HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-06-28, Page 4ra } • tl THE.GODtRICII MONA. ���y�• M4Il`' $y"■A , E 2$h , 11,40 • ed:ne IN COURP HOUSE PARK BOYS' BAND PET PARADE :AT 7 p.m. Novelties, .BYnga; Fortune Telling, a - Refreshments "z'`F"D: Gordon • McManus, son of tr.. and 1l1ra. C. A,c`Alarius;^ arrived hoiue, last "Thursday after one and 'n.. -half years o'i:erSests, . lie'' and his : wife' ifornierlJ °Suisse Helen M1ae1wau) are at present' spending his leave at their cottage .t hunter's 13vaeh; the buildinO• Of which' by theuzselVes Nvas inter u; united when.", Gordon.. Went overseas. Flying.. Officer McManus .spent four' au.ontlis in hospital laefure 4ieav ing Eng - laid. 1Ie was seriously 'i11 for several 'days and later convalesced in hospitals ia. the north and south. of Englaudt' Ile is at present in. fairlyzigood health, Ile has spent four years with the R.C. A.J . and will .'report at Toronto iu thirty • d 411111111111 , SHEPPARDTON SHEPPA.RDT01V', J:trne 26. -Mrs. Wm. Farrish•and daughter>ttryE11Quu, of Goderich, spent the week -end with Mr: and Mrs. A. Schram. Miss; Evelyn Donaldson, of Goderich has been hired as teacher 'hereto re- place Mts. >. Bryans, who is leaving. Mir. and Mrs,' Allan °SChrara and Muriel' •visited with Mrs. rarrish of. Listowel -on- •Sunday. , Misses Marie Hawkins, 'Dorothy Johnston and 'Ruth Bogie were success- ful in passing their examination at CARPENTRY CONTRACTQRS::._ C Repairs, Alterations Cupboarst '-ete t -.M... 19 BRUCE ST. RRISi '58: NELSON ST. • 261 WOMEN'S CASUAL.AIRES with Dainty, Ankle -Swirl 'Straps, ' A11 shades, Green Powder -Blue, Red, Black and White. • • ly _ $2.95` p WOMEN'S. HALTER -STRAP TIES' with Open Toes .and, Open Heels. • `Dominion Rubber" Synthetic' Sole. All R d and All Blue only, $2.45„pax ... .�. .-For Men -and Boys we have just received our shipment of.: "'THE FAMOUS SISMAN SCAMPERS" IN PLAY SHOES FOB THE WHOLE FAMILY YOU ARE MORE LIKELY TO FIND WHAT YOU' NEED AT Roll Roofing xN THREE , WEIGHTS Now is the time to buy your Rooting while the supply lasts, 'HAY and'MANURE FORKS GARDE' TOOLS HAY EOtK ROPE .AND, P1 LLEYS: , • Supplies are limited .M: ,,, ceckenrid e (Sueeessor to the late: `,Fred. I:imit) ' Hardware and.. llmhing ti JUVENILE BASEBALL , . aye. � _ • P,/O. Joe O']G3riqu, R,C.A•F., left on • , . Tuesday for Moi.ettan, N 13.,. to report The first game in the'Tory Gregg for duty after a thirty days' leave league was played at Lxllibition Park h his on the 21st, w th Auburn the:visiting' D. M. O'Brien, He' returned from team. , overseas a menti. , ago. . Auburn shawezzlr•lack. of practice, but • : Stoker Al Douglas Orr, R,.i✓.N.�'.R., there is an 'abundance of good Material at the disposal of the management, and; son of Richmond 'Orr, is spending a they will be a much bettor team before fifty days' leave at his `home here. the season closes Bisset started.in Ile recently returned froze. duty Q.iu , T the box for Goderich, with Craig seri,. Newfoundland. At the end of hiS leave ing theuu up for Auburn.,. .The hozx€e he will report on August,3rd or duty team played good ij ,,fensive baseball, in. -the Pacific: but glaring errors on his team's part Ail. Seaman.`Will.iam G. Mohrin is proved the downfall of ('rang and his g 'llcee sor Beadle. 'V 1111 the game on spending a thirty clays' leave with ice^, Jessop Pulled 1;issot out, his Mother and Ills brothers and sisters, i acid: • sewn't Adaaul in. tol to some' Cypress- street, before leaving for Coria- , elbowing. The latter, However, was wallas to take training for' -the Pacific. in no generous Mood,- and struck out Bill had'justgot back to Halifax after in succession the first sic men to op - Windsor a twenty -eight-day leave with pose him. ' his• people. here and with relative's• -at The final 'score was: Goderich-22 Windsor and Detroit when he got . an- runs -with 11 hits and 1 error; Auburn other ' leave, having volunteered for _ 1 rttn,' 2 hits and 9 errors, -'the tlfe Pacific. teams lined up .Las follows: H. Warren, Flt. -Sgt. Gerald O'Brien, R:tC1.A.1�'., .3b W. Newcombe, •f ; J. Bisset, p and ss ; G. Westlake, _la ; 1`), Scott, c; • ':, arrived home year'sfrom overseas last Satur- Patterson, if ; J. Evans, lb; D. War- andas . is spending: a thirty -day leave with . -.... .< , a y Aublxrn. .-Plunl,;et;t, 3Il D Y-onn his parents, MTr and Mlrs.. `D. 1VI ut 2b MTurri y _ 1lei auga:ll, If Bill - „,u. ..:Craigs p and: cf Stith IBeadle, cf'--and' ___ l -11';'''"31111 p';'" Jiiu McPhee- c ; MFae lls(341' -ss' S'ginn Edgar Pridham, wbo has sot- I,. Archibald, :lb; C. 1'iitterson, rf: unteeied fol. service in the, Pacific, left . _ yesterday,' 'after spending-' a furlough JUVENILES WIN AT ItIPLEV a with his parents here, to take a course at. Ste. Hyacinthe, Q'uebee. Former' classmates at Goderich' Col- legiate -Institute will be interested '•to know that Hugh, Matheson, who at- tended G.C.I. in 1941-43, is now serv- ing with • the U.S. Marines • in the Pacific. Be fought in the Saipan and Tinian m campaigns and is now ,pre- sumabiy on Okinawa: spentwit s parents, Mir. and- Mrs. Geo Mathiesoh and Taut Glazier • took second prize in the doubles. tournament at Seaforth on Moudaay .sight George Humby was the winner Of the jitney 'toutrna>ineut on Wednesday night for the Fred 'P Oral*, trophy, Other winners were: Z.d Frank i1:i.eArthur, 3rd E. J. Pridham, 4th Geo. Mathiesoit, 5th Chas, Allison Gtll Fre�ct Pi•'leee Tt1. AL N. MacDona•ldi tIth.T, I,'rfiteha d. AT M .ITI AND GOLF, CLUB •The „lb:St ladies' held day of the season. was :held at the Maitland 'golf course on Th}irsday:• last. : Itesults• of the .competitions were,,;as follows ' ' Darivir g'•competJitien -1.st Mrs: •A. MC - Girl, 2nd Mrs, 4'. 'Aheroyd. , Approachil g : and. patting••••• ihers. 'P. Curry, Mrs. . 0. Smith, Miss Marjorie Macfie and Miss earn Luzuby, all tied? Nine -hole competition -Low gross, M.'s. 0. Smith and Miss Elizabeth Tonin, tied; low net, Mrs. �. Akeroyd• and Miss Elizabeth Tobin, tied:- Prizes ied: Prizes were donated by 111r. F. E. Hibbert. A delightful luncheon . was. se.'•vecl by Mrs, C. Schneiker, ,the club caterer. AMpre than and persons attended the bridge and luncheon held at the Maitland golf course on Tuesday even- ing for the -purpose of securing funds to make . a nunber of improvements at the clubhouse. Prize -winners •were : Mrs: Frank Saunders and Major 1?. F. Carey. , Consolation prizes went to Mrs: T. Costello and I. J. Snider. The prizes were presented by Mrs, Frank Cutty, president of the ladies' ' golf club. Mrs. D. D. Mooney was chair- zuan • of the bridge committee and Mrs. Norman .Jiackson- chairman of the luncheon -committee. .(ED 'CRASS NOTES - Airs.. George Johnston, convener of the ,Red Cross' teas, requests 'that all jests who have been entertained have heir teas' as soon as possible, so that i the 1 ii C1 1 a well be c 1 ozull e tech, as the mecca eater than ever CC' • NOTES •Knox I'respy tea fan_ .. church. _ Land l4olth stiee¢t United church wtl} again hold.' com»ined :seeA!ices' J - rJ sly„ and • Goderich continued its • whining August Ojiic1 Beginning -a. , 'uly' Sth, Streak uu the County League on .Wed4. tzesailay evening.* taking Ripley on 'the' latter's _ grounds by a score. of 15.0. The Ripley bo'j;s have not had an op- portunity of 'Playing together 'this sea- son, but they ,are bound to be heard from before the season is over, 'as they .displayed plenty of pep and have same potential Babe Ruths in their line -sip. Eddie -Jessop has his Goderich team working nicely, but there are - still a the Goderich..Collegiate • and .are home i Lew rough spots to be •Polished up, and for the holidays. • the boys are asked to get clown to prac-' Mr. and Airs. Cummings and Baugh- tices Whenever `possible and take ad= ter Mary, of Detroit, are visiting the tantage of the coaching. With two lady's parents, Ur. and Mrs. Chas. dependable pitchers' in. Bisset and Bones, and -other relatives. . . - Adams, with Ainslie in reserve -and Mars. •J. Watton and Diazt, of Gerald- Scott behind'the Oat, improving stead- ily; the local boys .are well fortified ton, spent ,three weeks' visiting with in the battery department; 'and the her mobars. Agnes Foster, wind. feeling so far has • been .quite---.stis- other, .reher, lativa?s. ` • :factory for. early season • work.. .A an- ager Jessop used both Bisset and Adams in the. Ripley game, both "being equally effective. D. Warren, came through with a home -run, -while Jim Donnelly contributed the fielding gems, pulling -down one Arline, drive which seemed labelled for Q extra bases.. Ainslie and Westlake chid sonne_sna zy; 'Workin-The infield, and 'the, whole'team -gave their batteries " good support. Manager, .essop is impressing on • his ` boys the fact that so far the opposi- tion has not been too -hard, and there _' . still .A. _long ---way to ,go before the rpennant- is won. • The teams,:• • Ripley -J: Needhom, cf ; J.• Harrison, ss ; R: Wilson, pi_ D. MacDonald, 1.b ; Coiling, 2b ; Courtney, c; Ross, 3b ; C. Strathgee, rf ; and 13. Harrison, lf. . Goderich-I. -Warren, 3o; W. New- combe, rf; J., Bisset, p and 3b.; West lake, 2b; D. _Scott, c; D. Ainslie, ss.; J. •' Evans, ib; J. Donnelly, cf ; • D. Warren, .df, and Adams, P. , Summary : • • R.U.__._E. Ripley . . , O ,<.. 3, . Goderich 15 .11 • 2 BuSiness Iuwge Haying •purchased the 'Gen- eral-Grocery Gen- eral-Grocery and Meat Bus - ries--of Mr. -Harry :Mitchell; Corner Bayfield and•"•Frit n nia Roads, Mr. and Mrs. r ohn Pattersonsolicit the .patron- age of former land any new ciistomers' and will do' their utmost to• give prompt and courteous 'service. me, omosilmilimmosii..... services \fill' be held in .,Nerth street church for four Sundays, to be con-.. ducted by Rev; Richard "Stewart. On" the -fuer Sundays of August the ser- vitses.' will be held in Knox church and will be conducted by Rev. R. H. Turnbull. ' The congregational picnic of Victoria street 'United' church , will be held on Monday next at. Harbor Park. A pro -1 gram :of races and other contests will .commence at 2 p:m. . , League was .played on Tuesday of. this a•ce.ekr. betw'een Price's -and Doak's teams, Price winning I-3, and' copping the championship, .T NEWEST BAND OF "19�1t and -r+ A SM SII : NI•�. , QN . OPENING MGM "Stan:. . P ttOr s.,.. 1 Sax Orchestra ,, Featuring Lovely:. my n e iii Y 41a a ,Lee, Vocalist Rudy Toth, Piano & Vibraphone tXa.ek. Dann, Electric Guitar Den Fraser, Vocalist .• ' and "The Vibraphones" Quartette YVONNE LEE . 1, , Midnite Dance Jul 2nd,12.05 a.me SUNDAY' EVE'NING'�CONCERT JULY lst • FRED • FUND'S VARIETY ENTERTAINERS , BALL TOURNAMENT JULZ 2nd. AFTERNOON _'AND EVENING Bend Dasbwoodl �-- • Lowlry .- Grand Ii3end .'.„ NO. 9 S.F.T.S. CENTRALIA BIIASS BAND ON PARADE 1 WESTERN ONTARIO MOTORWAYS Buis Schedule now in effect Leaves ` Goderich 8.05. a.m. 12.30 p.m. and 5.10 p.m, daily Arrives Goderich 12.05 p.m., 5.05 p.m. and 9.10 p.m. daily Extra Bus run on Sunday only ,leaving Goderich at . 9:30 p.m. arriving Strat °ford 11.05 li:fn'. Direct connection to all points For- information -phone -British Ex - . change 292 or 717. + .. ► � ,. Throat) Band Iiviug,_• Stars in Action CARNIVAL 4ots of tames- - r Jitney tteye Dancing Weilkey.TalkeYRa4ros Co� . c a qi:r °woe .of a'g ci u siC _ � aa��1'S •e>r'eshmen��� t� Laughs me Early Admissioi25c .. S. ervke Personnel cele6rate anad a's ..flirthd Cy cei Clinton, P1tI.1tt•Alti BE OARIt'D on WS ORLr COMING EVENTS • It is hoped to ' play an . 9xhibition game on July 2nd against'' an all-star team' managed by,, ."Gaye -ball" MfcCon- neII, who is asking' the privilege of ,nsing:'one of the juvenile batteries to support his galaxy ,of old-timers. ' A game also is being arranged with a Lenrdon or Strafford jwi+eniletea.ni, and the regular` selieduled game. with Wing haps will be held at Exhibition Park on Thursday, J'uIy 5th. BANTAM, BASEBALL In _the first _:°overtinietilt in- the 1 Bantam Baseball League, Jack. Price's team nosed out the Fulford, Clair at Exhibition Park last Friday evening. Five pitchers in all were used trying to hold the'`ronposing sltwggers in check, and only some accurate o tagging by, Macrwan at third and a fast fin- assisted `double play.:,by holland at Second base prevented scores in the ':exciting closing .innings. Price, had a comfortable lead until the Sixth;' when his infield fell.'a ;part ancl'• the, ,score was tied. Mc?hai1 was rushed to '.the Mound to clued the rally, and Itt the end of the ' regulation,•, seventh' the •scoring stood 0 all. It was decided .to pla.,y an extra innings, and with Mc - 'Thai? continuing. his good relief work Fulford failed, to Score. In the Pride ,half of the eighth, the first two batters were easy outs, and"with two strikes ou Craig Costello 'it looked all over but the cheerifag° ,Fulford uncorked a .wild pitch, beaning the batter and. putting him down. for the full count, When Craig reaehed ,first base, be ap- parently took a,x new lease on life; stole second oh the ;first pitch, and continued on to third. A wild pitch. by Fultord . gat away from his catcher, and Costello raced hone With the winning run, the ,final Score being '7.0 for ' Price, which gives hint the com- manding lead iii the league race. Players Price team - Moorehead, Spain, Holland, Erskine, Westbrook, Costello. McPhail and Wilms. •iulfurd team-Pitlii€ado, Beacom McDonald, I1ePwgn, 1 e11nws, D. Holmes, Baker and " fcCuflough. The Juneau game • in the : Bantam • THE KAWARTHAS ARE CALLING HE.Rg'S YOUR CHANCE TO WIN lovely Honeysuckle Lodge in the -heart of the Kawartha Lakes. Yours for .keeps if you hold - the :.lucky ticket in the Rotary Draw -on: July 21. Only 30 feet from -the . water's - edge., at popular Thurstottia Park, Honeysuckle Lodge has 4 large bedrooms, large living ''groom, maid's quarters, -kitchen; large screened and glassed verandah overlooking Sturgeon Lake; garage Furnished complete except for bed- ding. Only 89 -miles from ,Toronto: Don't miss this one. Tickets 50e or 3 for $1. Proceeds for Rotary Crip- pled :;Children and Community. Fund. Sond postal note, today • to Rotary Cot- tage Draw, P.O. •Box 8, Lindsay, Ont. Tickets forwarded by return. •20-28. Mtn e -beautiful han: vet ; s:-.►� Approximately 20 pairs in a'1.00 bottle So -easy to apply and quick• to dry, Elizabeth Arden's leg make-up stays on the legs and off the clothes. Water-resistan Clings, until deliberately washed away, with .a blemish- concealing .sheer textured beauty that trims the ankle-- , slims4he`Ieg. Be sure. to *ear Velva.Leg Film with bathing' suits or -shorts, it makes your legs look sun -burnished ; ; : -far more Lovely. - • • ' : .. SLEEK ... The fragrant cream that romoves•bair. and leaves the legs satin -smooth, ,85 • Cam pb�l Is: Drug Store Chesterfield Suites Davenports, Studio CouQ �° � � � a `hes, all.spr`ixtg filled,. covered in Reppf Colours,- Wine, blue, green., ane. rtist. Priced from ) $52 to to Steel Cots and Sliding Couches. , $7;01 and 16'x.00 - 'Drop Side. Cot Mots; 0,75 to $10.00. Camp Cots. Each $3Z. IntlitrOltE S `4.1714 PAIN r$ On the Br way of Gode"ieh »hone 240,1