HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-06-14, Page 31 tonovrx.•$EiVENEI ilT143,11. 11.0„ 24 usiness Directory I .1t •ilE41.4 HOLMES ' , 'Barrister, .Etc„ Office -Court House Goderich Telephone. oq. IC WSUTBLERLA:ND ' Barrister and Solicitor '041ce--North pt., Gpderleh. Phene 750 CHARTEItED .ACCOVNTA.Ni , 1VEONTLIITH alia MONTEITH, Chartered AcconntantS' 51 Albert Street, StratfOrd, Toronto Office: 802 Bay Street p'EARSON-HUNT & CO.. Accountants, and Auditors 195 Dundas St: London, Ont, Fairmotint 8877: • INSURANCE •••••rimearsomps MeKILLOP -MUTUAL FIRE IN- - - SURANCE -CO.--Farin and IN- lated town property insured. . 'Officers --•-President, *W.- R.---Archk bald, Seaforth; Vice -President, Frank McGregor, Clinton ;- Manager and. Secretary -Treasurer, M. A. Reid, Sea - forth... Directors, -W. R.. Archibald, Sea.; forth; Prank McGregor; Clinton; ;Alex. Broadfciot,'. Seafortb,; Ohris Leonhrdt, I3ornbohn;, E. J. Trewartlia, Clinton'; John L. Malone, Seaforth; Alex. MeEwing, Blyth; Hugh Alex- ander, Walton; Geo., Leitch, , Clinton. Agents‘ljohn E. Pepper, Bruce-. field; R. F. McKercher, Dublin"; J. F. -Prueter,- Brotthageni-George A. Watt, _es. Policy -holders can make all, pay - .14 ments and get their cards receipted at the Royal -Bank, 'Clinton; Calvin Cutt's Grocery, Kingston Street, 'Goderich, Ot j. -H. Reid's General Store, Bityfield. . •••=mosmaiiiiianommagitswoms., MEDICAL • 10F, J. R: FORSTER, EYE, BAR, NOSE, THROAT Late, House Surgeon New York Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital, assist- ant at Moorefield Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hospital, • London, England. • EYES TESTED, GLASSES SUPPLIED' ' 53 Waterloo Street S., Stratford. Telephone 267. • • Next vibit Bedford Hotel, Goderich, Wednesday, 'June 27th-, at 2 p.m. till 4.30, p.m. CHIROPRACTOR D DRUGLESS ,THERAVIST • • Goderich, PhOne 341 °face hours -10 to 12 a.m., 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p.m., Tuesday, Friday and Saturday:. , , 10 to 12 a.m. only on Wednesday. -Monday and 'Thursday at Mitchell. Mineral fume bathby. appointment - only. . A. N. ATKINSON ' 51 Stiuth St. Registered`nnder Drugless Practitioners Act for the Province'of Ontario. ' ..„ P.UBLIC, NOTIOP S. CARMAN, Mus. Bac.; F.A. Member.of Ontario Music Teachers' ASseciation; Organist and Choir Leader,St,,, George's 'Church: Pilpils taken. 'Iredidence, Mr: J. °raj -es', St. George's Crescefit. F. T. Atm' strong • ..OPTICEAN_,and_'OrTOMETRIST • Square - Goderich 'Mee Armstrong' and •See .Better" -- At• Lucknow everY • Wednesday , • fOrna 2 to 6.. .11 .INSURANCE. REAL ESTATE PHONE 24. GODERICIII District Ale4ing of ,..Wonieffs‘ institutes Reso14tiou Passed 'Advocate Abolitiott, of Woraerk's Beverage BQww , HURON' cOUN7 Y1'45 rixtemosr WEE4Y GODERICH1, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 14th, 1945 ,la meinber of the 1Cintail branch, • fol- lowed, by two -minutes of silenee to. commemorate victory In Eurel'ie, and the LOWS 'Prayer repeated- in unisen; Tile roll call ,of the braneheS included. a shert reportrof the Year'S- activities. and' the !financial statement by the secretaries. The auditOrff report was given by Mrs, It. IV. Prodtor, BeigraVe. A solo by 51-f*S-,-ViOraon.: Taylor, Auburn,' was enjoyed, • The reports of conveners of stand.; ing committees' shewed., a' wealth, of "wortlaWkdle, work accomplished. Mrs. Little, fOr war work, : reported 4,080 articles, made for. the Red CrosS, and,. $1.,800.20 exPendeZ: for wax work. 'The reportswere submitted as -follows: PItiz.enship, prepared by ,Mrs, R. David., son,' Dungannon; antl read by Mrs. Ioinnigan • social welfare, Mrs. L„Ivers histoript'research," *.MISS Gillespie, Blyth; publieitY, Mrs. 'Phillips, Auburn ; litnne economies, Mrs. (3. Procter, Belgrave. Dinner was served by the Belgrave branch, following which C. 11, .Coultes NVOCOMeit the guests, "-Mrs. Woods, Auburn, replying On their behalf. ' DELGRA,VE.,, June 1. ----The district annual meeting of west Ruren Wo men's Institutes was held,in grave United churelt on , Tuesday. ItepresenfativeS were present 'from - Auburn, 13lyth, Belgrave, Clinton, Dun- gannon, Goderielt, Pita% St: Ilelens 'and Wingham. Recently, two • junior branches were organized in the district - at Myth and Clinton; and of these 'a member of the Myth grodp was in attendance. A. resolution.'sisking abolition of women's beverage rooms in Ontario was adopted. • The president, Mrs. W. J. Henderson, Wingham, conducted the iheeting, and the guest speakers included Miss E. Collins, of the -Women's, Institute branch, Department of Agricultnre, Toronto; .Mrs. F. -Thornton, • Thames - ford, Provincial direetor, and Miss FlotalDurnin, Dungannon, county home economics coach. . The morning Session opened with thesingthg3fGed-Slive the, Kithg‘ vvith Mrs. R. J. Phillips, Auburn, as 'accem- panist. The 46th Psalm was read- by Geo:- G. MacEwan °Fire, Accident and Motor Car Insurance OFFICR-MASONIC TEMPLE WEST STREET PHONE 230 .' GODIERICH- Yoo...10••••••••00.1••••••••••••• 1111111111MINUININIMIN. P. J. RYAN Real Estate and Insurance • Office and Residence: 11 Trafalgar Street ' 'Phore 668 . • FOR SALE -Houses a all kinds, • choice buildfng.lotir; business pro•t perty and several good farms.. DONA-E.i3 BLUE EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER • Licensed for Counties of Huron .and Bruce EIPL1EY, PHONE 40 For information apply to J. N. - • Kernighan; Division Courtwelerk, Goderich, Ont, "01111111111111111111 EDWARD W. ELLIOTT' • •LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly an- Wered. Immediate-arrangernents can bemade for Sales Date by. ealling Phone 203, Clintoli. • Charge Moderate ,andr satisfac- ' 'tion Guaranteede, 19tf " HAROLD jA.CKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER • HUBONAND PERTH. For information, etc., write E.E..4, Seaforth; or phone (col- lect) Seaforth, ' or 867, Goderich. , ..\ A. THERE IS NO OTHER TOBACCO Akita& • AfternoOn Session The president, in a short address, at the afternoon ses.sion, said she was pleased with the good attendance, and commen4ed the branches on. sub good reports and the 'work accomplished, especiallY. in war, 'work. ',She asked. that _the_ w01.14V4 Wake. PeacT, ,PerSonal. responsibility. She _ thanked all for their hospitality_and kindness to lier as she visited the'branches"during her four-year term, of _office and asked that, ,heit- successor,: be given7the same• co- oPeration froth' eiventive and byanches:- ..„'Mis Thornton -brought gre-efitigS 'from -the PrOvinCial hoard -and .'repartv.d. on the November Meeting at which the twelitY4ifth anniversary of the Feder- ation was celebrated by a dinner given by the Minister of Agriculture. „Mrs. Thornton asked that each branch help the. Department in it aim to have a history of eTZT-Y. commuuity compiled -111-mentory --a the- late Lord- Tweeds--., •in.uit. She also stressed- "mere ex- hibits at .fall fairs," and -asked the members to take a arm Stand.on ratiOn nig' to avoid, inflation. •Mrs...,.. Horace Aitcheson, Win gh am, entertained with a sOlo, after which Mrs, DuVal, Wingham, read the .report of the nominating committee, Officers Elected The election of officers was con- ducted -by Mrs. Thornton and resnited as follows: Honorary president, Mrs. W. J. Henderson, Wingham-; presidelit, Mrs. Lorne Ivers, Dungannon; 1st vice-presidentf Mrs. C. Lockhart, Gode- rich; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. L.'Scrim- geour, Blyth; secretary7treasurer, Mrs. N. Keating, Wingham; auditors, Mrs. R. Procter' and Mrs. E. Anderson, Bel - grave; Federation representative, Mrs. • W. J. Henderson, Wingham ;„ alternate, Mrs. II. Tichborne,-,Goderich; district rePresentative to London convention, Mrs. L. Ivers,4 Dungannon; alternate, Mrs. C. Lockhart, Goderich; conveners of ' standing committees -agriculture -and Canadian industries, Mrs. R. Fair - •service ;; citizenship, current events, peace and legislation, Mrs. E. Ander- son, Belgrave ;• historical- research, Mrs. A. R. Duyal, Winghani; home economics, Mrs. C. Holland, Gederich; social welfare, Mrs. L. Scrimgeour, Myth; publicity, Mrs. F. Ross, Auburn; war work, Miss Marion Clinton. n•• • Mouthorgan selections were given by Mrs. Cummings, -Myth. •° -- Mrs. Henderson introduced Miss Collins, who at the beginning of her address, gave an account. of,• her as- sociation with. Miss Elizabeth. Christ- maorganizer' of Women's Institutes in -England and Wales, whom she ac- Ceinpanied.on 'a week's visit to Ontario. • kiss Collins explained the co-oper- ation Program In home economics and said she hoped Women would con- tribute to peace. as .they Ma in„.help- big to win the Officers' gaily ilt September-. At the *se of her address it was decided to hold an Officers'. rally in September and. the Clinton women tended an invitation for it to be held there.. . •-Miss Dumb" outlined the current program, in junior work •and showed a boudoir box and -hat standard 'mak • by one of her. .groups. Mrs. Oster • brought ,,,greetings froni the executive of •the Landoll convention and told of _plans for year's cofiventio An. interesting question drawer -was conducted by Miss Collins. FOR PIPE OR , . t ROLLING YOUR OWN Irtromammilmosimemmumarf CAPITAL THEATRE rumE 47 •Newl—Pat O'Brien and Carole Landis, in liaving Wondeffill brinie --Monday,,.TneSday aind-WeitnesdaYTwo Features --- Anne Baxter, John Hodialt, Charles Winninger, "Anne' Revere and Janeltitivell * " A' lovable group of doww'to,earth humans, living hand.to-motith on llorida houseboat, teach a grand lesson in lutppy eXistence sada?' Dinner for a S41die?' A truly spperh Technicolor story of a lighting alierift-carri9r "THE FIGHTING. LADY", Lieut. Robert Tailor ,narrates° the ainazing fop of this terrlitc bat tlecraft. Thursday, Fridtir and ',Saturday— „ „• . 'Bud Abbott and Lou Costello with Phil Spitalny and hiS ,ilkinge of Charm .Girt 'Orchestra Create a double.bartelled 'riot when they enter a 'ladies school and become ,full-fiedged teacher'S petters • "IIERE COMES TILE CO,EDS • — )y Matinees Wednesdays, Satnrdays and holidays 01.30 p.m. Coming "Take It or Leave It," with "In the 'Meantirioe varling.”, 1 1 Resolutions were presented by Airs. Price, Goderich, and pa.ssed. The Ars iettdhaiid that -rocks the cradle rules the world, and where- as the preduet eg_the women's!leverage rooms, could 'not lyo • lpoked ' upon as Men Ale Workiing Ti Exhaustion Chrettle fatiguo and nervous 'ex- haustion are getting men down . doviii in health and down in resisteneo to cold andsother absents. • . It iS high time for‘a build up with ' Dr. Chase's NERVE FOOD, the Vitamin Bi tonie; It will help to • steady your nerves and help you to sleep will pblttera ihelp you to digest your tote and to regain on6rgy and vigor. Ask for the new eeeri.:7 omy six° bottle' of • Ors Chase's Nerve Food 608.-----(10ctet.* • 180s-41.50 iiiiitormoimmiltmomiiiitimmomotammar ogoiR OF NORTII UNITZD OBUROlit ENTBRTAIlifED „ , ladies of, North „street United Churelt entertained the t members .of the elloir hid their,r,frionds at •la ,de; WAN, hanquet"last -Thhisday •night, June 70, whe.,•tables ' wereattrac- tively decorated with a profusion of spying flowers and 4 delivious repast whs served to Some sixty ',people, • Tile courses were interspersed with. .com- Munity singing and a -'duet, **Let the Rest of : the World (.119 2y," by Mesdaines,Penningten and i'inder, witli -Mrs. Iletherington at the piano, Dinner was follevved by a, toast to "The King" and, the singing of "God. Save the Iting.".. ,The choirrpresident, Carlton Worseli, was. toastmaster, and, proposed a toast to the -Women's As- sociation,, thanking them fer all their kindness., The ,popularity of chdir membership,. is now assur&I, as Mrs. R. JOhnston in her response promised .that -the banquet should be' Made an annual . affair. The_ singing of "My Faith Looks Up to Thee," by the girls' sextette, was much. eujnyed: Miss E. Hume propesed a toast to the friends ef the choir, respOnded to by Mrs. J. G. Hetherington. "Let the Lower 4ights" vviis ably rendered by the 'male quartette. - Mrs. C. Johnston had the pleasant task -of proposinga toast to-- Aliss Hume, who is completing her twentieth year as a faithful and talented choir member. Mrs. Johnston •spoke warm- ly.of Missume's devotion and abili_ty -ant.presented, _hen witk it Aikinty wi„,„ .oi1aLnosegay l&ms Hume.: expressea fiej; tnanks and-,appioeciation and those tiSsetubled-Weke- into- "Par She's a ,Tolly Good Fellow:" This was fol- lowed -by more community singing. nimbi -ill briefly .addresled the gathering and .Spoke with regret of the departure of two able choir members, Mr. and, Mrs, $idn0 Brown' who have 'made a• large Contribution to choir activities. MrS.13town was preAented with,' a colonial nosegay after a toast had been drinik to her and 'her hus- band. -Mi. Brown expressed their sorrow at leaving., Goderich and spoke of tbe enjoyment they had had through their church contacts. Carlton Worsen proposed a toast to Mrs:M. Hetherington:, whose work has been done so. efficiently and pleasantlY. The occasion marked the completion of her ifirst year with, the choir, and the hope"was expressed that she would be with the,rn for ifiany yea w to Come. "Rule, Britannia," was sung by Miss Hume With all joining .in the chorus. The 'singing of "Auld Lang Syneu ended a most enjoyable evening. _ SHUTS DAY, JUNE 3, 2 'WIDELY OBSERVED • „ Day, Sunday, June 3rd, was widely .-observed. Not only in (lode; rich, but in many ,other Communities, and egpecially, ,it seemed, in the lantge. Cities, was the .day brought to, the attention of the people ,by official -pro- clamation. - This .was so in Brantford, Port Kitchener, Montreal, Saskatoon, 'Stratford,. Sudbury; Tor- onto, 'yictoria and -Welland: .Un- doubtedly there Were many such of- ficial endorsements which' have not as yet come within the notice of the members of • the Associatio'n there. , Ministers in many churches • last Sunday 'reminded their people- that it was. _Shut-in'i.__DAyand_ that Jhey should mark ' the day. .1.)S7 visiting or • ig• other ways remembering the sick and disabled... The daily and- weekly press Made many references to sthe day, while 'on the ,radio`an increasing number of .programs were carried ap- propriate to the .occasion;', Successful Tag Day .. • The .people- of Goderich-and Cylentally this is the only place in which ay:tag-ay f5thiswork is hel —were •genctous-in th-eir'suppor -of -the- S 's tag day which was held on June '.2nd. Despite inclement Weather which kept many people off the _Square, the- total'precee-dS ainotuited•to $111,25, which was very gratifying to the Shutla!s Day Association, 'sponsors of the • effort. No, one connected with the Association' will, receive any oP the proceeds, as the services of the officers and -representatives are given gratuit- ously. The milney Is spent in circular- izing Canada front' coast Ito coast-, and he -postage bill &Ione is a..large-4te .The, Shut-in's Day Association. ex- tendsits sincere thanks and appreci-- , ation to the people of "Goderich who ..11,4th,11S.:. made it possible for th Ae ssociation .to meet all Current unpaid expenses. • ' •• Competent rulers, and wlierea's ',the meMbets of the Clinton branch of the Women's Institute desire to place on record their strong objection to . the sight of 156 1Vany girls and women' emerging front' -the .• many beverage rooms, of our beloved Province, and whereas Ontario is the only Province in the Dominion that has 'such rooms made legal., therefore, Ileit resolved that . beverage rooms for women in. OntariO-be-abolished2! , - 'Mid -second ektontled a vote of thanks to "the 'llelgrave„„branth for their hospitelfty and Ievely dinner ;, the..of-. tidal boarg1 for the use of the church ; :and to alt who made Huy meeting if suceess." Mrs. 'MeXinley,' Clinton,' moved a vote of, thanks. to the retiring west - dent, Whieli Was seconded, lw Mrs. F. n088* of Auburn and heartily acclaimed by all present. The meeting clesed with- the Xational 44,1410114 ' 'POlt BEGThNERS- .1!reparations,are, being made for the registration of beginners at the full term lof the kindergarten and element-, • ary sehools. Parents intending to 'Send • children -Who ,are five years of age on or before Oetober ist, 1045; are asked to register them at once with Alfss 11 aurae, Victoria School, or Mr.: S. lirown, Central School. Will .the Parents also arrange an appointment withAliss Cleaver, ',oldie health nurse, TOWn flail, telephone No, 980, who will 'make a pre.seliooi e'ltainination and set up health cards. 44 • TOWNSHIP COUNCILS • loST viistiVAN'o$0 eepnen wet. ep, May. 8th,' Notti 11 full' attendance, ReVer J. 113eeereft presiding.' - • • . • , Before proeeeding with the bulness 'of, the .meeting, the Reeve in a few words. expressed thanks to Almighty God for the victory in Europe- All ,present •observed oneminutes silence. in memory of thosewho had Wade the,,supreme sacrifice 'In the terrific struggle fast ended,. A letter Was read frail). Mr. W. S. Gibson 'regarding the (Jahn a Mr., Ingles, Stating -I that • an investigation would be 'mades',.., in this ease. Mr. Gortift Leddy 'asked for mistated•dara- ages to his automobile dile to a waSh- out on the township road. This claim will be gorwarded to the insurance company. . -• Two communications from "I Mr. Creighton of C.P.R.Colonization De- pdrtment were read. On 'motion^ Of Councillors McDowell and Robertson a committee, consisting of Messrs- Mar- vin McDowell, Walter McGill, J. I). Beecroft, Alex. McBurney and R. R. Redmond, Was appointed to Work with Mr. Creighton.' • • . A resolution for a contract With the Bank of Commerce, • Winglram, for rental of a. safety deposit box was passed. • On motion of CouncillorlieDowell, seconded by Councillor Black, the Collector's roll Was accepted,and. the emoudel., a hiS, sqiary was'” to lie icL Dolti aving:played, havoc with live stock, one claim W115 paid. ' • • A. letter from the. Department of inlimmrommoromminar IlighWei's'approving of an expenditure'-• not exceeding fi7,50o for, the" year 1045 was, ordered The follovang,aceo,unts ,were: ordered Stuart Me13,arney, salary and telephone, 38.24; Iiarry Detteon, brnsiiing,, 6,30; Geo. McGee, removing snowitenee,$7.0,7,.; J. IL Irwin, rernov- ing snow -fence, $7.6; Archie, Portion,: removing snow -fence, ..$5.4.0.;• Mmer Shiell, removing snow -fence, $5,40; • Municipal World, supplieS, 0.75; Blyth Standard, „snPlAles, $3; Alex:. Me - „Burney,, remainder. of salary, $45; Hugh Rhin, co* damaged by dogs,"$50„; tr; 'F. McCallum, service • as sheep valuer; 44.40, cpuncil adjourned to meet on Tune 5th. On that date, a poUrt of revision on the assessment •roll for 1945 will also be held. • • R. R. ,REDMOND, Clerk. ARlikELID " •••.' - rAcao DUX DATES Olr,. itAirgo; oolRings Coi:iport'S 'new valid are taitter 99 to' 40, sugar 40 to „50*.and preserVes to 504' ' • . Values of .Coupons are. Sugari• one pound for ,each' coupon; butte.oneo• half pound , per ,c0upon. Values of preserves, coupons ,vary aCCerding to the type of canned, er InZeserve4 fruit, Preserves coupons are also wtjid.ter the, pureb ise o one-hpit Pound of sugar. VA:1+4,143D OOPS FOK:..BAIHRGONCY, A percentage' of the 1945 pack of canned fruits and vegetables will he setasitle for emergency 11Se and to,meet the essential, ,neetlis o hospitals, the, armed services an4 other priority tAnd preferred users, following dlreetrve issued. by F. D. Mathers,.tultninistrator of fruits and vegetables, for the War- tline Prices and Trade Board. The plan is „the same as °that, in force • during 1044. ' Council nieV On May 7th; all mem7. • . bers present. • • POTATO PRICES AND IMPORTS It was moved and carried that.,Coun- To meet local needs new petatoefl ell make application for a permit to maY be imported from the 'United purchase a bnligrader to widen the States but only if there are /10t enough roads and for snowplowing. • •. old -potatoes that air -to -tall- the. It 'was moved and Carried that need. Ceiling prices for new potate&t,- Council buy a. $10,000 bond. , • are the same as last year. .Velling for -The • following'accontits' were ordered farmers to cOlisiithers in WOtern Raid; Tay. roll No,..A,4101.05;_ W. J. tab° is ,ave cents a _pound 1111(1 five • McDonald, wird, spikes and staples, pounds for 25 cents, With the exception - 3.1%; Robert StotherS, repairs to of Windsor, where the ceiling is. Ave grader, l.50; Thos. grader In- 6 pds•for.•=4..cents.sura• ••• •*: l $nse *0* Wesley, 39.82 •lmperial Oil, 95 g!;,,,es it ji alfacer 3,WM., .11 ep in _hy we.W'kctil 'ate to ..- Matiofir Email mate 41 squeezed out •Afeponaghl - premium „on treasurer's too Much toOth'paste and „bad a hard. (Continued' on page 0) time getting itspack in the ,tube,, ammemummommommommo....0...,itimmrof 1#8. Auel.:44•eretah)LPPelle14:milt,ta'CilAstii,*6 If ITTIjitli100644°:, .YOn-i..firivings or monihs oT *cm*: Let us ---e.-xplati Pilot Autoinohileinstuedncetioyotu.,,It-. ' cots so • • '7 We write' Pilot- Insurance to cover -86164a-, .4 risks in A.ntonnibile; Pire, Burglary; plate Grails, • Public Liability and other general, iP840.1:tie• ID OSTL PILOT INSURMICE COMPANY J. W. Craigie-Geo. G. MacEwan, . Goderich G. C. Treleaven Agency, Dungannon • Gordon Jewell, R.R. No. 6, Goderich • • •••• 1 ftomisair- w.oftowsp,...._ • = ' AAA All over Canada, in cities, toVtips, villages and on farras, hundreds of thousands of Inen and winti-en watch for the post-' A luart_to bring dependents' allowance checiU6s as other people look for pay-day. They are people t;)f all ages whose bread Winners are aWay on active service. They include:I:et-mated men not yet back in civil life. • , And soon there will be hundreds of thousands -in. ore back from the warl. They will receive cheques to help them buy civilian clothes, to go to college, to get technical or vocational tiainin4, to Start„itt 'butiness. for themselves, or to set up as hailers or fishermen. The banks tia.ve tO be 'prepared to cash all official Cheques for • these and a dozeno'c•ther purposes—and to do so anywhere in ,Canada witbout charge. In fact, the banks .supply Canada with the nationwide machinery to facilitate a grateful country's plans for restorIng seivice men and women to civilian life. This is u- tremendous ,task. T will ...tentail avascaluOUnt • • . of bookke4ingttut• you can be sure that your banks will ta,ke, it •in their striti witliout 'impaifi.xxg regular banking service.; This Adviert m t ,r d your look