HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-05-24, Page 6GODE1tIC1i TON'II
t - Gt DEB,I011 T'C!' NS t ', May
t. ongratulatiQn0;" to ` Mie.: and Mrs.' Jahn
•Clements on ''the arrival of a .'wee e '
- daughters
hand . Mrs. Fred Black and Ray-
mond, of Owen eSound, Were` recent
4lues is with Mr, and , Mien, Art. Tick:
Mr, and `Mrs. -Sam IlfeNall, of, (bode -
rich, were • recent guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Vin, Puller,
Union , rlltirch° Notes jThe -May'
uteeting• iaa'the w..t.g.. of 'Uzuion elturclt
was held QII 'Wednesday ' at. ,,the house
ttf Mrs, (Rev.) L. H. Turner, Goderich,
with '.fifteen. ladies present. The de-:
votional exercises were conducted by
Mrs. Gerald. Orr. Mrs.' Ilarvwood `gave-
a report of the Huron presbyterial:
Meeting • held in Goderich . on; May 3.
Portions. of the book "Second Pioneer"
Our Full .'bilge
of Prics
meets the needs and
wishes of every
4'Ap family.
17 Montreal Street
Phone 399 J or -W.'
Funeral flonlo
:Ow! Funeral Chapel combines
the dignity of a place, of worship
and the refinement of a quiet.
FLOYD M. LODGE, Director
You are in ited ' to listen t�
"Music for Sunday' program over
CKNX, Wingliam, each Sunday
afternoon at -3. p.m.
holm Convalescing
After ' Sever Ill
After many severe illneasee or serious'operi, tion
the patient is very often left in an . rnely "weak,
To: t> , eonvalesCent WILD wed. some kind
of a tonna t 'stimulate and, built up the weakened
they m, we would recommend Milburn'S ',tfeatt. ' • assist
em back, to health—happiness again. ' and Nerve �a1Ds to
These pills Help, eupply elements necessary to asst, the convalescent
pain bringing aekt bodily str gth and vigour. .•
Price 00,, box, laa'pills, at till drug counters, C1
, . 'Tho (1't ad mark a "Red. Heartt'" on the ptiekage.
LOok for aux regist d 'trade Co., Limited, +yoramto, Oni: a
w read.by Mr.., A, illi ►, . Wui
Porter, Mrs. Gordon Orr 'amid Mrs.
Puler. The .-treasurer, Mri. Gordoiu,
Orr, galve t'h'e 'liaatatteittt report. Tile
meeting elOscd with oyer by R,ev.
L. 11.. Turner.. L/juach. Wasl��.y,$eQrveil bay h hostess. . - • •Owing. tY' anniversary
services at Victoria street chttrcb on
Sunday, there will be no service at
Union. .:. The pastor,- Rev. 1G. II.
Turner, occupied tate pulpit at. 'Union
Ulr •S'tnxday, delivering a lino sermon
ori the theme, "Love Shuns the Parade
(*round. • .,•
ARLOW, May 21.—Mr. Roy` Lriing.
ton and Fay, of Toronto, , gni* Lily
McDonald, of Galt, and Mr. and Airs.
Ross , ,I,41 eDonaald, of c,o0ei'ieli, ,visited
Itb ,Mz w tiild Mfrs, `4, Arrington,
Ursa .,Win; Stevens and fir, and Mrs;
Caarma.ir , Stevens, of �Goderich vis}ted'
with Mrs. 'it:,.0eai,.r1 '
}� Mp sister,
Hilton Amos��fof Parkhill hill visited'
his sistear3, Mrs, W. Wilson.
The W.ALS. ,zees , in' the. hall on
Thursday, with' eleVen present. Mrs.
R. ' Rean had ehatt --of the meeting,
Mrs. Tait Clark ,acted as secretary in
Mrs, Sto.11's aabseuiee~yaind gave the .re-
port of . the 1 resbyterial meeting. Sec
ond-lianci. clothing, Was asked for the
bale, to be in by the, end of'May, A
dainty lunch' was, served by'lairs,
Chester l?eagan,, it being her mouth:
for- the meeting.
Mrs. Lizzie . Ewing, of° Collingwood,
and Delbert, of Cruiiilin, visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Fordyce Clark .oh Sun-
day, MTs. Service returning with them.,
' tggs. • Th;oWas Wilson, Mac and
Johnny and ilton .Amos motored 'to
Jimmy Clark met with an accident
and had his eye cut .With a piece of
steel. He and his mother are at pre-
sent in Godet'i wtb Mrs. John Clark.
First Co-ed.: "'What is the height of
happiness?"Second CO -ed: "In my
case, he's -about six feet tw.o.inches."
: 'Pacts- of friendship tivill' `i1.pt last -
without 'acts o2 friendship,
.�NBnWtEST »,Ds/Gants
Guaranteed workmanship at
prices .that vctilt please you.
Calf. at our office; Phone 242J or.
,drop us.a:..line to Box 161, Goi e-
richh. We -will be pleased to call
and help choose: a •suitable. 'mem-
orial for your:: family_ plot` .
R, .-A = SPO-TTON.:
St: Andrew's St.
No extra eh �rge for the use
of our Funeral Horne, Toron-
to. Street: • •
Froznpt •+Ambulance
Phone 335 \, .?des; 355 or 7
You are. invited to inspect our
stock in
Clinton , Exeter Seaforth,
• Phone 141..
Enquiries. promptly attended to.
Cunninghama C Pryde
'DR. HOBS TAYLOR, .. , Your. Provincial Goverment ...under
yPour active representative in
the Ontario Legislature •
since 1943
the leadership of P'reuuer Geo. _A
Drew. has been -able to • dlbll mo§ti sof its - elec- ;
tion pledges- in spite of the obstructiquist tactics
ttlLiberai.C.C.F;-Coinmirnjt � tie-- cls •
f oreed the preinature June 4th eleetiol
Y .
gi n ,, e e -C- on=7-
servative Administration to carryon -
nervous, run. -down' condition
DV( A,NN'ON, May2i,—"ttcicliY"
Joclilln ` of It:ftcbenei,' .. a returned'
soldier, Is expected to visit with M .
and Mrs. Geo,- Rivett this week. They
11'ave• not met him yet,, but ,are
quainted through correspondence, he
being sin overseas 'pal of their sun,
,Leonard' Rivett, Leonard,- Who is. re-
covering,froin .bullet wounds in Eng.
land,., will soon be home, his pal thinks.
Mr: and Mrs., John McWhinney and
Mrs. Charlotte Reid spent Saturday
with their. relatives, Air. and ;14115.
Itobt. Reid,. who have retired from the
farm to Hive at Port Elgin.
Mr. and Mrs.' sllarbld Durnin of
Detroit and M. • 4. E. Durnin of
Luckliow were recent visitors with
Mr: ands Mrs. Robt. J. Durnin:
Mr. H. Parker, a third -year student
of Harron .:College, London, has been
engaged'te- have charge of the Anglican
churciin services for the sulnmer months.
R,ebecelt Caldwell spent a fort-
night wieli ,her daughter, Miss. Pearl
Caldwell, Leamington.
Mrs.. Leroi Stiugel and ,daughter
Marietta visited 'their aunt, Mrs. Don-
ald McNevin, at 'Goderich Hospital -on
Wednesday of last week. Mrs. :1ic-
7evin-broke-her Dight ankle..twb weeks
ago, _
family, 'of; Sanford, ,v isited the lady's
parents; r Mr, -and Mrs-, Robt. 1 toore.
11ir, `WIn. Stewart of Glenn's Hill
has been "Wppoiitted the new •_post-
maSt;r fol' 1)aangsinmon.
Mr. SfeWhiuue y i ci itizig his
sister in C1eti+eland.
Mrs. Catherine McKenzie, Lochalsh,
Was a visitor last week with her sister,
•Mrs J. G. \rontgomery�. .,..
Rev.A. L. Ailin Was. in charge oi,";"the
service at tile. United church on Sunday '
morning'- and also • supplied, at -the
Port. Albert and Crewe appointments
Ebenezer W.A. held ,their May Meeting
at the parsonage on Thursday; with
a full attendance: An interesting re- •
-port 'of :the Presbyterial niee'ti,ug . held
in Goderich a short time ago was given
by -Mrs. ,,bra .Merrill. A pot -lock ,sup-
per. was served.
. Mrs. . Laslibrook . ani- daughter, . of 1
14,'[itehell, were week -end guests of Mr.
and Mrs. john Potter. , . _ .I
dMiss,,Eetty Stock spent the week -end I.
with' Mr: and 'Mrs. Earl Williams. andl
family at Goderich ' /' }
Mr. and Mrs.' Leslie Jervis receised
a cable' .ou Saturday', from -their i'soul
..Ivan,. who had ,arrived • in England
after spending six months in' a German
prison -camp, In the' cable Ivan- states
' he is feeling' well and 'fit.
- Mr. and Mrs: Wm. -McClinchey and•
son, W.H. McClinchey, N.II.O., Sydney,
N.S., accompanied Mr. and Mrs. James
a Cox on a motor trip to Gosiien,'Ind.,
where they. are .spending.a few': days
with the former's =daughter, Mrs.
Barringer.' . , ' • ..
The many friends -.of Mrs. H. J. Tre-
wartha, who underwent a serious oper-
ation in Clinton hospital last week, are I
pleased to know 'she is progressing
favorably. • '
Mrs. Nin. Jervis underwent a serious
operation. on Fridaf hist in 'Clinton
hospital: Our earnest w!shes are ex-
tended•, ,for an early recovery.
in the absenee of the pa tor, R44'. '. J'.
Vielterson', °TIe gave • a. forceful ad.
dress, Mr, ,']ills.' haat.
. •suppliedbefo
in this church and awas remembered
br many.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs, will
Smith last week were Mrs. --Jack Mc-
Call, . Lucknow; M'rs, Jos, 1 illough,
Seaforth; Mr, and Mrs.Sloan ,and
their son °Harold, 'wife and Soni Billy,
Women's Assoeiation,--Qn F'riduy,k
May. 18th, the Women's Association
of the United, Church met in the church,.
bas'eiwent,. with Mrs. Popp in charge.
Mrs,,Sillib, read the Scripture ;.7esson,
and Airs. Reed offered prayer.` Mrs.
,Reed :gave .a report from the parson,
age committee.. ` Mrs. A. B. Pentland
gave the topic; "The' Christian, Home."
Mrs. Petrie read -a poem, "Friends,"
and Miss Dorothy 'Robb favored with
two violin " selections, w "After the
biizpah benediction, the ladies did
quilting. •
.:4i EKING, May 22.= -Mr. and Mrs;.
13icbiIpatriek and • Douglas visited
' BENMILLER, May ' '22. —• Mrs..
Walters and , Floyd' spent a few days
last week • with 'Mr. and Mrs. Leslie
Jervis at golmesville.
The play "Uncle Josh Perkins," by {
the.:Walton :players, was, well receiv=ed
by :a large assembly - in; Benn3i-i-11er-
church' on Thursday -night. .
' Mrs. Scott of • Goderich visited. her
father, Mr. A. Vnstone, • and . family.
on Sunday.
Mrs, Jas, Jewell, has -sold her pro-
perty at Benmiiller to her nepliew, Mr.
Percy Warner, of Goderich - t
r -: t-ra. tr-i —;t_
her daughter, Mrs. Sturdy, and faintly
in Goderich township.
The; s •mpathy of this conanitinity is
extended to Mrs.'i elth•'Gardner in the
irss of her mother.
Ir. Jas. Stewart of Allentown, Pa.,
is spending the silrnmer--months with
his brother .The at tbe• Stewart home,
That can be done by voting Or
NILE, May 21.-:-N iss M. I. Currey
will attend a •special meeting of the
.Deaconesses in Toronto op. Saturday,..
•May 26th. -
•tV.M.S. and Red Cross. -::Wile
met in the ,Church on May nth, the pre
sident, MiSs Currey, iii the chair. -•T,i e
Seripture lesson was 'read by Mrs
Jack Poo ga n,-a-ud-- missionary rel - were given b, , irs: D. McPhee and
Mrs. John McPhee, and one on Christ-
ian' stewardship. by Mrs. G. nutreclge.
I?oe'ms 'were reach by Mrs. McIlwai#i
and .Mrs. Morris. A short report was
(,given of the Presbyterial .meeting in
Goderich, °.'rite following is the lied
-Cross report 'since January, 104_ I
p4irs°- servwe' 4ohk€;, ` 4 -pairs seamen's
Socks, one quilt. The study book was
thea taken by Mrs. Thos. `MePliee.
The meeting closed with the Mi pah
'benediction, The next meeting ` will
be on 'Jtine 13th and Will take" the
form . of a quilting. - There will ,be >!t
special colleetim for .the. . Milk for
llritaIiih fund
' NIECE `017' AURPLANI roL i`D
A• three-foot :section of an airplane
propeller was foaled nn the Inkeslwr+t'1
at Douglas Point, north of InVerhuron,
on' h ridgy by Jack MacKenzie Of Brut c4
township. ,finding,, of this gives
ercdelice to • the belief that tiie AVrs,
Anson bomber' missing on a, Algltt
from f'or't ; llkert last anttirati went
down :hi the lake, somewhere in, that
;vtcirtityKiiuctirdiae News..
friends in, Goderich and Atwood an.
Tuesday" east, • . ' ` '
1V1 ,-and'Mrs. lerziaan Philips 'spent
Sunday With her •parents, Mr, and _Mrs.
John Campbell, Belfast.
Miss-. - Susie Kilpatrick, Lucknow,
visited this week -end -with Mrs. Thos.,
J. Anderson. •
Mr; and Mrs. Miller Johnston and
Eugenia visited friends in Milclntay
on Sunday.
Blake's W.M.S. held their meeting'
in the church ou May l th, with Mrs.
Menary, preside_nt,..in Charge.` ik[rg
'.phos.. J. Andersen ably gave the last
chapterin thee : study book, "West .of.
the Date. Line,'.'
Mr. and Mrs.' Aubrey Higgins and
Jack, of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Misner and Nola, of Stratford, were,
week -end visitors with Mr and Mrs.
Herb. CurraIr ' , y
Mr. and Mrs. Don Maclver "'and
Jackie visited her parents, Mr. and
Mrs., Thos. Blake, at .the end of the
To the political and economic reactionary, Social Security is. something to
be used as a bribe to win votes -- a sop io soothe ,unrest,' Social makeshifts
of that kind are actually off ered t`o-day as political substitutes for .sound
economic : plrinning'for:the dost -war reconstrii 'tion. of Cajnada.
To the Ste!te Socialist, on •_the, other
hand, Social Security is a bookish theory
seeking to prove that poverty would, be
'much more endurable .if only :it were
much more - general. t
And now, listen for a moment .
John Bracken, the forthright leaderof
the Progressive Conservative Party :--
"The State here in an `�`. �nli•
[ ..Canada � tke� .in
Germany, is the servant of the .:people,
not its• master. Finance, and eeanomic
mechanisms associated" with' it, .must
McPwise be regarded• as theservants, not
the masters, of our .economy. The under-
writing �' .AND 400tial
security n 8 a p'r'oper function of the
State "
Notice ,how closely prosperity and
.social-rityaretht'1: -b. -
We are . d et atfned - that Social .
Security 8611 'nit, longerbe'regaided.a:s
, a charity but as . h xt It social
obligation and ilat onal. resp il; ib1Jity of
the.. -very first magnitude and . import-
arlee. Social' Seem -its, is rnu: t ,grow withu
prosperity--beeattse the degim to which
se c im&y'- y 3 ` j'ide is deter.
mined b the alae iff the nbifionar lncome. •
We are pledged to Maintain ,in thiat income
t 'high -prosperous lev 1- tagainit
this .:baekgrotjnd of plenty for all, dint
...: the' Progressive Conservatives see
Social' Security--
The Progressive Conservative Party
is pledged:; to provide, without delay, a
uniform and - comprehensive social
security iprpgramrne for all Canadians,, .'
unemployment insurance s.
,`Adequate payn ents for the ' mainten-
ance of unemployable.
WAccident and' sickness benefits.
V hildren's allowances.
iVMaternity benefits.
;"'V W1dows' bene fits
Retirement pensions.
`'/increased old age • pensions at age 65:
S► Inertia ed pensions for "the blind.
Where any of these ,social' `services
are Administered provincially, we shall
provide grants `Iarge enough to ensure
adequate staff dards of social security
for all 'Canadians.
Compare this positive and , oriplete
programme with the make -shift ex-
pedients',, of other parties.. Np other.
party :can equal`' or even approach John
Bracken's guarantee _.of security f or.al
, It's rational security—NOT
scarcity .-
16,1111/1$414 b thi Preirreoifi, 0614,60006414