HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-06-28, Page 3e NaniTY-SEVENTA, 4. NO. 26 Bus' iness DirOP or,j) • - '1,1DLEY E. 1:10MES • * Barrister, Etc, . Ofilee-r.Court ouse, Goderlehe Telephone 55. • - TM. A. SUTHERLAND Barrister andSolieitor -• 110Mee—North $t,*(ioderich. Phone 750 eiii..issosaponsesesmess'sarsessilsoLissesewsisoms, 'CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT ,A1ONTEITII end , „ . Chartered ,Accountants 51 Albert Street, StratfOrd' • . Toronto Office t ,302 Bay Street gottre.•22eeee .tretee,•••• •••te pEARSON-HUNT ,S; CO. . 'Accountants and Auditors 195,Dundas t... London, Ont. • Fairmount 3877. , 'INSURANCE • McKILLOP MUTUAL JIBE IN• • filijR„ANCE, CO.--s•-Farm and iso- lated. t6wn property insured, Officers --President, W. R. Archi: bald, Seaforth; Vice,President, Frank MeGregor," Clinton; Manager and Seeretary-Treasurer, M. Reid, Sea - forth. - • DireetOrt3-W. • R. "Arehibald, Sea.; forth; Frank MoGregor, Clinton; Alex. • Broadfoot Seaferth; Chris. • Leon.- hardt, Bornholm.;„ E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; John L. MalorieF,Seaforth; • Alex. .McEwini, Blyth; Hugh Alex- ander, Walton; Geo. Leiteh, Clinton. - Agents—John Pepper, ,t)ruce- .field'; R. F. McKercher, Dublin; J.- r.. Prueter,' Brodhagen ; George A. Watt, ' Policy -holders Can make all .pay- , ments_and get their cards receipted at the Royal. Bank, Clinton; Calvin Cutt's Grocery, Kingston Street, Goderich, or J. H. Reid's General Store, Bayfield. MEDICAL • • DR. F. J. R., FORSTER, EYE, EAR, • - NOSE, THROAT - Late House Surgeon New. York; Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital, assist- ant' at Moorefield Eye Hospital, and GOlden Square Throat Hospital, London, England-, •-*— - s „EYES TESTED, 'GLASSES •• SUPPLIED • . 53 Waterloo •Street S., Stratford. Te1ephen67..„. . '• • „. Next visit Bedferd7Hote1," Goderich, Wednesday. September 26th, at 2,p.m. till 4,30 pin. , CHIROPRACTOR AND," DRUGLESS THERAPIST • Goderich, 'Phone' 341 . '.0ffice hours --1O'. tp, 12 a.m., 2 to 5 and 7 to' 8 p.m., Tuesday,. Friday and • •Saturday. • 10 to 12 a.m. -only, on Wednesday. Monday and Thursday at Mitchell.... Ivi_tle_r_q_f_lllile_hAthe=4;111).P.0113.Wee_14, *. only. ,. • ATKINSON . 51 South St. • Registered under Drugless Practitioners -Act for the Province of Ontario. PUBLIC NOTICE 0 P. S.. CARMAN, Mus. Bac.; FA. G.O.; L.T.g.L, • Member of Ontario Music Teachers' Association; Organist and Choir Leader, St, George's Church. Pupils taken. . Residence,. • Mr. 4Y: tsCraig's, St.- George's, Creseent.. „ ti +Lk ' • • II t F. T.Arrnstrong- QPTICIAN and OPTOMETRIST ()Square Goderith "See Armstrong and See Otte. At Lueknow every Wednesday form 2 to 6. • RAMIE • INSURANCE' nd REAL ESTATE ONE 24 corilmarf D'ut »Ano, itAxxoNlooppotra Coupons'now valid, are finger 46 to 60,4s butter 99 So 112, .•uuL preserves 33' to P-1,.• ,s* ranONiuslo OF 10.A.lial MACHINERY ationintr, of new term machinery and eqtripinent will be limited to twenty -live items, aeeerditig to an an- nouncentent of the prices and. Supply representative of Westerrt Putario.fer the Prices` Board, This order goes into .effect ort July 1st, and is in keeping witht the policy of the Boara to retnrove .restrictions- On rationing as Seon as the supply Warrants* it. The twenty - dye articles still rationed .are in short supPl3r. and pernaission of the regionai farm rationing officer must tsti_11., be obtained to purchase „these items. Included in the list are corn pickers, tractor plowertiller and ho,rrovS plows, hay. loaders; potato diggers, threshers, garden tractors, frnit-rilsorcbard Power sprayers, pressure water.,;. systems, - power- pnraps. and other. • • SUGAR FOR CANNING UNTOUCHED IrS1 THE , SUGAR RATION . CUT In ,eutting the sugar ration tbe • ment for sugar for canning was left untouched. It is pointed tett that thls was done lo that farmers and other -country dwellers would have sugar to snake. up ',for the •city dweller' • who ' e Geo.A. MacEvvan Fire, Aceident-,and Motor Car Insurance OFFICE—MASONIC TEMPLE • WEST STREET PHONE 230 Gamma • P. J: RYA 1V• , Real EOtate and Insurance Office and-Iteriidence; 11 Trafalgar Street " Phone 663 • • FOR SALE ---Houses of all kinds, choice building•lots, business piii-- perty, and Several good farms.-- ' HAROLD •JACKSON • LICENSED AUCTIONEER HURON* AND PERTH For information, etc., write • R.R. 4, Seaforth; or phone (col- lect) Seafortli, or 867, Goderieh. 400111.11.11111 HuRom rouivirs rokemosi WEEKLY GODB#101-1, 0 ()tiers a Last eeli's clioic Laurence :Ole Makell.rOlitti'entlx ,7rianation-:-.:Otherff :Give, '• iQU Uth, 12th Eighty-one donors' reported at• the blood' donors' olinie onTitirrSdaY mOrn lug of last week. Of' these Sixty-liv•e were aceented,,- Fourteen received gold buttons far tenth donations; seven re eeived silver , , buttons. for sixth,- don ations, and bronze buttons were,given to third. donors. • , The 'following were the donors, the inunber after eacli name signifying* the number of donations giveu since the clinics were .Started: Walter Hodge • (9), IL B. 'Williams • (6), Wesley Bradnock- (6), • W. J: Tinton (9), Wm. lkfacLaren (7) Earl- Fuller (5), .Flora Smith • (5) Archie Townsend' (10), James Adam (0);J.• W. Harailton (a), Wm. O'Neill (0), Pte. Steve Ruther (12), Fordyce 0 FIURSDAY, IPI,* • .1'EATPO .43**?: • Js sometbitig ^to exerciSe the memories of-GoderiCh .nbuttX;pene'rvvstiliz&t.in eeaterxg swt,eleloriteL.tea lit olod.oleoeiN,ovii!ri 14, Price's -grocery, C. Jilaeltstotie's restaurant, J. Brephey's barber •shop, 'Tom Brophey's photo stud,io, Chas. p. drug store, - Chas. A. ;.ksla,irtifs grocery, Davis' drug store, Polleck's shoe steree,'ItObinSOn's dry goods stere, E. Curran's barber shop, C. R. Shane'e gents' furnis1iing8 stere, the Pal'is C. Humber Sc'Son'S jewellery ,store, "..A.dvertisements of all these ceneerns are on' a for -page sheet issued in cormection 'with a' performance of tp.e. San Francisco,-,*instrels a t MeLeen'S Opera House (E. Cainpa)gne inanager)., 011 Saturday, February 8 (no year - 'given), PJie advertising sheet WAS found by..DaVe Mtriro and is now in liosseSsion of ifarold Blackstone. Clark (10), Milford Thirst .(6), Maurice COUNTY HOME HERD READ. Macilxyaiu (4), Mrs, • Chai.i. Fulford (7), Benson Feagan• • (2), Harold ED BY 'W'ELL-BRED HOLSTEIN Blackstone (7), Lawrence yule (14), Anstay (10), J. L. Crawford (9), Austin Purdy (6), Miss M. Dickson (2), SlacEwan (10), Mrs. B. Marsh (0), Mrs. Blaziehe Phillips (3), Dalton Shultz' (2), David Elliott (8), R. C. Hays (11), Irving Hunter .(3), 'Mrs. John OloUsber (7),°: J. W. G. Hamilton, Mrs - N. Anderson (2), Ralph E. Poster (5), Alex. Butler (11), - Carman Feagan (3), :Arnold Schutz (8), A. E. Grange (5)) Robt. "Medd (10), C. A. Baxter' (4), Win. Lannan (3), Fred,„:'Newington (19), • Mrs. 07.' Powell (2), II. R. Armstrong, (21), Ed. 'G., Nelsen (10), Arnold' 'AR:( onnell (19), Gordon Taylor , Earl T. Williaras (5):•, A. R.: 'Thompsen (8), S. li. Blake (9), Sgt. W. L. fra rris (4); Bert Craig (8), Fred Seers (5), 'Mrs. Harry WTillliwis (5), Godfrey -SameS 410, Win. Marsh (l.p), Gordon- tration and we's-grand...champion at lea - Irwin (9), Mowat McDougall (5), forth Fair. in- 1044:- and at Bayheld Orville Blake (3), Ross ,Sparks (9), • Black and hit?,!_lity in 1942: • Her Walkom (10), Carl 00x (4)., county ebat lonSlitp Record of Per - Mrs. J. 11. Lauder (3), *ROY YQIIng formanee Hie "...Wt1.4 made as a seven - (6)," Ted Bissett (10). •year-old Wbe Sh gave 717 lbs. butter - 7 fat from 11),873 lb. rallk in 395 days A son of Meadow ,Glade Meg Pabst, Huron county's best -producing Heisrein Cow, has beeu secured from her -owner W. Hume Clutton,. Ooderich, by th Iluren- County Home; Clinton, to hea Metz purebred Holstein herd.. He i Meadow - Glade Admiral Pabst, noN sixteen months old.' "Admiral" is high-class individual, ,having been" tirs Prise,:junior yearling at th.e Canto Spring Fair held June 5th. He is nieely-marked, deep -bodied bull of out standing type and should prove a excellent. herdsire, - Admirars". Meadove Glad 'Ikleg Pabst, is not ,only top-notc producer; .but 'a. high. -class s1i jt as well. Alie,14$, ted as- gold ioeclalt-in,,•--$elective a ful to each. wonfan who wants work. e The hrst is `that ai+, woman,- caPaiele li • .,„„ , TE 28th, 1945 Selective Seiwice • Still Functioning Revised Itegulatios Deigned to Assist Women in Obtain. ing 'jag „ N • National Selective' Serri,ce revised .regulationS neW alloW women, VS look Lor gbs, on their .own without getting Perinitf ArSt from Selective Servite, This does not inean;:lfewev`er,:. that the local office of ,National-Seleetive Ser. vice is going mit a business as ler as AVonleh are coneerfied, Or tha,it is no longer interested u the emPloytnent .of .wonsenon the contrary,' it is ex- tending its work as an, employment Offiee and all perant_jobs and be ready to hell) artSPwoulan to find the job Most suitable for her.•. The manager.,of the 'Cloderieh office and Miss Westbrook, who is in-eharge, • of the women's- section, point out that the office ofOthe Unemployment Insur- ance Commission can save a lot Of walking and speculation on 'the part of women as to where to get a job, as it is still necessary' and advisable 'for_ employer's to- notify this -office of any vacancies and help required. The office can. also be of considerable ser- vice to eniploy.ers in selecting applic- ants for the vacant' positions, as eoin- plete records are maintained and ap- plicants 'Are inter -viewed before re- ferring them to jobs, ensulIng that the • most suitable applicants are referred to the particular jobs- AraCant. Two regulations for women's employ- ment -Still obtain; but as it turns Out they're not only sensible but also help- • could-seeere commercial preserves and baking that is risindly.' done in the farmer's kitchen. In line with :the .cuC in the sugar ration bakers will have only sixty per cent. of the sufor that•tbey used in 1941. Biscuit -makers and breakfast food manufacturers will have to got along odlifty4ive per,ceut. and soft drink and candy. makers on 'Iffy per cent. of their 1041 quota. • SOME QUESTIONS ANSWERED Q.—Do * I secure , any extra ;rations .for ttansietit help I shall 'require for •rthis'year's harvesting? ' A.7 -Yes. Any *fernier Aviv) .employs extra help for periods of hes than .two weeks may apply to his lecal ration board for ' transfent labor ra- tions.- If the liefn is employed ter two week's". or:,inore, ration Coupons from- his!Lpersonal.book are used., In :order to obtain the rations for, two weeks _or lessyOuiapplyAsAmil or..persOnally. to -the:nearest local ration board- or ration, adininistration, branch office, Applying hy.mail, yeti give your name, address, ration boOlt uutither,• full, de- tails regardingAno type and ampunt of work, apProxithate length of time required, to complete the work and the date on whichitwill be eomnienced, together with the number of men on ployedsand the total nuMber of meals to be served.Contains are not Pro; vided'for tc,:ss than twelve.meals, , The applicant must aiso• state -Whether er not he produces his own. butter, hooey or, maple syrup. • DONALD B. • BLUE PJCPERIENCED AUCTIONEER - Licensed for Counties of Huron • and Bruce RIPLEY, PHONE '49 • • For information -apply to J. N. liernighan,„ Division Court- Clerk, Goderieh, . . "4- - EDWARD W. ELLIOTT 'LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly an- • sWered. Immediate -arrangements can be Made for Sales Date by calling Phone 203, Clinton. Charge-moderateancl satisfact tion,Guaranteed. , 19tf THERt 1.5 NO OTHER TOBACCO damtae • FOR Pin Ok ' ROLLING YOUR OWN ••,. AT PHONE CAPITAL THEATRE THE 47 • Now—Donald 0 Connor, Peggy Ryan and Jack Oakie, in 1SIERR3 MONOHANS" tirTHE 4 Tueidai,and Wednestlay— . • 0 .Deamia Durbin, Robert Paige and Akim Timiroff Afthedley of song, laughter 11.0 iteinoi.t woven tinfo a grand intisield rocintins'r 'CAN'T 'HELP SINGING' Thursday, rriday athrSaturdtiy:-..- Rehett•LeWetY) Jean Parker and Bill Woo/ *. A story of aeademy filmell at the ,Great rdites Naval Training Ste:lion "THE NAVY WAY .• Matinees WetinestioyS, Saturdart and holidaxs at 2,30 pm. ,Coming—"None nut thi toll* iteart.' endh. person receive au 'nl- lotment of ten pounds of sugar for thinning? )T. • A.—Every. person" having a ration book is entitled to ten pounds-W's4ai for canning purpose. ' •• Q.—I shall have some Ainerican visitors as guests ,this year. How. de they. obtain their rations? " they are going to be your guests for five days or longer, they Obtaili a ration card from a local ration board or ration • branch ad- ministration office after completing a -form, • OnIyi-one, forin need be Com- pleted for all, members of a family having, the same name. , ' • • Q.—When does the 'ceiling price of live and dressed fowl (hens) take a seasonal drop? * 'A.—July 31st. , Questions on 'any regulations of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board will be answered 12 submitted to , the Int formation Branch, Wartime Prices and Trade Board, Federal Building, Lon- don: • Nolan ST. EVENING AUXILIARY The regular meeting of the North street Evening' Auxiliary Was helet t • Mrs. IL •W. Bettor's' cot- tage, in the form 02 a delidibus -picnic • supper served on the veranlitth. After • supper the thirty-four members, 'with Mrs. p. Neblc izi the chair, .gathered In the 41A/big-room around 'a burnilfg and. opened *the meeting by -singing "Onward, Christian Soldiers." Mrs. 1, Pridham road the Seripture, POlin 111:•_fo11owed by a prayer, by Miss 111C1)owe1l and the LOydls Prayer in unison,. A -hearty' vote of thanks Was given Mrs. Bettges•sind ,,group 2 for imele a lovely evening. • The three ladies chosen for ticon- volition committee for the 'London Con- ference,: Yonng PeopieW triton were .),Irs..C. Baxter, Airs. It. Hopkinson:and 'Mrs, C. 'Worsell. ' Mrs.! 'Walter Naftet waS then (silted upon and in turn asked Mrs, 0.-BrOWn' to Come forward' so that she might receiVe a life membership given to her by the Auxiliary in appreciation of her $100.00 donation last January., Alta. Brown was quite *surprised and thrilled and exPressed her 'sineere thanks, • * • ' The 'Sttuly."-bOok Wat-1 taken Iry Mrs. X-PrOld TOMO, W1,10 told interestingly on *twiee-Or,c1i44,inillting, In addition, she has four other R.O.P tests,' ha viug made 931 lbs. Initterfai t'sinu 16,373 11).s. milk it, hi 395 dttA, .438 m. but erfat frem`JI,363 lbs. milk us a Junior four-year-old • in 305 .daYs, 4274,1. butterfat foin 11.605 1118. milk lis a senior four-yen,isoid 111 3(15 daYs, and .390 lb :;butter at •fron). 10.975 lb -1 milli' as •tki,i two-year-old in 305 ,days AI1 these 'records were made on twice a-da.y 111 ilkihg.- • The . sire of `!Acluiiral" 18 Saltfimcl Heights;Captitin po Ch, who \V:15Iv( by Bisset BroSs.,Sal ford Heights. - IS' sired. by the noted XX bull,' Rows 'dale Netherland."POSch., with seventY. four Reci:iygiof "1:'erforrnaMlla Ugh ters, and his darn •gak:a, yearly twice -a -day•, milking reperCOX , 618 lbs'. butterfat from 16,725', %nit, An indication of the excellent 'breed- ing in' "Adiniral's" family tree is the fact that 4is' six nearest dains have that average riga.: ths butterfat frem 17;22.4 lbs, milk a lbs. •Millt. ,.., yea r, while 4.:1:1: live nearest dams average 648 ,lbg;:putterfat from 17.1i50 SEVERAL40,AitS DISPOSED- • . . :Or—WE'Eittle° COURT Morris Curil!`i.'7, of West Wawa- ,nOSh," pleade4.4:,;liAty to. the theft of a wa tch, lock 1,a0.4.,.k.pha in from' ThOnias McLean, fariner*;4iiting near Dungan- iggitrate A: FT eook in of..employinent"WitiiWants'a jdh register ;it tIie eatproYmout. ,office-idth- 111:-.71e7scardatS.'4Qt*iit she 'S - unemployed ` if womali finds her own job shemust report that to the office within three days. It is- also •pointed out that the Em- ployment office maintains a service Ivhereby employers in other centtes pay list their requirements and. re-, quest these vaeandies to be eirculafed throughout Ontario. This information is available to job -Seekers On request and will prove most helpful in secur- ing positions in other. centres. As an illustrOon of ails,' the Employxnent office, At the present 1 iwe has a long list of .jobs at -various summer resorts', throughout Ontario In addition to the, requirements of the resorts withiw the . Area covered by the Goderich bthee: - The • Goderich office 'has placed hundreds...of women • in Oniploynient sincethe office was opened in 1942, and it will tsmtinne to render, this service • to the- women of this area who wish employment. . Women are urged to,.. make full use of the Employment office, where the 'will be given lielp and advice. in ,securing' desired em- ployment., non, .befOre, the, .,weekly Polke Court 41tursday afternoon la The yOuth. Iva S in 'army uniform , and before enlisting YY'4,0 employed by Mr. McLean.. •'arrested by Coe.: stabfe 'Gardiner on juire 4th at Siincee.• 111 WS pocket was a "ticket for ,$2 on tt ,1,.iontlon pawnbroker. He was given' onspended sentence ;in . $100 bond 11101, his good behavior fer one ,rear, nucJ costs of $15, two dollars of which he inustpav MCLean. dainage to r perty, at a local hotel, • After plel Lig guilty to -unlawful • week fel, sent MorleY field , was- remanded a Volubly sta tinC hat he came this Way lookingl, aetork,' and that he should have 800h1:'1doctor. because. he waS, still Jiot VQ1l after an accident which occurred .tviro; years ago, Allin Stonebridge, 1111 addreSs, .preaded guljty toa charge. of,,Virktr.trie•y .in- Goderieh„ 4, , bq,q., • ' iV14t 15* eer" This is one of the 11 1-11 charges of this nature 'We , have had for a long time. .The War Oust la) truly °vino." Crown .AttoAieyi,tiolities -hiterjected. • of Iris time i hi " 4copton. Sentence.. Stonebridg,e ,Saidl,lai I had put in most I. \Vas suspended d Won dit i on that he stay Out 04 the" eintWy of Thum and I ' keep, the yertee. lie! was, given twelve hours to 164.te , the ,iiounty limits. f Talk IsiOt ISo cheap Gr olieratiu rtdriver'w lic lined 50.0111(1 days in jail. 4oderich, charged, la Moto.* vehicle without convieted and df $19.50, ta: thirty '1 ' :Magistrit te was' about to iiiipese a !fill(' a $20, when Grahani interrupted to nrgno with the and(iintitedititely the inrger fine. was assessed.. , Frank '141cOnteheon; tress:ors, pleaded not guilty te eharge of careless driv- ing itrisiog tnit 'of 'aft 'acvident 8.higliWity when it. car driven by him ;yds ' with one driv,en .by ;Itilm O'Connor, .of on ,Tinie Otb,.east.of 'St. Colitinban. The mlargo was dismisSed for theft of eorroborative evidenee.,, s.44:„?:* • horse. girtei nie 11" heitdrielle." ate' ii"s. quite the reverse !", e,,eieatAeimett,..teeee, of the Philippine ',i'sittntlA and. of -„how the rutted Maio; f4te1)1)ed in and 'took hold of the people and educated. them The meeting Aimed with lasynni and prpyer by 14r$. 14. 801.407, • • PLATE GLASS :WINDOW BROKEN charged with wilful damage to Pro- Terty, Hedley pi -oust? and'Robert Moles -i-appeareilabefore MiS:Atahel Crray, 1.P., on Friday, and were remanded until • Thursday of this week. The whole front of a plate glass window in Sirup- • son s mad order office was, broken when the pair fell. against_ it. The 'charge -Was :laid *5-y Chief of .Police 1A. Ross. •" •HYDRO Nitypet ,LOADS' • Hydropower loads in this district iti•March, as reported by Hydro News for June. ivere: Myth, 141; Brassels 151; Vlinton. 689; Dashwood. 11.4; Exeter.. 797; Godericli, 1,655; Hensall, 183.; •Seaforth, 1,103; ° Zarich,'• 117; Lucknow. 350: Wingham, 840. • OPENS KINCARDINE BUSINESS The Wallis Treasure Shop, featuring woollens,- Canadian handicrafts and other gfft Itemsalso a lending library, has been opened at Kincardine by Mrs. Lillian 'Wallis Brenner, late of Grand Bad. • , The task confronting the AllieS• in Germany is a, tremendous one: `P)'orne people think that *it, will be .almost as bard to. put , the country together .as it, wtij:0 bike - it apart.—The New Yorker: , , Gler rize.winmng Classes in - Pet Parade, .1.,nly 4th 1• 41.01e5t'Vat with BOY 2. Littlest Cat with Obi, 3. ,14htlest Dog v.cith �oy 4. „,Littlest • Dog *with Girl as: Most .tmosnal Pet with ,003, Most Unusual Pet, vvith Ohl 7. Biggest Dog with Roy 8. `Biggest Dog:with thrl 9. Biggest Cat with Boy, .10. Biggest Cat*Ilit GirI 1g. Largest' number' ',Pets, with Giri 13 Bird. in* Cage With RV 14. Bird Cage with 'Girl .15. ret In Decorated Wagon 'with Boy 16. Pet in D,eeorated Doll Carri- age with Girl 17,,Pet on Decorated•TricYcle with Boy 18. Pet On Decorated Tricycle• • ,• )1 - it Largest number of Pets with 19. Speilal Prize for-SWinnning BeY' , • Pet ASSEMBLE CORNER NORTII'ST. and SQUARE at -7 10 cent entry fee • Heating' and Temperature Controls Therfflogats,, AiitoinatiC,Danipers - Thermonte. ters, Motets; Nis, Pulleys and Fans for every purpose pRocK ST. eeri PHONE,51- ckODERICII, 'pm% 'ete. a 'ONTARIO • Pours of iliforlx and ovation with Pay Act1944 • - NOTICE VACATION CREDIT- - CONSTRUCTION DIDUSiRY Employment Periad JULY 1, 1944,,.Tp.,JUNE 30, 1944, • , VACATION PAY STAMP BOOKS Empitoyees in.the Constructiorandustry holding Vacation Pay Stamp Books 'con- taining Vacation Credit Stamps for the 1944-45 eniployznent period may pre- sent their books on or after Tune 30, 1945,• - to any CANADIAN CHARTERED BANKs'or tb any Provincial Savings • Office and upon proper identification. 001 receive the'cash eqUivalent.of the stamps contained _therein. Employees should apply for ne* Vacation "Pay Stant) Books;now available, forthe employ- rnent period July lst, 1945, to Rine 3Qt1i', 1646. INDUSTRY AND BOARD , • 'Holt Charles Daley. •• • Minister of Ltibour • •Ontorio, w about rather?. Have 1/4,e • c• 4:,••,/' i .........iarkiimen....W ,........., i 4.-..vinv, • ifx qi, toommimum . Wirt eine y.,Ifik .5.....•••••• Immoommer, 2 - -seme.,.r.s...." "4".' ie-... eefe ....... 1...57 er W \ ) \A oca- *rr or refteshnent. joips :the game „ Everybody welcomes sthe moment when, refresh/tient joins , the party. Ice-cold Coca-Cola is one �t the joad things of Jife that belongin your family refrigerator. NO= time you ' shop, don't forget Coca-Cola the -drink that has /nage ihepabse,that refreshes a national custom "it friendly mot/tent on ;lie,sono side of things. • . Authorized Bottler of !,,e0oft.co1oi,” • G(11)13111[01, itoTTLING WORKS PICTON ST. 498 ▪ . , Coostoslasselidibbtecktioo "Coke' ire rosisttrod totale.roarkt whith identifr the TtseComkat Compooy