HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-05-24, Page 6GODE1tIC1i TON'II t - Gt DEB,I011 T'C!' NS t ', May t. ongratulatiQn0;" to ` Mie.: and Mrs.' Jahn •Clements on ''the arrival of a .'wee e ' - daughters hand . Mrs. Fred Black and Ray- mond, of Owen eSound, Were` recent 4lues is with Mr, and , Mien, Art. Tick: borne. Mr, and `Mrs. -Sam IlfeNall, of, (bode - rich, were • recent guests with Mr. and • Mrs. Vin, Puller, Union , rlltirch° Notes jThe -May' uteeting• iaa'the w..t.g.. of 'Uzuion elturclt was held QII 'Wednesday ' at. ,,the house ttf Mrs, (Rev.) L. H. Turner, Goderich, with '.fifteen. ladies present. The de-: votional exercises were conducted by Mrs. Gerald. Orr. Mrs.' Ilarvwood `gave- a report of the Huron presbyterial: Meeting • held in Goderich . on; May 3. Portions. of the book "Second Pioneer" Our Full .'bilge of Prics meets the needs and wishes of every 4'Ap family. CRANSTON 'FUNERAL HOME 17 Montreal Street Phone 399 J or -W.' lossionsiiiimmomit .BrophO's Funeral flonlo 13 MONTREAL ST. :Ow! Funeral Chapel combines the dignity of a place, of worship and the refinement of a quiet. residence. PHONE 10 FLOYD M. LODGE, Director • You are in ited ' to listen t� "Music for Sunday' program over CKNX, Wingliam, each Sunday afternoon at -3. p.m. /3E ICE SIONAL-STAR T holm Convalescing After ' Sever Ill After many severe illneasee or serious'operi, tion the patient is very often left in an . rnely "weak, To: t> , eonvalesCent WILD wed. some kind of a tonna t 'stimulate and, built up the weakened they m, we would recommend Milburn'S ',tfeatt. ' • assist em back, to health—happiness again. ' and Nerve �a1Ds to These pills Help, eupply elements necessary to asst, the convalescent pain bringing aekt bodily str gth and vigour. .• Price 00,, box, laa'pills, at till drug counters, C1 , . 'Tho (1't ad mark a "Red. Heartt'" on the ptiekage. LOok for aux regist d 'trade Co., Limited, +yoramto, Oni: a w read.by Mr.., A, illi ►, . Wui Porter, Mrs. Gordon Orr 'amid Mrs. Puler. The .-treasurer, Mri. Gordoiu, Orr, galve t'h'e 'liaatatteittt report. Tile meeting elOscd with oyer by R,ev. the L. 11.. Turner.. L/juach. Wasl��.y,$eQrveil bay h hostess. . - • •Owing. tY' anniversary services at Victoria street chttrcb on Sunday, there will be no service at Union. .:. The pastor,- Rev. 1G. II. Turner, occupied tate pulpit at. 'Union Ulr •S'tnxday, delivering a lino sermon ori the theme, "Love Shuns the Parade (*round. • .,• • CARW • ARLOW, May 21.—Mr. Roy` Lriing. ton and Fay, of Toronto, , gni* Lily McDonald, of Galt, and Mr. and Airs. Ross , ,I,41 eDonaald, of c,o0ei'ieli, ,visited Itb ,Mz w tiild Mfrs, `4, Arrington, Ursa .,Win; Stevens and fir, and Mrs; Caarma.ir , Stevens, of �Goderich vis}ted' with Mrs. 'it:,.0eai,.r1 ' }� Mp sister, Hilton Amos��fof Parkhill hill visited' his sistear3, Mrs, W. Wilson. The W.ALS. ,zees , in' the. hall on Thursday, with' eleVen present. Mrs. R. ' Rean had ehatt --of the meeting, Mrs. Tait Clark ,acted as secretary in Mrs, Sto.11's aabseuiee~yaind gave the .re- port of . the 1 resbyterial meeting. Sec ond-lianci. clothing, Was asked for the bale, to be in by the, end of'May, A dainty lunch' was, served by'lairs, Chester l?eagan,, it being her mouth: for- the meeting. Mrs. Lizzie . Ewing, of° Collingwood, and Delbert, of Cruiiilin, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fordyce Clark .oh Sun- day, MTs. Service returning with them., ' tggs. • Th;oWas Wilson, Mac and Johnny and ilton .Amos motored 'to Toronto. Jimmy Clark met with an accident and had his eye cut .With a piece of steel. He and his mother are at pre- sent in Godet'i wtb Mrs. John Clark. First Co-ed.: "'What is the height of happiness?"Second CO -ed: "In my case, he's -about six feet tw.o.inches." : 'Pacts- of friendship tivill' `i1.pt last - without 'acts o2 friendship, GODERIO$ MEMORIAL .�NBnWtEST »,Ds/Gants �R +QST OF -MATERIAL • Guaranteed workmanship at prices .that vctilt please you. v~3AV,p ALL AGENTS FEES ' Calf. at our office; Phone 242J or. ,drop us.a:..line to Box 161, Goi e- richh. We -will be pleased to call and help choose: a •suitable. 'mem- orial for your:: family_ plot` . R, .-A = SPO-TTON.: St: Andrew's St. FUNERAL 'SERVICE No extra eh �rge for the use of our Funeral Horne, Toron- to. Street: • • Froznpt •+Ambulance Service Phone 335 \, .?des; 355 or 7 Cemetery. Memorials You are. invited to inspect our stock in Clinton , Exeter Seaforth, • Phone 141.. Enquiries. promptly attended to. Cunninghama C Pryde (THOMAS PRYDE) a 'DR. HOBS TAYLOR, .. , Your. Provincial Goverment ...under yPour active representative in the Ontario Legislature • since 1943 the leadership of P'reuuer Geo. _A Drew. has been -able to • dlbll mo§ti sof its - elec- ; tion pledges- in spite of the obstructiquist tactics ttlLiberai.C.C.F;-Coinmirnjt � tie-- cls • f oreed the preinature June 4th eleetiol Y . gi n ,, e e -C- on=7- servative Administration to carryon - iug,majo7rnty. 11,46 nervous, run. -down' condition DQJN S OF DV( A,NN'ON, May2i,—"ttcicliY" Joclilln ` of It:ftcbenei,' .. a returned' soldier, Is expected to visit with M . and Mrs. Geo,- Rivett this week. They 11'ave• not met him yet,, but ,are quainted through correspondence, he being sin overseas 'pal of their sun, ,Leonard' Rivett, Leonard,- Who is. re- covering,froin .bullet wounds in Eng. land,., will soon be home, his pal thinks. Mr: and Mrs., John McWhinney and Mrs. Charlotte Reid spent Saturday with their. relatives, Air. and ;14115. Itobt. Reid,. who have retired from the farm to Hive at Port Elgin. Mr. and Mrs.' sllarbld Durnin of Detroit and M. • 4. E. Durnin of Luckliow were recent visitors with Mr: ands Mrs. Robt. J. Durnin: Mr. H. Parker, a third -year student of Harron .:College, London, has been engaged'te- have charge of the Anglican churciin services for the sulnmer months. R,ebecelt Caldwell spent a fort- night wieli ,her daughter, Miss. Pearl Caldwell, Leamington. Mrs.. Leroi Stiugel and ,daughter Marietta visited 'their aunt, Mrs. Don- ald McNevin, at 'Goderich Hospital -on Wednesday of last week. Mrs. :1ic- 7evin-broke-her Dight ankle..twb weeks ago, _ <Mr..,,and--lllrs._.x1'Jlf�=ud.,.Ni�-eus -.and family, 'of; Sanford, ,v isited the lady's parents; r Mr, -and Mrs-, Robt. 1 toore. 11ir, `WIn. Stewart of Glenn's Hill has been "Wppoiitted the new •_post- maSt;r fol' 1)aangsinmon. Mr. SfeWhiuue y i ci itizig his sister in C1eti+eland. Mrs. Catherine McKenzie, Lochalsh, Was a visitor last week with her sister, •Mrs J. G. \rontgomery�. .,.. Rev.A. L. Ailin Was. in charge oi,";"the service at tile. United church on Sunday ' morning'- and also • supplied, at -the Port. Albert and Crewe appointments -• HOLMOSV ILLS IIOLMFSVILLF, May 21. The,, Ebenezer W.A. held ,their May Meeting at the parsonage on Thursday; with a full attendance: An interesting re- • -port 'of :the Presbyterial niee'ti,ug . held in Goderich a short time ago was given by -Mrs. ,,bra .Merrill. A pot -lock ,sup- per. was served. . Mrs. . Laslibrook . ani- daughter, . of 1 14,'[itehell, were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. john Potter. , . _ .I dMiss,,Eetty Stock spent the week -end I. with' Mr: and 'Mrs. Earl Williams. andl family at Goderich ' /' } Mr. and Mrs.' Leslie Jervis receised a cable' .ou Saturday', from -their i'soul ..Ivan,. who had ,arrived • in England after spending six months in' a German prison -camp, In the' cable Ivan- states ' he is feeling' well and 'fit. - Mr. and Mrs: Wm. -McClinchey and• son, W.H. McClinchey, N.II.O., Sydney, N.S., accompanied Mr. and Mrs. James a Cox on a motor trip to Gosiien,'Ind., where they. are .spending.a few': days with the former's =daughter, Mrs. Barringer.' . , ' • .. The many friends -.of Mrs. H. J. Tre- wartha, who underwent a serious oper- ation in Clinton hospital last week, are I pleased to know 'she is progressing i favorably. • ' Mrs. Nin. Jervis underwent a serious operation. on Fridaf hist in 'Clinton hospital: Our earnest w!shes are ex- tended•, ,for an early recovery. r. in the absenee of the pa tor, R44'. '. J'. Vielterson', °TIe gave • a. forceful ad. dress, Mr, ,']ills.' haat. . •suppliedbefo re in this church and awas remembered br many. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs, will Smith last week were Mrs. --Jack Mc- Call, . Lucknow; M'rs, Jos, 1 illough, Seaforth; Mr, and Mrs.Sloan ,and their son °Harold, 'wife and Soni Billy, Toronto, Women's Assoeiation,--Qn F'riduy,k May. 18th, the Women's Association of the United, Church met in the church,. bas'eiwent,. with Mrs. Popp in charge. Mrs,,Sillib, read the Scripture ;.7esson, and Airs. Reed offered prayer.` Mrs. ,Reed :gave .a report from the parson, age committee.. ` Mrs. A. B. Pentland gave the topic; "The' Christian, Home." Mrs. Petrie read -a poem, "Friends," and Miss Dorothy 'Robb favored with two violin " selections, w "After the biizpah benediction, the ladies did quilting. • MAFEKhIVG .:4i EKING, May 22.= -Mr. and Mrs;. 13icbiIpatriek and • Douglas visited . BENMILLER . ' BENMILLER, May ' '22. —• Mrs.. Walters and , Floyd' spent a few days last week • with 'Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Jervis at golmesville. The play "Uncle Josh Perkins," by { the.:Walton :players, was, well receiv=ed by :a large assembly - in; Benn3i-i-11er- church' on Thursday -night. . ' Mrs. Scott of • Goderich visited. her father, Mr. A. Vnstone, • and . family. on Sunday. Mrs, Jas, Jewell, has -sold her pro- perty at Benmiiller to her nepliew, Mr. Percy Warner, of Goderich - t r -: t-ra. tr-i —;t_ her daughter, Mrs. Sturdy, and faintly in Goderich township. The; s •mpathy of this conanitinity is extended to Mrs.'i elth•'Gardner in the irss of her mother. Ir. Jas. Stewart of Allentown, Pa., is spending the silrnmer--months with his brother .The at tbe• Stewart home, That can be done by voting Or NILS NILE, May 21.-:-N iss M. I. Currey will attend a •special meeting of the .Deaconesses in Toronto op. Saturday,.. •May 26th. - •tV.M.S. and Red Cross. -::Wile met in the ,Church on May nth, the pre sident, MiSs Currey, iii the chair. -•T,i e Seripture lesson was 'read by Mrs Jack Poo ga n,-a-ud-- missionary rel - were given b, , irs: D. McPhee and Mrs. John McPhee, and one on Christ- ian' stewardship. by Mrs. G. nutreclge. I?oe'ms 'were reach by Mrs. McIlwai#i and .Mrs. Morris. A short report was (,given of the Presbyterial .meeting in Goderich, °.'rite following is the lied -Cross report 'since January, 104_ I p4irs°- servwe' 4ohk€;, ` 4 -pairs seamen's Socks, one quilt. The study book was thea taken by Mrs. Thos. `MePliee. The meeting closed with the Mi pah 'benediction, The next meeting ` will be on 'Jtine 13th and Will take" the form . of a quilting. - There will ,be >!t special colleetim for .the. . Milk for llritaIiih fund ' NIECE `017' AURPLANI roL i`D A• three-foot :section of an airplane propeller was foaled nn the Inkeslwr+t'1 at Douglas Point, north of InVerhuron, on' h ridgy by Jack MacKenzie Of Brut c4 township. ,finding,, of this gives ercdelice to • the belief that tiie AVrs, Anson bomber' missing on a, Algltt from f'or't ; llkert last anttirati went down :hi the lake, somewhere in, that ;vtcirtityKiiuctirdiae News.. AMMO friends in, Goderich and Atwood an. Tuesday" east, • . ' ` ' 1V1 ,-and'Mrs. lerziaan Philips 'spent Sunday With her •parents, Mr, and _Mrs. John Campbell, Belfast. Miss-. - Susie Kilpatrick, Lucknow, visited this week -end -with Mrs. Thos., J. Anderson. • Mr; and Mrs. Miller Johnston and Eugenia visited friends in Milclntay on Sunday. Blake's W.M.S. held their meeting' in the church ou May l th, with Mrs. L Menary, preside_nt,..in Charge.` ik[rg '.phos.. J. Andersen ably gave the last chapterin thee : study book, "West .of. the Date. Line,'.' Mr. and Mrs.' Aubrey Higgins and Jack, of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Misner and Nola, of Stratford, were, week -end visitors with Mr and Mrs. Herb. CurraIr ' , y Mr. and Mrs. Don Maclver "'and Jackie visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs., Thos. Blake, at .the end of the week. 0 4- To the political and economic reactionary, Social Security is. something to be used as a bribe to win votes -- a sop io soothe ,unrest,' Social makeshifts of that kind are actually off ered t`o-day as political substitutes for .sound ' economic : plrinning'for:the dost -war reconstrii 'tion. of Cajnada. To the Ste!te Socialist, on •_the, other hand, Social Security is a bookish theory seeking to prove that poverty would, be 'much more endurable .if only :it were much more - general. t And now, listen for a moment . John Bracken, the forthright leaderof the Progressive Conservative Party :-- "The State here in an `�`. �nli• [ ..Canada � tke� .in Germany, is the servant of the .:people, not its• master. Finance, and eeanomic mechanisms associated" with' it, .must McPwise be regarded• as theservants, not the masters, of our .economy. The under- writing �' .AND 400tial security n 8 a p'r'oper function of the State " Notice ,how closely prosperity and .social-rityaretht'1: -b. - We are . d et atfned - that Social . Security 8611 'nit, longerbe'regaided.a:s , a charity but as . h xt It social obligation and ilat onal. resp il; ib1Jity of the.. -very first magnitude and . import- arlee. Social' Seem -its, is rnu: t ,grow withu prosperity--beeattse the degim to which se c im&y'- y 3 ` j'ide is deter. mined b the alae iff the nbifionar lncome. • We are pledged to Maintain ,in thiat income t 'high -prosperous lev 1- tagainit this .:baekgrotjnd of plenty for all, dint ...: the' Progressive Conservatives see Social' Security-- The Progressive Conservative Party is pledged:; to provide, without delay, a uniform and - comprehensive social security iprpgramrne for all Canadians,, .' including: [Extended coverage. unemployment insurance s. ,`Adequate payn ents for the ' mainten- ance of unemployable. WAccident and' sickness benefits. V hildren's allowances. iVMaternity benefits. ;"'V W1dows' bene fits Retirement pensions. `'/increased old age • pensions at age 65: S► Inertia ed pensions for "the blind. Where any of these ,social' `services are Administered provincially, we shall provide grants `Iarge enough to ensure adequate staff dards of social security for all 'Canadians. • Compare this positive and , oriplete programme with the make -shift ex- pedients',, of other parties.. Np other. CI party :can equal`' or even approach John Bracken's guarantee _.of security f or.al Canadians. , It's rational security—NOT rationed scarcity .- a SIVE CONSERVATIVE LAND r• 16,1111/1$414 b thi Preirreoifi, 0614,60006414