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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-06-07, Page 4
• It 'Is not too early for Juno- brides to, be thinking g of their i = uwer a . .' We have a reputation for turning Out beautiful w. din ; s ed �, corsages '00 bouquets wade_ to blend with the Costuun1es and to suit the personality of the wearer, We invite you to see Many. actual photographs of brides wearing. flowers, we have ' supplied; also to inspect our volume .of Cuts of • wedding fiowers of. every type and at, a wide range, of ;pricee. Ave keep oniselves posted on the latest in we(l g proee# ure ' aiid are always glad'to act alt bride's counsel along these liue0 . Church Or Howe • .Decorations to" suit every purse. cisous �'flcue Square its The.areenhouses * thathave supplied Sowers to Goderich and ;vicinity for 40 years. W , 49 nRycE ST: PHONE 105 Seasonable Furnishings • STUDIO COUCHES --SPRING FILLED Combination Velour and Repp-with arms o to $44 00 ''. $50.00 Rem Covering -Nice Colours-. . , �� . $54.Q0 Davenport _Reds; Spring Filled $50.00 to $60.00. STEEL COTS AND SLIDING COUCHES $7.00 to $11.00 MATTRESSES " $3.75 to $5.75. DROP SIDE COT MATS $7.75 to „$10.90 CAMP ' COTS . $3.75 VERANDAH AND LAWN -CHAIRS v Folding, Canva's and Wooden, with ;arms $2.50 to $4.00 CARD TABLES • $1.25 to $4.50 - CHILD'S PLAY YARDS $4.75 to $7.0q ° STROLLERS AND PRAMS • Different Styles and Colotirswith and without springs $10.95 to .$33.00 • ;.a"rvFBiliTVREa STOVES ,PAI On the Broadwa of Godey'ic1 Phone 240J TILE9PRxci SSIGNAL-S;1%. -Brie. iii. 1. RED:OROSS NOTES Thea unergeney relief i)arevls 4;5"W Mes rs._0. 1' Fare^ .. and. son _ wow_ COin aleted, and Shipped 011 record ti . Tlu (x©11 f tc of 50 hand towel, and. to announce tla > r appointment aft.« „ agents to, $, rent and administer the G(1 ht zzsewiive .. building formerly owned by Dz.r. A.; H. • More �rarke .are 'needed to. coin. Macklin (in '1'�- est street, This bad- plc to the (Mea' of 0hildVeny s under- lug will be :litter up into .o. nuz zber of modern oilices, and will be ready to A new quota of 000 childre• n's gar - be 'o(►�ulaied , short menta, sizes t to 8, has been • reeeitved *tach will; teouire :2300' bziittonholee. Mr. Louis Lane.. who has. purciiosed Workers of :these, urgently the , 'taxi . husiness • "of' . Mr, CClaytonare mgr g y needed. exeeutive of Alwa•rd, and 'who, ;coixtes to , Goderieb, Will meeton Thusdahe of neXt Week. from Seaforth, was in '• the'. It,C.A.11% at 5 p.m.. in„the fled Cross rooms for three years. 'Ire was. reeently rev leased froni .the service and is starting in bushiess c• on 'his • own , behalf' „In C40401i0, As announced in this issue, Mr.; M, ry Bd a•rd•, hes • acquired 'the business f --the- Mnstar Como. BORN CHISHOL.. -�•At Alexandra Hospital► o ri �G c1e .ch � n. ufx . Q J t 94 e5h 1 5 izs ess . f to Mr;, ..onsaishokin a Goderich, dau ht Elizabeth.. The last showing of„ the �Mrs. n•�h season of , Dianne, - • the National Film Board' pictures will HA.CKETT. -At Alexandra' Hospital, take place in•:&.S.. No, 2l Goderich, town, j ' Goderich, on June 5th, 1045; to Mr, ship,' onThursday^, Jude 14th, at 8:34 and •'Mrs. Thos. •Hackett,' R.R. 7, pan., in, conjunction , with the Feder- . 1 UCknow, a daughter. _ . . Alen- of Agriculture, ; :Mr, Alfred 1%IcDOUGALL.. -�At Alexandra Hos- Warner of Bayfield will- lead in`. "ti' ^ pita), 'Goderich, on Jame 2, 1945, to disenssion on "1 orniing a Hog' Club." Mr. and Mrs. 'Douglas McDougall, All are, welcome. • .23 R.R. 1, Goderich, a daughter, Mary' Amazingly quick relief from pain of . Ellen, indigestion, heartburn, dyspepsia with Wilder's Stomach Powder. Also .in .IN MEMORIAM tablet form. 50c and $1. ,-at Campbell's: GLE11ilNTs---.fn loving memory ' of Drug Store. 23-26 I Mildred Powell Clements, who passed Youthful beauty and appearance of away June 9th, four years ago hair yours again,' with Angelique Grey Today recalls the memory Hair Restorer. $1 et Campbell's Drug Of a loved onegone to rest; Store. • 23.26 And those who think of her today Pain 'killer, for eorus.i. Li°o'yd's Corn Are those who loved her best" and Callous `Salve gives prompt, sure --'Ever remembered by Mother, ,Dad relief. 50c .at Campbell's and Emer- and FrlmiIy,-23 son's Drug Stores. ' 23-26. Di MEMORIAM. • The Ahmeek., Chapter, I.O,D.> ., will HUTCHINS.--In loving memory of a meet in MacKay Hall, Monday, June dear husband and father who fell; 11th; at 3 p.m. Members please ' at- asleep June .10th, 1944. tend: • _ _ -23 He has not died who left us Slendor- Tablets are effective. .Two. For the better land of day; weeks' .supply $1 ; twelve weeks' $5, at Ile would not so bereave- us -- Campbell's Drug Store. • . 9tf He is only "just away;r+' - Ahzneek Chapter, I.O.D.E., will sell A'n'd right behind life's curtain, ,tickets for fifteen splendid prizes from Bevonid all grief and May 28th to June 9th. A tea and There will be a happypain, draw on June 20th Will be held at the . When we shall; meaa in dawning, Oddfellows' Hall. An invitation is --Dearly- beloved and ` sadly missed extended to the- public. • . .-23 by his Wife and Fainly-. -23 Announcing an added service: • 4•Mr. Q. Woods; '2 East street, nTho, re ----. pairs; bdles, bolts, oil- is sewing _ ' � T' pairs; buys', and �e b machines. .. - ,,. etc., now handle`s repairs to household • efehipin.ent'- • electric., --irons. toasters. '- hot -plates, radios, vacuum . cleaners, also broken SPECIAL - -SALE IN l4 TR iltSDA , *TUNE; 7t 1945 _ u The Pro4ressive Coilservative Policy as. announced by Mie, Bracken in Quebec IS - , E QUAL OP?O T NITIE • QUAL SERVICE AND RESPONSIBILITY N WAR AS -IN PEACE- O ,,109 •Prog; Con. CANDIDATES ,ARE 'RETURNED' SOLDIERS W ,6 HAVE Fx BEEN- IN ACTIVE FIG ITINt SE'RVI•OX' Such as LT. COL, MERRITT, V.C•.$ MAJ. GEN. PEAR -ICES, - V.C. •. a-e._ecElston..� � �;�ri�lIL� Published by the Progressive Conservative• Party of North" Huron ,.n uusticon FREE LINIC a FRIDAY, JUNE 8th 10. aan. to 5 p.m. BEDFORD .-, HOTEL,. . G• ODERICTi NEW 11011 'giete6 Superb Vasrvom;ly(?e Models start at ' t Custom • Ear.itoid"" 5r:e•R eta LY(:T xss'3 Here is your chance to :consult,ab- solutely free, a trained and expo rienced better hearing specialist, In announcing three superb yaauum tube models at new, low prices. Acousticon is making hearing aid history. Come in and prove to your- self how much your hearing of home and business co/mils/gum can be restored with the great- new Futuna $cousticon. � . ACOUSTiCON W. S. 'Hammond, , Dealer, - 214 Royal -Bank Bldg.,. London, ' ' Ontario ' • fr.o,dtrOtg the treat New STICON onversation Hearing Aid • ased on W.S. Gov't Findings 4' , • What Great Britain's Conservative Leader Prhne Minister Vlinsfoirlhurch IH, -�.says of Canada's Prune: Minister: Introducing Canada's Prime Minister, W. L. • Mackenzie King, to a . joint session''- of. the ` e r Coats andllie-_.._. :• t~ 'House' of Commons in ° London, England, on •.Vlay lith, ,1944, Prince ° Minister: Winston Char- • chill said: " Lord y t..C. :neel�lor, Mr. • 'Speaker of the douse of Commons, My .Lords4lailles and , gentlemen "We are 'met here' today to give a heairty ,welcome to Mr. Mackenzie King, I)rinae 'linister of the Dom ;inion of Canada- ' • e have known I itrr" h long time,, and,, the longer , .yse have kzlownz un 'tile ;, ore. •_we vhage'-:1bvect - hurl'. •-Ile cornea ,here from Caeiu(la to att nd our gathering of Empire -leaders;'` he conies here as one who hag planed° Stu unrivalled part in the forward march Canada.. ��.,, • " Like most+of' us here, he' is a party polltician; well, there is nothing to be ashamed 'of in that' Tint I . say Without hesitation that there was lie: other man, and,. ,perhaps there was no other .career that arii then roan could have followed, ' which would • have enahlecl our •4ioitnnred west' thus afternoon to lead Canada. united into the heart of this world-shaking .struggle- ,. "l t struggle - lag hraugftt Ctiiladit thrauiglz the greatest developnient of hepowers=. . extraordinary the things that Canada has''done he It .is ".&,.nd n y friend; i r. ?. a.r�kenzie Ring,' I *have 'knorwn ..him for over forty' years, lirrxt In .realities a.nd'.t1ten in 'personal. 'friendship, d tuid I know well OK' et dd ' step.1 he has always talon `(luring that p'r1ei to read up to this great -of '+of the development and cls efon-tendon of th y power of aiy ds "yY//. �,./�y'.-' Xy�y �.,y �j �y �{ . (P loth i by he � h Huron +'. //b Vw a1 /A sso4 Latio.R), RED CROSS RECEIPTS North- End Goderich Twp: , $30.00 S.S. No. 4, Colborne Twp_ 11.65 • Mr. Janes Stewart: who spent 'the, winter at•Allentown, Pa., is again with - his brother, Joseph Stewart, at the Benipiller Nurseries. - EDWARD W. ELLIOTT - • ' LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly ° an- swered. Imnediate arrangements • can be made for Sales'•Dafe by calling Phone 203, Clinton. Charge moderate and satisfac- tion Guaranteed. - 19tf 4 C, e Large .pkgs. 50c • Small . pkgs. 25c Just received a, large ship-' ment of roll roofing. - Order your roofing supplies early., Also large shipment of hay forks,. etc. • E . • Breckenridge.. eeessor 'to the late Fred Hunt) Hardware and :'1»tubing To thePeople of Goderkh «,fed Vic nitym• .I wish to announce that •I have sold 'my Taxi fuorness to. Mr.. Loris Lane,. recently .released from the. R.C.A.F. y. To my customers find" friends I offer my 'sincere thanks for making .my business a pkk4,asant andprofitable one. At . the. same time I wish tasolicit your patronage in behalf of 141x. Lane, my - • suceessor. • I have purchased the business of the Mustard Coal Company 'of Goderich. -In. this capacity I hope -to be able to serve; the commlinit-i as ,L;.e_eucleir\-oure(1 to do • during the past thirteen ear's. Clayton Edward 41111111111.1111.11111111. 41111,111111111111111. TO THE ELECTORS OF HURON: To those who assisted in° - ny way iris my,re-election on 1VMonday.laat; I extend my sincere thanks: , 3.-: ✓a y�n.aaRe+� yQwkrmnuws - . k.+s'!.sa.'+nhwM• I.++M✓n«•aMmuwyM..�.4,r . •As in the past, I shall endeavour to " further the interests of Huron -and the Province. 00 . • A Square Meal`' fur Veterans Assured.by. Progressive Conservatives The very first clause of the Px ogressive Conservative plans for -the re-establishment of Veterans, adopted at the National Convention . of December, 1942, 'is as f ollows . DIRAOBILIZATION In carrying out the demobilization of Canada's Armed Forces the:primary' considerationshould be the .interest of those who have -served Demobilization should be based on the principle that members • of the Arrn-ed Forces 'should not be discharged until their economic . . security is assured by placement in gainful .employment .or by assisted. training' and education. to that eid, . Here, in this' simple statement .of - progressive, realistic policy is the only true solution of the fundamental • problem,, by •whfah every ex -service, - - --%-man 'and woman. is faced. It is the - only assurance of ,a square 'deal for all veterans. It is . the very. basis of ` the Rehabilitation: Policies of the Progressive Conservative Party. No- man gainful l t veteran will be discharged against his man .and woman w,w has worn .the' 'will until he is assured of a decent` Canadian uniform will be .acceptable. livelihood.. Every man and, woman, must be- given .. Platitudes . will not ill empty an opportunity to earn a good living. stomachs," ,.declares John Bracken, • jf existing enterprise cannot�;cta��tiLis, "nor a ralitiesthe State must, and will." g provide jobs for' those who hive ' fought,. nor wordy, ' These service and ex -service can - declamations about sacrifice ease the dtidates, with John Bracken, pledge Whose ofus'betnds and -fathers t'hers gave -life stance's, ' Will . exi _ri^...__. . toad the widows and chilif en themselves that' under nocircum�- .. sting benefits • to itself that we might live in peace and veterans be lessened. On the con - security." , trary, •they.: will be increased and. ex- Throughout the wad, Canadian tended. service' men and women have had They, with John Bracken,pledge their fill of platitudes and generalities. themselves to revise an ou-mode • -Let -v er s --naw l t l°eel=.. . ,... er ions',et,: h inch ze s mfii:: :.. selves this question. Does the spirit ' ', istration, to eliminate red tape 'and of political partisanship which ' the • inexcusable. delays. - . ' Pension rates K Coverrlrnent has Jcorisiste i Iy '.-_ .will .4_re jawed a.t once. --and increased -- manifested in riffle of .War, offer any to . bring them in" line with higher assurance of , a square deal 'for .iret=i.... - living costs. erans in• time of peace 9 Does ahew . Under a Progressive'° Conservative: over iniquitous' iquiCanada apart reflect policy which` g dent, recorded ' condition of pill, a p e right personnel on enlistment. will •be ac- ro war, 114, cepted as sufficient proof in determine; ' peace political 1" • Mg disability pension. The veteran will be entitled to the benefit of the• It is significant that more ' than doubt. „ half of the Progressive Conservative :The '``fit in, first out".principle candidates are service and ex -service, ,wi1i be followed on demobilization -- half -,No 'Other party. can even apY •th a job at decent .pay, assured ured to ,; preach this 4 d... . the veteran when he returns to - civvy street: . I'n' the words of otir 'loader, we of ... -the .Progressive Conservative .pa ":acce2jt the .challenge to-,demyjtrate o. ou tilio fought that 7/OU s be handz hall not Qause wed in"�doe of peace be-, , y .reepandel `to•''the ,nation's call , t? (Jays of war." on a 3 .HOBBS TAYLOR,. •4 ,y TO THE • ELECTORS OF HURON AND BRUCE • I_Say • 141.AI/it YOU for !the sttpport given me at the polis , of „the Provincial Erection,. j. L. E.(Elston) CARDIFF Has Worked the iri Interests of North iluron Regardless . of Politfrs, On Monday • h VI.IFzetl -1,y ♦?'�47�•tl"F RnOA• - - • and - the fears of - vetei l'is. - . - They say, with John Bracken "The cost of winning the war and the cost. of re-establishing,.�those who fought in it., is one and indivisible. In the plainest words at my cot,and, I say -to you?-iurt nothing short of full- time employment for every spirit? Remember .... ill - , p i ica policies infalliblyin- dicate party principles. •• .4; is recon These men know that no other party has such' realistic - and comprehensive planner for rehabiii tation. They,kiow that the Progres- sive 'Cohservative Party is the service teen's party. They know that John Bracken, father of three sons nn active service, understands e„,problems, the -hopes 5/; WN WITHBRACKEN Yote for Your PROGRESSIVE COIVSkRVATlVE CANDIDATE ° pUbtf hed bey the Ptottressive don tvaihr P rt✓. Ott*w(t.. 9