HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-07-12, Page 6Tli
roma, Pon um=
Ann N W+I"�N (��.�.j,�.A ".
A wedding of interest . to • runny
frienals in Gol1erteli and. vicinity ava
thtit of Corporal ;Eddie
£orner._ .nvell-known .I>raeianl)iar,• of. the_
Tloy al: .Air Norco at Port' Albert, and:
Miss . Margaret
took plate on •S 7't'dnesday,-lune+. ii, at
St.. -Anthony of . Padua 'ehureho^•h',alien
hlaiu,. e Nor:folk, nt;l:and. Rev. ]father
i'lO ertS'1 r ormed..tht* eer(iu4)tay ; find:
• read the nuptial:mass.' Ti}e bride was
• gii`enl „„hi marriage ,by her. fattier, anal .
near attended by 511$'$''" K
Nora esenn; f
•'11.N., 1as bridesmaid air , Jautes ,Bauer-
'stuc'k u of ;N' attforri,,, llerts, • �•► brotherdn
b %7 5 'f!°i hl7►, Jul, o .1.9. -;--Mr." Fi'r e's
Ott I)ow ill and Mr. and ars.Alva Mo-
I.lotv.ell Visited on Slnnday. ., with Mr;
and.Mrs. K. Cameron, of i.ueiuiow. -
Guests at the' home of Mr.,and, Mrs.
W. P. Calupi ell ora Friday were lirs,
R. Stonelioi}se, Mrs. Vii. G. Ainslie and
Mr. and Mrs. II. Ka:retsinger, Of. Gode-
Air. • arta Mrs. Ilarold Cardiff aid
• family'aind Mr. Sam. Sweeney of Brus-
sels yistted oin Suaiday • at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Geo, 1Vightman.
LAC, Jim Smith of "Molesworth
visited last week- with Mr, Charles
Smith 'anti other friends in the vicinity.
Mr.; Harold ;Bosnian .teas ra.tnrued
home after 'receiving his discharge
from the 'army,
Mr.. and Mrs. Ogle Aiil'ler and Mrs.
.Clarence Miller of Goderich and Mr.
and Mrs, James Barnes of Detroit
visited on Thursday with'Mr. and Mrs.
Douglas 'Campbell."
Mr: and Mrs. J. McBrien of Goderich
and Rater -.Newton lerschenski of
Detroit visited .with Mr. and :Sirs.
Gordon Snell last week.
Guests at the hoarse of Mr. and Mrs.
Maurice Bosman last week were Mr.
and Mrs. Duncan McNichol of Walton
anis. Mr. and Mrs. Neale Robb of Belle-
ville. '• ,..
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Campbell: and
Miss 1Vinnifred are visiting ?tlrs. Camp-
bell's sister, Mrs.:' E. Ford, and -Mr.,.
Ford and other friends at Comber
..and Ruseonib. •
;<tr- and Mrs: Norman McDowell and
children were guests- on -Sunday-at the -
home of Mr. and Mrs, Jack Gilbert and
Mr. and..141rs. Lloyd Picot, Goderich
• ;SHEP_P.ARDTOl , July, 1O.- Jr. and
Mrs: B. PrAlehard, and nephew, Alwin
Pentland, • of Toronto', are visiting her
sister, ,Mrs. Ralph -Foster:
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sainicky and
dafighter, Ann, of Toronto, visited for
a few, days~ with lir: Wm. Sage.
Mr.' and ' Mrs. Gordon Dennis and
:George,' of ',Toronto, and - Mrs. ' Mc-
Gregor, of Teeswater, visited on Friday
with Mr. and Mrs. Rising.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph .Foster, Mrs.
Agnes I'b'Ster and Miss . Elizabeth
Foster attended. the confirmation ser -
Vices at Luc new on Sunday. . Mrs. R.
Foster sang.
The • family, the grandchildren and
the great-grandchildren of 'Mr. Wm.
Hawkius•'held a:picnicsupper on Sun-
Funeral Home
Our Funeral Chapel combiies
tee "dignity ' ii a:ce of worsla p-
ttrad -the refineiment of a quiet
FLOYD 'M." LODGE, Director.
You are invited' to listen to
".l'usie for Sunday' program over
CHNX,Wingham, each Sunday
afterifoon ate 3 p.m.
Qur Full Range,
of Prices
meets the needs and.
wihet3 o ,every
HOME " '
Montreal -Street
Phone 399 J or, W.
l tve n in, honor of Air n.laty of the` grooii,, Nyaa'bestman.
•who eeldbrated his eighty-fonrth birth- rtcei)tion4 followed in-.Wirissannsett nt'
tlav Ont Satttr4clay, July. 7th, 'i'4"e' wish the home 'Of Mr. niuL Mrs: l?aa�lels,. the.
3u inanty� more happy -birthd tySt latter. a ,sister of t1ii bride, .after:
Mr. Win, Sage bud the Misfortune ltal)py 'eenrile left Or
quay, Devoushire2 for. a honeymoon
to lose one . of his team last Saturday:,
morning. I)ming ,the night tin, barn
door' ble'Sv oiien and 'tis the hams were
goitw in the barn one went' through the
floor, injuring itself so that -it died the
followb4 u morning.
-AIi1''1EJ I), July 10. Mrs. •Eldon,.
Johnsclaa and little son..' ("h rencei of
Toronto, sepnt the •*eek -end with Mr,.
and Mrs. R.'Grant, • '
Miss .Anna Mackenzie of Toronto,,as
home ft)r the holidays. - ••
Mr. R. Uraut spent a few days iu
Toronto last week.
s Miss Mary MacLean and Mr. Donald
MacLean have been called to • t;hicago
by the serious illness of their sister. �
• Mr. and' Mrs. ' .li.alGolm MacLennan
and 'daughter, Of Barrie, are Visiting,
reIaliv es here.
Ther : cr � of the deathof - Mrs
ep t ..
Agaies Knox Black recalls the fact that
the woman who 'afterwards became
int ernfon aal1•y famous as an elocution-
ist `t wasthine; before her marriage,.
a teacher on the staff of Central School,
Goderich: •
Later •LNIrs. Black had, a long - and
distinguished career. For-nnaay years.
she was a member of the faculty,of the
Emerson School of Oratory at Boston,
and' at the University of Boston she
.interpreted the w.ork-s= ►f.- Sbsilte4peaie�
S1nA� worried. Professor (Aiarito n..Black,.
Who also wois_ an outstanding Shake-
spearean st•holar, and.- she: ;` was
aunt- :of 4lexander,Iho, whom in his
early years she. coached in voice and
acting. fundamentals which laid- the
foundation for. his great success 011
stage and screen. .After'retiring from
university lecturing and a wide pro-
gram of contribution to community
events throughout Western Ontario,
Mrs. Black -retired to the Knox family
homestead near - Strathroy, - and on
Thursday last she passed away in
the Strathroy - hospital in her eighty-
first year. i
• Judge . Rhodes of Indianapolis says
`'•About twenty -ave or thirty years ago
social .. extremists out of our Eastern
universities, who called' . themselves,
!child psychologists,. advised • parent.§
till over America 'to suspend or repeal
the • old Mosaic law -which had been
followed. in raising children: They
pointed out that a child should be given
his own head and that it you inhibited
him you would Smother, his little
personality. .'Therefore immediately
after the last. World War the. children
of - America began to run the .home
and- 'it -.-as•.-. not. .-long::until-.they .-took.
over the schools... They are running
the heroes and the schools in America
today. When this happened, 'discipline
in the home and in the school became
extinct -and the. children:- knowing Toth-
ing about the philosophyy, of the,: Christ
and the :work of the churches, failed to
take theirparents by the hand and
take them •to Sunday school . and to
church." -
Rave you renewed your subscription
to The Signal -Star? • ,If it in arrears,
it needs "ifttenition; - •
'Yon can't pull together with others
if you're all tied up -with yourself.
,No .eztraa e .. rge for the use
of our )'neral Rome, 'Tor'atf-
rte Streit. ,
171ipt A.mbee
Service •
one 335 des. 30 or `
, .a:4ws
You are -invited to inspect our
stock *in -
, Exeter ' Seaforth
Phone .141
Enquiries promptly attended . to.:
Cunningham & Pryde
Guaranteed workmanship at
prices that wilt please you.
$A.' { ALL .AJGvNTs 1I' 13 S
Calx at our once; Phone 242J or
dog us .a line to Box 1.61, God
rich, We will, be pleased to cath
and help Choose a suitable mein-
orfal for your fainly pioir..•
it, A: -SPOTToN
St, Andrew"
trip. ' Corporal an Mrs, Edfnund
Patrick O'Neill will xnnake° their new
home at .-GS Iieathway, Nttrthumber'
land Beath, Eritlr -Kenn, "whither they.
take with. them the good wishes, oils
inane: friends for .' a long and happy
wedded life.
• Corporal O'Neill was a 'member of
'the Royal, Air Foree at Port Albert
Ifor three, years and is well and favor-
ably' known here. , Ile was a n ong the
first group to arrive at No. 811 Air
'Navigation School.`. in. late October,
1940, and remained there until October,
1913. He is, at present• stationed at
Benson. OSfordshire,: England:• Duing
his 'stay here he took advantage of
his annual furlough, and ,saw some
interesti4 and distant scenes." On
one occasion he journeyed_to the Pacific
Coast to visit his brother at Oakland,
Cal. ,'He made several trips to the
l .
Bast-- Cast, having another .bro-
ther at W-1'ilmington, Delaware, and a
number- of .aunts, - _uncles - and :cousins
in the larger cities ,iai`Zt1 at area.' Both
of his brothers and his sister-in-law
visited him here,,soon after his arrival
in. this country. • Corporal O'Neill .ea -
presses, his '.intention of bringing' his
bride to Canada for a visit at some
future date.
Announcement s matde! b- - y -Hon.
Tilumas L. Kennedy, Ontario Minister
'of •Agriculture, of the ,appointment of
Miss Anna Pauline ; Lewis, of New-
,luarket., _91.4.. to the, position.: of , super=
iintendent of the • Women's Institute
_branch ut tbo Cnta.rio •Department •of
Agric:ulture, :..Cebu Lewis succeeds'
°M rbs--Mary .Citrke;':s peimtendent for
the last seven :yea's, who has been
appointed -inspector :of home economics
in the vocational branch of the Ontario
Department of E;d icaltion.
' Miss Lewis,''' who was born and
'brought ).1P' on a farm at Newmarket,
comes ,to the \Vaimen's Institnite branch
with a. broad and varied experience.
:She -was educated, at S.S. No. 12,
1Vhitchurch, , the rNewmarket High.
School, and the 'University of Toronto,
-from ' which she was graduated with
the ' degree of ,I3.A, ` in household
economics. After taking the. Uni
versity bf Torentio degree, she attended
the Toronto General Hospital -dietetics
course, and then,went to' 'Columbia
Ne* York, to take the
course in Hospital administration.
'From 1930 to 19314, Miss Lewis was
dietitianat the Weston Sanitarium
and e. Cornwall ' General Hospital.
In :19:th38 she went to 'St. Thomas, Ont.,
as teacher -,in, home economies at ' the
Arthur Voaden Vocational •„ School,
which • position she -has relinquished
to take over her; faew post. ; .•s
A Pimple .Covered Face
Many a Rornaf`ce
The, 11' tees of inky young people Are male
le by the breaking out of pimple r,, and youprobably
know of ea where a ' sing romatice ba been
spoiled ed b those led, white.", and pull filled
MGM on thef .
The trouble Jo not eo trate physical pain, but then
mentalsuffering • by the embanastang disfigurement which very
oftet't makeia the suirerc'r asllse d to o' oafs in company.-
Thud, r Wet tet get rid of r I►s p pito i tprovo the general health
'by a the cleansing of the blood.`•,�,
i'Y.:.u...'....r-. �, Bitte tleanae ,the bl II with' thebleed
*bona clew up.
M% , met.
The Iced 5li ei.d' of the ' Salvation
Army report a '-shipment' of ' 204
articles to li adqutirters at Toronto
for the month of .lune. Thisincluded
crib quilts, :s 'aboot stockings, 'socks
coats, one layette and a variety of
children's newand reinade clothing.
Donations ratefully accepted were
asp follows : $3°':btu, Lith concession Col-
berne,,,per Mrs.'r I,d. Baer; fib, Airs: J.
Glousher (co a? liqusl •; ,.2' crib -.quilt
tops; Sewing ci 1e .1.1 pairs socks,'
Miss A. Bisset; 1 c iiplete layette_ and
two boxes el � `- },'Nc1i oriz-Ifoxne--and•»
School Club ; `'1r - ai— ehitld's' °socks -i- A
Friend ; 1 child "s `ouLiit of clothes, A
Friend. ' ` .
'.Sea boxes ;were seat to boys over-
seas. Twi) replies were received, one
from,;-C'p1-. I), R. Sizer. and one from
Tpr. John'.4lclirraly. Pour coats were
Should ',used clothing ' he sent to the
Red Shield of tle Saivati'oii. Army. iii
the' future, it must be clean', and in
good condition, or it cannot be ac-
cepted for. overseas. , . '
The . Red . Shield officer's thank all
who so kindly donated. .
Lt. M. Farmer was given a hearty
welcona.e ,by..the members 'the day al'trer
her'"nrrivbi in. Goderich. •
I-NeniALD 'MACLOAN of ,Glasgow .eberpion"pinn��r��-�fi�r�om Bootle/1g, while .with„
ILI the Lord Lovat Scouts in the Canada , ;xi;4Gs1 etri'k'ee • li ri tune t o
the accompauament, of the totem pole oreboil* on tbe grounds o1 J^ er
Park " Lodge, Before they went into action in Etrope, the fara,ona scout
spent a winter m Jasper National Park twining in &nountaw warf:a,m.
Biggs, the manager of the restaurant,
was talking^in (undertones to his head
chem •
Afterwards- he called all his waitt-
resses into his private office. "
"Girls" he Said, 'lI wantyou all to
, s d,
look your best today. Add an extra
dab of powder to your cheeks and
take a little more care with your hair."
"Why, . what's the matter?'' :asked
the head - waitress.. - "Butter' bad
• "No, said the -manager,. • ."the . beef's
'411. ,1•1111.111144111.1111k 411111...114•111
mArEkzila,t .il��.-Cr. Xto,t.
Anderson; CarndUff, ask„ is visiting
hia cousin, Tinos. J. Anderson. 'and Mrs.
Anderson. .„
1lliiss :Bary Hall, 13rantfon;d;. arrived'
Dungannon at _the end ofthe'tveekr,
tt spend the -smuttier' inonths, with her
brother .at. Airs. W. - Andrew's.
Mrs. Bekti 1Xn (trrran went to Tort -
onto last week -end . to Meet he 'bus -
band, S.B.A. Bertram • Curran,. Corn-
wallis, : Who Is .,spending, ; two Weeks'
leave among friends .ill this district.'
Mr.' li`red Cornish, Ottawa, visited
his sister, Mrt. llarvey Kilpatrxekr
Belfast; for a couple of da; ,s last•s%eek..
M'i ' Ella-,, a- Phillips, Loudonspent
the Nve('k-end .A t be uonie. ; '
hin�, and ,'Mrs.. herb Ourrau>i held' a
family reunion at there -home , oft ,Sun -
(lays. TivezutY were present; to enjoy
the flay. °
[r.'and Mrs; U3arvey Kilpatrick went
to Sarnia last week to visit. Mrs. J.• A.
Cornish,. who had .been 111. "'
Ur. nein Mix. •Orla>.tnd here and babe,
of Nile► , Visited her parents;on Sunday
Mr end Mrs, hIenry "Morton attended
the funeral" of - the 'late Mrs, Horace
Horton of Saltford on Tuesday." -
(1°."f4. MEYEWTIITG37A.'31:
The aunni l .county meeting of the
Women's Christian Temperance Union
was held in the, Baptist church atWingliana on June .: 26th, . with ° the
county presidetnt; Mrs. R. A., "Brook of
Hensall; presiding. Miss Purdy, of
Winghani .extended a welcome and the
response was given. by. Miss A. Consitt
of Hensall:
'Rev. W. A. , Beecroft of Wingham
United church addres ed 'the meeting
and urged that the liquor traffic be
fought as a deadly `. lenttee to home-
-and community, body :and soul.
A . memorial service' -was: held in
memory of five valued members who
had- passed on: Mrs. R. J. Tyndall
and Mrs. A: E. Lloyd, both of Wing -
ham ; Mrs. 13, W. F. Beavers, Mrs.
Henry Anderson and Mrs, C. ' W.
Christie, all of ' Exeter.
Officers 'were elected for tbe._oming
year as• follows; President, 'Mrs. R. A.
Brook, Hensall; 1st vice-president,.
Mrs. George Johnston, Goderich; '2nd
vice-president,4 Mrs. William Rield,
Windham ; recording secretary, Miss
D.aha or
s NerveFood
A, ConSitt, Iler; corr•e,ponding
secretary,. Mrs., ' Canteion, Uoiierich
L.T.I., secretary, Miss Eta 'Penrose, '
E: etci:; treasurer,' MisS Iiuth Lewisr
Wingharrn; press. repesentative, Mrs.
it alitle Aeddon,, Hensall, , •
Check Discharges
From the Bowels
Bowel troubles a,Itthough 'happen-'
lug°.at any time of the year, are
Mere . prevalent during the hot sum,.
. mer and early, :fall months.
., Sunnier Flu is one of the worst
-troubles,- but diarrlicca, _ dysentery
colic, cramps and pains in the 9n--
testines, 'or any looseness of the'
bowels should have immediate At-
t-tendon.The action of Dr. Fowler 'a Extract
of 'Wild Strawberry is pleasant,
rapid, reliable, and effectual in help- ..
ing to . check the .unnatural dis- •
• charges./. •
It has been on theomarket for the..
past 94 years, - so why experimientt
with new and 'untried remedies
Ciet "Dr, Fowler's" and feel saft,
'he T. Milburn Co.. Ltd.. 'Toronto. Ont.
*BRI I�.H A' RICAN t9 1' .COMP
' So n+'S
cow -nit
In this series our artist gives his version
of bow the finest crude oil —symbolized
by Pete — is Selected and refined to
make B -A Peerless. Ask for,Peerless
Motor Oil tomorrow. "les -Alloyed"
'keep cars running longer.
Crude oils specially selectee-
--ter give you better'`serviee,
are first "topped"...
.. by the process which•7re-
;ingves gasolene, kerosene
rind also gas oils. '
Water. levels of ,the, Great Lakes
and St. Lawrence River during' June,
as reported by the Federal Hydro -
.graphic and Map Service :
Lake Superior at Port Arthur `1%
inches higher than May,- 1945; 1, ,• of
,an inch higher than June1944; nine
inches lower than the • highest June
sin o,.18G6 ; 271/2 inches higher than the
�uwest Jung -since '1890.
• Lake,Huron at Goderich---Six ...inches
higher ' than May, 1945;', 1/2 an inch"
higher than. June; 11944; 35 'inches lower
than the highest June ; 84 inches higher
thanthe lowest June. '
Lake Erie, at Iaort Qolborne--•4:1/2
inches - higher - than May, 1945;, i 4
inches- higher than .Tune, ,•1941; '"161%
inches lower than the Highest June;.
371/ ini hes higher. than the lowest
June; and 51/2. inches 'higher than the
avterage. level of June.
Twd youngsters, about twelve 'ytJars
cold, paddler _their small canoe up to a
troop -ship anchored off an .Australian
Oast City -441 asked the gold -braided
'officer. �leuliitag G,over • the rail for lier-
mlSsioli ,,to come aboard. •Ile refused,:•
but the''buys persisted. �'
ref ilkct l'' he shouted.
,. _
• "Are you • the captain 'of' fth•is sh%7"
asked ono youngster, ,
.,.Xe," replied gold braid." . "Ilex
fourth olfleer."•
"Then," said the "o(rrng Australian,
"you'd better letarn to be more 're«
spectful to superior officers. I'm
captain of this tne.'"
From the • "topped Crude" is
now refined' Cannada's.finest'
lubricating oil: Peerless -1 '.
Y t
CANADA -IS SECQND in._totat ex or,
trade for the world *and •ourlvt.,erchant
-,Navy., has, the ---tremendous task •
• carrying Canada's goods • all over%
World. This means thousands ' of yobs
m I
for, our Courageous seamen.
'* Source—The Canadian- Exporters' Association. In 1444
Canada's exports were valued at 3/,billion:drs
t" "