nina, at home. Reg. and John Burrows, of Goderich, are brothers, and Mrs. H. Hawkins (Nina) of Rogers City, Mich`,, is a sister. Relatives from Goderich will attend the funeral, ` to take place _ on Friday afternoon at Stratford... • JAMES STttACHAN 'TEWSLEY The death occurred at Carstairs, Alberta. on July . 7th, in his . seventy- ninth. year... of James Strachan Tews-1 ley,, of, Vancouver, who had gone to Carstairs on a Visit, He was stricken with a heart attack. The deceased was the eldest son . of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tewsley and was barn on the 8th concession of. Colborne' township and attended No. 3 -school. He had been a resident of Vancouver for over twenty-five years. He was an engineer and before going to Vancouver he had travelled extensively. He spent several years in . Honolulu . and several mon=ths in. Japan. , He .retired ix .1 , Left to mourn him are two daughte s,, Jean_.'( s. ' il2olt2i11ai) mid- M".Helen (Mrs. Mooreland) , and four grand- children; all of .Vancouver; also three sisters. Margaret Michael of Victoria, B.C. Mary 'Harford of Oakland. Cal., and Clara James of Bellingham, Wash irngton __;tu d_ ,. three ..brothersr----Harry. Tewsley of North Bend, Ore.; Joseph and Archibald, of Calgary,, .Alta. He was a nephew of William Strachan of Goderich and had visited here several times. The interment took place from the Mount Pleasant undertaking chapel in Vancouver. • MRS. R. H. MORRISI3 • Mr. R, , H. Morrish, native of Ben - miller, and ,known lo readers of. Th,e Signal -Star through his reminiscent~' • articles published from time to time in this paper, has been sadly bereaved by the sudden and unexpected death of. his "wife, 'rho passed -away in ,,her sleep • ,on • the night of June .28th last. Mr. and Mrs. Morrish, after a residence. of • ixiahy *ears in Chicago, had only two months before moved to Ingersoll, where they' had; many old .friends -and - ,' • THUIt$IJAZ. . L ` i9th, 1 •#,4 They are.'oerating. eve y da, • •arid eveiy I`5'' �' evening' frt>ln $ERTMdcDQNALD'-S AT . TNE' WATE,RIoRONT d . a It is a p1edsan, •war .to eitertain your .guests, where they hoped to spend their «id11u- ing years' in comfortable leisure. )(its.1Vlorr ish, the former,° Margaret Jane .Dundas, was borax September lithe 1862, . at Putnam, near- Ingersoll, was married' to Mr. Morrish in May. 1884, and; lived at , Sheppardton and Ben - miller for :brief periods, then for six Years .: at Detroit,` twenty-two years at Brazil, Indiana, and since • x916 • Until this year .at Chicago. On. May 22nd, 1934, the Gnosis Society (literary) ,:of Qh%ago, of which Mr. and Mrs, Mor - risk were members, • held its annual banquet In honor of their fiftieth wed- ding• anniversary,- and on. the same date in 1944 their sixtieth anniversary was honored • in the ,same way. They, have one daughter, Airs. Eva T. Robert- son of Chicago. ' After a service at Ingersoll, con- ducted by .Rev. Mr. . Parr of Trinity United church, the remains were eon- veyed to Chicago, where- service was Was on Monday, July lst, with Rev. Mr. Wills, 'of the "Country Church in the City,” officiating,• and members' -Of the Gnosis Society were the pall- bearers. The. reniaeins were laid to rest in Memorial Park, cemetery.' LADIES' FILMDAY The winners 'at a ,field day held by the ladies of "Wednesday' afternoon were: I.ow net, Mrs. Ni: . Bruce.," NO ' CEIXLINO' ON, L,A.RK$PURs They're getting higher ant% higher. Mr. ]?', H. 'Downie,. St. George's Cres - 'cent, repot is a delphinium to his garden. 8 ft. 71/2 'in.' in height, just equalling last week's'' ehornpi`on in the. MacVicar garden. We ° thought that was probably the limit; bixk ,in Mr. Rod Jolrnston's garden on Lig; ;thouse . Street is one which measures a, inch aver' nine: feet, This jpay be„:a poor .season for some growths, bait appar- ently it is the right sort ;for the genus larkspur. «, • The many friends of 'Mr. Gordon Reis are pleased to hear that he is -on .the road to recovery after a serious illness. Although he will be in 'Alex_ andra Hospital for .several weeks yet; `hopes are held out that he may before long ;be out sand around again. Mr. and Mrs. Albert G, Maskell, of Buly'ea, Sask., are renewing . acquaint- ances in this district,_ It _is . twenty- seven wentqseven years since they last visited here. Mr. Maskell '• is a brother • of Ed. Maskell, . Colborne township, and-fva s born and brought "up in Colborne. Mrs. Maskell is the former Florence M. Walters, daughter' of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Walters, also of. Colborne township. She. is a sister of Mrs,; Maitland Golf Club on, doshta -Allen . and Mrs Ed; Gurrell - Have you renewed your subscription to The Signal -Star? If it Is in arrears, • it needs attention. -• • ••- ---�• CASEIN WATER PAINT `5 lb, pkg. for $1.05' . ° For Sale at GODERICII. PLANING MILLS Geo. Westbrook, Mgr. Phone 388 16tf ., 1 easonable furniture Wardrobes—Walnut Finish; Large and Roomy • .. $30.00 .22:00 39:00 51.00 40.00- 36.00 aiid up Sliding Cots . . ........ .• . ..:11.00 -Folding-Cot}, ... :. •- Double Deck Bunks . . 30" Mattresses • .: Chest of Drawers, each Desk, Walnut • ,• " Combination Desk -Walnut Finish • Combinatjon Book case �. Cedar Chests, Walnut 7.00 • •.. •........ ..........: 9.75 - _3.95 to 5.75 WEEKEND SPECIAL SLIGHTLY USED STEEL FOLDING COTS ° - Regular=47,00 . "Sale $3.50 • . `URNITURE: STOVES -ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES °' • On the Broadway of•Gode' ich Phone 2401 .Most of, the wild 'ducks on the North American continent .are hatched in the -: Canadian breeding grounds and are protected by Canadian, conservation laws. Our gamelaws are a. protection forane.of the nation's greatest assets. .0 14TR.11101Eb CARD' tote CARLING RRREWERIES UMttt O.