HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-05-31, Page 4It not too ° early for June brides to 'be tbinl4pg of tingir eddin flowers We have a reputation, for turning out beauta'fl wedding corsages. and bouquets ' made to blend with the costumes: and to suit the personality of the wearer, .. ° n ° �fl a .invite you to see Many' actual photographs of.,brides wearing ume of cute of flowers we Have supplied. � also to xlt�peCt our v01 wedding itowers ase every typo and ' at a wide range of prices, : , • .. ° We ltee.p . ourselves posted. on the latest id 'wedding- procedure and ire ahvays glad to net as bride's counsel along these lues • 'Chorch or 'Home°^ Decorations to suit every, purse, oq. AND "UZAR g C. J. itiness Ey CONVERTED DRUNKARD AND GAMBLER ._. ' Mr° rind Milt. B. Pearlman held a Saturday sale of household effects 003.successful• sale d for the time being at least will reside is Goc1erlch.- tueknow Sentinel. ., • at the 'opinez LOW' ► RASUNDAY, JUNE.. 3rd 11a,ln ted `8 per» "S�; ON , SOxt BY BPlt1) .t? MISSIONARY MISSION ANNOUNCEMENT ... - 1 Karn now selling.. 'i'F'ONDER. BREAD and HOSTESS CAti ... received fresh every 'day and ain arranging to deliver at least three" nines a weeks. • I will he -please r to serve you. SORTXTON, Trafalgar St. TlI DAY, MAX 1st, 1g ° Tagflay--,d U P'a.ease support the Work of . the, Shut-in's Day. Aesoeiati0r by uying a tag on 'Saturday. a The ° xrioney . raised' wilt be used solely to ht�lp meet the expenses of publicizing th'e Day' as :the services of the o 'seers and , . s -given n . >a. _uu •22, representatives are gratuitously.. tonal., Miss Hope Hutch .hasreturned from: a"week's Tisit with her sister," Mrs; Jarvis, at Oshawa. .• • ' Mr. and Alms~ .Ater. Smith have re, turned ,from- "a. two weelcs' iiia;it to Blenheim, and Windsor.. .• • 134YFIELD,,11fay 29.• ---Mr; and M. James "'Day and two' children, of De- * Trost, spent :the, week -end with, the formers parents; Mr: and Mrsf1• f,. . Day. • WS. 1•'� A., Edwards,," who spent the winter with her daughter, Mrs. RR j. W atspn,.'at Broadview,, Bask., returned home on Friday,' ' She was accompaniedx by "Misses B, PollOck,.and Ruble Risher of Kitchener, who spent the week -end, Miss Janet Manson.: returned home last week after having spent some time in .,London. Kiss. M, Fairbaiirn of Detisbit, ac, eompanied•, by her niece, Mrs. I'i . Rend - MOS of Birminghafn; arrived on'Fri"; day` to spend, the season 6t her eottager' Mr. and Mrs, .. '. Stewart and Mr. J. Stewart, or., of Hamilton, were at ,their home over the week -end. M,.s. C. W. Brown of Clinton, Iowa, who has been visiting her, sister, Mrs. A, Arms.treng, Bronson .line, has opened her cottage for 'the season, hGreelnonse s that h aveaupplxcd flowers to Code "ab . and vicinity for, 40 years. 49, BRUCE ST. ,PRONE 105 MONDAY, JUNE 4th Keep Tom Kennedy as your .Mi,ister of Agriculture Huron -Bruce Progressive Conservative Association IN MEMORIAM POLLOCR,-In loving memory of George Pollock„ .who .passed away on June .2nd, 1940: .--Ever remembered • by . Wife and Family. -22 LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly an- swered.. Immediate arrangements can be • made for Sales Date *by calling Phone 203, Clinton. • Charge moderate and sa,tisfac- tion Guaranteed. 1.9tf BXG:a' 90 190 'p' Ayltnear Tomato Juice Mutrets French : us Vanilla ' et "?"Y Cow Br. Soda Aylmer Hydorated Beans 2 tips, 9. • , Grapenut Flakes pkg'. 9c --- 19c VALUES Old Dutch Cleanser 2 tins 3.9c Newport Fluffs , Laing's C.C. Aylmer • Plain- Olives 29c SALE ALUES 20 -oz tins 9c pkg : "9e t jar :90. P P ' -4-de :bot, .9c lge pkg. 9c PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE North Huron Progressive Conservative Association You should buy- Life •Insuranee, because the future is a most . expensive luxury, H., . M. FORD Get insur 1 — Stay insured — Rest assured, North St. Tel. 268w • "46-7., CASEIN WATER PAINT 5 'ib pkg, for $1,,,05 . . Por Sale at .• '. �O DER�CIT' ELANIG MILLS —.Geo. Westb oo • r 1„Mgr. � ° ,' Flo nc 388 3,6t r 'a 'large shipment.. of Carden "oo1s. Wash.�''abs¢ Motor 0 (g°al, tins) Galvani e+ °` iTarpdow, Sarecn Quantities are:1inted. Buy Early, E. .....BreckeNridge 'Successor to the late.:' ' Fred Hunt) Vegetable Soup 2 tins 19e I illcrest Sb'ortenin; ' lb. 19c Robin flood SOatsgni-White .. 3 -ib. ' bag 19e Toilet Tissue 3 rolls 19c —n29c .VALUES— Health Salts • ' "tin 29c V.C.. t hoice. Peas . ' - . 210=oz. tins 2906 Ronxau Meal • pkg 29c Blueberry. ' jam. 24 -oz: jar 29c Neileon'`s 'Cocoa 1 -lb.. tin 29c Alliib's' , Apple% Juice 2 20 oz; tins no Javex • 2 -bot. 129e Aeroivax' Liquid Wax ° _ pt 20e A ,y In, August, 1943," you elected the --GEORGE DREW Government on tie basis, of ' the well-known 22 .point programme, HERE IS AN EXAMPLE OF HOW THOSE PROMISES HAVE BEEN REPT. In 1945 the School ?Boards of Goderich will receive from the ,, Drew Government' grants of $35,750.00, AN INCREASE OVER 1944 O} :$28,200.00. » In 1944.you paid taxes for school purposes of $42,500.00. THE 1945 INCREASE OF $28,200.00 is 66% of THIS— AS AGAINST THE 50% PROMISED, a , If the School Boards requirements for this year had not been increased to absorb this extra: $28,200.00 YOUR TAX„RATE FOR,. 1945 WOULD ITAVE BEEN 24 MILLS INSTEAD OP' M11-4LS; ori" the basis of the published Town Budget. d In other words' this extra '$28,200.00 will be spent t i Town, and it will not cost the Taxpayers one cent.: Let 'us have more of this.c ing Dr, Rlobbs Taylor an George Drew Governm„ • Published by.. the Progressive Conservative Par 'It is not.. foreordained that farmers° shall work for less pay than anybody else; or have:'their, children receive only one-quarter ,thh' chance of a secondary edu*' cation, or 'one-tenth_ the chance of a 'university education that other children get; or. see their wives forced into lives of toil, often: 12. but sometimes 14 -•hours a 'day -=- y : Sundays and; holidays included .. The trouble is that no • one with the necessary authority has determined to correct the basic -economic -ill of Agriculture.!'. John Bracken, the Rimer, is not content, Merely to point out the injustices 'of.. which he,. and every, other farmer, is only too well a*are. a is : deternihied to abolish these` economic ills, these inustices, -immediately and permanently. John"Bracken guarantees , definite . PROTECTION FOR FARMERS against income collapse. and wide extremes of income fluctuation: -41 The' Farinershah be . guaranteed a ,just • and proportionate share 'of the nation's ° income. Thi ,. -Al be doneof-fair rices '-by a :eyetexri � 'p to be announced before "the season' 'of The farmerWill then carry on th. �. t� .. the -'assurance that he will receive a' just share of the national income. He will thus have money to buy farm.; implements :Wand ,provide " for comforts. His own 1i�Ving standard will be permanently raised and • ile:will be -able -to-+ ontr- bute to-commumi . Y it We shall re-establish • a Natural Products Marketing Act. »' , W e shall appoint a Board of Livestock`' Com- . missioners in which shall be vested power to regulate and direct all aspects of Hite - stock, i estock marketing in ;somewhat the . same° manner as the Board of Grain Com mss- sioners regulator .the.handling- of wheat: •° These are only the highlights hts of the Bracken Partys pledge to Canadian farmers a Join John Bracken in.his.fight for farmer's' rights. WIN WITH BRACKEN JAME EALLANTYNE solicits. your platform of- advanced but sane 1egisk - I � $25Minimum� Wage y Assistancetoi'oUrist.: �ndu ry ound Finance TO THE E ORS OF GODERICH �f •. '� �..► .. ' i ..� I III � i '.. .. ` The Drew c vernthent increased A Edu - 'reduce 1Vtimieipal. Taxes. HOW 'MUCH HAVE. 'YOUR TAXES 114 -" G .Blit BEE REDUCED '1s • NOT ONE CENT 'Hepburn will enact a measure that will . do ✓what the Drew, Government" has failed to do—reduce your taxes,' a are .a •-burning• issue in Godericb---a. Town where industrial progiess is blocked by , high,, X ;: power r0t�, know your problem and"..that wi l` l en able�u -to atgate t it 4d. industries. will4"damy utmost to secure for you rates .•L.-. •keels. LANTYNE PROTECTFAMILY ALLOWAN�S The return of Ptemier. Geo..Drew will be 'a threatto tli i alnily Allowances ingasur'e of the Federal Government. Here is what lie lir said • "1 assure you that the Government of Ontario intends to do everything within' its power to make sure that this iniquitous - :, :oes. not go into. effect: principle r i� intend to .resist." °.;Q It is not this bill.,_ s..,�,... Will the: electors of Turon' vote to allow Geor er ew to s end their m ' g � eneq°. in fighting a measure ,which will be of such; great' benefit to the people of this' rifling—a measure which represent, the greatest advance .in social tbetteiment in Canada in a 1ifetrine : h . , ty Protect thePanay. ,c'.+;lowances by voting for the Liberal'' eai didate ° ° .James 133allantyne. ° x1trlilished by the Liberal A.ss(WixttiIfli of 0otlericli