HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-07-19, Page 1r. • .74 •••44,. AI. ••• -GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY -4901 1.945 * , . ' EQPLEOF AUBURN AND DISTRICT GATHER TO IIONOR TIIEIR, BELOVED 1-1YSICIAN AND- FRIEND, DR. WEIR Fine.. testimonial Presate,d 131 Appreciation •of Forty Veen' Service AUBITRICI)OCTOR HONORED' • • .Nevo In the history of Auburn .Was such a tangible .tribute ' given to a citizen as was tendered to Dr. 13,,, C. Weir on Friday niglie'last. AlMost. , OW people gathered tO do honor to the doctor upon his. edmpletion of forty. years of faithful service' as physician. The assembly, was arranged . on the , .40c lawn of Dr. • Weir's residence and the grounds of, St. Mark's Anglican church. . Two, blocks of Main street were roped off to make acconnaodatien for the large uniaber 'Who eame from . points as far east as Toronto to lie present, for this outstanding occasion. A loudspeaker .systein was installed and shortly after a o'cloblc the, pro- • gram eenamencecl, .with pilules E. 'Asquith as chairman. -,,, • The evening's activities began. with --.-a inarCh-Dast. - a ;a0,00-wiraateliE 'zoo_ -.children and AiliTiTta 'whom Dr. Weir had bright into the_world. " The parade was led .by four members of the .Lucknow pipe band, Roy Mackenzie . and Malcolm; Kenneth and D. 4- Mac- Lennan. Mr. Ted Mills. and his tans _headed this group, followed by William. Anderson, -Son of Mr. and Mrs. -Oliver, _ Anderson, "Wlasf „rode an_imitation...stork .en a tricycle. - ' An .Early Ambition Mr. Asquith An his opening remarks . introduced Dr. Weir *to the audience by . giving some facts,regarding the doctor previouste-hiS coming to Auburn on June 19,' 1905. . He was born at ' RemOlta, but *spent. his boyhood pre- viVqs . to. '..teen age in. Delaware, Ont. fi.Frorti -his eterlies,hoyhootthe.hattalongj :`' 14 tn bebbfrie'li-lihYpelan;-and W set lip: an oflicein his , own' roone-with a sign, :* . .on his door, -.140r.-, B. O. ,Weir." •.- Di. Mitchell, the family phySician, learned ,of his '%!iew "opposition." but instead of competing with hina took him in as partner, !ii.rna 'Bert Weir; became his ,protege. ' :tie:accompanied Dr, 1Vlitchell on his trips, ' took the pulse of the patients, read the thermometer. and did ntaiq ether things- pract4sed• by a physician. When he was thirteen years of age the fatailY moved to Strathroy, - where he, • , attended the Strathroy High School, • which at that time Wa.s wader the prin- cipalship '' of Mr. J. E. Wetherell, one ...of, the then best principals of Western Ontario. Among the Doctor's eras*. ,rnates was Sir Arthur Currie, com- ' wander of the Canadian forces in the first Great War. ' After taking out a certificate, he attended model school - and taught School near Xerrwood, In 31etca1f township. 'He then entered the University of Toronto and gradu- ated -in 'medicine in 1903: '. After two • yearsof locum tenenS practice, .,,he located in Auburn. Among .• tiff:5Se' graduating with 'him was Dr: W. E. •"' 'Galli -et - now ,deatt-ef the Faculty, _c.,)f Medicine, ,University ' of Toronto. Continuing, the program .of the even- ing, Mrs. A. M. .Rice,', of -Caledonia, a termer Auburn resident when Mr. Rice was manager of the Rank of Coni- , name here, delighted the audience with soloS rendered in a_ rich soprano voice. t• ' The Presentation . • Mr.' J. "J. Robertson, the -oldeSt , Acquaintance and friend a the ,Doctor here, addressed air. Weir, speaking PI - glowing terms of the Unstinting service he had rendered, particularly—under . ,di,ffietflties which the eneeuntered dur- ing Vs .early. years 'here. Iti• express- ing the ,community's high appreciation of their. beloved ' practitioner, Ur. Robertson asked ,the Doctor to accept a gift from the grateful - citizens—a: purse containing $1,30,9: The Present- ation was •made by little' Shirley Turner, daughter , of ...Mg.. and Mrs. Robert Turner.. This was followed by the singiag of "For He's a jolly Good Fellow." Dr. Weir in Reply • , In making his reply, Dr. Weir 'Stated lae knew of nobetter words to express his gratitude than "I sincerely ' thank you." Reminiscing, .he reeallied cer- tain vpects of Auburn in 1905. 'The, gement- sideirtilkS were in the process of being ]aid;•..tliere :were more places of -business; and there leaS a two-. roonted School. Other clitufgeS in the last forty years he mentioned were the disappearance ef the cooper shdp, the 'hetet, the implement shop -and - ' the tuhurn brithS band. Ire- regretted 4. -4" "I that the ceinitlimity Spirit which ex- • isted forty. years ago seemed to be . lacking, chiefly owing to ' the ' auto - ,'biles, /and he continued by stressing th ought that It ,would be a good -th g to recreate OAS Spirit,- ! The Doctor 1181(1 high tribute to,the.pioneers of the community. "They were really sterling aaracters. • We miss them; but such is life.' We are the better for their having been , here," he said. Ile spoke 'feelirigly of the little tin- rentenlbered- ttetis .cif kindness rendered '),to 'him', Whieh he gave as his 'best rept for remaining in the commtinitY foe;1 imost half -a -century. - , a ' . 1 , related hote 1Vir. Virni. Campbell, ' ItOty' eighty-nitie years of age,, was hi•tt ,first patteitt—and he was so please to have a patient that he charged Mi. • Campbell Only 25 cents for services rendered. (Mr.' Campbell, vvtts On the platform Friday .tilght.) ,Ali fol' statistics, the Doctor digured he had received abont 2,000 babies , from the stork, ..among them eighteen' . - sets If twins. , The first baby .he re- eeivedr.was born to Mr. and -Mrs. Sacob " wagfier, and the. most recent to Mr. and 'Vr's. Theodore Redmond. Prit Westfield junior ,inale qtiartette, ttn-41 sed of Lloyd Walden, ,Douglas compbell, Norman ','.ItieDowell and na,rvey:t MeDoWell, were next heard in a nuisleal number, after whieh the dean IV ••the medical profesgion ln "broil . ('ountyi 1)r. I, NV. Slut* of. Clinton, „spoke. Dr., Shaw reetilled iiit4 lengSten(ling tleqtfaintanee With 1)r. . u t 4 t • A COMPANY N. Rom FROM CAMP `. • YX4e -Getlerich squad of Com- pany men who ,had been •hi, .carap at ThaineSeValley for two weeks made the return trip on Sunday lila heavy down- pour, of ram The weather' on the whele, .howeverwas rather fa.yorable during the two weeks, rain eonaing mOstlY at week -ends br. at other thnes when, it did not interfere with . the' training program, 'Training included the driving of array: vehicles, and •at the ranges, be- sides ordinary target practice, the men handled Bren and Sten guns -and the Plat anti-tank weapon: The "C' • Company men at eanap were Lt. W. A. Sutherland, CS111, Harold Allin, .A./CSM, Harry Williams, CQMS. Bert Medd, Sgt. Norval Ander- son, Cpl.'. Garfield:13011e, 'L/Cpi. Reg., Jewell, Ptes. Don 13axter, Don Me- Leod; Fred Newington, Macpherson Roberts, Garfield Westlake and Robert ' ' • • THE WEATHER Temperatures of the past Week in Goderich; with those of the correspond- • ing week a . year. ago, as officially re- corded,- were as follows: • 1945 • • 1944 MMex. ThursjulY 12 ,...73 ti4, 80 03. july 13 ' 70 61 68 55 Jnly 14 71 62' 78 52 Sun.,. July -15 67 50 89 57 Men., July 16 70.46 67' 55 july-1-7 .—,74 51 71 Wed., *July 18: 81 • 58 83 57 -Weir; for which he would be .oternally !ivititi°efsul.„4a;3; '.11Yousto'n'-'"ga':Ve: a .teadil?g- tit this4,juncture, on 4:0ur 'Country Doeter," after Winch the chairman an- nounced the receipt of a letter from Dr. Maoklin of Goderieh expressing his keen: regret at being Autaineto attend. Tellow-Physicians Pay Tribute pr. W. P. Gallocv of Goderich was next -called' upon and spoke in kindly terms of the honored doctor. ,.-`:Alre knoW him for what he is—a real than. It's no small tiling to retain the respect of 'a- conmaimity," Said the Goderich doctor. Continuing, --he stated, • "You have learnedwell..-Adia it good friend, counsellor and .physician he is. We in the mediearprofession recognize him as a capable, industrious,. competent, **skilful -workman," and eoneluding his eulogy, Dr. Geneve -said, "He is a prince among nien. You'll never get another ;like him." , The.`Lucknow nine band was then heard in two numbers; after' which Dr: Redmond, of •Wingharn 'made a few remarks. Dr. Redmond is Dr. Weir's senior in Huron by a few nionths, coming to -this part of the country in January, 1905. He ,expressed his Pleasure at: being present for the niehaorable oeettsion. He thoughthe knew of nothing better' in the world, than for a. whole cominunity to honor an individual in such a manner. He could not help 'feeling that herd' was an instance of Where "the people Who know you the best love you the hest." Dr. Redmond drew a justifiable com- parison hetweeff A‘ docton and a war hero. Just as a soldier . who gives his life is a hero,, so is a doctor' who gives all his energy'toMinistering to the sick a hero. "So here is a hero who: ' ha's been laboring titeong you for, forty years;"- declared the, -Wing- ham, physician. He cited Our events in one's life: birth, marriage, death and a testimonial, "A testimonial Such as was presented to Dr: Weir is a rare and didinct honor," Concluded Redniond. ' • . • Other :•speakersi were Dr. 4 M. Graham of "Godetich,- who felt the gathering Was a great, and' distinct honor Well deserved, since 'Dr. Weir had served in virtue and in deed; Dr. t.;C, jackSon of Goderkh, who al- though acquainted with Dr. Weir , for some eleven years Said it hadn't taken' him long to gain .respect for the 'Auburn physician, both as a• man and as a Medical practitioner; John John W. Ranna: M.P.P.,, of yiringham, L. E. Cardiff, M.Pt; of Brussels, and Mr. W. J. Parks; a lifelong friend of Dr. Weir.' Mr. Hanna was intredifeed by Harry L. Sturdy' and. Mr.. Cardiff by Wm. 1T. Stewart. Those' attending registered in a booklet, A. pleasing feature of the everting was the presentation Of beautiful bouquet, of rosebuds to Mrs. Rice by MiSs Marion Taylor, Two lovely musical selections- were given by a group.!•of -young ladies, Misses Shirley and Emma 'Robertson, Ila and Betty Craig, Jean.. and Joan McPhee, Maxitia and Roxy Ball and. June Marsh. A reading was given by Mr. jam Bach - 811811, and.the program concluded with the National Anthem, Accompanists ,for the evening were Mrs. -It. J. PIi1l lips,' Misses 'Vivian Straughart and jean Cpok, • The' 'Weir Family.' Dr. Weir was married on Stine 120 1912, to Pearl janaton., of Colborne township, who died in 1937. He has one spri and one divaghter, Sack, of 'Ottawa, and josephine, well-knownl .soloist, : at honie. BothrWere' present for. the unique e.,vent. Dr. Weir also, has tWo sisters, AlisSes Annie and Margaret Weir,. of Strathroy. He is a. member of • Krum 'Presbyterian church, a past nutster- of Morning Star. Lodge, A.,r. & A411,, Carlow, and it*Pagt grand steward Of Grand Lodge, A..P. JtiSt as he has .SerVed most, falth- fully the past, and the -community 'hae, been 'enriched by his' preSence as citizen and Servant, it. is the fervent hope of it heat of Metals that he will he Spared many years to enjoy good health and continue attending to the physieiti needs of the people of Auburn and outlying districts. Picture by cdurtesy Stratford ,Beacen:Herald DR. If. C. WEIR , • who On Friday nightjast was presented With a purse of 81,309 by the people of Auburft and district as a Mark of their esteem and , appreciation. • • • • Farmers fromWest I Placed in Huron I Will Assist in Harvesting Here until Returning West Late August' National -Selective, Sert!ice stated today • that approximately seventy. farmers from Manitoba, Saskatchewan and. Alberta have been placed on Huron 'county farms within the area governed by the adderich office. This is :almost three times the: number placed last ,yeai,. and, with a few exceptions, takes, care of all, applications for help re- ceived by the 'Goderich office and ,by 'the agricultural representative of the Proyince of, Ontario at:Clinton. The applications from farmers that were left unsatisfied were reeeived: too late to share in this movement of _farm labor from West to East. • Mr. Hill,„ manager of the Goderich office of the Unemployment Insurance Commission, remarked particularly, on ---tWehtse-co.- op eratiorrbetwe Keit- cultural Department of 'the Province representedby Mr. F. K.. B-Steveart at -Clinton and National Selective -Service. • The 'Western men arrived in batches over a period of two weeks, almost entirely on the late night train, which had, to be met and the men •despatched immediately to the farms. As Clinton is the Moat central point for Huron, this work- devolved lagrely on Mr. Stewart.,. • The Men will remain in the East until the middle of August, when they will •begin returning home according to the Province they came from—those from Manitoba leaving first—and. -the return movement IS supposed to be completed by August 31st, when it is possible , that movement of farm worters will begin from East to West to help .with, the Western harvest. Last year about onehundred Eastern farmers were despatched by the Gale-. rich N.S.S. office to Westhrn Canada. •ABOUT THE BAND , JOditor The Signal Star • 811 —I have read with great ii..terest the:letter from...Bandmaster Woods In your paper.- I believe Mr: Woods has been* •paid. by the town a monthly - salary, for •the past three, years to train a, group of boyS t who Would be bandsmen. Surely after three years of practice these boys should be able to giVe an 'evenIngts prograin' of at least two • hours witlimit appealing to tile ratepayers for more assistanee to make •a successful "ams.ture nite." I think the park committee, and the band coat- inittee Should' get ,together on this subject:. 'We people Wit() come to 'Goderieh everysurnmer love your park` in the Square and always eitio.yed the pleintant Sunday evenings when Gode- rich had -an Outstanding .band, who have- been told received no pay what- Soever. • LOOKER-ON. NEW RESIOONTS FOR GoDERIell • On Saturday fifternobn 'Defunct Blue, audtioneer, ..condueted sticeessful auction .. sale at:- the, home -.of Mrs. Margaret Xelleher. The people of Ripley. Will regret to learn that Mrs. Kelleher Is leaving the Village to take up residerfee Goderieh; having sold her home to 'Charles- --tiltier.--RipleY Express, * • Mr. Darold Vodden has purehased the property formerly owned.. and 00- 'cupied bY Air; and Mrs. Sohn Foster, and will take possession August 10th. Mr. And' 'Mrs. Foster are moving -t� `Goderich,, where they have purehased honte.-4Alyth. Stalidatd. PALLS PROMMAY.-,-IIRKSIIS BACK Ed.% Maskell, well-known Colborne township farmer, had an unfortunate accident -this (1011108day) afternoon,. falling froth a load of hay and Suffering a broken back.lie is WI Alexandra IT WAS WET—OR DID.. YOUNOTICE :IT Eicnkrittites" at Popular Harbor Park 'Mee '-itatiterings. Enjoy (Wing at the Lakeside AT THE *A,TEROROST- Yesterday Large elAv xato er.arvgoheesy. .0, .wf e r gre.p:ai:t :tirc4iwvesti: * tierxl, , past week, • all- but, one part -cargo being 4.1i§cliarged at the Gedgrich• 0 a t t h e C r i e la family reunion at'Harbor ldie2aY77iiod°6nsaucie,te‘e/I'':147t4s47:11(11)°:4er'adwil'a,lielaiuncl' 4111daitaXiy: I riirlt on Wednesday., These were only —Ontadoc 194;500 bus. wheat for the a.•part of the 100 living descendants -elevator, 4000 bus. wheat for the Mill. of John Crielt, who came- to Canada M°11(laY---/I' V. XasseY' 129P° b"; from' DeVonshire, England, in 1837 to oats and Wilea" S9ert°34 1°1'99° bus' Settle on the second cenceSiden of. Elul- Fort Wilailtdoaen. d2507010atb*u. SW. ewdlteastd.4Y— Ietct township, the plaeo'new owned by Yesterday the yach.f4,Tifree B's" was wa 0. rge".ulinlisbQinei tij'G- biffe9prid,eseenrtieUhe'catts?tthheery! ituo Gii°rratn.d°1113eintsd.w4it ilsr°aIntr°inaweat-foulitera, were in the midst of harvesting the nower-driveni and is 'to be operated haayy eatropt.hei Thettic. beisgiae,ti parbtyoaenko,vim-yefiliteboounaBend.Y'jreeBrenner .on ploasnre :trips, Out d Ming, playing games, and participating The fishboat Rayn-Bovv II „was in in it full prograint of sports; Melvin harbor on. Tuesday after '' depositing Crich, of Clinton, was elected president, tish-fry from. the SOuthaniPton batch - and MIS. James Manning, Clinton, nry in the lake off this port. - -s"rheetatldY* Test man present was Joseph woman was Mrs. Joseph Crich, also 72: ' Crich, 72, of London, and the oldest Getting Ready ,for Goderich Labor Over ninety members Were present . Goderich hailed same dismal week- ends this' year, but the latest one broke the- record._ A rain and wing 'storm on Saturday night brought a deluge which, continued all Sunday morning and even then seemed re- luctant to quit. , The, wind strewed broken tree limbs and twigs, on the streets and . in. Court- House Park, gardens 'were • damaged, .cellats were flooded, and in the townships fields of grain were -.battered down. 'Church congregations were slim, even many of the, most faithful lacking the fortitude of Blyth ; and for the oldest lady to to venture Ont. , Mrs. Thomas Anderson Napier stre,et, • Some people remembered that it Was Goderich. The youngest person pre- -Swithin's Day and recalled the sent was John Arnold Clark' Straughan, old. traslition: infant son of Mr; and. ,Mrs. Andrew "St.-Swithin's Day, if thou dtp-st rain, For forty. days it will•remain.” However, between 8 and 9 o'clock in The youngest child was Shirley Honer, infant 'daughter . of Mr. and Airs. Sports Results • Gordon Day Celebration Honer, of Varna.. The results of theraces were: Boys - and. girls„ 5 years and unger--Douglas • Preparattons for the Labor Day ciark, Jerry ---ckieh. celebration in Goderich, under the Giris„, -9 and under—Marjorie Cart.. auspices of the A.F. of L.,lecitis,- have •wright. Boys—Ronnie Hugill, Joe been progressing quietly, and from (rich. Girls, 12 and under—A.rdeth now on Art Kaitting, ehairnaan of. the Crich, Doris Cole; boys—Jack 'Owe; celebration 'committee; , G. IVIabllaran Young ladies' race—Helen Crich; secretary, and other committee men Anhia Got,. Ethel cote; 'you/lg.:then, will blib•s-.. arranging _the details" Donald Crieht married wenien---Urs. of yvnat is planned to be the •principal Ray Cartwright, Bernice Hugill, Jars. Viabor Day event in this part of Frank Cumming. Married men—RaY Ontario. • CartWright;Tlaroldilugill, Oliver Cole. The program for the day is out: Slipper scramble --Ethel Cole, Helen linedas follows, .details to be filled Crich; Lois Crieb. Kick -1 he_supper_ in later as the big day approaches: Helen Crich, .Toan Crich, Anna Cole. Itt the morning; floats and' trade pro- „ Grandparents' throwing—Mrs. Ed. cession, with threc or four bands.; to be • followed by children'S sports in Ball, Mrs. Anws Townsend, Mrs. Gif- Tora,ctim Court 1ionSe.„.1)tirk and sDkeehts by 'a -- STRAUGIIAN REUNION ' riqtaitsnrbideet!::.po:ii.no, prominentItabon The descendants zof. •%•-, ?,G1eor ' Stranglian,' Who came- to Canada' fratit.-:t.':41tql3toon-±-bilKebtaltatitralier Sports Northura:berland county, England; one at` A.kricultdral Park. Evening—street carnival, bingo, etc. ;• htindred and six years ago, nunibered—• dancing on the Square. and at Odd - eighty -five at the family reuniou'plcnic fellows' Hall. , • at Harbor Park- yesterday. man present went to- George COWail, Committees have been appointed With Mr. Straughait and his wife, .Tane chairmen as follows : Advertising, Gates, settled in COlborne townshin on the tith concessitm, where now the C.P.R..• bridge crosses the Maitland niVer, the farm at. present being Oc- cupied .11; .John • Patton: - MemberS of the family were present from Ooderich, Detroit„ s• Brantford; chathani, Colborne, Auburn, and other points. The honor -of being the oldest sYwn ittfePtluorwehs'asnef'ill oQuocii Decideis Ackuye t rroAerly tor the irs40, ,./t1rz.x-gpsirvioelitOli With all' members 'preSent, . the Town COunell held al special meeting on •FrldaY night List fOr further eenSider- ation of the prOposal tO actt,tfire 'Odd- fveettlet.ans's,.... jtian. t. h. ", uSe of war A -point stteSsed lay 'some of the , members was that the privileges of the banding not he -COrtfined to. • niesinbets ef the begion• but shOuld be for,„all menaberS of the servioett- _Or the other hand,. it was held that there Must be sonie rettironsible organization to have control of the property. After considerable discusSion it was decided to purchase the building, subject to tbo approval of the Previneial Department oletAltuonitchliejalocAfeal tirrasn' chnUodf tthoe tioeunigioint: with a stinulation that, all ex-serlice- men shall lie entitled to its use aid privileges. The motion as unanimously adopted° t was as follows: • , "That the _Corporation. of the Town Gederich. purchase the Oddfellowg' Hall for a price of , 00,000 cash for the' pirrpOse of providing ,quarters for the Goclerich branch 109 of the Can- adian Legion', including. all ex -Service personnel. This hietion to be :Sub- mitted to the DePartittent of Municipal Affairs for their appreval. It is agreed that -an a-greement•he.arawn -up- - with the Legion as to terms of oc- Tupancy, lepairS and management." . The Mayor was authorized to issue a proclamation of the civic holiday on 'Monday, Au'gust • LOCAL INDUSTRIES SIGN AOREEIVIENTS A.P. OF I, Straughan, Goderich. The persons' coming the farthest distance were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roberts, of Detroit, the evening a .gorgeous rainbow ap- Inch- neared- in. the sky, eying?' cheer •to, The following . officers were elected obserVers and the promise a fair. days after the' picnic supper : PreSident, to ecime—a promise Which has been secretary and . treasurer, jt,..,14e,pietuant,weather_ suc„.4}..z,tmu,ghan. Goderich sports, vonvener, ededuag days. Thomas jardin, Auburn 'Slipper -con- vener; Mrs. Gal: Straughan, Goderich. Games and races were enjoyed -after 'APPer the'Vavition. ONTARIO -ST. CHURCH ,PICNIC will be made as far as possible from ,• • Myriads' of small grey insects .were The Sunda' school of Ontario street the ' ranks' of returned soldiers with 1 blown by a west wind off' the lake United church, • Clinten-,t-came to Gode7 overSeas service who Can quality.: inland along the shore on Wednesday rich, in-' trucks and cars •to . enjoy the Mr. W. .J. McGrath of :Kitchener afternoon. They swarmed, over the annual picnic at the lakeside yesterday. InglAvays, causing Motorists to stop Rev. G. G. Burton, pastor of the church, was master of ceremonies, their ears to clean them of,4 the. wink, Shields. Masses of them etti64„110fittt. assisted by the'teachers of the Sunday just -outside the 'outer breakWaWat school., Harold Squire was the starter the, harbor ,and :feinted '.what for the ,gitmes, contests and races, like an island. .In'the vieinity of Bay - the resulta.of Which were as fellows : field, the insects riddled the leaves Girls---ClOthespin race, Jean Petrie, of the maple trees 4vith holes thel,, Shirley Proctor; knife and -spoon rape, feasted.. Gardeners viewed t their Alice Parrish, Marjorie Stanley; tootht„ patches of potatoes' with some Marna pick and "life-sater eontest, Betty as the bugs cattle to' rest on them, Pater, Pegg*. Dippell;-• slipper race, Mr. ItleGrath served five years with , the armed forceS, with three year- and stayed there. . NURSES' REGISTRY • Kathleen Glew; 'Mary- Thompson ; lighting the candle, Jean Mentyre, 'overseas. Ile will be joined by Mrs7. • medred McGrath as soon as a hause or apart- Some People defined the bug at :the . NOW IN 0:PERATION. Boys—Hands and" feet race, Clare ment is available. ' Maltby, Gerald Holmes; obstacle race, This* paper has been chrrying ad The Nurses' Registry litts been estab7 Cameron 'Maltby, Murray Tyndall; vertisements .by the Civil Service Com- lished the:, home of the Waal driv.ing nails, Jack Stanley, Roy Hab- MIS:4101i for applications for the pbsi- registrar, Mrs. Clifford Webb,' Welling- kirk ; throwing bean bags, ItillY Gib- -tion of employment and Ztla•tinig' officer ton Street. , ,Madeleine BaJ3rt., bings, John McIntyre. in the Goderich office. It is expected. Proyinetal Registrar, 'was in, town, and Ilimary—BoYs, class 1, Gerald an appointment will follow shortly, to liaWapted Mrs:, Webb and, her assist- Adams, Etliy Falconer ; class II; John take care of more intensive coverage ant, Mrs, Knyvett •Naftel, lu their Holmes?, Clayton Groves. Girls, class .of the area governed by the local office, drities. This week the registration I, Annette Townsend, Patsy Murch; comprising most of • the county of was commenced of registered nurses, class II, Pauline Jervis, Marilyn Ash- Huron. practical nurses and,nurses'for honey ton. nursing, also associate ix/embers.. Hitting the • bag blindfolded, Mrs. P. • . ALLIN—BEAN The members et the Registry Board Gibbings, Mrs. G. Falconer • pegs and . A pretty wedding took, place at the aret. Chairiffan, Mrs. J. II. Lauder ; pan,. Moffatt Aikens, 0. *. Potter ; Walton 'manse"' on JU1 11 t 11_, sedretaryr MISS "Fern Cranston ; treas- teacherSi spot rae0,- MIS: M.- NVIItSe," urer, .Mts. M. Henry ; public health Mrs. M. Aiken; time race, Miss Grant, repreSentative, Miss A. Cleaver ; hos- Mrs. R. Mimes. . pital representative,, Miss M. Dickson, representative of Hospital Board; :•Dr. FOUR -YEAR -OLE, GETS SlEittICE N, 0, Jackson,. private ditty 'repre- sentative,- Mrs. 0.. Maskell ; Outside Pour-yetii-old8114CesKte'r MacDonald, graduate representative", Mrs. George son Of Mr. and Mrs. Norman MacDon- Mactvetutt registrar, Mrs. .0. _Webb; Watren street,. has had an ex- assfstant, pro ten, Mks. it:41attel. perience ivhich might easily haze cost. . letter is being sent' out ' to all him his life. As if is, he has a pair doterS in the County advising thein of very * scn..e hands ,and it is feared of the organization of ..th,e 'registry in he may lose sonte„ fingers. The ;lad Goderich. All organizations are being climbed a tree on ..the street in front nottfiedalso. of his home, and :to support hiniself Miss Baker and the members- of the took hold of an Innecent-looking "wire beard were entertained by Mrs. 3. IL that ,passed thrOugh the tree -top, It Lauder at her sunarber cottage on Lae proved to be it guywire attached to a Ilurson. polo carrYing a Hydro line. and the eur- , rent knocked theothoy out of the tree TRAfTIC ACCIDENTS. for a fait of eight or ten feet, tore a boot off one of his feet, and burned his hands severely. Chester was a very unhappy little boy for some days tmtil the first stok or thcraccident pass.ed o!„ J. E. Muth, Official weather ob- server, reports that the rainfall for twentytiouf •hours ,was 3.55 Indies. Total rainfall this month is 4.35 inches. Preeipitation in May .and „June, as already reported totalled 14 inches,. making- over 18 inches gime the be- ginning of 1VItty. This means" that in two and allialt months we have had one-half th'ttnthrnaal precipitation. of an entire .fearid Even 'Ohl Probs, cannot -keep ap..with the vagaries of the weather tilts -seasen, as,,,the .gorecase for Saturday gave no Indication of what was coming. ' Hovvever,•• here's hoping that the worst is Over. and /hat we shall_ have some fine • Summer —iveather before September edifies.; , '; • Viiterg„Afftetals- aturounee---arimp -ant,;:-workingt,ag ..teinuent! completed ,:an. . Signed and--rtOw elka:40100.--TUritY Flout Mills. This affects the mill workers only ; agreement affecting the - engineers,' maintenance men and salt • block Operators is pending. , Application MIS made to the Region -- Thos. Taylor ; hands, Kaitting; al War Labor Board A.pril for wage increases, and the Union has been. advised therdecisiOn Will be handed 7 down within the next ten days. , Substantial. increases in. bask wage rates have been granted . to union. workerS of the Goderich Manufacturing Co., and the Goderich Organ Co. Working agreements • and wage -in- creases :are pending at ' the Galeria. Elevator and Transit Company and the Goderichs?Salt CO. The union Member- ship at this latter 'plant •does not in-' chide the engineers or vacuum pan operators. At the last regular meeting of Local No. 798, the following executive Was re-elected for 1945: Thomas Taylor, president; , John • Marwick, •:s. ,financial secretary ; Art Kaitting, ivice:President Roy McIntosh, treasurer; Forest Mc - Hardy, reC.-cor. Secretary; D. Jr„ Pat- st thandecrease,idse teadnii.to;(;illitehrtl,seendratling- terson,, concduct7r; staff appointments are being made. , ANOTHER PEST MAKES . Following the policy of the civil Ser- ITS APPEARANCE vice Commission, these -appointments . • floats, W. A. 'Dunlop; sportS; Chas. Ruffell ; booths, W., A. Dunlop. From now on each, committee is to meet every 'Monday evening. at • 8 e'clock sharp,' at the 'Union rooms, North street and the Square., All members of the locals are.cordiapy in- vited to attend, at these meeting and give their asgistance towards 'Mang en. the celebration. t STAFF INCREASES AT LOCAL ILI:C. OFFICE. W. J. McGrath of Kitchener Illas Taken Over the Duties of Veterans' Officer With the closing of $ the war in Europe, activity in the local office of. the Unemployment Insurance Commis - has been appointed and has assum&I the dales ....Veterans' Officer,- a post - tion created to •ensure the most com- plete service 'possible in . placing re- turned soldiers in 'civilian employment and rehabilitation:10 ciV.Ilian life. Re- turned men will be -able to consult Mr.' McGrath regarding benefits, grants and all matters, pertaining -to veterans' Welfare, as. well hs possible '1'4abs and bpenings in •civil life. , liarvey Cutt;' Victoria street, Suf. fered a Shaking up, bruises, and the loss :of Ilia glasses when. his bicycle anti a car. driven by, Ross Feagan eollided At the intersection of Cambria road And Nelsen street On Monday afternoon.: The impitet threw Mr. Cupt off his wheel.,and .in the fall he lost his glasses'. A charge of faulty bakes is being laid against the 'driver of .the -ear by Chief of Police A. O. 'ROSS. Raymond MurPhY, Of the. Lucknow 'district,. While backing hia Car from. Paikitig Mae°, the Square, eol- tided With. it, ear. driven by Citarles Pennington. The drivers eseaped in- talons be known', tel tU Town jury, and slight ,damage WAS' done to Council with. a. view to the passing the. Pennington ear. Chief Rosa in- Is of a bylaw. for the housing of 'such vestigathd. plants. TO LICENSE COLD STORAGE; • „ PLANTS At the Meeting of the toed Board of Health on Monday evening adViee wit; reeeived,.from the ProVInelal De- partment Of Irealth that municipalities aro required to 'license cold storage plants used for the storage of food; and it Wa4.deeldeil. that the new toga- - -spittle inseet, or frog -hopper,° and, Webster's 'dictionary describes'the adult as *wandering about on herbage and trees, which is a , characteristie •of the'swarni of grey flies whleh swept over Goderieh. Boys BREAK INTO • STOR1.1 'AND FAOTOBY Three juveniles broke int O the store of J. C'alvin Cutt, Kingston street, one night last week and helped ,theniselve,s. to a qiiantity of groceries, - They climbed to the roof .of a one:Story b o'clock', i'Vhen- Rev. R. G. Ilaileiveod 'ettiltiaelriendg the -aiin'e4lartnolfdinthge:tt tore eglinti ii.a second -story window,. 0 4.,ater it was found that the same three boys . had, entered the Misner Manufacturing Company's building,'"on ' Waterloo street, .by :Cutting the,, wire netting ona windetv:" -various artieles were taken. .The loot was recovergti in ft tent in which the boys Were sleep- ing. Chief of. Police A. c). Ross in- vestigated: united in marriage Phyllis Thelma, eldest daughter of Mr. and' Mrs. DaVid Bean, and Clive II. Allin, son of Mrs. Anna and the 'late Chas. Alin, all of Celbonie township. The bride was lovely 'in a, street -length dress of powder' blue eelanese • -chiffon ;With white hat and accessories: She wore a- corsage of roses "and snapdragon. Mr. and Mrs. • Lawrence Snkdet .wore 'the attendants, Mrs.- Snyder' wearing copen bine' With white ,hat 'and ac- cessories and corsage of roses.and.snap- dragona. Afterwards the bridal. Party returned to the 144 of the ,l)rtde's Parents, where a dainty luneheou was served to twenty-eight guests. ;taws were laid With. Uwe elotlis and 'trimmed with pink .and white, the dining -room being decorated with pfrek' and, white streamers and bells. The: eottple left on a wedding trip to South- ampton and OWen. Sotind. For travelling the bride chose a gold two- piece suit witlt fotn coat.. On their return they will reside -on the (3th eon- YOUNG—CULBERT • eession, of Colborne. - rrior to the • A quiet wedding took place at tht marriage Airs. A. Stoll entertaitted at United Pinireh parsonage, geafOrtb.' a ton at which titi neighbors presented Saturday, IulY 14th, when Mrs; Fjl the t able with, ft" lovely living -room Young, the former Ella Sproul, dangh- 'titbit!. Mtg. Stnytit and Mrs. 11; .Clark ter of the late David-Oproul of West gathered the young' ladies of the.-conr- Wawanosh, and Arthur Eldon Otilbert, munity ttt Airs. Smyth's and presented son of Mrs. Rebert itre of Ag1at1614 the bridb with a pantry shower. Mrlt. and the ' late Artlair Nibert wore .1ean entertained at it trousseau tea laniard in marriage. Rev. A. V. In honor of her datOter and on Mon- Workman officiated:, Aftera,,,„ ochort day evening at a eommunity gathering, honeymoon the young couPle ' in the hall she -WAS presented with reside on the ,groom's farm noor Dv* it miscoliattectia abower. ittliften. . "HONOR, CAMPERS" • The Presbyterian' Church =ton* for boys at Itintall eoncluded on Wednes- day of last week and au interesting' Closing event vir4i$, the selection of four boys as "honor camper:Vs' •The boya were elected'. for their qualities of leadership, cooperation, sportsmanship and for their contribution to the camp' life. The boys ,sohonored are JIm 111eXentief Setifortht Largo Vire ti 14istowell 13111 Thomas,. Niagara and Don Nrre, Port Erie.