HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-05-24, Page 4TOR IL erfO& ACT • For aat 35 (Referred to in Section 88 (t)1 Notice ((Holding an r; ^ OATIORS. TRA,VELLERti 'NLE . ..ORAL DISTRhCT .. F' HL ItOiV clotie is. hereby , �ven. that trsant to'the provtsio of the •bice.DrAct S tion 8l poll will' be opened en T A• E I _' . . • SATURDAY, the %:l.is. , " lo . rind �i!�D ._'.Ka FEID� . .PND• � t � , Est god: days of Julie, frein eight o'eloek \in' the foremen. uutii flys teelotk is .the afternoon -aid frooit sea'ten; • o'clock in the afternoon until - ten o'ci Qui Memo*. P n ' lee fort let sal t c't � � f' ro it b� • The. colli g place nthe , . A,�' is a< o ,Hti n lot' .ted at Goderich Town nag for the - ,ur ose of reeeiving. the a p votes•of railway eInplQyeeS, sailors and travellers whose ,employment is sae, as to necessitate their Absence from time. to time, from their ordinary place ofreside residence, or �whahave reasonto 'believe- e -thatt they will be absent upon the day fixed for , the eleetion, The ballot box will be opened and the votes counted at 7 pan, o'clock in the Town Hall, of Goderich the 4th day of June at 'the said, place. Dated at meter this 10th day of May, 1940: . OtikitK FISHRR, 20,1 Returning Officer . RE; VOTING AT AADV.NCE .POLLS The following persons shall- be permitted to vote at advance " polls in addition to those classes of voters named in Section 88 of the flection A,ct, B.S.C., 1937, Chapter, 8 Delegates to the convention of the" Ontario Provincial Command ' of the Canadian Legion, British Empire Service League, which is to be held in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, 011 June 4th to June ,7th, 1945; both days inclusive. " • • • - - " Such delegates, whether official or fraternal, if their names are -entered' on the _voters' _ list for the appropriate electoral .district,. may vote on producing to the • deputy returning officer - at the • advance poll their credential card appointing thein as delegates, such card to be signed in printing by Thomas Magladery, Pres- ._..._ ident,,• and. countersigned- in handwriting . by W. T3urke, ret'aiy'of tho'- int^:'ario :Prv`:zntidl CAmin. ucl aaac ,du -ir akin the cleelaration .t Section ,S8 l0) ). properly amen ded.. Seliool",'tea0hers who) haveleen :s in noised--It�--Tororttc)Tey ishe Provincial Department of Education for the purpose of marking; .' • examination papers where such summons entails their absence • .from home on the day of polling, may vote, if. their names are Ain the voters' list for the ilppropriatee electoral district, • on i rodiicislg to the' deputy returning officer the letter .of instructions 'received .by' thein from the Department of Education and on nialcipg the declaration (51ction 88, (6.), ) properly amended. 4et.Any Active Seuice Voter w h®-- is absent on leave from his . unit bat vho • %ri11 be en route to . his unit on the day of pollingniay " ,ote at ail advance poll in the'electoritl district'in which he is . 'ordinarily resident udder provisions of Paragraph, -11 of the )ntarioAi'tive. :?ervice Voting Regulations, 1945. 'pht' above -i§ JI direction. made byme as ,Chief Electoral Officer of the Province of 1)utario under authority vested- in me by Section - - 5, .-sultsection 4, I f'''the Tlw cthin Acct, 1937, and Section 4 of-, the Active Service Election Act. 194,5. DES It is. not too Carly ;for June brides to be tIdiiking of their wedding flowers, • P `4. We have u reputation , for 'turning out beautiful wedding corsages : andbouquets made , Co blend with the costumes and to Snit, the. �. person ity of the wearer,• , We:i' vita ' �o ilk yoll to see many actual p�at'oglr"allhs of brard+�s went' :' flowers - e havew tfig v►' supplied, also' to. Inspect our volume of cuts of wedding flowers of every typeS and at a wide . range e of prices., " We keep ourselves posted on the latest m weddin procedure and are s g 1 . g p always d aPtl .ta act as bride's counsel alon��‘tUese lines. Church. ,or , a , H rale �Decoruttons tau., suit .eve sons The; SaGttCY ,.e !ci �- " Deaw'. Florists The' Greenhouses 'that su have •� ' Yxed; . p'� flowers to Goderich and 'vicinity for 40 'years, PHONE 105 AUBURT ' Red (roe ndfit.-.The Literary Society of Auburn t 'nbiie Sehdol open - sore(' 4 -bazaar and afternoon tea in. the Foresters' Ball on Friday after- noon, The hall, was artistically decor- ated with • red, white and blue streamers caught in the centre of the hall tp a. table where pietnres 'of all -the Allied leaders and their.espective Bags, made a very •attractive. setting, Afternoon tett • was °served at ., small tables Land were in charge of .Marie Rittliby, Violet Nevins, Jean Rirk- eoniiell, , June. Beadle, Pauline ` ;Sing, Doris McKnight. and Joan • Killough. These • girls were assisted by • junior, girls of the school:• Garth Meglinehey, ;Bill Seers and G►1en Yungblut bad charge •of the {,bazaar., J)uiiiig ` afternoon •a variedt.a n d.interestln Y• ro- grain, was vat on, by the its, with, JohSeeks .an 'Donald in as Iku- nouncers. Miss Marie T' Raithby and Ted e Turner were accamp anfsts. The proceeds of the afternoon =taunted to s30, which, will be given .,to the ., + Junior Red Cross. The '1's , and" their teacher,i M ss M,° .fJaesar,, are to be congratulated on such a . successful afternoon. Death of Mrs. Robert Scott.- ,Tliis community has lost an esteemed 'resi- dent in the death. of Margaret Isobel McLean, .wife of Robert J. •Scott, who passed away in Alexandra "Hospital, Parhhlll, amt.': Mrs. Keith 'Gardner 1R DISTINCTIVE I+l:aOR,AL iRRANGEMENTS -Fresh Roses always LI stand Phone. 880J at all hours, • Muth* S. Stewat't The Square "In ifowers it has been StewarriL sf lee 1,8o°Y Gadericli, late. Wednesday night,•ut-the age of sixty-seven. Years. Mrs, Scott had been a great sufferer from asthina and was taken ',to Goderich hospital, , on,•Monday for treatment. • She was born in Asltdeld. township, a daughter of the late, Kenneth ante' Barbara Mac- kenzie. MCLean, and, n, February 14th, :1912, was married to Robert Scott. of Port Albert. After' their :a ,marriage they, lived en the farm in Colborne township now -00301 v ned by , Nelson • Mc - iarty,• ' hater • .they Qperatel .the Auburn chopping milt for four years, and Ewe t e rs • ago theymoved to their presentm farane mileov west of Auburn...- .A1rs. Scott Was a Member Of. Knox, Presbyterian church ,,and of the. Women's Missionary Society," Besides her husbn.nd she leaves one son, Sgmn.. Kenneth Scott, who op March. 22nd re- turned ,home after five and a -half years of overseasservice,. and four daugh- ters, Miss • Mildred . ,Scott, Reg.iV'., of Mitchell; .G race, of Hamilton; Jean, of (Isobel), , of Benriller., .Also surv'ty-' in are four' i. tern Mrs- Leonard P• Brook's (MMin sie) of Calgary ; Mrs.. (Mineie), HectorMcLeuu ..(Lillian) , of`• AmWerly , Mrs. ;Jas. F.. Thomson -• (Florence), of Goderich•arid. Mrs. Eugene B. Rieke' (Grace) ' of+Pieton, and three brothers, Dan, 'of Kintail, • Kenneth '.of..Forest, and Colin Joim, of- "Walsitigimm. The • funeral servic , was held .. n Saturday at :Knox Presbyterian. eftertiden' t church and was,. very . largely attended.` r f zste e ...m3 of ane n 1tev. Robt. o ll ,cC , church, officiated`; „The ' pallbearers' a were Messrs. .: Jahn Houston, ston , Thos, Nall, Howard Robertson, Wm. Stewart,. J. J. Robert"son and Virm. Corey. The :many •beautul: floral' tributes were carried b� Thos;' Hamilton, Stanley te., y . and Bob McNeil, Gerald Hamilton, 'Kenneth. and. Roy V'odden.. The inter, anent was .. in Colborne cemetery.'' Friends were present from ° Forest, Parikhill,. Clinton, lkiitehell, Goderieb Lucknow, , Port Albert, Denfleld` .and the surrounding- distrit t, ; PROGRESSIVECON$ERVAIJYE. COMMITTEE ROOMS. — TELEPHONE 154 • In August 1943 You ,Elected • DR. TAYLOR 'and the DREW GOITERNMENT to Put into Effect. the ' Constructive . 22 Point 'Pro am. • • . w This Program is well under *ay, and among many other things' your . School Taxes and Hydro Rates have been reduced. I;:.LPVerflfl1efltT ELECTORS OF HURON -BRUCE Your Vote and Influence • T RESSIV.E LEGISLATION,. ,u ... -- ^ARDIFF'A�tLOR _ JUNE 11th. V'.OT.E C :G C MASS• 'MEETING ODEIICH RINE edea.' 'rte)' ' }���F.y,• Evening, May 30th, at 8 p.m.. nourable• DANA PORTER NG AND DEVELOPING .IN THE -DREW Q, ABINET SPEAK ON BtiTALI` OF , I OBBS TAYLOR LIBERAL CANDIDATE ' HURON -BRUCE LIBERAL ASSOCIATION M. •Rawlinson Limited regutarly• make ap',aad ship Household Furniture; Con. soiidated Fool Cara to Manitoba, Saslateb• ewan, .Alberta, British Columbia and to California. Write,- wire nr pbon e f or reduced freight rates. ° Established. 1885 big Yon$e Bt., 'throato. 3 Kingadale 5125 110Y1HHG, PACKING, -SHIPPING tad STORAGE • Mrs. H. A. _ Wright, 'of , Aluherstburg, is ' visiting in town. :Miss i argaret Slean, of Toronto, is the guest of Mr. and `ilirs. Fred Murney. '- Dr. E. Taube of. Western University,, London, and Mrs. Taube and" Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Vincent of, Wetdeld' Were -recent guests with Mr: ,and- Mrs. 'J. Vincent, East street. 'Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mutch attended a Mother's pay gathering at the home of Mr. and firs: Harvey: Aitchison; Wingham., ill memory' of Mrs. lt2utch's mother, the late ars. Wm. Aitchison. Members of . the i tp iiy and relatives were present from many points: lid Received i v ed a large shipment of' "t E. -Breckenridge (Sucessor to the late Fred Hunt) , Hardware -and Plumbing Garden Tools 'Wash Tube • Motor-4Oi1 •(gal Galvanized Window Screens Quantities are limited. Buy,.Early. OFFICIAL Pita 1T.QONSERVATIVE. GiANDIDATE FOR HURON I GOD SAVE THE KING - - Progressive Conservative: Part3r ' of ' Huron �he • ., n the:,inju,§tice of farmers incomes is removed : the 4 • eon - only of Canada • y as- h a wholtwill be strengthened and the cross section of our population will enjoy a New Pro - sper ty such,`as we°have never had before. WEEK -END FEAA.PlRES ° Kellogg's . Oven Fresh ez .L8 oz, _k s'i o p g Standard Quality , PEAS • 2-20 oz: tins 21c Arctic Pastry Flour 7 lb: bag 250 Bitterest Shortening lb. 19c Pry's Pure Breakfast Cocoalb 19e 1 lb; 310 Corn Starchpkg. l0c Chicken 1l'is►ddie. tin 29c $25 • a week minimien- w r law for ,inen 'with proportions increase for women. i. During niy •terns in the Legislature I used my in. , fluence at every oppc ltun- .ty in favor sof UNIFORM ( 7Tf_ iF i.4 gain elcoted 1 will do° • Un� What* can` t� _bring , orm Rates into` efect: ar tJAMES BALLANTYNE Full opportunity in life for ex -service nen And women. Whoever -needs to -be added •to.the Feder o Government .pplann forite$abihtatioil.:w11 added. ealt . 'Insurance -ee Ti)9, relieve wage • . earners and salaried people of the con- stant- fear of . heavy medical and hospital bills, AY LMEA SOUPS Assorted Flavours Tin 9c • Davis.Gelatine ppkg..19c NQ. Qum* RICE• 2 ills. 25c Strong support of floor established during the w'a We will help farmers o ize, into various wpmgroups. Establish . a Hie, exp fed Marketing Branch. e condemn the Drew Gov.µ hent• for stopping bonuses cheese, hogs, wool) sugar etc, by closing ParlYa'. went contrary to agreement, be- 'fore money for., these 'bonuses was passed.. WE. WILL REIN- STATB ANDD " MAKE THESE ^BONUSErS. RETROACTIVE WHEN ELEgTED TO OFFICE North •Iluron Progressive Conservative Association rr Tomato' Juice Gila Ftee • KELLOGG%%, ALTs -WHEAT 2 p , 25C I,ondonilerry ICE 'ORRAM POWDER 'kg.15o Lo ng's q:C. Sauce , :"bot,19c Woodbtlury'o Paoiaal ... 2 bars �5c rww,rwn�r • ' Interlake Lg°e.: Toilet Tissue, - 3 rolls 2$c J_ CALVIN �4. P, P .one.116 J. J. McIWE MaliVE14. Phone 46 .:t