HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-05-24, Page 2=MR Stenktatair grit tnnaL- tar WING ' . GO 1Ut U SX( N» TUB GODERIO1 S' • Frxbiiehed. by Signal -Star Press, 11wited, ` West Street, Goderich, : Ontario tib iptiou Be Canada and Great Britain, $2.00 a year; 'States, $2.510. ,odvertisxnig Rates. on :request. . ' • Telephone 71. TIli,'RSD ,Y, MAY 24th; 134'4 'V W sI COITTRoIa?`. 1.the festival -ST.' FA• Ifyctre, question will net . down. • Chi8• rtDltinatn• heSttated to: inject the Vnited ' eiblesdady Sveniug The program of the ' Festival on Wednesd;;,y 'er''ening; wa's, a delightful treat to the large s'laudience pre'ent. ,uestion." • auto ;,,,the present , eleetioxt The children in the finals .sang sweet - campaign, as Moue of the. candidates ly ; 'inlatnti . solos iron commend- had introduced 'Atte his' •published talon; and when "the girls from the, v�lec:tion, ,appeals ass subject which silouid Couegiate :Institute climaxed •the pro - _,be of Da'rtieul'ar interest to the people grain; with their trios 'and chciruses, '•k odes eh. Howevr, . n subeserabcr under the d roetaoZ =..iif Mrs. Cts:. , in. a, letter which is, Published nt. tlhis 1 dw;trd; the adjudicator declared: kaagti' has brought ,the matter to 'at- `"Their singing is most promising andtention, . ^and we feel we, should say 'magnificent, and if' they continue , they r et etiling abptik it; will give_ Goderich something of 'which In. 1443. Mr. • Drew in ' his `22 -point , to be proud." He suggested that the election: 'program said, in point 13:' girls should ' be sent to cities : like A'The .yore -1 ! ctrio .Power Coithmis-• London, 'Toronto, and even Winnipeg, si�px •'wild . be relnoyed frons peliticai to hear 'what they have there. control." Thirteen boysA•who competed in class • ILi 'this .promisu been carried .out? 31, ' eleven years and under, in the 'in the' present „campaign Hon. 'Geo. test piece ".Dreams," were highly "cam - ; H.,. Chillies, . member of the Drewmended. ,At 'i 1r. Robb's request, they oab net, and 'xuellibAr also of the On- sang the piece all together, and when tari°. ;j1ydro-Electric Power Cormis- they finished he said : "This class of sxon, ..11as afteinled'�both of the Con- boys is 'Mast interesting.. Any cathed- servatite ut?Iiatiiutng ''conventions in ral :choir in. Canada would 'be, glad to thi,5 con""arty 0:14ix his speeches hits have them." darks in the finals were dwelt wail the - ace mplishrnents in awarded to Gary Staniforth, 84; Jinn the Hydro field and taken credit to. the nay McArthur, 83; Charles Kemp, 82. Drew fovernlnent for thew.: This is Others -were David Bull, Teddy Dowell, hardly ;'removing sro from political Fred Vincent, Lloyd McQuiggan,_ Mal - c ontr 1 11 if y4ro is not in 'politics,. colm Campbell, bby Gardner, Don - the Oilterumeut'.cannot,- rigl�;tly claim Talo Straughan, : ick Allen, Joe ereda�c Ltir - , 'which but.Asian?_ and Bruce Barrio � y t Y p ch Mr. Challies is Final marks awarded in other classes ',taking in .the. present campaign and were: the. claims- Whieli.-!he makes in his Girl's vocal solo, '`The Little Bird," speeches. hadiekte.blainly enough that eight and under, with nineteen compet-' Hydro is'- very.,,' mciel in politics--a-nd1-Ting aynO .Ford; 84 Shirley Ben- that en- th. T;$•.; .,}at i,'t , s. , the., .ave •nment, .and notlainin. S Ruth Westbrook, 2• tichl:Commission-, that . 'Girl's Isom; -.eleven find uttder�-= • ez determ7ineS xT S(tA tcy... _.• _ ThAilA ,on- My.�Lawn"-•--Betty Bowra, •' .1- Ther, -arh4, Drew Government, having 24.; ?Jary Lou Mathieson.,.. 83,; Jane tcstabl` ed n' 'unnijarzn rate for rural Graham, 81. the- Province, �• - st " rl's solo,thirteen and under, "The ,1I,ydroinroughout . e h1u Girl's , be . held *,responsible for its failure to 'SR•ing, Cynthia Y otutg, 86; Maxine • grant a' ;mil'fornr'-•tate for' power sup- Stewart, '83; Mary Lou Sanderson, plied to urban municipalities. klytlro . . Twelve competed in this class. starte 'out, 'the slogan' ,"Hydro, Piano solos, thirteen years . and at cos ,' "b t hur •es for. ower have under, "Polonaise in. • G" -Margaret G . ,, ta, .. � g.,p a been so `,tianipu1a ed; time after "time- Jackson, Auburn, • 8Q. Fourteen years ap.d aunt colder the present Gove1nihenrt and under, • "Sir Rupert -Jean Wilton,. curly- =' tk � -t • the "Hydro at cost .prcn- Brussels, 78. • • G 1grades e torn~ 5,6 �' :`citrle %s*, �ae�u, done to death. It is �` Unison , $- resurre'ct'ed' ~only when: some:., excuse Noy Ts the Mouth •taf Ntaying - ▪ Hi ust be ,fo»d ..for the 'present system Victoria ;Sch:oor, 25; Central School,' 83. finder v1i.iehi . the •.big cities -get pre- • Piano -solo, sixteen years and under, fe'rred .rates. "Nocturne Eb. Major" —Christine When. Hydro :Engineer .Parker was Leishirian, Goderich, 83. - in....(toderich a. few., months ago •and Girls'' trio, "Fairyland" (Collegiate) spoke before' the; Lions Club, he ad- =Dawn Stubbington, Barbara Henry, tatted, that .power'.. from Eastern ..On Marilyn Butler, 84; Jean Scott, Emma tn,riQ and' Quebec was'.not delivered at Robertson; . Ruth Allison, 82; Betty. Toronto, H.am,iltgn, and other cities on Marsh, Eleanor Watson, Ramona Baer, • the Ink cost" principle; but was joined. • up with' -power. from Niagara without chafe ,for ;transmission. - This is .grossly,,. anfair:. to' the ,municipalities, like ,Gode'rich, that are under •heavy . charges dor transu�lxssx'on. . ..Can it be denied .f for a ;nninute that. the big 'cities are the, ruling. power?, When "Hydro cost" works to their Pinks ,and Now. fraise .We All Our tidvaitit t e, it is , a .' grand . •thing ; but Father" b Godericli . Collegiate,' 86 i .1V onday, Ma.y. 2 x 8.30 ,P.1V1r ' • Over.4 special, network of Ontario Stattoaas•including +GPCO • 01IA.TEAN r ` Wednesday, May .SO�th, '7.00 P.M.;• Clver. a special network of Ontario Stations including CrC° 'CHATHAM Pr day, June 1st, 11.30P.M. Over, a special network o Ontario Stations •including GFNE. TORONTO' axed on Thursday, May 31st, 8)0 • P.M. , Friday`, June lab; Over the Ontario Regional Network of the Canadian ,8roadcristmm Corporation And Affiliated Stations Including CBL Toronto Published. by, the ProgresSive Conservative Party of Ontario Ordiuerily otne tfli fd afn in r, y,� gainfully 'employed, earns his livelihood in a sriall business. It may be a farm a store or a: uinbe +. Std' aa architect's office or a • service' station. Taken to ether these individual enter- - prises provide a very substantial. . part of Canada's total jobs -must continue to do so after the war. '" ., During. the years "ahead many people. who dropped: small .• business for war reasons will.want to return to their HYDRO RATES. Editor The. Signal -Star., - Dear Sir, -We are to have another; Provincial election, and - I quite ,'agree With the editor that • it ryas; not et all necessary. We all know that Mr. Drew is very arrogant and proPocative ; but why did not the Lieut. -Governor let the C C.F. try their' hand at it for a -year or two? The Liberals and . the Labor members would hate given them support for . a couple • of sessions,. and by' that titne all our soldiers would be back and they could then. have a vote. As it is, few of them Will get a chance to vote; and also much legislation that should have been . passed will be dropped, especially promises' made to these "outside" counties in regard tQun- 81. • , iformity or equality in .poWer rates, There were only two adult • con- and this was a ,question that elected'" petitors in the Festival -and they were several supporters of the 'present Gov thanked ,,for, . taking' part. Each sang ernment at the -last election and made a church solo. Mrs: Harold Campbell, Mr. Drew -Premier. Those promises of Ethel, was .W. i'hel awarded 85 marks •' .,a hake' never been:lived.' up' to or any Mrs, Harold Snaalldon, of Monkton, 75. 'a Girls' chorus, fifteen and under, "The we.: going to -carry on .like this for- ttempt made to li•Ge up to them. Are wiseap�: "Hydro a cost: would mean marks, • • ;higher ,Tastes' for the for it won't Thursday's C.ornpetitions . 'do' -at till. "111y right 'arm is writing niee things This as net, ..or .should not be, a about you," the adjudicator told thirty - party` question. The, ;:big `' power -users five little girtds from r-urat•"scheols Who in the cities, Gritand .Tory -alike want co m etedin the .girl's solo"Pansy cheap, 'power, ;,and they use their in- People," eight years and under; at the thence ,,to get it, . The, people of Gode-festival of Music on Thursday. morn- and of other Municipalities out- ing. Four were chosen for the .Jflnals 2`1.01 P side the favored . circle,, without; dis- '.and in the evening were .given -tithe. tinction of party, also want cheap following up:Mgt Claire Taylor, Wal- i Qwer. How else will they get it but ten, 84 ; Catharine Powell, Clinton, 83; by! impress titg.... upon the power -rate- • fikers; tbat they, too, have votes and influence? • THE MUSIC FESTIVAL A- portion of; the report of thte Gode- rich Music Festival was ,una.boidably and ander, had ty-t wee entries. Boys' .chorus, "The Huntsman" omitted- from earlier ,issues of this The- highest. marks in- vocal claases given at the Festival 87 r awarded Mrs. Bert Boyes- choir, -86;' Miss M: • !Thursday,` uu J and. 10. its the `clues, Gigli - Song" (tech), generation after generation? , We all know, or at Iedst a good many know, how a certain politician was a whispering eampaiguY � ren -The Globe .and ''ilfail-:had its ears. plugged for the occasion. or course .it was not,to be heard of in the' cheap power zone.' The electors of this town re=• member• hots the. town was plastered with bills 'and ` posters asking , the electors • to vote ;for So and So and get uniformity- in Ilyttro rates. The elector's looked at these. bills 'and Said;; "Yes, that..., is just 'what 'we, want." :The electors .of •North• Huron went to ,the,polls and changed a Liberal major- ity, of thousands into "a small' Con- servative,• tajcirity, and the saine to a lesser 'extent in South Huron. ,r The •two Hurons changed the political stand - frig. of the Province. and made -Geo. A. Drew Premier: We electors acted in good faith, and ,what did we "get? . Precisely nothing. I have watched the proceedings at= Queen's`' Park 'and failed to 'see that 'our wo members even made a .question or: opened their mouths to suggest' to Geo.. A.` -'Drew' that "he' implement his omi :b doing something s d1 Pr e, y g to make itsgood. This ;is a. vital question for the who. was looking for the premiership AA made a hurried . trip through those ' counties outside the cheap power zone, And • how.he told a few of the' faithful that if he were T e elected. : to ' o'c'wer he P T would give ns "equality its .power .rates, ; or in other words a fiat rate over ` all the Province. O,i�"course it ,, Hobert Feagan; Goderieh, 80. • . Betty Rutledge,. Dtzng.�nnoxt, and Mary, �" Duet, thirteen :.years and under, Goldsworthy, Lonciesbo) o, , each 82. , "Night Sang Helen Willis and Two other classes 'had large entries. Margaret Henry, Goderieh, 87 ; Glgria Palmer and. Lola Jervis, Clinton, 84, Girl's . oca1 _ solos . eleven _end under, Violins lo, eighteen years and under "Good Morning;" had , twenty-seven Evelyn Breekow, Goderich, 8Q, - contestants, : and the boy's ,vocal, solo, �' Junior church 'choir, Blyth,. "A Song 'The .Running Brook:, fourteen -years j of Thankfulness to God, 86; riper and is given here:-'ir; covers.tne were w I. tMaeDonald's, i8. adjudicsctions of `Vednesday and to Helen Willis' and Margaret Henry thirteen years and. under : '• .and to, xt vans .the very junior little ones' Margaret Jackson, of Auburn, 87.,, Pr j day at the Festival when it re -opened the piano solo, "Coasting," ts•eh°e'.vears atter the . victory holiday. ; •The• first and under. class l curd was the lzindergai:'tenl The junior. church choir of Blyth, • • chairs. The morning class from �i - who' sang "A Song of Thankfulness to Vic - IREO": ALL THE TI a 'felt � erable- She draggy low in vitality -lower in spirits. She hadn't thought of her kidneys, until a;friend suggested Dodd's Kid- ney Pills. At once the took bodd s. The. „ "washed' ;outs' feeling was anon replaced by, dear .headed energy and restful sleep: Headache, backache, lassitude and other signs of faulty kidney! disappeared.. 112` Dodd s Ki , ey Pills No 'fewer than 94 out of every • hundred esfablpsh tents -in 'the': monufactun:; -. „. -in , 'wholesale,- retail ' an I` f services ' fields aroyy""'_small, r employing less 'thane 15 --. people. Together they em- . ploy 37 Jo: of all” the , workers engagedf,in these classes of husiness. 4r -root oot 1941 census) accustomed' or neve ways of making a living. Thus old businesses will. ,be revived,. Many new ones will be started by returned .nava; and. people` now in war indus- tries. the commercial banks will do their part to afford ,•assuirance that ' no sound credit ; requireRent need be eft unserved° iu the field of small .business. As such businesses, grow, they' ' create additional job er �-'f Canadian enter- prises. nter- openings; th t has been theattn d a ries. Most larie companies bean: in,a "small way P s g P � , I � �,. And practicallyail: could: name somebank thick_played h < . 1, a, .needed apart in their grows -by providing, o p they , to finance their day-to-day operation : , t r I I • stands ready toserve ' 'es s small 'or. •Your ban's„scan ��'�� s„ ,, ry '. M - well fes tab ��ished or lust st r, t i, .' Banks- do large, e � . � � �ia � not initiate "uch businesses—but taro'. I 'sh neces- 4nII wor i °t pand manyof a o banking Isar n,g capital � � Y service. , • This` Advertise -Meat' is county'' of Huron: and many (Ether counties. I feel as if our:two members had failed us. If they, had asked . the Premier to `live up to his promise, even.. if they failed to get What they were after they could have come back- to their riding and we would have' seem that they went .baek to Queen's Park. But our two _members thought more of Geo. A. , Drew than they did of the •electorsof the two Hurons who, sent -them t0 u s. Qeen, Park. Wilk have they to . say on .this, matter? The electors of Huron pre. listening. - Think: you, Mr. Editor,. tvr,, for the space. Yours truly, SOME -WHA ";, DISq•USTED. "(� IM I ,S1 l ,T.t. a manr `have him pay h' Acc Ans'w :?,r No Your..; 00148g Collected I' . without hurting 1., I,h • 11 aC .'H 40: Collecton Bureau 40 East St.. Gode •Phone . 5311 SOIL, ks to farmers X Tuesdays .9.45 . Margaret I., MotherNot to B)ame #or the ChiIdrcn's- Golds to is - Bch r kr-Goderieh, received 80 { COW, (Bach). _, wider the _. aircetion, of. _ w_ _ } e rte ail the miotherrcan do the kid.die.ss willxutri thigetclothes, • isthisausedCo. marks and the afternoon clasp Tl fey . were condueted by Miss iss Untie with .Airs. AiC.i)„oug:ill at -the piano. In blas>s 60, grade' 1, Victoria' School r il.ived 83 Marks ; Central, 80. . T'hei ..i”. ei;e three competitors in the piano solo, seven and under, and- all . r lved,. god-uiar-ks=tor e -test. -pie "Uaindtops :" , :Rohit 'McDougall, 84; Diane- Elliott, 83; Bob Dockstader, 80. dor the test piece "Tick Tock," glade 2 'c oirs. Central School received • 84 ,aiarks, and Victoria School, 81.. ' mine, 'Boys competed - in the boy's vocal solo ekass, eight and, under,.-je BInck-' nith." In an •overplus of girls, it was nice to hear the boys' Voices: The 'highest marks.were accorded as Allo vs. (till. -, were.: from Goderieh) : '1ton.ald Johnston, 82; Tommy Shackle-' Billy Worsell ;