The Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-07-12, Page 1TOWN MAY BUY ODDFELLOWS' ALL FOR SERVICKVIEN AT $10,000 6641 -toil Meets This Frida* Night to Copaider ' ecioion. , . .„. „At the meeting of the T• own Connell on 'Friday night -last a letter was presented from the localbranch of the .0enadia1l Legion stating that,- as it Seenied the lit4blein , :Of the dls- position cf MacWaY hall ivould take some time in settlegtentr and as it was desired that `suitable gnarters • should be at once: secured ferr, the returning` .54rVieenaen, enqnirr had been made in otherdirections, and a 'property wbich A A appeared,. to be- suistable could he ob- tained at $10,000, Messrs. D. E. COMPhell and.H. Jane were present on behalf of the Legion to give further explanation and ascer- tain how far the Council' would' g0 in the way of assistance. • . Mr. Campbell slated: that the pro- perty Mentioned was the 'Oddfellows' Hall, whichvvitit--;reasonable alter- aUous, he said, could be made, 'prac- tically perfect" for the purposes for which it was P-FolibRed-to beireed,He stressed the point that; what, was being sought was hot for the present group of Legion members, who Would' soon. be passing out Of the picture, but for the Younger men of the present war, , 'In reply to Deputy Reeve Attridge, who asked what were •the Legion's financial plans, how mac14 would they want or need, Mr. Campbell:said their plans would depend upon what the Council- would cicQ The Legion, he said, had no assets; the receipts° from the weekly bingo were earmarked- for ^other purposes. , . Mr. Jane said the pla'n of the : Legion on a drive ler, ...the rest:, ofViO:-,:mon-Ok.":'itbaterNMErt,''tte- COUNTY, I.4.441',,IAN • Mrs. Eelonier• .of Ethel Aprfolnited to 'Succeed Mis1t R•Altken - The °may `Library, ASsociation has "aPPOInted. Airs. Glenn F.ickraier, of Ethel, to telte the place ,of Aitken'as county librarian, 1Vliss Aitken having resigned. ..on": account of health. Mrs. Eekmier has had training' and some experietiee in library 'Work. She Will take ovthe duties of the position on er gist ist. In the mean- time ,Mr. and'Aira. Eeltnaier have been looking:for a 'bowie in geslerich, as they intend to take hp residence here. They have .a nine -months -old girl. . The Goderich Public 'Library Board has granted' IVIis,.Aitleen six months'- Aeave of absence from July 1st,- and in the meirntime Mrs- Percy Smith (fornaerly Dorothy Walters) will be acting librarian , the Goderich library, with Mrs. Eckinier as assist- ant. , Ur. 13.- L. Walzac has been appointed secretery-treasager of, the. Library lien1:4,41Pleee of „Mr, ,Sidney wbo As removing *from town., •SOCIAL EVENING ENJOYED AT LAITHWAITE ROME 'Large Attendance at Event Sponsored by. Federation of Agrteulture There was a large ,attendance at the soeial -evening -held, on Friday. Inight last on the lawn of the Laithwaite h.ome, ituron road,. ander the auspiees of, the Goderich Township Federation of *Agriculture. Hundredsinspected and admired the beautiful •grounds and the unique statuary, The Work of Mr. George-Laithwa..ite,.. whose son, ..Ntree.Clayten FaithWaite,;,WaS the'genial Great Destruction 1 1 AT TRE WATaititoNT Seen in Germany t Council eontribute,- se,„that -t e 'host of -4116 eVeningt•:' • entire ainoant tvuld be raised. an s*x—Witt,q9u Porter, editor -of The there would be aio- dei*•-te,:he--banded Virmees---Adi7oeate, gave- an address 111 . on to,..th,0 incoming men, - It. woUld take whieh he stressed the necessity' of perhaps $1,500 above the purchase organization by; fariners to meet: after - price to eqUip the hall. - • war conditions. There would • be in - Motion to Grant $5,000 , tense, competition from other countries, Deputy „Reeve Attridge moved, sec- he poiated out, and great care. and waded by Coma. Mathieson; that a giant earnest effort would be needed to hold of •$5,000• be made; • He read a letter the tctarkets to' which Canadian -pro - from The, Municipal World to ,the ducts have been going during the war. • effect that the Town_ could grant aid , Others who addressed the gathering to such a scheme- and raight issue briefly were Harry Sturdy of Auburn debentures' for the amount without and Messrs. Betties, Bert Lobb and a 'vote of the ratepayers, bat the ap- Geo. Ginn of Goderich. township. prOval of the Provincial 'Department Afterwards there was dancing, zinter- of Municipal Affairs, would be neces- sperse.4 with community singing, and sary. ' , the eyening was voted a hue success., 'Corm. Seabrook 'asked what propor; • • tion of the mJUDGMENT FOR DEFENDANTembership. ef:, the local JUDGMENT Of the Legion was of the __L• COUNTY -COURT 'VASE servicemen of thIN is war. • - • To thii-Mr.-.0anipbell replied*that he , 'could not "say, , Very "few of the in 1, a judginent handed down by younger men attended their meetings. Judge rr. 4. Costello, the County Court ,Most - of the Men of the present War action „ of Albert Pennington against were not home yet. William Arthur, Freeman for 4500 and • , The Mayor's: Proposal _ interest ,on a, mortgage. Is dismissed - on the `With ces..4 and a declaration • that the . The . Attridge motion was Point of being put to ' a vote when mortgage account at the date .of the the writ was WO principal Mayor .Modney,.interv.ened_to_..saY -§11-e--Of • would like to see the Town , purchase (hie Withinterest thereOn at tf per • the building and present it to the pent: from 'the .17th of September, 1944. returned men, whether .they were •The plaintiff is the son of the late Thomas Pennington of Gkoderich, to • members of the Legion or not. __Couns,..Seabreek •and _Hopkins fal. whom the Mortgage was given in the ored the Mayor's proPosal; but Reeve first :Place. The -defendant , the -taker urged that' thejnatter be given .grandson of the late Mr. Pennington. furth.er consideration, The ,first prat, The, Judge accepts the 'defendant's posaj. was to hand over, MacKay Hall. statements in evidence that the mort: Then a motion was presented to giant gage was not in arrears and that in ,p,000 towards paving for another addition to regular payments on prin. property, and this, he aaid, , was etal and interest be had paid an iTobn.AoGiaw-SaYs Germans. Asked' for, It GotIt' Trooper John McGraw. writes Trani overt3eas tO Mrs. Willis -of the S:A:. Red: Shield, under date of june 14: Many thanks for the! Red Shield parcel, which I received today., Every- thing was 'grand and all Q.K. 110pe this' letter finds all ,• yea metribers of the Red „Shield welt as a leaves nle and the rest of the boys in- this unit all -well. We. are . all wondering . the same thing,,' -When is• our homeward- additional - ene hundred, dollars in going through when • still •another , 1944: • proposal was made, to buy' the Aliireh property outright and over. He thought . the Oddfellows' MRS. 'C. WEBB TO BE _Hall proposition was a good one, ,but ., REGISTRAR OF NURSES he thought it . would be • Well, to, take . a few drays to think it icaver. Possibly' . ' , - Mrs. Ciinord Wehb, Reg.N., Wellingh some other proposition might turn -up. ton strtet, hae,been appointed registrar The'Reeve'S view pre.yalled, and the of the Nurses' Registry, and will have. Council decided to hold a special meet- ..:- ner Office at her home. Mrs. C.. K. ing on Friday nightof this, week to Naftel has been appointed tentatt'Vej3r deal with the .matter. as. her assistant. . * The. meeting -tomorrow night 'will be • , at o .70clock. The RegistrY, Which. will enroll graduate and practical nurses, and later will indlutle housekeepers will , , give a 24-hour service. Miss Baker, of the. Provincial Department, Will be -here this week- t& complete the, plans fin the establishment of the pegiStry. ' G.C.I. BOARD FILLS , TWO VACANCIES ONATAFF Glen W. Francis, 'of. . Windsor, ,been appointed to the staff. of the Goderich Collegiate Institute, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resigna- tion of Mrs. Clayton' Edward.. 'gr. Francis formerly taught in Welland, and recently was engaged with the Wartinie Honsing• Department Lif Hall, fax. ,At the present time he IS taking a physical training course, The sub- jects which will be assigned td him are physical training with the Nays, junior English and geOgrapby. -40'0, is :/1()i; married. • Miss 'Helen Bisset, of the G.C.I, staff, also is taking a ' course in • physical-, training at. the laniversity of Toronto. • . To ineceed 1VIiss may E. .Singer, teacher of hoine economics, the Board iir e E. (xiitdlitei, B.A., of Toronto. TilE *SOLAR ECLIPSE " .Theugh clouds Prevented a.4irst-elase- view here of the partial eclipse of the . sin on Monday Morning, there. was ' occasionally a rift. in the clotid$ tthrough which the stpectaele could he clearly seen. At points in Saskatch- ewari and Manitoba; where the 'eclipse was total; there was a line, view .;and pnotographs were taken: for the 'furtherance of seimitifie knowledge. AviENDS IRROTIIER'S FUNERAL /qrs. Nelson, Graham, of tem% has -benn bereved by the death of her brother, James D. Pollock, who died At his knife at Ripley in his seventieth: ' year.. Ile w1it4 11 Stleeeeeful farmer .° and° a lifelong resident'of Huron town- ship, Mr. and. Mot Graham attended the funeral, the service being „Con- ducted by Rev. Eugene Ileeeh, Rev. .101m 0. Nicholson and Rev. Stanley B. Sonnstott. Interment ' was in the dine cemetery , , journey going to start? It seems months, since the war ended, ,but it is 4IY -a 'few weeks,: se I hope in the very near •future we shall all be seeing You again. Jt certainly, is going to he grand to get home again and see all Our loved ones whom we haven't seen, going.• 'on three -years now. The weather 'here is not SP hot. It rains and rains, and then rains again. Has Italy beat a thousand Ways ;whei. It comes to raining, So I wish it would soon-ary'ujiandglVe -uS some sun: - shine. • • Several of us 'Were up into Gerinkny xt few days ago on. 4 trip to the Ruhr to see the. damage done by the Allied. "-bombings, and what a mess it is; per- fectly ilat in some places. We Covered 200 miles of Germany ;--were • .ip Aour large cities, Munster, Dortmund, Nampa, Essen, and several other. smaller towns; and in any of those places I don't think. a dozen buildings are left standing, An earthquake couldn't have done Any worse. There are bomb craters in the city streets big enough t� bury a house in ; some are a* good thirty feet across., in width. Water mains blew clear right out of 1 .ArriVals at :‘ the G'Oderich 'elator this week : 14Iassey, 113,000 bas.;bar10; N'Vheat and scOen- ingS;, .2K0eo ntis. itheat and , barleY: Taesday; Hudson, 141,000 buS. oats and fax • The_eleVator :hes alre0.0 this year . ST. GEORGE'S GUILD ; " The regntar meeting. of St.. George'S Churchwoman's: Gland was held in the Guild room on Wednesday, July 4th. Mrs.„.11 D. Brovvri, president,' was In the chair. After the. Opening hymn and prayer a patriotic reading Was given by Mrs. I -I. Tichborne. It Was 'depided to send a get -well card to One of the Oldest and 'nest active mem - hers,' Mrs.. A. Foster, also one to Mr. BroWny Who is coavalescing in hoSpital; 7040 Main business of the meeting was to make the final arrange- -ments for the kar den. party to be" held during the month. It was decided to make,the draw..fOr la guilt at that time. The naeeting Was closed with e --National Anthem and prayer,' after Whichwas served by the coke Witte° an charge. 7 • „KNOX CHURCH LADIES' AID Mita church Ladies' Aid Inet.4In the lecture hall of the clirch -for their .Tune meeting, • With -Mrs. Alex. Straiton presiding. • The devotional period was taken by Alta. Geo, Schaefer and •Mrs. litnies Pipe. MiSses Milne' and Mollie Bisset played 'a, piano citiet which., was niudh enjoyed and Mrs. Albert AffieDonald gave two litnnordu8 rdailingS in line style. The September meeting Will helm the form bf a social evening. ' ' NO 'LUCK. ,*A.T 'KITCHENER • A dozen. Goderich lawn bowlers Went to Kiteliener yesterday for the, big Annual rink tournament, but had no stieeeas so 'far as getting in the prize' list wtta cotteerfied.,„ It WEIS ft large event, • nearly one liinulred teams of four players (Itch getting in the game, and half tis many turned, aWay' or In& of aeeonunialittion. ° h andled -nearly ten., million bushels of, grata, with considerably lege than half, the season gone. The. Howard; Hindman, and the S oedOc are Cipected tonight with' cargoes for the elevator. • ,• The oil tanker Imperoyal was hi on pr4ity from, genie andleft Part of her cargo here, for the Imperial on' depot, taking the remainder on te the "Soo!' The. ya9ht Ilaidee„ ttf Toronto, was in on her way to the Georgian Bay, where she will be used 115.1i training shill for a Sea Cadet camp. Billy Wood has Made au addition to the, sailing -craft at the harbor, ti .27-1!t. sloop. which he brought down from Owen Sound with "the assisteace of "Red" MacDonald,' arriving this afternoon, .tI'grountC 4094. 811 awful beating, as. the lionabere, •reallY. Went after .the,Krupli'S itrmathenr and mitni- don works:- --Factories ..ceVering." Irmdl reds of acres are now a mass of twisted steel, rabble and concrete. 'Where the civilian people live is a mystery ; one thing certain, they can't live in their homes, as they are.either fiat front a direct hit, burned down, or half the building down and the other half split up. .We passed refugees on the road by the thousands, all going back to their homes (if they can ,find ; some on foot, others on bicycles, or pushing a two -wheeled cart, or a perambulator -anything at all Da carry their belongings. And they ,certainly' have a grim look ou their faces,* as I guess their future is not very bright- lookingt.--but • they 'asked for it and got it; so let them take it and like it. They started it but they_ didn't -finish it. We have -been in this one camp near the eity of Groningen going on eight weeks now, and it looks as thongh we will be here till they tell Os to pack up, we are on our way to Canada_ \\e have have made many friends with the Dutch People here and they really, make us feel right at' home if 'We Jaappen tovisit them in -their own , homes. - If we are her untilAugust our leaves to England and Scotland start all over again. This time it is eleven days with,. travelling time extra, .so that won't be bard to. take; but -I would - jun as -scion, be on •my way home by .that time. Anyway, we are sure of seeing England again for tr'few, days' on our way home. I tun anxious to see London lighted up in peacetime, as it is much fun pro -l- ing around there in a• blackout. I heard your nephew got home and also. a • few more a the boys and kliess you would-be very glad fo see him. I 'am enclosing' a Dutch guilden IIS a souvenir for_Yon.. It is.the money we use here. It is worth 42 cents in Canadian ; money. Also a piece of poetry I Cut Out of a magazine recently which I thought was very nice. - X think f_have told you all- the news and for now will say Cheerio and Woe, to see you all very soon. Thanks for everything. FAREWELL .GATifERING • On ThursdaY evening last members of the Willing Workers class of Vic- toria street 'United, ehurch gathered in the church parlors for a farewell shower for Mrs: David Davidson. During the evening Mrs.„ George Cur- ren led 'Several contests, and amusing readings were .given by Mrs. T. Gray, Mrs. M. McVittie and Wirs.j..„...Snaith. .Then..a gaily decorated umbrella was carried out and -.presented to Mrs. Davidson, from which handkerchiefs "showered" her. Mr. and Mrs.David- son are scion moving 1,to Windsor; where Mr. Davidson has Obtained em- ployment. Mrs. Davidson has been a faithful Member of the class, and will be greatly 'missed. PAINTIM1 DEDICATED , At the morning service ;in Victeria ;street' United church n Sinida.y hist, an ollette painting by • Sallman. ``The' I -lead 02 Ohrist,"' WAS dedieated by, the minister,- Rev. Lawrenee_ 'and presented to Mr. Charles Breckow, shperintendent of the Sunday school, to adorn the primary ream of the school. The portrait is the gift pfi Mrs. E. King, of ' Smith's Art Store. Mr. Turner in the name of his people / expressed appreciation to the donor ' for her timely gesture and kindness. • H1Gitt SCHOOL . ENTRANCE RE- SULTS on page 3 of this issued r tt THE WEATHER ' Temperatures of the past week in 4-oderieh, with those, of the ceyrespond- ing week 'a year ago,' as officially re- corded, were 'Mt. -follows; 1944, Max, Min. Max. Min. Thurs., .Tuly 5 03 84 55 INA., July 0 74 58 89" 03 Sat, july 7 74 50 90 03 Stitt, july 8 78 57 90 72 Mon., ;lily 9 77 03 80, 67 Tries, :Tidy ,10 ...,70 36 83 04 Wed, July 11 51 86 413 A FEW WORDS - FROM TgE- BANDMASTER Editor The Signal -Star, • Dear Sir, ---With your kind permis- sioA 'I woald liki to -make an appeal for yolunteerS, amateurs or profession- als, residents or visitors, to assist the band ill the Sunday evening concerts. We wish to get as much variety asove can,' and any nurabers,,, vocal, instru- mental or elocution, by individuals or groups, Junior or 'adult, will be wel- come. A piano and loud speaker will, be provided and the programs will com- ment.. weatar permitting,. on the felloWingi.Sunday$ :Jhry 22nd and 29th, ogust,,5th,--12.th, 19th -and 26th,- septelopr. 240:. t4p,4u1t1j. If any honieJ or,-,yisiting 'friends will help us as they did last year, ,they are asked ..to get in' touch with me at 2 or 1,2 East street, or by mail Or phone 331.L and I shall be very grate- , ful.• 8.0,5. to parents. -If your boy plays in the band, please see that he attends band practice, 7.30 p.m. Tuesdays; and Sunday concertS by 8.30 pin. If he cannot 'bp there, please -advise me beforehand. >, Your help will lie ap- preciated.„ • Private te band; boys. -LI have turned down invitations to boating, fishing, sport eventa, shows picnics, holidays, lodge nightS, Union meetings, and lost untold 'hours of work, to give you 100 perent. attendance,. beePtuse I knew you depended in me. ;I have never let you down. Now I ain depending .on you and;.I' Wonder how many, of yeti will prove to me that you have what it takes to aceept the responsibility of 100 per cent.. attendance without excuses. This is your challenge. BANDMASTER C. WOODS.. I. 2 Archbishop, Seager $t. George's Church 11:41i Anniversary of Parisli Plarkell by Confirms4ion ” Service' "As a young man I had ;More intention of entering the miniStry than perhaps some of. you have, but through- out tile lif4P years 1 have been in it the deepeet, cerevictioa I ha,ve is that the Purpose of my lite las; been worked Out, by -the grace of (Vol," said the Most Rev; C. A.. Seeger, 'Archbishop +7Pt. and Aletropolitan of Ontarke1 , 44. dressing' the class of,sixteen to whom he adminietered the, rites a .coair4i- atiOn in n Creorge!s Augliean chureh SundaY morning. With the confirmation service was combined observance' of the 112th -an- uiversary of . the founding of the parish, the 102ud anniversary' ef the building of the first church, and q; the sixty-,fiftli of the- present • beautiful edifice. • • The candicIatek presented by the rector, Rev. W. H. Donbar, for, con- firmation were: Wallace George Duple-, worth, -Mrs. -Ha-Gertrude DuCkworth',4 Ars. Leila -May Schmidt,- Mrs. Ethel Ruth Cowan, John 'Frederick 'Little, Ford Billy Little, Harry Ross Little, Ella Ruth Irwin, Martha- Jean Irwin, Florence -Joan Duckworth, 'Clara Alice Garrick, Kathleen Helen Longnaire; Viola. Eileen Schmidt, Lenore Ruth Hoy, Leota White, Violet ,A.delabae Laithwaite. FOUr others who had been prepared for ' confirmation were unable to be present.'Ilhe rector assisted in the oat° EZOITANGE CLUB SENfl KfigSAGE o TRAITES „ The; following letter addreaSe(k W Tewir*.Clerk ,S. 11. Blake apd, Signed by :Ralph E. -POW; SeeretarY, et the Ohio, State Exchange Clubs, was read ttt the meeting of the •TOWa Couucil on Friday night last: " . Dear Mr. Blake, -On behalf of the Board of COntrol of Ohio Exchange, we wish to exPress to you Mar. siaeere thanks and deep ,gratitude for your co-operation ia entertaining the members, of 011ie Exchange When they visited your • Lair city ,a few days ago, PS part of their cruise... • , We w411 also 'that you Would express to ,the Other, co-operating organizations in; your city our thanks Tor theirlaudness and gen- , . erosity„ in, furnishing transport- ation for golferS and sightseers. We shall always retain a happy memory of your city and the fine hospitality shown your people. SEVENTY RacasTE,Ritr FOR GIRLS' QAMP Seyenty-one Plgs Went to Market Garfte14 nlay Gots Reforma 'Oentenoe7:7-1VO 4.00:14000$ *Stifl at 'Lam , Garg.Old' Finlay, 33'," WingliaMv who laf3t week pleaded, guilty to the tbeft of twenty. pigs front Antutr • TurnberrY townsbip en1KaY „ answered veith the same plea tsthfaeceIdoolivieleth Ctwonorta-4:tdoidoaoynais.veliaibrgees, Otthe theft of twenty pigs on May 23rd • and of thirty-one on, Jimo 'Oth. On the first charge, be was SentenCed Presbyterian Reys' Camp at Khitall ' Concluded This Week , The boys' camp conducted art Kintail •by, the Synod of Liamilton:and London Of the -Presbyteritin,,Church- in -Canada - was concluded this week. ThIS year the boys' and girls' camps are being rsin separately, a. departure from the practice of other years, when they. were combined. • There was a registration of forty-eight boys and staff, an the .girls?- camp Which begins; today, .(Thursday) ,will have seventy registered. The 'annual young,people's camp will open at the cencliision -of that for the „girls.' The following staff was in charge of the suceeSsful boYs'. camp; Director,: ReV. R.K.ennetn. McMillan, of Niagara Fails; assistants ----Rev. Glensen Marsh and Mrs. Marsh, of Vert Erie.; • Rev. SEND4. CIGARETTES If our .nante -attpear.s., among the. advertisements ,in this Ione, - go at once to The Signal -Star and give, the name; rank and address of 'the boy or girr in the services t&whom you Wonhl like to Send 300 cigarettes. • They will net cost you anything; this paper pays for them and the Goderich branch 'of :the Canatlian-,Legion, sends theia to the person S'ou name. Last week we gave Mr. D. E..' Campbell, through whom the-, eigarettes are sent, $4.00 'for the four ISsueS of The Signal -Star in. June, plias $1.00 left -in this office for' that purpose. Mr. Cahipbell will gladly send Any sum that may be left in this office Or, with himself; for that ptirpose, . There are thousands of boys and girlstill in the services and most of them enjoy a smoke in their spare time. You can- contribute , to that enjoyment by sending:An the coupon if yOur name appears • aping; 'the advertisements, 'whien have eta eight Weelfe to 'rut after 'this ',week: • BOARII QF TRADE , ,lie monthly meeting of the Board of Trade was held at the Town Hall Oa Monday night, when further pro- gress vvits made in reorganization: The, president 1 M.Meozies, announced that C. P. Chapman had 'been 4P - pointed secretary of, the Board and hid already been 'engaged in replying to enquiriesfrom prospective Visitors to Goderich. It was announeed also that Stan, Prevett had been appointed chairman of the toaristi and publicity eommittee. Clayton Edvvard reported .nrogress for the *Membership committee; and It wtigi'deeided that when the canVass is completed a list of the members Wull be published. . „ ,SToltE ROBBED AT..-ETHEL , Last Saturday night thievee broke info the-Stere-OV-Gettrge'Dtmbar---tit Ethel, arey.tconship, and stole Vic- tory bondS, war savings Certificates and easlm, The bonds and certificates, all registered, were found by. the police on Sunday afternoon in a farmer's mail -box, Where evilently- they had been left. by the thieves. Provincial Constable Prank Fox and County Con- stables Deyell of Winghem and Salter of Blyth are iiivestigathig. ' PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION At the regular. meeting of the Public Utilities Cominissiou on Tuesday night, applieittiotis front, the Miro Engiaeer- ing 4, Research CO. and George C. Ryan ter power service were passed; also several applieations for lighting service and flat rate water heaters. W.P.A. TAG ° The Wortren's Ilespital. Auxiliary realized $118.03 on lbeir tag da last Saturday. Rain interfered somewhat with the, eanvass, .• ARCIII0HOP SEAGER service and , read the lesson from I lags, 8:12-30. 4. special . anthem was rendered by the choir.- Flowers ad- orning the altar wereplaced. in Memory of T. D. Tichlaorne by the famili.„ "rile iirchbishOp's Address - Archbishop Seiger chose as his, text, "God is. 1c3ve,' 1 John 4:8: It is necessary at all thiteS that our ideals and understanding should he clear-cut, he said. The young people today, seem to- need a- clarifica- tion of 'what is meant. by Christianity. It is So easy to be vague. For -every communicant to be a .theelegian would create something impasible. Con- fusion of thought on all subjects 1S all. too prevalent today and one of the most extraordinary things is that people look everywhere for alie mani- festation of God's love except as re- vealed in Jesus Christ. The love of God,. the Archbishop continued, means , something definite to each believer, but there. are broader, aspects -to it. It means' broadly and generally that God has a purpose for all " his people, individnally and col- lectively, for the higheSt good. Christ's life was lived to do the WilIlof God. The very „..1a,St word He spoke, "It is tiniSlied,' -was a cry of triumph, and revealed that He had aeconiplisned what He set out to do. . The love, of God is not the equivalent of passion, easy going, or indulgent. Nothing great can .be accomplished in this world, without painand loSs and conflict, declared the Archbishop. "When 1 hear people say 'Why -does God allow' these things?' 1 know thit they. do ,110,t, understand that God's love is really the development' of 'His plans " for us, and that any tribulation is a small thing as 6ompared with His purposefor behind it is His almighty power... . . It may be God hits h pur- pose in each one of you. In -the Church of (led today, there are challeuges for ministries, in the priesthood and in women's work. The highest VOCafi011 of :Man Is to 'lire .his life naturally. .We others with special: -callings., are just. jobbers. V is deeply necessary you should -have a very dear ,con: viction of. faith, and, iinderlying all, an understanding' of what is meant -theleve"of-God-as-applied-t Make it the motto of your, life." After the coxifirination "hymn, "Ceine, GraciouS *pirit, Heavenly Dove" was sung, the cereniony a laying .6n of hands was perforined by the dis- tinguished ehittehnian who.' as a boy was eonflrined in tile same A large -congregation was Preient. 13ANDED AT JACK IVIINIIIVS Kathleen East of Clinton has an untalereal Souvenir in the form of the leg -band frodk, a duck the bones 'of vtVieli," were found in ft marshon the East farni.near Clinton« The band is one of those Placed an the legs of •wild frail, at the jack Miner sitnetuary at Kingsville, Ont. Besides the identify- ing' inscription ort the band is it Serip- time" olsitg•e, "Hefitetb: for yen." ORANGEMEN AT ItAVIE1,40 ' TODAY Thig, la the Glorious 'Twelfth and The Orangemen of, the distriet are eele- brating at Bayfield. Magistrate Cook to twelve Months in an Ontario reformatory; on the seconit to eighteen montbs; .and on the third to tWo yearsjess Otte day, the senteneeS to run ponenireritly and' te date back to June 18th.. • According to a statement made to police by Minify, the accused, -with two °tilers vvh.ohaN,7e not as yet been w Prehended„, took the 'pigs from the. Mitchell farin tra.iler'' attached to car, a total of seventy-one, on ,three different OCettSiOUS. They, . were sold, In -;Listowel for 'aPproxiina.tely 4700, Whiwas.--dividedl. amongst Finlay. - and his two accomplices, one of whom headed west and the other went east, Crown Attorney-Holnies-subhaitteil'a• record Of previous charges against the accused, the last of which was in 1930...., Frank Donnelly, counsel for FinlrtY,' in a -plea for lenieriey stated that ,ttte. accused had giventhe police every co- - operation, and had ,lived a good- life 1930: He was employed as'a moulder in Winghara, where the ethers involved 'were employed also. ' Laundry Case Aajouened . Mrs. Mary Deer, Goderieh, pleaded not guilty to a • charge of theft of articles from the Huron Laundry. Mks. R..-W111:himS....ancl: of ,P.fruomer. prOPrietreSSLOt. the laundryi-- Sehfottla.',..-,.,,,Uts,ijekiev11.iiies',..'*.4,-'-,6 end/44 --:::a.,„:4*eatspitrt and °tint 'Anharn; registrar, ...Res. '-atehartl. articles • last • Stewart, - Goderiche; Mrs,- William Week's -court, Walter Daer-lsti1iecL , Douglas, Lucknow, . The following boys were registered:. Donald Hillborn, Charles' Wheeler, Paris; Hubert :Sharpe, David. Sharpe, Donald Vyer.-Donald . Wallace„' Jerry Lucachik, Donald -Johnston, Fort Erie; Janies Benball, Donald Jardine, St. Marys; Lorne West, LiStewel ;, John Edgar, Donald Edgar, Brussels '• George Buchan, Gordon 'Stewart, ,Dougla James, _Douglas Overall, Bill 'Thomas, Niagara galls; Donald Raymond, ehatham; Ken Willlis, Leslie Ilabk-irk, Ronald Slitherland, Douglas 'Stewart, A., B. and, q. McKenzie, Seaforth;. •Charles Kemp: borne Rivers, Harold 13e11, Gary Ross,' Goderiph ; Donald -Webster,' Gilbert Dow„. Exeter; James Chittick„,Orr ',Ttryfogie, • .Donny Themes, 'Ames Hendersdn, ; Ifavid Cunningham, Toronto. TRUCKLOAD OF -SPUDS BRINGS HAPPY •RELIEF .A.n acute 'Shortage of potatoes in Goderich has given housewives some concern. The Goderich Pruit Market received - - truckload -Of" spuds this (Thursday) morning., The-neWsspread rapidly and -there was Soo;i a lint -up of men, women and Children crowding. thesidewalk:from the Square to the Store, before, which the 'truck was -parked.- Lots of tive -and-ten- pounds - each: were seld-directly from, the truck, with a short recess at •:110011 to. allow the, Men to go to dinner. --xerehants .are of the opinion that the".Sittiatien will be greatly relieved when ..the...homegrown vegetables ;are marketed. . • • Other ShertageS ., Scarcity of •seap,'" too, is being felt here. The • shortage is attributed to the fact that only eighty .per cent. of the oils allowed for its. manufacture in 1941 fire now available and the great demand for. -overseaS also, figures the picture. ' .• Another -article necessary for house- hold cleanliness is, brooms, which are beanning searce • as hen's teeth. This shortage is particularly felt in' the Unitea. States, where much. of the broont corn 'is produced. Failure Of the .crop is .gik-en as a reasinifor the shortage. And still anoilier article on the list of shortages is the humble but highly necessary clothespin. Housewives ,are carefully conserviiig their supplies. GUEST AT MUSICAL GATIIERING Mrs. E. H. Jessop, of Goderich, was an invited guest at a . tea giveii on Friday. afternoon, July Gth, by the Toronto Conservatory of Music at the Onservatory residence for sivants at- tending the sutniner school. The guests :Were received by Dr.- and MrS. 'Charles reaker lind Mr. and Mrs. Ettore MtieZoleni.', Miss Marion Fergu- son, Mrs. Arnold Walter, ;miss Helene SwitZer and 111iss Annie MacCrimmon, poured. Miss Penis' Hebden and Airs. Nina Boswelr arranged the tea. Guests numbered over a hundred and included Students from coast to, coast in Canada, from the.British'West Indieli and from ates, *. ICEMAN "'WAKES A. HIT When an iceman' made a delivery rather late one evening this week at a stunmer cottage, the ,ladY.,'a the house remarked that she thougift.there was a blackzand wlaite "kitten"in the vicinity. Sure enough there was, and the iceman went home,' got •• out hiS 'mike their home in GoderlPh- 1 old reliable shotgon, came back and -----------. „ shot the littic-"ititten"-the kind, ion ' ' )3APTIST S.S. PICNIC.° The Goderich Baptist Sunday° sehodi held_..an enjoyable* picnic at ' Harbor rt-trk on TiltirStitt y, .10.1y 4th„ :,Theti, ,.. was a large attendance., riihe bountiftill slipper, provided by the ladies include* ice cream, *eliocolate intik, and many other good -things. Prize -Winners 1* the races were: Girls under 6' years -- Linda ' Preekenridge,„ Patsy Mutter; girls under 1) years -Barbara Admits; girIS under 11 'years-. Clara Donaldson.. Mary Yormg; boys under 13„yeara-y Fred Squires, Maleolin rlimplaelh, three-legged raee----Miss Veva Miller and Miss Eleanor Tionaldmon. that:he.,hact had the pair of socks for, g4me years. . The case was adjourned for One' week to allow the submission, of mere evidence by the accused. • , The Huron Laundry, charged with non-payment of, wages, was ordered by the court ' to . pay 'f-nris. Gertrude -Bur- rows 810 a week -6-11-'n wakes at!Pau4 482.93. Another charge • of ' 310117 payment.of wages against the laundrz • was - dismissed, as the wage:4.,,hall, be'ex paid. • THE DADDY OF DELPHIN The Record -So Far, Anyv-ay hi„old by One in a Hineks-st. Garde That little item in last week's „ Star about Bob Henry's tall delpbin- ivat created a lot of interest.. The paper was hardly out of the ofliee- before a message came telling taller one, and during the week Word came of still others. job tRiek.n,e111 over in Saltford has one & fee in - height. Mrs. Wm.. Berrimarq street, reports one 8 ft. 2 ia.i ,0,rey ai-ker _reports -one 8 ft. 4 th. , - te date the record is held by the Mises AtaeVicar, wh in tb.eir garden on:- ifincks street have a tine delphinium which measures 8 ft. VA in; • if anybody has one that PflitkEl cnn beat this, we would ask him to 1hell-69i* it catekurlY”- Ufa:ire' he • tale - us- about it, for if they get any ,higher our reporter vvin have to take; It Step- ladder along with hilna -when he ,:geee- to. inspect them. - STUB/341W FIRE_A.T , - TOWN amp. GROUNDS, four hours to put out a blaze whick. The firemen worked for mere than swept over the town dump at the east end of thetown on • T.uesd _brigade VOUS Called out at 4.30 d it, was 9 o'clock before the fer extllshed. Dense clouds • and unpleasant odors rose burning debris. ''The tire' start top of the • and, spread carried by • a -strong 'entire cltimping•-'greund. *The the pumper helped material creasing , the pressure on t streams Of 'hose. The origin tire, is unknown. • . MeCALLU1111--,PRESTO A pretty June wedding WO. IliZed at London oh -Saturd 30th. when ROV. John Wald George's PresbyteHan cimia In marriage Mary Julia youngest daughthr of Mr.• an Frauds Preston of Wingham, a Harold Finlay MeOalium of Goderieh. son of Mr. and Mrs. Finlay McCallum of 13russels. Thebride was loyelY lisi a street -length goWn '-‘wiltte silk Jersey fashioned -on princess • lines,.; with vvhife• accessories and a corsage of:.-Bettertime roses and boavardla, Miss Irene McCall/tin of Toronto wa4 bridesmaid. Het 'gown, was a street - length 'dress of lime -green terve witk matchingaecessories and •she wore corsage a' Johanna Hill . rimeg. t.•;rOoinginatt was Corp. ,Ucihn Preston neaIlverliga Atoinifter"ctedweti dltig elim-late , members - of ,the family, the, young couple Ieft oh a Wedding trip to Lake Siincoe. IliOr • trilVelling Met bride 1ios.a burgundy red two-piece suit With white accessories. 'They -win kaow, that rnak,OS itself smelt in any• compunity. Thelady of courSe was relieved; hut thiii service. Is just one of -the many that Goclerielt"folk extend to Visitors, :ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED The engagement Is anaouneed of ;Marjorie „Elizabeth, elder daughter of Mrs. John. Arthur and the late .Tolin Arthur of Auburn, Ont, to Gordon Howard Wail, Son of Mr., and Mrs. Wilson 'Wall of HolYrood, Ontario; the Marriage to lake place qUietly the latter part of July..