The Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-05-17, Page 2oberit
Published , by Signal -Star 'gess, Limited,
West Sheet, Goderith, Ontario -
Oul eriptio ► ••Uatea antic a, and Great Britain, $2.00 a Year; te}United
e nest. Pho
Tele ,ner 'fix.
dvert'lsuig � t n en re �
States, $2.5O
rise C. NOTES
Uea:r` Sir or 'data,—Axe you nu k
sere _ that Ynur mine is on the
voters' list"
,: G the absence, o
• Peace: ts• nod Justf War,.init a
Says Mr: Coldwell, bait he' Must ... d
wa'r makes quite: a difference-
14Qtari is should Pa. --especially, care-
ful these. days.. ''pP' th twelve- ,,eleetien
. euadidates running 'about '•-the county,
the dangers of the road are'' -greatly
increased.: �'•
The • Out in the sugar ration is net
welcome. Xt is said. Canadians would
have better- health if they eonstied
less sugar --brit ,did 'you ever °.see u
Youngster refuses-�f aady ' because it
v ''isn't good" - for hlni
* *.
The Sanford Sage Say lie,hasn't
made 'ap his mind. -:yet lust, how he
will vote. He is willing to listen to
'fifteen minutes' hall from any of the
candidates who, • brknl s along a good
cigar --and the .naatelies.
* '* •*
Now we are told that it was tharies
D. Warner, and not Mark Twain; who
' originated the ' saying "Everybody'
talks about the weather ,but no one
does anything about -it." But ,Fit's
' probable they were talking that way
in Noah's ovale. . '
. * . 1 *
''armers are wishing the weather
would clear up so that they might
go, right ahead with the season's •job of
,raising the- immense quatitles of food-
1stuiffe that will be requid to .keep; the
' veoxl'd••-frarrx starvation t .asCanada's
bigge$ _ ttsl thzs year ;: A d, Ui - rl,11,
be for some time to come.
An Ontario Government 'official eX-
presses disappointment :.over. the fact
• that many ,municipalities, ;instead -of
using the increased grants to reduce
taxation, are spending the money. He
shouldn't be 'surprised. This column
...warned months ago that that _ was
exa.etly what would happen.
Vat veterans' are urged to bewares
of ligh pressure salesmen who ; will
try, to separate. their hard'won money,
from' diem. And the , warning might1
,be extended to civilians who;, will be
asked to exchange their .war bonds
for '."gilt-edged ten per cent. stock."
That three} per cent. war bond cheque
may not look very big, • but it .is a-
sure thin;.,- •
The death of .two..gallant airmen in
the` crash at .Calgary of a plane en-
'gaged•aw; a -stunting tour for the Victory
loan hasbrought sharply In question
the••wisdom of. Such :flights.." That they
contributed in tiy' degree to the sttc-
ces's of the loan campaign' is doCibtful.
' On the contrary; there were expressed.
objections to the use of gasoline. for
these 'tours, and ,-the -joss of the two
young_T h'en -pints the ;.balance
• w,helmingly against .,unnecessary. risk-
,ing. of 1i'ves. ' We -are inrornied ; .that
when one* of these stunting planes
visited G;oderich recently' ,it:'was flown
sb low 'over the Court. House that •the
weea�,thervane on the tower revolved
w' dly from the .breeze .created. A
wire in an unexpected dace might
easily c't use , ;disaster. There is no
sense in taking such. chances.
y s M
There are • signs of • it rift. in the.
• hitherto _cordial' feeling among __he.
United Nations,. from a •.suspi
ciih that Russia ,has designs of her own
which are not approved by the ,other
powers. The great part that R ss a
ha's. had .in the .defeat of Germany is
freely acknowledged, and with twelve
• • to fifteen trillions of her people dead
'and, great areas cif her country ravaged
by 'war; 6eme special consideration is
certainly 'due - to her. However,, it
not..condueive to future good relations
vltli' the Western powers that.. -she
should map out a line of her own with;;,
-,-on regard til the rights and wishes
,rte the other liberating :nations. , Mr.
• Churchill and President Tr nian are
anxious to have a Meeting with Stalin
at an° earl' Unte at chid, the difficul-
ties, that have 'arisen may be overcome
in: ar spirit. Of friendliness' and• concord.
Tt .would .!ie ka iiorr-y ending of, the
splendid co-operation orthe last four
1 .years if there should now be any-
. • tiling like. a split,
Prime Minister Churchill. has. sent. to
Prune Minister King a message of con
grittulatten on Canada's "magnifiicent,
Conitggi bution t,tr .,Common. victory."
A poortion of the message is as follows:
"t,nnndn may well be proud. of the
glotlous deeds' 'of, her' sons in ares.
,Ofi land,. on' the ,sea, and-inbtile air
,..:Mie. has played a nation's " pu rt; Her
'a'li4,nt army Vas the sure shield of
i • during its darkest days
Mild has contributed powerfully to the
.tberation Cif western Europe. : ' At sea,
the Wide de of the .Atlantic, and in
;tide air .over Europe,, the' Canadians
e ever been to the fore. •
"Tile i'fnmrense achievement of the
1 i tfsh ' Cou'tmnonwealth Air Training
tian under. .Canadian administration_
�'� provide(' the golla 'iminda,tion for
hitt ,'Bnpre1naey, without which victory
coxed not have been' *on.' •
"% re reme l)er,. t.,00, the aid •so ' gen-
y ry ac'cor"ded in the sphere' of Min-
ance, in the produetion of munitions of
kind; .and* of the. naval ,and
hank vessels ,Urgently 'needed;' •to
vest the peril of 115 -boat warfare and.
' .the .supply of • the foodstuffs 'on
iithe Ute of this country btta'I
d"+ tided."
there had been. a feeling of. resont
Went., lirestxmably among both sailors
and civilians, against the ray iii whieh
they' had ,been treated by the business
people .of lIalifnx 'during, the scar
period, and it was -stated in Itlederieh
by a. .man_„'Who had recently been. 1n
1alifax that "the iebplo who f it them-
selves aggriev'ed were...just .waiting
ter r an occasion to get ev n” air-_
doubtedly the seizure by th rioters
eg _.large_.stoelk-._ of _:tiquor nd-- toe.'
wholesale ..drunkenness that followed
were to a great extent respon hale for
the crazy violence displayer . There
were riots et :% arious smaller , laces in
Nora Scotia, and in every instance
liquor was :in evidence, Sue' occur
renees asthese are snaking Pr ' hibition-
ists among people who hav: had a
certain degree of :tolerance . for the
liquor tratiie but who are fin ' ing less
and, less excuse` for its exis'te ce.
IIUNGANNON, May TO, ,dr Miss
Margaret Elliott, Mrs. • Elwoo Atkin-
son, and little daughter CaI; . 'Gode-
riel}, were week-end..visitors •ith Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Elliott.
Mr. Dorien-Rutledge of: Mal on spent
the week -end with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs'. Roy Rptledge.
Flt, Sgt. Allan. Petrie writ ' s home
stating that he had the :pie' sure of
flying the_ "Listowel 'Spitfire" in its
first .!flight over Gepn.sny. He felt
"tliiite at home," he said.
.Horn.—At Alexandra Hospit 1, Gode-
.rich, on Saturday, May 12, to Ir. and
Mrs. Robt, MqA ister (-nee- Ethel Me
.-Kenzie) , 6th concession West Wawa- -
nosh, a daughter.
Mrs. W. J. Collins, Freston, returned
to ,her home - at, • the week -end after
s ebdin w �
, k With he on • er, ,�..
J , C : 1Vtontgomery.
Miss Bernice Blake, B.A., of ..0'
Springs,: spent'the week -end with her
parents, Mr. and. Mrs. John Blake.
Service of Thanksgiving.—On the
eve of V -E- Daye people. of Dungan-
non eat]. vicinity - congregated in the
XJziited chinch for :i. ;service of prayer
and tliaiiksgiving.. 'Witt only: short
notice, the ..citizens .responded sq that
the church,. wa filled to capacity._Re-x.
H. , J: Arickerson,a -the- Iiasf;or, Twr4i.s in
charge acid ' Re;ie-• C. 13. McDonald : bf
Erskine 'church delivered a spirited
,address -.with a plea, to keep -the ,peace
we have won and f to bring our souls
to a higher standard. • A united ,choir
led in • the sons of praise and . Mrs.
•Donald Fowler sang. a ' hymn of thanks-
giving. Mr. H. J. L: . Eedy read the
navies on the honoi roll while all
stood with silent attention, anti, as each
name. of those who had imide the great
sacrifice. .wiis read -there was _a pause.
and - "Greater lovehath no man than
this, -that he lay down his-. life for hiry
Dies. of -Wounds.-.Mrs. J. GGl _Vont-
gomery on . Saturday afterfibon res
ceived ti very g;eot• shock by the re-
ceipt. of a telegram .' stating- that her
younger, son, -,-.Robert . Jamas, had been
severely- wounded on April 30th and
hadtiled the following day in Germany:
He }vas born at. Ripley. the youngest of
the family of -four of iIr. M'bntgomery
and the late James G. Montgomery,
who died of •a sudden illness four years
agoi The young . man was . twenty-four
years of age last November 206: He
enlisted. in 1942 in the, Royal.oCanadlan
Artillery, and' served a year in Labra-
dor.' In ;,August, 1944, ,one was trans,
(erred. to the inftfnntiv and trained' at
Debert, NQS. 13e1fore enlisting he had
`worked at the gfi gdericil, elevator .. He
-attended .. Biples .---ai1d Runge -1M -
sChoels and .had .lived also: at, Ben -
miller and aoltford, where his pai"'Pnta
had conducted a general - store bifsi
i ties:Iis mother- had received ,a 'tele-
-grain only orr'March;10tli his
arrival to England..• and it was her
belief : he was still there. not .knowing
of his transfer to Germany, The'shock
is more -deeply. felt as it was so elose
to the victory in Europe. Besides 1hee
mother, the` sorrowing family are Mrs.
,Whe disgraceful and des motive riots
r.tainaugiout thef country. There have
betitt. various expressions of opinion
SS US -Where resPotisibility ter the rioting
Ho. !the Mayor of the eity. lasA the
Wine on flie,,,Aiavy officers -who „gaim
wholesale leave to sailors, who landsd
in • the city in thousands and had
great pert in the deetrUction and loot.
sing that Wok Mail,. The navy In
the Xt• is said
Allah Ueed. (1i i!nnets)', 'of. Dungunuou•y{ .Sowerby. The "rite' of baptise vias ad -
Gordon, an elder brother wha'has been a"miliisterer to Patricia Anne, (laughter
in the Royat' f'' uiadian Navy :two and ,0f Mr. and Mrs. Everett Mcllw;aixi, and
a -half Fears at Newfoundland; and David Frederielk, son of Mr, and Mrs..,
Mrs. 'V. J, Collins (Xsabelle) residing ,,Gerald- Orr, fr,...Tnrner : dei v
_. >t ered. .a
at Freston. The, young .Man, who :was , Sermon keeping -With other's Day
popular, with all, mill he greatly missed, land the national day of thanksgiving,
He was a member of the Dungannon
Melted church and Sunday. school. -S LEPPARDTO]Y '
f intended for last week) '
I OLMESVILLF+,, May O.—Mr. . ,Asear.
Forster has ;,Sold, his .feria--- to Mr.
Carter of Windsor and Mr. Carter has
already taken up residence there, Mr,
and Mrs.. Forster have moved to
Holrnesvi11b until they secure a per,.
raiment. ,.home. The regular meeting of the Red Cross
unit was held last Tuesday -,at the
home of Misscheson,' with a fair at-
tendance.' A quilt„ .was quilted, and
lunch` wns served by" group 3,
• W. H. McClidchey, N.H.O.. ' Sydney,
is spending a few days with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs, ,W, McClinchey.
Victory rvice.--A memorable V -E
Day service was ,.held iri the Holmes:.
.ville United church, oil the evening .of
May 8th. This service ,was under the
arrangement of the Council anti the
United church, _The large ,congrega-
tion was led by the... joint chairs of
the circuit. •Special numbers were
rendered with beautiful _effect by the
Ebenezer and Holnlesville choirs.. An
add'r'ess by 'Reeve ,G..C. Ginn . Was fol._
lowed b one minute s silent praYer
Ilevthiel bell ' kavener”` condtic`te 1 tlie'
seriice and took for his text the
words -of Psalm •46:.5: "God shall, help"
her at . tht .:turning ,,of the morning."
The National Anthem toad`O Canada"
were sung, the„people ringing ,out the
fine plc :Strains. • , '
1.1iss ,.Mary Harwood and Mr. Beason
S'utter. of Clinton; visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs, G. W. Harwood.
Miss Helen Bell, R.N., of Landon,
pent -the week -end with her . father,
!Ir. ' J. W. Bell.-
We are happy to''welcome . Wilfred
-Beatty 'home on furlough, after •a
lengthy xibsence serving with the navy.
Mother's Day` was observed at
Union. church, . with a Targe congrega-
' tion present. Rev. L. H. Turner pre-
sided, and a children's choir sang an
anthem. The printed order of ser-
vice was- followed. The' Act of Ap-
rireciation 'to our • boys .bverSeas was
taken bvM1ry 'Jean Fuller and "June,
SHFPP'.A.RDTON,• lay 15.• — Mrs.
B'riaas spent :.the week -end in London
with her husband, Sgt. It arveYBrya?tns”
nIr•, and 1V.i'rs. Jack .Pitblado ,and
Rodger, 'of . St,. Catharines, spent the
week -did With the lady's- mother, Mrs
Agnes Foster, and were at. the funeral
of rich' Mro.n,. PitbladMondayo's grandfather int`° Gode-
, "
The - community extends sympathy.
to Mrs. Pugh Bennett, whose mother,
Mlastrs. SatuWilrsonday. -
of Auburn, was °buried
Mrs. Kenneth Foster . of Abernathy',
Sask., returned home on Thursday
after spending a .couple of weeks visit-
ing with Mfs. Agnes Foster. '
jos HcIp..
Most people Vfail to recognize the
seri6nsness of a," bad back
' The stitches,. twitches, and twinges
• are bad enouh and cause great suf
' feriiig',' biir bdek'' 'off `tiro _•'ba:eikclii
-and' they` cause . of it ill is-. the clic
ordered kidneys crying `fit' a warn
ing through the back. • •.
A, .pain --hi the back isthe kidneys'
.cry for' help.' G9 to their assistance,.
Get :a box of Doan's.' Kidney Pills.
A remedy for backache ' and . sick;
'Dean's", use _ put-,. -„ an--
-oblong igz�ey box, with ' •our. trade.
mark a "Maple Leaf "_ o'n the
wrapper. ,
• Refuse substitutes.. Get' ITYpiu t'a." '
' T. MOeu?:. Oa, Ltd..Termots,
HERM* Mktg Job
'Painted 3 Years ago, and
still, as good as.eyer!"
You can always point with
ride. and satisfaction to
your house if' it has been painted
with Shez7in-Williams ]Paints; '
' proud because of its beauty, and
batisfied because you know' that
in the' long run you chose the
most economical, long-lasting
protective Taints available.
I Painting with Sherwin*.
Williams is a sound investment
wear and. weather, and in Maxi-
mum coverage. That's why peo-
ple the Nirorld over prefer to Use
Paintq.; and,
Look'for the paint Jester with
the f =nous Cover -the -Earth sign.
and be of getting the finest
Raints available—now; as always..
You'll find him pleased to give
you expert advice. Ask to see his
fore youTaint or ctecorate
Ailswir:: NCI Sir!
40 East St. thiderich
Phone 0313' -
Ask your dealer to explain V;thy
ft.does make a difference what
bil sit use fAsii film about. itv
American's amazing new ,Peet.
less Motor oil. -"It's Alloyed" to
change -Over today!. •
The British Amerftati Oil' Camphy
V -DAYmeans.p.dt a thing to this husky young rascal,
iinles$ 'it is his, pc!ddy's colning home. This little citieri
happy any' day sO lonk as hea'well fed and feeling fine.
---7,:eThe —a Tie us all is the 9ne tosnouttor jby today.
TS knot' for andior-Milliona of biight faces of Els
generation tnat men nave been Wining to suner. aria to
lay aiide their freedom bit by: bit so that one day they
might have it complete, secure? ,
Phone 686 Vittoria, & liirkgstoniSts.
8 TR,. Nom Road
Pinifite Covered Face
:Kulis Many a Romance
The' lives of'many young peoplear•s Made rniserf,
able by the breaking out Of pimples, and yoU robably,
.ktiow of eases where * promising reManee
. spoiled „ by those- rah. Vhite, festering and puri
sores the face.
The trouble •is not so much physical pain, but tlie •
Mental suffering caused by the embarrassing Iliefigureraent whioh vory•
often, makes the sufferer otharned to 'go out in company. "
The quitkest way to got rid of pimples is to -improve the generarbealth
by a thorough cleansing of the blood. "
Burdoek Ilibod Bitters helps to cleinise the blood and with. the Wood
Evertso.-"tke fruits of Victory are not alone for those too
young ,to . know the privations of War not alone for
.-fere and now, nap: an:d Women of our generation
scatted and wearied by long, grinding years of war — shall
Thiinew day is for the common man . for greater social
justice, for broadetopportunitito enjoy a richer, fuller 14.
No thiiiking citiien here in Catiada, or in any land touched
by war, would Ilelieve for a moment that pilr probleins are
The prospect ahead is no easy pne Yet it cannot daunt
the hardy stock of 'Canada — ,tM,men and women who
carved this nation out of a; wilderness, wbo through the years
hive -fought' the good fight is each emergency arose down
to the lag Vidory T:oari 4.. . down to the last blo'od donation.
Ro, the pioip.ed is hard, bAtita new spirit is Abroad. We
. Qaraia.ris, like all our. Allieewho Ilan fought this fight
with, us,. have been Oastened by. the ordedi and we are
'determined — bY the effort of the i9cliVichial 'citizen . by
, the effort, of the comtnurnty —0 to bring a better, stronger,
thiO, 'is a day ,,for Cheering Act skip' If for victory Oyer '
dictatorShip, but for the assurance we have i)f the Own of.
21,5 mespge is published assan 'expression of faith. in the
!mute of panada by,the Bank of Montveal, which has been
wor,,king with' Canacl*ts' all' walks :of life since 1017.