HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-05-17, Page 8101. GODS= SRN livimrso .T: GEORGE'S CHURL v, W. M. Ii:AJNI AR, ,Rector ,r - C, 1" S, CARMAN, OrgabIst and Obobrmilter v.4 , MZORAL SERVICES-• •' I ... ORAThDN �OE• TSOSF. WHOA HED• R US ,r' IN COMIMEM , T•he• Service at 11. a.m, w l bo in honor' nn those from the Parish. who made the ,supreme sacriUce whnlo the eveanng service, will- be In honor of all who died for us; 8:30 AM. IIOLX' COMMON. 1.0.00 p.uc , ' CIIURCH , SCHOOL. AND BIRU •11.00• , ,ni HOLY COMMUNION <A�sE� i4V, Subject "The Vision ;wlu b Inspires. .m. EVENSONG AND SERI*ON, Preacher -fit -Lieut. Rev,' J, De Pe#1eier'Wright, Chaplain of Clinton Radio School, • COME TO C1F1tJIZCIi `,• North St. United Church MINISTERREV. R. H. TVRNfiUL1i B.A., B.D.a S,T lM REV.. DAVJD WR1N of -Central. United Church, Stratford 11 a.m. "HUMANITY'S HEADLIGHT." 12.15, SUNDAY SCHOOL. '1 p.m. "AN OLD, GOSPEL 'FOR A NEW DAY," Organist and Choir- Leader Mrs. Murray Hetherington, A.T.0 �I: A. SINCERE WELCOME AWAITS YOU KoxPresbyierian Church. 9.45 a.m. SUNDAY' SCHOOL., • 11 'a.m. JUNIOR" CONGREGATION. 11 a.m. PUBLIC WORSHIP. Sermon, Subject: "Goods anal' Goodness -` 7 p.m. PUBLIC WORSHIP. • Sermon Subject : "The Duty of Fullness. MINISTER -REVEREND RICHARD_STEWART. Director of Praise_ -Mr. T. G,. Jones. Come and Wdrsbip the Lord" in the Beauty.of Holiiness. ' . . VICTORIA' STREET UNITED CHURO}1 ' MINISTER' --REV. •LAWRENCE •H. TURNER, B.A. L. HANNA ORGANIST -MRS. SABBATH SCHOOL- 10.00 a.m. Serie -More E ,.e hent_ Way. ,,.�, 11.00 a.M."LOVE SHUNS THE PARADE GROUND. • 7.00 •p.m. SERIES IN LIFE OF ELIJAH. • 3rd--"Naboth's Vineyard." SONG SERVICE -COME AND SING. ANNIVERSARY -SUNDAY-MAY -2'ith i)'ntion Public Worship at 9.45: a.m.- . Sabbath School at 11 a.m. Duet "Saviour,' Draw Me" (Capanna) Mrs. M. Wilkie, Mrs. X. Janes 1 BETHEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 16_ WATERLOO SP' b P.A.O-C:•.. REV. A. G: HARRIS • "WHAT OF' LASTING PEACE?" ,will be the evening message�,of the Pastor at '7.30 p.m. on ,Sunday May',20th.. ' Other Services - ' , 10.00' a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. -. 11.00 a.m.., ."I THE LORD." Tuesday $.00 p.m 'Young People's Service: Pres. ;Mrs. John Vest. • Thursday 8.00 p.m. Prayer Service. Come and enjoy the "Old Story" that is ever new. Goderich : Baptist Church REV. JOSEPH JANES, M.A.; PASTOR Mrs. Wilfred Donaldson, Organist. nniversary • 1 p.m. PUBLIC WORSHIP. Duet-•."Savions, Draw Me" (Cal)anna) Mrs, M..Wilkie, Mrs. J. Janes Anthem -"God, that I%Iadest Earth and heaven" _(Schilling)' Choi.•. Solo -"Spirit of God"' (fiTe>rdlir�ger) ' ' • . Mr's. *Wilkie SUNDAY, 0.30 p.m. Dr. Bingham will give an illustrated Lecture on "PR N�VASION G1jIMPSES 'OF .BRITAIN," Collection -A .Cordial Welcome Mr All. Services Guest Preacher REV. 13. H: BINGHAM, D.D. ,. _ .0E_ _TORONTO Guest Soloists- MRS. M. WILKIE of London :10 a.m, • SUNDAY' SCIIOOj, .� 11 a• 1 VBLIC WORSHIP,: S4ro-"'Ther ,Good Shepherd'' . (Vandewater) Mrs. M. Wilkie Anthem "Teach Me, . 0 Lorca" (Atwood) Choir Briefs The regular meeting .of the Evening .&u*lliary of North . street -United church will -be held in, •.the -church' • parlor on Monday May 21st, at 8 p.m .. • . '.20 'Slendor Tablets are •e teetive, Two .weeks' supply`„$i.; twelve weeks' $5, at Canipbell's Drug„, Store.' Otf The National Hina Board •pictures` sUpplie< to- the. Pederatloxi of Agri- culture will -be e shown at .the' Township, Holl, Carlow, on.Friday, .lay' 25th, d2 • Don'tsuffer' constipation, biliousness, indigestion -tuft ISR"i1, exbr Tablets' for •qulek *relief, Att excellent'tonic' laxative. 25c and 70e,sixes at C'u) ps bell's and all diruggistsr • $8.22 St,. Andrei's' ward group. of St. r 's church will hold a xniseelp totem* trtamamago sale on Satui da3+', May! , at'I.00, in the Parish Ilal1. -2 Rage sale -St. Patrick's Ward It', °tor 's.., '' '°omen'f� '` Gltxi;iti', K 1tESUL. A41a�tuedAd: FOR tE. ' l`(1it SALE. - ROOK faltUSUEIt, see- 4; built ..by DominionRoad Aiachinery Co. Ltd. Complete with strive, vitatus,• drive belt, elei°ators and 3 ;owpartmeut loading bin..., 'This equipxpent is 14 txoderith. •• For fur - titer parfii:ulai's apply to W. J, Rr'A,Kl1t, Goderich„ 'Ont., or the *Town- Clerk, (ar40et`d4Ch►O�t' .,?N 20-1 .1{1011. 4,11 town of Goderich, Attractive• bank and beach, , lealth ul elevation. (,h'- 'chard,* sewer, water, light,. A •ciuiet location, ,for Summer, :ottages' or for small farming. ' 1'artieulars„ from. R. 00.'11,4 S, "(odertch, . 1dtf. 410R SALE. -L 1tL''41•ik D GRAVEL for ' driveways. Aliply SANDX CONTRA -MING 0Q. 'Phone 429: 7'ANTLU,-•--UOUS4$EEPER volt 1?OR ,•ALE.- UO( `Eit SPANIEL i .,.family of„ .three, I in home with. puppies, registered stock, best blood all conveniences, ,Apply '54 • Elgin lines. ;A. RW3ERTs, corner Keays avenue. : "• 20x and 'Raglan streets, phoneS69.. . 49 AR 714;‘, •I `ANTED.. QUALIP`1ED TEACHER for S. • No. 2, Goderieit,. school' situated on No. b highway, 5 miles frog Goderich; 'enroinient 1i:. p Apply, Stat- ing sala''ry and naive of 'last inspector, to. LOitNE 1tOPUES,e 1.It.1, Goilerieh., 20 -2 - WANTED,' -',V0 0 2 -ANTED, -T0 BUX OLDS HORSES and dead .cattle ,.lust be suitable for mink 'feed; reproved Promptly. FRED GILBERT, phone 908 r 22, C+lin: ton, Or JACK UILBERT, ' phone 908. lr 21, ,Clinton, Cabs paid for, • 1.8t ' '-'';D- S U�'Y1`J1NG , ANY • ainottnt 111) to 100' ft.; in ,ono piece Or separate' pieces. Phone, 615W dur- lug day 20x'. A'VT1 Da pMAID ,FOR • GENERAL Housework; woman preferred, Apply ,after. May 5th.. to MRS. WES; LEX J. 'KEID,. $t, George'sA Crescent, or tit the residence of 108,- CkumftLES• T1EID,. East street. 17tf FOR SA i, '�:-SRORTi30RN BULL, • 16' months old. Apply BEN . 'W .. AlUNNINGS, R.R. 4, Goderich, phone Carlow 1220. 20x FUR SALE.-HARRISTON RA1V GE, . coal ` and wood grates. , . Apply PERCY JOHNSTON,. barber shop, East street. ° 19-20x FOR SALE. -ELECTRIC RANGE • in Al shape. Phone 248. 20-1 FOR SALE. -- EIGHT ; ROOMED - house, centrally located ; fireplace, new furnace, garage, Write BOX 30, SIGNAL-STAItf;, ,.gr , phone 340, Gode- rich. 16tf FOR SALE. TWO REGISTERED Shorthorn bulls,- fourteen and seventeen months ' old... "Good qudlity color-- real; priced '.to sell. Also King Hybrid seed cern., LYAL LANNAN, .R R.:. 7;1 :Laeki v... Phone 81-3, Dun= ,gannou. .. 20=1x Fon SALE., -LARGE :nap BRICK ▪ • house; centrally- located, + few utes' walk -from lake-; early possession. Phone 102 or PO. BOX_ 49,••Goderich.. 19tf DAYOLD PULLETS; SPECIAL prices -from • Kitchener'. Big -4 Hatchery: See , us, soon.. A1so - .have cockerels, Leghorns X .B.R, ,$2,90 ..per hundred ; Leghorns $1 '.�Premiuln Grade .$1 more.. .order soon chicks, pullets, cockerels, this nion:th or, next. Agent,: RYAN PRODUCE, "Goderich. •-20 F0R• • SALE. -$50.00 DUE BILL. 'OF Wm, Mills, .car dealer; discount offered. Apply W. SUTHERLAND. 19tf n FOR SALE. MAN'S • SPRING tweed overcoat, size 38, like new. Write 130X 40, SIGNAL -STAR. -20 FOR SALE. -LARGE .GLADIOLUS bulbs -100-$5.00 (40 varieties) ; 50-1:50 ,(30 varieties) ; 30--$1_ .50 (20 varieties).;- 11' G B,: Goderichh. Re- mit by postal .order. Write • MRS. Lr R. i[.OLMAN, Cameron ' street, -0 e- rich, phone 722. • 1 ti" FOR SALE. LADY'S BLACK CQAT, -size 18; gent's tweed coat, size 38; good condition; pair feather-°&1Ied «p11 ., lows, one tub, ^pails, , kitchen utensils. Apply 92 East street. -20 VOR SALE.--FIVE-ROOM FRAME Cottage, Hydro, oak floors, • etc. Garage and .barn 24' x 26'; two acres 'of good garden soil: A. E. KINGS -- BURY, R.R. 1,' Port Albert. 18-20 FOR SALE. -SEVEN -ROOM FRAME house and five 19ts With garage, henhouse, : fruit trees, grapevines and other fruits. House has three-piece bath with electric.' rater heater, heav- 'ily wired for electricity in each room: Taxes:. 4;28. For inforimation -write P.O. BOX ;911, or phone 482..20tf WANTED. -•- BY AN ELDERLX woman, '-ai.. small apartment, f urn- isited and heated, Apply `0X 38, SIGNAL -STAR. • 19-21 �TANTED AT . ONCE.--GENDRAI, floor' duty' nurse. Parkwood I os- pital for chronically ill, London, . On- tario. • Practical or graduate. Six- day week, 8 -hour day. Apply' person- ally . or by letter to SUPERINTEND- ENT OF NURSES.: 20-22 A.NTED,�--GIRL FOR' GENERAL housework ' with knowledge • of plain cooking; oking ; highest salary paid. Write OX 37, SIGNAL -STAR. `19-20 ...„r VV ION wax • BLEARING-tUCTION SALE Or FAUX STOCK. , IMPLEMENTS ANI) I'tURNITURE at lot I•G, concession"`.uitett, 2 miles eastand 11,1 Miles n,cnrt1 of. Ctiitton, oti TUESDAY! MAY 22nd „ at 1 p.m. sharp, consisting, of a full line of implements, horses; cattle, pigs and furniture, Included' in_ the sale D=ais . an • Allis Chalmers 1940 • model BP tractor ..on 'rubber and tractor :ecluiprent; uli�` iu the .'ab. is a.° purebred Red Poll,' heifer, registered; a purebred Rod Poll 'khll, ' registered'; ., and ' A. Purebred. Red. Poll bull calf. Terns of sale, MIL' Everything t be sold without, reserve, as proprietor has sold. his far*. JAMES 'E. JOHNSTON, • M7D.W. LLIOTT,. EDWARD E �[ 20- Auctioneer • UCTION . SALEOff : . HOLSTEIN • OATTLE, IfrARM ' STOCK AND IMPLEMENT'S will. be held at the farm of Alden .AIIin, lot 1,concession 5, Colborne ` Town- ship, at McGaw, Station learm,; 'on, WEDNESDAY, ' MAX 23 at 1, o'clock'. HORSES ---Bay mare, 6 years ; bay Mare, 10 years; aged driving maria, 94T4„E-4Iolstein cow, '3 years, in: calf, due June; Holstein cow, 7 years, milking, due; ,Holstein eQw, 3 years, milking; due';. Holstenl cow, 7 years, Milking,. dile; 'Holstein • cow, 5 years, milking, dine ;• Holstein cow, 3' years, milking, due ; . Holstein -cow, 34ears, milking,, due.; Holstein cow; 3, years,. milking, due; Holstein cow, 4 years, milking, ”. duel, Holstein, cow, " 3 years,• freshen. soon; Holstein cow; ,,3 years, milking, •due; bull, (regi'stered) •; 7 yearling Holstein Heifers ; 3' -Holstein calves, • . IMPLEMENTS AND , 11 ISCELL4N- TO RENT EOUS•-Quantity ' of hay in barn; 2 sets single harness, manure spreadei 'O RENT. --•FURNISHED APART- root pulper; Masse t llarris binder, 2ft. Deeringconn binder McCoxmnek- HENT, electri4 stove and;• -re �, :. ,., frigerator, 'avail'able May 24th.• Phone Deering fertilizer. '.disc drill, 11 -hoe, 70'ZW, ^.. . 20tf colony house,,.. 12 x .16; portable slid; circular saw ; power car jaeJ fanning Mill.; set scales, 12004b. ; milking machine, "Right Way" (nearly new):; 1-h.p. electric •motor; milk • eooler; sterilizing .rack set Stewart -Warner. power clippers; •extension ladder,, 30 -ft.; crosscut saw; buck saw"; ',chop box; grain bagger; hen fattening crate, wire mesh; feed barrow,horse blanket and "robe; Plenty walking platy (nearly new) ; Coekshutt riding plow (nearly anew) ; - 2 sets 3 -section drag barrows`; scuffler ; steel land roller; 1VIcCor lick -Deering mower, "6 -ft. cut; hay lake ; rset disc harrows ; , hay. loader ; , ;Allis °Chalmers tra t tar, 18-35' (good shape) ; International 10 -20 - tractor on steel.;•' tractor cultivator drag; 4 -section; 2-furr4 y tractor, plow ; disc plow, 3 -furrow ; 2 sets sloop sleighs; critter; set light Sleighs-; light TO RE.T?T.--F,A.R}�,t HOUSE, 'BIG �" garden., a new henhouse. Plenty of water, two :wiles from Goderich,. south on Blue Water Highway, Pos- session at once. GEORGE JOHN- STON, . Stanley street. Phone 499J • 18tf OR SALE.' • - ' SINGLE.�j3ARE ;L FOR convertible type, to take 30 pt 3 rifle barrel; also one Browning :22: rifle repeater, , pump, action; both . hammerless and are new models, used.very little-. WM. RAITH,r BY' Auburn, phone' 42 r 11. 19.20 • FOR SALT;,=JACKSON'S-SPECIAL tomato plants, .high '•in price •but worth the money; becau3 they start 'to yield while prices are still high, and because as a rule the entire crop is ripe before frost. JACKSON, FLOR IST8. TO R;ENT.--FURNISHED APART- 1VIENT,• three rooms: .Available immediately,. • , Apply ,12 Waterloo street S. • 18-19 O RE1W'p 'ONE _ APARTMENT,p four -room, unfurnished, , requiring waterfront coal range ; 1 apartment, unfurnished;, five -xoom, furnace -heated, electric •stare connection only. Posses- sion immediately. Apply W. SUTHER- LAND. . 19tf AN •OPPORTUNITY ONE. OF -/PHA NATION'S LARGEST 0,. Zompanies, ,catering . principally ;to armer's' needs; is ready • td place a valuable contract which should mean complete independence for a • . man fortunate enough to have the flowing qualifications ..:,,Character •record that will .withstan4d ., investigation • and prozeno ability to; ,efficiently manage both himself and his ' own "business, -Financial status not. extremei�y 'import - ,ant but •a' ' travel • outfit is necessary. Write THE -4:- R. WATKINS COM- PANY; . Dept: O -G=1`. 2177' Masson St., Montreal, Que. Saturday', May, 19th, at 1.30 at the Parish Hall. • 19.20 A ressive Conservative Group will Of -the be. held in the Town' Hall at.8.00 ,p.tn, , Wednesday, May 23rd.' There will be ft debate on the principles of the three political„ patties-C.C.F., Liberal. and Progres- sive 'Conservative --as viewed byJ. E. liucitins, Major n. 'Nairn and 1f. Don- nelly. All young people are invited to come. -20 i7R�'�SAL�: �=fi.'IiItEE'.-b.'I'�'•`II�"��VII= .MAN'S shoes,; black suede,, size 4, brown kid, size, 4, white. kid, size 41 ;, onaly slightly used; brown kid never worn: can SIGNAL -STAR, • =20 • COURT OF REVISION. • TOWNSHIP OF GODERfICH . °A Court of Revision will be held in Holmesville on Saturday, May 26, at 10 a,m;, to hear and determine, com- plaints against the 1945 assessment. Persons assessed_ for dogs that have since been destroyed must return the tags or be charged takes. Complaints . be in writing and' left with the ndersigned not later than May 23rd. R. 'b. THOMPSON, Clerk, .' • R.R. 2, Cliiiton. Edward W. Elliott ; .LICENSED AUCTIONEER • - can Pe made for Sales Date by Charge moderate and. satisfac- tion Guaranteed. ' ° 19tf wagon ; rubber' -tire wagon.; steel -tire wagon hay rack ; corn rack .; ' gravel, box quantity of . elm planks ; 6 milk. cans , 3 ;milk pails; milk rfilter. strainer, blacksmith anvil ; sugar• •kettle ; . bI'#iEk- smith vise ; grh .stone ; .power emery ; stoneboat ; 2 "logging chains ; forks shovels ,posthole digger ; wheelbarrow; • 5,. •sefs doubletrees ; extension blower pipe forthreshing machine ;. set 'pea- harvester"; nose bad; ' barrels; 2 pair ice tongs; ten -ton lack; crow bars; lee boxes; large ice box, will old milk" cans Itayo Banging lamb; 'toilet set; 2 iroi pots ;. child's 'cradle; large ;writ- ing desk ; child's go-cart'; organ stool gasoline stove; milk testing bottles'; washboard; gramophone and recon; ds; 2 egg crates; grain bags; covered bread " pan and .chick feeders; bee smoker and trays, etc.. set work harness (nearly new) ; set double light harness 2. sets single harness. TERM'S -All sums of X10 and 'under, cash.;; over that • amount 5 months' credit• on, bankable joint motes .without. interest: .q TRACTOR TERMS -50 per 'cent. day of ale, balance in three 'Months .on joint nate. • • ALLEN ALI1IN, • Proprietor. DONALD B. BLUE, .'beiral Association Published by 1�1'orth "Huron 'Ia ' Do you want to save your shoes? Of'coursee you- do..; Tak4 .thent to 'li. N, 'MacDonald.. Yon 'will find him in part Of the former Signal: Office on North street, where yoti ..will get prompt service.. 17t v ''``OWEN SOUND, . . AEtRICULTURA EXHIBITION -September 29, October .1, and- 2 Grand Stock Show 'trials of" Speed; Hurdle Horses.r-`Gray's • ,Midway ; Garden Brothers" Entertainment. E. V. RADBQURNE, -Sec'y Court House, Owen -Sound , • 20 • • • Fire preferred Bates for Preferred Risks. -ACCIDENT' &- SIVIkNESS Phone -0-13 Dungannon Mondayevening, tai ttheas. or0h:. - 1estra, is ridge Hall.. 16 f 1 Come and see 'the play Uncle Josh Perkins,” May .28th, at &` ,o'clock, Victoria street church,- auspices . of- Willing Workers Class. ' 20-21x • n the Present Von should' buy Life insurance, be aYise the -future is- expensive "dtixu1'y: H. FORD 113. (fit • incur. 1 . - Stay insured Rest assured. North St.-'Cel..268w t•-•, 46-7 COAL ,.. - *u' YOU REQUIRE COAL OR :COKE Arles C. Lee.Estate COAL ANT) HARDWARE AT 'TIRE HARBOUIC TEL• EPHONE 22 OHNE: ANO OPERATEG BY The Great ATLANTIC & PACIFIC Tea Co., Ltd, SILVER PRICES, SUBJEcT TO MARKET CHANGES IgiERVE MOT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES -PIRSTL-GR DE 4, ann. FLAVOURFUL. TOMATO SOUP cAMPBELL 0,10 CUBES luf FOR SALE.-TVLIPS READ,Y Fon sale: MRS. FRED BOWRA, William street. . . 20x FOR 'SALE. --TWO GIASS pesns, counter scales, counter and tableSV WM. H. McCLUR11,„ Dungan - "'mid sold, called for and delivered; flocks culled, Also general purpose horSe ,for sale. JOHN GAULEY, Cambridge street. 20x GOVItit.-In 'loving memory of ray dear vvife, Ella,. 'who passed away X. have lost tuY sours eompanion, liM linked with ray own, And 'day by' day X miss Iter-rnore As I walk through life alone. _44a -Sadly missed by her husband. father, "Geoirgo Adams, 'who passed Sadly, missed by those 'who loved him Absent but nev6 forgotten. . , river remenihered by sons and SOAP 2:? 11 CHAII WAX OLD CHEESE qco 3 Tine 25, 10's ptcg., 230 -111201410-49ii- - - to Cakes ire Rea-Pkg. 240_ 1-11i; Tin 590 lb. 2tioi Boy CustOri 'around 7 MILK BREAD A. It P.• BOKAR. • WHITE er,, BROWN 'II Loaves r torrEE ,ib. 350 • iv OVERNMENT APPROVED CHICK' barains for -this week and next. Non -sexed:. Barred Rocks $10.95, pullets $17.95; cockerels $9.95.. White horn X Barred Docks, Barred Rock X 'White Leghorns, Black Minorca X white Leghorns non -sexed $0•05, PUllets $20.95., Codkerels: 'White Leg - horns $1.50., White Leghorn X .13aired „Rock '$4.03. -Assorted 'Heavy BreedS. erels $8,b5, Assorted Light and pulIetS $1.8.a. 2 week old add Ot per chick to above prices. Shipped C.O.D. This advertisement most accompanY Your -order. TOP NoTC'ff ERIES, Guelph, Out. 420 A. L COLE 4134 nu R mere - CALIFORNIA ' LOUISIANA Dos. 590 th. 190 FloridO, Postal ea. :CELERY STALICS. , . ., no\ lExAs, 8.1..t.'d, ,citioity .1b. 244\ . • TomAlrogs, . ... .. . . y1:104,0.1,0,1, ..r:r.ih 42,"reort . 1,11,.. so. -CABBAGE,. .,, opus.. 0:or, 4"Vline;ylie, cA'!alipa,,,detxtr.st - luau .imialsiter t.6u 11811 ANA. Tender oc ASIPAIIAGU!i,..4.,":.A...7..11E'',.".!"7.'7:1,."..... #,If:211.04.04 ),010..