HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-06-14, Page 2• 0 titertrit tonal tar OOMIONINCI THV 001)Xli1teft SPINAL AND TUEgODERIOH wrAn Pnblished- by lifIgnal-Star Pres, Taimited, 'Wejtfitreet,L_Goderieh, Ontario • _ Pcible,4Ption ° Ratelsanada 'and; Great* liritikin%' 42.01 a. Year; to -:-United States, 4150. Advertining Rate/4 on request., Telephone • THURSrof.Y, J1TNE-"lith;,19-16 MR, KINGT VINVICATON • Monday's 'elections give the I.4.1ierals a sate majority in the nevv, Parliament and Mi ..KingwiU continue' as prime Miul$tkir uutij. liLs ,--Voluntair retire: - :Ment. Stated.,, before- the . eleetion that this Avotild 1)&10,, last ariPeal to tho people as .leader of Vis party. He asked for another term to Complete the tasks te which lie hacl Set hts bands, -and this. the electors have given - Under his leadership Canada has Ina.de a magnificent war 'record, and there are *Post-vvar .problems relatIng. to $00ial betterment .and wor1d.'pea4" in the .selution of , which his long ex- perience ' and outstanding 'Statesnma- ship ,will lie of parainount value. The election results are a . complete vinthcatibn of Mr Eing's leadel:sbip throughout the -wan. There is, of. course, the taint that he is in °Mee by virtue of Quebec support. Asa matter of fact, however, he has, more sup- porters outside of Quebec than the • party „from which this taunt comes. From the vieW of he eminent desir- ability of Canadian unity it .. is. un- fortunate -that support. from Canada's ,second largest PrOitice goes so over- whelmingly to one party; but whose. -,fault- is it? If one party- makes an :aftack on Quebec the chief article in , IA election appeals, how eau it expect tt thl4• %143,bee will strike, baek at that,Paitty? „„„tlie.' Liberal Meraber§'• from.' Que1C iii"ihe lest ,Parliainenf were violently assailed by an anti- war element' in their "I'revince,. but they stuck td their guns and .in spite "'"'-of -the -se-tforts---mtude -to-arouse pre- .. indite and passiongainst--them-they were with -few exceptions returned to their seats at' Ottawa. Canadian unity owes . much to -these members from "Quebee who supported the Government •in its War program and to the people of Quebec who rejected the appealsof the ."little.Quebec' element. Appar% ently only • two meMbers of the Bloc Popidaire were elected from the Pro- vince. •'Mr. Bracken• is elected to a seat in the new Huse as leadk, of the Op-, - position: For some time after his ap- pointment. as leader of the,,ProOeSsive Conservative party his speeches showed a refreshingly non-partisan spirit, an'd :ff this • tone had been continued he might, with the aid of the unpopilaritz which usuallY the ,penalty of re- strictions and restraints imposed by • a, -.wartime Government, have com- manded a majoriti support in hi8 first trfal M Arength in a Federal poll. But gradually the tone of his speeches , ,Wasoltered and it besame evident that he had been inveigled into thorough- ' going support of that .element of his party which. might. be, terined the Toronto el'owd-, with the resnit, that• ' outside of Toronto and its ininiediate environment he has barely one-fifth of the membership of the House of Com- niofls PerhapS Mr..Bracken.will come to 'realize that bad -advice from Tor-, onto more than offsets the electoral, support he Mks, get front that -source. HE DIDN'T WIN THE WESTERNERS „ Immediately after his triumph in • the Ontario 'Provincial elections, • Premier Drew hied himself to the --Pacifie-coast, delivering .speeehes the- way intended to impress the -Westerners with the 'Mea that ,•Mr. King, had not a chalice in the world" „to retain. ,offale.. at 'Ottawa. The • Vberais, lie declared, Would,' not win more than twenty seats 'in. ,Quebec nor more than twe ve sea s In ario. • M for Alberta arid Saskatchewan, they wer.eunder the dOlnination ,ths 4 Secial Credit' and C.C.F. parties. So altogether,aCcording to Mr. Drew, the Liberals could' not have More than.. a -feNcr- gozeti' setts -lir -the-new. --House, As ,it turned opt, the Libera4 have giuite a 'respectable Support_ from On; tario and • Quebec, while '4utside . of • Ontario fr:' Drew's party Will have less than a score of •reeitibers' at Ot- tawa; At WinnAp'eg, whore the On - lad° Premier delivered one, of his "'scorching addresses, he • indulged in ..personalities wiliCh.dieW a sharp re- .. bukt, from Winnipeg's Conservative iiromaper, •The Tripune, 'which de- - dared that these personalities were wholly unwOrthi of the Premier of Ontario." Incidentally, the our 'Win- nipeg seats divided, eiren,ly between the C.C.F.' and 'the piberals, ,afid Mr., DreVeS, party got onlytwO inembera Out WIVanitoba's seventeen. Prontall of which it would seen t that fOr making reckless• statementsthe present Premier of,.Ontario la rapidly *.aesinitiiig the reputation whieh Ate taehed to a former Premier of thia Province. 09 has recently been r0. •tired from, public' life. • r electiou literature•gees into tlie waste- paper receptaelo., • * * Our visitors fret(' •the States last Week thought • Canada Nvtt bna, Ct. very :fortunate .condition; ang' nor that .the electiOns are over we :e1n all Ugree . • . In that view.,• , , ••, • . • , * • Governor TliOnlaS E. Dewey of New YOrk State, Who was, the 'Republican candidate in the Presidential election last year, as expressed hiWself as in favor' of Cancelling the first :Great • War debts and also of reducing tariffs. These are breadminded view's •and if, • accepted by his party will mark a . • • distinct advauce, • ,in 'international affairs... • * The Globe and"Alan; referring to "potential" losses to the Liberals from the soldier Vote, says: "Thereds slight prospect of . them recovering such losses tft the expense of the Progres- sive Conservatives or the C.C7.1.41." .Woe are not here aisputiug the M.'s electoral. claims, but*" we do object to the expression "prospect of them re- covering," instead of "their recovering." If "banadirs • (seli.ealled) naiional newspaver"' has • so little regard for vorrect English, "%Via can be 'expected of the inferior slieets published in the "stick's" (anywhere more than twenty- five miles from Toront047--f.-- One of the election results that gave • more than •Ordinal.y...,*sittiSfadtien 'Wag - the defeat of Caningen * Houde, the Mayor of Montreal who ,was interned • for several years -for encouraging defiance of the Goirerninent's waii rkii-v a Hons. . As a candidate in.one o the. Montreal'• ridings he was • about four thousand votes. behind the former Liberal inemben " Another "of: the • Montreal ridings re-elected Hon: D. C; - Abbott, one of the recent appointee's to the •Cabinet. Mr. Abbott showed marked ability iu 1116 lase House, and young man, he may be one of the .strong figures. in the new Parliament.. SOME SUGGESTIONS Editor :The, Signal -Star.' . that Che "eledions, are over,, it might be a, good 'time to take stock of a few. things,around town.. • We are realizing the value of the* work of our public health nurse. As_ time goes, by we shall reap the benefit of baying a garbao collection, Let's 'not stop there! There are still one or two Old and vacant- buildings in town that aTe not a very good advertisement for "the prettiest town in Canada." • If they are not fit_ to. live in-,- ha'Sn't someone - authority to condemn them? ' • There are piles of manure -breeding .miltions of flies, close to- a number of ! homes in town. If thole isn't a -by- mw covering that sort -of thing, couldn't we have one? •• ••• . •-Visitorto-Ahe-Parbor hove expressed - surprise at the clouds df dust inside and outside the elevator, when boats are being unloaded. Other elevaters have the -dust under contror. Knowing that it can be done,' they wondered why the Goderich elevator didn't do .something about ft. , ••- • Perhaps someone elsetbas other sug- gestions, so plea's -6'155s them on, won't • ,. INTERESTED. :READER. Enrromt tome Now that the elections' Are settled, , perhaps the weather Will follow suit. * 4g :* ThgeOP Are the! dolt when it iot of PHIL OMR THE GOMM= SIGN Jt Ng 1,4th, 1945 OF WY MEADOWS 11 Saw Many Clonges in Transportation The Oki Kintail Blacksmith Shop . - By Ijarry .T. )3,91116 . ,. , MIA' 0,ing 0-v: CHEvOlas Tke-keTti. One -1111,11g In tb.e village 11110 faSeinate.s Me. . It's that game of eheCliers that never SeMns to end at thi barber shop. For as long as I eau remenaber there ` bus been a checker -board back there, and there always seems to, be •soniebqdy playing. Jeff Davis is a retired fariner and. Peter ' Yothig is a retired storekeeper front the village, • They. take great de- light in. pitting their SUM against eaPjl other it at • cheekers each- afternoon. ' 411 ' the ,mornink,,,.. allnos,t ' anYhMlY 06t$ k Lchanc.e toplay, but not ;bin the after', noon. .Oo, inthere in the inernthg and you'll .find a couple of fellows waiting to have their hair -eat-alut-thesli-J110,-WriS Just plain 'Griritird-.Tarr-, --'-- • naturally ge. W1t. for a game after The ohl shoR has seen many changes. having a go at the thepning Mel% In the early days,there were the steel. One of them will get up and somebody , wheeled wagons Which each. summer else will Slip into:, his plaCe . 80 on, .'• ..411.4 had their tires set, a heavy task for . the blaeltsmith;• then •thl, deinocrat After 'midi, however,. Old, Peter will -tf- which took the whole faintly to,church, emne along. Pretty soon, Jeff will also the buggy, the phaeton, and later eome in. They'lL sit there until the the hixtrry of a", ruhber-tired buggy. board IS vacated,. and by now most Then' eame the Ford, car wheezing, and: folks hurry 'through their gaMe..aini snortittg 'along the • narrrow gravel "Anybody want- a go at the checker. . lwetinttiyoldw-tilmthelrets4igt .0,eratne.ci old ,peter calmness, its. IMportanee, ,,,,_ road, and' after that the shep' lost - The /ate Alexander Young s w ,•'qne board?" Jeff will look up from squint! needs of the community and Lin 'the ingatapaper and say, "Well, if 110 80's, I'll sit in. 80's, whenw there es quite a bustle of body iantsa Just activity In %the ' building of barns „oral for one though. Got to get" away homes, he had o shop built on hIR early this afternoen. Expectin' some people from the country. to drop in." Jeff always ,says that. He doesn't really, mean it, because he never leaves before the afternoon is over. It just makes conversation, as they say. Both' those old fellows start playing as if— well; it's just something to pass a little time away. Actually they. are both quite.keeil about it and-Aeii keenness 'The twenty-ifirst annual Presbytm steps up' as they colltinue with the They'make severaf ineVes - 'ant then Societies of the United Chtireh was game. - . ------ ' --; the gang in the shop moves' over to held in ii:nox United church, Auburn., Watch. The barber will stop now and •with. 170 young people registered, an increase of forty -again- with -the clippers or the rzor -a-thve oyer. last ,con - i4 his it•taid tuid \\ 11011 h :.,..„:. - ; attiut-1 0 ..1,-, ,e-I1-0.,dtli.'- Th_,_bxe.,.01,01.0)e,Nivilieami,,,(;10.r g,iii,;()„.,,,l ,iviitelle., nod approval or to shake his head- In when he . fears the •ctItisequerice. Talk, Miss Peatl--: adinieren in charge' -and 01)0111 :1 a pair -of grandstand perforMers! 'lass rhYllifs' C66k4rartr-the'Phirwr.P°Yer Peter moVes' carefully and seems to was offered by Ronald Taylor, followed hate old Jeff bottled init - He looks _bieriaptsti°rieo br eYa dint:. lE)ylumMeils'ss()11J'aRinlegseelri up without Openly smiling with 'Atilt seems almost to be a-sinirr waiting and. prayer -by Rev. Harold Snell. .. - f-of-lre---tipiir-ovin ..6f the ,ci.e.cm.,....self E„,____Vae,,,presiden,t_ Miss Margaret Henry, Ices'Ittriotisly-and-then-- manages ----to , ..trxeaetseuii.,..ert,hoeiriamilt9eas'11.01tu'lioc(TI!.i;r\.0s;1701hde;_' slip out of the:trap and lay: another gave a splendid rep.ort, • :Ind different The wrecking • Of the old .Kintail ackstaitla -shop-retnereS -a-landmar which served this coanailliar for sac- cesSive gerteriitioliki, • Noiv, In itself a blacksmith .shop in this day ,of motors" and airplanes is getting to be a ctlriosity, a relic of slower, 'quieter times. ThiS, tAl shop for many years was a meeting -place for tile farmers,. where once they sat swappbag .yarus and talking of the haying while • their stocky •horseS Waited the* turn to be Shod,-, Some. times hot arguments that, often- took Ph`WC arbund. electithf , times calased more "sparks" to then tlioSe that flew from the enVil. The C.C.F. and - Progressives were unknown- then; it premises,' and with no scarcity' of lumber • a Substantial building' • was erected. • Here the late Hugh MacKay Of Bervie came fo pursue his „trade, ANG 0,41t.0110,04 QOM Nr,.REAVY utimui 1940 The lie* AnglICall Chia& can* on '1114'wire 1,4ake Huron betgeen Bayheld and St. "4'4tutilY t°11aWe'l:' Pr"ing Josepli will not be ready for oecupancy good -eitiZens., Ile -1Vorked% up -a -ton- TS'' year,--aTeording le a. Statement -by : siderable .business, fermers genii/1g Rev. -John IL Geoghegan of 'Woodstock, from miles aronnd to get theirwork, Chairman of the camp committee. " done. In the midst of'his activities he "It ,is the '.intention of the eanip codtraeted a eold and in Sanuary,•4000, committee to have the camp t stablished he died, intich regretted; A Mr. Ander'. and ill op4ration early„ m 1940, • Mr. sell followed, but remable4 only 4 few GeogbeilW said. "Plans are under months, when he went„ West. In the WAY for the building of a dining hall fall of 3„000 the late Geolte Collinson, nd ,,living quarterstilliciently large Who had served ills aPpreticeship with to aecOmmodate, not .only • Summer 'ThoMpson of Gederiell a a Gorden of campers, but also t•he clergy and their Lucknow, came to ,Xintail, where lie. faMilles:of 'the Dioeese of Huron."' ' -carried on until his .death in. 1037, - It is estimated bY' the camp, %pm,. giving line satisfactien to 411. Inthe mlttee that..i.$18,000 will. be ' spent on height of - biisineSkr he: often, pnt On, the 11S -ace site including buildings.. fifty. to sixty .-ShoeS a' day, ..Many The camp will behalt to accemmedate .tributes .could, be paid to the skill of- '200, end the buildings.' will be con, -Geerge.700/linaon, "--WhO--"Worked-' from strticted SO that they can- be bba.03ryitunigoerrneatilloln. ngi,ginhtt. 01111 tile, year round. T ' s summer tile diocesan canip,..:will .the shoe. Not only did'he shoe horses, • hishopatOSIVC11::11: *In ., the Sparks fly from, the anvil and 'td..,.be held Jit the ,Presbyterian Church see tbe,blackSpith; lift the horie's foot ,Parop at Ithttail, during,,,the month of 'up Pi hig leather apron and nail, on August., enterpriaug ,storekeeper, bought the the Hitron County Federation of Agr/- Roy, Secretary.treaurer of, . . . , of machinery, from a wheelbarrovy to , ' USED, MILITARY TRUCKS, but he repaired every. conceivable bit a threshing machne. • 'L- iAVAILABLE POR rARKERS Since 1937 tile shop has been itnoc-` , -NV - v . ' 4 -eupiecL In 1943 Bill MacDonald, our . ' Collinson farm with tile Shop included: culture,- writes: • Last year he sold the building to Fred "The Ontario Federation of Agri- JolanstOn. Its - walls sagged in, and ctilture 'has requested. the War Assets tlie' roof sagged ,down, it seemed as, Coriieration.to make available to agri- if it were loath to leave Kintail. But culture Used military trucks. . This yes been done, and with the co-oper- 'ration o the W.A. -Corporation trucks are soon to be available , for Huron county. ".-1:' • ' "It will he up 'to the County -Feder- ation to ascertain the number of trucks. required, and to facilitate this the W.A. Coirporation -• is preparhig a pamphlet....spewleg the type gf trucks vailable, with' specifications. In- _nded ift the paaplilet is _a . -. blank Ton .which the farmer can' in - the tyPe of truck he -requtres, .• now it is gone and Fred will tise the material in building on the farm, . • (Written for The Signal -Star by our (lorrespondent)‘• HURON VTOUNG PEOPLE IN CONVENTION AT AUBURN convention of Huron Young ..PeoPle's one for his , opponent. Then he leeks up in much_the sa,me way. CM-itr,goes, groups' reported, on tile year's welt.. , • . • Miss..genry reported that during the . wifey. "What 'kind ofbird do 'you and, the crowd stands 'there, think _I ought to buy .to go on this interested, I'm sure,- le the' wa).7 the P.Pre year she h.ad written. 474 letters. re, • two old • fellows react than :they are garding ming people's work. , , , "ear Huy: "Olie with the fine points a the game. Rev. Harold Snell wely6illed- the dele- in small, bill' gates • to Auburn, tifter *, whieh. the W.M.S. of Knox • Ch-tirch served a bountiful suPper.' Cameron Henry, ou, behalf of . the visitors„ thanked • the , AubureWomen. The pre,;,4ident• of the W.M.S., Mrs. James "Wciods, replied. singsong was conducted by Sgt, Bill Cohron of .Clinton Radio School: with Miss • Mary .1.a.ine, Clinton, at the piano. • The president of. London Conference Young .•People's Union, Vera ' Wasnidge, brought greetings and 1117- 3.:±ted`• all . present to irttend,the Confer- ence conventionlobe*li.eld 111 goderich; ,Septeniber 21, 22,, 23, •A message entitled -The ..Chureh and „World Progres-S" was ,given by Rey. J. . -Stewart, of Lucknow°, after which the delegates• were diirided into groups with. • the -following leaders Mrs. Britton, .0Iinton4 Rev. G. F. N. Atkinson, Bruce- . held; Rev. R.. -G. HazlewOod, Walton; Rev. G. G. Witton, Clinton; and Rev. W. Q. Mather,: Pullaytim. These groups •dis,cussed the supject, that Mr. Stewart )10dealt with, and many -inteyesting points were brought "out. • . • Rev. Mr. Burton, after coMmending the past executive for their tine work, installed the. following pificers : Hen. president, Rev. R. G. Hazlewood; •pro- sident, Miss Margaret Henry, Exeter; -secretary, Miss- Florence -Aiken, Olin: ton; assistant gecretary, Miss Mary. Layng, 'Exeter ; treasurer; Gifieme Mc- Dowell,- Westfield; • leadership •training, Benson Skitter, Clinton; fellowship, Miss Ruth Hesse, Hensall ; missionary, Miss Margaret MeEwan, 13rucehel4; . • citizenship, _Miss Margaret Darling, Ethel.;. Christian culture, Arnold,. Earl, Ethel; recreation, Miss 13arhara Hensall ;• publicationS, .igrs: form . 'MargaretBeeeroft, B'eigfaire; song dim convener, Sgt. Conron.* Musical numbers' under the leader- ship of -Amok' Earl: were giveu with- Miss-LEleaficir Miss . Margaret Wen ring and ME's Agne`s Wearing of Wroxeter. 118118818 ing art ists. The closing worship service was charge of 1tond61)oro, with .11111. Ruth Shaddick 111 the chair: 'The Seripture was read by MISS Betty Fisher and a solo sung bs--IsliSilDoteen-strastroirg: The benediction was pronounced by Rev.,Harold Snell. DAY' Or. MOURNING • (Vontreal. Gazette) • • Jews throughout the world are mourning the unparallelled tragedy that --haS befallen, their people, No fewer thaniAlice million Jewish men, 'women and' Ch'ildren have been -mass- acred at the 'insensate and insatiable 'behest of , the Getman fuehrer, who has willed the: extirpation of, -their race. The magnitude Of the': criane against biunanity staggers- the: mind an appals the senses., -.1 as been carried : out Methodieallyand systematically all but eludes credibil- „it* ; but, the documented evidence, ef .1 cloud of Witnesses exists to shock the world into comprehension. Jewry's' dreadful night is ending. Today, as Jews the world over stand in 'Arent 'thearitiabil 'Elie- great tragedy that has befallen their brbthren,- their tebow,-men,ca.n.hut join them in prayer that such .desolatien may never again be' seen, and resolve that tyrants perish befere they tan work their evil wills on mankind. THREE COUNTr 0013RT CASES ADSOURNED IVIR. ALEX IVIACLAREN Director:ofthe Ontario Farm Service Force Mr.--111ac1aren is urging all allies and towns to, organize locdl Farm Corrunando Com- mittees. And asks that those interested write to the •Onicirlo Fann Service Force, ParliamentBuildins, Toronto, for detailed” informrdion." Mrs. • Isabel Murray, his sister, a passenger in the car, have entered a tounter/claim for total damages of `51.407. • In, another action, adjourned to 10 a.m. June 29tb, Wilfred Graham, Goderich, has entered a .elaim against the 'Pilot- Insurance Company, of Tor- Onto,TOY $,620199, insurance on a Dodge ruck damaged in an aeckletiMMig way No, 2, three miles vet of Mel- bourne, on October 2, 1043, A counter- claim' ;7441162.78 has been elaterekby the defendants. , 81446 arid return the blank to the cOunty. seeretary. In this way it will be possible to determine the nntaber re- quired •in each part of the Province: These panipidets wilt -soon be'available. These are prelhninary plans to -Seeure _trockS, Prices and plans- to slinplify distribution' of the \.trueks wifl be aniniuneed later." • The tired, worn. out mother Cannot make a happy e• if she is sick and worried by the never 0:Wing household duties: • • - ..•1)*'she g•es-vtin-dowv,•and---becernesnmervous-and„— d-ownheal:ted and discouraged, can't rest at • - nigb t, and gets up in the morning feeling as tired as when she.went to bed. . L'Llyttmen. suffering in this wa3r mayfind in 1V1ilburn's.rlealth and Nerve Pill'ai,remedy with which to 'help recuperate their health, build up the Itlui down system, -and Assist" them back to health--happinesp again. • ii0c"a box, 65 pills, at all'drug counters. . - • Vook for our trade mark a "Red Heart" on ,the package. The T. 11,1ilbu.TA Ce , Limited, Toronto, Ont. • `• • LIPTON'S NOODLE SOUP Mk *miigimegiummultiolm*******. • a ' Three,cases on the ...County Court docket were adjourned last week' to the end of the month_by.. judge T. M. "Viarfelnr— ' . In the ttetion of Becker vs. Olew, to be heard on June 25t1i, Miss Elizabeth .ecker is Seeking ,to recover posseSsion, of 52 feet of a lot adJoining her pro- perty. in Clinton, and to zestrain the defendants William and •Vrank, Glew from using the landSlie ally) asks damages of $100 tor trespasa and assault.. roil the defense it is °claimed that William +Mew la the oWtier,.of a lot on ,whieh Is a residence rented to his son kr:Ink' Glew, and that tlie dis- puted piece of land is appiittenant• to It find ha tf been fenced tInd enelosed for a ..period exceeding thirty ' years, • and has been continuously,enjoyed by the owner,or occupant to trie'excluSion of ali„other persons. - ItosS vs Eissett wog adlOtaricd 'to June ,2f3th. In this aclibn, Wftllnm Joss, taxitdriver, of Clint5uis seek: Ing totaldatuages of $1432.05 ,frona •V. O. Ilisoiett. G041er1e14 in conneetion with an accident on- higitiv# No. SI, Goderich township. ilissett 'ard Dkagging atiatind each Jay, unable to do housework — cranky with lhe children feeling miserable. Blaming it on "nerves" when the kidneys may he out of order. When kidneys fail the system clogs with lijnpuritives. Headaches — backache, frequently Dodd's Kidney Pills help dear the system, • "giving nature, a chance to restore health and energy. Easy to take. Safe. 116 tOcidocita Kidney Pills • iawaa Does it hurt' a Matt to have hilt,. pay h. Accounts? . Answer .Ifo Sir Your accounts colleCted., • without hurting. IVI, acIVIATII Collection Bureau. 40 Zast St - Goderich Phone, Mil rug.cutting at the high school gym Kids *surety know how . -to, get together' and get things ,going. Young . folks long ago:founchhat the patiie .that refivshes with 6ica...,,C01p., is a swell ice.bregort Have a Coke goes over quiOdy with everybody., rt it,s,poptilaxly known as in inVitatiO0 to get together atia give with the .go10.!:fiews. Antborlzi‘ bottler of "Coes.0010 • / 000E10(011 BOTTLING' WORKS—GODEItICIi, brink "Coke" Cooirt,iCota . Civt,e01A. mid itiabbrevinton "COW tte teigi4tered trade.mark% which . • idtraliy thsitodntarriteCoctt.Cela Compitny Catudx, Limited.