HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-06-28, Page 1t Music Club Holds AnnuaL Meeting 11 .; kb:0er •Eliedtp4.1restdent-- ., Vans. Discussed for Nozt, ' • YeArtk regti,vitl , • , y, 4. Snider was elected. prest. . dent of the Goderich Music Cliab at the 41.1nUal Meeting held on Monday night, mro: a, 0. LeMaire presided at the meeting; tinging Witt& Mrs.. Clayton Edward read an article ,in " wlitten by Miss Clara, Barrett, a fornier Member, entitled "Putting Over a Song." Plans Were discimefor the . 'fall ectiVitee, and • for netyear's , f Festival. The officers .were installed by Mrs'. LeMaire and .were "sung into ofilee.”. •They_ are: Honorary, president,' Mervyn •, Snyder; bete preSident, Miss Nellie Colborne; president,' Mr: J. A. Snider; . vice-presidents,, Mr. 'Clayton Edward and Mrs. Murray . Iletherington; °Festival president, Mrs. J. ' G. 'Mc- Dougall ;• secretary; Miss, Marie Smibert, agisted by Mrs. John See; „ treasurer, Miss • Aileen Stowe; eom- _ naittee conVeners-awards; Mrs. E. Jeasep ; AfienaDership, Mrs-. 3. Le- Maire, Mrs. A. 4. Wieser; progrants, Mise Mina Mid1letox4, Mrs. • K. Revell; couneiribli;-0: P. Carman, T. G. &ors,. Charles Breckovv, Mrs. W. Donaldson. •• The memb;rs 'enjoyed a soeial hour after the meeting. • Annual Dinner , The annual dinner .of the Music Club was held on Tuesday evening, Jul* 19th, at the Park House, Mrs. LeMaire first vice-president, presiding - After dinner 111r. S. A. Spider Pre- sided, for •the receiving a' the annual reports. His announcement that the Huron County Council had made a grant of $200 to the Tettival orMuSic. was: greeted with applause, • Miss Aileen Stowe, treasurer, -pre- sented her 'report, „showing eredit balance •Og $220.67.. Receipts were $834.95 and, expenditures $614.28 ° Mrs.. John •See, secretary, -gave a cemprehensive' report. of the year. Ex•-• ' • cellent programs had been given at All meetings, and the'restival had been an outstanding "suceess. A donation of $10 had been given to the Boys' • Baud. • " During the eveniug expressions of . appreciation were extended.to 'those • who had "Shown 'special interest 'and activity • in. cennection,, with . the Festival. . • Mrs. McDougall in a short address spoke of the visit to Goderich of Mr. Irenwick, provincial inspector Of music in the schools,•and stated that he, had consented, to •he, the adjUdicator at • next jeer's Festival. " Mr.. T. G. Jones, organist' of Knox church, addressed -the...gathering 'on "The AdvaneeeeS of a Music Festival" and was accorded • a •hearty vote of thanks, ' After the dlnner meeting, the .party adjourned to, the living-roem for a 'singsong. t A • AUBIJRN'INTRY liVINS PIGEON - The Goderiehelloming Pigeon Club • held the 'fifth race of the seasen Or Old . . bird e at the week -end, :the starting - point being Pert Hope. and the distance, 176 miles*. A. bird entered:by- Clayton. Ladd of Album. was the winner, ',The pigeons were liberated. at 7 a.m. .and Ladd's first birci . was , cloaked in at 10.55 axa., to yellers of - the first ten . birds were as follows: 0.. Ladd 1st, et 10;55, T. Joneston 2nd .4..1114%4. W. Baker 3rd at 11.15%; E. Peache, 4th at 11.16, Baker 5th 11.17, Johnston 6th, Ladd 7th and„,8th.,' FelloWs 9th, Pit- blido 1.0th.; 'Ladd Won by. 91/2. nainutes, as' he is handicapped -ten minutes .on account of being closer td the starting point than the Gndericif"Members. , • IiNOCRED -DOWN' EY -MR - When 'both she and the driver ' of the - car became confused' as to what the other intended to next Miss, Noreen Dre.nnan, of ,Ashtleid, was , knocked to.the gro'und crossing " - the roadwa.y on theAmire near the • Bell Telephone office on Tuesday after. 'noon and Suffered. painful cuts and • lacerations' about the fade and body. The *car was 'driven by *Ed. Brown ~of Goderich and fortunately. was travel: ling at a lov, Pate of speed, when the aecidefit occurred. Miss Drennan was taken into the telephoner Office, where She received • mediettl attention before being allowed to • go home. Chief of 'Police A. (3. Ross investigated the • accident. LIONS, AT QUEBEC - Sheriff Nelson Hill and *Mrs, 'Hill, Mr. .and Mrs. W. A. 11a37 and Mr. Bruce Tennant, president df Goderich Lions, • were at Quebec thig week for the an- nual three-day meeting of Lions. of Ontario and Quebec. It• Was a most 'Successful eveet, with. an attendance of delegates and their India rennber- ing ajl 625. Lion Dalton niggS o 'st. Thoulas was elected district governor of district A.1, which Includes the Goderich MORE ,fo*viovip .$onooL . BOARDS Bylaws creating township school areas have been passed' by the. 9,!oWn-' ship Couriells of Ashfield, West Wawar noSh and, Morris; And the, Grey Towe- shit* Couneil 'meets this .week to con- sider the matter; Nearly, alt of , the area within, the Nortb. Huron inspector- ate has noVe, adopted the township school bottrd system. TITS .38Tit BIRTHDAY • ,Today ••• (lune 28th) is Mr., P. 3. 'Cantelon's birth,day iiiinfVersary. 'Our • respected townSman haS conipleted eighty:eight years and. ' stiR going Stiong-L-eultivating a line garden and keeping in toneh with affairs at home • and abroad. We Wish him inanY happyreturrta. 'Sgt. "S,Vt- W. Boss of Peterbortnigh IS ,Bpoulfrig a leave With. Arent, Mr and Airs. A. 0. BOW, Tg,*; WiTEEPROAT, • :AxriVale •at t)le Goderich „eleVator the past. Wee*" were; On. Saturday,. penobSeot, 29109 bas., voleat;"' and „ supfrier;*49;400 One. oats and wheat.; Alonday, .1.1.ighrtfil, 230,000 bus, .(d,t8, W.O.ktt and rye. toady (Ttursday tAktao04.'00;()Uto tius. wheat, tne natance of her cargo to go to the Purity Vieux * -Tile Government steamer St. Haters was in4port Xor. two days, Monday to WedneSuay, with suppiles 14or the 110* houSe, anti With an ()ulcer to inspect the range lights,- foghorn and ether aiUs Lkj naVigation. i$uppiles tor the lights at Point Clark .Uayllold were sent Winn here by truck. '.13.1(.4 t. Ileliers 1. command. of CaPtain•Oullette, and on board the ship was -Miss. Praneeh MeNeill, oneofthe few feininine radio operators in this 'type of work. The 'first -visiting pleasure yacht of the season, the lolantne of Detroit, eame Tuesday night and proCeeded next daY on her Way to Georgian Bay on a cruise of the lake'. • liNOCRED, 1)OWN BX. TRICICLE Mrs,. Murray Hetherington -had. her left anal dislocated' the elbow when a little boy on a :tricycle ran into her, -knoeking -her down in. front of 'Under-, son's store last Thursday. Though the injury was .painful, Mrs. -Hether; ington, is making favorable progress° *ward recoVerY. _ Knox'cnurch manse was the scene Of a pretty June wedding on Saturday, when Marion. June,: datighter of Mr.' aed • ,,Ilebert . Regent street, was United in. marriage with. Donald .Alexander Keay, formerly of Sky Harbor; son of Mr. and, Mis.,,Fred Keay of Midland. Rev. Richard SteWart'periorMed the ceremony. The,- hriderlsiven, in „man' o ge by` het -faller, wore a long graceful gown of white satin. on 13rincese lines, with pee heart •neckline and full' overskia 'Of White net, . Her White veil fell to the shoulder from .a coronet of. white daisies. She earried a • 'banquet Of 'Talisman roses and ,snapdragons. The matron of honer was the bride's sister, Mrs. Allan Grant of •Lueknow, in a street -length dress of .pink. sheer, her pink shoulder veil being- fastened to a corOnet of Pink daisies. Mr. Allan Grant :-Was the:groomsman, A.' recep: tion ,was held at the home of the bride's parents, which was decorated with pink and White Streamers.- Mrs. Williams: regeived h yellow dress with' brown accessories and corsage a roses.. The bridegroom's mother wore'printed blue crepe. • Later, Mr. and Mrs. Keay left for 'Tort:alto and Wasetga Beach, tie bride *eating a pale blue snit with :white. accessories. They -plan to live in Montreal. , • BAIVIER-tEISHMAN • 41. pretty summer wedding took place at •the parsonage of Victoria street United church:- at' 11 o'clock Friday morning last; -When- Florence Myrtle Leishman, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Leishman„ Base ,Auburn,"- --W-a-s-united--- in-marivRtgv- vit Frederick A. Barker, son Of the late Mr. and Mrs.. Henry Barker, Goderich. Rev; L. H. Turner officiated and Mrs. Turner playe,d the wedding music. Given in merriage by her father, the bride wore a becoming gown of fuchsia and white. prieted jergey with white hat and carried bququet of *bite Starlight roses, snapdragon and lark- spur. Mrs. Percy Barker, t • the bride's sister, in printed torquoise blue sheer and blaek and White " hat, was the Matron of -honor. Her 'flowers Were Oreanl roses. with Pink larkspur. Mr. •Percy Barker was groomsman for his, brother, and little Grace Marie Turner, daughter., -of Rev. L. H. and .ekirs. Turner, .was a dainty .flower -girl in green taffeta froelf. ' She carried •a small bouquet of- 'white Starlight roses, After the Ceremony, a reception was. held at she honte of the bride's par- ents, where, Mrs. Leishman received Wearing a Own Of printed jersey with eorsage, • of American Beauty -roSes. The , house was effectively decorated with pink and white Streamers and white bellS. .After a trip to London, •Sarnia and other points, Mr. and Mrs. Barker will, reside at 32 Pahnerston street, Goderich. . • • , , • • 0,ia Thursday, june• 21st, .• at high: noon,' a pretty Weddinelook place at the Presbyterian manse, Goderich, Rife. Richard Steivart officiating, When Marjorie Cora Mao, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wailace.Black, Gode- rich, became the bride of Lloyd 'Mite eldest son of Mr. and Mrs, John -Carter, Clinton. The bride looked lovely :in a street- .length two-piece powder blue erepe 0ess, her shoulder -length veil falling from a: sweetheart halo; of white ftoWers. She wore a corsage of bronze Oplietia roses and sweetheart bracelet and'pini the gift of the groom. The ,bridesmaid, • PAliss Fern, Carter,. sister of the "grontre.. Wore a street length dress of piek silk crepe with white shoulder -length vell and coSage og pink roses. Supporting the groom. was Gerald . Lassaline, brother-in-law of the bride: A. dinner reception' was held at the bride's home, St. George's. Crescent The bride's inether received in a gown (if Colonial purple with white accessorieS tied was Assisted by the grown's • mother go'verted in figured mauve ehiffon with Whi,te aceesaories. Guests nunibering twenty were from Owen -Sound,. Wingham,. Lucian*, Yarniontli, 11,5,„. and Clinton., '.1‘ir. and 11irs. Carter left amid showers a confetti for a short honeymoon trip to 'Windsor, Detroit and ,:other "points. Per gOing . away • the bride-4wore a. eoeoa brown. suit with brown. ac- cessories and beige topcoat' , Previous .to the Marriage the ,bride was entertained at the ,home , of Miss Edna Driver by the staff, of the i)eople'e Store, when she .was presented wlth a lovely. table, lamp. " On. return . from their honeymoon Mr. and Mrs. Carter Will realde on St. 1.4eOrgett Creseent. GODERIQH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE28th, 1945 icniefor ColborAe. Township' SchoOls' - ;Pa Speeches Ciath Five gnii&recl. at pnutill0.--SpOrtel Lan& BOWXER YOTE THE PROVIN914;4 1.1EOTION. , The *Adler' 'vete in 'the ProVincial grleetiOn, Iluren was:, .13allantyne (Lib.), 212; 4nekine (04.P.), 160;„ 1.)r (PQ TA* total Vote its Ueelared by the, returning °dicer was :..1.1allakityne, riticitinS,,1,211'; 'The sehoolS. ,Colbrrne fewnihip. tRyY161:::1 TP81' Vlur4litY joined lei a Reid day and icnic t lro°f: arti..43•' eine the Soid.ler :vote Ileluniller On Wednesdai,' June Ptah, v;as: nann6- '(1117a*ex,:ri).'CL2it.); King and so succeSsfni was, the occasion Via! T(filiekt-l'alta‘-)i'v' 101(e);( man al) vvw , jetvewntill. BPer;1)(1.4ebilYinibnellsinafdroem:'anall„LiApnau*rats1 17'1'5; King' 1'4°8; Al"KaY.' i'°119g' a of Abe towhsiiip,. many.' ex7pupilkt were„ pita/102AL fk: BROWN - in, attendance, and the gathering ntun. ' „110NORED BY COLUAGUES beret,' About 500. Iwo team of girls and two .teams , • of boys, Aayed, ball games, .• The girls -,Jtvegret tacivesseu that Re Is Leaving from...school, sections 6, 7, 8, 9 and • Goderieb, Take ”PoSitien Else - 'Union $.'6. 1 defeated the girls fiona 'where Sections 1, 2, 3, 4 and the , •Mr.`SidueY:Broven, for the past three boys free,' sections 1 to '5 were winners Yettrs principal, of Central School in in their game with sections Wt.() W and itehaevep ltocre . a of v,p14 r_h errI,Ivi.ce..hha..acskleretesnigmoena, 1, A, game .between the mar- ried men .and the bachelors- was won- the - position and,* ims accepted the Principalship of .the public school at by the °former. , Winnere' in a Series of race's were OaTkiieRircidgeemsb,'enrer �f the staff, as -follows: Girls- under 6 Years --`-1- 2. of both Central, .and Victoria Schoola,. B. Bean, 3 T. Good. 4 J. Blake. with. 14.8. BleDOugall, music in.- BoY's .mader 6 years -1 Wayne structor, and • Miss' A. Cleaver, public health mirse,. Met at • Central School Snyder, 2 Jack Thorns, 3 M. Buchanan. in honor of Mr. Browixon.Moeday.last,- Gifis nide Dawn -Snyder, 4 -When Mr. M. J. Snider, principal .of 2. Frances Cook, 3 •Merlene Knight, .• Victoria School', made the presentation Verna Rutledge. • 'Boys und.er 9 years -1 G. Feagan;" of a" handsenae- table lamp to the 2.°Ie. Buchanan; WB. -Jewell, 4 L. Smyth. genial retiring princliial. Both he and Girls nnder 11. years -1L1 Feagen, Mis,s McDowell.;• of the Central School 2 D. -McCabe, 3 L7Oliristilaw, L: staff, -highlY Praiked Mr. Broivres work Matthews. , • with ' the pnpils, and expressed the WITS under 11 years -1 D. Carter,: regret of theStaiff in the severance of 2 P.' Durst,. 3 R. Jenkins, 4 G. Blake. his associations in -Goderich; . • under. 1.:3. years ---1 M. Both. Mr.. an& . gra. Brown.. haa 2 4'. MeCabei, 3 4 0..Queld., been' acti..05.uverc,mh,entanhdeleoirf eNdenrttitiibtisttrioenset 2 3Girls under 15 years -1 W. Watson, Itljt6illadittikeledn.,.'s,e,•herYO1iree-WRQtkii': th3aalt reetiler-hglreltiy°W. Boy.Sjittantkdi 7, D13. :LYaelrbs741' LIPeewadise. 2 3'. Clark; 3 3% Will18, 4 S. Robertsen. appreciated. Boys under /5 ;years -71 Asher, • Dt•Kerniglian, 3 T. Carter, 4 J. Cook. . ENUACCEMENTS ANNOUNCED -Girls 15 -and Over --1 aine` MePliee, and.Mrs. goulter of'Gocie; 2 E. Rebertsen, 3 Joyce 110hee, 4 deli wish to annonnee the t,,tigagenfent E. DiestOn. 4 of their 'eldest datighter; Elizabeth,. *to. Boys 15 and over -1. G. Fisher, 2 T, James Sheardown;,. son of Mr. Wren Carter,r0 /21, Kernighan, Chisholm. SheardoWn ane the late Mrs. Shear - Trustees Od Counell-1 S. Snyder., down ofe-Goderfch ; the marriage to g ,O. Brook,- 3.F. Clark. . . • take place-shertly. Tbree-legged race,. Mr. and Mrs. A, Nkol announce son and M. Willis, 2 V. Fisher and the engagement of.their 'daughter Buth K. chisholm,, 3 J. McPhee and - W. Plight Lieut John Morris Murphy, Watson,, Q.. Blake and L. Allen: . D.F.C., son of Mrs. Murphy and the ' 'Three-legged race, boys ---...1 0. Fisher late D. P.' Murphy of St. Thomas. .and D. Kernighan,- 2 B. Allen and T, 'The wed4ieg) Will. take place Tues, Carter, 3 G., Feagan and Feagan,. day, Ally 3.• • ' • ' 4 F. Durst and.G. Blake. • 4.• Mr. and Mrs:. David E. Bean of Lunch tame brought everYbody Colborne . township annoence. the •en - tables prepared by tite ladies, 'who had gagement of -their eldest daughter, made excellent provision, and At the Phyllis Thelma, to %Clive •Allin, son conclusion. of this muCh-enjoyed part of Mrs. Allin and the late Chas. Alain; of the day's prograni there was a ses- the -marriageto take ,place in the early_ •sion of speech making led off by Mr: part of Juir. • •••• Terence Hunter, chairman of the Town- ship School Board. Trustees Ferdyce BOAltD. OF ..TRADE MEMBERSHIP Clark, Omar Brooke, Orville Bean and At :a meeting of the executive of the J. 8. Kernighan all spoke' briefly, also reorganized Board of Trade on Thins - Township Councillors •.' H. McCreatth day night last, it was -decided to hold and S. Snyder,. Mr. Hugh Hill, and for members: The fees were asetcaonnv4a.ss Ipapecter Kinkead, the last named basis of $2, $5 and uo: leav; tendering thanks to those who had Mg it to the indiVithial which. amount assisted in making the day so enjey- weuld represenr what the Board of able. . , ' Trade meant to hina. Owing to the- meetin -•.-Besides--,-the-memberss--of-the,--T -ship. School Board and the . teachers, will be held, on July 9th. Mr. H. McCreath and Mr. Wm: Virat son secretary of the Beard, were active TWO ADDITIONAL ATTRACTIONS in keeping tlainfs going "siamothly. three have been added to the R.C.A.F. Since last week two additional' fea- MeGOWA.N-CALDWELL Domiuion . Day • sports program, at „ In a ceremony performed by Rev. Clinton:. The,..charapion lady diver of .1, H. • Turner, at ' the parsonage of Canada and Canada's veorld-fa.meus Victoria Street United 'ehurch on Tues- ,clown are the added attractions. ' The day, Ella May CaldWell, and Orville Program, beginning , at; 6 O'clock,- Will • be carried out rain or slaine Rev. Dr. Ros Dies ricanwox Dim readier Warns of after Long Illness Former Goderich Minister Wa4 'Prominent PreiklYte11041 abarcirl' One of the best-known 'Presbyterian elergymen, in Canada, Rev. Dr. Geerge .E. Ross, on jime 14-th, , the Montreal General, Hospital after an ill- ness a Ave years. Dr. Ross, who had empleted 'forty -11,V° year,of active and continnous the ministry previous to his retirenient - June, 1941, was in his seventy-fourth: :year. An alunmue and gold. Medaliet oT Pictou Academy, PietQl1/4 which . in the years. bePee. the turn of pie century -was a distinct honor, Dr. ROSS yvkts born in Windsor, N.S. He was graduated. from. Dalhousie ',-PiliVerSity In U93, ane fromi Piee Hill Theological Cellege, Halifax, in 1896, .with tbe degree of Bachelor of Divinity. . After a -short ministry in the con- gregation at North West , Arm and Eoceinghane suburbs of .1Ialifax, he served ' in the 'pioneer days of tlae ODERWIt I Fake Mining Stoe GoderiCh will have an all -clay pro - gat*" DOIninion Day.. ,the ijiorning,'there' Will he sportS or/ the 'Square for tlie children -a. time - honeyed institution' in Goderich-and in the .atteriation there will be two, softball ganies at Victoria Park -a ladies' game; 'hOween. Whigham and GOderich. and a .men'pli game between Clinton and Goderielx-for pri-zeS don- ated by the Town Coimell. - 0.30 in the evening, at Agrieultur. al Park, the baseballers WilVengage in 4' match, game between tne,. Lions Juveniles and 'MeConnell'e.A.11-Stars, moTrhnein:baylied-l$waninet, play yi Doen, Qtlihte iAthem and - stand in Court gouse Park, and again. in1. thetuseamoveeniritte.Will give ii)1egram 1 0-7X 'PIONIC.,FOR LITTLE ONE • A delightful picnic for little of the primary and beginners' ciasses of Knox Presbyterian Sunday school was held on, the chureb, lawn Wednesday church's mission to the East Indiana, 'afternoon ef last week. It was the 1. in British Guiana, Swath Ameriea; and most Suecessful yet held and was. at- -on- his . return was Minister of. ,at. tended:1)Y eighty children_ and, forty David's. church,. Charlottetown, .P.E,I. inOtners. Miss Dorothy Jolmston, the Frona the island he was called' to efficient leader,. was' assisted. by Misses Knox church, ' Goderich, hail after a •Robena Grant, Una Macdonald, Doris suecessful ministry of six years .here, MoBrien and Mrs; R. Venus. Mrs. he aceepted a call VS St. Matthew's William Reed, another capable teacher, Presbyterion Church, Point St. Charles, was iu. charge of the program 'of games Montreal, where he ',labored for ten and races, „asSisted by Mrs. Richard years; leaving in 1925. to build churches Stewart, 'Misses Gertrude Beat4e, at Lachiue and. Montreal West. This Chrissie Leishinau . and june- Sparks. accomplished, Dr. Ross accepted a cell 8trings of beads, marbleS, and all kinds to "..Nrskine ' chilrell,. Ottawa, - and six of toys were awarded as prizes in the years --later to St, Andre**. Presby- eagerly, contested races. Winners were terian.:-.4ften.it't Prederleton!, N.B.„.,q' , '' as follows.: . - lar': RoS4 -WS a foriner'Mederater '-‘.: * BEGINNERS Alexander McGowan, both of Blyth, • were united in -marriage. John. Ralph • Caldwell, brother of the -bride, was the groomsman and Mrs. Gladys Flor- ence* Caldwell the . bridesmaid. The bride was gowned in heavenly blue, and her attendant in figured :jersey. Both Alvore white accessories.' After a. short wedding trip, the couple will reside in Blyth. - NEWMAN'-CORNIPIELD Oii Tuesday evening, 'June 1.9th, Beth Hamidrash Hagodol, Toronto, was the scene of a quiet 'wedding when Edith Cornfield, daughter .of Mrs. Cornfield. and,the. late Mr.. A. Cornfield of Gede- rich.; ,hecente .the bride og Mr. Max' Newman,' son of Mr. and Mrs. David Newman of New Haven, Conn. Rabbi Wm. DrazirCotficiated nt the ceremony, assisted by Rev.: B. Wittdousky. Given in marriage by .1;ter brother-in-laW, Martin Ward, the bride were a finer - length.* gown ., Of White taffeta with - sweetheart' neckline and large puffed sleeveS. Accentuating the Tyrolean midriff were large Pearl'buttous laced through' the- waist. Iyer 1Ingert1Y 'veil was caught hift,matching taffeta head- dress and she carried a spray of White roses and baby's breath. •Attendink her was her .sister, Miss 'Ruth Corn- field, wearing •11, street -length frack of pale pink patterned lir a 'shadowed black -leaf design • and carrying 'it nose- gay of.roses and sweet peas. Mr. Jack NeWman of New „York was best man. 'The dinner and reception were held in the synagogue, •Where the bride's mother reeelved in an azure -blue street - length frock with corSage of roses and violets. Mrs; Newman, mother of the geoom, aSsisfed In a 't:clierrpeplored frock with pale tea -rose cOrsage. The. bridal couple left for te.trip to Niagara Palls, Battle „, and .Nashville,' Tenn., the bride wearing a,.black„ ensemble with contrasting' blue and black slieP. 1164'8 .eheek jacket. They will reside in Leesville, Le. Out-of-town guests were from New ,litiven, New York, 7.Pti.; Buffalo,' N.Y.; Xeninore, Detroit,- 'and Gederich. , The -bride was ,entertained by Airs. M. Zackhelm, xarty, Mrs; 3. ItovinskY, Mrs. S. Itogul, Mrs'. Fried- land,. Mrs. H; Parker, Mrs. Taft, Mrs. J. Eisenstah,' Miss O. Benson, Miss S. Sheftel, Mrs."- S.' Zaeltheini, Mrs. j. Cornfield and Mrs. B. Of Toronto. • Mr. and MrS. lames Oswald' Craigle and family, of Wirral°, 'are spending the surniner "Suilnyerest Cottage," Lighthouse Point ,of the • Mentreal Presbytery of ,' the - --Girls under &-:-.3.-st , Faye Brereton,' Presbyeerian Church • in Canada,' ,e. 2nd Diane McConnel e girIS over' 57 -1st tilo Of the Synod of '..11-ontreal 'a Laurel Lodge, --2nd- Phyllis- -HuttonI- Ottawa;„ , • , „' • -,..' • - Ws- under 5 -,71st Arthur PeacheY, Besides his wife, he is surtived•hY •-2nd . Paul McCreath; boys Over. 5_ three sons, Dr. • Hugh 'Grah, al Ross, 1st KennetInleiston; 2nd Donald Mac - of Halifax, 'Surgeon Cmdr, Al RoSs, Arthur. ' stationed at ' Halifax,- and ' Sheldon . PRIMARY ' . Ross, of Ottawa,:and one daughter, GI* under 0 -1st Beth Anstay„, 2nci Mrs. A. T. Maidun,. a Cainbridge, Beverley Haggett:, girls under re ---1st Mass. -'. - • ' . - • : .. Joan. Robinson, 2nd corine Allen ; girls The • funeral serViee was held on un,der 8 -1st Marylin Williams, 2nd Juee 16th in Knox Crescent Presby- Joan •Mallough; boys under i 6-dst terian church, Montreal, ReV..• Dr. Jimmy Jackson, gnd, Teddy Rield.-; David Sciett officiating: boys under 7--ist Jiminy 13ehttie,' 2nd. Well Remembered in Goderich . •Palmy McAdam; boys wider 8 -21st The news of Dr. Ross' • death., was Bobby Laws, 2nd Gerald MacPbee; receiN'ed with regret by members Of inothers-kicking slipper, ,•Mrs., W. Knox Presbyterian church, Onderieh, Clements; most graceful walkbr, Mrs. and by other residents of this town Lodge. who remembtred the vigorous preacher, • • ,. PEIISONA.1.4 111.ENTION then in his prime; ,who for six years , was a- prominent' figure • in Goderich. ,At the morning service of Knox Claureh Mr. 13. •111; McCreatb, ,and family; of on Sunday last Ret. Richard-SO*1A . , Toronto,' are occupying. their summer made sYmpathetic reference to '' the home at Meeesetung Park. , passieg of the ' fornier . Minister, to Mrs.' Eva Doner of Toronto is the who.m:h.c. e, paid tribute as a Man, A brilliant attainments and ofie; whose.' 'work had . counted . for nmeh. Iitt the Presbyterian Church of Cana Goderich,___witht ose,* the -cet,resiiOnd:,. Tranaam_c_atewariv_zot otah6rn er._,_,,,2,,,, corded, were us follows: Thurs., June 21 ..71 .„ 59., 77 48' ing Week a year ag6,--as-Ofireaalli-re; Fri.,. June 4.2 ....75 40 80 . 64. Sat., June 23 - ....80 61 ' .... . Tempera ., , 1,45. :874. 05 :nedo.np, - Max. Min. Max. Min. h ek:-Att. and his son, Mr. Leonard Buchanan, of guests vvith the. latter's . motner, Mrs. Nichols of - Trepton were week -end Mr. Walter A. Buchanan; of. Toronte, Jilt. -Lt. F. H. Nichols and Mrs. visitors in town,. Mr. M. Robing of Toronto, formerly, were tt.recent 'Sure, .Tuee 24 ....84 ,•.51 • .; Mon., juee 25 ....79 60 75 51 of Goderich, is in town this week. We Tues.,. June 26 ....69 47 , 86 58 are sorry, to learn that his health” is Wed., June 27 -79 52 . 00 ,68 still far frem satisfactory. . Rev. xi, IL, Tu r net Depicreft, Presentrdiy 'Rusk tf,) Rich- oyet Night r. "Ontario Mining Scandai-There% Gold In:Thorn Thar bills," waS. the subject of a stirring sermon_ on Sunday ' night by iv J. FL Whiter in" Victoria! Street., United eiiurflt Xr. Turner prefaced his address by Asserting that, 'aespzte what PeoPlo say-tiutt ILte is gamble --,to t-eo mail or Gad, While the detail a to: - Morrow MaY not revealed to his destiny through „ Christ is 'Very sure. • Lr Tamer' 'referred SpecitlealIY to an edit,orial, .in the United. Church. Observer ,of June 1,- Wherein the editor revealed, startling -facts to show that - ,gantining generaLand Stock market deals in particular -had. 'broken all bounds. This was particularly rtie at.the 'close of World War No. and it seemed, to be equally true' now. at the close of World War 2. „ The minister distinguisli.ed clearly .between :tit% legitimate vendor of legitimate. stoek andt...the unseritpuloua vendor of stoek, ..which,..had. no. ftiundntion., in the !realm of reality. Mr. Turner expressed the hope that • appropriate action would be taken by the Provincial hutliorities to pretect the men and wOmen • returning from the war with - their lard -earned • gratuities. He leoked upon. this 'issue . 'not as one of -Starkv economics only, but as one wherein the moral titullitleS of the . eitienslaip of Canada are in volved. 'He, cited a' ease in Northern pntario where a mine existed only on paper and yet at the same thee thoge handling its stock filehed - from the ;people their pard -won earnings. • -The . Minister, • in, keeping' with e --restentiOn' silonsore,d-by: the -1,4`resbyterY--- of Huron". of the, *United Church, Of Canada, warned. peeple against the insidious influences' reaching out .fer their material ;wealth.• - „ • •Ile based hig sermon on the Bee& of Genesis, which describes the, planned egonomies ,of ..God as against the mad rush of man to get rich quickly over night. FLOWER SERVICE AT THE BA.?.p.sir cuu4, 0E, ; The' enema flower -:serviee of _the Gbderich. Baptist Sunday was held; en Sunday morning. . There was a profusion of beautiful • flowers itt tne church. The minister,•Rev. Joseph Janes, confided...the Service, and was assisted by Air. Arthur Bee*. ers,' sliper-• • intendent of, the.' Sunday school. Appropriate, readingi, Were given hY• • Linda -Breckenridge, --PastsY-MurneY, Barbara Schultz, Barbara Miller, . gautectraofigi. oaonkde,,M.cortsta. Jge..W., Craa.gie Donaldson and Charles Kennedy. The Marilyn 'Love, Colleen Harris, Clara, tit C.- rridham left on MondaY• clidries-''Birds Are Singing" was rend- - to visit her daughter; Mrs. E. end by the .school, and •solos Were • lioagland, at OreenWich,:,Conn. sung by, ...,Cla*-.Donaldsou. and, Wm. • APO -AXes1,3711..ATeF.Mys, :SPea, wegtE.',$: vacatibm 'at theArtime of Mr. • arid-alra.. 'ate :chorus. rer-dr4- -kritirdeni"."- cted-,Mrs:,--janes'xclass-of--boys sang their plass song, "Dare to Be Brave." • •••-:- Visitors on SundaY • with Mrs. M. ' Black, Newgate street, were Sea 'Cadet Collegiate Institute Promotions • n their way to Kincardine. 'Bob Oulette and friend, of, Windsor, and Scholarship' Awards" ,. Announcement is made of the award of-seholarships, •onthe' year's work, to Students Of Goderich Collegiate ansti- tutr as follows: Peter Adamson Memorial in Grade X -7 -Joan Scott. • • McKim Memorial . in Grade XI, - Donald -Scott. • Peter Adamlon 'Memorial in 'Grade XII -William. Moorhead. Following is the promotion list in alphabetical order. „ Where subjects Appear itt brackets after a, name., the„ student will be required"te pass 11. test in SeRtentber itt order to take up the 'silhiect in the new grade. Students' in: grades IX and X, whb Meee will be required to reolieat all subjects. • Grade IX to Grade x • Howard Aitken, Eleanor Andrew ,(ler.); Darene- Baiter,. 'Joan. Baechler, Leo taker, Carlyle Bannister, Ronald Barker (Pr.), Elizabeth Barnes, Betty Beattie, Mollie 'Bisset, Graham 1./.9gie (Math.), Madeline Bogie, Eugenia Brindley, Aileen, Castle, Grant Chis- holm: (Meth.), Edward Clutton, "Evelyn Dustow, Jack tedy, Hugh Peagan, Joyce Fea.gan,' Murray Garrick (hist., 'geog.), Vivfan Glenn (hist., math.), Kenneth Grigg (geog., se.), Charles IlaWthorne' (Fr., .inath., Grace Hayden, Carolyn' nunter, nelen John-. stoe, Jack DOnald • Langridge, ,Robert LeMaire, Harry Little (geOg.; Fr.), tvelyti Lynch,. Br* D. Mac- Donald, Sally • McDonald. .Isobel Mc-, I...ean Prank MeXechnie; John Massey, . . - holm, Bill Craig Lat., math.), 1larilyn Culp, liegh Feagen, Marion Freeth, isatiel. Ilowes, , Helen Inglis, Derolay Johnstoe, murneY Johnston where they will visit the formers par - (math.), Katherine Kneesnaw (math.), ' ents, Mr.. 011(1 Mr. W. A. Collier. Mary Laithwaiter Elaine Lamb; 'Sabel Mr. and Mrs. S. 11 laeMath are NLeedureeenr, AieDK.oitay-i,s 11eIncBmrieefeL (rgeaothg.. the Misses Esther and Grace MacMath, spending a. week with their daughters, Lois McNall (Fr., Lat.), Jean Mckhee at Belle' Ewart and Barrie, respectively: (math.), Joan McPhee (math.), Betty Marsh, Harry Montgomery, Donald Mooney, Yvonne 'Moore, Jack. Needham, Mary Prldham (math.), Ennna Robert- son, 441 saundersfjoanSeett, Beulah Sh.aeiletbh, Bill Smyth', 1116anor Srayth, KatnerYne Snider (math.), Benson Straughan (Fr.), Colleen Thompson (math.), Donald W. arren, Elinor Wat- son gag. ) , Marten: Williams (hist.), Mac Wilson. •. Profnoted: -cenditionallY Josrepli Salkeld. - • - Grade. XI to Grade XIL Patricia (.larch, Robert • biggon, Jame,s 'Donnelly, Ross Errington, Gwen. Finnigan, Audrey Ginn, Mary Graham, Marie Hawkins, 13arbara, IlenrY, Sheila Hill,' Dorothy Holmes, • Kathleen 'Holmes, .Christine Leishman, ,Eleanor ;Martin, 13i11 Newcombe; Peterratter- -son, Jm aes Reyncildsce John Sehaefer, Donald' Scott, 41edeline Smith,Evan. Sparks, Fred Stokes, Mary Straughen, Ilarvey Wightman, • - Grade WW1() Grade XIfl. Donald AMSlie,. June Baechler, Victoria 13ftecider, JIM' Bisset, Peggy Bury, Mary Chisholm, Barbara Cutt., Edith Donaldson,, Eleanor •Donaldson, Helen AiontgoinerY, Robert Moore, „Betty Peagare . Lois Peagp, Jim Maxine Oke, Doreen Orr (hist., Lug.), iloYee Phillips (math.), Vern Postill, Donald River's, Arlyne,RouSe, Margaret Rutherford (hist., math.), rete,r Spaii (hist.), Ronald Sproul (hist., geog,, Ji'r.), Dawn • Stubbington - (math.), 'Marie Talbot, Ruth ThurloW, Margaret -Tigert, Evelyn 'Torten, , Marie Wall, Eleanor Willis, .Kenneth Wilmot, John - Pretnoted conditionally -Islay Me- nougaii, MAUS. Grade X to Grade XI Ruth Allison • (inatlf.,- Pr.), Helen Armstrong (nuttli.),' Joyce naeebier (math., Pr.), Itateona 'llabr, Donald Baxter .-(math.), .Marjorie Baxter, Gertrude Beattie, Ruth Bogie, 'Marg- aret 1)orothy ItradleY, Marilyn Butler, Elitabeth Chisholm, Rita 'Oils - Mrs. John Stephenson and baby Patricia, of rngersoll, are holidaying at the home of' the former's parents, Mr. "and Mrs. 'D. It. O'Brien. .Sergeant _and _Cellier are leaving on Friday for _Edmonton, ' Ferguson (Lat.), jerky .Girae . jack (3raham, l)ouglas Harrison, Elmer Hunter (Pr.), Irene Laithwaite, Peter Athetwan ' (Yr.), Euniee Erie Moore; Prank Moore, -Bill Moorhead, Robert Needham (Pr.), Pauline ratter-. Mil, Ruth Reid, Yvonne Shettrilown• (geoin., Fr.), ..Audrey „Smith, Elaine Vickers, Svice Warrener, Donald Yungbiut. . COMMERCIAL Grade XI to Grade XII • Thelma Ilennett, Eleanor lkienougan. Diplomas '(hiortor)-,---Audrey' Darker, Evelyn 13ree'kow, joyee Iladden, Withi Jarne8,: Doris MaeMillan, Margaret Rundle, Marie Watson, 1101011 Wilson. IMplomas (pass)-41ta MacDonald, Donald 'MacMillan,. *mine A1 -Cabo, Norbie Willis, Vera Yeting. Mrs, -W. A. Doner of Toronto is a guest with' her sister; Mr. W. P. - Abell. Miss Helen Doner and Jack Abell, of Toronto, will be week-eed gusts with Mrs. Abeirand Mie. boiler will return to her home with Wein. Goderich Collegiate, Institute teachers Who left this week for their homes were Miss M. Pewell, to Pres. cat; Miss E. McNaughton, to Chat- ham:, Miss 14 Smibert, to -London and Alin Mary Singer ,to Niagara -on - the -Lake. Mrs, Andrew I3ogie of Bogie's Beach is . holidaying this week -at Gil -Mar Lodge, . Sturgeon ' Lake (one of the lovely Kawarthas); and is accompanied by Miss Olive Miller of Toronto, whose mother was also oft e or the Goderieh Graham elan. • Last week end the Kennedy family of -Blyth held a, reunion at the home. returned from serviee with the Can - of Mr. and Mrs.:GodfreY James. Those adiad armed forces overseas. ' Already It lm s become quite-populart, and as it is eondiieted in first-class "style it promises to have a long and stleeemsful, Mr. Janes gave a brief message_ on -"Lessons from the Palm:' -Tree,"• and. at the - conclusion, he stated that he had ' recently • received from India •a, photograph of the bey, Alajamgi, Abraham, who is being supported, at the •Eirailipatam Boarding -:S11 ,by the Goderich Baptist Sunda Y scheol. Miss Creftla- Miller presided at the -0-gan. • a . . . AT SAN FRANCISCO' CONFERENCE Mrs. Andrew .11. , Kirk,. *Ingham, fermerly of, Dungannon, hag reeeived a letter from her brother, .Mr... 0.. G. Balkie of Los 'Angeles, in which- he'' stateg that their youngeSt brother, Mr. Norinan A, Bailie,, was 'attending the' San Francisco. Conference for World Peace. • Norman Bailie, who is it gradu- ate of Gogerich .Collegiate Institute and has since practised law in ..Call- • fornia; has". served as head of the Bar Associatide of that State.' Ile Oomes "back.occasionally to visit his holheland in !futon' county. • JUDGMENT EESERVELL_ In„the , action .of Beeker he'ard: ui „county' dourt on Monday, Judge T. AL Costello .reserved deeiSion, written argument to ,be Submitted be- fore the first week ok July. „ The plaintiff, Mies --EliZabeth Becker, is seeking to rectiVer possession of lat, 'feet of a lot adjoining' her ProPerti. In Clinton, and to.:restrain the defend- ants, William' and Prank Glew, from using the land. She alSoastis dathageS of $100 for trespass 'and assault. TILE CUM GRILL The Club Grill, on Kingston Street near the Stjuare, is anew additiOn, to Goderich's eating places,. It ;is' Oper- ated by Bert Brereton,who recently present werd': Mr. and Mrs. r: Gibbs (nee Jean Kennedy), Mrs.' George Moore (May) and Mrs, Alex. Powell (Bertha), all of Detroit; Mr. Jack Kennedy and Mr. Harvey McGee, • whose wife, • the late • Ella Kennedy, passed away a year ago. • TO CAM? POR TWO . VEERS Some two .dozen members of the Iluron-MiddIesex Reginiettt (Reserve) Pirst ,Battalion .will leave Goderielt on Senday, morning. at 8.30 o'eloek for, two weeks' 'training at ThOtile8 militate eamp. .The inen wihl travel in military truelts which are being sent up for them. They will be part of Art apriioXimate 000 reservists Who will* attend the ilist camp. • PAPER STILL NEEDED • .All those' books, newspapers and magazines' Odell have been accutati- ,ltiting Iriyour Wane will be pleked np in a town -wide salvage eoneetionarlk itt Augustin the meantime save all the paper you' eau tor war purposes. It Still needed. , run. BUSINESS CHANGESIlAr4IDS The 'grocery business earried on for several Years, by Hairy Mitehell at the eorner o2...130,field and Britannia • roads has been purchased by "John ("Pat") Patterson, forraerlY of Peter. boro, who lms.reeently been discharged from the rtm.A.r. Mrs. Patterson, is.. the )former Donna Bell 'of trent, The. . change of proprietorship takes.pittee on Monday next. • ,WINNEIt SCHOLARS110 • 'Sliss Claire Bisset has been•notilled that she Is the reelpfertt of the Itatrill- ton risk Biggar seholarship of the University of Toronto, aMoluitliik to $100 cash and $100 on 1045-40 trtftion tee. Miss 'Bisset has emurdeted her lirst year at the ITniversity in study' and philosophy and ranked third in her elafts. Slw IS the daughter roAttnaster and Mrs. Winton Itifoet. ..„,