HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-05-31, Page 8KM, Vt. DUNItAlf, Bettor •y . . , • Oi`'$��,St in t r, V▪ .. P. S. CARMAN , ,., 8.30 atm. . HOLY COMMUNION. 10'04) ,ain. ,CHURCH SCHOOX AND, BIBLE CLASS' 1100.a.tm. •" HOLY COMMUNION 4D SERMON:n 'Sei1 b "ect-The W -`indows."of Heaven:' ' ' SERMON. • �p.iu,:. 'EVENSONG 1tNY� ;Suibjec„t;"The Mirage." s s s . . �• • COME TO CHURCH 11.00 a.m, MORNING WOIISHIP%., 12.15 SUNDAY SCHOOL, 7.00 p.m. EVENING nSERVICE., Organist and Choir Leader-- Mrs. eader-Mrs. Murray °Hetherington, " A SINCERE WELCOME AWAITS YOU Knox Presbyterian Church 9.45 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. . JUNIOR CONGREGATION. "7 -p.m, Centenary Service of Divine Worship, Maitland Lodge : 4o, 33, A.F. & A.M. Special Preacher,—REV.. E. A. THOMSON, I3.A., Toronto 11 a.m... THE MINISTER WILL -PREACH. ' MINISTER—REVEREND RICHARD STEWART. Director of. Praise --Mr. T. G. Jones Come and Worship the Lord, in the Beauty of Holiness. `CZIi SALIN. - MAN'S. ' BICYCLE, good as YAM; 1 tank; 1' drain, each 5( gt4l,. eapaeity,; Made galvanized iron. JACKSON'S FLORISTS. -22 OR SALE. WATk713,F.'RONT iN town of G,vderieh . Attractive. bank andHealthful beach, elevation.: Oar- chard, sewer,, water, 'light.. A quiet ,location for sutnmer cottages . or for small 'farming. Particulars. from C. HAYS,:.Godericb.. 134 >E II/A' E. SATE AT. 81., 'V ICTOIUA •1 2 . Street! Set.., ()f Scal , 240 �?., kitchen ehairs; glass • +cupboard° top; .11 good steel , knives ;' 11 forks; coal. or heater; „large: jug; .2 - large books, 'Josephus, Jewish Historian, and Chicago Eire -1903 ; 2, pair' shutters, outside; hammock; 2. large ` picture frames with glass; odd glass ' pieces; large white platter. a 22-3- �^ EIGHT - ROOMED house, centrally located; fireplace, new .furnace, garage. Write BOX .30, SIGNAL -STAR, or phone' •340, Godes rich. ti 160 DAY-OLD AND STARTED CHICK. bargains for .this week, and next. White Leghorns, 13arred,Rock X White Leghorns, Black Minorca X White .Leg - horns, Austr'm Whites : • Non -sexed $8.95, pullets 418.90, - Barred Rocks, Neve •Haihpshire X Barred Rocks $11.45, pullets $18:95, cockerels $10.95. As- sorted Light and Medium Breeds $7,95, pullets $16.90, cockerels White Leg - horns $1.50, Barred Rock X White Leghorns' $4.50. Two -week-old add. 6c, three -week-old 'add 11c, four -week-old add 16o. Shipped 0.0,D. This ad- vertisement must accompany . yqur order: TOP NOTCII Cr11iCKERIES, Guelph, Ont. -22 10.00 , a.tn. SABBATH SCHOOL. . 11.00- a.m. "CONFERENCE JOTTINGS,,, 7:00 p.m: "GRADU'ATIQ1' IN THE REALMS OF -THE SPIRIT" UNION --PUBLIC WORSHIP 9.45 a.m. Goderich Baptist Chnrrch - REV. JOSEPH JANES, M.A., PASTOR Mrs, Wilfred• Donaldson, : Organist. 10 a.m. SUNDAY : SCHOOL: bier- 11-a m. PUBLIC .WORSHIP.-Subject:e • "ThOffence,of Cross." 7 p.m. •PUBLIC -WORSHIP. Subject.: "Return to God." . Communion Service. Wednesday 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting. A CORDIAL WELCOME' FOR ALL. BETHEL PENTECOST iL TABERNACLE 16 WATERLOO ST. P.A.O.G. 'REV. A. G. HARRIS 7:30 p.m. -"WHO IS ANTI -CHRIST ?" : Other Serviees SUNDA '_SCHOOL. ANTED. 1 R .h/ .11• E STA N M+ teaelter for S.PI:;, No. 5, Qoderieb township. State qualifications and salary. ApIY MURRAY McDOUGALL, t oderielh, `' AU . 1; plume Clinton 003 r 2#.s: 22-3x W; AN'I,'I t), ':i'O 1$11X OLOLD,i4.ORSES ... and deal cattle; 'Must be suitable for 'nlnk feed; removed " promptly. FRED GILBERT phone 908 r 22, Clin- ton, or JACK 'oILBERT,. phone - 90$ x 21; Clinton. ; Calls • paid„ for. 18tf - ANTED. - . i'V O H A "- 1i0US1- Y'�; KEI t'E1t by niiiddle- d WQIPan. Phone 864W: 22x M•Oi�E1.+.'R )'T xF MODERN CABIN J, trailer. Apply 55 Elgin avenue,. prone 5334. .22 O RENT. FURNISHED Al:�,�► 1,1 • MEI�lT, t with all ' eonvenienees.. DIY 04 Anglesey slreel. ' " r ti RENT. - TWO FURNISHED heated rooms;, suitable for one or tT+'o persons. MRS. W. RE7D,, Picton street, VI'ANTEP AT ONCE. GENI' RAL- J ' OST.—ONE YEA$LING'r' HERE- floor duty, nurse.' Parkwpvd 1.10s^ Ta,ORD heifer. H . found,. °notify.' pittil: for chronically '• ill,..London, ;Ong MI ,RAY McDO ,,GALL, R,R 1, , ode tario: 'Practical or ° graduate. Six-Xieh.. Phone Clinton.903 r 24.,, , . 22x' dar week 8 -ho r. day. Apply.° erson ' ' ally or by letter to SU'PE1UNTENI) ENT OF' NURSES; 20.22. WANT11) TO RENT. -- TWO. OR three-bedroom house, or large apartment.:A.PplY to BOX 42, SIGNAL- STAR," 22> RooAxERS. O %i;. BOARD A WANTED, ---Good rooms in Clinton for light, . housekeepers; also ,aCcom modation for boarders; House newly decorated.. P.O, BOX 63, Clinton. ANTED', — PRO TE S t•AN'!1`. cN . 3, school teacher for S.S.S o West .Wawanosh, with flrat-class. certificate. Duties .to commence September 4, 1945. Apply J': .R. MURRAY;,' Secretar-y- treasurer, Lucknow; R.R. 2. 22-3 WANTED: =- FOR 'DUNGANNON School;' (S.S. No. '8, Ashfield), prin- cipal and senior remit teacher. School is hydro- equipped,' situated 'on higlhiway, Apply, ; stating qualifications, . experi- ence and salary expected, to, WILBUR" BROWN, , 'Dungannon, tiSeeretaryn, trenrer.., 2g-3 WANTED. ----,-TEACHER FOR U.S.S. No, (;, - Goderich ,township,., 3ifa miles fronx. ' ,oderich,..1% '_miles off_ FOR ' SALE.:I,ARGE RED BRICK Bluewater Highway ; enrolment 27. ' house, centrally located,':••few min- Apply stating salary and qualifications Utes' walk from lake; early possession. to GORDON A. OR Secretary, R.R. Phone 102 or P. BOX 49, Goderich. 2, Goderich. • ' . , 22-3 tQtf _ FOR SALE. --CHOICE TOMATO,, - caulii'J" Wer, petunia, salvia- and aster plants, 20 'cents • per dozen. (joiner ` Cambria road and Elgin ave: JAS CULBERT. , 22-4 pOULTRYKEEPERS SHOULD take advantage of the higher prices. assured egg markets this falland winter. Kitchener Big -4. Hatchery eau fill June chick orders, but we advise 'ordering soon. Agent, RYAN ; PRO- DUCE, God'erich.' , -' -22 , e 11.00 a.m.-"UNANSWERED PRAYER.,, Tuesday . 8.00 p.m. Young People's Service. Pres, Mrs. John West. Thursday 8.00 p.m. Prayer Service. • Come, and enjoy the "Old Story" that is FOR SALE.—LARGE GLA,DIOLUS bulbs --100-7$5.00 (40 varieties) ;- 50—$2.50 ,50•$2.50 (30 varieties) 30—$1.50- (20 varieties) ; F.U.B. Goderich. Re- mit by, postal order. Write MRS.' L.. R. HOLMAN, • Cameron. street, Gode- rich; phone 722. 18tf FOR SALE. — MERTON BLUE white -lined pre-War:grain, chrome /trimmed ; ball-bearing , wheels, good tires used one , year. Phone 585W. -22 FOR SALE: - GOOD DURHAM calf. LEO ..CHISHOLM, Bayfield Toad, one-half mile south of Goderich. 22x ANTE •- ' *S. I X" i.' I \I n G .1'. E breakfast, plates; °',I}1111. -''lose design- •With• gilt -edge: -= Pliolle 53g,. , _.. _ . _.. 22.x.. WANTED. — BOARDERS, GIRLS preferred, in private home. with all conveniences; near Square. Call SIGNAL -STAR ' -21 • �TANTEI) --YOUNG WOM,A-N FOIi. office ?toll. -Apply T. EATON -CO.. ORDER OFFICE, .Goc`lerieh. ` 22 ANTED..— EXPI IRIENCED driver for ` :gravel clump truck.' Apply EMPLOYMENT -AND. SELEC- TIVE SERVICE ; OFFICE, Goderich:.] Refer to Order No° ;1342. • 22•t/ The next meeting of the ..Huron- County Council will be held in the Council. Chambers, Count klotse, Godes. rich, commencing Tuesday, June 12th at 2.00 p.m. • All accounts, , notices of deputations and other business requiring• the at- tention of -Council should be in the hands; of the County Clerk not later than Saturday; `dune 9th. N. W. MILLER, , County Clerk, , 23-24 Goderich, Ontario. Notice is hereby given to all persona, having any claim against the estate of James E. McMillen, late of the Town- ship of ' Modench, in the 8 County of Tt iron, r'eti 'farmer; who -tied on Or about the 20th day of May, 1940; to send same to the Undersigned on' or before the .Oth day of June, .1945, As Ott and after that date the .Executors' of the estate shall • proceed to. make distribution of„ the assets thereof haw, ing regard' only to the •claims, then Iiled.s Dated at Goderich 11Iay 24th, £D,' 1945. • • R. 0. HAYS, •`O tario, .... . �Goderi�, u 21-3 ' Solicitorfor the Estate:. EXPERT REI"A,,IRS. 'AUTO, HO'T.l SE- HOLD radios and ''appliances., .,48 past • street. 22x Meetings re, the Township, School Area .will be s held in the following plaees in West ,,Wawanosh ,Township; June 5 --Community -Hall, St. Helens, 8.30 p:in.;'' June. 8—School ..Building,.. A.S. No, 2,;8,80 pan.', dune204- Town- ship .Hall,•• 8.30. p.m, • Mr. . J., H,' Kin, Read. will be present and will address' each meeting, . • DURNIN ,PHILLIPS, 22- . • Clerk of West Wawanosh. OARD • OF THANKS .. - l jtHE' RELATIVES OF TUE LATII. 7 Miss Mary Bowler wish . to thank, her many friends and neighbors . for the kindnesses shown'. 'during - her recent illness and death.. . 22x PI iT RE FRAMES For Photos, Prints and paintings PI4VRE FRRMKINO IS �buR .SPBCIM$ Y MTTH'S 'ART AND GIFT SORE Pot at.: P4one 198. CONFEDERATION LIFE. „ 'WIND= -••0A0 Fire Preferred Rates for Preferred Rusks. .' ACCIDENT & SICKNESS • Consult . . JNO. FAREISH, Lucknow Phone 82-13 Dungannon THEI SURROGATE COURT OF THE COUNTY OF HURON. IN, THE MATTER OF THE ,GUA.RDIAN•SIII1' OF JOHN HOWARD AITKEN, the infant son of Jessie Jemima Aitken, Married Woman, deceased. -.,,.NOTICE is • )hereby given that Aftert'wettty---«days from 7the....date•:" ereo James! ' Enslowr Aitken, :.of the -Town of -Goclerieh, inCouirty of Il ran, ,viii' illi ko ' iipplication- to the `Surrogat'e- Court of the County of Huron to be appointed guardian of the -person and estate of JOHN HOWARD 4,ITKEN, the-hlftln (U-af-.T.essi ' a . Aitken, lute of the Townt7.of Goderich, in the C.'olulty. of ..1luron, who died- ,on •or about the llth clay of April, A.D. 1944, -Without ''having appointed' a guard'ian I for the *said infant', the said -James Ensiow Aitken being' the lawful father of the said infant. • ' . • By R. C. IIAYS. K,C., • • His Solicitor. Dattel May 29th, 1945. WANTED Veterans! ''Officers, Male .. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE. OosSION ONTARIO' REGION p Comp. No. `45-3439 n-ri» ear in .> .ta .�45��. � . 15UQ' t0_:,0100r-per_ � g centr "s, ,plus os Li ng� Ba as ' ,The Department will accept onl preference for war' service..: . • Full, particulars" 'on Posters c isj • nc -Seieet ve•-Se. vi©e- ' Commission Office, Toronto..:' ' A, "plication Forms, obtainable:`; be .filed with • CIVIL SERVICE COM 65 Victoria Str ,Toronto 1, Oxtt& FO'R •/SALE, — WHITE ENAMEL- - ice, box. .MISS DRIVER, No. • 4, Elgin avenue. ., -22' FOR SALE.—SEVEN-ROOM FRAME house and five lots with garage, henhouse, fruit trees,. grapevines and, other fruits. House. -has three.piece,l bath with electric water heater, heav- ily Wired for electricity in each room': Taxes. $28. For information .write-: .P.O.. 130X 911, or phone 482. 20tf FOR ` SALE. ---SCREEN DOOR IN Food 'condition, 'size 7 ft. x 3 ft. 4 inches. Cheap. Call SIGNAL -STAR. -22 . YEARLING --LAMB COMMERCIAL BEEF 'Legs . 25c Shoulder Roast .. lb. 25e. Breads 2 lbs. °25c Rib Boil 14c P Round - Steak .. 40c Chops ...:. . .25c Sirloin Steak 44c , Shoulder Roast 19c Pure Lard .... ..2 lbs. 23c Loins - 23c Large Pork Sausage ....25c 'AT. CATTLE WANTED , F OR SALE. --HEIFER CALF; ALSO 1141-h.p. gas • engine .with: saw. and mantle. JAS. WHITE, 'Axford street. ;22x FOR SALE. -1936 FORD • SEDAN; .,good tires' ,good 'motor, reliable, economical transportation. Cash-; evenings only,. -...L42• East - street, 22 FOR SALE.—COCKER SPANIEL puppies, registered stock, best blood lines. • A. ROBERTS, ' corner Keays and Raglan streets. .Phone 869. 22tf AlLMerchandiae -_ Sold at -Your Dominion Store is unconditionally guaranteed - 100%' . SHUT-IN'S DA"" --,SUNDAY, JUNE 3rd ' . • Many of our citizens, unfortunately, through illness or other disability, are deprfved of the opportunity to enjoy: the pleasures of the.outside world, To these we"shoulTi.' bring what cheer and comfort wq. can : throut houts the ;v ar, but particularly on Sundti;4 ,Tr,Tune '3rd, Which is ----s a'►nsorediby:-the., Shut,iivDay Association -"Inner national." nd observedas .such on the North Ainerfcan (,ontinent To bring u special ray oto stnnshine to those••who are, confined ,to their Homes,• hospitals slid other like institutions, 1 hereby proclaim Sunday,, June 3rd, as Shiit-in's . bay in the Tow't of mode"rich, .. observe the day by appealing to all organization�t and individuals to obs e 'Visiting or, in other :ways, remembering tho sick and. disabled. D. I5. MOONEY, May -or. TENDERS- FOR, COAL ANT) COKE. ; Federn1 Buildings—Prov iniee of Ontario. SEALED Tenders addressed' ,to • the, undersigned,and endorsed.,' Tender for • Coal," will be received until 3 pan. (E.D,S.T:), Wednesday, ,June 27, 1945, for the supply of coal and coke for the Dominion Buildi zgs throughout` the Province of Ontario. Forms of tender; witir'Speci'ficatons and . conditions attached .can • be ob- taitaid from the Purchasing' Agent, partment of, Public Warks,, Ottawa, and the , Supervising -'Architect • 36' Adelaide 'St. East; -Toronto, Ont. Teir�lers should be made• on the forms sup l&r 'by ,,The Department - diii accordance with 'departmental' specific- ations and conditions attached thereto.. Coal dealers' lieence numbers must be given, when tenderipg. The Department reserves the right to demand from any . successful tenderer, before awarding the order, a • se'01 rity: deposit: in the form of a certified 'cheque on a +chartered 1)itnk in Canada, made -payable "to 'the' order ofa..the Honourable- the . Minister of Public Works, equal to 16 per Gent. of the amount of the tender, or tearer Bonds of the Dominion' of :Canada or of the Canadian National Railway Com- pany and ,its,." constituent . • companies urteonditiorznlly guaranteed ns to prin- cipal and leterest by tom' Dominion of .0anadti, or the aforementioned 'bonds and a' certified cheque, if required to' make tip an • ida azttotfnt.. . . Snei'l security will ;serve( as -a guarantee for the »roper hillilinenf 'of the contract. 1Ty order, .-t. •-.,1Y 1. 801VER P 1TiLE, leereta lry. :Dep' rtment .of Public, Weeks. Ottawa, 'MAY Vii, 104k1 . '42 Your DOMINION STORE -features Your favorite canned foods. Choice 'Silver Ribbon. Peas , , 20 -,oz, tin -2. for 25c Clark's or Aylmer Tomatoes 28-oz'tin 2 for 25c St. Williams Plum Jam `24:oz. jar 27c . Aylzuer' Ter- Wweet — ' 't Msrxnalade 24 Oz. jar 29c Sta�riidarcl �i��'r-�'�ll�e Hite.' Peas 29 -oz. ,tin- 3 for 29c Beans bulk 3 lbs: 14c Aylmer or,. Bright's Early Morning Bou .; Juice 20 -oz tin: 3 for 25c ',Coffee 16 oz. 330 Konsert GREEN Riebiinello Beans 20 -oz. tin 2 for 23c Coffee Aylmer Diced Organdie Beets 20 -oz. tin 2a for 230 Tissue roll 3 for ^14c , Napierville WAX. , , , Cashmere Beans 20 -oz. tin 2 for.28c Tissue . roll 3 for 25c Stokely's' . Catelii' "n 28 -oz. tin 2 for' 25c , Macaroni 16-oz,2 for 19c Plnnpkl - �r pkg Aylmer ...Catelli,s Infant Foods -5-oz. tin 7c. Noodles pkg '2 for 19c Cora 8- oz. till ..19e CIOCora Kraft LVEETA .. Cheese 8 -oz, pkg 19e • AFRESH ' New. Imported Cabbage •lb. °6h Inxported GREEN • Beans 1h7 10c Catellii's " . Cheese A-Ronx'' , ,... p•�, �'c :: Catellf's Bows Small 8 -oz pkg. 2.19c Salted b , Peanuts lb. 35c l"R[T ITEMS Cal. Navel :size238's Oranges :4nz, '390 Cal. Seedless size 100'8 ti ° Grapefruit ° ,u3x,for 25s' Call Size 300's rw :LL MATURES EI"'k'TIVE, ' FROM Taw's. titivir $i) FILL WE». CONE 6